Newspaper Page Text
CANAAN Eoy Grander and wife are now Co naan citizens. The first loyster supper of the sea son, will be held next Saturday even ing at the Old school hall. Supper to be served by the ladies of the M. E. church. Earnest Sell of Wadsworth spent the past week at the . home of his mother. Crist Eby and family of Smithville Sundayed at the J. Snell home. A Lehn and wife ate their Thanks giving dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Boyd at Seville, The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian church wj1! meet at the home of iMrs. J. Snell on Thursday of next week. ' Edward Miller has returned to workf at the Gertsenschlager buggy works in Wooster. - P. E. Fetzer and wife ate their din ner with relatives in Wooster. Fred Bauer and family of Seville in company with J. F, Lichty and f am ily cf this place, visited at the Wm. Group home in Madisonburg the first of the week. Mrs. Trunk of Cleveland is visiting her parents, Ed. Oswald and wife. Oscar Yingling and Dorothy Shy rock, left here on Wednesday last for Mt." Vernon, where they were united in marriage, and will visit friends at that place and other points for a few days., Prof. R. B. Snell and family of Can al Fulton, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Snell and Mr and Mrs. T. Fetzer, Mr. Snell having vacation from school work for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Maiden of Elyria, and Prof. G. C. Wiles of Irwin, Pa., were the guests of their parents, J. Wiles and wife over Thanksgiving. Rev. Black and Prof. J, Notestine of Wooster took dinner at the Lichty home on Sunday. Among the number who ate dinner Thanksgiving day at the Clyde Myers home near Golden Corners, were . Flor ence, Whonsetler, Mary Whonsetler, and Rev. Busche. Services at both churches will be in the forenoon next Sunday. H' ' i- u '- J. F. Bowers is confined to the house with a lame knee. . C. B. Whonsetler and wife of Cres ton ate Thanksgiving ; dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Harley Hoisington and family of Barberton, called on Canaan friends Thursday when on' their way to at tend the annual gathering of the Whonsetler relatives at the home of Claude Myers. Henry Miller and family enter tained company from Sterling last Thursday. ' Hugh Sholl and family spent Thurs day with the-Steele family near Leroy. Mr. Baney, while cutting timber for J. H. Lichtey last week, received a, very bad ' blow on the top of his head from a stray limb falling from a tree. ' ! " Wm. Baker and wife of Seville and Reed Whitmore, and wife of Burbank were visitors at the home of J. F. Bowers the past week. Sunday school at ,9:30. every Sun day morning at the M. E. church. eel on last Saturday evening, Canaan' loses one of its oldest citizens, and one highly esteemed by all. COPLEY For . two years, in succession Cop ley township has held the champion ship for corn growing over Summit county. The winner of this year, Roy F. Eckart, of Copley, is taking his trip to Washington this week, which is offered by the Summit County Farm ors' institute, as the result of raising the best acre of corn, and in which he carried off first honors through out the county. Eckart is a graduate of Copley high school, and is the first champion corn grower turned out by the. school. He raised 81 V bushels on his acre over that of Donald Shanafelt, of Talmadge, who raised 80 bushels. Shenafelt received second honors in the contest, but is also making the-trip. Yjtness After Witness in Medina Such Evidence Our Readers Cannot Dispute As we take up the Sentinel week by week, we are struck by thehearty, unmistakable way in which witness after witness speaks out as Mrs. Rash on does her. If. these people were strangers living miles away, we might take, little notice of them. But they are not ' They are our neighbors, liv ing among us. Their word is too easily proven to admit of any doubt They speak out in the hopethat their experience may be a safe guide to others. Mrs. G, W. Rashon, 126 Mill street, Medina, Ohio, says: "One of our fam ily suffered from, a very lame back and pains through the kidneys, Noth ing seemed to give relief until Doan's Kidney Pills were used. After, a box of ' this remedy was taken, the kid ney trouble was relieved, together with the aches and pains. We know thai; Doan's Kidney. Pills are a rem edy of merit" 'Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask fora kidney remedy get D'oan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs, Rashon recommends. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. RICHFIELD Mr. Townsend is some better. H. B. Humphrey remains about the same. . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Poyn were in Akron Friday. Harry Spear was home from Colum bus for Thanksgiving. Richfield Grange held an interest ing session last Saturday with a pro gram appropriate for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Charles Garman entertained a number of, ladies of her own age at dinner Saturday. 1 Miss Marie Lynn, of Akron, who has been spending Thanksgiving week here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mfrs.. Townsend, returned home Mon day. The pupils of the brick school in West Richfield gave a program Wed nesday afternoon at the Town hall RATES OF TAXATION In pursuance of law, I, R. J. Hyde, Treasurer of Medina County, Ohio, hereby rive notice that the number of mills levied on each dollar of property listed for taxation within said county for the tax year 1914 ia as follows: FOR STATE PURPOSES: Sinking Fund, .0025 m.; O. a U., .025 CQ. i, STATE COMMON SCHOOL. FUND .055 m. . STATE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT FUND, .3 M. - . . ... . ., , TOTAL. STATE LEVY, .46 m. FOR COUNTY PURPOSES: General, .844. m.; Poor, .047 m(; Bridge, .797 m.; Indigent Soldiers, .07 m.; Blind Relief, .047 m.; Pike Repair, .293 m.; Judicial, .07.; Mothers' Pension, .063 m.j Agr. Society, .019 m. TOTAL COUNTY LEVY, 2.25 m. . . TOWNSHIPS CORPORATIONS SCHOOL DISTRICTS itBrunswlck Tp. . . . . .. .... ;V aterunswlck Tp; Weymouth spl d at.. SfBrunswick Tp. Liverpool sub dist,. 4n3runswick Tp. Strongsville sub dist 6fBrunswlck Tp JttincKiey suo aub . Chatham Tp. ...... .. " 7 (Chatham Tp.-Litchfield sub diet .. 8 Granger Tp . afci-ans-nr Tn. Richfield sub dist . . .. lOlGranger Tp. Medina sub diet. .. .. Granger Tp. wincitiey suu uu .. .. Granger Tp. iiatn suo aisi Granger Tp. Sharon suo aisi Granger Tp. Weymouth sub dist. . . Guilford Tp. , Guilford Tp. W. Gull. spl. dist . . . , Seville Village dist '. Wadsworth sub dist Seville Corporation Harrisille Tp. Lodl Village dist Burbank sub dist Lodl Corporation Hinckley Tp 'i,': ! Hinckley Tp. Royaltom sub dist . .. . Hinckley Tp. Brunswick sub dist. Homer Tp. ' Lafayette Tp. . . . . Lafayette Tp. York sub dist. .... .. Lafayette Tp. Litchfield sub dist .. Chippewa Lake spl. dist W. Litcnneia spi. niau I. Litchfield spl dist Litchfield Tp. Chatham sub dist. ... Litchfield Tp. York sub dist ..... Liverpool Tp Liverpool Tp. Strongsville sub dist. Liverpool Tp. Brunswick sub dist J. Medina Tp. .. .. .... '..;; "- Medina Tp. Weymouth spl. dist ., . Medina Corp. Montvllle side . . . . . Medina Corp. Medina siue Montville Tp. .... "', ; Montvllle Tp. Medina Vil. dist .. .. Montvllle Tp. Medina sub dist Montville Tp. Sharon sub dist Sharon Tp. Sharon Tp. Medina sub dist ...... Sharon Tp. Granger sub diet .. ... Sharon Tp. waaswonn suo ab ... Spencer Tp. Spencer Tp. spl dist Wadsworth Tp. .... ".' i, ; Wadsworth Tp. Guilford sub dist . Wadswortn xp. vinage uiu .. .. Western Star spL dist Western Star Corporation ...... Wadsworth Corporation B9hVestfleld Tp. ., Westneia rp. w. uumwu " Westfleld Tp. Creston spl. dist ,. . . LeRoy Village dist. LeRoy uorporauon York Tp York spl. dist. . . 11 12 13 14 15 It 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 87 88 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 62 63 64 66 66 67 68 60 1 62 63 64 15 tea 45 .45 45 45 45 45 46 45. 45 46 45 45 45 .45 45 .45 45 46 .45 45 45 45 .45 45 .45 45 45 45 .45 .45 .45 45 45 .45 45 45 45 45 45 .45 .46 .46 45 45 .45 .45 45 45 45 .45 .46 45 45 46 .45 .46 46 45 45 ,45 45 45 45 45 45 TOWNSHIPS CORPORATIONS 2 " a ' k , M B 6.. I a g ft- g $ g a I g'g-g g a S 3 g I 2.251 3.71 TT HtI I i 12.963.8 II 10.2 "l 2.26 6. .1 .74 2.96 3.8 JJ 11.6 2 2.25 4.5 .1 .74 2.96 38 11. 3 2.25 4.6 .1 .74 2.96 38 11. 4 2.25 5.2 .1 . .74 2.96 3.8 11.7 6 2.26 4.9 .61 1.26.13 2.96 2. 9.6 6 2.25 3.4 .61 1.26.13 2.96 2. 8.1 7 2.25 6.4 .25 1 1.23 8.1 12.2 8 2.25 6. .25 1.22.24 .16 1.23 3.1 10.8 9 2.25 2.6 .25 1.22 .16 1.23 3.1 8.4 10 2.25 6.2 .25 1.22 .16 1.23 8.1 ' 11. 11 2.25 6. .25 1.22 .16 1.23 3.1 10.8 12 2.25 5. .26 1.22 .16 1.23 3.1 . 10.8 13 2.25 6. .25 1.22 .16 1.23 S.l 10.8 14 2.25 3.3 .37 .75 .02 .42 2.24 3.8 9.8 15 2.25 2.5 .37 .75 .02.42 2.24 3.8 9. 16 2.25 3.7 .37 .75 .02.42 2.24 3.8 10.2 17 2.25 4. .37 .75 .02 .42 2.24 3.8 10.5 18 2.25 8.7 1.9 .06 .43 2.08 1.33 3.9 12.2 19 2.25 1.9 .47 .04 1.26 .03 1.8 6.4 20 2.25 6.4 .47 .04 1.26 .03 1.8 9.9 21 2.25 3.2 .47 .04 1.26 .03 1.8 7.7 22 2.25 5.4 .54.07 .4 2.6 1.49 5.1 13.2 23 2.25 6.2 .65 1.63 1.02 3.1 11. 24 2.25 6. .65 1.63 1.02 3.1 10.8 25 2.25 8.7 .65 1.53 1.02 3.1 9.6 26 2.26 6.4 .24 1.67 .79 2.7 10.8 27 2.25 2.9 2. .25 .7 .05 1. 8.6 28 2.25 2.6 2. .25 .7 .06 1. 8.2 29 2.25 3.4 2. .25 .7 . .06 1. 8.9 30 2.25 1.7 2. .26 .7 .05 1. 7.4 31 2.25 6.3 1.77 .09 1.08.06 1.8 3.8 12.8 32 2.25 8.4 .77 .09 r.08 .06 1.8 3.8 9.9 33 2.25 4.9 .77 .09 1.08.06 1.8 3.8 11.4 34 2.25 2.6 .77 .09 1.08.06 1.8 3.8 9. 35 2.25 4.5 .49 .1 .9 2.51 4. 11.2 36 2.25 4.6 .49 .1 .9 2.61 4. 11.2 37 2.26 8.7 .49 .1 .9 2.51 4. 10.4 38 2.25 2.6 2. 1.7 1.7 9. 39 2.25 5. 2. 1.7 1.7 11.4 40 2.25 6.6 2. .221.08 .35 1.22 2.97 .16 5. 16.1 Ul 2.26 6.6 2. 1 .22.08 .35 1.22 2.97.16 5. 15.3 U 2.25 8.9 2.1.85 .14 .87.04 .5 2.4 11. 43 2.25 5.6 2. .85 .14 .87 .04 .5 2.4 12.7 44 2.25 2.6 2. .85 .14 .87 .04 .69 2.4 9.7 45 2.25 6. 2. .85 .14 .87 .04 .5 2.4 12.1 46 2.26 6. .14 1.69.03 .03 1.01 2.9 10.6 47 2.25 2.6 .14 1.69.03 .03 1.01 2.9 8.2 48 2.25 6.4 .14 1.69.03 . .03 1.01 2.9 12. 49 2.25 4. .14 1.69.03 .03 1.01 2.9 8.9 60 2.26 2.4 I .07 1.69 .11 .00 .07 1.9 7. 51 2.25 4.4 .07 1.9 9. 52 2.25 4. .65 1.09 .1 .22 .44 .25 9.2 63 2.25 8.3 . .65 1.09 .1 .22 .44 2.6 8.5 54 2.26 6, 1 .66 1.09 .1 .22 .44 2.5 10.2 55 2.25 2. .65 1.09 .1 .22 .44 2.6 7.2 66 2.25 2, .5 .87 .73 1.1 6.8 57 2.25 5. 6 .78.1 39 2.99 .9 .09 5.2 13.4 68 2.25 4.9 1.27 .03 .87.03 1.2 8.8 59 2.25 2.5 .27 .03 .87.03 " 1.2 6.4 60 2.25 8.5 .27 .03 .87.03 1.2 7.4 61 2.25 8.7 .27 .03 .87.08 1.2 7.6 62 2.26 3.7 I - I .86 2.81 .18 3.8 10.2 63 2.25 2.4 2. .2 I .81 .05 .64 1.7 8.8 64 2.25 5.6 2. .2 .81 .06 .64 1.7 ' 12. 65 1. Each person charged with taxes for the year 1914 on the tax duplicate of Medina County is required by law to pay one-half of said tax on or before the 20th day of December, 1914, and the remaining half on or before the 20th day of June following, but may at his option pay the full amount of such taxes on or before the 20th day ef December, 1914, and when not so paid penalty attaches. 2 Real estate on which any portion of the taxes for 1918 remains unpaid will be sold on the second Tues day in February, 1915, unless the taxes are paid before that date for such unpaid portions, and the entire taxes unpaid for 1913. Taxes delinquent from last June should be paid on or before December 20th, to avoid property being ppgj.ncharged on the County Treasurer's books in the name of owner on Feb. 1st, 1914, and the unllcate aeuvereci lO ino .treasurer m mo mil mijiniiio uiivnanSou . vusow. Bring or send your last tax receipts or complete list of your property. This will be errors. a help to us and avoid and pro- 'ixr.n wrltina- for statement orremittinir for taxes, stamped envelope should accompany reauest .... -- - ,-- r i .1. ..j nerty muBt he cieariy aesignaieo w ownersmp, uuu uu wiuiii, , ' SPECIAL NOTICE! ,, Tax payers are also notified that the treasurer will not be held responsible for any money deposited with out side parties for payment of takes until placed in the hands of the treasurer when his receipts will be given for the same. When ym pay your taxes, be sure' you pay on all your property, as this is your business and not the business f thxh "school levy given opposite each township applies to all the property of the township school district In cluding the attached territory of other civil townships. ; t ,UW Slncludes additional levy authorised by vote of the People. . B. ' , Office hours: 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. to. Sundays and Holidays Excepted Saturdays jjt noon. Treasarer's Offlee, MedUa, Okie, Oct h IM TKBAIUILEB 0 JUOJIXA pOUlfTT,4 which was-well attended by the par enta. ' " r " The famlies of White and Luther had their Thanksgiving feast at the home of Mr. and Mr. Euwafd' Luther, north of town. Twenty-four ' were present 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wood entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wood and children of Akron on Thanksgiving day. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson and their children spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. Chapman's parents. Union services were held at the M. E. . church last Sunday evening. Ser mon by Rev. Mr. Eastman. Union ser vices next Sunday evening at Con gregational church and so alternately in the two churches. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Charlton and children spent their Thanksgiving at ' Hinckley with Charles Van Deusen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elbin Willey sDent Thanksgiving week with their daugh ter, Mrs. Harley Humphrey in Collin- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey and children came home with them Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Avery and daughter of Urichsville and Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Hill and children of Cleve land spent Thanksgiving vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Humphrey. Walter E. Parsons, teacher in the public schools, went to Mentor and Cleveland for the Thanksgiving vaca tion. When he returned Sunday he brought his bride wtih him, having been married to Miss Dorothy Hanks, of Mentor. They will reside for a time with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Damon. Mrs. Dexter Wood, who has been ill for some time, died at her home south of town Monday morning at 5 o'clock. She was 71 years old and leaves a husband, two sons and three daugh ters. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but services will bably be held Wednesday. Walter Kilbown has a new aouto. Mrs. Reed has just returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. Men- ton, who lives at Rochester, O. Miss Lottie Eastwood is visiting friends in Cleveland and Elyria. She expects to be gone two weeks. Mrs. Cora Presswell is visiting her father and sister, Geo. Vowles and Mrs. Arthur Seobie. Miss Josephine Buck is home from Akron. She will stay at home until Jan. 1. A little child of Tom Hill broke its collar bone while visiting its grand parents, E. J, Humphrey and wife during Thanksgiving. ALCOHOL 3 PER oevt AVegetabkReparallonfirAs' sraiiarmsfflerMaiHlHegula iinguiestomaflisandBowJsflf MM PromofcsDiiesttonrkerfii- ness ajrifesUMatMnetoir Opiunorpbliie norMaeral NOT NARCOTIC. AMtUk- ConMStoT Hnn . Snur Stnmach.D! WonM,C(mvukloTHfCTErisIr hess ardLOSSOrMEER lotSnmle Sijnature of QgZ CENTA1JH COMPASi; NEW YOKK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature foe AX In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmk etimim eeaMiiv. mtm tom eirr. pro- Acidenta will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomaa' Eclectic oil for such emergenciea. Tw shea, 26 and S0 & all item, mfr. ' TIMES. FOR HOLDING Courts of Appeals A.D. 1915 State of Ohio. Eighth Judicial District Court of Ap peals. It is ordered that the time of the beginning of the terms of the Courts of Appeal of the several Counties in said Judicial district for the year 1915 be fixed as follows, to-wit: Summit County on the 13th day of beptember, and the 12th day of April. Medina County on the 22nd day of September and the 6th day of May. Lorain County on the 27th day of September and the 26th day of April. Cuyahoga County on the 4th day of October and the 11th day of January. Said terms to begin at 9:30 o'clock, a. m. September 15, 1914. Louis H. Winch Walter D. Meals C. R. Grant Judges 14-3 Still J Coming! The best coal money can J buy, We are sure you X will need some before long. Phone your needs to Eledina oal Oo. Phone 1171 Office at O. C. Shepard Co. store on Saturday evening T. BIG PRIZE MASQUERADE Wed. Dec. o AT Mallet Greek Town Hall Dance until 2 a. m. No extra charge after 12 p. m. Novelty Parties Every Wednesday Eve. AT MALLET CREEK ' ORTLI'S UNION ORCHESTRA OF CLEVELAND Dec. 16 Peanut Party Fun and Prizes Dec. 23-r-HOLIDAY GRAB BAG Present! for All . The Man Who Wants To Borrow Money and the man who wants a safe place to keep his mon ey, a place where he can leave it with the certainty of getting all or any part of it at any time, are both ap preciated patrons at this bank. We do a general commercial banking business we co-operate with and assist our customers in the up building of heirjbusiness. We are constantly gaining new patrons and shall be pleased to number you among them. 4 Per Cent Allowed on Sayings Accounts. OLD PHOENIX NATIONAL BANK MEDINA, OHIO. Mr-Jt 1 1, n i f i i i i i i i i i J These I Specials . W . CI ! (lfA Until Change of ad; 2 Dozen Cookies 15c 3 Loaves 10c Bread 25c 1 Dozen Buns 8c 1 lb. Bulk Cocoanut 17c 3 lbs. Bulk Coffee 50c 50c Bottle Liquid Veneer 39c 2 Boxes Corn Flakes 15c 25c Box Cocoa 19c 2 lbs. Good Rice 13c Seeded Raisins 10c Bananas 15 to 25c Doz. 3 Cans Green's Tomatoes 25c 3 Boxes Jelly con 25c 2 lbs. Tapioca 13c 3 lbs. Fancy Peaches 80c at Pelton's Grocery and Bakery rafo V. Would insure the whole family a Merryf Christmas and a Happy New Year. Prices $17.50, $25, ' $35, $75, $100, and up to $500. Easy terms. If you already own a Columbia or Victor, ask for Columbia record catalogs, and monthyl list of new records. Come in and hear "It's a Long Way to Tip perary" and other, popular pieces. Catalogs free. t Vright'sBooliSt