Newspaper Page Text
TIE PMLIEMfcL SATURDAY, AUGUST, 20, 1871. Editorial Parm;rph. The nartie- who suflertii bv the late 1 than it was before the coroner's inquest. of the Westfield have brought - .t!,i1to Rimkiiin the no less than lorry suits ior aamages against the Staten Island Ferry. Com pany. Acbl this to tne prosecution oi the iiriuciple oflieers by the State, and the prospect of dividends to the stock holders, at present, is not consoling. In his messages to the Board of Super visors and the 'ominon Council, Mayor At last the Democracy of this State i....-. '!t!.iiiiwn rVilmiikl MiTWik- from .u..,.. Bfcfifratlirliniuu. the canvas. Ill-health is the aiiegeu , .f, . . V" reason, but most probably bis constitu- Uo" 'e .tl.e, i ederal Goe n- part of the prosecution, moved that the coroner be ordered to re-exnunie tue hody of the deceased and have it removed to a' place where au examination could be effectually made. The council for the defense did not make any serious opposi tion to the motion, which was taken un der consideration by the Justice and not decided. Mr. Harrison gave notice that when such a nroceedint: should take place thecouusel tor defense would Ue. (H)mmandcr of tlie Second United States sire to oe consiuicu as 10 nu euumu MONTANA. I Gcvernor . llotts, of . Montana writes, under date of August 12th, that the peo ple of Gallatin Valley are so frightened at the presence of large bodies of Indians that he fears they will abandon their croi6 and flee to places of safety. He says the movements of the Sioux point to a geueral Indian war on the settle ments. He is arranging settlers and arming them. There is great need for more troops, . and the Governor hopes General Sherman will send them to the ents are sicker than he is. There has a rumor been started that the Colonel is insane. "While discrediting the report, it yet seems peculiarly proper for a crazy man to lead the Democratic party. We are glad to observe that our neigh- make the examination. They would de sire to know that the examination was nient pays its debts, anu asserts mai if the City Government followed in that I conducted in a proper manner. tine it would also soon wipe out its ob ligations. A comparison between the two is not very likely to raise believers to the truth of his assertions. A Repub lican Congress reduced the burdens ot DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. - - The Board of insnectors appointed by Secretary Bout well to inouire into the cause of the Westfteld explosion have made a reoort in which they say "the Cavalry. ' ? " MASSACIltSETTS The Boston Pilot, the leading Irish Catholic organ of this country, calls up on all Irishmen to repudiate the so called leaders of the Irish people in New York city, asserting that the hot headed and incendiary utterances of a few fanatics whose assumed leadership is a gross iin- " I " f . 111" l1-" 111111 11 11 iMll, 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 A 1 11 1 lKrs of the Telegraph are able to appre- taxation so,oOO,000 a year ; yet the Fed- explosion, in our opinion was ransed by itiou Are uotto be iuterpreted as, ex- i 1 ' 1 .1 i I niru it 1 1-0 chrwr in Til t ImF. tttrlp Oi TTlP 1 . ,. I . . ... rht fim nnni wfl nr wnpn some- i i . -vi .. -..i. j i i n i. . v. ..u ... ...X. .v, v - - iinvc . mil. li .v. jj- 'I'.--- - - erai voveriniieini uclhccii jiiuh one else shows it to tbem. Their miscel laneous column of short items and their childrens department both of which have been started within the past two Weeks are very good and will undoubt edly add many to the already large sub scription list of that popular paper. It is sometimes just as well to follow as to lead. holler, in which was a flaw, a nortion Of and August 1, 1871, a period of twenty- whieh no doubt existed at the time of nine months reduced the public debt $242,-1 constructing the boiler, and could not . I 1 1 ..... . 1 ........ .1 ..... I !. mi., iiitn.nul 1 1 ) i.v mi t. niumki. -n lsiiii anil i uvc wvu uiswjiucu in ii "'' . ' rCj;,:;;' T: speetio.,. We believe the explosion was April 30. 1871, a period of twentj -nine dllced bv a nreS8ure not much in cx- months, the debt of Xew Y ork City was I .gs of weiitv-seven ioiinds. Engineer, pressing the sentiments of Irish citizens, who, as a class, throughout the country, condemn the Julv riots. After the verdict against the oflieers of the Staten Island Ferry Company had 1 are entitled to it, been brought in by the Coroner's jury increased $50,134,139. These figures are copied from .the official reports of Secre tary Boutwell and Comptroller Connolly, and if the Tammany Ring can get any consolation from the comparison, they The revelations made before the Con a warrent was issued for their arrest,and I gressional Investigating Committee as to duty conscientiously Robinson is suiltv of direct and willful violation of law in carrvinff more steam than the inspector's certificate allowed, and as Sunerintendent Braisted had the responsibility of employing all hands, including engineers, it is but right that he should share the responsibility of the explosion with the engineer. We have no doubt mat inspector Matnews uiu ins V e would sug- 'Enjrland. On Monday last Parliament was pro .rogued. The Commons were summoned to the chamber of the House of Lords, where they listened to the Queen's speech But six veers were in attendance, and only a few ladies present. The speed was read by the .Lord t.naneeuor as one of the members of the Royal Commission. The following is a verbatim copy of the speech : My Lokds and Gextlemex : The time has now arrived when 1 am enabled to release you from your attendance in Par- patronizing smile. It reined a special pleasure to any ot them to mm a menu in the audience,- aud to nod to him in an affable and familiar mauner, as though to reassure him, and then laugh, perhaps liccause the fneud showed some, con fusion at the ,unwclcome recognition, In fact, they seemed to regard the whole affair as an elaborate and not bad practi cal joke, got up for their especial bene fit.'7 A late letter from Paris savs that the evidence sriven liefore. the court-martial at Versailles- was of the. most terrible description. Dr. Puymoyer testified that the Commune on the 24th oi .nay iormeu a kind of court-martial at La Petite Eo- juette. He saw a man condemned to ceathin five minutes by some young wretches about seventeen or eighteen years of age. who gave themselves airs of the greatest iiupoitaucc. A young soldier was tried for the crime of not joining tlie Commune. His hands were bound behind bis back and he was tor tured in a : most inhuman 1 manner, "Kneel," shouted the chief of this band of assassins: and the soldier knelt down. "Get up," and he rose. He was then made to kneel again with a handkerchief tied over his eyes. It was thea readjust ed, and finally the poor lad was shot and his body tossed into a vegetable cart amid shouts and laughter. Four other persons were massacred in a similar manner, among them Monseigneur Su rat, who had managed to escape from prison, Dut wno was caugnt oy some oi the juvenile offenders at the barricade and brought back. A woman demanded the honor of killing him. and she set ujwn the unfortunate prelate with a poniard, striking at his face, but the bishop kept ,i.. hroiirht. before the court in ti- ovistmice of the Ku Klux and the gest that no person be licensed tor a po-1 Hament, and to commend your nnwear- hiu-geof.seargentofthepolice Herean perpetrations of their outrages begin to 1 ESZ? K unexpected development took place and 6Uggest the important and ominous conformity to the requirements of the ijave made provision for iny Moved they were informed that bail could not question as to whether the work of re- inspector's certificate in regard to amount children Princess Louisa and Prince lie taken in their case. The effect was construction lias been altogether a sue- of working pressure : allowed, the respon- Arthur. The great events and impor- i- i.i...nv!.,rnPfi,.t1riin('r i(i,i i imw mn imlml sibihty, we think, sliould be thrown on tant changes which recently occurred on peculiar and theanxiety of the prisoners Cess. It would be a bold man indeed tUe enJIieer iu cUarge the carrying the Continent of Kurope will not com- by no means lesseneu wneu mcy wno WOuui attempt to enter iue coming 0f8teJun ia excess of that allowed by law promise the friendly relations existing were led off and lodged in an apart- campaign and hope for success under the be sufficient cause of revocation of his between the United Kingdom and for mcntiOf the Tombs. Tne next day they burthen of a failure in this but it would license, and on each vessel propelled in eign powers. Whatever part I may take rvi.,- ..! i. . ...v ,..ia ottomni tr. whole or in part by steam, carrying pas- j those international questions which BereuKeuuic o.... - ue muuer ...u,. "i- r sengers, there should be some one indi- fr0m time to time may arise will continue bailed out to appear before the proper I (j0 so without finding a satisfactory reply I yjjiiai held responsible as master, and to betaken with no other view than the tvilmnnl Wbb the findin? of the lliry I tn thr iriuiiirv as to what lias caused the I not. as in the case Of our various terries, I mflintpnance of e-eneral concord anil one name appearing as master oi an. iuc i public rignt. rue conierence wincn was boats of the company. As regards the I sitting in London at the commencement materials in the construction of marine Qf the session was joined during its de boilers, we think ample provisions have liberations by the French Plenipotensti been made for the future in the steam- ry and it considered and agreed upon boat law approved February 28th 1871." revisions of those stipulations of the The captain of an English vessel at the treaty of 1856 which concerned the Black wharf at Darien, Georgia, recently had gea and Bosphorus. I trust the unani- occasion to punish four insubordinate m0us decision of the powers which has sailors by confining them in the hold of been recorded in the new treaty may his vessel. The imprisoned men, through I assist in securing the tranquility and banging over these men and their pun- I failure. ishment at least probable, it would seem as though it were at least possible for law to be upheld even in the venal courts of Xew York. If or Me-Till eves. The frequency and boldness of the depredations made by horse-thieves in this vicinity of late, naturally suggests the inquiry whether or not some measure can be devised by which their continua tion may be stopped. The usual diffi culty is that when a thief once secures Public opinion or public law ought to interpose to stop some of the newspaper discussions of the present time. They i . ,...a,Hr Sn freedom I culty is that when a thief once secures a iWTer. obtained a writ of habeas and lKldness with whith they speak of his ibooty who thoughts and feelings, of emotions and passions that out to lie treated at least with decent delicacy and reserve. Day caused them to be brought before him, and. after a hearing:, released them. The matter has been maue tne supject oi ui- after day there are thrown out, thick as autumn leaves, suggestions, insinuations and descriptions of sensualisms and crime that fall like evil seed at every fireside. Decked in poetry and pleas ant fiction, hidden with all the practiced writers ingenutity, wreathed with- wit and fancy, their blight but falls the surer niion the young and innocent. Surely it indicates a morbid mental condition on the part of those whose tastes de mand such food and the end ought to come to it in one way or another. to an adjoining county, the expense of pursuit becomes so great that in a ma jority of cases the owner of the proper-1 momatjc correspondence between the ty would rather abandom it than incur I British Minister aud the State depart- welfare of the East. With special satis faction I refer on the present occasion to our relations with the United States, By the treaty of Washington, modes of settlement have oeen nxea lor several Questions which have long remained in dispute. My communications with the the trouble and outlawof money necessa-1 ment, the captain having complained to 1 American government not being without ry to secure capture and conviction. But in some portions of the country they have found a way to obviate this difficulty by the organization of Detec tive associations. Any persons owning stock can become a member by the pay- his Government of the interference of the I local magistrate as a breach of interna tional law. The . matter is now being considered by the proper officials. The secretary of the treasury has au thorized the assistant treasurer to ad vance payment of September interest, without rebate, on Tuesday next. The ment of some certain fee, which fees I comptroller of the currency issued a cir cular to-day that "all exchanges of bonds held as security for circulation of na tional banks for other bonds of the United States, except for new five per cent, bonds now issued, will be suspended from this date until further notice." when all paid in are put out at interest and constitute a fund from which any member can draw a sufficient sum to en able him to secure his property in case a theft is committed. Would it not be a riie Geneva Times seems to be partic- I good plan for some such association to ularly sore over the defeat of Darius I be formed in this county. We will say Cart well for the office of Common Pleas I that there are one thousand persons in .Tudo-e. After recounting a long list of this county who are owners of horses a little white girl aged thirteen, near attempts that have been made by the and who .would leel ; an interest in pro- g er was absent Thi T th, friends of that gentleman to obtain some 1 tectuig them, isowu tne initiation tee I , splitting rails. At noon, Mrs, office for him, all of which have failed, was placed at five dollars then one thou- Sanders, with her two sons, took the that ffoos on to sav : I sand persons would raise a fund of five I dinner of her husband to him, leaving Failing to get him before the people of I thousand dollars an amount amply suf- the State on their general ticket,- many I ficient to follow up and secure any num- ARKANSAS. On Monday of last week a brutal in- famv was committed on the person of promise of advantage to other couutries, the President has concurred with ine in the application of that principle of am icable reference which is proclaimed by the treaty of Paris, which I rejoice to have the opportunity of recommending by example, and we have also agreed in the adoption of certain rules for guiding maritime conduct ot neutrals wmcn may I trust, ere long obtain general recogni tion, and form a valuable addition to the code oi luternanonal law. l place lull re liance upon the disposition ot the Ameri cans to carry forward with cordiality and zeal the subsidiary arrangements which have been determined on for execution of the treaty. I shall apprise the Parlia ment of Cauada'that the provisions which require its consent in my view are highly conducive to the interests ot the Domin- friends sought to put him on the bench of the Common Pleas of this Distriet, and they were for a long time hopeful of success. But this intention on their part was foiled, and it is now but useless to recount the means by wnicn it was enec ted. It is but proper, however, to say in this connection, that Mr. Cadwell has not been is not, nor ever will be a seeker for office. His money has corrup ted no man. He has never fawned up on men for favors. He has never direct ly or indirectly sought to influence a solitary ballot to aid him in securing any office, and he can tread the paths of pri vate life with a clear conscience and clean hands. Does the Times wish to insinuate that what the unsuccessful candidate has not done, the successful candidate has done? her of thieves that would be apt to come into this (vicinity. In one county in Xew York where there is such an organ ization in existance there has not been a horse stolen since the first year it was started. AVe believe that some such Ar rangement would prove a perfect safe guard for these men never work where they think there is either ability or de termination to bring tbem to justice. ' ion. On the nrovision. However, that ders. Her father was absent in the I Parliament will pass independent and final judgement. The Government of France has signified its desire to alter some provisions of the commercial treaty the little girl at home. After taking the I of 1860, which are now terminable upou dinner Mrs. Saunders remameu at a i notice ot twelve months by either con- neighbor's house during the afternoon, 1 tracting state. I am anxious to meet the sending one of the boys back home to re-1 y-ishesof a friendly power, and to giv main with the sister, and leaving the I scope for any measure calculated to meet other, with his father. On arriving at fiscal exigencies, but I should witness home the little boy missed his sister, but with concern any change of a nature to supposing she had gone to a neighbor's restrict that commercial intercourse be- honse near by, he thought no more of it. tween the two countries which has done When the parents returned in the even-1 so much for their union. ing tney Decame aiarmeu ior ineir , uextj-emen of the house of jom daughter and sent to the neighbors, but 1 mons : I thank you for tbev liberal sup- Accidents sometimes seem to become epidemic. Just now there is scarcelya day passes without adding one or more to the list of terrible steam explosions. From every portion ot the country these re ports come to us and each succeeding one almost seems to surpass those before it, in distructive effect, and horrible detail. Carelessness on the part of inspectors parsemonloushess on the part of propri etors recklessness on the part of engi neers criminal neglect on the part of the people themselves are being followed by their legitimate results. It is certain ly time that some step was taken by which the responsibility in these cases might be brought home to those who ought to bear it. One or two offenders brought to justice and made to suffer their merited punishment would do more to check this harvest of accidents than all the columns of ' denunciations that can be poured out upon them. Money lias become of more value than safety of Justice to wliom Jnstice ! due. . The day when juries will lend them selves as accomplices to reckless murder aud criminal disregard of human life seems to be drawing to ft close. Men are awakening to the responsibilities that rest upon them and as a consequence we find that an intelligent verdict is by no means so seldom met -with as formerly. In the Westfield explosion at New York there was no one but knew that the offi cials and directors of the Staten Is land Ferry company were responsible for that cruel loss of life that slaughter of men, women and innocent children which startled the country some two weeks since, and now there is not a com munity throughout the United States no! not throughout the world but will rejoice that the Coroner's Jury have proven themselves brave enough to place the responsibility where it belongs and to call those upon whom it rests to ac count at the bar of outraged justice. Through the criminal negligence and reckless carelessness of a parcel of money-grubbers, whose villas and racing studs are the constant theme of newspa per reporters, over one hundred human beings were hurled at a moment's notice I into eternity. Would these men ever have properly compensated from their could hear nothing of her. Runners were sent out, and numerous neighbors came in, who continued the search dur ing the night. About daylight in the morning the body of the girl was found two hundred yards from home, her throat cut and her person abused, the knife still sticking in her throat. After searching for the fiend, a negro man named Harris was arrested, charged with the deed. A temporary court was organized with twelve jurors who, after plies which, under the circumstances of one year, 1 directed my government to ask from you, and for the sum of moaey you have voted iu order to meet the change and compensations required by abolition ot purchase in the army. My Lords axd Gentlemen : 1 observe with concern that you have not beeii able to bring to a definate issue the treatment of some subjects which I recommended to you in the speech from the throne at tne opening ot tne session, Dut several (.rrmaiiy. The government has telegraxlied to General Mantcuflel, Commander in France, ordering the immediate cessation of the withdrawal of the German troops from the occupied Districts around Paris. Ittis said that the Government takes tne action iu apprehension of difficulties fol lowing in tue resignation ot 1'resiuent Thiers. These forebodings have been in creased by the measures of the French Assembly, ordering the assembly ot the General "Councils in Case il. Thiers witlu-iraws. The real agency is assured to lie a temporary cessation of the evacu ation until the issue of the negotiations at Frankfort between Pouycr Quertier and Prince Bismarck. The former gen tleman together with other financiers, have arrived at that city seeking an in terview with Prince Bismarck, and the German Place Plenipotentiary, Count Von Arnim. They have apprised the Chancellor atGastien of their arrival, and he will immediate- leave for Frank fort. It is understood that the object of the visit of the French deputation is in reference to the alleged exasperating conduct of the German garrisons in the occupied departments. Count Von Amim has acquainted the delegation witn tne explanation transmitted by Prince Bis inarok. in rpfprpni-p to the suspension of the withdrawal of the German troops PaUieSville from the occupied districts. 1 he cholera is creeping along the Baltic coast. It has attacked persons at Stetten and Kolberg, Baltic ports, and now the liveliest fears are entertained of its appearance at Frankfort and Berlin. The deaths at Konigsberg, where the disease is raging, are over thirty daily, or in the propor tion of one-third to" the cases attacked. Dental Notice. MoBRIDE & CO. Ho! for .Lake Superior! WII.I. MAKE A FULL SET OK TEETH, I Pier ami Lower, loi- TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, and an Upper or Lower Set for Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents, and Warrant tliein to be perfect in every respect. N. I.. Bl RNS. McBride & Co's MESSAGE To the Drag Doscing, Meilioine Mixing, (.KOlhKl lii.u, Toilet fixing, .sweet smelling. Candy Ealing, Toy Giving, Fun Loving Lamp Burning. Can Preserving and Money SaviugCitizcusol' Lake county: Painesville, July S5, lS71-3ar Sr Youngstown RAILROAD. . CHIEF ENGINEER'S OFFICE,) P ainksville, Ohio, August Jth 1871. S "ITTAXTED 40,000 GOOD CROSS TIES Having selected a business point ilurinir mr trip around Lake Superior. I shall ixwitively wind up my business iu l'ainesvillo in a few weeks. This will be the last chance to procure those beautiful Tin-Types iiiFra mes, At $ 1 Each, or Six for $5. and every picture warranted to outlast Any Photograph Made. Copying at same rates. hearing the evidence, decided to hang I important laws have been added to the the negro. Better council prevailed, I statute books. By the regulation bill yon however, and it was agreed that he should have a fair trial. iXext day he was taken before a magistrate, and the proof of his guilt was overwhelming. About five o'clock in the I evening ! Court adiourned over to next day, and i the sheriff started to jail with his prison er. As he did so a crowd of about two have made liberal provision for those officers of the army who will no longer be permitted, on retirement, to sell their commissions to thier successors, and by transfering to the executive government thepoweisin respect to auxiliary forces which were hitherto vested in Lord Lieutenants of counties you have laid hundred persons, white and black, rush-1 the foundation for measures calculated life or limb, and nothing but the iron hand of justice can crush out the reck- aDundance those whom t,leir cupidity jess uisregaru oi everyumig out uw ac- ren(lere(1 wi(iows and fatherless? Never inirement of wealth that springs from this. of their own free will, but the honest I verdict rendered by the coroner's jury I ed forward, took the negro from the offi cer, carried him to the spot where the deed was committed, and there hanged him to a tree. The people generally re gret the neeessity for the act, but all join in agreeing that it was just. . MISSOURI. The Democrat has an account of a ter rible double murder committed in Har risonville, Cass county, this State, on Saturday last. Tom Sabine, ajnoted des perado who lived a short way from Ilar risonville, went to town, got crazy drunk, and set law and order at defiance. He first fired a revolver at a man work ing on a new building, but without ef- 1 1 it 1 1 m-t ii-m,T mm o annmrfl iitti ,m and shotan old man named Buttons, also tn. oifAnli TT naiVkonrat-annf-l-vT fmirimo 1 I Uulvlltl WllllUiVliWO ill ou v Jlllivil ed the awnings in front of a block of needed elements of strength to an im- IJunaiib uiuuuai, uu iuiuiu u, ii ui clearing away serious arrear appeals now before the Privy Council. There is eve ry likelihood that for a long time to come the great and varied . interests of the to effect a closer union among the various land forces of the Kingdom. The act by which, after full examiuatian of facts, you have conferred extraordinary pow ers on the Viceroy of Ireland for repres sion of agrarian outrages in Westmeath has thus far answered its purpose. Else where in that portion of the United Kingdom there is a gratifying immunity from crime, and agriculture and trade are prosperous. By the measures relat ting to university tests, to repeal the ec clesiastical titles act, and the laws which affects trades unions, you have brought to a conclusion long coutinued and seri ous controversies The local Governmeut board act will, I trust, prepare the way tor important sanitary aim administra te act relating Xbe Old Man of the Sea. There is a sense of the fitness of things which is possessed by some people in a remarkable degree. A peculiarly happy illustration of this is found in the name chosen by a correspondent of the Cleve- I amidst overhanging shadowy foliage, land Herald, who writes under thesigna- cool fountains, luscious vineries and all stores brandishing his pistol, through a second story window into the Mayor's office and descended to the street where he .found a posse of citizens called ' ' I W th nitv mnrahal to assist in arresting I m" great anu varieu interests ra mi leads us to hope that at last they may be PLrheSK.??il' J5?-iJ? Jtii United Kingdom and Empire at iarge. . . I IU 111. lie U1CU1UIM uic viiu uiuiwtui i , ,, . ' i , -. . i , compelled to do so. For years this com- u r,m, -ori w.,.a t together with the extending demand of pany have been trafficking in the chances I or three shots were fired at Sabine with of human life. At last they have lost I out effect.. The desperado then walked to jllision s urug store, wuereuc siiut-iur. Button, the gentleman he fired at in the lawyer's office, hitting him above the eye the ball entering the brain. He lived but half an hour. Two or three more and God grant they will have to pay the penalty of their acts. A luxurious villa ....o r ci,,hai " PkiImWit nn nnn 1 s .i... I snots were nreu at oaoine wituout niu- . . j l tue accessories tuat wcwui i;il pruuuic H . . roit a h hrninl imind tm SM unless, perhaps, it may have been Mun- may make their residences desirable but gg fired? TKrtJaft chausen has ever been able to equal the I the nrice Daid has proved too great. We I nosse steDned into the street and fired a trust that the punishment awarded charge of birdshot into his face. Sabine ,, ,.0;wn v tv,so ., Itneatoreiurn tne nre, out ueiore ne those responsible for this ca- - Wa net, , ' , nf K.,,a-ll,t tastrophe, will be stern and full such f,.om 80me gun was fired into his body, as will lead them to contemplate with I and the murderer fell and died in about Sabine's conduct cre ated intense excitement, but when it was utter mendacity of the venerable Eastern sailor until this aspirant for like honors came up to prove himself worthy to in herit the mantle of his mythical model. In a letter of date last week this latest I bitter remorse the misery which they J twenty minutes improvement upon the Arabian iXights, have so recklessly caused to hundreds of in speaking of the late primary elections innocent persons. Let them chew the says : cud of their crime till the manger of for- Here in Painesville the strife was en- giyeuess is filled up for them by the grace SSSSSr a'sab! Heaven; and while they are doing so ble between two factions, as both tickets let us in all charity hope that a merciful were for Canfield forjudge. A large Providence will shut out from their ears I P Humphry was killed by a train on the vote was polled, and the "lied Kose" tne ecj10 cf the dying cries and shrieks Jacksonville itauroaa near isioomington of over one hundred human beings, I whose premature deaths iie at their doors. modern society, may prevent any light ening of any honorable but arduous burden of legislation. The condition of the revenues, revived activity iu trade, and prospects of harvest, are subjects of congratulation, and l trust tbat these and all other bounties of Providence will ever meet with fitting acknowledg ments in the hearts of a grateful people. At the conclusion of the speech the Lord Chancellors declared an adjournment of the session ot Parliament until the 7th of November, and the members soon after separated. France. patience, and jeered by the crowd, this lury drew a revolver ana snot uown ner victim. The Election Committee of the Assem bly have reported adversely to certain provisions ot the motion introduced by M. Kivet declaring M. liners President and conferring upon him extraordinary executive powers. They ask the modifi cation of the objectionable clauses. It is thought that the Right will, consent to the proposed 'amendments. Count Kemusat, tbe .Minister ot t or- eign Aftairs, has been advised ot tne consent of Spain to the extradition of the French Communists who found refuge on Spanish soil. Several Com munist leaders have already been deliv ered to French agents. Great confusion has fallen among the Communists at Bar celona, Valencia and other cities, and an exodus ot ail fugitives is being attempted Negotiations tor the complete evacua tion of France by the Germans are still pending. The journals continue to re port outrages committed by the Germans n France. A member oi one ot tne courts martial at Versailles is reported to have been wounded by a Bavarian while walking m Charenton. Corea. The following" details regarding the recent operations in Corea are condensed from the othcial reports torwarded to tne Navy Department by Admiral liod- gers. They summarize the official nego tiations of Minister Low, and contain some details not given before : The preliminary negotiation opened by Minister Low were well received by the Corean district - magistrate or prefect, having jurisdiction in the vicinity of the anchorage, mere seemea to oe every prospect of a speedy and amicable nego tiation ot tne treaty sougnt, as soon as communication with the Corean chief magistrate might be opened. While the Minister awaited tnis no objection was offered to the survey of the waters In the vicinity of the anchorage or of the entrance to the Salie River. This, Ad miral Rod gers was preceeding with when two of our surveying launches which had been treacherously allowed to come within range, were, without warning, tired into, and two of our sea men wounded. Our exemption from serious loss is only to be attributed to the bad gunnery of the Coreans, and to the fact that some of our larger vessels were able to arrive in time to drive the barbarian gunners from their works, This occurred on the 1st of June. Min ister Low immediately demanded of the Corean officials, with whom they were in communication, an explanation of the outrage. On consultation with Admiral Rodgers it was determinined to allow ten days to pass before any movement was made to resent the insult offered to our flag. In order to allow the Corean authorities opportunity for a sufficient apology, or satisfactory explanation, no tice was meanwhile given by Minister Low that if amends were not offered to himself and Admiral Rodgers, thev should proceed to obtain satisfaction for the wanton attempt to destroy our sur veying party. Ao excuse was, however. offered, and the Corean official said that he considered the outrage entirely in ac cordance with the proprieties of inter course between civilized peoples, their own civilization being old. In puisnance ot tne Humane policy dictated by the State and Navy Departments, it was de termined by the representatives of either that the punishment to be inflicted on the Coreans should be confined to the forts from which the offence had been received. In his General Order, dated June 12, to the fleet, Admiral Rodgers says : The operations ,ot the 10th and 11th inst., resulting in the capture of five smaller torts, culminated on the 11th in taking, by assault, the enemy s strong- bold, located in a most formidable posi tion, at a very dangerous part of the river and desperately defended. Two hundred and forty-three of the enemy's were dead within and around these works and fifty flags were taken. The works were formidable not only from the natu ral features of the land, from shoals and violent currents in tne river, but were rendered artificially so by hundreds of weapons ot various kinds, placed by the enemy for their defense. The gallant band which encountered and overcame the perils of the navigation, which fought its way against vastly superior lorces, tliroiign mud and marsh, over precipitous hills and across difficult ra vines, and finally stormed and captured the enemy's stronghold, is worthy of all praise. Among the honored dead whose loss we deplore is Lieutenant Hugh W. McKee, who, gallantly leading his men to the assault, Icll mortally wounded m the center of the citidel which he was first to scale. His memory is the more endeared to us because we knew him, and his gallantry will be cherished by all as a brigi example to the service, Austria Turkey. A correspondent, writing from Con stantinople under date of July 24th, states that there is probability of a war between -tgypt anu Turkey, and that tbe personal relations ot tbe Khedive ot Egypt aud the Sultan of Turkey are far trom being iriendly. sometnne ago a revolt occurred at ireinin, a village in Arabia, near tbe Red Sea terminus ot the iiuez Canal, and to suppress it twenty thousand troops were dispatched there under orders from the Sultan. These troops remain at Yremin, and the Vice roy of Egypt, dreading the hazards of war, seems unwilling to take steps wmcn may indicate his willingness to accept the gauntlet thus thrown down by Tur key. . The surmise is that Turkey, desir ing to resist the encroachments of Russia in the East, wishes to offer the empire of Germany free tra'isit through Egypt, as a return for the aid Germany give Tur key in the Indies. Spain. A decree has been issued providing for the issue of a loan on the 6th of Septem ber, the amount to be one hundred and fifty millions ot piasters and the rate ot interest three per cent. Gomez Pintado has been appointed Captain General of the island of Porto Rico in place of General Baldrich, resigned. A com mittee of the International Society has addressed a letter to Prime Minister Zorilla describing the character, extent and purposes of the organization. The letter avows the hostility of the society to the government, but complains of per secution of its members by the authori ties. It denounces the existing order of things as false and hollow, being main tained only through brute force. Hungary. Fearful misery prevails in Southern Hungary, at Banat. One third of the country is under water. In eousequenco of bad administration, the dams were suffered to fall into ruin, and thus became flooded extensive tracks ot land reclaim ed during the reign of Maria Theresa, and made fruitful with grain fields. Ad ded to this, are unusual storms this sea son, and the excessive severity of the Government in collecting arrears of tax es. Vineyards, grain fields, trees even, have been stripped of their leaves. The Government is seizing for taxes the cat tle of the peasants. Some villages owe an amount of arrears greater than the value of their whole property. Agri culture, trade, industry in general, are ruined, and famine is impending. Russia. to be delivered on the line of the Paines ville and Youngstown Railroad, between Paines ville anil Chanlon and at rairnort liarixir. SuecillcatkMis of size and quality will be fur nished on application in person, or by letter, at theotlice in Paiuesviue. J. U SHARP LESS, Chief Engineer. McBride & Co. Cordially invite everybody to call at. their Store, corner of Main aud St. Clair streets, near the Cowles House. This place is chi'CK Fi ll of the most of everything for both old young. BANNER OF LIGHT: AS EXPOXEXT OP THE Spiritual Philosophy of the Nine teenth Century known he was dead all were relieved and gratified. ILLINOIS ticket was elected by a majority of about three to one. Now, the fact was that, so far from it being a mere "squabble between two fac tions," the strife was, in act, between two antagonistic and directly opposite tickets the one being avowedly for Canfield tor Judge and the other as openly against him for that position. The opposing ticket was gotten up by those unfavorable to the nomination of Mr. Canfield, and the delegates placed on this ticket were understood to favor, from first to last, the nomination of Mr. Booth or Mr. Cadwell of Ashtabula coun ty, as against Mr. Canfield. The issue was openly made, and the Canfield delegates NEWS OF THE WEEK. At Home. OHIO. Great interest attaches to the court- martial, now approaching an end. The conviction of the accused is not now so certain . The prosecution has been weak Lullier and two or three others may es cape on tecnnicaiites in tne indictments The annroachinsr arraignment of Gen On Sunday afternoon. Thomas Simons Rossel. the young commander-in-chief. was killed by damp in a coal mine, fouH is eagerly awaited. The court-martial miles east of Princeton, Illinois. Thomas trying the cases of Assi, Lullier, Ferre, tjrousset, itastou,, uouroet, urbam, Jill- liorav. Resrere and other Communists Illinois, on Saturday night, lie got drunk I has been opened by the Judge Advocate, iaiu on uie iracn aim was muvier, l uavean. me Tresldent, .Merlin, was On Monday Mrs. Mary Hammond, wife constantly, compelled to intervene to re- oi a. Xj. xiaiumoiiu, engineer vi ine cm- i press the viotent demonstrations of in cago Bepublican, and employed as a teach terruption offered by the accused. Cour- er in Lincoln School, tried to commit su- bet. Grousset and Billioray were suli- icide by shooting herself. Her injuries dued. Lullier, Assi and Fevre constantly are serious, anu nc win prooauiy uie. I interrupted, No reason is given for the deed. Every I The correspondent of the London savs ic rnlniil Mi-Poolc Democratic candidate effort was made by the friends of the lady Timet, writing from Paris, Aug. 8, s.n i.aiti. to Biisnend his canvass of the out in some w aj . trial of Communists : "I was surprise TESNESSKE, At Nashville on Tuesday last Frank prised nt the want of interest shown by the public. The place was little more than half full, the court, prisoners and news paper reporter all occupying a platform three or four weeks as to make rest abso lutely necessary. The meetings appoin-1 ted for him will all be held, other speak- As soon as his health to suspend his canvass of the State. He does so with great reluctance, and only upon the earnest advice of incd . - . i- v.,.. t.:,. icaiiiienui Biiiiiicuuc, nRi(iieirir-r. who had been convicted system is so prostrated py nu laoorg in . . Gi. -c'tv circuitCourtof stab- 3 l XTlXUrf the intensely not weauier oi me last hIriW!l.lllln .. snt(,11(.ed to a term in u'i in In I . t' IiZ tne state irrison, was snot aim Kiiieu oy one of the prison guard before he had entered the prison. An altercation be tween tbe prisoner and the warden of the prison was the cause of the homi cide. A petition for the pardon of Heid lenberger, signed by the judge and jury before whom he was convicted, and also - . i i i -.. 1. 1 i i 1 1 Tnclon.Madisoneonntv.onMondavbefore lne P"" "" " hu oeen nnvr P. f !.-hh. .wIAa of the." Peace, received, anu ne wouiu probably ,.i..i i ;,.:f p 0m,: ers suDniving ins mace. more than our to one, instead of three will reslime 8peaking. to one. Again, "Sinbad" says that in The examination of Mrs. Colburn, tbe caucus of the Lake delegation at charged with poisoning ner lormer nus- Madison on the dav of the convention, band, Peter Buffenbarger. comenced in Mr. Tinker received thirteen votes for Senator, while the truth was that the ac- Judge W.R.Rankins of Columbus,and J t.uul vote was eleven. The whole article C.McCloud and J.H. Chapman of Lon- is full of similar misrepresentations, and don, appeared as Attorneys for the State, f.w voiiif, A 'I anil tt A llovniDnn tr T AniiAti anil I ' I "Sinbad" is evidently one who not only N ftl(1' f f ,itimh fop th ,i.fndant The Eveninsr Post savs it was informed lielievesin the good old doctrine that The defendant, with her husband, was by gentlemen in tlie Custom House that the end iustifles the means," but. judg- present, and tne uourt room was crowded an tne cjerits nave pepn assesseu ior po- wun people, ineexaninanon oi witness? i uifcai purposes, aim "' have been pardoned immediately, as he had been wrongfully convicted. ing from the general tone of his com munication, has become terribly soured towards all the world through some Jieartrendiug disappointment. tt , , rua ill ,i,v, nr. mill l-lll ' 1 .... .1 . C rf n in lll 111113,11,1.11. Lili 1, 11 1J u LVJXf , and then the only witness on tlie stand was Professor T. G, Wormhiy, The tea? timony of Wormly was more minute are to be taken from salaries this month. In one instants a c)crk who receives thirty dollars a wef k is? pajled upon to coptribnte that entire 'sum, in their prisoij neijliiel now saw arrayed as for the boulevards. The one idea evi dently dominant in their somewhat un prepossing countenances was the one so dear to their countrymen generally, that the eyes of Europe were upon them. They struck mock heroic attitudes, and glanced furtively round to sec if they had produced the desired effect. They laughed and talked for efl'ect at the mo ment when the indictments charged them with' the heaviest offenses. Ferre was particularly tickled at the stress laid Upon his complicity in the murder of tbe jibstagfls, aij Ass was rippling over with jokes from lWlinlng (p tmd, Itc gere, with scrupulously fitting gloves covering his siijiill hands, which lie a fleet ed ly passed through his carefully brushed hair, with the stilfiist anil whitest of shirt collars, stood for the most part sur veying the audience with a bland mid The cordial relations recently estnb- nsneu Detweeii tne jc renen .minister at St. Petersburg and the Czar of Russia, and the utterances ot the r rench press concerning the great military prepara tions by Russia, looking to aggressive measures upon the German and Aus-- trian frontiers, are conclusively regard ed as designed for effect upon the coun cil of tlie Emperors and Chancellor of Austria and Germany at Gastien, and with tlie covert sanction ot Russia. 1 lie Cabinet at St. Petersburg is filled with disappointment that the reward by tiermany lor itussian neutrality mid ab stention from intervention during the Franco-German war has not extended farther than to support her in the de mand for the revision of the treaty of i8ou. The Russian desire extended to the aggrandizement of the Sclavonic and Polish provinces in Eastern Austria and another partition of them, and the late movements ot Russian troops toward the Moravian. Hungarian and Transylvanian frontiers were based upon prospects of cencert of action by the Emperors of Cierniany and wissia, at nms, lsut the disavowal by the Czar that such a result had been reached, and the growing cor dial relations between the Cabinets at Vienna and Berlin have proved that German co-operation was impossible in an aggressive campaign against Ger mans. An important Russian personage (con ceived to be Count Gortscliakofl') has 1 itoly assured a French diplomat (cvi deutly Minister Ijcllo) that the result of the h raiico-cicrniiui war placed Russia 111 the position oi Trance alter the battle of Sadowa, indicating that certain prom lses had been made relative tonon-mtcr veiitiou and the prollcring of demuuds for their fulfillment. Pcrwia. The famine in Persia is more terrible than previously reported. Twenty-seven thousand deaths have taken place in Ispn ban alone from starvation. 'The condi tion of the province of Moxandenan is still worse. The rice crop is a complete failure, and the cattle plague, siiiiill-iuix. typhus fever, mid cholera prevui., Uyi A telegram from Caprenra under date of Monday lust announces that Garibaldi, through cnrei'iil attendance,! recovering rapidly. It. is rumored, though will. out cnntiriiintiou, tlmt flm King visits ltiiiH on Friduv. Religious intolerance is not yet over thrown in this country. Despite -the ef forts and prospects of the past few months advices during the week just passed state that directly following the refusal of the Czar to ameliorate the re ligious condition of the Lutherans in the Bidtic Provinces of Russia is the an- nouncementthattheRussian Government has revoked the privileges heretofore ex tended to the German colonists in the Provinces of Courland, Livionia and Esthonvia, peopled by Germans who heretofore had immunities of the .nature of an autonomy. The suppression of all dissentient worship is rumored as a con templation. San Domingo. Direct intelligence by steamer from Sau Domingo reports the country tran quil, no disturbance having occurred since the rout ot Cabral. At San Juan the financial pressure was relieved by receipt of the proceeds of the united States San Domingo loan. The friendly tone of the report of the United States commission oi inquiry, winch has been circulated through tlie country, was pleasing to the people. Baez was pre paring to celebrate the anniversary of the Dominican victory over the Spaniards. Bavaria. The Ministerial crisis resulting from the resignation of Chancellor Bray Strakenburgh, has terminated by the ac ceptance of the premiership by Herr llogmenburg. The result is claimed as a victory for the Dollinger party, as in dicating a decided policy against Papal interference with the Bavarian nuluit. and decidedly adverse to the wholesale excommunications - now being read against, those who refuse to accept the dogmt. The king is now said to be fully committed to the compact with Chancel lor Von Bismarck against the church ag gressions. Switzerland. Tlie Swiss Government has been ad vised of the apiiointment of Gen. Mena- brea as the arbitrator on behalf of Italy in tne coiuerence at lieneva on the Ala bama claims. The Swiss appointee will shortly be announced. DR. E. D. TILLOTSON'S GREAT DISCO VEH Y FOJ1 ELIAS HO"WE Terrible Wind Storm. CIUINIi c A T A R I! II Itf TIBBA LS BROTHERS. BY MEDIO Ah ELECTRICITY. lELIAS HOWE, " ATA HUH is cniiMHlltv reneatoilenM seminar on tin mucous innnhr.'im of the nosi. which linos thu nirasnir to tlu lunKSf-nusiiitr chronic I tiin:iinmaiioiiA oiti js, utt uitm'ii,as hum is 10 tire. J hi'ivlori', to cure this loathsome, oiseas;1, vou want this Medicine to remove the iiitlaiiiniHt to keep com Irom settlm oh the diseased part, and nature will do her perteet work. This medicine has no ert'eet where there is no Catarrh; but in an inflamed or diseased memhrane. vou will feel nn elect neal sensation wherever vou leel a eohl. The Medicine is a sure lest ot ( atarrh. Having treated live hundred cases of Catarrh success fully with this Medicine, I mil satisfied that it is thu only Medicine that has conic he tow the puh- lie w'liirh has idvcu entire satisfaction. , Tli is Medicine will cure the IColtiiifi; of the Hone ot the Noct which will remove that terrible Muell of the Hrcath; httlumed or tirHnulitted I. uls; eiyk Kyes, which always accompany cAlarrh; Nenr.dtriaor Nervous Headache: iVat-itt-ss, when caustt hy Catarrh; Sore Throat; tuinsy 4 Itrouchiltis; Hoarseness; Asthma; Coughs and Weak l.un Warranted to cure any ease of Catarrh before termination iu a Cnncev ur C lee rat km of the Price per 1 Kittle one dollar. Address Or, K. l Tillotsoiu P . O. Box 9?. raiuesvfllo, Ohio. hY" Kw wde Uv S. C. Stehhins, M. .- 1(W stale street, and h 1.. I.. l-mnlv A Co., 114 and l .ti State, titiwel, raincM illr, hio.,t3f T. WHITAKER, book: binder, No. 04t Cor. Klaiu & St. Clair St., Up Stub's, over Dingley'B Store. HAVIXO KsTAm.ISHKl THE BUSIXKSS iu 1HM1, 1 am in-anM to ilo Binding ! all and IHaRaBtneK entrusted to my rare nt prirm to suit cus tomers, livm 12 V up to $X lHr volume. , Blank Rooka of all furnished toonler ul ivusoutthlu prices, anil of the liest paper ami IhiiiiiiI ill plain and laner liimlins. 1 have also on liaml ami for Sato the. tbUovi ing Hooks ami numbers of Magazines: I am permitted to use the names oT the follow ing gentlemen lor Ref ernnco t .T. II. Merrill. W. 1- Perkins, 8. Marshall, 1 V. Hanlord, t:. O. chili). Rev. A. VhelpH, ,1. K. Soolleld, N. A.Tisriol, '. 1. Adams, C. On inn, W . C. 'handlers. r Stanford, H v. S. B. w eusier. fc. t Uauini'ix. PUBLISHED -WEEKLY At Xo. 158 Washington street, Parker Building, BOSTON, MASS. William White ic Co. Proprietors. William White, Luther Colby, Isaac B. Rich. Lnthur Colbv Editor. Lewis B. Wilson Assistant. Aided by a large corps of Able Writers. Tbi Banner of Light is a flrst-cliiss eiarht page Familv Newspaper, containing forty col umns of interesting and instructive reading, classed as follows: Literary Department. Original Xovelties of reformatory tendencies,and occasionally trans lations from French and German authors. Efforts of Spiritual Lectures By able Trance ana jNonnai speakers. Original Essays Upon Spiritual, Philosoph ical and Scientific Subjects. Editorial Department. Subjects of General Interest, the Spiritual Philosophy, its Phe nomena, etc. Current Events, Entertaining Miscellanv, Notices of New Publications, etc. Western Editorial Correspondence, by Warren Chase. Message Ddpartment. A page of Spirit-mes-khu-cs from the denarted to their friends in earth-life, given through the mediumship of Mrs. .1. If. Conant. Droving direct spirit inter course between the mundane and super-mun- I dane worms. Original Contributions from the most tal ented writers in the world. All which features render this journal a pop- I nlar family paper, and at the same time the har- I binger of a, glorious scientific religion. ' - Terms of Subscription in Advance. Per Year $3 00 Six months 1 60 Three months 1o Sg There will be no deviation from the I above prices. In remitting by mail, a Postoffiee Order or I Draft on Boston or New York payable to the or der of William White & Co. is preferable to bank notes, since, snould tlie Order or Draft lie I lost or stolen, it can be renewed without loss to I tne sender. Subscriptions discontinued at the expiration ol tne time uaia ior. Subscribers in Canada win add to tne terms oi I subscription 20 cents per year, tor pre-payinent American postage. Postoffice Address. It is useless for sub scribers to write, unless they give their Pos- omce address ami name oi tate. subscribers wishing the direction of their pa- uer chansred from one town to another, must al ways give the name of the Town, County and state to wnicn it nas ueen sent. JlSuecimen copies sent free, subscribers are informed that twenty-six num bers of the Banner compose a volume. Thus I we nublish two volumes a vear. Advertisements inserted at twenty cents per I line for the lirst, and fifteen cents per line for I each subsequent lnserion.- ftAll communications intended for Dubli- catioc. or in anv wav connected with the Edi itorial Department, should be addressed to the Editor. Letters to the Editor, not intended for publication, should be marked "private" on the envelope. All Business Letters must be addressed: "Banner of Light, Boston, Mass." William White & Co. Durinc the time flint T Rhnll remain I will do I the operating myseli'. I have the best assortment of nil sizes of FRAMES in the country, and will close them out at VERT IOW FH) VUE8. McBride ic Co. Take pleasure in announcing that they have the verv best Drugs. Dye Stuns. CHOICEST GROCERIES, Exquisite perfumery, Toilet I and Fancy Goods, &c, all of which will be sold at "Live and Let Live Prices." TTTE WOULD SAY TO THE CITIZENS OF ?V Painesville and vicinity that we do not propose to create a hurricane over the Pictu business, but we do propose to make PICTURES OE AXT STTZE OR KIND, that . are satisfactory, to those favoring us with their patronage, or no charge. e are not selling Silk at Calico Prices but we are making pictures as reasonable as can ue nail eisewnereoi tne same quality. We sell FRAMES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ! Call and judge for yourselves, at th well known Rooms lbrinerlv occupied hy B. F. Marsh, 43 main Street, Painesville O. X. B. Persons desirinir nictnres from nega tives formerly taken by B. F. Marsh, will have to order them soon, as we shall soon commence destroying the old negatives, commencing with tlie oldest, which were taken in 1K8H. itememner tlie place. No. 43 Main St., Paine ville, only up one night of stairs. OTcRride Sc Co. Have just received a large lot of Children's Carriages, Toy Carts, Rocking Homes, Doll Cabs, aud Ladies' and Gents' Satchels and Baskets. mcHride Ac Co. Say, don't be prowling around 'o nights: "SomelKKly will shoot." Another lot of Smith & Wesson's Revolvers, Mnrstoirs Ke- Katers, Pistols, Cartridges, Guu W ails, (Shot, wder, c, &e. During mv rambles on the shores of the great II .ake 1 obtained some two hundred views, many of them of scenery never lel'ore visited by an aixist, wnicn win ne on exinuiuon as soon as they can lie got ready. I have also a large numlicr of specimens of COPPER, SILVER, IROX, AMETHYST, AGATE, INDIAN WORK, C. Photographs from negatives of cemetery I views, &e., must lie ordered soon, as I shall destroy all negatives. Come and sec them, at mv rooms, over Le Drug Store, Main street, Painesville, O. McBride & Co. Have inst onened at low Drices the finest and i handsomest lot of Bird Cages in town, also I Stereoscopic Instruments, Home and Foreign I views. Have iu store Babv swings. Carpet i Sweepers, a good line of H air Brushes,Comhs, i . Ill LllllllllCn 11 Mil AU1ICN McBride A: Co. Have the best Toilet and Fancy Soaps, nicely I pemimeo; aiso asning soaps noneoetier: such as imuerial Savan. White Russia, fold Water, Ac. Just try one bar and you w ill corraiuiy get more. McBride ic Co. Sell the very best brands White Lead Colors. 1 Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Benzine, Paint I Brushes, Glass, Putty, Kerosene Oil, Lamps and Lanterns. Thev are a&rents for tlie Hub- I ber Paints, undoubtedly the very liest Paints j iu iiic wui w. iwg roats equal iu iiircv wi any other paint, and make a firm, strong, durable, elastic, water nroof and lieautifiil surface, and give a rich gloss peculiar to the j rami. McBride A: Co. Are for business, nnd relv forsueecss in hav ing good Goods, selling at close pi-ices and honorable dealiug with every one. Painesville, July 15, lsil. W. A. FAZE, IF1" .A. Z IE I A HISTORY OF HIS BUSINESS FOR THE past ten months must convince all that he is the Autocratol Picture men. Having worked hard for nearly thirty years to secure an honor- nif iiviu, lie wen Knows mm 111 appreciate, iu all kinds of business, good work and low prices. in tact, irom ins cany uoyuoou ue nas lavorea the nimble sixience. FAZE Frames all kinds of Pictures from the Card Pho ogvanli to tlie largest sized Steel Plate, at less figures than any other man iu Lake county. IE1 J Z IE Makes all kinds of Tin Ivpes, large or small, at nrices below anv other room in Northern Ohio: aud here let me say that six years' experience in copying and hand I ing old pictures, has convinced mc that the Tiu Tyie, or Ambrotype, (which is simply another name,) is the most durable aud nnest outlined picture mane. FAZE Will make large Photographs and finish them at about the same prices coin- up in India Ink at I tlie services of inouly charged for the plain Photograph. iiik engaged i Hav- MR. S. B. SHOEMAKER, An experienced artist in India Ink. who will I give lus entire time aud talent towards making mese rtooms tne most popular in tins vicinity. IF1 .A. Z IE Uses every one with respeet, whether white or I lar k, rirli or poor, in the city or from the ouu try, aud i-onskier one man's money .'worth just as much as another's. IE1 .A. Z 3D Keeps a full stock oftlrst quality French Glass, and, excepting by request, uses nothing else in all his fruniiug. IF1 A Z 33 Mafces SIX LARGE PICTTRES, each in an 8xW iiH'Jh Rose and Gilt frame, of din'ereut members of a lit'iiiily, for Die low sum of FIVE DOLLARS, or a iwrt of them mav liccopies from old pictures. At tlin-c prices nil are enabled to decorate the vails of their houses with lieamifid remein 'oranees of those who ha'e passed away, thus making home inviting and plea-ant to Uieirchil dren aud lYieuds. riixEiviiiLE, om. 3T -A. Z 32 Has for the esiwial benefit of Mi : patft, dMel to his Rooms one of Hallet A Oav is' lies Piauos. and cordially invites ail talented in that tine tn give him a call and assist iu drl viug away dull care. FAZE Is building one of the nieeM 5ttle View Carts in the country, so that all uita pciile. themselves n I mil having a nice hom ettu haw large or Card Sine V iews of them nt teiry hw prices 3T.Z3il Finally invites alV who- wish to see -turod Dutch - an We Al tist in existence, to give him a call, at Hi... id CLA.P-dAr.LK ROOJI9, Over Lt e's Drug Stue. rauiMsviile, Ohfc,. July 15, 1371.