Newspaper Page Text
Thuraday, March 13, 1870. J. W. HOUGHTON, ;M.H. HOUGHTON, XDITOKS. A farmer near Tiffin. Ohio has been badly swindled bj signing kit name aa agent for waahera. i Next! . . UaaaachnaetU and Maine pay their mala taacfcera more thaa- doable what they do their female teachers; the Semi nole Indians and the Choctaw half- reread in civilization pay male and fe male teacher alike. . - Since the paaaage in 1873, of a bill by the Illinois Legislature . making women eligibl to all the school offices in that state, ten woman hare served a four years' term as County Superintendents, and several were re-elected in 1877. There was a great tumble in wheat at Chicago last Friday, as many as 4 ,"000 000 bushels being sold and at rates 5 or 6 cents below the previous quotations. ' A forged dispatch from New York supposed to hare been instigated by Chicago par ties caused the panic. The last week's Springfield Republic has three pages deroted to the County Commissioners' investigation into the management of tne Clark Co.. Children's Home, in which it was found that the ambitious newspaper reporters of the Sunday News failed to discriminate be tween what was trustworthy and that which was plainly otherwise, and so pub lished the grarest charges against pub lic officers and private character which could not bs sustained and were proven false in every particular. Dairy Matters. The Chagrin Falls Exponent says that probably no cheese factories in that vi cinity will open before Hay 1st., and the buyers wiJ not buy any cheese made be fore that date. S. Straight & Son, of Hudson, say that instead of having 75,000 cheese on hand now, they handled daring the entire sea son only 61,000, and have now on hand less than 14,000. It has been going the rounds of the newspapers that they had 75,000 on hand ih February. ; . A writer in the Cincinnati Commercial contributes a long article from which we quote: "East Liverpool, . Ohio bases - her claim of being the 'Staffordshire of America on the following facta; eleven Rockingham and yellow ware potteries with twenty-six kilns; seven white ware potteries with twenty-seven . kilns; three C. C or cream color ware, the cheap white ware used in many hotels, with eight kilns; two knob potteries with three kilns; three -decorating establish mentsone connected with Knowles, Taylor and Knowles' pottery with three kilns; pee establishment manufacturing encaustic tile with one kiln, and an ex tensive flint and spar mill, .where flint and spar are ground and prepared foi use, with one kiln in all seventy kilns, many of them having a capacity to hold . r.ram tn ptacas or ware Leading English potters say that Ohio la making better ware than England ever made or can make because we have bet ter feldspar and better aeggar clay. The latter will stand a much higher degree of heat than any clay found in England, and our feldspar surpasses theirs in color as well as in every other material element. Recent discoveries in decoration are to be put in practice in the white ware potteries and our children may not have to hunt about for odd pieces of Wedge- wood to find treasures in ceramio art, but will, as loyal Buckeyes prize a handsome set of 'K. T. & K. 'Knowles, Taylor A Knowles' more than any that could be made of foreign clay. - . . Trust.' ' Few Christian believers constantly bear in mind the promises, so as to be lifted securely from the ruts of care.and kept free from the anxieties that hinder cheerfulness, spiritual growth and the highest usefulness. If we could consider what a mere speck in a lifetime are moat of the burdens of to-day; could rcmem ber that the vexations and disappoint ments or afflictions that distressed us at such a time and such a time one year, five years or ten years ago.neither killed us nor lasted forever, bat were, with lit tle or no intervention of our own, di verted from us by the changing events of God's providence, how much worry it would save us. ' And then again in the long run how impotent has been the most of our planning; how In this way and that our hopes have been defeated, our ambitions have come to nought. The things we had looked for have not trans pired;whlle on the other hand blessings unexpected, mercies greater than our faith have been granted, afflictions that we.hadno power to avert have been turned aside, and the darkest skies have cleared to star-light or circled on to a diviner day. . ' - " ' Ah I to how manv Taith has been . , No evidence of thing unseeo. Bat a dim shadow that recasts The creed of the Phantaslasts, For whom do Man of Sorrows died, For whom the Tragedy Divine Was bat a symbol ana a si ra, . - And Christ a phantom crucified. Wa mav know a rood deal . of the causes that destroy life, and. have fre quent observation of the indications and of the fact of death; we may be able to regard it as mitigated by the consolations of the Christian faith, yet it is still a dread and awful mystery. The separation of the soul from the body, the transition'from activity and consciousness to the Indifference and tranquility of death, we can no more understand or explain than we can com prehend and define the infinite. When we know that it is very near our friends, that their sufferings we can no longer palliate, that the cold that en wrap them will creep steadily upward in spite of our efforts, that the fatigue of which they speak is nature's final ex haustion, we feel so helpless in Its pres ence.' One moment they may speak to as and the next we only note that the breath is shorter, the poise' feebler, it flutters, tops, and life is done; past human ex pedient to restore, past human entreaty to influence. Death is so irresponsive! It smites us so, that placid face, the folded hands and quiet heart, already unmoved by tears or grief, or words of woe, or sense of others' loss, or tenderness. - We can not bear that death so soon should make a breach In love and sympathy, ' that in its rest and serenity they should forget us and our weight of suffering. How soon earth's pain is all removed, every trace gone from lip and cheek and brow, and what in life was beautiful death glo rifies. Is this the form that so lately moved among us, familiar to our daily sight, now wrapped about in .such mys tery T That mist of flowing hair is it the same that,yielding to brush and plait,we daily wrought into shining braids and confined its golden length with rib bons to match the azure of her eyes? Statuesque face and perfect hands.every curve and line so full of grace; this clay so lately oar chief care, so lovely and painless now could it have been of the earth? It seems like sacrilege to touch it now. Is it to teach as a new lesson of the mutability of all earthly things that the sublimest beauty should be reached only at the threshold of corruption f Such a dsy snd such a day.but a week or a month ago.we recall that they were with us enjoying what made us happy, interested in our pursuits, troubled with what perplexed us, sorry if we were grieved, affected by the same influences that make others merry or sad. We count the days since they were borne away, jealous of each that shall in any measure dim the memory of our beloved. We can hardly bear the thought that they have no farther need of us. Such a lit tle time ago we were all in all to them. and now no want of theirs appeals to our quick sympathies or nerves us to loving service in their behalf. The things they liked, the articles they used, the garments worn by oar dead. how vividly these recall them. In the hashed silence we listen for a footfall that never comes.wait for a greeting that will nevermore be spoken, for the ca ressing touch of a gentle hand, for the sound and song of a voice that is still. Life that was so full of care, and often so anxious for their sake,is comparative ly empty and ambitionless now. So many hopes are buried with them. Into Heaven's rest and new soul-delights knowledge of earth's sorrows may not intrude. The joys they have entered through the baptismal of death, even for love's loyalty should not be marred. Since no word of oars may reach them, and no afterthought of affection change in any. way their happiness or welfare, naught remains for us but to cherish with loving remembrance the good they did, the pleasant ways in which they made us hppy, their graces of heart and mind and person, and more than all, the tender recollection of their attach ment to us whose lives are maimed by loss of them. : ' Then there are the dear ones that are left;what a relief to sore hearts that there are still those whom we can make happi er, who need as. " The suffering, the helpless, the improvident, the discour aged we have always with us, if we look for them. The near duty must for the time eclipse the want and woe outside, but helping others is Ood's remedy for healing our own heart-aches.and it would be a pity indeed if sympathy were ever consumed by sorrow. The great human family are all children in one sense and never outgrow their need of each other's fostering help and kindly care. COMMUNICATIONS. SPENCElt. Peace has been declared in the Crouch family. There is one case of lung fever, two of scarlet fever and several oases of mumps reported in our little burgh. Oar winter term of school closed last Saturday. It has been conducted by Mr. Frank Aid rich who has taught a most successful term, giving satisfaction to both parents and children. We understand that Dr. E. Britton who has just returned from the lectures with his diploma intends to commence practice in this town. Success to you. Doc Stkb. P ENFIELD. County Surveyor L. F. Ward was in town last week surveying the farm of the late John Shaw. It is to be divided, the part lying east of the road having neen purchased oy jar; uueu, ox jnat ham who will take possession the first of April. The remaining part lying west of the road has been purchased by Messr. Levi Smith and J. C. Barlow, it lying contiguous to their farmi-. ' We have not been informed of the exact number of acres in each piece. We commend the enterprise of Messrs WQlard and Jay Hart; who have recent ly imported from Pennsylvania some thorough-bred Holstein cattle. The history of Lorain county will be embellished with engravings of the resi dences of Elisha Sheldon, W. W. Pen- field. Mrs. Beri Andrews, Oren Starr Sr., and 8. Goodyear, with portraits and autographs of the proprietors and their wives. . The family of Rev. Roberts are visit ing relatives in Delaware, Ohio. Myron Penfield has gone to Philadel phia with a car-load of cows. Services at the Baptist church Sabbath P. M., conducted by the pastor of the Baptist church of Litchfield. M. CLAKKSFIELD. We are now enjoying the sweetness of the swear-making season. Several of our farmers have opened their sugar-buches with fair prospects for a good season. We are also enjoying a season of fine roads which all who live in the neigh borhood of Wellington know fall well how to enjoy and that is, not be caught out on the billowy or (bottomless) waves thereof. There are quite a number of sick in this neighborhood at present. His. Ho!- comb is very sick. Uncle Isaac Scott is suffering considerably from a rail ne got whUegoing down cellar, which broke one or two ribs and otherwise injured him, and we are informed that Wm. Mansor is very sick, his being a severe case of diphtheria. Dt nuts Clawson is laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. Will. lam Blues is under the doctors care, also is Mrs. Geo. Gigner. ' An accident occurred Saturday morn ing which caused the death of the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Winans. Our school closed Friday, although not altogether satisfactory to teacher and pupils. We do need strict discipline in our school and until such is enforced no great benefit can be derived therefrom. We are asxea to inquire wno is our State Fish Commissioner and where to address him. Finis. "HUNTINGTON. . -'. .A 1. -- - . ' .- - - Is the winter over and gone? - Truly the singing birds have come, i - We have been asked to inquire If the dairymen's resolutions have all been tabled? Renters and wild geese are seen mov ing to day Sugar-makers are busy. It can now be truthfully said that pack peddlers and tramps are traveling up and down the earth. How does the public pulse beat for a new court-house? ' Is it because some people take time by the forelock, or because we are to have a sheep show this fall, that some choice ones are being shorn? There are several severe cases of mumps in town. Some of them are old enough and know enough to have had them long ago. A pleasant baptismal service was en joyed in. the baptistery of the Baptist church on Saturday by a union of three churches. - Pastor Fox of the Baptist church and Pastor Rice of the Congrega tional Church were the administrators. Bro, Rice's short acquaintance among us has made him many friends. "Behold, how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity." The ordinance was again administered on Sabbath at the close of morning service. , S. Republican e r Democrat? Which shall vi xlkct at oub . sprxho xxicnoit? Wellington though one of the strongest Republican townships in the county, has always been liberal in giving local offices to members of the Democratic party and especially for the past few years, as the Republicans were willing to be generous in proportion to their strength, provided it waa consistent with, and involved bo surrender of principles. . But while this has been done, would it not be well to stop and consider whether it is a wise or judicious thing to do. Are there any Republicans in Wellington who are wil ling to vote for men for any office who belong to a party whose Representatives in Congress have been eulogizing that arch-traitor and rebel, Jefl. Davis, and have a!so tried to have that Benedict Ar nold of this age, pensioned by a govern ment which he with others, have for years tried to destroy, a man who is re sponsible for more human suffering than any one who has ever lived on this conti nent? To pension the rebel soldiers would not be a greater crime against justice, or a greater insult to the loyal men of this nation, yet that is just the very thing which thea Democratic party have tried to do. "Shall we Repub licans place any man in office to repre sent us who voles and is identified with a party that makes ne distinction be tween the vilest treason and the grand est loyalty. Reason and justice alike demand that henceforth we should de clare that Republicans alone shall have offices if they ate worthy and let us see to it that none otbeia are nominated. F. SULLIVAN. The very air is laden with the per fume of boiling sap. This week will prove a fine harvest for sugar-makers. B. F. Rickett met with quite an acci dent last Tuesday in the mill. While cleaning away the sawdust from a wheel his fingers were caught in the cogs, but luckily no bones were broken. Quite a number of our citizens have been spending a few days in Ashland attending court. L. Ingraham & Son are busy invoicing their stock. John Reed the blacksmith has deter mined to leave Sullivan again. His fu ture residence will be in Orange. And now if John leaves the query is, "Who will blow the bass-drum?" Rogers says he will do it u they'll only give him the key. That report which you never received. was sent up by a friend. Perhaps he acted the part or a prooi-reader and thought the article not fit for publication Well, such might be the case for we did tread on his toes a little. A word to the wise, etc., etc. A goodly number of Christian people of our town attended the baptism at Huntington. It seems too bad to have to go alt the way to Huntington when a few dollars would fit up the baptistry here. It is an old proverb that "experience is a dear teacher.". Some of our dairy men can vouch for the truth of this, but we think they have at last aroused them, selves and dont intend to be bull-dozed any more. That's generally the way, wait until the horse is stolen, then lock the stable door. We have heard nothing but grumbling and growling ever since the failure of John Clark, and still the farmers go on and give others just the same chance to swindle them that he had. Farmers, why don't you take the reins in your own hands now for a while? Plant your banner where you want it and II the factory-men can t marcn up to it, let them fall out or the ran as. Old Solomon. Spring- Elections. - Mr. Editor. In your issue of two weeks ago "Republican" wrote in favor of party candidates tor village officers Let me tell you that that strikes an old line Democrat. It is claimed that in all places where our party is in the ascend ency we invariably put up men of our own party. Admitting this to Detrue, does it follow that it is right? The Democratic party is an old party The maxims of the fathers have come down to it from generation to generation, have been made more and more binding by convention after convention enacting precedent after precedent until we can not throw on the burden oi mis, to us. unwritten constitution. Theso maxims contain many errors, bat are so engrafted in the work and lire or tne party, so in wrought with principles that we deem sacred and true, that while the best of us see and know they are wrong the many, the mass, believe in and tolluw blindly the leaders who never tire of shouting the party whoop, 'To the vic tors belong the spoils!" Let us here in Wellington, Republic ans as well as Democrats adopt the moie humane and sensible plan of the Golden Rule which in politics develops into mi nority representation. And how, I ask, can we get the minority representation better or easier or fairer than for all of us. Republicans, Democrats snd Float rs to meet in common caucus and select the best men for the places regardless of party. It is conceded by all. that our town has been well kept In the past. Our councilinen have been efficient and trust worthy. Perhaps tho- reputation our town has for cleanliness and general thrift above other towns may be due in fart if not wholly to the fact that party ines have been ignored. No one will deny that we Democrats have always in the past done our part in the burden som work of the council or of any other Board Where we have had representation. We have even supplied a man to fill the Mayor's place when for any reason the present incumbent failed to put in an appearance. Let us meet then as citizens with a common interest the best good of our village elect the men who have no axes to grind, no supplies to furnish, and Wellington will continue to be what she has always been the best managed town on the Reserve. Democrat. THE GENUINE DR. C: HcIaANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. fTTHE countenance is pale and leaden-s- colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu pils dilate; an azure .semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva-, slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURT" in any form ; it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLANE'S Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C Mc I.ane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :0: DR. C. McULNXTS LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy ' for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affection of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are nneqnaled. BEWAKE Or MITATIOSa. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with (he impression Dr. Mc Lane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C Mc Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the. market being full of imitations of the name ilcLMne, spelled, uulerenuy but same pronunciation. Hanson's i Is an internal and external rem edy, for the cure of all diseases of a nerv ous nature, deriving its curative properties from a combination of the BEST MEDI CINES which medical skill and long ex perience in the treatment of diseases has decided to be thetrue remedies for such complaints. RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SCIATICA CAN BE CURED; So many instances when seme casta of Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Ague In Face, Nerv ous Headache, et-x, have been entirely cued by tba Curative, that we do not hesitate to say it will cnic every eaaa if used aa we direct. The cores performed has astonished the med ical profession, as well as the patients them selves, wis la aaaay hum bum! a-lvca aa all aape af ever betas; camL The Curative is put up In large bottles far family use, and no family should bs without it. For Barns, SewMa, Cats, Waaada, Blaediaa, Taataaeae, Earache, Sara Throat, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Bawel Casaalalata.KMaejrCasaaliilata.aaMi all Herveas It 1st the BEST REMEDY KNOWN. Do not suffer pain when you can be so easily cured. Everjr kraa-s;lat heeaa It. Lawson Chemical Co., Cleveland. 0. LARGE NEW SIZE, SO cents snd fl.00. Siolx Hoad&cho CARTERS PeaKrvely Cared ay the Urn Pills. They also relieve 7nTLE instreas rrooi Dyspep sia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A pel fees remedy for Dtsslness, N an sea, Drowal neae.Bad Taste In tba Month. Coated Tongue, Pain in the 8lde, Ac. They regu late the Bowels and prevent Constipation and Piles. The small- h I I V r I PILLS. 1 aa ana easiest to take. Only one pill a dose. 0 In a rial. Purely Vegetable. Price S cants. Bold by all Druggists. CARTER MEDICINE C0 Prep", Erie, Pa. SMee Vials by Mall for one dollar. TUYY'S A NOTED DIVINE SAYS THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT in COLD HEAD WHAT HE SAYSl Da. Tutts Dear Sir! For ten ream I have been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Laat &pring your Pills were recommended tome; I used them (but with little faith). I am now a well man, have good appetite, diges tion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and I hare gained forty pouTuds solid flesh. They am worth their weight in gold. Kit. B. L. BIMPoON, Louisville, Ey. A TORPID LIVER Is the frnitfnl soaice of many diseases, snch aa Dyspepsia, Eick Headache. Costlveness, Dysen tery, Bilious Fever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, PUes4theumallsm,KldneyOomptalnt,Collctc. Tntfs Pills exert a powerful influence on the TJ vertnd will with certainty relieve that Impor tant organ from disease, and restore its normal functions. The mpidlty with which persons taceon flesh, wbUeunder the influence of these pills, of itself Indicates their adaptability to nourish the body, hence their efficacy In curing nervous debility, dyspepsia, wasting of the mtuclea, sluggishness of the II ver, eh ran Ic const I pat Ion. and Imparting; health and strength to the system. CONSTIPATION. On ! with reeularitvof the bo we la can erfw- health be enjoyed, when the constipation Is of rea. vnen tne constipation Is of single dose of TUIT'S PILLS t if it has become habitual- onn recent date, a will suffice, hot Kll should be taken ry night, gradually Immq g the frequency of the daae until a regular dally ssoremeat is obtained, which will soon follow. ReM Everywhere, aa Cemta. onic& m innuLix sr. nw toi& Ayer's Sarsaparllla ' For Scrofula, ana an Bcrof ulous d isenses ,Ery eipelas, Rose or St. An thonv's Fire, Eruptions . and "Eruptive diseases of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, rim plcs, Pustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumors, Tet ter, Salt IUicuni, Scald Head, llingworm, Ulcers, isorcs, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in tho Bones, Side and Head, Female Weak ness, Sterility, Leucorrhoea, arising from internal ulceration, and uterine disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, General Debility, aud for Puri fying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives StillingiaIan drake, Yellow Dock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients aro so skilfully combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and whilo it is'so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual oi to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the country repose in it proves their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are con stantly being received, and as many of these cases fire publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superiority to any other medicine known that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever . possessed are strictly maintained. PRKPASBD BT Dr. J. C. AYER it CO., Lowell, Mass., .Practical aaaT AntytUmX Caeaaiste. SOLD BY AU DltUQCISTS KVKHYWH ERK. B.D. Palmer, D.D.S. Successor to Dr. J. J. Stedmau. Especial attention given to the Preservation of tlie natural Tooth. By filling and cleaning. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Inserted upon all the various bases known to the profession. WALL WORK WARRANTED. OFFICE IN BAXK BUILDING. . , Tho Friend of All ! Holloway's Pills I hsd no ahpetlte; HoHoway"s Pills gave me a ncanj unc "Your PUla re marvelous.' "I send for Smother box, and keep them In the nouae." "Ir. Hollowsy has cured my headache that was chronic' 'I cave one of yonr Pltls to my babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well In aday." "My nausea of a morning- Is now cured. Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured me of notnrs In the head. 1 rubbVd some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has Icft- Send me two boxes; 1 wast one for a poor family. I enclose a dollar your price Is 25 cents, bat the medicine to me la worth a doilar. "Send me are boxes of your Pills." a Xet me have three boxes of your Fills by return mall, for Chill, and fever. I hare over sno such tetlmonlats as thes. but want of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Dixonler, And sll eruptions of the skin, this OI tment Is most Invaluable. It does not heal externally al -ne, hut penetrates with ihe most searching effect to the very root of the evil. HOLLOWAY'S OIHTMEIIT. Possessed of this Remedy, every man may be his own doctor. It may be rubbed into the system, so as to reach any internal complaint; by these means It cure' Sores or Ulcers in the Throat, Stomach, Liver, Spine, or other parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for B id Legs, Bad Breasts. Contracted or Stiff Joints, Gout, Rheumatism ar.d all skin disease. TirpoaTAirr CArnoic. Xone are genuine unless the signature of J. Haviiocs. aa ascent for the United States, surround, each box of I'll la and Ointment. Boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and SI each. tVThere Is considerable sarins hy talcing the larger sixes. HOLLOW AT a CO.. New York. isms H0LBR00E BROS., Surgeon Dentists. Do not neglect to care for anil so lose your teeth. A small amount of money expended to keep them in good condi tion Is a good Investment. We keep Tooth Brushes, Powder and Mouth Washes and will be glad to select for each of our patients just such as their care demands. This is the time of the year to have your bad teeth removed before the cold weather comes and they begin to ache. We make Gold, Silver, Continuous Gum and Celluloid Plates (besides oth er kinds), but find Gold a much better base for artificial teeth than Rubber. Examination and counsel free. We will be glad to work for any who may desire our services. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. 0-3 m II01.BROOK Brothers. D. D. S. XTew Fension Law. All PewlonaW by new law. begta bsck at day of dlKhanr Kejrcted cdaes also re-pened. Pension era add appllcanta, send two stamps (or new law, blanks ana Instruction to K. W. FITZGERALD. Box 868, 'Washington, D. C DEAR SIB: If yoo are la want of anythlns la the way of GUNS, RIFL.ES, REVOLVERS, Ptatola Amnnltloo. Gnn Material. Vtahlna TacTrlA. or any other Fine Sporting Uoodspleaso wrlto for my Larv- Illustrated Catalogue aml Prl-e Mil which I mall free. Yours truly, JOHNSTON'S Gbsat Wasraaa lua woaas, ritisDuriu, r. am THE "DIAMOND" Custom: -Shirts I The Best Enown to tlie trade. Price ........ - -- - - .... . - - - - per Doz. Utica IT. Y. Mills, or Wansutta, 2200 Linen, $25.00 " " - 2300 " 23.00 " " . " 2000 " 20.00 1700 " 17.00 If unlaundried a reduction of $3.00 per dozen. The "Diamond" is the leading shirt company of America and does the bulk of the custom work in New York and other eastern cities. We furnish a nicer shirt and from $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen cheaper than the small factories and guarantee perfect fit and satisfaction. Measures taken at the New York Clothing House. -A. M. PITCH. Baldwin, Laundon & Co.'s GREAT ATT11ACTION - OF - FALL & WINTER DHY GOODS. Dress Goods Of every style and quality, at prices to suit the purchaser, comprising Black and Fancy Silks, very low ; Black Cashmeres the best ever offered offered in this market for the money. Jamestown Alpaccas, In new styles, more desirable and cheaper than ever before. Our stock of Ladies' Foreign and Domes tic Dress Goods is very full and complete, and at prices that cannor fail to satisfy the demands of all. Domestic Ginirhams in large quantities from ten centa to a shilling. Prints in great variety, from foor to eight cenu. We have the exclusive sale of Foreign and Domestic Shawls a fine as sortment selected with great care. Our ILlnezx Stoclr. Table Linen from 25 cents upward. Nap kins unprecedently low. TowellnRB of beau tiful quality, and of every grade. Handker chiefs a very floe stock, dome as low as four cents each. notions. We carry a full line of notions consisting; of Hosiery, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs. La dies' Neck Wear, etc, also a very large stock of Robert's Needlea and Cutlery which are guaranteed to please in every re spect. They are the very best in the world. Our stock of Hardware and Groceries Is ample and the prices suited to meet the wants of everybody. An elegant stock of choice Carpets and Oil Cloths. 8 fii An agent wanted in this locality to 6upply the rapid demand ! NOTHING SUCCEEDS 112.3 SUC3E3 S The former high priced machines EEDUCED to TWENTY DOLLARS ! Thoroughly warranted and sent to yon for Examination Before You Pay For It. And ao obligation to keep one. If aot bztob thaa any machine yoa ever hsd. Every Family can now own a First-clasa Sewing Machine! CD u c co Oh The Old Favorite and Eeliable STANDARD iSe-wing Machine 820. A KNOWLEDGES NO SuPERTOB ! ! ! We cannot make ft better machine at any . price. The Highest Piemium Awarded the Stitch at the Centennial. A Strictly First-Class Double Thread Lock Stitch Machine, more complete In equipments thaa CO any atlter, and combining- all Uu late improvements, with the old and well-tried qualities J 3d FOR WHICH THE STANDARD IS SO POPULAR. ft' . , A Faithful Family Sewtne; Machine In every sense of the word that runs smooth and does every descrip tion of plain or fancy aewlun with ease and certainty aottrona; and weil made, and so thoroughly tested while In use for years In Thousands of FainltU-fl. that eacb machine that leaves our Factory la warranted for five yeara, and kept In order five of charge. Money Refunded at once If not perfectly Satisfactory. Ri dcccd is Puci Fas Down Below all other Machines. No extras to pay for. Each Machine Is ac companied by a more complete outfit of numerous and useful attachments fjr all kinds of work (free of extra charge) than is given with any other machine at any price. The Standard Machine has more good qnalltles than those of double the price. Limit and Kast Kunniko. a child can use It- Stroxs amd DraaBLB. never out of order. Rapid and certain la execution. No useless Cogs or Cams to wear out or make a noise. Will Last for Years. Is ready In a moment, and understood In an hour. Mskes the Double Thread Lock Stitch, alike on both aid's of the goods from cambric to leather, uses a Short, Straight and Strong Needle. Extra Loirg, Large, eanlly threaded Shuttle. With New Avtomatio Tanslos. Large Bobbins capable of holding one hundred yards of thread. A Large Strong Machine with great width of aim. giving It many desired qnalltles and great capacity for a wide ranee of work. It la the beat machine In prin ciple and In point of construction. Lae It once and yoa will use no other. Active Asents wanted In tots county to receive orders and deliver machines. Kxtra lnducments offered Clergymen. Teachers, Business Men, etc Illustrated Book, samples of work, with price list, etc.. free. Kate delivery of goods guaranteed to any part of the world, Acdress, STANDARD SKW1NO MACHINE CO.. BHOADWAY CLINTON PLACE, New York. 12-eyl Why will you suffer with Dyspep sia and liver complain, Constipation, and general debility when yon can get at our store Sliiloh's System Vitalizer, which we sell on a positive guarantee to cure you. Price 10 cts. aud 75 cts. For sale by J. W. Houghton. 11-16-ly Domestic Cottons at astonishingly low prices. The best bleached cotton at 6!' cents ever offered at that price. Peerless wraps at to cents. A very complete stock of Flannels Selling lower than ever. Cloths and Cassimeres In unusual variety and quantity, which we can make up to order at prices ihat cannot fail to please; consisting of Overcoatings and Suitings for men and children's wear. Also a very large assortment of Ladies' Cloakiugs and an unusually large stock of Kcaay.iuaue uiouks irom upwards. the following : Call and see it UJ Our winter stock of Steady-made Clothing Comprises a fine assortment of custom made Clothing, at prices so much below those previous to the war as to astonish any whose memory may extend back so Ions; a time. Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Robes and horse Blankets very cheap. In our purchases for our BOOT, SHOE and RUBBER department this season we have obtained a larger and better selected stock of the newer styles than ever before. We have Ladies', ftlleses and Children's Bhoes, also Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, which we can sell greatly below any former figures. In facpin all departments prices are more fav orable for the purchaser than have been known for years. The citizens of Wellington and vicinity will do well to look over our stock before purchasing We will try to please all in showing goods and making prices satisfac tory. " O e-t O tod CD (tJ Tarrssi-Af gut VIOLUT 8TBXUGS. 1..-ST airtot-irrtaa-aia ldk--". t.,,4 . u.trk I. naa-Sriaal JH-tmn!k kyallLatUISal HMII .Hla ..w Vii-lty. Cnaaidarltaf ttodr -mUl'w, Hi eSfaafwln tli. warkt. V- l.'ltMalli'iit.(lHiulu, SMalaeSaa. TRASS MASK. U.. Ual blrtea rvquire no McertilliS . lau tliam. Avety baa ua. i'rad-mark ot i!k tuU tiaporuss lew warn. .OIU I. STKATTUJI C,tl.. W aS IP t . n", j it j . f ,v STOVES! , -'i . Over 30 Different -OF- COOKING STOVES -AKD- - - And abont the same of S i Z2T STOCIS -AT- J- "W7 Wilbur's, And For Sale at CHEESE PBICES." Respectfully Yours, v " J.W.WILBUR. BOOKS&MILLEOfJ Wife, Ewidcfscea ot VuilnifT. Tm Prmtuit4a, cotup-u.bU mui inromp-fcU- ssBsasssaTstatsi mc, owniiiy iu women, csxumi ana. Aiivitsj to bridvfrtHstn, pelvic to htMbaUMl. bieniitj lu women, can and. Milnmonv comparrd, Ccnfruffal duties, Coarpt ion. Con flneront. lor and GmKalutt, Inianliimrots to Murta-re, in mala and IVmala, Scicnc u KVprmiuctiun. Sins lite conaidetYd, Law of Alarriafi. Lav ufDivorca. Ltal rizjua or marnad wom, e-t, ineludinf Diseases- peculiar to Women, their cantcs and ircattiscnt. A book fr private and connderatr rvadinr ot 30 Dues. will, full FiVta -'-Crafin2t, by mail, sealed Ibr 50 cenu. mlJ' Medicral Av?ser,- on vrenilia,Qonorrnosa. uieet, uuiotura.Varteoeelo. ate also on Spermatterboea, Ecxual Xtobility.a-.d Im potency, from 8ll-abue and Exct a, rmuainjt Sraunal KraiMttms, NrrTmnkeaS. Ave rsion to Society, Confusion of Ideas, Phrticaldeesy, liinneso4 sichu Infective Jirroorr. Ioas of Sexual Powrr, tie. makai-t marriafre improper or an happy, rivinr treatment, and a crest many valuable receipts fer tha cafe of ail private ititfi.iiti sua, over 50 plates, 50 cents. . , ''Medical Ady'ice," a lectors on Manhood and Womanhood, 10 eertf : or iiL.thr' ,n nieeiT bound volume, $1. They conula. 00 pa-res sod over 1O0 Illustrations, embracing erery. thins on the renera'tve ystetn that is worth knowing, and niuch that is oot pubiifhrd in anv other work. The com btiied volame is -positively the brst Popular Medical Book rnoi:shed, and t.'ioaeduM' after ffeninx tt ran have their money retundrd. The Author ! an rxpftrienced Fnytnin of many y-ar prarttce, (as is wpII kuuvn.) and the advice riven, aml Kutes ftr tmttnent laid down, will be found of rrrat value 1 thorn atoritnt from impuritws of the "TWMu, early errora. 'oa vigor, or any ot the nuni-T-out troublra cum ins under tlia bead of 'Private" or CnroDic" riiseaes.--- Sentln ine:vo umaoeennarifrte in one, lor Pric in Miinp, Uver or Ourrei.ry. (Cuasui Utjoq confiJriatai, end srttcre are pr ntnilr and tr-aekty mswvrrd without ebar?.) Address. Dr. Butts' Dispevr ury, 13 N. 6Ui St-, Su Louis, lo. (Established 1S47-) fcj-i for tale by News Dealer. AQENTS wanted. BtlTt RK to tend him their ranrtra and ddrevt, aud h'rvby eures thctu that nv w-.'i Umrn m Z Ta Prascm and Beautify Your Haass Use . GT7TTA PEBCHA FAZ2TT. THE BEST PRESERVATIVE EVER USED forWood. Iron, Stone or Brick Structures. FOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE WORK. Send for Sample Colors and Price Lists (FREE) to CUTTA PERCHA PAINT COMPANY, 356 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland. Ohio. . xi31yl For sale by Everett & Starr. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' mm. A Oaks ef SapoOo, a Twirl fwaSar sad HOCS1 OAiSna a. mmmf wm Jo wmcma rusrmt an ! WIIAClJaSaaut,Sailili.TSlai.tSlataafT , WILL CLZlS Oil. CUTS3, FlMn, SWm, StUCIUI Ml IO,lakSaka av WU CLB1S ttOCtm, ffliiiisM, will cms nmn rtpum at ail 1 m i, -wiitctm wiCTOwsasiai.ii"ifc'iia. ' WiarOUSS'Tl,rMSaCasiii'" ' -WUArSMSS'. Barna as awa Ilia- " WluraUSaaUBMalSartaMaaS WILL CLSal aB liiiSlllAHMia l.ila - - BZTTSa aSB CSXaKS tfua Bmp, Ia7t Baftaa Staa II Price lOo. Per Cako. For (Mie oy Dr. S. 13. Ertcrson. P rival Hwspitai. Ml Iateu MIL Mtiu Ttm ml Xaiara, rV tacj mf Manias. Or I1L 078 pcl ally, all I Mruc, Cssi-wtte ajsd t Pimalt DUmtl. CoaaaltArtoa trmm. I bm. m w.n.r.ii... LaMliea mud Aentl-1 IUIM.M ar ima aaa Haiihood: a woltk t lETrrs. and one dollar fl for m-Im af basil ribktr gMwIa, an valosiba immrmatiom I I ek-icx aaa Tahabkt ta- 1 1. bah wxea. Nthlac rai.ll... r laanM bTcxpma. RelisV D CC I and faaaiamk. lafia tie KtmaW 1-itta, & U rv I aaaltati a r Wot prr bax. RHTaVtaD paUlakaal. Hm faaul baaaa IUM for I ttbaaM aa vHlMtt li ladta. mm- g I Qaddwaa. Pr. A. V MMtaa&aiJTJaWjml KEEP'S SHIRTG Beat Ooallty. PerfectTltUug. . WAJ1STJTTA SniSliS A BEST IRlsH UNBu. 6fr Q Ci Kewp'a ParUy-Mad Dresa O O ShlTts.only plalnscams to finish. kjcf;i-8 cif8TO.H fcHiBi, T v. O fa Made to measure eaaaadeaa. 13 07 Aa .mal i-H ..ta .1 a. tarttoM fr. vtth wmch BalfVtaaaa. Send address on postal card for samples and circulars with directions for self-measurement. , G1BCHT MltOTHUaJa, 1HO W.4lh bLOnclnnatl.O Gen'lAgta.Mrrs. aaOUTaBU8t.Lonis.lao. Perfomtt the Breadt,' ratuls off enslTe by Catarrh, Decayed Teeth, Foul Stomach, Ac, Ate ClerRymen, Singers and Speakers will find them to give immediate relief and a dkear TOico. Good for Children ; sdso Young and Old should use them ; especially Younir Ladiea aad Men. . Bold by all Drngtrists a Conlsetl ssMra,SBrv8. TRIX M'f 'a Co., Rochester, N.Y. For sale by l)r. S. B- Kmeisoa. THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMKDTl Gbay's Specific Mdici TRADEMARK. ,Ia aapeclally TAD1W. recomme n u . u as an unfailing car for Sehi- BAL WCAKXESS, B r s a M A to a ehka. laporrn- - r-r and all dlS- - easas that fol-4 Before Taiing qnsnos on sif After Taking. of Memory, Universal La saitude. Patnia tta Back, Dimnesa or Vision . Prematura Old. Age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity, Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a'rnle are first caused by deviating from the path of aatara and over indulgence. The Sped fie Medicineiis tba result of a U'e of study and many years of exper ience In treating taeae special disease a ; , Fall particulars n our pamphleta whKn ws de air. to send free hy mail to everyo : The S eelBe Medicine Is sold hy all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for S5, or will bo aent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MRDICINB CO. , No. 10 Mechanics' Block. Drraorr, Mica. tSTXo'A in Wellingtoa by 8. B. Emeraoa, aad all Druggists everywhere. . , SUong, Cobb A Co., Wholesale Agents, devs snd, Ohio. l-?0-1' E2 fta-S