OCR Interpretation

The Medina sentinel. [volume] (Medina, Ohio) 1888-1961, September 11, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028262/1914-09-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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t4MInPIl.BMMWl -.-L.. ' .Vi- . .-i.iJ it. .
VALLEY CITY J kiwi MiIju snAnun
We are in position to offer you
exceptional values in used cars,
many of which are modern.
New arrivals every day. Watch
our stock. If you prefer any
special make, let us find it for
22 E. Bushtel. 230 S. Main
, , -
FOR SALE Draft colt, cheap if sold
at once. Waller Marsh, Medina, 0.
Phone 1221. v
AD D I D1IDI1 Practice limited to
Un. n. J. DAWU, d8eases of eye-
TING OF GLASSES. Office over 0. N
Leach & Son's clothing store. Office
day every Saturday, ,
Grounnd Floor, North Court
Open Sundays by appoint
ment. Candidate for
Common Pleas Judge
Henry Armbruster
Mm. Arthur Scobie has returned Jeanette Fennimore Korngold, So-
Cleveland spent last week with Geo. from Cleveland where she has been , cialist lecturer, will speak at the high
five weeks for treatment, school. Friday evening Sept,. 18. Sub-
Mr. and Mrs. Gundling have moved ject, f'The International Wat." Mrs.
from Cleveland into the Ward home, i Korngold will speak on the same sub-
Albert Hipsley has gone to ; Ject al tne Iair gnas, inursaay,
F. A. Keck of Berea was a visitor
in town Saturday. j
. o ! New Haven to spend a few weeks , ceP1, 1 '
1. ... Jf , wiui iier BUII,
When Choosing a Plumber
bridge, a beam falling and smashing
part of his foot.
Miss Maude Hauck and Mrs. Wm.
Law attended a social at La Grange
last Friday evening.
M, .Tnfcr, nA Mr TTnrv Schneider nursing her sister, Mrs. lrace Ait
of Detroit spent the past week at F. man Bl e n08P-
w WoiMnor'a Perry Townsend and wife have
Mr. Jack Worth who is employed in back to their Cleveland home,
S . . . 1 t i r ji i. i?
Park Swan and wife visited at
Northfield last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Swift.
Mr-. Jennie Thorp has returned
from Cleveland where she has been
Cleveland spent Sunday at home.
John Oviatt was the guest of Mr.
Mr. Ralph Sneden who is attend-Mrs- L- E- Humphrey on Sunday.
Mrs. Pearl Duston and her daugh
ter Harriet were the guests of Mr,
and Mrs. H. B. Humphrey.
Miss Julia and Miss Harriet Pope
have heturned from their summer va
cation up the lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hancock and
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hancock were the
guests of their parents on East Hill,
Labor day.
Grandma Hancock is spending a
few weeks with her son Ralph in Akron.
ing school in Columbus was a Sun
day visitor here.
Miss Doris Hoppe and Mr. Rhode
spent Monday with Mr. Chas Hoppe
and family.
Foecking and family entertained a
wacon load of cruests Sunday and
Monday. .
Miss Ruth Bayer of Akron spent
several days at home.
Mr. John Sailor of Akron spent
Sunday and Monday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sailor.
Mr. Otto Yost of Cleveland spent
several .days last week with Mr. and
Rev. Diegel of Buffalo was the "";
guest of Rev. and Mrs. K. Roth sev- a" B"" " , ""V fl .1
. . . irrandnarents. Walter Canfield and
Miss Margaret Wolfe was suddenly .
taken ill last Thursday, and Friday
morning was taken to the German
hospital in Cleveland. She has im
proved but little and the case still re
mains a mystery to the doctors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weigel entertain
ed guests from Cleveland on Sunday,
Mr a-nA Afro Willis T?oichnT(1 rtf
I L i.A A Tr.An lnef T?llT
Elyria spent Sunday and Monday at wmrw
m..M . ana BDeiiL ine uav witu iixio. v
p.mii r m x. i
Miss Luella Wood Miller of Cleve
Miss Ada Nickerson of Washington,
D. C, is visiting at her sisters Mrs.
C. N. Turner and calling on other rel
atives and friends.
Lauren and Doris Crow of Akron
spent several days with their grand.
parents last week.
Four auto loads of the "Pnscilla
The ice cream festival given by the
L. C. A. Saturday evening was we'l
attended, considering the lateness of
the season. The association realized
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mills of Akron
visited at the W. L. Hazen home Sun
day and Monday.
Mrs. umma rerrin of Medina is
spending several weeks with her
daughter, Mrs. Dan Bowes.
Miss Velma Staffer has a position
as teacher in the high school at Gran
ger. Born, Sept. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Day's (nee Lillian Dague) a daugh
ter, Manda Elizabeth.
Thirty from this place attended the
lecture by Eugene Debbs at Wads-
worth Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Roshon of Medina
are visiting the Dean families and Mr.
and Mrs. James Coates.
Saturday evening Mrs. Wilford
Dean entertained a number of friends
it being her husband's birthday anni
versary. An enjoyable evening was
spent by all.
Q. N. Wallis and wife left Monday
in their auto for Agosta, 0. ,where
they will visit Dr. and Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. ft. h. Cram were
among the Columbus visitors last
Born, Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Alderfer, a son.
Bert Crane is visiting among the
Crane families.
Do not make the mistake of
getting the cheapest. If a
workman does not consider his
work worth a fair price it prob
ably isn't. If he could earn a
day's wages, he could get it.
Call 1 1 1 0 for quick service
and good work.
Roy B Oatman.
Tel. 1110 123 Smith Road
"Crow, she being a member when liv
land spent several days last week in in Litchfield,
; The"
Medina Laundry
: ' - r PHONE 2R9S OR 1099 ?
John D. Owen
of Wadsworfh
non Pleas
There seems to be an epidemic of
sickness of different diseases in town,
in some families several are sick at
the same time. Both doctors were sick
in bed at the same time last week.
Mart Fritz and daughter Pearl were
in Elyria last Wednesday on business,
Jerry Whitehead and wife of Well-
LIU Ij 1 11 1 II U L 1 U 11 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoyer were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Grabenstetter on Monday,
Many Valley City people attended
Berea faid on Wednesday. '
Rev. F. J. C. Keiser and familv of
w .' I r l
Mrs. Gallagher and dauehter Mil- lamuy last aunuay,
j j . tv,. .n.i ttk m Mrs. G. A. fritz wno lives near
j1 waiick Risly is visiting her daughter Mrs,
Mr. Wm. Sneck and familv of Jim Birmingham at Llyrfa this weeK.
i " - I . . . ... i ii
rWftflH finent the nast week with The dyphthena pauents are an wen
Mrs. H. TTuttintfer and familv. i and no new cases so far as the writer
W to isa Marte Sailor BDehU theweek knows.
in n-veland visitinir relatives. ' The public schools Began toept. otn.
Mm. Wm. Hauck and Miss Mamie Monday being Labor day. Mr. Aiiara,
Nehrenz of Cleveland were the guests Miss Vamorsdal ,Miss Williams, Miss
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hauck on Sun- Baur and Miss Smith will be the
teachers in the schools during the
, .
Mr. Wm. Wolfe and dauehter coming year,
Edith snent .Sundav in Cleveland vis- Mrs. John Feisher of MiiiersDurg
iting thef ormer's daughter Margaret spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Checel and Miss week with her nuspana, at me
Alwine Muntz spent Sunday and "Cottage Hotel" where he is boarding.
Monday with Mr. Wm. Muntz and
Mrs. Glenn Bennett has been con
fined to her bed the past week with
infected tonsils.
Mr. Farley Geiger and lady friend
were ther euests of Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Geiger on Sunday,
Chas W. Nebergall, R. F. D. No. 2,
Davenport, Iowa, has a novelty in
barns which promises to be extensive
ly copied. The new structure is cir
cular and is fifty-six feet in diameter.
By moving less than three feet, Mr.
Nebergall can feed a whole barnful
of cows and horses. The stable is di
vided in the center, on one side being
stalls for cows and the other for
horses. The granary and corn cribs
are above with openings to each stall.
In the. thirty-seven foot loft is the
hay. Around the edge of the loft
runs a steel carrier. Hay is picked
up' automatically by the big fork and
dumped wherever the manipulator
wishes to have it deposited. On the
first floor another steel carrier ex
tends around the building at the rear
of the stalls to gather up the refuse
and carry it outside, without any ef
fort expended by the maniuplator.
The first floor is of concrete and the
surroundings are as near sanitary as
is is possible to make a barn.
After a hearty meal, take Doan's
Regulets and assist your bowles v and
stomach. Regulets are a mild laza-
tive. 25c at all Btores.
A' dauehter wa born to Emmet
Homer and wife Friday.
Because of a washout on the Wheel
ing, the Orrville band could not come
to Lodi Wednesday night, and the
Mr. Herman Platz was a Sunday Chatham band gave the concert. The
caller in town Barberton Citizen's Dana wm pe tne
A. J. Miller and son spent Monday attraction next Wednesday night,
i . . . .. ......I j
here. . . ; - ; Thistle luugnt nas Deen engageu
Miss Kelly is the guest of Mrs. R. to teach the, third and fourth grades
A. Brintnall this week. . . in the Lodi school.
The base ball eame which the Val- Those from Lodi leaving for college
ley City boys played with Ritchfield next week are: Clyde Inman and
at the Bennetts Corner picnic on Mon- Reuel Fullerton to Wooster; Mildred
day was in favor of Ritchfield, 8 to 11 Smith to Berea; John Rice to West-
But our boys wish to say the next ern Keserve; mapie juiapp w up
time they are to play Ritchfield they ware; Ralph Grannis to Uhio btate
hope they will be better represented and Margaret Wells to Akron.
FOR RENT 17 acres of good pas-
ture. W. G. STEINGASS, Me
dina, Ohio. " 46tf '
H. E. Hoover
Truss-Fitting Expert.
A scientific truss,-which holds se
curely, with less than one-ha'f, the
pressure of any other truss. No pres
sure oh the back. No under-straps
and elastic bands. .
Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices are
reasonable. Ladies and children as
well" as men properly cared for.
Trusses, abdominal s Bupporters, I dinner and supper was served. Those
elastic hoisery, braces, artificial limbs present were as follows: Mr. and
not have only two Ritchfield play
, 1 T
ers and tne otners irom , cerea,
Strongsville and Brunswick.
Mrs. Anna Maur is visiting her
son Mr. Wm. Reutter in Cleveland.
Rev. Geo. Kuehner and family are
Spending their vacation at Carding
ton and. Columbus, 0.
The Bay-Zacharias reunion, which
was held here Sept 7, was an elabo
rate affair. The lawns being beauti
fully decorated and a very delicious
Peoples Telephone 6292 45 S. Main
t. Over Waldorf Theatre. -Opp. M
ONeil Co.
AKRON, 0. 47tf
For Farms And Village Property
See Donaldson
Mrs. Louis Zacharias of St Johns,
Mich., Mr. , and Mrs. Chas Killer and
Mrs. Gust Zacharias, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hasel ' and son, Mr. George
Zacharias and family, Mr. George
Bay and family and Mr.' and Mrs". H.
L. Bay of Valley City.
Mrs. A, S. Cleveland of Fort Pierce,
Fla.. Mr. Elmer Klooz of Garrets-
Mary King of Oberlin, spent the
past week with Lodi friends,
May Whiteright is visiting relatives
in Springfield, Mass.
A daughter arrived at the home of
J. G. Hamilton and wife Friday.
Miss Ethel Griffith . is visiting
friends in Cleveland.
Benton Quinn, an employe at the
new school building, was arrested
last week on the charge of stealing a
motorcvele at Youngstown. He was
taken to Youngstown where he con
fessed. The motorcycle, which he
sold in Akron, had not been found.
M. Keyser hurt one of his ankles
painfully Tuesday at his home, when
he stepped out of the wood shed to
the bround. No bones were broken,
but some of the ligaments were torn.
A few days, ago in broad daylight
an habitual boozer fell down a flight
of stairs in town, drunk, but you
50 acre fariu; good 8-room, 2-story ville, 0., Rev. and Mrs. Bay and son haven't heard of any arrest, even
house- fair barn; on C. S. & C. Electric of Lima, u. M,rs. red acnanas oi tnougn we nave a reiurm
line: in Brunswick Township;, fertile
soil, well-watered, some timber; just
the home for some business man in
Cleveland. Price reasonable. . ' l 'V
No.67tf-A 20 acre farm, cheap;
about 18 miles from Cleveland City
limits. See ' , . , ; -
Donaldson 1
At once. .
N. Dideeville, 0., Mrs. Marsch of
Elyria; Mrs. Wm. Klooz and daughter!
of Columbia,; Mrs. A. Laddig; Mrs.
Chas. Yost, Mr. - Otto Dushenke of
Grafton, Dr. and Mrs. Carry, Mrs.
Strong, Mrs. C. Knap, Mr. and Mrs.
James Hudson and daughter, Mr. tnd
Mrs. A. Dawson and , daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Ora Zacharias, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Meyne ,Mr. Frank Feller, Mr. and
Mn. H. Bay of Geveland; Mr. and
Frank Eiserlo, employed by Ezra
Jones, found a check for $15 in one
of the restaurants Saturday. It was
given by ''Earl Koppes to Don L.
Crawford, both of Seville, and was
returned to the latter.
' s , . NOTICE
a C RoWnson'i barn will be open
until after the Medina Fair.
THERE has been so much
said by many manufact
urers of suits to sell at $10.00
that while we have always
kept on hand this grade of
clothing, this season we have
added new styles to this class
of goods and we will guarantee
to give our customers as good
or even better than ever. No one
need to send away and pay express
or Parcal Post charges Come to
us and will fit and suit you or get
any size we may not have and will
pay transportation and give a pair
of suspenders. .These are all wool
worsted or cassemeres. For those
who wish an exceptionally attract
ive or really fine and correct in
every detail we will show our usual line of $15.00 and
and $20.00 suits. Look at our line. We invite comparison
and will guarantee Satisfaction. Any thing for the Man
or Boy except Shoes.
Fall Hats and Caps, an exceptionallystronglinc50cto3.00
WANTED Young or middle aged
man to assume charge of a distribut-
ing center in this district for a re
sponsible concern manufacturing a
arge line of household commodities.
Good position. Reference and horse
and wagon required. Apply at once
by letter. E. W. Sipp, Salesmanager,
Canton, Ohio.
Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers
42 and 43 Public Square
iruinrmnnn nnnnnjinnnruifuiruui " nnn nvr oop
Candidate for Sheriff on the Repub
lican ticket
was born in Medina and educated in
the public schools. He lived in Me
dina county all his life except about
four years in Akron in the employ of
the C. A. Collins Carriage Co., and
the Whiteman Barns Manufacturing
A carriage blacksmith by trade.
The schooling bf practical tilings that
MUST be to live and keep straight
with the world together with a de
termination for success in life and be
a man among men, to be respected
and trusted in any way that business
or duty might call, are the qualifica
tions I offer as a subject for your con
sideration and ask for your support
at the November election.
And should I be elected I will prom
ise you the services of a man and
officer to the best of my ability for
the people.
Respectfully yours
51tf. Samuel Andrews.
i.nnnnnn nn'vvVAnAnjvuuuxruxrinjutrutnjinjuinjt
CARS will be on display ct o::r
County Fair. .We trust you will tane
advantage of this opportunity to see
and examine these cars.
Consumers Coal. &
Supply Co.
, Hfgrs.
Concrete Blocks
Special prices on Car
' Load Lots.
Children Cry
Competent salesmen and demon
strators will be in attendance.-
Western Reserve Garage
Medina O. W. E. ' BOWMAN Overland Dealer
The Store
Of Quality
You wouldn't Wear A Straw
Hat after Sept. 15. Then don't
wear low shoes after Oct. 1st.
October First is the new National
Red Letter Day, Known as "Skidoo Day for Oxfords."
Anyone wearing low-cuts after that date places himselt
' liable not to bodily chastisement but endangers his healthj
Leading physicians have deciarea inai ..u.v .
human ills come from exposing the ankles.
Oct. 1 is not very far away; better buy a new pair ot
high shoes. FAIR WARNING!!!!
"Watch for the Fun Oct. 1st
The Store
r' -
- t
1 M

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