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Northern Ohio journal. [volume] (Painesville, Ohio) 1872-1896, August 03, 1872, Image 2

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JAMES E. C1AMBE1S,, - .- Editor.
SATURDAY, - - AUGUST 3, 1872.
A vixr competent critic Mr. G. A.
SImcox hs lately remarked, apropos
of Dr. Vaugtaau's "St. Thomas of Aquiu 1 an
HU Life and Labors," that the contro
versy on the origin of Christianity
Ahows signs of being exhausted, a3 the I
same limitations in the materials which I
prevent the contest from coming to an
issue will at last prevent its going on at
all. Criticism will then be forced to
take iid tne examination oi uie nraicun i
of theological - wdrKSaTTnuch more j
fruitful subject. 'j 5 " T ' 1
Together with the news that a geo-1
graphical society nas recently oeen it w-re ln08tiy angular, grotesque, posi
etarted In Poland, there comes the state- tive characters who had finally brought
ment that at the present time there 19
also a great increase in literary Interest.
Newspapers and magazines are being J
started, and books on miscellaneous and
historical subjects are appearing in con
siderable numbers. But perhaps the
most strange accompanying circum
stances Is that the Polish language is
being dUcontlnned and that French is
almost.luvarlably used .
Among the harrowing facts which
have been told in connection with the
late dreadful famine In Persia, there is
one accident which seems so intensely
horrible as almost to surpass belief, al
though -seriously told by the Levant
Times. In the Persian city of Flamatau
two famished women, aided by seven
others, stole, three children and ate them
They were arrested ana tne nones oi tne
children found partially concealed ln
their elothea.-, The Grand Vizier cou -
denaned 1 the two women W the gibbet, I
and their companions in guilt to be pllrposes of social Intercourse .they for- mends Barclay to prepare for an appear
. ,t , . .u i r I anee before a hisrher than an earthlv tri-
fitarved to death in prison. At the end
of a week five of these seven wretches
were lound dead in the prison, after
having devoured the other two.
coxomv of 6pace is a great virtue.
Advertiser are often skillful adepts at it.
We see them sometiin adroitly turning
epace and things to double purposes. I
But, suggestive and Ingenious as r.nter-
prise and Averlce are in these matters,
Vanity, it appear, can g even further,
We might be a little shocked, but not
much surprised, to find the margins of
our Bibles turned int advertising col.
urn lis: but one cannot but be just a lit-
tie shocked aud surprised too, to find
that prayer-books, according to a London
paper, mrtr now frequently soiu, .wiui
looking glasses inserted iu the inner
tide of the cover, in order that ladles
may arrange their hair during' prayers,
and keen faithful watch upon their
charm. '
Why not line the churches
with' full length mirrors at Oncer Such
Apian would ' present some advantages
over even this latest device, and one can
Imagine the , magnificent vistas that
would be opened up by such an arrange-
inent; and the pleasure that would result
from seeing one's toilette repeated until
lost in glittering distances.
Pkofsmsob Bkeslv. in a recent arti-
le ln the Fortnightly Heview, indirectly
raises a new- objection against female
suffrage. He says that "when numbers I
are found on one side and strength and
Ability on the other, a conflict is enevitu-
blc" the inference being that woman's
otihe would brius about such a con-
tlngency. Probable it was hoped that
obscurity of expression would bide any
weakness of position. Certainly the
Idea' of any conflict between the sexes
is simply absurd and one cannot help
font ..ask how the Professor knows that
trength:ud ability would not then be
found on tlie side of numbers as well as
nowr- we .no not beiieva that all wo
men ' would belong to one party any
more thau all men do neither is there
any reason to think that all persons of
strength and ability are any more like
ly to enroll themselves ' as opposed to
numbers then than now. ln fact while
in our opinion there are many strong
and insurmountable objections to female
suffrage, we cannot but donbt, just a lit
tle, whether the distinguished Profes
sor has sncceeded in presenting any very
new or; very striking views upon the
subject.' i ' i; '.,-...
AcgcstI Now is the month when
tollliiif man talces his midsummer's rest
and . recreation ; now around the un
trodden thresholds of city mansions the
dust 4s upheaved, and on blind and door
way spins the- spider his delicate lace
like web; now are courts and offices
desolate and lone 'while weary toilers
blithely sing beneath the overhanging
trees -that spread an undulating arch
over eoft -and shady sward; now are
schoolrooms closed and ferrules left un
touched, while, gleesome children in
boi stroiis . freedom roll and frolic over
law as where sunlit shadows tremble
to and fro, orlnthe woods which, solemn,
darken as they stretch adown long ave
nues of swaying houghs; now on moun
tain top and hillside green are seen soft
drapery and' charming forms; now in
car and steamer whirls the larger throng
and far and near Is pleasure sought and and truth. ,
hunted, down with mad infatuation ; Habit, too, has much to do with this
now does labor rest and all oroand, on fashionable vice. Children are not suf
roountoln slope, in orchard shade, by ficiently trained in accuracy of expres
murmuring brook or silent lake, or rocky sion. Dr. Johnson, who, among his
coast where' play all day the sad sea many virtues, had an intense and con
waves, are resting weary brain and tired seientlous reverence for truth, always
forms ;- now nod sleepy eyes o'er sleepy
books beneath the gently nodding trees;
now glitter from afar o'er water pure
the glittering sail, while mirth and song
and silvery laugh are wafted down each
passing breeze; now anglers sit aud
dream s -flows the laughing stream;
now Is the world on pleasure bent and
men and .women all are shaking off dull
care and irksome toil.
Much attention has already been ex
cited by a short but striking paper In the
Contemporary Kevteio, on the question
whether the Deity does or does not give
a practical assent to the prayers of men
In these days of bold speculation (re
marks a London paper) no theme is
deemed too solemn to be touched by the
finger of analysis; and the article throws
down one of the most daring challenges
to be found even in the criticism of a
generation which has listened to the
voice of men like Coin te, Herbert Spen
cer.Tyndall, and Huxley. The essay
Is anonymous, but it is preiaceu by a
note from Professor Tyndall, and it is
known to have been written by a man
of great eminence In his own high pro
fession. The author seeks to obtain an
accurate measure of the degree in which
prayer for the sick alters the rates of
mortality. He would place in a par
ticular hospital a number of persons snf-
-feriug from' diseases which have been
ascertained to cause, on an average, a
certain number of deaths. All believers
la the efflcaey of prayer would then be
invited; to beseech, during four or five
jfars, that the Almighty would specially
interpose on behalt oi loose patients.
If the prayers were answered, the death
rate would of course be les than in the
hospitals that were not so highly fa-
vored. and seieiitilie men would detect
the influence of a spiritual force beyoud
their province, and appreciable hy'iione
of their srross tests. The distinguished
author, in fact, challenges the believers
in a special Provident to fight battle
on the field of statistics.
,. -'. A
Somewhere up west the Spiritualist
Society has been holding a State pionic,
and in commenting upon the gathering,
exchange rather
wondenngly re
marks that a large proportion of the
guests were comely young folks, acting
and talking like any other assemblage of I
free thinkers, and that there was a no-
haired, wild-eyed characters who have
I beeu supposed to "constitute so large
proportion oi tne sect.. aiic i v
of this fling peruapft ndmjreJton I
natural for it is undoubtedly trnetnat in
the early days of spiritualism, the men
wno publicly identified themselves with
np ln th3 Sy9tem of belief after trying
ajj tile other religions, while the women
were a)30j lor tne most partt 0f lne game
witn the a,oidon of many who had
lieen discounted in the bank of matri
mony and were attracted by the promise J
oi a marriage in me spiritual onivun.
- . . - .f;t..l 1 I
1 . il It .,1.. .. ..I..:... r. 1 T ,...'l.ri;.
entered upon the secoud quarter cen-
tury of its existence most of these eccen
trically observable adherents have dis
appeared and their places are filled by
young men and maidens who although
they have inherited their faith from
their parents, taking it in many cases,
second-hand without exami nation ne v-
ertheless present no very striking pecu
liarities of outward appearance. And,
in this is found, perhaps, the most mter
estinz fact in connection with the so
cy, for being intent, like most of the
voun(r f0ii,s wno attend the old churches,
np0(, arnnsement only, and attending
tlie n)eetiiie9 from force of habit and for
I ...11 ll. n . .1. nh Ivan I
iciuiv lilllSLrikix; l. lie u nut i.mii ,iiiuivii
can be trained to a tacit, unthinking ad- I
herence to any creed, however strange
Is the British House of Commons
Lord Buckhurst has succeeded in the
second reading of his Acrobat bi)l, the
object of which is to prevent the employ-
ment of children under sixteen years of
age in acrobatic performances, which
are dangerous to life. The manager ol
la circus in Manchester writes a long let-
ter 10 the Daily iVeic, indignantly pro-
test'ng agaiust what he ealls "this terri-
j ble and absurd bill," and tries to turn
I Lord Buckhurst aud his humanitarian
I notions Into ridicule. Ife argues that it
I is impossible for any one to acquire the
i acrooattc art aiier uie age u Rijkiccu,
it requires very early training, ami says
that "it would be much easier for his
lordship to perform the fflats of the
street Arabs at his time of life than for
Uny person to learn to turn a somersault
after they are sixteen years of age." He
declares that the suffering of the young
I during the period of training is very
much over-colored by many well-dis-
posed and humane people, and in corro-
boratiou goes on to say, "the teaching
of children, as in the teaching of horses
and other animals, Is very like the
change of the time; as we have less
I burning at the stake, less beheading, less
I gibbeting, executions, and less cruelties
of all kinds, so we have less severity in
training." But instead of having Jess
severity in training, many may thin If
it were betterto have none at nll.: Lord
Buckhurst has unquestionably perform
ed nn act of humanity, and it is to be
hoped that his example U'JJl be lollowed
Ion this side of the water. If infixing
j the age at sixteen when it is Impossible
to eommence training his lordship
shall have thereby put an end to acro-
bats altogether, it woidd not be after all
so serious a los3 to the world, If by the
total extinction of such performances In-
nocent children are saved from losing
their lives altd breaking their limbs in
graiifying a morbid public taste for ex
citements ,
One of the most noticeable peculiari
ties of modern society is the great prone-
ness, which is found in every class to
exaggeration and recklessness of stater
ment. The evil has become so great as
to render almost everything described or
asserted, to a certain extcntunreliable,
And this is not in speaking of slander,
malicious misrepresentation or iuten
tloual falsehood, but of the habit, the
heedless Inaccuracy
and the license of
assertion, which has sprung from a
fondness for strong expression, and a
clumsy perception of the proprieties of
language. Talkers as well as writers are
so fond of "eflects," so desirous of
stimulating excitement by highly sea
soned expletives and over-colored imag
ery, so much more anxious to make an
impression than to be truthful, so greedy
of a reputation for vivacity at the ex
pense even of judgment and taste, that
an utter confusion of fact as well as
opinion pervades : the .- general mind.
There are but few people who relate with
precision, clearness and "closeness, few
who mainly aim to be just aud accurate,
tew who are content- to forego opportu
nities to be brilliant, or graphic, or spir-
ited, or witty, for the sake of simplicity
d welt upon the necessity of strict atten
tion to truth in tile-minutest details.
;"Aecustom your children to it," he
would say ; "If a thing happened at one
window, aud they, when relating it, say
it happened at another, do not let it pass,
but instantly check them you do not
know where deviation from truth will
! end." And the Doctor was right. There
Is altogether too much latitude in con
versation. It begins in childhood and
strengthens Into a mischievious and un
governable vice in mature years,'
Nor is this evil confined to social cir
cles. It pervades everywhere. The
press, the rostrum, the pulpit even, teem
with errors of assertion. Much of the
disscntlon, the disorder, the antagonism,
the dogmatic bitterness and sectarian
frenzy of the world arises from this uni
versal habit of over-statement and loose
expectoration of epithet. People do not
repeat each other's views fairly, or even
succeed in expressing their own opin
ions with the moderation with which
they are really entertained. There
seems to be a sort of general mania for
i superlatives. The old-fashioned modest
positive and comparative degrees are re
pudiated. Even the superlative fails to
satisfy the morbid demand of some, and
they pile up epithet on epithet until
they "make Ossa like a wart."
That this evil exists and that its re
formation is strongly, earnestly de
manded ore facts which need no demon
stration, rernlcious in every way, it is
teribly injurious to the moral health of
the young, and although it may arise
from thoughtlessness and the exuber
ance of undisciplined imagination, )t
nevertheless leads to manifold evils and
poisons the moral atmosphere of any
community In which It Is fostered.
On r Exchanges,
Peters' Musical Monthly for August
has reached os, and although wc are un
able to fully understand all the good
things it is said to contain, yet we are
perfectly willing to take the publisher's
word and admit the quality to be equal
to the quantity. - Certainly tew Otbec
musical miblications snve au equal
amount for thirtv cents the price of
this work rer month aud perhaps we
can gire no better idea of this than to
present the louowing list oi me prices
contained in the number now before us:
Meet me Maggie1 (aonjf and chorus)
nays, w ci.
Bright Star that Crowns with J5eauty
fSon") . .Kueken. an cis,
I Do not Ween so. Sister JParliuc ( song ana
3fr Heart is Wearv (Ballad)
T . Gounod. 90 eta.
Jocus Polka i four bauds) Strauss. lo ets.
,,,:,,, r.hr.tti-ii.
Kosaiba Polka Mazurka-. .Kleber. 40 cts.
Love's Caresses. (Morcean elegante) ' . .
ivxnKei. w iris.
' Published by J. L." Peters: 599 Broad
way, .New loit.
East GSt. IT 01X11 & SOUtll.
J - wis if ji
&C, &cC, &cd.
As was expected, Govorner Noves af
ter a full consideration of John Barclay's
memorial askins that the sentence- of
death, pronounced against him, be com
muted to imprisonment tor me, nas de
clined to grant the petition and recom
: ' ' -
it appears that, after all, the Statesman
is not dead, but only sleeping, and that
under the contract inane by Linton witn
the Dispatch Printing Company, he was
allowed to resurrect it as a morning im
per if he saw fit to do so. Therejare many
Democrats there who have a real affection
for the Statesman, but they never dis
covered it until it went, as they supposed
to its death, and then they wept, . but
now Linton hears their sobs and says
the atatenman Is only in a state ot suspeu
siou, and can be revived ana sold 11 nion
tv enousli is forthcoming. As this
the cam. it ts thouerht nrobabie ' that De-
fore the end oi next weeK tne liemocrats
will again have an organ at this point
but if this project should fail another
paper will lie started. 1
l lie 101 lowing tetter auuressea to 11011
John G. -Thompson ' and General K
Brinkerhoff, Chairman of the Democrat
ic and Liberal .Republican htate Jiixecu
tive Committee ot Ohio, has been made
public:-; ' - '
UINCIXVATI, July 20, 1873
Gevtj KMak : I have your note inviting
which will be held at Columbus on the
30th instant, to ratify the action of tlie
Cincinnati, Cleveland and Baltimore
Conventions. 1 am sorry to decline an
important invitation given in such kind
words, but 1 can not be with you . Lest
1 may be misunderstood, I desire to say
I accept the action of the convention re
ferred to and shall vote tor jlr. tireeiey
The Presidential campaign is now fully
aim nnaiiy arrangea, nere wJi ie
but two candidates, both nepiioucaus,
and we must choose between them. It
will not be difficult, and whilo we should
not hope for a Democraticaumiiustratlon
under Mr. ureeiey, yet, nominated. , as
he has been bv two national conventions,
one Republican and one Democratic, we
may expect an administration iuas : wuf
not be partisan and after' all such ah
administration should be very welcome
and may be what Is most needea lor-tlie
present hour. - Following a lieavy civil
war H will be opportune and best suited
to heal the aiiittjosities arid restore good
will between all sections ot our country
and all our people l- dltrer ln politics
with Greeley who was not ; my choice.
but he has been chosen and with extra
ordinary unanimity and is now before us
as the only representative ot concilia
tion, ana unaer- pledges ror important
relorras. ji is great ability, courage ana
patriotism are unquestioned, and It he Is
selected, we have good reason to believe
we wiu get reconciliation ana reiorm
If he is defeated we already know we
will not get them, but the" administra
tion now closing will be -repeated. It
should not be repeated, nor should wi
make it an example for imitation by the
indorsement bv a re-election. As a sol
dier, General Grant has been justly dis
tinguished, ins war services were very
great and should be acknowledged by
all. They have been and are generally,
acknowledged, and we shall never for
get them, but he is not suited for civil
magistrate and we should allow his ad
ministration to close with the nenuin
term. I intended to write at more length
and more detail but what l have already
said is a fair reply to vour note. Thank
ing you for your flattering invitation,
Very respectfully -W.
D. Groesbeck
1 At Warren- on Wednesday General
Garfield was re-nominated for Congress
without opposition, The convention
was full. ,
The gentlemen present at Columbus
to attend the Greeley mass meeting were
treated to a most singular reception on
Wednesday that was surprising if not
pleasing to them, Much to the surprise
of all but the parties themselves, about
eight o clock a delegation ot one Hun
dred Democratic working men, who can
not eat crow, employed at Gill s car
shops formed a procession preceded by
a band pf musu) aud a huge banner on
which was inscribed "YVuat we kuow
about : voting for Grant, aud Wilson,"
"We prefer a man of deeds rather than
a man of words" "Gills Car Shops Graut
Tanners,',' aijd inarched to. the rooms of
the Grant Club where they asked perr
mission to join the Grant Club. Per
mission being granted they signed' the
constitution. , In a few moments a long
line of pf colored men in procession
marched to the club roonis'and enroll' 1
their names, as did many Republi
cans ; . . . ,'
The State Liberal aud Democratic
mass convention, to ratify the nomina
tion of Greeley aud Brown, and, choose
presidential electors, . assembled at the
new City Hall at ten o'clock. General
BriukerholT called the convention to or
der, and on his motion Hon. Itufus P.
Spalding of Cuyahoga was chosen chair
man, and W. C. Gould of Fayette Secre
tary. Vice Presidents aud Secretaries
were also chosen from each district,
from both Liberals, and Democrats. On
taking the chair, Judge Spalding con
gratulated his Kepublican friends who
notwithstanding the threats and bland
ishments of their former associates, had
decided to support Greeley In the belief
that an honest administration must be
the result. He also congratulated the
Pemocrats tljat they had risen above
party feeling, and united with honest
men, of those who for -years had been
their political opponents, to aid in the
election of honest and true men, and
the overthrow of the present corrupt
administration. He predicted a long
and hard battle, but felt assured the end
would be victory for Greeley and
Rear Admiral Joseph Lannan, lately
commanding the South American fleet,
has been placed on the retired list, and
Commodore Alexander M. Pennock.now
commanding at the Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, pavy yard, is promoted is
promoted in consequence, to the grade
of Rear Admiral.
The Secretary in charge of the Co
lumbian Legation has unexpectedly sent
to the Department of State a large part
of the ballauee due for claims according
to awards of the Joint Commission which
has been delayed In consequence ot the
failure of the Panama Railway Company
to meet its liabilities to tlie Columbian
Government. The Panama Railway
Company having resumed its payments
that government has resumed Jits own
payment to the United States,
The Japanese Embassy are satisfied
with the result of their late mission to
Washington. They ave not empowered
to conclude a treaty wicn tne l mteu
States, but to prepare Hie way tor one of
commerce, friendship, and navigation.
Each government now understands the
position of the other, atul is in posses
sion : of a . copy ot the treaty
which is said to center many advanta
ges on the United States. Nothing how
ever, will be concluded until the embas
sy shall have visueu j!arope ana rerurn
ed to their own country.
The records of the American and
British coin mission, organized under the
treaty of Washington, will be removed
to Xcwport, B. I ," early in September,
so as to be readv lor tne session oi tne
commission on the eleventh. The time
of tiling claims terminated on the 2iith
of June. The number of British cases
is 478 and the number ot American cases
is only 19. Ot the seventeen cases thus
far definitely decided, awards in only
three liave been made, the others having
been disallowed and one dismissed. -
Acting; Secretary of the Treasurer
Richardson- ha. Greeted. the . .ASoioiiUii.
Treasurer at New York to buy on the
first and ".third' Wednesdays of August
$2,000,000' of bonds, and on the second
and fourth Wednesdays $1,000,000 mak
ing $6,000,000 in all anil to sell on the
first, third and fifth Tuesdays $1,000,000
of gold, and on the second ana tonrtn
Tuesdays $2,000,000 making $7,000,000.
The Marquis de JSoailles was intro
duced to the President by the Secretary
of State, and delivered his credentials as
Minister .Plenipotentiary to the renen
The Democratic State Convention at.
Atlanta renominated Governor Smith by
acclamation, aud reaffirmed the platform
of 1870, with this additional resolution :
lhev recognize the exigencies ot the
times which suggested and secured the
nomination by the Democratic Lonvcn
Hon at Baltimore, of Horace Greeley and
B. Gratz Brown as candidates lor Presi
dent and Vice President of the I nitcd
States, and regard their election as con
ducive to the preservation ot tne rights
of the states to local sen-govern nteiir,
and the protection of the iinliviiln.il lib
erty of the citizen. The Liberal Repub
licans, in convention assembled, agreed
to support the Democratic ureeiey elec
toral ticket.
Dispatches from all parts of the State
show that the election has been a quiet
one, though the vote everywhere is very
large on both sides. ; Business was gen
erally suspended. A large vote was
polled and the utmost exertions were
made by both sides. A special to the
Tribune trom v umington, Aortn Caro
lina, signed William K Bernard, chair
man of the Conservative Executive Com
mittee, savs that the indications all point
to the election of Merriniau bv a decis-
ve majority- A dispatch received from
Senator Ransom ot a orth Carolina, ad
dressed ti the editor of the Patriot, says
that the Mate ot .North Carolina has cer
tainly gone largely Democratic. An
other special dispatch savs that Leach
has defeated Settle in the Fifth District.
C'AtlPORylA. '
' Captaiu ( 'buries K. Dean, editor of the
Los Angelos News, is'' reported dying;
snpposeu suicide pv poison.
work on the Ciuayneas and Tucson
Railroad will be commenced as soon as
United States Consul Willard returns
from the City of Mexico to Quay. -seas
with .luarez signature to the conces
Mrs. McKinnev, the young married
woman, who shot William C umming
dead, at 1 etaluuiu, tor slandering her
was admitted to bail-r0,000.
The Cur rut hers suit, involving tlie ti
tle to a iarge portion of Portland, Oregon
was decided lor the niaiutins. ..
Letters from Camp McDowell, Arazo-
na say delegations of 1 onto, Pinal Cay
otcs Apaches and Mojavis came into
tljat post with proiessions ot peace, but
as tney represeuiea amy a portion or tue
tribes, which number over one thousand
warriors, evidently impelled by the
movements of the troops, under Gener
al Cook. They were iqforiued jhat they
must all come in, sin-render their arms
and agree to remain on the reservation
They could wot expect to- reiioat the
dodge-of showing the white flag, re tai th
ing their arms, drawing their rations
and returning to the . war i path .when
the-pnrsuit of the troops ceased.
' " PENNSyLVlASIA. " ' "'
The black-smith shop and carpenter
shop of the Allison Company s car work.
in West Philadelphia burned on Thurs
day morning. .Loss two hundred thous
and dollars. Seven hundred and fifty
mep, were thrown' Out Of ork 'by the
burning or the Company s works.
' The Republican conferees of the 20th
Congressional District of Pennsylva
nia, consisting ot the counties ol Craw
ford, Mercer, Venango and Clarion, met
at barkers in the latter county, on the
afternoon of Tnesuay, tho 33d hist. They
organized and adjourned over to v eti-
nesday, z tr. m. h - r.
' Three candidates were presented
Hon. C. Vi Griflelm, ot f ranklin
Hdii'. HT.' Waugh, of licrceiy and lion
L. L'. Richmond, of Crawford.' Qn 'the
afternoon of Wednesday they baljotted
several times, and - adjourned to meet at
the Exchange ln Franklin at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning.. Here they held
several sessions, when on Friday morn
ing after fifty-two ballottings, without
any choice, Jir. Richmond, oil motion
of Harvey Watson of the Greenville
Araus. was nominated by acclamation
Great harmony prevailed. The conven
tion adjourned with three rousing cheen
ior tnrnr candidate,
The district Is an' Important one. The
nomination of Mr. Richmond 13 received
with great cordiality by the Republicans
and election is considered beyond a
doubt, .--..;
Heavy rains have prevailed through
out the entire northwest for the greater
nart of the oast two days, and telegraph
iu advices from various points indicate
some damage to wheat and oats by being
blown down ana loagea on tne grouuu
Corn in many localities was also pros
trated, but will suffer no damage, The
wheat crop is already cut. Altogether
the damage to tl)e crop is not likely to
prove serious.
The decision rendered by Judge Wil
liams in the Circuit Court, in the case
which is known as the Cheuey case, was
upon a bill filed by certain members of
Christ Chtirch (ftpisoopaj) against Chas
Cheney, rector, and the vestry men
and wardens of said church, praying for
a preliminary injunction restraining
Cheney from officiating as minister, aud
the tyardeps and vestrymen from per
mitting his ministrations and from using
the revenues of the parish for his sup
port. The defendants filed their several
demurrers to the bill of complaint. The
Rector and the Treasurer, in their de
mands, allege that the bill is defective
for the want of equality and for the want
of proper parties. The opinion of the
Court is very lengthy and exhaustive.
It is a review of the entire case, together
with the arguments of the counsel, and
while It over-:rules the demurrers of the
defendants it denies the application for
a temporary injunction. The effect of
this intermediate decision is to continue
the Rev. Cheney is his ministrations iu
tlie Parish of Christ Church for the pres
ent and pending the deoision upon the
application for permanent injunction,
which case will come wp in its regular
turu on the Court docket.
A Democrat Little Rock special says
the Pope county disturbances are attract
ing great attention. The officers and
loyal men consider it unsafe to remain
at home. Cine of them has gone to Ken
tucky, several of them are in St. Louis,
and many of them are lurking in the
woods. Judge May o's court was prac
tically overawed on Thursday last by
the presence of a large body of men, who
pretended to be guards for one of the
prisone -s, who were also armed, and
charged with attempted assassination of
Deputy Sheriff Williams. Under those
circumstances it was thought that it was
unsafe for witnesses to appear and testi
fy. Judge Mayo did not arrive to hold
court. The town was again filled with
armed men and the sherilV and others,
charged with killing two or three ier
sons, deemed It safer to leave tho county,
having waived examination and given
hail for their appoaraucn at the regular
term of court.
Deputy United States Marshal Birds
tadt, who arrived Monday from south
eastern Missouri, brings reports of tho
whipping and driving front home of
several men In Stoddard county. The
outrages were committed by disguised
men, and, it is asserted, for political pur
poses. The names of the sull'erers are
given but the reports are vague, and re
quire confirmation.
A sH'c'ni Board of Iviiuij'.ation, which
lias heen sitting ut Jefferson City lfe)y,
has just completed the adjustment of rail
road values for taxation. The principal
oads are to be assessed on the following
basis: Missouri Pacific, $;i.7'.G,0-l ;
Hannibal and St. Joseph, $ti,S10.sr."; At-
antic and Pacific, s4.sl4,.5o : jorth i
Missouri, $4,012,742.1; Iron Mountain,
$3,017,5G3. Other and minor roads swell
the aggregate to $27,72j,007.
Tlie following letter from Senator Will-
sou explains itselt:
Xatkk Mass., Jri.v.,
T. O. Culver, Esq., State Journal,
Madison, Wisconsin. - -
Mv Dear Sin: The mail has just
brought me your note and extracts
clipped from newspapers, purporting toj
be speeches made by me. In answer to
your inquiries' I have to say that they
and all thoughts and words of"a like'
character, which have appeared in pa
pers, are pure inventions,, wicked for
geries and absolute falsehoods.-- Xeyea
have I thought, spoken, or written
Utoae words.., .uojl- auytbiug reseiublimrj
those word?, nor anything that the most
malignant sophistry could torture into
those words. 1 could not. have done so
for they were abhorrent to every convic
tion ot my judgment, every throb ol my
heart, every aspiration of iny soul. -
Born in extreme poverty, having en
dured the hard lot sons of poverty are too
often forced to endure, I came to man
hood passionately devoted to the cause
of human equality. All my life I have
cherished as a bright hope, and held
avowed as a living faith, the doctrine
that all men without dist.iction of color,
race, or nationality, should have
the complete lilie.-ty and ex
act equality in all rights, I asked for
myself. My thought, my words, mv
pen, my votes have been consnerated for
more than thirty-six years to human
rights. In the constitutional convention
in Massachuetts, in' eight years" ff "ser
vice in the legislature, in more than sev
enteen years of service in the Senate ol
the L-nitcd Mates, m thirteen hundred
public aiMrsses, in the press, in speech
es and writings that would till many
volumes' and make many thousands of
pages, I haye iterated and reiterated the
doctrine of equal rights for all conditions
of men.
It is not my dear sir passing strange
that partisanship should so blind men to
a sense of truth, justice and fair play,
that they could forge and print abhor
rent sentiments, insulting to God aud
man, and charge them on one whose
life has beeu given to the cause of equal
rights at home, and whose profound
sympathies were given tq the friends
of liberty of al races and nationalities
abroad.' ., ,
Yours truly,
.Henry Wilsox.
The Catholic Jtemale Protectory in
Westchester county was totally burned
Loss heavy.
The public dinner tendered by the
Chamber of Commerce to the Japanese
Embassy has been declined, owing to
the departure of 116 Embassy - August
1st . .
A strike bv loug-shorenien employed
by the Metropolitan Steamship Freight
Eine from .New iork to Boston, lor- in
crease of wages, has been . in progress
since -Monday. The strikers threaten
any bauds employed, and a force of po
lice is on liana to prevent violence. ,
It is stated that Ryan, who lately fig
ured iu the steamer Fannie expedi
tion to Cuba; is to be arrested -on ar
riving here, on the charge of violating
neutrality laws.
Carl Vogel, the alleged Belgian mur
derer, was '-refused release by Judge
Pratt to-day, but can be bailed. .The
same Judge issued another warrent
again.t hi in with at $30,000, at the suit
of the daughter of Court Beauliens to
recover 50,000 frances.
Greeley has considered his purpose of
making a stay on Ciong island, ana lias
now returned to accompany, his family
on a visit to his old home in New Hamp
shire, where he will remain a month or
The Times Raleigh, Morth Carolina,
dispatch says no one expects election
day to pass without bloodshed, and it is
estimated tliere will be a hundred seri
ous affrays throughout the State
A letter is published from Jno. J
Pickett defending his sale of the late re
bel documents to the (government on the
ground that they really of right belonged
to United States, as residuary legatee of
the defunct Confederacy, -lie says the
abuse he is subjected to for their sale
conies from speculating scallywags who
now will be unable- to swindle the Gov
eriimsnt with bogus claims. '-
Saratoga letters state' that Barnard's
impeachment trial will probably bo con
cluded in a week. Ilarnai'd will be on
the witness stand during- the week, as
will also Thomas C. Durant ant Stokes,
the murderer of Fisk, ; .
j Herald special fr'oin 1 ;ondon says
Stanley Is greatly llnonzcd m I'ari;-
Ata breakfast given hiin bv Minister
Washburn, General Sherman was pres
ent, and was greatly interested in Stan
ley's inans. The Ijivjngsjouo letter v
published all ovtr - Euroi.e.
The presr.pt Board of Managers ofllp
Erie Railroad art about to bi iug suii
against Daniel Drew- for the 100,000
shares of stock wliich is claimed he legal
ly issued iu 18G5, while Treasurer in the
corporation. The papers in the suit are
being prepared, apd the matter will he
pushed to an issue as quickly as possible
This issue of stock is one Drew made
to cover his shorts .when Vanderbilt was
trying to obtain possession of the Erie
Railway, and occasioned hp flight of
t isk, uouia ana urew to jew Jersey.
Drew claims to be innocent of any ille
gal practice, and alleges he paid the en
tire proceeds into tlie treasury of the
Official report made to the Depart
ment ol vv ar announcing the total de
feat of Castello's band ofCarlists, num
bering one thousand men, m the ortl
of Spain. Thirteen of the Cariists were
killed and fortv-fiye captured, ten of
whom were wounded. The defeated in
surgeuts carried off fifty-three Wounded
with them. The defeat of another band
of insurgents is reported, with the loss
of three men killed ana many wound
etl. .'
The Mikado left Yedo on the 28th ult
accompanied by eight war steamers.
intending to visit the so veritl shrines at
Kiato, and other portions ot the South
ern country, returning in forty days
This is the first time in Japanese history
that the Mikado hits embarked on such
au excursion and npwbgood is expected
to result.
Telegraphic communication between
Yedo, JSogasks and the outside world is
to be completed 'within five weeks.
The Government has decided upon the
promulgation ot a new form ol religion
upon a careful consultation with the
most noted exponents of each sect, and
all will be compelled to conform -there
to. The new religion will be eulighten
ed, simple, adopted in common, and
likely to meet with approval, . .
Mexico. ' ' ' -
A courier from Tampeeo brings City
of Mexico telegrams to the 24th. The
new tariff increasing the rate of duties
has been suspended on this frontier for
two months, permitting goods to be im
ported under the old rates for that time
on account ot suspension ot business by
tne recent revolution, itocna issued
proclamation, at Mortkuy, favoring
peace and amnesty to the late insurgents
Numbers of prominent revolutionists
who have been refused in Texas, have
obtained permission to return with their
families. Tho stage coach . mail to the
interior will soon be resumed .
The government forces having beei
generally withdrawn from San Luis Po-
tosi when General Rocha advanced oi
Monterey the revolutionary General
Martinez, took the opportunity to attack
San Luis with about tiOJ cavalry but. af
ter a nigut oi scvorai nours lie was re
pulsed by (he National Guards and cil
izens with considerable loss. Geueral
Rocha has despatched a cavalry force ii
pursuit of Martinez. The revolution ii
the State of . Tiimanlipas, having been
suppressed, the. whole frontier of Stales
of Xuevo Leon and Cohahiila are ii
possession of the government leaving
the insurgents without a port, or a sin
gle point of importance, and Hie conn
try being practically piicilicd the milita
ry authorities Monday issued a procla
mation raiding the State siege, annull
ing martial law, abolishing the passport
system, and other military restrict ion.-;
which prevailed for several mouths an;.
restoring civil rule. It isj believed tin.'?
a 'ommission, sent by (Jenerals Trev
i no and Quirogato the City of Mexico,
have made terms with 1 lie government,
and that the revolutionary chiefs will
submit to the authority of .laurcz, or
leave the country after ilUbaiuliug tlp'ir
Serious embarrassment has !en
caused the Hoard of Arbitration by the
English protest against the, couddera
tioii of any evidence or argument, show
ing the animus on the part of Great
Britain. England insists that the intro
duction of this evidence practically ad
mits confederation of the spirit of indi
rect claims, which was presented only
to prove other claims which otherwise
it would be impossible to substantiate.
Should this evidence be excluded few
eases can be proved.
The Stpi'ss Times confirms the report
now current that the Tribunal of Arbi
tration in the case of the privateer Flor
ida, on the ground that the British Gov
ernment did not use sufficient precau
tious to prevent the departure of that
vessel from English ports. The Tihies
also says the "Board of Arbitration
took up the case, of the .Alabama.
The Time's further says the Board of
Arbitration has disallowed the claims of
the -American. Guvei-uuieut .arising out
f the depredations of the Braxton. Jeff
Davis, Music, and several other smaller
C'onfitlerafe cruisers. The reasons are
that charges of negligence on the part
of the British Government concerning
these vessels is not proven.
The magnificent, railway station at.
Metz has been destroyed bv lire. This
is the fourth large lire which has occur
red in that city within twelve months.
The 'Memorial Diplmanlique publishes
rumor that General Sickles, Minister
of the I'nited States at Madrid, has with
drawn his resignation, the differences
between hint and Sagasta having been
ettled through the intervention of Senor
Zorrilla, and that the Spanish Cabinet
undertakes to carry into effect the lilieral
measures promised long ago in favor of
the colored "race iu Cuba.
The coal miners, at Denain in the de
partment of Nord, w ho are on a strike,
made an attack upon a detachment of
troops which had been sent to that place
to preserve the peace. The troops were
compelled to lire upon the assailants,
killing one of them and wounding sev
eral. Forty of the attacking miners
were arrested and lodged In prison. The
Government authorities have seized a
quantity of arms near the Spanish front
ier which, it is believed, were intended
for use by the insurrectionists against
the Government.
Disturbances have also been occasioned
by stnksrs in the city of Auzin, Depart
ment oi ceJNoru. l ney were, however.
easily suppressed by the troops without
casualities. Reinforcements of troups
have arrived from Paris, with tents and
provisions as if for a lengthy stay.
Thiers has written to the Prelects of De
partments, as well as to commanding
Generals, instructing them to use their
utmost endeavors to maintain order.
Disturbances at Auzin were, neverthe
less, renewed, ana the troops, who were
peiiA'u wini sioucs uy tne rioters, were
forced to use their muskets, killing one
of the strikers. Otherwise tlie Depart
ment oi .ceivoru, as well as the entire
Department of La Sonime, are undis
turbed, and the men have mado no de
mands on their employers. Troubles in
the coal mining dUtr-Uts are believed to
nave neep caused by members of the In
ternational Society of Belgium.
The Queen, in a sympathetic telegram
to the Due Dq Aumale on the death of
his eon, says: .... "I haye sufferod, as wife
and mother. When the Prince of Wales
was in a dying state, I knew then what
your grief must be. Believe me, I share
in it grea.iy,"
Christine .Niissou was married in
Westminster Abber, to M. R. Rouzeand.
The nuptials were witnessed by an im
mense assembly, including many of the
aristocracy anu welt Known artist.
Among the persqns present were Baron
ui'iinnow, Russian minister, K, C
Schenck, the American Minister, Ladv
Peel and Mdlle, Titon's Court. De
btenboek, Secretary o.f the Swedish Le
gation, gave the bride away, and the
marriage ceremony was performed by
Dean Stanley.
The Tichborne claimant, after a t
umphal tour through the provinces of
Knglaiul, lias at last returned to London,
accompanied as usual by his two warm
supporters. Messrs, Onslow and Wballey.
Ho tbowi held a monster meeting, at
which f,ooo people are reported to have
been present. The claimant made
speech of an hour's length, in which he
attacked, as usual, the arguments tl(a,t
had been brought IgWiH 'l'ln 'W the
trja,aiui declared tluit he wanted poth
ing move than for his fellow country
men to aid h"un in obtaining a fair trial.
.One Alexander Kennedy, an ex-sergeant
of carabineers, came forward and de
clared the speaker to be the same Sir
Roger Doughty Tichborne who had com
manded him in Ireland. Jt the close
of the. speeches the meeting unanimously
voted a ...oliition to the effect, that the
claimant is no other than Sir Roger
Doughty Tichborne, and avowing that
the counsel who had hlr-hertp undertaken
his, delonco. hail pqt dope their duty
Even the press is coming over to his
side, the Sluruimj 4'.'i''lti remarking-
significantly that if the claimant be real
ly no other than Arthur Orton, it is
strange that out of ft.OOO persons living
m the immediate vicinity of his birth,
no one should have as yet been able to
recngniaeln liiiq Urn son of tl0 huh'Uer
or upping.
Plain and Fancy Stitching
Sewing Machine Rooms,
4X4 JifAlX ATftJF?, 42dkl
103, 105 Sc 107 Water St.,
30, 32 & 34 St. Clair St
Cleveland, O.
Sheriff's Sale.
l.AkK t OI NTV, t ' '
1V virtue nf unorder of sale made by the
p I 'oiirt ot ( 'omiiiou l'le:is and lo ine directt'd
in the cause ol Sally Young against l orneliiis
M.-Uionv, 1 will (titer at Public Auction at the
dour ot'lhe Court House iu said counlv on the
17th Jn'A(in, A. IK 1S7
Atone oYl'X'k, 1. M.. ol' said dav lite followin
in sii
County "l Liikt :iml in (In Township of ln.iius-
villrt iumI known ami dtci-ilM-Ml us i.m ot Ixtt No.
! in Tritct in ail township ami hrintf n-Nn
the south hall' of ji omI nin lot ot laml runt rartMl
bv ll.olMrt M mm try to Kims Siunnmnnl Kilwanl
Stunner Marvh, Mist, IHti-i, ami hnnmlnl us fol
.ows; Ite-i inintf in (in rt'htvr ol' thn Ikc tm
Trinnhnll (utility I'lank lioail so cnllcil, nt the
soitt (wast comer o,!' laml iIoiUm! to Koonnnl
Sumner by HoImtI Moot Icy ami wilt, ilnlv Mb,
1st; i.; fii'iieo ulutitf tho renter of nhmI Vlfink
lo:il sou Hi einhtoeit unitonr-t'ourth 4temee,oast
one t'Uiuii ami -.eventy-eiht link; thence noiiIIi
eitfhi - .line ami one-half decrees, we-l lonv
chains nml ninely-fonr links; thence north
twenty-nine ami three-lonvths decrees, oust one
chain ami t wenty-t'onr links; thence north
eiht y -n ine ami "one-half ilenvs, east four
chains and si links to the lace of berinninn;
containing one-half of an acre of land,
Appended nt .V0 dollars
til ven under my hand nt my oliU'c nt the Court
House, iti I'tiiiMiaviU-ti "th dav oi' .hilv, A. IK
liiTi. h. WJitK, ilieiiU.
1827-3.ir r -
Northern Ohio Jon nal.
PiiIiIUIhM everv Saturday si! No. 114
Main St., l'aiueville, "O'.iio, ly
Terms $2.00 per year.
THE Jon rual, with the number for .Tnlv
IS, enters iiikjii its Second Volume with the
highest prospects for the future. Throughout
he year just past it has endeavored Ujfullll. and
has,fulliled the promises contained in itsoriKiual
prospectus, and its aim to present an elegant
miscellany of pure and pleasant literature ha
boon so far carried out as was possible in view
of the many obstacles necessarily incident to the
nrt year of publication.
As set forth on its title page it lias been devo
ted to Literature, Science. Agriculture and
General Home aud Foreign news and in Uie fu
ture the aim of its editor and proprietor will be
to maintain its present high reputaliou in these
several departments.
Xo pains or expense have ever lieeu snared to
mate the Journal the bent paper published in
this section of the State, and for the year jut
commencing no other or better promise could
be asked tlian that furnished by its past record.
Xew attraetions are constantly being prepared
ior its readers and none will dispute the asser
tion that its enterprise and energy have already
won lor it a foremost place in tlio ranks of co-
tcmporaneons publications. By Us influence the
newspapers of this section have been driven into
exurtion never before made and while the pa
pers nere are now a pride to every citizen it
ought not to be torgotton Uiat their marked im
provement has been made within the year last
past or in other words since the establishment
oi tne journal.
men cannot tan to commend the Journal
to every class of the reading public.
Firfct. Because it is the largrcKt paper ever
puDiisned in this county, and because it fur-
uiMifs eacii eet nearly tnree columns
more reading than all the other pa
pers combined.
Second. Because it has a larger list of
contributors than any other paper
Xorthern Ohio.
Third. Because it is iu every sense of the
word, '-a live paper," "for live people."
Fourth. Because it is, in the broadest sense.
fair and independent upon alt subjects, wheth
er Mcial, Keligious or Political:
Fifth. Because its articles are all to tho point
ana its columns are not tilled with long nod
prosy ossays devoid of all interest.
Sixth, Because it gathers the news from all
uuarters or the world, by telegraph aud
tlil'QUSh Its own special correspondents and re
porters, and condenses it into such brief shape
as to present a reliable mirror of all that is go
ing on in tins and other countries.
liceause its Market Reports of
fc-tock, Gram, Groceries, and Agricultural pro
ducts, of home and foreign markets are alway
reliable. .
Eighth. Because U W a paper for like Home
ircie aivvays naviug something for the
young lolks, as well as the old folks: some
thing for the humorous as well as the thought-
iui; something lor the gentlemen as well as
tne ladies; in fact, something for all tastes.
New Features.
Kor the year just commencing the publishers
of the Journal are preparing several new and
attractive specialties which will be brought out
as fast as possible. Among these is the project
oi giving to every subscriber a :
Magnificent Premium
lu the shape of a beautifully illustrated Monthly
Magazine which will lie sent gratis for one years
subscription. Of this Magazine the prospectus
will be found lower down in this column, and
specimen copies ean be obtained at this oillce,
This is not a premium offered In ease you secure
oue or ware uhcribers aside from your own
but Is a magnillceiit present made to each and
every person who shall subscribe to the Jour
nal for one year,
tS r jX'T put off subscribing to the Jour
nal because it is not the season at which yon
may be accustomed to commence with papers
but TAKE IT NOW !t
Northern Ohio Souvenir,
Monthly Magazine
At 114 Main St., Painesville, Ohio.
Terms $1.00 per year.
-o -''
THE Souvenir is intended to be.in ever re
spect.a tirst-class illustrated monthly muga
zino. Its sine will be a quarto and will be printed
onthe ilncst of double calendered cream laid pa
per. Its reading will be nn elegant miscellany
or pure, light and graceful literature, while its
pictures will form a mauilieeut collection oi
tlie finest steel and wood engravings. Each
number will contain twenty-four pages and the
entire volume when bound at the cud of the
year, will form a beautiful work which could
not be purchased in any other way for double
the niouejr.
The. Literary Department will be filled with
I he best of original aud selected articles and the
pnblMiers feel conlldcnt iu promising, in this,
lhe most perfect satisfaction.
The volume for 1874-3 will contain about S30
pages and about 100 lino engravings, from the
pencil and brush of the best artistic talent in the
country and rendered luto striking "pictures in
black aud white" by the best eugravers that can
be procured.
Do Not Forget
That this Splendid magazine has been put at the
extremely low price of t .OO per year and that
lo those who do not feel able to pay this amount
the proprietors are prepared to make the fol
lowing Special Offer
To every yearly subscriber to the Northern
Ohio Journal the Souvenir will be cent
for one year as a premium.
Thus for
Yon ran receive the largest aud lst weekly lu
litis section of the stale and an illustrated
monthly mngniine equal lu every respect lo auy
similar publicaton in the country.
""Hpeolmen copies can be obtained at this
Dou't put off subscribing to the Souvenir
or to the Journal because it is uol the seasou
at which you may be accustomed tocowuteue
with papers but Take it Now.
To the People of Lake Co.
Se win y Mach in c,
With its new and -.-alnalile improvements, is lie-
yuiju a iiouui ine
No ' Part is Operated
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The Attachments are the
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By addressing
Yon can have a Maehiue
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Kcmeinhcrii v, ill cost vou
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don't suit
Ladies of Painesville Say
IT-I3 the undersigned, having used the "FA M
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our machines nave never beeu out of order al
ways ready to uo A ny tni ok work : never cost
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Mrs. D. B. Clayton, Mrs. C. Shephemd,
W. C. TltSDEL,
Don't forget the place. Jovbpal Office,
rrj ri He following Music Books are recom
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a- r
yj The Song Echo, Tor Schools
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i"l Peters' Burrowes' Primer
Yf w wniirs .iiiiar acnooi
UJ Festival chimes, for Singing clas
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Ludden's School for the Voice
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itchtl's Violin School,' Peters' edt"n)3.00
U4 Rummer's Flute School
IrJlWiminerstedt's Violin School..-..
L-jlWimmcrstedt's Flute School. .
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rj Peters Parlor Companion. Foiv
Flute, Violin and Piano,
Peters' Parlor Companion. For j
Q Flute and Piano, )
H '
Any Music will be sent, i
jk receipt of tlie marked price.
sent, post-paid, on
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590 llroadway, ISew V.rk .
5-55,3-3. .'''''' ' '" ' '
New Clothing Ilouse,
C L O T II T K 11 !
i ;t
Cleveland, Ohio.
IH.VK.inst 0M'ned With jbl new, large and
coinplete slock ol
Aud havlug in my employ a
Competent Cutter,
1 am uow prepand to make up for customers
Karmenls which arc
1 have on baud a larjre and select stock or all
grades which, when cxaiuiued, canm.t fail lo
please. Good. lu all cases warranted as ivprc
suated, 47dk6X-S
That Convention.. ,.'
rpHE balance of this Thrilling Romance will -J.
be found in '-THAT CONVENTION; on,
Five Davs a 1'olitician." Jnst out, contain
ing iw illustrations by the Greatest Humorist
Artist in Ameriea, with contributions from "K.
score or other popular writer. On beautilul
tint paper, elegantly bound. Cloth, t1.3T; I'aiwr,
ia raits. ih DA1.IS r.i.iiiwnKi;or sent
fn'i-juiu on receipt oi price, r. v.. wr.liCll Jt
'., Publishers, New York and Chicago.
General Agents for supplying the trade.
The undersigned offer to Dealers and Custom
ers at lowest rates,
Carriage and Harness
Makers Goods.
Geo W. Worthington 6c Co.,
0.9. 90 $92
Notice This!
Warner & Mastick.
Tlie Narrow Gauge Store
. t t . . ; . .
Side Track Auction Store,
Nos. 166 & 141
Are now supplied with ,
All Kinds of Merchandise.
Dry Goods,' ! '
Withal a general stock of Goods, all
Bought at Low Figures
And to be sold acordingly! . ;
We nse no common, cheap flattery such as of.
fering to our customers a smk1 of thread,
or something of that kind, a little '
cheaper than our neighbors,
but we sell anything
in our stock
Special Bargains in
& TAR.
In connectiou with the ".N ARROW GAUGE "
we oi-enpy
Store No. 141,
Next to James H. Taylor's Grocery, where, asld.
fi-oui our regular stock, we have the
Finest Lot of Chromos !
Kver olfered in town.
Totltose desirous of ornamenting their par
lors and makiug home attractive, we will ay
that these i hromos are of
Our aim is to heln rusloiners to Goods at 1
.. has
FKil'KKS. tiiir Inner. 11. WARN KH, Jr., has
nad practical experience in lookiug
gains anil knows l.ow to secure them.
up bar-
The World's Grocery!
IKOM which goods are daily shipped to all
1 civilied parts of the eastern portion of
1 Jike county,
W. W. Sinclair 6c Brother.
emarkable grouud aud loflv tumbling tlownof
pnees iu all Liiidv of
Groceries &: Provisions.
iuiiHiwder tea for l. er iHnud.
MiRarat b's than llMr dealers
can buv Icr. Hour at Iml little
over the' com ol' the barrels, and
verlbiux -Ke in ptotoitlon.
We are prepared to say and prove that every,
bii.if in lite hue d' t.roteries and ProvtshMis we
are noiv selling al pi iHs to Ml per ceut. lower
than ran be bought anywhere t'Ue in thuviotuity.
7tuS '

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