Newspaper Page Text
THE MEDINA SENTINEL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 4 1914 BRUNSWICK' in J. P. Babcock and wife and Mrs. J'red Livingston spent last Saturday in Cleveland. Mrs. Cortlett spent the week -end -with her mother in Cleveland. On account of the illness of Mrs. Chapman's mother, Mrs. Newton, the ladies1 society met at Mrs. Caivesi's this Thursday for the wood bee. Mr. Lantsbury of Elyria spent Thanksgiving here at Charles Gibbs' and Alvin and Leonard Gibbs spent the day in Elyria at their aunt's. John Hetzelberger, wife and daugb ter have moved from Abbeyville into st suite of F. H. Gibbs' tene ment house. H. H. Hitchcock's mother, who lives at Grafton, was taken to a hospital in Cleveland last Saturday for an op eration. The Mothers' club has been post poned until Thursday afternoon, Dec, 10. to meet with Mrs. Harry Waite, Miles Johnson and Erskine Hadlock were in Cleveland Saturday night and stayed at Cliff Hadlock's. Mrs. Glenn Kingsbury entertained I.A TrlcW club Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Johnston, wife of the singer at the M. E. meetings, and her sister, Mrs. Butts of Akron, were here over Sunday. The meetings will continue this week. Helen Miner visited in Elyria from Thursday until Sunday at Mrs. Flor ence Rowley O'Brien's. Miss Isodine Miner of Medina spent Sunday at Verne Miner's. John Moxley and wife and his moth- at- etwnt. a number of days here at Mrwuv " -- their son's, Roe Moxey's. A surprise party was given Marie Morton last Saturday afternoon honor of her seventh birthday. Mrs. John Randall was taken sicK in church last Sunday with one of her heart spells. PViATiHa received word here last week of the death of George Clement'i wife in Geveland. Only those who have been through it know what E. C. Miner and wife felt last Saturday- night when they came into their home and found that 75 friends had taken possession for the time being. They had provided an oyster supper and all seemed to have a good, social time. As a re membrance of the occassion they gave Mr. and Mrs. Miner six silver tea snoons and some money for which the X latter want to give thanks in this way. The high school scholars and their friends and some of their parents went down to the station Monday to bid farewell to our boys who started on the corn special trip to Washing ton. Howard Chapman for corn and Earl Gibbs for apple raising had free passes and Handy Miner and Morris Case bought their tickets and weft along, so we felt quite proud of hav ing four boys go from our town. Earl Handy and Morris all had their tick ets from Cleveland and had their pictures in Tuesday's Plain Dealer with the Cuyahoga County boys and girls. Howard's ticket was from Wooster, so he had to go alone. Mrs. Clayton Stevenson went Kentucky to attend the funeral her mother, Mrs. Lee. Roe Moxley made a visit in Colum bus this week. Helen Miner entertained the Stan dard Bearers Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Stebbins died last Sat urday night, aged 78 years. She had been in failing health for a number of years and Friday she had a stroke, from which she did not rally. She leaves one son, Seeley, and three grandchildren. The Ladies' society of the Disciple church will give a supper and sale of articles in the town hall Dec. 16. Howard Stevenson, Ilda and Alean Thompson attended a party in Graf ton last Saturday night. Mrs. Oehlhoft and grandson, Don ald Peterson of Cleveland spent the week-end at Dr. Wood's. , Mrs. Laux went into Cleveland last week to attend the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Eva James and returned here to her daughter's, Mrs. Ernest Wilkey's. . . . r ... ' ' spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Pmkley, near Creston. .. The Ladies Aid Bociety of the E. V. church met at the home of Mrs. Alnie Dull Saturday. The day was spent in sewing rags for Mrs. Myers. The attendance was small; but a nice lot of rags were sewed. Mr. and Mrs. James Dennis, Lu- cian Demose and family, Clem Wertz and family, Florence McElhanery and daughter of Ashland and Milo Cook and family of Congress were guests of John Weaver and wife on Thanks giving. Miss Grace Allen, who has been employed in Creston, spent a few days last week at the home of her parents. Mrs. Mae Milkey spent Thanksgiv ing day in Lodi, the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. George Conrad and family. Lucian Swartz and family expect to move to his father's farm south of West Salem "Wednesday. Kemp Brown and family expect to move in the home vacated by Mr. Swartz. Miss Lillie Stratton spent part of last week visiting friends in Ashland. Mrs. Fannie Morse of Lodi spent several days last week with Mrs. G. Underwood. Mrs. Kate Whitmore of Burbank visited her sister, Mrs. Pauline Clink er Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bensinger, Ver- na Bensinger and Miss Bessie Baum motored to near Spencer Thursday afternoon and called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeglin. Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Dull and son of Barberton were guests of Albert Kuntz and family from Friday night until Sunday. Miss Florence Kinre made a trip to Cleveland Friday. Miss Florence Allen of near Hunt- imrton is snendine a few days with her brother Ernest Allen and family. Miss Hulda Ribbeck of Chippewa Lake spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Mrs. Charles Milkey and daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Milkey, spent the fore part of the week in West Salem, the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Wentland and family. Sam Kime and family of Wads worth, Mrs. Jane Repp and daughter, Lula, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Underwood, spent Thanksgiving with the former's mother, Mrs. Susan Kime. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stratton enter tained his brother, Daniel and wife of Portland, Oregon, last week. Miss Hazel Stair spent Monday night with her brother and family at Rowsburg. Miss Fannie Moore of Lodi visited her sister, Mrs. Rebbeca Feazel on Thursday. Mr. McCammon and family of West Salem were guests of the latter 's sis ter, Mrs. Josiah Reep and family on Wednesday night and Thursday. Angus Milkey and family of Lodi and Ora Repp and family spent the holiday at the home of Marsh . Kobb and family. Will Wagner and family entertain ed company from near Wooster on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Ernest Allen visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William-Lindsey to ( of near West Salem, a few days last of wpplr. Miss Silva Brown of Wellington and Miss Lula Brown of Burbank spent Thanksgiving at the home of j their parents. r fit fvzy.KH r&iis rrt?trtj See Don&ldson 60 acre f aru; good &-room, 2-story house; fair barn; on C. S. & C. Electrk line; in Brunswick Township; fertile soil, well-watered, some timber; just the home for some business man in Cleveland. Price reasonable., No. 67-A 20 acre farm, cheap; about 18 miles from Cleveland City imits. See He was slow to sell Kellogg's Tast- less atfirst. He said 25c per 3-oz bottle was too much. So we made the price 15c. Now almost every druggist rec commends, and sells quantities of At once. Now 15c for 3 oz Bottle USED TO BE 25c Costs no more than the "Torturous-to- take" kind, and less than the aromat ic or flavored kind. 3-oz bottle now 15c instead of 25c former 50c bottle (7 oz) now 25c. W. J. WALL and leading druggists everywhere. BURBANK On Thanksgiving, John Ditch ana wife entertained their children, Sher man Ditch and wife, of this place. Harrison Ditch and wife of Elyria, and Grant Ditch and wife, who were united in marriage Wednesday. Mrs. Chas Gast and mother, Mrs, Jcnna Mvers. and sister Mrs. Edith Dull; visited at the home of Uria Mc Donald and wife, near Homer, Thurs day. Mrs. Kitner of Ashland, visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mont Brinkerhoof , south of town. Elias Kratzer and wife of Wads worth, have been visiting, at the home of Charles Kratzer and wife for some time. Charles Bergis and family of Kent, visited with Geo.; Norton and family on Thursday. .. William Gast of Cherry Corners; visited with his daughter, Mrs. Chas, Kratzer on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Howder of Wads- worth, visited at the home of John Hailey and wife on Sunday. , Susie Bentz has returned home from Pennsylvania, where she has spent several weeks. ""Si . ' :' j i " f 1 - ' . f4 THE Donaldson H.E.Hoover Truss-Fitting Expert. Trusses A scientific truss,, which holds se curely, with less than one-ha'f the pressure of any other truss. No pres sure on the back. No under-strapa and elastic bands., Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices are reasonable. Ladies and children as well as men properly cared for. Trusses, abdominal supporters, elastic hoisery, braces, artificial limbs Peoples Telephone 5292 45 S. Main st. Over Waldorf Theatre. Opp. M ONett Co. . AKRON. O. 47K a t ? T t ? T t t T T MUNSON Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Seeley of Litch field, visited at J: Hien's last Sunday. Sidney Hange and Ruth Lechleit ner were married at Reformed par sonage at West Salem, by Rev. E. Tobias on Thanksgiving day. Con gratulations. A. Stahle and wife of Litchfield vis ited at J. Hien's, Tuesday of this week. Sidney Hange and wife were in Co lumbus last week. D. Geisinger and wife were in Elyria last week. GARDEN ISLE Arthur Hagans, formerly of this place, now of Litchfield, was married to a Litchfield lady Thursday, Nov. 26, at Medina. The groom was raised and well known here and has a host of friends in this vicinity, who wish them a long and prosperous life. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McNair of near Lodi were guests of Wallace Dull and family Sunday. Angus Milkey and family of Lodi visited at the home of his parents on Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Henry White was a visitor at the same place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Swartz and daughter visited near Nankin . last week. Henry and Jess Dulabahn and Chester Parks were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Dull Will Byers and family of Lodi were guests of Sam Wagner and family on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Bernice Lehman and children DR. KUTCHIN V . ..WW, umvm ijimmnm, m- j jja3 gjj making regular visits to this county for over twenty years. Has had over twenty-five years experience in the treatment of Chronic Diseases of Men and Women He has established a permanent practice and reputation. His prac tice is limited to CHRONIC DISEASES, and he has spent practically all his life in the study and treatment of them. Special attention given to chronic affections of the head, nose, throat, ears and bronchial tubes. Catarrh in all its forms. More than one half the doctor's practice is given up to Diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, as In digestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Blood, Heart, Skin, Rheumatism, Eczema, Pim ples, Blood Poison. . Specialist In - all diseases of the eye. Defective vision is often caused by disease. Piles and rectal diseases treated without the use of theknife or detention from business. All blemishes of the face as Moles and Warts re moved. His practice includes many difficult cases that have failed to secure satisfaction elsewhere. Dr. Kutchin is a graduate of two leading Medical Colleges. He has never made a charge for consultation, examination or advice. AT LEAST THREE-FOURTHS of his patients are sent to him by former patrons. IF HE THINKS he cannot benefit you he will say so. DR. KUTCIUNTS BEST references are his many friends and patients, the result over twenty years practice in this community. Address all communications to Dr. Kutchin, 33 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, Ohio. DR. KUTCHIN'S NEXT VISIT TO AUTOM.BILBS We are in position to offer you exceptional values ia used cars, many of which are modern. New arrivals every day. Watcn mm our stock, li you preier any special make, let us find it lor you. THE AKRON AUTO GARAGE COMPANY 22 E. Bushtel. 230 S. Main AKRON. OHIO 46tf DR. HJ.BAIRD. Practice limited to diseases of EYEW EAR, NOSE AND THROAT AND FIT TING OF CLASSES. Office over O. N Leach & Son's ., clothing store. Office day every Saturday. Satisiatctton IS A BIG PART Ol THIS EARTHLY EXISTANCE. WE'LL HELP; YOU SO FAR AS NICE-FITTING, WELL-APPEAR ING LAUNDRY GOES AND THAT IS. A LOT, TOO. JUST LOOK' US UP IN THE DIRECTORY. WE'LL DO .THE REST. The Medina Laundry PHONE 2R9$ OR 1099 SHARON EXCHANGE NATIONAL LODI STATE . -.." . . . . , : Capital and Surplus $80,000.00 INTEREST On January. 1 st we pay interest on all savings accounts.. On that date we credit your account here with all interest due you. Like a much advertised remedy, "It works while you sleep." Start .that bank, account today, One dollar will do it. WE PAY FOUR PERCENT E. P, COLLINS, President JNO. G. SWIFT, Cashier WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS 1 ? T t T T ? t f f T T f f T Hood Class oods .ronton Heater$0450 to : 1000; Dangler Heaters $1,50 to 022.00 SPECIAL PRICES ON GAS GLOBES Welsbaugh Reflex Mantles 25c quality, 15c. Oatman's Special Mantle 15c quality 10c Quick service on plumbing and gas repairs. Phone 1110 7 a.m.to6p.m. DAV H AATMAT " 21 63 after 6 p. m. AV V 1 JJ VAX 123 West Smith Road. BL Ml E A benefit concert for the high school will be given by the graduates of the school Saturday evening, Dec. 5. J. M. Alderfer and Don Woodward attended the Y. M. C. A. convention at Marion lat week. W. H. Caverly entertained the Sun day school classes of Mrs. E. P. Am erman and V. J. Waters at a mas querade party at his home Friday ev ening. The "Spinsters' made their second and last appearance at the high school . Saturday evening. The affair was a success this time as before, $33 being taken in by the association. N. E. Johnson went to Cleveland Saturday to spend several days with his aunt, Mrs. Charlotte Rhoades, who has been ill at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Bela Horton. Mrs. Rhoades is improved and able to be about the j house. Cleber Wall entertained several of his college friends at his home over Sunday. The little daughter of Roy Young, who since the death of her mother, has made her home with her aunt, Mrs. Ben Bowes, at Cleveland, is ill and has been for some time. The na ture of the child's illness is not known Vern Waltz is spending a few days with his parents, J. F. Waltz and wife. WAIT Funeral; Director and? Embalmer North Side Public Square Office Phoiie 4080 The Very Latest Obtainable only in McCay Patterns The . newest Moyen Age or Redingote . The up-to-date Jump er Basque The Most Popular Vogue in Fans and New York 1 : 1 Easily Made at Rome With these New McCALL PATTERNS AND WINTER FABRICS Now on Sale Watch the Spe. cial Piece Good8 Sal cs Styles f v. . t" if if mUL y 1 NEWEST MOTEN-AOB OK BEDINOOTB UUKB8 kcCill Pattern 6217. On of tli mtnf stylish. M dssigo ouw oa wit. TIM LATKrtT JITMPfin ntanTTSJ WcCsU Pstisrui osa toi. nunurtas 01 otncr iitrsotlrt, new stjles in Bow Ulug ofltred. t I T IF LITCHFIELD 1 ? T ? t Get the New McCall Book of Fashions Today IT'S STYLISH IT'S MALL-IF IT'S McCALL H'S STYLISH C. J. DE ARMITT. Medina Ohio T at m E Dl N A Will be on Friday Dec. 4th. the AHERICArJ HOUSE. Office hours 8 a. m to 3 p. m Mr. Louis Miller of Ashland ate, i Thanksgiving dinner with his par-1 !ents, Ed. Miller and wife. Otis Mills ., and family also ate dinner at the same place. Miss Ada Nickerson of Cleveland spent the week-end at C. M. Turner's. Dr. Scudder and family entertained company for dinner on Thanksgiving day from Akron and Copley. Mrs. Sears went by the way of Wash ington, D. C. Miss Inez Waite of Lagrange is spending several days with her aunt, Mrs. Ella Turner. Miss Alice Thatcher entertained company from Medina the first of the week. J. H. Laughlin and family enter tained company from Akron for the holiday. They returned home Friday afternoon. The concert given by the English P. T. VanValkenburg and family of Penfield spent Thanksgiving day at Opera Singers -was very much en- the home or Martin, tmz. joyed j,y aU who ,heard them. The On Tuesday, Nov. 24, A, B. Canfield hall was packed. Many, had to go and wife, W. O. Leach, Mrs. Mattie away, not being able to get a seat Sears and Miss Hattie Smith left for A royal welcome would certainly be Lake Wateri Fla., where they expect given them if they ever return to to spend the winter. Mr. Leach and Litchfield. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local application!, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There l only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies.' Deafness is caused by inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. "When this tube is en- named you nave a rumoung sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafnsess is the result, and unless the inflamatlon can be tak en out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be des troyed forever; nine cases out of fen are caused by Catarrh, which is noth ing; but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one' hundred dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) ' that cannot be cured by Hall's. Catarrh , Cure. Send , for. circu lars, free. V. 3. CHENEL A CO, Tolede, 0. Sold by Druggists, 78c Take Hall's 'Family Pills for ooaatl-