Newspaper Page Text
f J. 8 AKRON DAILY PEMOCRAT , " FRIDAY, NOV. 2i, 1002. I, l 'A rw 1-iiC ,5 'J l 1 i i',,' d J '1 t 1 I tl 1 N I r NO SIGN Of New Guns For Ohio- Troops. But. It's Said They'll Come Some Time. Old Fashioned Springfield the Standby. Still The National Guard tlirotiRliout tlio State of Ohio ami In many other states, too, Is still armed with the old-fashioned Sprliifillold rllle. Al most ever since the very tinfortunato experiences that some of the volunteer troops had with the Sprlngflelds with the Incidental clouds of mnoko In the Cuban campaign, leaders In mili tary affairs have been working to rid the guard of the SprliiKllelds. The Krng, with which the U. S. regulars are armed, hns been de cided upon as tho only substitute worthy of consideration, and some of the Statu troops liavo already been provided with tho ncwrllle. It has n small horc, Ik a more liu mano weapon, both to tho man who carries It and his enemy, though very olTcctlvo, and, best of all, Is used with smokoless powder. General Dick's liitoiesl In National Guard affairs led the mlllamuu In Ohio to hope that thoy would be among the ilrst to receive new guns, but they hove not seen any of them thus far. In view of the fact that the season for targot practice aniung (ho Stale troops Is at hand, the sluatlou Is especially Interesting, It Is stated that the General has been approached leeently by those In terested, and that ho has signified his What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises In tho family everyday. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, n delicious nnd healthful dc6sert. Pro pared In two minutes. No boiling 1 no baking! odd boiling water nnd set to eooh Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Got a package at your grocers to-day. io cts. Intention to see that the Ohio Guard Is properly armed ns soon ns the mat ter Is practicable. ANOTHER Chicago Professor to the Fore. Mas Discovered Signs of a Trade Revolution. Chicago, Nov. ai. "The cry of tho people of the west Is rising almost to an ominous threat of revolution," declined Prof. Benjamin V. Terry, of the Uni versity of Chicago, while discussing "Modetr. Problems In the Light, of His tory" before students of tho Junior class. "The wealth of the country has in creased enormously," Mild Prof. Terry, "but It Is becoming concentrated In tho hands of comparatively few Individ uals. Only In tho days of the early Urn plro and late Republic of Home was It possible for Individuals to nmass In a few years such enormous fortunes ns they do in this country today. Having exploited the wealth of the great mid dle ciasB, -wo are now drifting Into tho second stage. It may be progress, but It Is progress over a precipice. "Sin.ll Investments no longer pay. A NerveTonic Never EouAlep This ShapedBox-No Other .w.i f m mimmm.1 jii na WILCOX TANSY Pll I rot zo vcart lh only ( and rrtlabl. P, in nip Keonlttlor lor all troubles, luilet m within 3 daja. At drojglsu, or by mall. rrie. 30. Freo trial ol "Taw ' and "Woman'a Baia quant" for lOo. Aitim a I Tl The small manufacturer Is no longer prosperous. As a result there Is not un eastern nor n western state that has not a score of stranded towns nnd villages once prosperous In smnll Industries. 'Tl'ho smnll fanner Is no longer nblo to earn a living In competition with tho man who does his farming by telegraph and whose huge farms of 00,000, or even 80,000, ilcres, produce annual divi dends to stockholders." El WcA rw.iK'fii ifal f,lM It Cnrea Colds, Coughs, Sore Thront, Croup, Infln enzn, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis nnd Asthma. A certain euro for Consumption In firet atagei, nnd a euro relief In advanced stages. Uio at once. You will bco tho excellent effect after taklnjr tho flrat doso. Sold by dealers everywhere. Largs bottles 85 cents and SO cents. COMING TO AKRON, Empire House, Saturday, Nov. 22. From 9 ix.m. to 8 p.m. One divy only One o! the Chief Examining nnd Consulting Physicians of The Prance Medical Institute Co., by request, will visit tlio above town on the date named. CONSULTATION FIEE nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. IF rOU ARE SUFfERINO TROH ANY DISEASE, WEAKNESS OR OISABIUTY. WHY NOT CONSULT AN EXPERIENCED, EOUCATEO SPECIALIST: ONE THOR0U0HLY EQUIPPED WITH All THE NECESSARY APPLIANCES KNOWN TO MODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE? BLOOD POISON, VARICOCELE, STR!CTuRE CARRIE At the Horse ' Show. As Usual, Caused Excitement. Scorched af Few Millionaires For Overdress. New York, .Nov. 'Jl.-Mrs. Carrlo Nation created a sensation at-tho horso show Thursday. She harangued tha great gathering on the evils of over dress, attempted to break u bottle pf champagne, find filially was ejected from the building by tho police. .Mrs. Nntlon 'enteied the garden quietly, and took'u seat In tlio tier. She had been there only a fuw min utes -when her gaze rested on tho box where some members of the Van derbllt family were sitting. Sho studied her program, and then de scended to the promenade. Stationing herself in front of tho Vanderbllt bo, sho delivered a tirado on overdress. In the box were seated Mrs. Alfred G. Vniuleihllt, Hcglnald Vunderbllt, and Miss Xlclson. Alfred (. Vanderbllt was leaning against tho rail of the promenade, and did not see Mrs. Nation approach. "You ought; to bo ashamed of your selves," the woman screamed nt them. "You ought to bo iiidianicd to wwtr such disgraceful clothes. Take then? off, take them off at once and nttlro yourselves more modestly." Alfred G. Vanderbllt Iiastllj; left his position at the1 rail and came' over to where Mrs. 'Nation was standing, and J wiping tier forehead with a handker chief, he whispered something In" her ear and pushed her aviuy. The outburst of the -woman at tracted a great crowd of people, and tlie occupants of the Vanderbllt bor wero evidently very much cm- "barrassed. Mrs. Natlpn thon turned her uttcn lion to other boxes. Finally sho Htarted for tho cafe where she boro down on n party of men who wre drinking wine. Mrs. Nation seized tho bottlo and, glaring at tho men, shouted: "Young men, don't drink -such filthy stuff. You are going straight to hejl. Where is the man who sells this stuff Show him to me nnd I will tell him -what I think of him." Mrs. Nation's request was speedily granted by tho Sudden appearance of M. A'llleplgue.'ithe caterer at tho gardpn. "Get out of, tills horrible business," she shouted to him. I'You are also golhg to hell and ruining, the bodies and bonis of men. You are dragging thom down with you. Shame on jou, shame on you." ' Tho Frenchman, however, ran to Mrs. Nation and tenoned the bottlo which she had repeatedly brandished hi the nlr to ompliasls her remarks. Then ho pushed her out of the door. Hero the police took hold of the Kan sas reformer nnd forced her out of tho building. The Chlol Consulting and Examining Physicians ol Tho' Franco" Modlcal Inslllulo Co., 3840 West Gay St., Columbus, Ohio. ! uoor tvoh oi mo imer-uroan union motion ; one Block North of tho State House. THE FRANCE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. lint only throughout the Hulled Unites, Canada, and Mexico, Imt nlsn iiidiidta BstAbllsheil ISM. LarRcst rrocttco and Moat Comni'ele Institution of Its kind In i uiuusl Htatcs. Our record of cures it second to none. Ilurlnc tlio mut "0 rs to Imve jmcecssfulljr trenled thousands ot cascn. Our iirncllec extend EMITS?1 "'r "I" W W ,n ltauffiof TtacVX tebruSl ta?,"fiSSiSSit ff Kki mvlcd'K many, includlnit prominent iih j-ilc-lniw, ns. bclnir the most comnluta nnd aucces(ul treatmont kimw,. t7, 1 1,0 Uiiwi i.iT.i.I,?lSlJLclLi,J ..K?I!.. i ?. ."V1? .," r lcct'Y . " ''1 "J01 whl('11 lmvo ,l','" ""skillfully treated. Our aucrcitia lndkate.1 1 y enrol clicctod TwlZS NO MONEY REQUIRED OF REBPON8IBI.E PARTIES TO COMMENCE TREATMENT. ,YVrIAi WH IWHAT " l"ivciy euro nil curnhlo dls T 7 ... . ,. .CIU,M oiU'oBtorancliiindnowclJ, aurh a I))tpcla, Uonitliintlnn, Piles, Dlarrlura: Kjo nnd Enr Jllwascs! lletormttlca unit fiurglcal Ulaeawai Chronic, 8yhllltlo, lllirniniitlc, .Heart nnd Uyer Diseases; Mood and Htln Plscoies, sucliiMStrolulu, 111. rem, Eeiicraft, l'hnplot, Krccklea. etc.'. Female PlFeiwt, ospoelnlly thoso wmui .mvu imiiicu inu nam 01 owier iiuysirmus. npncjitlo rlu., Itupture, rormanentlvrurud rv a now. M'lonillln mnthml. Itmin u..i..i .,,. V nus niKMr), l'ariilyth, Ixieoniotor Ataxia, NeuralKla, Kelatlea, Lurolinrai, qiondarhe. Blwileiwnes, Illirlncm, Drain and Nervous Kxhaunrlnn, nmi PMiiM.1 jii.inviuii, i iiih'it ureu miuoiu mo use Ol a jcnile. Kldncv and iimiiiuiider, Thront. I.umr Oousiunptlou, It kim tin more- Hi employ an cxjicrt tlmu to risk your llto with i Inexperienced physician. ' lllfllllA llllrtillill 1 ..i..v. ...nviviv'.. .uiKii.n imuviikv, iiuiiKut!!, i iiuammniiou n .Ktflamed I'miMv, Frequent and DrlbhlliiK Urination, etc. ,aul jmiuwi DiM.TU.on. Mich iu Caianh, lironchltla, Aathiiin, Deafhest. etc.. cured hv our nrlirlnal RVHtini c.f iintnn t.K.ini. PRIVATH ANI 5CXUAL DISDASE5.-A perlect euro Riinmnleod In nil wJ,iJ.1Jllt!r,.O)","l0Il.n' ,,,rV,i Aversion to Eoclcty, Loss of Memory nnd tiierKy, linpntcncy. etc., nuieUy nnd iwrmanently cured by on orklnn V.?,r',Vi,,n.?"0r. Tft,.8yl'h ','' 9lect Udeturc. lUdrocele.and Vnrlco. colo cured in the shortest luralblo time, without tho use of mcrourv nr hln. cirunco irnm nuslucss. Curablo ' "L'Jlf "f Ttn',1 tlif case Kuaranlccd wlen others tin0 failed, : consultation inc. Mcdlcatid Tad. Dnvolntwr thcmostcomplctennd aiiocrsa-i IMIOttTANT TO iVai iw A,Vt,n,;".,.?.',,"J"J' ""y"''""'' Kemalo 1 senses losltlvcly wired by n new Jwtliod. Tho euro Is effected " ' 1 " ..vw BMu,ujr uMiuucnuai. PllilVfH fiiP fn nlinnnf. tvlll )m , Tlie 1 rmico Bjfctcm o( Iocnl Treatment Milii ami vnciiuin'iTcnuncntror3Icnl8itiulUvcly ful known for Vftrifccrloiui.i Mrintnr nw. gajailSwVaffBjrAw'lcuRe;--, ahorttlrnotoillssolvo. iftynct lkiiinUilcU'cUloturrcHt,lnvl)riitliwftni Irn jm tha nrst aPPlle,l. fiur specl.l treatment vMl$Sffik$?2$ S 3n Vl'yVei qV "s S o A rrn tWrlSw m ' Treatment by Correspondence.Kuf Sfffip 4ffi idlJSh .'" "'" Wto1SraS5 cured ImndrMs of cases wo liavo neVer Jeen. Wrlto for ok of "MrcS Bn" ihrt ol Mo SuSi loni fiJ,'.'?''"" c7.ftmlna,.,0.n- Wo h" re mid strictly conllentlal. No name, published wllnVrwrUtcronV ES82?ffiP&lS& luatll a?,n,.:: The France Medical Institute Co., V.iS Columbus, Ohio. JSSSS&iX Station, ZEsasroiLiER, bros Another Lot of Monte Carrlo Coats H&Are Reached Us This Week. In order to reduce our largo Mock of T.ndletf'. MIukoh nnd Children's Coats nnd I.nilles' Tailor Mucin SultR, wo vlHell them lit Kiontly i-ctluoed prloes. Now Ik tlio to buy, boniuso tho assort in out r me Komi nnd tho rnngo of tiei complete) mid buylni? now will got u full seiisou'ii wonv out of your eon,t. All our cunnents uronow; .this sea son'rt BhnpeHi mndo by expert tnllorn nnd liavo tliiit swoll mid nutty nppeiirnnco which ymi nmi only' In 'tho best tail ored gormentH. You will mirely bo Burprlsed vhat a beautiful coat you ciin buy heie for $5, $t S10, $12.50, ?15 nnd lip to ?-'3. A look over our coats will convince youtlmt this Is tho place to buy. We Sell Everything in Dry Goods. ' . 178 S. Main St, People's Phone 398, BROS f-j 1. 0, 0, F, Building, V."! Hi SURPRISE SPECIAL SALE NO. 139. , r , , , , u : : i Men's Fancy Stiff Bosom Shirts-- Fine qhnlHy percale nnd mndrns clo th In new and exclusive patterns- neat figured and striped efferts, high back ground, full liberal sizes nfid w.ell niadfc thoroughly stnyciand rolnforced douched ouffs-rBlzes.Wil to 17 Inches tieck linticV du sale 0110." wcokT beginning tbmpn-oiy Satvtrda,, and cndli)g'iicxt, Friday. , ' ' ' oh I V I m II .V . r A ASh .1" . - v wuP. : 'PA r .1,4; , 50 c y p. EXPOSED By His Sister's Appetite He Was a Hypnotist and Had Buried Her. Kmporln, Kan., Ntn21. A man un der the nnmn of Slgnor Vcnorn, claim ing to bo n hypnutle scientist ot high class, came to Kmporln nbout n wool; ago nnd cnuu'd 11 ndver Using that ho would bury1 his sister allvo and let her remain hurled for a week. The city refused him n license and In the courts he won. Icefoio a large crowd last Saturday, night Venora hypnoU.ed his sister mid burled her, to leavo her hurled until tonight. Ho had her piit In a grnve, but there, was room In the box for her to sit up. A shaft was put dowli to the grave to sco her. Last night the policemen caught Venora dropping food down Do You Want To Borrow Money at Rates You Tin Can Afford to Pay? ion coiuo in nnd ask us uow much you can get by paying back $2.50 each month for 1- months. $3.25 each month' for 12 months. $4,73 each mouth for 12 months. $3,50 each month for' 12 mouths. " '$7.50 each month for 12 months. $U.50 each mouth for 12 months. $11(50 each month for 12 months. $12.50 each month for 12 mouths. $15.50 each month for 12 months. $17.50 each month for 12 months. $20.50 each mouth for 12 months. $22.50 each month for 12 mouths. $25,00 each month for 12 months. Wo loan monoy In any umoiint from $10.00 to $500.00, 011 Household goods, Insurnnco l'ollcIesu Horses, Wugous, Carriages, etc., at lower rnjes and for longer time than ariy!'oUiPr Jonn com pany In the ety, Yo also lonu ot real estate. " TIIK AKIION SK0URITY & LOAN COMPANY, Hell 87, Nathan M. Berk. Peoplo'B 85. JD3 S. Hcyvard St. ifcUv. Miiito 1 ntflUB, mk IT'S 8AF13 TO DEAL AT THB SURPIIISB STOnt;Sntlsfa'ctl(5ii must go with every snlo here. Every cus tomer must be pleased with his purchase noit alono nt th6 time of buy Ing, but after he has carried It Home. No matter Whether the-sale be largo or smnll, If the goods for any reason fnll to plense, you haYCMMlJy to bring them back to lis and we will promptly make an exchange or refund the monoy. We d6 not e,ross examine. Wo do not argue the case. We guarantee satisfaction with every 'sale. 9 ' " Very Dressy and Serviceable Suits for Men at . $5, $?.50, $10 VERY FINE tildu CLASS SUITS FOR MEN At .$12, . .'$15, '-$20-;,: Garments unsurpassed In the Men's Wear !prduc'tlon of the day. The very' finest Suits produced. We mtke particular mentlo o'f the fashions," the shape of the shoulders, ttio close-setting collars, the shaping pf lapels, the set of tho trousers, the linings 'and the unseen workmanship that' gives; symmetry nnd insures Its peimanency. They're made of the very llnest Pure Worsteds, Scotch Cheviots and English Tweds In cxclusive--pnttems. Men's Winter Overcoats, In iSew Fashions at $5, $T.50, $K' MEN'S VERY STYLISH HIGH GRADE OVERCOATS AT $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 Tho finest bvercoats produced All tile newest fashlohs lnthe various lengths, medium and extreme, heavy Winter weights, skillfully tailored. These garments' nre made of the- very finest domestic nnd foreign avcr.cpat Ings In black. Oxfot'd nnd fancy -ovIt plnids, made up In the now Full more, Chesterfield, Antalfy. niul, London Box models. All mndc with big, broad shnpoly "shouldqrs, and fidl, .loose back. The richest stylesof the season. Boys' Very Serviceable Knee-Pant Suits, Reefers and Overcoats, at . $1.25, $1.50, $2,;?2.30,.$3, $3.50., H, $5 Tho Knee-Pant Suits are In tfvery now style, Including Norfolk, Sailor, Blouse, Manly Vcstec, Double-breasted and three piece style? In new Casslmeres, Cheviots, Thlbets, Tweeds nnd Scotches, In new patterns and color- effects. The overcoats nre Jn'the pew; fashion. Fullntyro npd long box styles In plain and. ' fancy Overcoatings very stylish and durable made with velvet collars and. slash pockets . Mqn's Suspenders now tab ends Men's Silk Neckwear all shapes M'n's Sanitary Wool Underwear. Boys' Black Ribbed 1 ?p Stockings ....'. ..IjC 25c ,25c T5c Men's, Extra .qjijility' 1 Cn Wool Half Hose ,...!. ...'J Boys' Sweaters, tf all colors . .-. . ..'. P 1 Men's Dress Kid ci Gloves, all shades . . . '. , . . P I Men's High grade Silk Ncck-rrjp wear, all shapes . .. .' JuL Men's Hygenie Fleece-lined Underwear Boys' Percale Waists light and dnrk Men's "Sweaters, with double necks Boys' Fancy Golf npd Yacht Caps, .' 50C 50c ,$2 25c MEN'S CORDIGAN JACKETS A conudeto Jlne of wool nnd lino Worsteds .Tuckets id Blue nnd Black, nicely made .50, $2, $2 50, $3. T MEN'S UNION SUITS In all wool and part, wool ana cotton, all sizes,- $1, $1.50, $2," $2.50. Everything For Men's and Boys' Wear Is Here In New Fashions. THE 163 and .65' 6. MAIN 8T. SURPRISE & STORE -m 8. A. HEEft A CO. AKRON. Ihe HOME of Pure CANDY NICKLES BROS 162 S. HOWARD ST. Ihe HOME, of Pure CANDY Lovers of Pure HOME MADE CANDIES .... PREFER .... OUR CANDIES They are so good. It would be itaippssible for them to be otherwise, be cause tlio greatest care is taken in buying the ingredients that enter into their making. Come here for your .candies for what ever occasion it may bo, and we will please you th'at's suro. If you want some Ice Creixm far Thanksgiving Or any other oooasion this winter, come here wo can supply you on short notice. I, f V JtM ' NEXT TO S. G.'s TEA STORE I NICKLES BROS 162 S. HOWARD ST. NEXT TO S. O G.'s TEA STORE the Hliaft to Ida Histpr. They discov ered that nlie wan not lying down'and wiih not hypnotized. .' "I owe my whole Ilfo to Burdock Blood Bittern. 'Scrofulotw sores cov ered my body. I spetned beyond cure. B, B, B, has mndo me a perfectly well woman." Mrs. Chas. Iintton, Bcrvllle, Mleb. Tho t(me to buy furs Is now. Wo can save you pioqey, Byrlder Bros. 5 CONFESSED ' That HeLWa? the Author of Threatening Letters. Jersey filty, X..J. Nqv -O.-Botho Strubel, who vap nested In Hoboke'n, yeHtcrday; nftbr''ihad called n't tlio postofilco for letters, nddrewjed to A. K. Yneop, baa i;on,fe8e(t to the" police that lie 1 wiq uuiuurl iiuwiieiiiiiK ium-io recelved,by J. r.JJprguji, Hussell Sage . l '' i. i. r . j . and other wealthy men in Now York. Strubel said that Becker, who was ar rested Jn tho general postofllco In Now' York last Thursday, was his only ac complice. Tile three men arrested with him yesterday, Strubol says, were not 'in tho blackmailing scheme. i Itchiness of tlie skin, horrible' plague.'1 Most everybody UUIcted In one way pr another. Only one safe, never falling cure. Doant QlntmcuU At out drug' store, 00 ceuti. ,A'