Newspaper Page Text
i SATURDAY, WTOBER 7, I8TI. F.4 Hartal Parxrarht. 'flie Boston T uihiouih- tliur a Butler campaign flag t-an Ie hlrwl for a year by applying to tlie litor. Thkiks in out in tin new f a pu Hater. On a certain occasion lie re marked that Kaiser William is the modern Srixtr. Gf.nkral Butler unecetled during the lateVanvass. in Massaehnsettn in making a fool of self. Can he now he Ktlil to bcji man ? Thf. ..culture of fowls I" receiving no little attention at the present time among our townsmen, and the faci na tion of Brahma' anf HoiuHn n-w wn (Wight certain , of tlic Jairx. "I've .rot a henerjV'hitely saiil an enthusiastic voting lady to her cousin. "Dear me, wax the replv' "I thought hi name was Charles." .-. ... Ov uianv occasion we have heen placed uiHler ohligations to OHr friend. K P. Branch. Kso. for contributions from his pen. and vro take pleasure In thus making acknowledgement for the favors received. The article published in our last week's issue upon the organi zation and growth of our County Fair Association, was furnished by him and ..mtalnexv many Interesting facts. " Wr. under'Uinj) that an associatlmi of literary and artistic lame lias neen formed In this place for the purpose f securing to- It memlier" the pleasures and social advantage enjoyed by gen- ileiuen in their places of amusement W have been Informed that some diftl eulty is expei iend in deciding upon a name for the association, and we there fare humbly, and we trust with a projier aire of our presumption, venture to .uggest Th J'rtiro () "n. a neat. a proprlate and descriptive. By a itiugular fatality, whenever one feel disposed to undertake the defense of American women against the charge of extravagance, something occurs to overthrow one's arguments and to give the caue luto the hands of one's option ents. Oeoasinnallv we flatter ourselves that our wife" and daughters are a little more economical than the wive and dsmghtera of citizens of other nationali ties are; but uo sootier '. ilo we liegiu to drowse beneath the lethargic balm of that illusion tliau au imputeut piece , of gossip, with a liasis of truth at the.hoo tom of it, puts all our convictions o rout. Thus tho Paris liorrespondeirt .-.of the London Tflfjivjtli avers that six hundred ball dresses, averaging St francs each', eight liundred averaging 00 francs each ; ft thousand averaging 500 frauc each and two thousand priced each at .230 francs' Were the invoice of a shipment recently made front I'ari to one linn in New York. Belles , of America! if you will do such tilings our mouths must. I dumb in your defeiine; Surely there is no xeasou of the, year, more sadly pleasant, than the inollnvv autuiniial days that come to us under tlie. name of Indian Summer... The forest trees then are clothed in their canopy of gold and crimson and the softening rnys of smiliffht steal throitffh the misty air with subdued wrmth to flicker in' danc ing shadows over a sward covered with a mantle of brilliant hues. tTIe. crisp fallen leaves rustle beneath, the passing tread u...i flutter v from the jmth, like memories of departed hopes, strewn over the grave of. ': buried past. The distant landscape lies' shrouded in a purple haze and ,far oft" sounds: .coine borne to the ear in subdued muriner. The whip-poor-will's plaintive note floats in beside the half . lost shout of. the la borer far away, and i the riekets chirp alone sounds loud ami (thrill. '' These are the days when childhood's hours and manhood's love when ' ambi tions long siucc dead and forms of long lost friends, pass before lis and jieonle with their shadowy outlines those scenes, above whose tombs.; we. ha.l fondly hoped that we had placed the seal of ob livion. The voice we loved so Well the features of those for whom .we fain would have braved the valley of the shadow of death the presence of the one who was. more than all the world be side all onme to us now with the au tumn leaves and then, like them, are drifted away by the winter's blast and lost again beneath.thesnows "of forget fnlncssi . . Yes ! these hours are pleasant, but oh! o sad ! And then when we try to grasp them try to keep their memoriestry lu our Inmost. soul to preserve the fleet ing moments that we may he the purer and the better from their remembrance we find that, all is in vain and we must perforce stifle and .drive hack 4the pu-t, with all its sweet and tender recol lections dimly realizing the happiness of the might have lieen and so leave our reveries and, our day-dreams to fade away with the dissolving shade of Indian Summer. Gamblings not a'vice peculiar to any one nationality, but- lielongs rather to humanity at large thai to individuals, So that the announcement made some montlur since, of Beichsrath,' that all the valuing tables in .Germany must be -losed by the last of December, 1872 is possessed of au almost every one. Since that date is scarcely sixteen months distant, the wonderful luxury and dissipation, ' which - is visable at Weisbaden, Kins, Hamburg and Badeu ' Baden, and which manifested -themselves In the most promiscuous' and un limited gambling, have coine to possess an almost tragic attraction. Without doubt, every- civilized nation hak. lieen represented, time and tune again at the tables of Baden-Baden. Youth and womanhood, und comparative innocence, as well as age, and manhood and crime. have impoverished themselves above the fatal green. This little nuclei.s of Ger man watering placets has been a ceiifet- of which gambling has been the. circum ference, and the radius has swept over every portion of the. civilized, world. Many thousands of hearts andpockets have lieen simultaneously broken there. Many a man who went there a Dives has come away a Lazarus. , Criesus has wept. to. jf blood among that sensuous panorama, of concert and, garden, glit tering waters and romantic- walks, the clink of the gold th the distancedrowncd ltcueath the cruel and flaunting music of the bano.s. . . And now all this, with Its richly picturesque contrasts of light and shade, ' 'shame ",and triumph, suddeu wealth and sudden, poverty, gloating crime ami hesitating innocence, is to be done away .with, and the German gamli ling places are to cease to be. For fifteen or sixteen months more the gorgeous gambling hells may drink their . fill after that a sudden and permanent riis pensatlou of virtue. Kver3" resource has heeu exhausted that can tend to intensify the focinatloiis of these places. ( touaequently they con slllutfl the gambler's heaven, and what is. going to be done wheu the last day, of 172 shall ive elapsed, Is the very nat ural 4tiestktu which the. Homburg and Baden Unterers ask another. Whatever ptber' ..consequences ensue, at least the novrfpjet rITT 'niourrTthe ttfcinolltlo n of ! Uie gaming-tables; for the tiennau wa- I tei-ing-f)Iares. where fortunes are hourly lost and won. h.-ivebeen the great centers where the modern novelists have fixed tlieir most startling episodes. It was Uiere that the prodigal son was sure, figuratively sjcaking, to be brought eo eating husks, it . as there the. fair Eng lish lady, at cross-purposes with her husband, was made to commit the one fatal error that fastened upon her the eetisu " of the world. It I there that lor the epicurean "Oiiida"' ha lo- ited one or two of her warmest iniH-i dents, and, if we mistake not, even A n-thonj-. Troll ope, usually soquiet in his picturiugs, has not disdained to use the public gaming-tables of Baden as an ad junct in one of the !est of his many nov els. Perhaps, however, the fiction-writ er will derive some consolation from the fact'that gambling-tables may possibly be o)eiied at Geneva, the company which now controls those at Homburg having, it is said, proponed to pay the Swiss Gov ernmeut an enormous fine for theper- raissiou. NEWS Or THE WEEK. At liana. OHIO. On Thnrsdav afternoon General Xoves aldressed a large assembly of the people In Schalfer's Onera House. Canton, and from conversations in the street maue a Xoyes in the camp of the Democracy of Molhc Stark., , The . Woman Suffrage Convention, which was to have been held at Chilli cot tie on the 17th and 18th of October, is itost nonet! in consequence of the prev alence of sinall-oox in that city. The convention will be held on the 8th and 9th of November at some other city, the name of which will be annonutwd here after. On .Monday,, iu Columbus, two eus- nicious look i n it characters were arrestee at the denot bv Officers McCabe and lic- Ewiiij supposed to be the swindler Dun can S. Sherman and his pal, who de frauded the (.Hnmercial Bank of Cincin nati out of $2,000 by a raised check, Advices from Cincinnati say that a man named Isaac Smith, who resided at Xo. 80 Ixngworth street, returned five days ago from a visit to Natchez, siek, and died this morning of yellow fever. He was burled this morning bv order of the health officer. Attorney General Pond decides that inmates of the Soldiers' Home at Dayton who have resided in the State one year, and have uoother resilience therein than it the Asv luin, have the right to vote at :, ,Bi,! ?.. ,i...i. I L . . . . n . - I . I'F.l 11.1(11, ... v.. 1 Asylum is situated, since the passage of the jet ot Cougress ol July 21, Mill. The woikIs are on fire on both sides of the Toledo, Wabash aud Western Rail way, the crenter part of the way be tween Antwerp and New Haven, cover ing an area of four or five miles and about, the same distance between Ant werp and Cecil, burning down timber both rren and dry, ajid burning hun dreds of cords of wood and miles of ' fences.' At Woodburn, October 2d, two houses were destroyed, and the steam mill was onlv"savctt bv breaking several furrows of land around it. Trains have had to stoji while heated rails were re moved, and now one put in. Corn fields and meadows have lieen piitlrely de stroyed. The probable loss Is about five or six thousand dollars. The smoke is so dense as to make seeing awl breath ing very dilflmlt." The fire is still raging. ' ,X.VEITK'IT. At the election on Monday seventy- nine town .wuit straight: Republican, forty-five straiget I lemocratic, twenty- two were, divided. 11 tue latter eight elected it". Republican majority in the Board ot Selectmen, six a majority of Democrats, four are a tie, and, four are doubtful. Tins . gives Itennblicans. eighty-seven towns, Democrats, fifty- one, and is a Republican gain over the',, ...., . , vmtiixiA. special to th.? Knnuirer says a riot ocenred in Danville from the attempt of amobot negroes to rescue a negro irom' arrest. ' After futile efforts on the part ot the --Mayor to. disperse, the 'mob, the military were - called out, and the riot at read twice. Stones being thrown at the Mayor, the military was ordered to charge bayonets on the , mob, and one ot the most turmnet rioters was bavoiietted. A policeman was shot by some unknown person. Great excite ment prevails, the stores are closed, and the people have been ordered to their houses. ' Illinois'. The drouth now prevailing!!! the West is probably unequalled iu its history,cer tainly for the past twenty-five years. Alt through central ana southern lllin ois welts , and the smaller streams are entirely dried up . and the inhabitants hud irreat dimcultv in obtaining suffic- iont- wnr.r ti snnnl-v the iMtcfKHaltiM , Af their household ami their stock. Many VX lilt, ncn.t.l.w, Aia.,K.A.9 in sinking artesian wells, preferring to. in cur this tieavyexpenuiture rather than to trusting to a natural supply ror the fu ture. So dry is the soil that fall plow- ( mg is rendered almost impossible. The amount of duties paid at the Chicago custom house during the month of September is one liundred and twenty- five thousand dollars, being three times as much as iu the same month last year. "' .'''.' ,1'TAH Brigham Young was too ill to appear iu court on Thursday, and his arraiug- ment was tuereiore iiostponed. tie re mains at Ins residence in custody of Unit ed States Deputy Marshals. The arrest has created some sensation, but nopopiH lar excitement. ' A special conference of the Church 'it Jesus Clirist of letter day Saints was held in the new . tabernacle. A.bout l...... ...l ....... w, 'i-i.- . i ' F"-.... iucH,la, A. Smith and . Daniel H A . .. : .1. 1 1 i.. . . : ..1 1 1 tl ' .1 1 . ... . , :j J . Ill; twelve apostles, aud the high priests aud other church dignateries were on the platform. Among the speakers were George O. Cannon, who aspires to suc ceed Hrigfiam,andiJrighiu loung, Ju nior. Tlieir reni;u.- wero generally bitterly denunciatory of the federal offi cials, termed the ring. Cannon said he did . not anticipate that the Mormons would , have to leave the territory. They have broken no law, and had not violated the Constitioii. . The prosecu tion, now inaugurated against them would only enhance the interest, and iiccelenite the progress of the work of tiod.. lie rejoiced that the Devil was not yet dead, for they were not yet perfect, and his services could not. yet be dis pensed with. .Brigliam . Voting, Jr., spoke most excitedly. . , lie: said the Mormons had settled this mountainous region and were entitled to its exclusive occupation and enjoyment. , They asked ho favor or assistance from any source. They defied all enemies, the government of the United States included. The gov ernment official now persecuting them were tools of the .devil. - lie prayed God to curse . .them all forever.. Said, he: "Trust to God, keep your payder dry, and don't fail to have on hand a good supply of fixed communication." The latter' remarks were received with a uni versal amen and lond plWrin and clapj' ping of hands. ms'rjtn .-t'of COLUMBIA. . - The. following is the debt statement. Debt hearing Interest in coin, princi pal, $1,874,509,000; interest, $37,450,729; debt bearing interest in lawful money, principal, $42,168,000; interest, $323,190; debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, principal, $1,831,532,20; inter est. $303,924,40; debt bearing no interest, principal, $411,554,631 ; unclaimed inter est, $9,012; total debt, principal, $2,380,, 115,103 ; interest, $38,087,450 ; total, $2, 368.202,019. Cash ill the treasury, 'coin, $90,544,897: currency, $10,993,782 ; total $107,538, 080. , ... Dccreiise of the debt during the past month, $13,458,020; decrease of debt since March 1, 1871, $00,044,907; de crease of debt from March 1, 1869, to March 1, 1871, $204,754,413. Bonds issued to Pacific Railroad com panies, interest payable in lawful money, principal outstanding, $64,618,881; in terest accrued and not yet paid, $909,282; interest paid by the United States, $12, 692,475; interest repaid by transporta tion of mails, &c, $3,181,086; ballance of interest paid by the Uuited States, $9,510,388. .' The commissioners under the treaty of Wash I nrton l.a ve adopted ruiesamt reg- illations for the presentation of claims. Claimants must file statements in the form of memorials, accompanied bv twenty printed copies thereof. When the claim is for less than a thousand dol lars the memorial will be printed at the expense of the commission . 1 The full name of the claimant, his place of birth. and place of residence between the 13th of April, 1861. and . the 'Jth of April, lsa. mttst be given, naturalized citi zens must attach an authenticated copy of the record of naturalization. Firms or associations other than corporations joint stoct companies must Btate the name of each person interested, with his proportion of interest. f The memorials mast state the particulars M die claim, the general ground on which founded, and the amount claimed,, properly, veri fied. Objections to the jurisdiction ol the Commission or sufficiency of the case stated in the memorials .mav be made in the form of a demurrer. Claim ants are allowed two months from tle filing of the memorial to complete proof, of them after the two months allowed for takinsr unroofs of the defense, and the Commission may allow further time for cause shown. - The Commissioners may issue a special commission for taking tes timony on the application of either par ty, or order witnesses to appear before ttiem lor examination, i ne argument for the claimant shall be filed within fif teen days after the papers have been pnnted bv the commission, ana au cases shall De sunmittea on uie printed argu menu, containing; alt tacts proven and reference to the evidence by which they are proven. . Counsel lor the respective governments may De xieatd orally upon any case. The sentence of Bochefortrhasjbeeu commuted from imprisonment to banish inent from the French territory. :, It is understood that the German Gov ernment refuses, to accept the treasury I bonds guaranted by French bankers in navmentor further iifttaimeuts ot in demnity and requires a exchange before the re-estatmsument ot diplomatic ar rangements between Germany and i France. . The ' court martial before which the editor of the Rappel was arraigned has found him guilt', and sentenced him to pay a line under tne terms or tne press law- The offense charged is publishing 'false news, The German Government has not yet answered the demands or . the t oreign I Minister Kemusat as to .whether the re- turn of the German troops to and refus al to evacuate the Department ot uise until they are notined or tne delivery oi I the second milliard of the indemnity is with the cognizance of the oflicians at j Berlin. The German troops have re turned to Compeigne, Clermont and creii in that department. u", ".a...e.n. oi h.c r.a Guanls throughout France has been com- nn .. t i . i . f 1 ..i.j . i. ' ti . j . , .,, llT3irru Ly bllC fllRUIIIlUUICUb Ut Vll. . 'Ill talions at Bordeaux, the last in accord ance with the promises of Thiers. (,'aart f Camam Pirn. The Court of Common Pleas for Lake County adjourned on Thursday last, the caes w they appearol on the docket were disposed of as fol low.: KKIDAT, ISKPT. 22D, 1871 Kliimhctn Potter vc Harnio-t V Uotv. civil. . ae continueu on motion 01 matntin. Hizaiieth Potter ts John Uodae.relvn.Tt ase rouriniien on motion or piaintnr. . - "' -SATCRDAV; BKPT. 23l, 181. Almond Sawvet v V FidihimnI. -rnorf of sale; JSlierilf ordered to nay costs, then satis- ty cuma: as. lar as tin moneys win aro. tetnen li ioveiov vs txiwant w illiRiiis "Sheri' ordered to pay- claims as far a money: sro. K . ... ; , '--.:."... MiU-earet r wierKK-Ker tr uienani sneriot iier divorce: irranteu. !arah s Wnklmg vs Henry P. Walding; di vorce; case eumiiinea; temporary alimony ai lowe.1. . ., t has. Lockhart et ai vs Carlos C Pease: motion rranted In favor of lriaintiff. ii iineui ;t ai. v dames MCi-antrmin: cae continuea.: ; .; "- Carlos C Peae vs H Doloe Kiwrsberrr et al continued. - -' I arlos l.Pcaa vs H Dele Kinesbnry et at: dis- hdward J .iweenev vs! Joseiih RudolDh et al ':MrXTAY, -SKPTw: 25m, 1871. William Burrows vs Jacob C Itartlett atal uecioea ty tne court in favor of Dlaintin Cleveland Smith f Pavid d BigelovV et al vrntinnml. ... , . , i . . - -. n lliiara S South v.s Danford Smith :'eoutinii- ei. . . w-aidou A rtsiier vs Jm B Barnes eralr eon tinued, ..; i.....,, .( .i . TCKSDAY, SICPT. 26TH , 1871. i Stateot'Ohio vs Herman B Martindale: tinned. ... . fttate of Ohio vs Georce X Felton: ease con tinued. ' state of Ohio vs Georire V Felton: MHmnthi- U lib. .;;-'-'..-::- , ... t -State of Ohio Vs George, V Felton: rati ennLin- ueu. SUteof Ohio vs William I.lovd; enatinned. Rulus li Havton vs A Hov et al: renort ..I' nm) ,.'.. WEDNE6DAY, SEPT.. 27'tH. Georee Howe vs Carlos C: lVa- .ivii' claims ordered to be satisfied.' .State of Ohio vs Jaeoh R. I,inHm- ' defemlant uniwuuuuftniHUGU . it , : state ot Ohio vs 1 jlliara F tiiktersleeve: riot. et; continued. Janiee Llovd vs William I.lovd: civil: nntia. ued. ., ' i .! -.,,..-.- . ...-.'. A K Adams et al vs A HeAefaev al an. nary t; tnieips vs cartosc Pease et al; settled. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2TH, State of Ohio Vs Jason T Ames: defendant fined ten dollars and costs; taxed at forty-seven 1 dollars and three cento. LSV.S A.f, aJ con. inued. -i... i i Patrick Busk vs Franeia O Rrien. aitiainiatr. wi TOiiimut.1, ueieuuant leave to answer. FRfBAY, 8KPT, 29TK. . Benjamin Bissel vs iiMrtreMV 'lMnAr t ml continued. J M Hathaway vs Carnot Matdurf; continued. mpMwo a m isnervs a.aivin KarrnmemAur! nivii continued. . Adeha M Benschoter v Calvin KeneMwitAi- uivnree; granted. - : SATURDAY, SRPT. 30TH. Ornan Butler vs Anthonv W Rntlep: ennllnn. seth Manley vs George Melntosh; dismissed. Cuillon Clark vs Abraham Teacbout: continu eu. Court adjourned until Wednesday, Oct 4th. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4YH. ' ", rue resignation orn r riowutna. rroser.utina- ). Attorney of Ashtabula County, this day entered unon the Jonrmu. - jJtrS!S 8 llontinued. Schram et al r mantha L Lindsey vs Jacobs Lindsey; Di I vorre sranted. Bcbiec Green :.eeor)rHnt flfvorte I I.. 1. BIl, ... filr, I vwf" ' v. w i . un, tt uuu tinued. Timothy Rockwellfvs Seth Marshall; continu ed. ... Henry A Minren vs sanies Jicvitty; continu. eti. '''.-- .filling w eea vs Andrew uarlisle: continuerl. Oaniel Thomnsou vs Harriet Wriicht et al continnwi. lleni-y Patrick vsjllamet w right et air con tinned. Samuel Wire ys Harriet w right et ai ; contni ueii. 1 ' '' ' State of Ohio vs Sanson W Perkins; tale of Hanoi-; uetenttant nneu costs lwtioiiars and at cents. State, of Ohio vs Sanson w rermns; sale of liquor: ueiemtani. nneu cwi-. a.i uoiians anu u cents- ,. . - State ofOhio vs Tnos ,Hiinon; larcenv: sen tenced to states Prison lor 1 year. THURSDAY, OCT. ITt; ' Sarah I.lovd ' vs Leicester r.lovd:'continnet ulaintm alieweii temporarv aumouv.. 1 - i- Hnnnah fuller vs Kdwin M Jones, adminis trator of Chas. c: Fuller: continued. William 3 Scott vs Artemns W". Stocking continueu. ' . ; - -j.. Boswell G Wbeeler vs James Campbell; eon. lined. State ofOhio vsJacoh 3. Lindley; continued at (leiennaius cosu Anna Alexander vs Scope Allierti; Bastardy acicimtim louim s1'1" State of Ohio vs Jedson Goodrich; continued . State of Ohio vs Judsou Goodrich; continued. - State ol" Ohio vs Judson Goodrich; continued, rritate of ('iiu vs .lames B Barns: cnntimieri ' State of Ohio vs John I Pratt; bound to appear nc term oi touts. , - ; . State of Ohio vs Arthur .Instils: continued. Samuel K Carter, vs Oscar Ajiulrews, et at P .V it E It Co v Martin Scribner; oontiaued. r ii it it v.o vs iipnum; cootmuen. ., 1 Tlios Keltey vs James F Hart; continued. Georire K IIowc-vs larlosG Pease; continued. ' Charity Young ys Pete S ouor; deeideil in lavor ol tne piaiuun. , ; Thos King (Guardian) vs John T Blairjcon tinned. . - ...... . Jblizn t'rnnston vs Harvv Cranston; continued, ' ."i-t, ot Letter ' i(' TTKCALLEI FOR IN THE POST OF- J nee at Paineaville, onio, October 4, 1871 . ' ;'" tADres'iusT.';, :,'-' '! Babcock, Miss Violetta Herri'neton, Mi-s. Marv Finley, Kiss Mary T Heynolds, Mrs. Emma Glass. Ruth Itoasrs. Mrs, Henry iruy, Mrs. M. H. Tucker, Jane - GESTI.rlEN'8' LIST. Beekham, .Tames Burrows, L. Cantleld, Mr. Cuuilug-s. J. W. ., Tewey. Samuel Donnelly. James Gwndkins, John Harris.ltcnry ' McDonald. W.'D. 'i Morgan Joha I Beynolds, Daniel : Saymoure, Charles Sonle, MarcenalJ 'Peer. Thomas . ,,,, ward, j, a. ,. HELD FOR POSTAGE. ; .1. E. F. HaJmeade, Washington, It. C, Col. Chas. H. Fox, New Orieans, Ita. Mm. Jesse Kelley. Vossar, Tuacoia Co., Mich. BAD-LY1DIRKCTED. . Mess. Burton Bros. A. Co. ' . ; Miss Ida a rues Sencoxie. Miss Ida Carnes, No. 10 llrummons Block the remainder of the nirectkms it not legible, ' Persons calling for the above letters will sav "adv.rtu.ed." litO. PAlXli, P. M. " FINANCIAL. JIOMEV MARKET. PAiNESvn.LE,letol)er 3 1. M. Money i very close. The Wal Market i stnti. Eastern Exchange Kay. tinld in New York at 114'j. Government Stocks .hilt. Lake shore ltW;. first National Rank would call ix-ial atten tion to the 7 3-10 Northern Pauie llailroait for sale li- tUcm (.w Iutrrtt. J'errwus holding ."-- tn.l-; ol 1'ri. Iirt t-rit'. that are now calle.1 in Tor naynu-ni l.y the g- ernmeiit nm exrhangre for late iuc-; of bon! to' their a.lvantae at the Firt National Hank. Huvui. .Sellinjr flow...; liver larj-t- liver small ixe ot'lHSl cnmi 117 US rive-Twenties CI W2) eou.... ..... 115 in: ire-Twenties (lsivi) -ou 115 1!; ive-Twenties (15) rou. (ol.l) 115 lit. ive-Twenties (!) Jan. Jt Julv. 114 nr. "ive-Twcaties Wf) ;.i 114 . 115 "ive-Twenties (1W18) 114 115 Ten-Forties Ill lis ix's Currencv 114;. ll-V. tlOTvTTvTT'.pnTAT.. PAIMJSVILLK MARKET. Jocbsal Ofpick, Oct. 6 fi P. M. Our reports are all made up to this (Saturday) morning, and include the latent quotations from the various points where markets are given. Flour and Feed Market is active with an up ward tendency. Flour has advanced BOe per bid. Wheat and Corn Market is also active with an upward tendency. Oats, Rye and Barley naminal. The general tendency of the Provision Market is upward. . jmving. rheums ; SDriiur Wheat Flour. . . S XX Red Winter do ... 1 t) XXX Amber do .... B 00 XXX White ... 3" Rve do ... 5 trn Graham Flour per cwt 4 t CornMeal,ear ....... .....1 30ewt 1 Ol :hoo Feed. car. 1 6U Ucwt 1 Sail. Der bbl. No. 1 Mackerel, per ;a bill . No. 1 White Fish, per Js bid. IS 50 M till .4 at ill So. 1 Troot, per , Mil....... Potatoes, ear 50 store i aorai 4U i stHmi as w hite Wheat. new Red Wheat Rye.. Corn, shelled.. 1a iu Corn, ear , HucKwneat Oats, ....... 35 20. IU 1H -HI St 14 15 A in Hi i:l Butter Lard Cheese Tallow Chickens t1 tb.. 14 . 15 IU 5 00 6 ooiai nams Shoulders I ires ted Hogs. Beef. F-fTgs : ou - 23 1 502 Oil rw-nn Dried Apples . i a as Green. Apples Hay.... Quinces. . uOfatiO 75 13 00 . i oofiri 501 aysi 75 Cleveland. , Tlie following are the wholesale selling prices which are carefully revised and corrected. Tlie report of the sales of grain alwavs indicates the price from store unless otherwise designated : Flouk The market is steady and unchanged. WeUote as follows: City-made XXX white 8 SiVgS 50 i -.Ms 00 : s.vf7 511 7 00(0,7 25 " XX amlier - XXredXo.1 X red Xo. . . . XX Spring Country-made XX white 8 01K9R 35 7 MXtL S3 li -5rtr7 50 K 73r7 0U XX reii XX amlier. " X red Rvb Flocb Quiet, at 5,00. . - Wheat la good demand, sales Xo. 1 red 1 44; Xo. do. held at 1 41. Coas Quiet at SOc for low mixed; 00c for high mixed. . .. i . Oats In fair demand but Irregular; sales at 404ic. for Xo, 1 State. , , ; Rve Steady ; held at 75c for No. a. , HaBLEV The Market 4s uiet and steady; held at a rauge of S5(a l.uo forgooil to prime tihio and Cauaiia. . . . ; . POHE Quiet; demand good; 13,00 for Xo. 1 Mess; 12JW for No. S do; 14,00 for Kxtrn t lear: 1,4,50 for Extra Short Clear. . , l.BiT-Tlie nuirket is quiet and steady; city rendered 10c iu kegs; !,Jac in tierces. Country rendered iilc below these liguies. ..... , Beef The denuind is light and tiie market dull; held at IS 0U13 for Extra Mess. . Butter Tlie .market is firm and demand good for choice at ai(2Sc; gootl to prime, quiet lit 15 18e; inferior to common I0fgl3c . Cheese The stock is light aud the market very lirm;lield at 13a'llc lor good to prime fac tory in large lots; Ho for choice selected in asmall way. ., . .' , ,.j (,. ' Eugs There is a fair demaml aud the market is steatly at 25c for f resli receipts. : ; ; Potatoes Ju active demand and Arm at 3.Yu 60 from store; 50(855 for car lots on track; ac cording, to quality. Osiioxs Dull and heavy; nominal buying rates are 63c for Silver Skins; 60c for ved. POULTRYThere is an active demand for live at 10llc per pound for chickens; 12(a.l2.'Jc for ducks; spring chickens 22a23c each. , Gkees Apples There is a good demand lor sound fruit aud the market is linn and steady at 3. 0(a3 30 per barreL ' . Sweet Potatoes The market is well supptisi and weak j held at 3 254 00 for Jerseys. - Cincinnati. ' ClNCISTCATl, Oct. fi. COTTosDnll; ldw middling at 10,'ic. : Flock Pemaud good at fnll prices; ramily at 6.95(81 10; ' '- ''' ";' ::" ' ;: , , Wheat Demand fair; red at 1 43W1 45. . ' ' Oors Scarce and firm at 54c. ' Rye Demand fair at 7S80c ' OATSSteady at 3r40r, . BarlET Firm at S01 00 Groceries Demand fair and firm. Lard OiLDemnnd good at 75g'7. ' KoosScarce and firm at 29c. - Bitter Scarce and firm, at 21(a25c. .Cheese At I414'ic Clover Seed dull and droopingat 10 ()tvi 103. .' ' TiaxoTHY Seed At 3J0O3 23. PoRK-Steady at 13c. Lard Demand light btitlhobiers firm O'ie. At6,lic. Sides At Hi and 7.Vc Bacon lemand fair as regards' shoulders and sides; sold at TJic; clear7?ic. WHtSRT Scarce and firm at 93'4c Chlcasx. Chicago. Oct. fi. FLOCESteatly. Wheat No. 3 spring closed at 1 l'.i. seller October. Corn Active; Xo. S mixeil closed at 4C.1,to! Oatb Xo. J29i29,Vc ' at (V43;c. B AKLET At 58JJC for Xo. 3 Spring. HlOHWINKS At 93.!jc. Provisions Quiet, Mess Pore At lS12'ic. Lard At 89?4'c. Shoulders At flc. . Hons--Hogs 4 104 45. Cattle Dull. ' Telcdo. TOI.EPO, Oct. (i. Flour Firm and in fair demand. -Wheat Demand fair and advanced IfaSe: Xo. g white Wabash, 1 2S; Xo. 1 white Michigan 1 28; amber Michigan atl Wa. 42'4: Xo- 2 am ber Illinois 1 4H; Xo. . 1 red at 1 42; Xo. 2 do 1 38V1 39. C'ORN--High mixed 53.Sc; low do 54e;; veliow 35c... OATS--Steatly and in moder-te demand: Xo. 2 at 34?,(S35c; Michigan SOc. Whats tlie list; of va.ii(l;riiis around solitary and.' alone, with tln-ec or Tour, six or a halt' a dox.en with voti. Why Xot : Front Face! Right. File! Forward 3IaiM,'li! AXll BltlXO I I' AT McBIlID E & CO- (Of. Stand of S. Shmleij, noarCovJe foi,r.) Where yon will hml a largo -Htalilisli- inent, well tilled Vitlt a gront variety of Goods wliieli tliere is not space tb enumerate, only to simply sav tl.i stock of goixls i-oiisisrts in imrt of the vei-y tluent ' DRUGS AN 1 3IEDLCIX ES. tn Groceries we have lino ((tiiililios ol HUGA B,S, TEAM, CO FF12E, ,S PICES. . A'C, dv. In FANCY ARTICLKS, Toilet Goods Xotions. We have alwavs sometliiit new anil funny. We can assure von that, this is ilu plactt wlire you will get an jniinv ami good goods, fir aw little, nwiifif us any place in Niithorn Hilo. Please give uh a call uiul lie vour own judge. Union Meat Market. I.I. KINDS iF l-'RK- II AND SAI.TKI) M K 'i S for -.-lie al tin- low i-t irices. All e:il .4-1iv.-i-.mI !r.-..l h:irjre. DAVIS & Hull 1IKIS-. Paim-svllle, -tolicr 1. l-U-WIi! Interesting; to the Ladies. T1 1IK WEED SKWINl. i CIIIXK M- pany have o-taili-!K-.t 3lr " V. Valentino, of siincville. Al.EXT f.rthe new iuii! "Kainilv Favor it. ewinr Ma.iiim l'..r l.aki- and tlie ii.n-1 li- -rn jiortHm .H' i icai:.'a roiinlie.-. .U--irou of obtaining t in' iuiU-i. l.!j.!itx--t rmi- uinirand ni'wt dcirab!.-iiiarhiiu' m the market, Will jrive lne " W BSD" a trial lw-roiv imri-lia-in el-t-w lu-r'. The Weed r. " !'v la". oi-iu ba- reeeived lat.- valaaliU i:illrov-iiiem-i, v.liil-li lilace it FAtt IN Al VAM l. 111' ANY OTHKl; M At H t N E M ADE. Please call at the new l!(OHt 11-1 Stt'rrt, J'lliitf.frHli; Ohio, aud J oil will be ci.iu 'hire.! of ilu la.-t. 13!ilrt Western Reserve BUSINESS COLLEGE, TO I5K Ojjeuetl October lGth, In MOODEY S MALL, I'omerol .Main ami M. Clair stii-et. PAIXESVII.T.K, OHIO. For the purpose of Iiisiruetion iu SCIKXCK OK Arcoi XTS, COJIMKli CTAI. LAW. 1JOOK-KEEP-INti, PENMAN SHIP und TKLEliUAPIIIXO. P.r dXESS CliRRKM I 'OXIHCXI K a specially. Full coui-se in all d- Iiartnients, time un- muted. . . 175 (Ml Book-keeping :KI t IVnmansliin. uhtiu au.1 01-iiameiiiat :!0 oil Telegraphing. . . ...5110 insti-iu-tiiiii iier 111. .111I1. .lav and evetiin-r. . . H 00 An EVENING .CLASS will lie opened for the benelit of those who can not attend tlie lav Classes. A thorough course will be given in Mathemat ics. 1 intend to establish and locate in this place, as a )criimneiit institution, n Commercial 1 ollege that lrall be a i-ointilete sueees.. in nil its Departments. foTlege tlotii-s Fmm !l till 12 A. M.; froni two till 4, and half past li till half past s P. .11. gH'irculnrs sent 10 llmse desiring 10 attend. O. G. PRATT, PRINCIPAL. m 1 Ei NILE'S &iY is nil-; J L i: A S . I X T E S T AMI Most Successfiil Remedy Con if Its, Cold a. ttv., i:vi:i; "knows. udorsed by 1 II V S I C I A X S OK P.OTll SCHOOLS. frff" Head letters in II11111I Circulars. . , Sold "by All Druggists. Price, 50 Cents. Facts of Interest COXCKUNIXG .sf n ' MACjnXFs Xkw Youk, May, lsTi. Of wlmt Ui 1 ill of Sewing Ahicliincs were tlie rreiitest inunlicr niatle ami sold Uurinr tlie year 1S7? We believe of tlie "TCMAS 1IOWK SKWIXtr .-MACIIf.VKS, lii.-mufm-tiired at Bridgeport. (,'01111. This belief rests upon the following facts : By tlie reiKirt of sales of rtewing Mai-liines fur 1HT0. by till" Sinukk -MAM KACTI KIMi t ompany, it jiiipcars that tile s.-iles of the three largest inaiiiilin-tiMi-i-s veiv as . ' The y lnachiiH- r' Manufacturing Co. sold l-iT.WVi liie Wheeler .V Wilson sold l.'i0S. mai-tlilies. Mantifact tiring Co. The llowc laeliine u sold ",1.V1 uiacliilies. Tlioso sold by the Ilnu e .Mai-liine Co. were all lua.le at tlieir i-'actory at lli-i.leii-t. I 01111., an. I were all tlie gcmiilie"KU:i llu'wi' Maebiiu . Of those sold by the Singer MantifsKHurihg Co., from the lies! iiubrniiiliiiii we can get. vc be lieve about lO.iMMi were made in l-:m-oie. vst,. Cue sale- ol one-half o!" tin. ll.ivis rscwiug .Ma--liiiies. atnnuntiu- to tibotit JS.tHhl machiiies.'ave ilieliuied in tlie liuuilier of sales rcporlcil bv rile .singer Munultif luring Co. Add these togetliei-.-llul tliej' make about 5",XJ0 lnai-liine. Subti-aet this iittuiber from t lie liT.M."! .sales re Iioi led. and '"bave about as tlie number of tlie genuine singer Machines made in tlie Cuilel States during the year JS70. The sales of tlie Wheeler & WUsou .Mamiliie tm ing ( o.. as i eiorte.l, wirc as follows lor ISiti; Whole number : .. ..KI,;os ninchiiics. ' One-bairtlie sales of the !avis M.-h-Ihiic, estim ated at about "..(Kitl liiiif-bincs. aii'l also ail the sales of the- Uliilie. Mai-liiues for 1S70. estiiuaul at 1I1.U0O are iuelu.leil in this number. Subtract these iri.tHHI machines from 1 lie Sl,:ls machines l-ejiortifl, and we have left, as the number of genuine Wheeler Wilson .Machines soid in 1870, titsaots The account then stands as follows: Salt-s of genuine Klins lloue Machines inlsTO. 75,1nti maeliiues. Sales of gi'iiuim 8(iH machines. r Machines in lnni,Ti.- Sal.-s of genuine Wheeler in lH'.tl, ti(i,--M( niaehiues. M'lKoii niaehiues Then it follows that, of the genuine Klias Howe Machines, there were, during the year 1M7U. mn.le overibe genuine Singer Mai liiiie in tho t inted Stales, l.-SXl niaehiues. Sold over Hie genuine Wbeeler ,v M'ilson, 11, - 0-IK nittchiiics. If these llgures are not snlistant i.-illv rorreel. the Singer Matiulai-turiiig ouiiaiiv." aud tlie Wheeler & Wilson Maiiiil'ail uring' 'iiuiiauv. who know In regard lo ihese llgures, can l oriei'l them. (Signed,) The llowc M-iiing ltlm-liiiio fa. IlAltKI'.Ii X IM I.'K, Agents, mi Main street, PAINLSVILLL, O. mm Tlie Paine sville Journal, A LITE XEWSPAPEMi i FOR LIVE PEOPLE ! D K V O T E I T O I.ITERATIHE, SCIEXCE, AGKICUL- TCRAI. INTERESTS, AND TO GENERAL AXD LOCAL NEWS. Pnblislied Every Saturday AT 114 STOCKWELL BLOCK, n.tlK STKEKT, PAI-tHtSVII.LE, O. Only Two Dollars a Year ! The JOURNAL bas the LAKGEST LIST OF COXTJtlBVTOXII of any inner ever before published in tbis sec tion, and will present each week a large uiiiuberof articlesfrom Em inent Writers ! u 'pvineiiiles- -both Keligious and Political I the lot'KN Al. ITS COLUMNS ATtE OE2r TO JVXjXj !l The.IorBNAi latest by will reach all its subscribers at I Saturday Afternoon. and will contain MORE ORIGIXAL OOXTRIBUTIONS, FITLLKU I'tlLITIt'AL ITEMS, MOKE HEADING MATTER, MORE FOREIGN XEWS, 11ETTEU STOUIES, LATER NEWS, and more comprehensive Reports of the Markets and all subjects of I XT E PEST IX GENERAL than any paper ever before published in Lake couuty, auu at AS LOW -A- PRICE as any other pnper of the same amount of i-aiiiiitr uiMiirr. ne ,ioi' rnai. is The Largest Paper ever publ ished in the County, and it will be the aim 01 its proprietors 10 maKe it The Best as Well ! If you have not already sitliserilied, now is the time lo ilo so. 1S11. 1871. II1:AI A: PAVKK, M ANl'F AC TUREHS AND DEALEBS IN 0-A.BI3STET WARE N03. m and s-t Main strrkt, PAIS ESVILLK, OHIO, Have constantly on hand a well-selected as sortment of PARLOR. AXI) CIIAMI1F.R 8F.TS. TKTK-A-TKTKS. SOFAS SOFA CHAIRS EASY I H AIRS. LOCNOKS, MAltllLK. MA HOIiANY AXll WALNUT TOP CENTER TABLES KXTKX-SIOX Axn niXIXC. ROOM TABLES, RUSH, CASK WMI SKAT CHAIRS, WO VKX WIKK MAlTltWlX, luxurious and din-able, ltK- AsKS, Mlll Itoits, sPKIXt; IIKDS, WHAT NOTS FOLIIINU CHAIRS, AC, AC'., C. We have ikIiIimI lo our Tonncr Ware Rooms lh rttouis No rl Main slrcel, which itives ui, I11-cre.-ised fiu-il.'ilies for doiiia business. 4,ive us a call. Xo tnatible 10 show kmmIs. 11,V.MIJ.U, GKO. W. PAYNE. ltf. patronize home institutions! JUST ESTABXsISHED ! Ithe excelsior BOOK BINDERY AMD Blank, Hook Manuf yA Having- inst nurchased the latest .iroved machinery of every kind tor conduct! uf tu business, we are now prepared to maauiaeture to order, ou short notice, for the us of railroad, banks, incorporated eomDaales. firms and indi viduals, every variety of Blank Books, ranging in size irom a rasa book to a super JtoyM, bb lshed in the very best styles of the art. We make a specialty of fumisktar County Blauks, Justices' IKwkeU aa4 Legal Blanks of I every kibu. Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Statements. Way I Bills, c, of any aad every quality, cut to Order 1 and ruled ia any eenoMVable style desired. 1 Printers furnished with the above lat quantities to suit, aud at prices as low as tu lowest. M aa-aciaes. Pariadieals. and all kinds ef cria- ter work bound en short aetice aad at prices to suit. Bibles aud old books rebound. Book Bladen stock on kaad and for tale at WBOlesaletprices. MR. AXDBXW KISSLER, I Who has bad Sfteea years erperieace in the 1 I c.iues 01 .lev sora aaa ivveiBia, m m uwi binder, has charre of th. laeeiiaaical depart- I mant. Mr. Kessler eaase te us with the very hi a-nest recoiu BS.ndatioas froaa tsracucal uen. vhich we cousider a aualeieat auaraatce that I I an wora eutrustea w ua win oe wws im a hw factory uiauuer. I Ifttrr outllt of Machinery, sad buy ur stock in I large quantities and a. low as aay similar estate Ilisuuavuh iu jiunucruuwiu.TciuiiKiuunif aud eau compete with any of fbeiu ia quality aad I prices of work. Cheeks. Bands ana Draft Bumbared ea sbert I notice. j Call and examine style and prior. OBJc. Roaju Ko. 9. up stain, la Partaly's new uiocK, on ntav street, raineaTiue, vim. factory, Room No, saute building. ataau- wxlson t jonnson. 5ar lELIAS HOWE. CLEVFXAND ADRICVLTVBJIL WoBKI. rpHE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT. OF THK aiuu in tne country. Occupies the FRONT RANK of aU Agricultu ral implement jeauuiectortea. M. E. DOOLITTLE, At 15 State street, Paiaes-ille, ' Agent for Itke county. seS-tf H. F. MCQIKNES8. ENST mPFFINI. F. C MCOINNI88. McGINNESS, RUFFIXI & CO., Hi SUPERIOR STRF.RT, Cleveland, Ohio, MANUFACTURERS OF SILK AND CASSIMERE, HATS, and dealer In Hats, Caps, Furs, Gloves, Umbrella, Trunks, Valises and Traveling Bags. Particular atteatioa paid to tbe making, altering and repairiug of 9-ch LADIES' FURS. J-eilS FKEITAd, Manufacturer aad ltealer ia all kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF, C. CIQARS, THB BEKT IN TOWK. PIPES of all grades, from tbe faest Meerchaam to the cheapest clay, aud lull assort ment of all good found ia a riRHT-CLAHH TOBACCO MTOSK. All article sold at price which Bafy Cmapattttoai. ELIAS HOWE See to Your Interests SAVE XI MIC ASD MOSBt t If you want a Situation, If you want a Laborer, If you want a Salesman, If you want a Servant Girl, If you have a Store to Heut, If you want to Rent a Store, If yon want to Sell a Piano, Ifyouwantto Sell Furniture, It you want to sell a Horse, If you want to buy a House, If yon want to Lend Money, If you want to Sell a Patent, If you want to Rent a House, If you waut to Borrow Money, If you want to Sell a Carriage, If you waut to Sell your Farm, If you want to Bud anything Lost, If you waut to Bud a Boarding Place, If you want to Buy a Honse aad Lot, If you want to Sell a House and Lot, If you waut to And aay one' Address, ir you want to tad a Strayed Animal, If you want to And aa Owner ftr anything. If you waut to Buy a Second-hand Carriage, If you want to largely Increase your husluess. If you waut to reach everybody la the county. If you want everybody lo know that you still live, TELL TBOV0AHOM OW JJttUXC or it by advertitiag ia th PAINKtVILLE JDUIKlk, fT. W. BEARD Has new on hand and Is constaitly rereiving ine icn run nun rt liner irA..i soiTxraTS. eats, FLOWERS, r.r.VE.S', And such other good as are generally, kept in a j MILINEKY STORE, which will lie SfZD LOW FOR CASH. Bnsinesa tilaea diractlv over FIELD A SWkt.Y'S store, going up the sMirs leading to I rowler'a lMntai koobs, . : , ,-. No. 182 State Street. kr. IB. A M I X) O IN" , DKALtK XX , j Groceries of aU Kinds FLOUR, PRODUCE, SPU ES, and particularly in Every Variety , of TEAS. Competition rendered useless by the GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES! ' The highest price paid for ' ALL, KIND3 OF PRODUCE. If von have Butter. Eras.' or any other kind of 1 Farm Products to ell, don't tan to carry uieiu to Bio. IV state street, woe re ine lutumM, ,,.-, . Price is always paid- f f vnn have an V Silff-Ar. Flour. Coffee, or any other kind of Groceries, which you want to buy. don't tall to eau at aa aaa state street wmns purchasing elsewhere, as you win always 111111 goods sold there at the 1 owest Cash prices. ' Many dealers have much to say about the su perior quality of the Teas sold ny them. Now listen to our word. Positively the largest stock of Teas in town can be found at i. K. Amnion's. No. lea State street, and at prices which will be guaranteed at least 95 per cent, lower than at any other place in town for the same iinliiy.' tn Flour, the choicest and best Urauds always kept on hand. Just think! For . eight dollars and a half you can get as good Flour, as much Flour aad as nicely pat up Flour s you can buy for ten dollars at any other fctorf-. .Try it Mint see for yourselves. . Remember the location, Xo. 1(3 State st PEOPLE'S OYSTER DEPOT IS NOW OPEN AT Where (isjkejit constantly on lu aid a full supply 01 the following aril cles, CAX, COUNT, QUART AND SHEl.T. Oysters, Clams. Lobsters, Shi-imps, :Sels, botl-uhell Crabs an d Turtle. Families. Parties, atestiinniuls ami 11 o. tela supplied at the lowest pn.v and al l.tri' Shortest xisslbte notice. . ittn GEORGE E. PAINE, ATTORN KV-AT-T. A W, Orer 1. fail Offlnt, , PAIXRSVILLICO. '' SrElAi? "'' Kwl Kstate, Partner shin. KxecuLora'. A.ltuit.l-, --.I titiardians biiklness. i'nt.i.,ii.ii . .... Justed aad slated. Land Titles Investiirnlwt ana romplete Abstracts furnished. Deetls Mort gages, Uon.lK, 1 011 tracts and allBkimls of- legal (tapers carelilly drawn. Refers to County Orlltra, Attorneys, Bankei-s ad Merchants ot Lake County. ll-if : WAX TED, "1 OTi ,'"MEL PEACH PITS, fi,r XPKM which CASIt.w ill he paid by Mar, HarrWau tt. fa. 13ahX Ho fo Lake Superior ! Havins- selected a business point durinr ay trip around Lake Hu)Huior, I shall positively vi iuii up my oiiMiies lu I'ainesvilie in a tew weeks. , . .... . This will be the last chance to Draoura those. beautiful ; Tiri-TypcH in 'Frames, .At PS S4.Jr and every picture wan-anted to outlast Any Photograph Made. Copying at tame rates. Durilir the time that I shall ranaain I will da the operaliug myself. ..' I bave the best assortment of all lite of ' in the country, and will close them oat at IE ICY I.O W VmVMMM. Ilurina ring my rambles on the shore of tb great : I obtained some two buudred Views, niauv Lake I obtained some Lwu buudred views, mauv I of them of scenery never before visited by a") I 1,3V. nuicu A 111 UC UU VaUlUISlOK S feUUB B. they can ha got realty. . ... I have also a large number of specimens of i COPPER, SILVER, IRON, AMETHYST. AUATK, JN1HAS WOtC, C,, Photographs from t be negatives of cemetei Views, &c, must be ordered soon. as 1 I destroy all negatives. Coine aud sec them, at 111 v rooms, over Lee's Drug Store, Malu street, Patuesville, O. ' , W. A. FAZE, IF1 J Z IB ! A HISTORY OF HIS BUSINESS FOB THK at teu months must convince all that he is tlie Autocrat of Pint nre men.' Having worked hard for nearly thirty years to secure an honor able living, be well knows how to appreciate, ia all kinds of business, good work ana low prices. In tact, from his early boyhood be bas favored the nimble sixpence. E Js. Z E Frames all kinds of Pictures, from the Card Pho ogruph 10 the largest sixed Steel Plate, at less figures than any other man iu Lake county. ZEP -A. Z E Makes all kinds of Tin Types, large or small, at prices Iwtnw any-other room in Northern Ohio; ami here let me say that six years' e&uerieace in copying and haudl mg old pictures, has convinced inc that the Tin Type, or Amhrotrne, (which is simply another name,) is the mosi durable and linest outlined MctHre made. E A. 22 E Will make large Photographs and Snisb them up in India Ink at aliout the same price com monly charged tor the plain Photograph. Hav ing engaged ilie services af ' j MR. S. B. SHOEMAKER,. A n experienced artii iu India Ink, who will givt. his entire time and talent toward nik4ttf, these Rooms the most popular in this vicia4'H. . - ' ' ' '' W T1. .',.-. ' . - i-. .. . ., a-- E A.ZE ITsea every one with respect, whether whit mr . black, rich o.- poor, in the city or Irom the ctxut-i , try, aud eon. iders one man's mouey .morth Ju jl as much as another's. 1 -' ' - ' -' '-."-.'.: :'i'.--V.- ,E A. Z E kocik a rut 1 stock of n-t quality Freaca tile, unit, cvcepl iug bv request, uses anrhiag else iu an Ins Irau ung. 1 1 .-i- ' ' - E A. Z E ::-'-V" Make L ARUK PHTCRFS, each ia aa fritii inch Ree ,xnd Jill IV. me, of different awatml ofa lantilv, for the low sum of FIVE DOLLARS, or a in m inem may be copies rrnm otn piciam. M ttnvf prices all are enablr.1 to dei-orat via walls of tlieir boustw wkh beautiful nam makiug hot ic inviting and pleasant to theirend dren and fir .ends. Has, for the special henellt of his (wtroas. addeat . to his Hwiaii ne ofllallet A Davis' lieat Piano, aim conttaity .invites an taieuien in tnai line 10 give him a cat.' and assist iu driving away doll care. , ., FAZE IV building ontvrthe nicest little View tarts ia tbvr OMintrv, so tlutl all who pride theutaeivati 11 an having a nice home can have large or Uul bite lews of them at very low price. . . e a.ze IlirWOr tuviles all S IM Wlsn 10 see tne uesi sa. Hired ii inch Yankee ArM.t III caistmee, t give ktmi sevsll, at the old J CLAP8ADU ROOKS,' . s 1 : . Orer Lee's Drug htia-n. tPdineviite,bl.,.lnly1B,lstt. 1 ' .. 1 .11. 1 . lElXiA.a HOWE."