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i Mrxirmi t "v i7tti ttt t i tv 5( ; " I j-J.'?r?fYf!Ti- :' V ..' V ,'' ' "f. ;'-'t ' '1.- . ' vGL. aaaI .;THE MEDINA SENTINEL, FRIDAY, DECEMBER II, 1914. No. 15 in m .... - - ;v 'v ; Removes Fred McMillan Medina county lost, one of its best known citizens and business men when there passed from life last Saturday afternoon at his home in Granger burg, Mr. Fred D. McMillan. The deceased was ill but a short time, having been in the best of health. Mr. McMillan was a member of the firm of McMillan & Wait, engaged in the .manufacture of cheese, and the firm was widely known. The deceased was born in Granger, March 29, 1872, the youngest child of . James and Amanda P. McMillan. Nov. 10, 1892, he was united in marriage to Winnifred S. Wait. Tohis union were born three childreri-l-Lucy A., Freida I. Maynard W., all of whom survive. The deceased also leaves two sisters, Ada A. Leyda and Anna A. Averill, besides a multitude of friends. He was a kind and loving husband, an indulgent father and one of Granger's most respected citizens. The funeral was held from the home on Tuesday at 11 a. m., Rev. Mente of the Grangerburg Methodist church officiating. Burial was made in Spring Grovecemeetry, where the order of Masons, of which the deceased was a member, conducted their burial ser vices. PAY FOR SHEEP KILLED The county commissioners met in regular session on Monday. Hardly any business was done other than al lowing the following claims for sheep killed and injured: - Granger township G. L. Sumner, 4 killed, $16; 2 rams bitten, $3. Medina township John Cinniger, 30 sheep and 5 lambs, $170; J. W. Se crist, 11 sheep, $66; 4 lambs, $16. Guilford township D. R. Amstutz, 4 sheep, $20; 4 lambs, $12; 1 torn, $4; George Gordon, 2 killed, $19; E. Cooi man, 2 killed, $10. .' Homer township S. B. Eshelman, 6 killed, $42; 3 lambs, $15; 5 badly injured, $25; 3 lambs torn, $12. Montville township C. C. Kindig, 14 killed, $77; 8 lambs, $40; J, E. Miller, 8 killed, $32; J. E. Leatherman, 4 killed; $28; J. L. Close, 1 killed, $6; 1 lamb, $5. Hinckley township O. G. Beach, 1 buck killed, $10. ' Litchfield township John Radie, 8 ki'led, $40; 11 lambs, $77; 9 badly bit ten, $18.50. Lafayette township C. G. Bishop, 30 killed, $90; 6 lambs, $15; 5 bitten, $5; 5 lambs bitten. $5. - vWestfield township Sam Parlton, ! lamb killed, $7. . For supervisor of the cleaning of the Rickerd ditch in Guilford township : the' comimssicmew'-appointed'Ge'o.- S. Beck.' ... '" . PROBATE COURT - Firsf and final account filed in es tate of Henry C. Reusch. First and final account filed m es tate of Freeman JIauk. ' A. T. Spitzer, Tl. B. Spitzer and J. E. Mason appointed appraisers of the estate of Abner B. Bishop. . Will of Barbara McFadden admitted to probate. , Will of Julia M. Dyer and, applica tion for probate filed. Hearing set for Dec. 14. . Final account of distribution filed in estate of Isaac W. Rohrer. . Will of Henry G: Koppes and ap plication for probate filed. Will ad mitted to probate. Information filed charging Edwin Ries with stealing a gun from Ernest Wager. Warrant to arrest issued. Defendant is arraigned, pleads, quilty and is sentenced to pay a fine of $3 and costs, $3.60, and to be committed to county jail till fine and costs - are paid. .' ' Hearing had in the land sale in guardianship of Myrtle Wooldridge and others. Sale found to be nec essary and order of appraisement is sued. F. L. Wilbur, F. E. Clark and C. M. Hatch have been appointed ap praisers. MARRIAGE LICENSES Carl H. Bauman of Wadsworth and Wao1 M. Walker of Guilford. Frank S. Dressier of Sharon and Minnie F. Raker of Medina; :. , Claud A. Varney and Grace- R. Oswald, both of Sharon. i ii ' ''1 MALLET CREEK InrhVa' Hocietv of the" Conare- ational church held their monthly meeting at. the town hall on Thurs Aav afternoon. Dinner will be served. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bohley spent loot RnnHav visitme friends in Lorain Mr. and Mrs. Will Bohley have moved to Elyria, where Mr. Jjomey nas se cured a good position. ' Mra. ("Urns. Pierce of Toledo is vis iting her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs, Chet Pierce or tms piace. v Mrs. Anna Huston was called, to Coshocton last . week by - the serious illness of a brother-in-law, who had undergone an operation for appen An anti-saloon lcatrue worker from Columbus will speak at the M. P. church next Sunday morning. Cantata rehearsals for " Christmas will h nuld in the M. Pi church Wed- moelnv pvpninir and in -the Conereea1' tional church Friday evening. Every memoer ui uuui vuujio io uigcu w ire .Mrs. Belle Ferguson is planning to spend the Christmas holidays, in John tnmi Pn ... nt thfl home of a. sister. Mr. Ferguson is studying for a doc tor's degree in the University of Col- At their regular meeting Tuesday aiternoon ine -x one wiwimmp bcuuu Krtor olortaci Mr. C. G. Bohlev to fin ish the term of Mr. S. W. Bachtell, ' resigned. ; ' 1 ' ' . Mr- Myron Bachtell wa? ft Sunday ' truest at the home of his parents; Mr. and Mrs. 3. w. uacnwii. THE ORCHESTRAL CONCERT . Considerable interest ' is bein man ifested in the concert to be given next Tuesday night, Dec. 15, at the Prin cess theater by the Medina Concert Orchestra, assisted by Miss Brintnall, soloist and Miss Clark, reader, under the direction of Mr. G. A, Offineer. The latter has selected a very fine pro gram and his men have been drilling on it for several weeks. This concert will be given for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. and we bespeak a large attendance. Further information may be obtained by referring to our ad vertising columns. Obituary of Mrs. O.T.Gardner After many months of patient suff ering, tiara Lance Gardner passed away at her home in Medina, Friday, Dec. 4, at the age of 44 years, 3 months and 26 days Ihe deceased was born Aug. 8, 1870, in Lafayette township, where she iived with her parents up to the time of her marriage to Orrville T. Gardner, Dec. 28, 1892. She then moved to the home of her husband in York, on the Amos Gardner farm, where they made their home until four years ago, when they moved with their family to Medina. bae joined the United Brethren church in North-west Lafayette when" a young girl, being a member of that church until 1910, when she joined the York Congregational church. Up on coming to Medina she had her membership transfered to the Congre gational church here. 1 To Mr. and Mrs. Gardner were born six children three sons and three daughters, Clarence M., 20; Ray L., 18; Marguerite A, 17; Mildred F., 11; Archie B., 9; Helen M., 4. The deceased was a loving and devoted wife and mother, always thinking of the good of the family, even while on her death bed. She will be greatly missed in the home and community in which he lived. October 15 she went to Huron Road hispital, Cleveland, and underwent a serious operation, hoping to regain her health. She rallied and seemed to gain strength, and after our weeks there was able to return home, but soon she began to fail, growing weaker until the end came peacefully. She had a firm belief in God and a consciousness that she had tried to live each day as in the pres ence of Him, who is all wise and om nipotent. She is not dead; a life like hers cannot die, but will live m the ivea of those who knew her. Every heart-beat meant more for others than for herself. This heart is now stilled. She is resting. During thelast few weeks she 'often "made theremark,- "I am so tired." Besides her family and the aged grandmother, . the deceased is sur vived by three sisters and a brother, Mrs. M. U. Chamberlain, Mrs. H. A. Waite, Mrs. W. A. Brinker of Medi na, and Mr. Lewis Lance of Seville. Funeral services were held at the home on Monday, Dec. 7, conducted by Rev. H. S. Fritsch of the Medina Con gregational church. Burial was made in Spring Grove cemetery. New Cases F. W. Woods, assignee of the M. E. Frazier Co., vs. C. B. Frederick, action for money only. This case is for the collection of prommissory notes alleged to be past due and on which it is alleged only partial pay ments have been made. Henry McFadden vs. Adam Huff man, Jessie Huffman, Wm. Huffman and John Wesley McFadden, action to contest and to set tside the purpoted will of Barbara McFadden. In this case the effort is to have the court set aside the will of the late Barbara Mc Fadden on the alleged grounds that she was of unsound mind at the time of making the will and thus incapaci tated from making a proper distribu tion of her property. It is further al leged that the deceased was coersed and intimidated into making her will so as to cut off certain defendants. F. W. Woods, attorney for plaintiff : ' RELIEF REPORT DELAYED Owine to the fact that all contri butions made toward the County Bel gian relief fund had not been turned in up to the time of going to press last night, we have deemed it better to attempt no record in this isue of what has already been contributed or the amount which it is believed is yet to be turned in. This mucbis certain, however, that the committee in charge is strictly on the job and that Medina county's carload of genuine Medina flour will leave the port or rniiaaei' nhia on the next ship of mercy, hei". ed for Belgium, which will be in about two weeks. A full report oi wnat we dina county has done in this ' big hearted and noble work will appear in next week's Sentinel. Notes of the School The girls of the Domestic Science class of the Medina village schools gave a dinner to the school board on Monday which is said to have been just about as toothsome as any one else could have done it Not only was the cooking done in a masterful way, but the service was fully as creditable and, as an after-dinner cordial, so to speak, the board was treated to t small display of figures on the black' board -which indicated to a cent the exact cost per plate of the dinner, which was 28c. The school board of York township Is progressing finely. The boys wil be ready, to furnish music for the next Decoration day service. The members are Marven Myers, Earl Earl Pierce, Alfred Brinker, and C. Bart, leader. Ci)c fallowed Season Numerous, indeed, are the hearts to which Christmas brings a brief season of happiness and. enjoyment. How many old re collections and how many sympathies does the hallowed season awaken! We write these words now distant from the spot at which, year after year, we met on that day a merry and joyous circle. Many of the hearts that throbbed so gailey then have ceased to beat; many of the faces that shown so brightly' then have ceased to glow; the hands eyes we sought have hid their house, the room, the merry voices and smiling faces, the jest, the laugh, the most minute and trivial circumstances connected with those happy meetings, crowd upon our mind at each recurrence " 2 n 1 1 i t i .ii i j j t oi tne seasons, as ii me lasx assemoiage naa oeen dux yesteraay. Happy, happy Christmas, that wins us back to the delusion of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; that can transport the sailor and the traveler thous ands of miles away back to his old friends and his quiet home. The Sentinel senses what it in presenting its readers this week its Christmas issue. Moved by the spirit of the season, the way to emphasize that spirit, and so has clothed the regular edition in a cover bearing the joyful and familiar features of dear old Santa. And the Sentinel would be recreant to its duty were it not to specifically direct the attention of the readers to the generous patronage of Medina business men accorded us, and whose messages should be regarded as of genuine news value. These gentlemen bear reputations for rigidly square dealing and our pleasure in advertising their wares is two-fold. The Senti nel takes this occasion to wish its many friends both a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. , l)ii$ttiia$ eve On the wall beneath themantle, filled with presents to the rim, Is the sock of little Susie and the sock of little Jim. I can hear their measured breathing, I can see each curly head-, As it nestles on its pillow in the cosy trundle-bed. They have thought of naught but Santa for a dozen days or more; Of his journey down the chimney they have talked it o'er and o'er. It was seven when their mother slipped their flannel night-gowns on, Yet at nine I heard them longing for the coming of the dawn; But their prattle now is silent, Sleep has touched them with his wand; Thro' the happy vale of dreamland they are strolling hand in hand. Unto them the hours are seconds, but a moment and they wake To behold the Christmas morning in its splendor o'er them break. How each face will glow with gladness, how each heart will jump with glee, As the overbrimming stockings on the kitchen wall they see. 'Tis as beautiful a midnight as Uwember ever brings; Soars the moon above the forest like a being blessed with wings. Not a cloud is in the heaven, and themany stars I know Are outnumbered by the sparkling stats upon the stainless snow. . In a trance of solemn memory my spirit it is lost, As the world and all its glory in the coma of the frost. As I sit beside the embers fading fast to blackened coal, Fading as the "flame of boyhood in the fireplace of my soul, Back as swallows in the twilight to an olden chimney flock -AH the Christmases when Santa overbrimmed my little sock; Back they come, the happy days, when I was sure as sure could be That the old man down the chimney brought his yearly gifts to me; Vanished is the sweet illusion, and can never come again; As are all the sweet illusions that made life celestial then. But away, ye idle fancies, wisdom ever must repress; Oft the fleece of sentiment conceals the wolf of selfishness. What if all the sweet illusions of the morning years are fled ? They are taken that realities be given in their stead. ' Loving wisdom marks thepurpose of each Providential act; If we lose a cherished fancy 'tis to gain a fonder fact. Though I know full well that Santa never down the chimney came I have learned my blessed parents filled my stocking all the same. Though my heart shall never feel again the rapture of the past, Yet a happiness far higher thou, O present, for it hast; For of all the joys, that Heaven has vouchsafed to us below, That of making others happy is the crowning one I know. Better then than childhood's Christmas, I can fill unto the rim Both the socks of little Susie and the sock of little Jim. Once more the happy season of the year is at hand, when we begin to prepare gifts of love for Christmas. It is indeed a pleasing indication of the rapid spread of feelings of kind ness and good will throughout the world that the preparation of beauti ful articles for Christmas gifts affects the industries of all civilized nations. The choice of articles for Christmas gifts is a perplexing pleasure.' Ac cording to Emerson, articles of beau ty rather than of use are appropriate for gifts. In giving we have to avoid, on the one hand, the imposing of a sense of obligation, and, on the other, of making the occasion for assuming to ourselves the role of benefactor. The donation party given at Christ mas to the faithful pastor whose past due salary is unpaid is only an un fair method of making him appeal1 the recipient of a favor, while his just claims are disregarded. Nor can we refrain from suggesting to the hus band and father: Do not make ' a Christmas gift to your wife of a new carpet or a pair of shoes or a cooking stove for she needs and has a right to these things anyway. Your little boy needs a new schoolbdok for the next session of school, but he would prob ably " experience a. sense of wrong wh'ch it 'would, be difficult or him to explain if he should find it in his stocking' on Christmas morning. And ws may suggest as an idea wholly for eign to Emerson that if the husband and father has from negligence or penuriousness failed io provide hs wife with a good supply of dry, well cut wood or fuel for the kitchen stove, or the needed quantity of winter flan nels, it would be equally inappropri ate for him to present her with a pair of big pink glass flower vases or some similar article, the price of which might have added vastly to her com fort had the money been placed for spending in her own hands. we grasped have grown cold; the lustre m the grave. Yet the old believes to be a pardonable pride Sentinel wished in some small Franklin E. Denton Gifts for children depend but lit tle on their value for the pleasure they shall give. A household of chil dren can be made entirely happy by a quarter's worth of mixed candy placed in their stockings, each piece of candy being wrapped in a separate paper, thus multiplying the number of gifts. It is very inmportant, however, that the gifts be put in their stockings, The sweet illusion adds a priceless value to the veriest triflles. And so we feel like saying to our selves and to cur readers: Let us prepare for a merry, happy Christ mas; let us forget for a little while all the environments of our lives that are sad and depressing; let us think of the treasures we possess that "man did not make and cannot mar;" let us give tokens of 'ove t6 bur friends, though it should be only a geranium leaf or a rosy cheeked apple. Let us caielrate Christmas. The yoke loos ened and laid aside for a little will give rest and strength to, the shout ders; the affections of the heart called into play and indulged will1 give strength to our soul; and both will fit us for a better performance of the duties and work appointed for u in the coming New Year. Christmas day begins in the middle of the Pacific ocean, and theft is where Santa Clans starts and ends his great ; and only, journey of the year. The person who' shall do the most to cheer the hearts of the needy poor will have the merriest Christmas and the happiest New Year. Try it and "Time is money." This ought to be cheering news to the man of leisure who haa Christmas' presents to' buy and no ready cash. . SEVILLE GIRL HONORED , While the judges in the Plain Deal er contest for the prettiest waitresses in Ohio did not vote her the first ; prize, nevertheless they regarded the beauty of Miss Florence Drushel of Seville as worthy of special mention. ; The picture of this handsome young ! Medina woman graced a patre of last uunuaj o cuiuun UJ. me I ix 11 uecuer. Miss Drushel is a very popular young lady and w'll be remembered by many as a waitress at the Chippewa Lake hotel. Ohio State Day Celebrated Here In response to the annual call is sued all over the world where Ohio State University Students and Alum ni are found, that they get together on the evening of Nov. 27. and cele brate Ohio State Day, 31 answered in Medina county, and after meeting in the lobby of the American House, where old acquaintances were renew ed and new ones formed, the company repaired to the dining room, where the program of the evening was con tinued by the reading of Dr. W. O. Thompson's Ohio State Day address and the enjoyment of a fine dinner. Mr. Reese, chairman of the Ohio State University Alumni Association, acted as toast-master, and several interes ting toasts were given by students and alumni, intermingled with Ohio State songs and cheers. This was folowed by a very forcible and patriotic ad dress along the lines of the growth and development of the university, given by Dr. Perry, Professor of Ec onomics of O. S. U. A business meeting was then called and an O. S.U. Alumni association of Medina county formed with the fol lowing officers: Mr. Edmund, presi dent; Mr. Abbott, vice president; Mr. Steeb, secretary and treasurer. At the conclusion oi the business meeting the company adjourned feel ing very enthusiastic for O. S. U. and the association just formed. Lodi Boy Killed By B. & 0. Train Homer Knapp, 18, of Lodi, died in the Akron City hospital Sunday night from injuries received Sunday after noon when a B. & 0. train ran over him at Homer. Knapp, who was making his way toward Akron afoot, attempted to jump upon the fast train. He missed his footing and fell under the wheels, having his left leg severed at the thigh and losing his right foot. The train was stopped and the crew placed the injured man on the front of the engine, brought him to AKron ana sent him to the hospital. He lived three hours. SHARON The concert scheduled for last Sat urday evening was postponed until next Saturday, Dec. 12. Mr. and Mrs. James Baysinger left Monday evening for Gle'ndora, Calif. Mrs. Karl Lutz and children of Me dina spent part of the week with her sister, Mrs. Don Bowers. Alton Varney is ill with peritonitis. Mrs. Nettie Kuder died siddenly at the home of her daughter at Cleve land, Tuesday, Dec. 1. The funeral was held in that city Saturday and the remains brought to Sharon for burial beside her husband, who died a number of years ago. Besides her daughter, the deceased leaves a son, Nelson Kuder of New York, and two brothers, R. M. and I. S. Brown of this place. Miss Ethel Heighberger is visiting in Elyria. Mrs. Grubb has been seriously ill for a week with stomach trouble. Her daughter, Mrs. Lois Dolamore of Ak ron, is helping care for her. Mrs. W. E. Clymer of Agosta, 0., spent the past week with relatives in town. Mrs. James Coates was called to Seville last week by the death of her sister-:in-law, Mrs. Harvey Phelps. From Seville Mrs. Coates went to Cleveland where she attended the fun eral of her aunt, Mrs. Nettie Kuder. W. B. Alderfer has a position with an Akron rubber company and expects to move his family to Akron socn.x Married, by Rev. Crawford, at the parsonage, Wednesday evening, iMss Grace Oswald and Claude Varney. Congratulations and best wishes. Jacob Derr was removed tc the Lutheran hospital at Cleveland Thurs day morning for an operation for ap pendicitis. YOU BET IT'S A GOOD LAW The State Industrial Commission yesterday granted an award to San- ford Sheperd of Medina of $81.67 for an injury recently sustained by him while in the employ of the A. I. Root ine award or the commission was granted under the provisions of the Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law. The Wooster News has hitching fosts in front of its building. Honest njun, 'cua the News says so;'' And it's the, only paper in Wooster that has them, too. , Those who are unable to obtain the new war tax stamps' before Jan.f 1, would be relieved of penalties of the law by a bill introduced Monday by senator romerene. . - . Ohio City voted dry Monday by a majority oi nine. ...... High Rank of Medina Schools The following letter received by Mr. E. B. Spitzer, president of the Medi na Board of Education, from Frank W. Miller, State Supt. of Public In struction, is self explanatory. It is one of which the local school board may justly be proud, as well as the teachers and public generally. Rarely does a state officer, take the time for congratulations and doubtless Supt. Miller would not have done so in the present instance had not the condition of pur schools been regarded by him as exceptional: Columbus, 0., December 3, 1914 Mr. E. B. Spitzer, President of Bd. of Education, Medina, 0. Dear Sir: Mr. Warner, a repre sentative of this department vis ited and inspected the Medina schools on November 16th. His report shows that the schools in your town are awake,up-to-date, progressive, a credit to the citizens, board of education, teachers and all concerned. This department wishes to congratu late you. Very truly your, Frank W. Miller, Supt, Y. M. C. A. At a meeting of the County com mittee held last week, an Employment Bureau was one of the new features voted to be undertaken. It is snec ially desired to make this bureau helpful, especially to the young men and to employers in the rural districts and towns of Medina county. Co-operation will also be sought with ouf side fields, particularly with other places where association bueraus are maintained. Records will center at the county Y. M. C. A. office and ap plications should be addressed to the County Secretary direct, or through local representatives ia the various communities of the county. The Medina board held its monthly meeting Monday, at which plans were made concerning the concert to be given by local friends, Dec. 15, and appointed a committee on nomination for members of the local board to be elected in January, also a committee to investigate the possibility of se curing quarters for winter athletics. Mr. H. H. Root reported a lively meet ing of the older boys' clasa, which meets at the Garfield school building Monday evenings, and County Secre tary Stow gave a brief encouraging report of the State Boys' conference. t At a meeting of the Lodi associa tion attended Wednesday by Mr. C. Stow reports the organization of a new Board ofDirectors, whose officers are Auble, Bates and Stence as presi dent, vice president and secretary treasurer, respectively. The new board, together with the local leaders, Messrs. Smith, Sharp and Fullerton and the boys of the older group, voted among other things to invite a col lege "gospel team" to visit Lodi dur ing the holidays. County Secretary Stow attended a meeting of the Spencer organization last Tuesday, at which 27 young men and boys enjoyed an evening of games and talks and the transaction of bus iness, among which was the adoption of a Bible study course called "Ath letes of the Bible," published by the Association Press and prefaced with a strong endorsement bv Bishnn Hughes of California. This course is now being used' by four groups in the county. Treasurer Gibbs of the Count.v Committee, has received pledges ag gregating $100.50 from . Granger friends of the work, secured in a par tial canvass of that township last Sat urday. A strong and interesting pro gram of work has been outlined by the Granger committee with President Corwin Wiley and Prof. Schneck as leaders of the younger and older groups. The newly organized Weymouth group reports an attendance of 12 at its last week's meeting and a pro gram of boxing and Bible study.' Ar thur McQuate is leader. MUSICAL NOTES Congregational Church Over sixty tickets have been snH for the season concerts at Baldwin Wallace. It will be of interest 1 5 those who are planning to attend t know that the new organ is being in stalled and will be ready to use dur ing the next week. The organ will be the only one he it in the world to this extent, that, in stead or one console, there will be two, side by side, one equipped with the new stops and the other with the old style knobs. Mrs. L. H. Randall and Mr. John Beck attended the December meeting of the American Guild of Organists, held at the Euclid avenue Temple in Cleveland,, Thursday evening. , ' Mr. Fred Adams began , studying 'cello with Oscar Eiler of Cleveland this Nyeek. Mr. Eiler is a member of Cleveland's orchestra and one of tin best 'celloists in the city. Mrs. Ida Hunsberger attended tv concert by the Municipal Orchestr' r k the Hippodrome, Cleveland, last day aiternociu