OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1867-188?, December 25, 1879, Image 4

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jjc Mrllington (Enterprise.
J. W. HOUGHTON, Publisher.
The truth is mighty mean some
times. McGregor Aero.
Skates go-as-they-please" with a
green hand. Free Brest.
The first step toward admission to
the bar is to get on the good side of the
A young lady in Brooklyn calls her
bean a spark from the wires, because
he's a telegraph operator.
The most powerful of existing tele
scopes is now in use at Melbourne,
which magnifies 8,000 times.
An ounce of keep-your-mouth-shut
is better than a pound of explanations
after yon have said it. Fret Press.
In Sweden a bride has her pockets
filled with bread. Caramels are good
enough for the girls in this country.
Some people judge an umbrella by
the handle. The best way is to tickle
it in, the ribs. Kew Haven Register.
The Philadelphia Chronicle says
that youth and toothless old age are
chewing gum periods of a man's life.
," The rats of Illinois eat up and de
stroy 100,000 bushels of corn every
year, and the query with her is whether
to stop raising corn or rats.
The Detroit Free Press says that no
woman should erer give a plump "no"
to an offer of marriage. Hold on to
even a poor one, and use it for a bait."
Everything," says a Western pa
per, has recently advanced in price
except liberty, which remains at eternal
vigilance, with liberal reductions to the
Vague reports of troubles in Spain
have reached this country. Is it possi
ble that Alfonso has already refused to
get up first and start the firef Chicago
After a Texas jury had stood out
for ninety-six hours the Judge got a
verdict out of them in two minutes by
sending them word that a circus had
come to town.
" Ulster" is a curious name for a
young lady, but that is what an Irving
ton young man calls his queen. We
suppose because he is so wrapped up
in her. Jankers Statesman.
The thoughtful girl who tells her
gentlemen callers what her other gentle
men friends are going to give her
Christmas is taking time by the top
knot. Andrews1 American Queen.
"What is the difference between
the masons and their tenders," asked
Mr. Practical, " so long as they get the
same payf" "The difference lies in
the hod&I" replied John, the Britisher.
Ghild of seven, before being brought
into the drawing-room. Row heard
outside room. Scream from child.
Child in alto: " Tom p any (company)
or no tonipany, I won't have my face
washed with spit!"
" There was never any situation so
bad that it could not be worse," says
an American philosopher. For in
stance, a man on the gallows might be
lost in the woods without even a dog
-for company. Free Press.
A Yankee woman recently mar
ried a Chinese laundryman, and in
three days thereafter the unhappy Ce
lestial appeared at a barber's shop and
ordered nis pigtail to be cut off, saying,
in explanation: " Too muchee yank.''
Don't be alarmed young man, if
about this season of the year you dis
cover the idol of your alleged soul gas
ing intently at your feet during one of
your visits to her. She is only sizing
them up for a pair of slippers that you
can never wear.
Of course, says the Boston Trans
cript, we all love our neighbor as our
selves; but when our coal bin is full and
his empty somehow the news of an ad
vance in coal doesn't make us look half
so glum as when the conditions of the
respective ooalbins are reversed.
The Trenton (N. J.) Oasette says
that Professor Cook has sent to the
Geological Museum at the State House
in that city several large slabs of stone
containing imprints of bird's feet, which
were found at a great depth in a Morris
County quarry.
. The following list of articles have
been found in the Detroit drinking
water: Nitxchia curvula, cymatopleura
elliptica, stauroneis, punctata, plenro
sigma spenoerii and rhixosolenia erien-
sis. Ana yet tney nave temperance so
cieties there. Albany Journal.
Ah emaciated humorist, who had
been tick for a long time, was required
dy nis aoctor to nave a large mustard-
Slaster put on his chest. ' Look here,
octor! isn't there a great deal of mus
tard when the quantity of meat is taken
into consideration F" asked the sufferer.
King Cetewayo is said to have as
tonished people by his courteous man
ner .and his liking for cleanliness.
When Sir Bartle Frere asked him if
there was anything he wished for, the
savage answered that he would like to
have the floor of his room cleaner. He
suffers somewhat from rheumatism.
He takes an interest in illustrated pa
pers, and when he was shown one of
them with a picture of himself sharpen
ing a knife to kill Grandier, he burst
out laughing, and said he never knew
what a real lie was until he saw that.
"Just now, in at Smith's," said
Jones, his face flushed with the proud
consciousness of a good deed done.
" my nonesty naa a severe strain. A
fellow went out just after I came in,
and I noticed he left half a dollar of his
change on the counter. My first
thought was to pocket It. Sorry to say
it, boys; but it is a fact. I didn't
though, thank heaven! No; I just put
my fingers near it when Smith handed
mo suy vigors, buu vt m ciutuiu wjuivt-
denee it was just the right change.
8eemed sort o' providential, didn't it.
Tea," he continued, there's no doubt
about it; honesty is the best policy."
notion lranserxpi.
A Chapter en Sleep.
From an English review of J. Morti
mer Granville's new work on " Sleep
and Sleeplessness' ' we extract the fol
The most perfect and refreshing in
a word, natural sleep is that which
. combines the whole aeries in such
healthv nrenortions as an orderlr and
active life will establish, by a constitu
tionally equal distribution of work.
looking to the comparative powers of
the several parts of the system, the op
portunities for rest, the food supply,
and the measure of strength each de
partment of the mental and physical
rganism of the individual en joys. This
wise adaptation of work to the different
energies, so that each shall lighten the
task and contribute to the efhciency of
the others, it is a duty to self whicB
every step lorwara in the march of in
tellect and progress of civilization
seems to make it increasingly difficult
To sum no. sleep is a" rhythmical
function of life. It is performed by the
nervous system either through a single
center or by -the several centers con
nected with various parts or organs of
ine ooay. rrom ue supreme cere oral
centers which control the immediate
apparatus of intentional thought to the
ganglia that regulate the work of vis
cera, l oeueve tne sympatnebo system
plavs a conspicuous part in the nrodno
tion of the phenomenon, ana this is
why the due performance of the func
tion is so reaouy preventea as it la oy
disorderly action in almost any part of
the body, even when there is no sensa
tion or pain, or of uneasiness at the
seat of the disturbance. People who
do not sleep well and regularly are pe
culiarly liable to functional disorders;
and, conversely, those who are subject
to the anomalous maladies and symp
toms too often set down to fancy, but
actually existing and traceable with
care to some special ganglion of the
sympathetic system (for example, un
easiness in the " pit of the stomach,"
or aching pain in the lower lumbar re
gion of the spine), are disturbed or dis
orderly sleepers. Sleep is a nerve state,
whether the part sleeping be the brain
or certain parts of the organ, the mus
cular system er the viscera. The modi
fications which take place in the vessels
supplying the organ or system that
sleeps are the effects or consequences,
instead of the causes, of its condition.
The author devotes a chapter to the
subject of goijg to sleep, and considers
here the use of narcotics for the pur
pose of inducing it, observing that "the
state they produce is not Bleep, but a
condition of narcotism that counter
feits sleep," adding, "When a man
says, I want a quiet night; I will take
a Bleeping draught,' he speaks in para
bles. To express the facts plainly he
should say, I want a quiet night; I
cannot obtain it by going to sleep, or 1
am afraid to trust to the chances of
natural rest, so I will poison myself a
little, just enough to make me uncon
scious or slightly paralyze my nerve
centers, not enough to "kilL If this
fact should be kept clearly before the
mind, the reckless use of drugs which
produce a state that mocks sleep would
be limited." The state of inaction
which is brought about by natural
sleep is very different from that which
is produced by paralysis of any degree.
The following remarks are important:
Habit greatly helps the performance
of the initial act, and the cultivation of
a habit of going to sleep in a particu
lar way, at a particular time, will do
more to procure regular and healthy
sleep than any other artifice. The for
mation of the habit is, in fact, the crea
tion or development of a special center,
or combination, in the nervous system,
which will henceforward produce sleep
as a natural rhythmical process. If
this were more generally recognized,
persons who suffer from sleeplessness
of the sort which consists in being sim
ply " unable to go to sleep" would set
themselves resolutely to form such a
habit. It is necessary that the training
should be specific, and include attention
to details. It is not very important
what a person does with the intention
of going to sleep; but he should do pre
cisely the same thing, in the same way,
at the same time, and under as nearly
as possible the same conditions, night
after night for a considerable period,
say three or four weeks at least. The
result will amply reward the effort.
The doctor remarks, very wisely, that
sleep ought to be induced by instinct
acting in response to the sense of fa
tigue, or in obedience to the impulse of
habit; but when the orderly perform
ance of a natural process lf&s been in
terrupted, it is difficult to restore the
rhythmical sequence of cause and ef
fect." As he truly remarks, " the suf
ferings and discomfort of those who
find the act of going to sleep difficult,
are many and various." We can hard
ly, from our point of view, agree with
the opinion which Dr. Mortimer Gran
ville expresses, that "it is a mistake,
and tends to the mischievous habit of
partial sleep, to seek sleep as a relief
from trouble, worry or pain." He
holds that we should seek relief both for
the mind and the body before sleep is
sought, because if this precaution be
not taken, the sleep induced will be only
loss of consciousness, or, perhaps,
automatic, muscular or visceral; but
not natural and general sleep which
alone gives general repose." We con
tent ourselves with asking whether
cases are not frequently arising in
which the only chance apparently of
gaining relief from pain of body and
mind is by obtaining, first of all, a little
sleep of some kind P But we will quote
from this really interesting little book a
valuable passage:
A constrained or uncomfortable pos
ture will often prevent repose. Lying
flat on the back, with the limbs relaxed.
would stem to secure the greatest
amount oi rest lor the muscular system.
This is the position assumed in the
most exhausting diseases, and it is
generally hailed as a token of revival
when a patient voluntarlv turns on the
side; but there are several disadvan
tages in the supine posture which im
pair or embarrass sleep. Thus,
in weakly states of the heart
and blood vessels, and in certain
morbid conditions of the brain,
the blooa seems to gravitate to the back
of the head, and to produce trouble
some dreams, in persons who habit
ually in their gait or work, stoop, there
is some distress consequent on straight
ening the spine. Those who have con
tracted cnests, especially persons who
have had pleurisy and retain adhesions
of the lungs, do not sleep well on the
back. Nearly all who are inclined to
snore do so when in that position, be
cause the soft palate and nvola hang
on the tongue, and that organ falls
back so as to partially close the top of
tne windpipe, it is better, therefore.
to lie on the side, and in the absence of
special chest disease, rendering it de
sirable to lie on the weak side so as to
leave the healthy lung free to expand.
it is well to choose the right side, be
cause when the body is thus placed the
food gravitates more easily out of the
stomacn into the intestines, and the
weight of the liver does not compress
the upper portion of the intestines. A
glance at anv plate of the visceral anat
omy will show how this must be.
Many persons are deaf in one ear, and
prefer to lie on a particular side; but if
possible, the right side should be
chosen, and the body rolled a little
forward so that any aliva which may
be secreted shall run easily out of the
moutn, if net unconsciously swallowed.
Again, sleeping with the arms thrown
over the head is to be deprecated; but
tins position is often assumed during
sleep, because circulation is then free
in the extremities and the head and
neck, and the muscles of the chest are
drawn up and fixed bv the shoulders.
and thus th - expansion of the thorax is
easy. The chief objections to this po
sition are that it creates a tendency to
cramp and cold in the arms, and some
times seems to cause headaches during
sleep and dreams. These small mat
ters often make or mar comfort in
Webster, Cheate and Sumner.
Thirty years ago, when a student at
Amherst College, 1 remember going
over with several of nr classmates to
Northampton, where Daniel Webster
and Kufus Unoate were the opposing
lawyers in the great Oliver Smith will
case. I shall never forget the impres
sion made by the great contrast be
tween the manner and gesticulation of
these two distinguished pleaders in
their closing arguments. Ine court
room was crowded almost to suffoca
tion, and the immense interest involved.
together with the high reputation of the
opposing counsel, combined to excite
the attention and interest of all to a re
markable degree. Webster's gestures.
as well as his words, were compara
tively few, but weighty, massive, the
very embodiment of dignity and con
scious strength. Most of the time dur
ing nis nail-hour argument, he stood
perfectly motionless, his body slightly
bent forward, and his hands behind hu
back. Choato spoke for nearly two
hours, in a manner the very counter
part of Webster's, and yet equally sp-
Eropriate to the speaker's individuality,
e was all alert, everv vein swelled to
fullness, every muscle at its utmost
tension. He advanced toward the jury
and retreated. He rose on tiptoe, and
several times in his excitement seemed
to spring entirely off his feet. He ran
his long, nervous fingers through his
dark hair, and anon shook them in the
air above his head with so swift a mo
tion that they seemed to run into
each other like the spokes on a spin
ning wheel. His plea lasted two hours.
The day was hot, and when he con
cluded he sank into the arms of attend
ants in a state of perfect exhaustion,
and was borne out into the lobby like a
corpse. The excitement in the court
room was intense, but Webster's calm,
stern logic carried the day over Choate's
brilliant and fiery logic The verdict
was for Webster and the will.
One word concerning the gesticula
tions of Charles Sumner. He was al
ways dignified and self-possessed, and,
in his movements, as well as words,
always conveyed the idea of delibera
tion and scholarly culture rather than
that of spontaneous warmth and im
pulsive feeling which is most apt to
stir emotion in a hearer. But he had
one gesture which he used not often,
but always once or twice in his great
speeches, which never failed to send
the blood thrilling to my temples; and
I noticed that it had a similar effect on
many others. He raised his hand
higher and higher with appropriate
gesticulation, while building a climax,
and when he came to cap it, he rose on
tip-toe and thrust his hand up into the
air with great force and with a look of
exultant triumph. It was magnificent.
It fitted the subject and the man.
(Jot. ttan Francisco Bulletin.
Christmas Tree Trifles.
German babies are often seen nicely
fastened up in a case something after
the Indian fashion, only their cases are
softer and more comfortable than those
of the little squaw or brave. Cheap
dolls dressed and swaddled to imitate
these German babies make admirable
child gifts for the Christmas tree. Any
sized doll from three inches to twelve
inches will serve; the real baby dolls
are the prettiest. Dress the doll first
in a nightgown made with frills at the
neck and wrist, and a close-fitting
frilled cap tied under the chin and
made ot cambric, crochet, lace, etc.
add a bib, quilted or crocheted to match.
Next prepare a long, narrow pillow
ease of white pique or shirting; the
length must be once and a half of the
doll, and the width the same as that of
the doll, lying with the arms close to
the body. Cut this pillow-case in a
hall circle at the upper end, where the
doll's head will lie, leaving the lower
end square. Trim the edge all round
with work, crochet or lace edging
slightly gathered; or if preferred, trim
only the two ends. Stuff the case
lightly with leathered wadding,
wool or fine shreds of any soft white
rag. An opening must be left on one
side to put in the stuffing. .Now lay
the doll on the pillow with the head to
the rounded end; turn up the other end
over the body as far as under the arms
which are laid over it. Take a ribbon
of proportionate width to the size of the
doll and pillow, find the middle of it.
lay it under the pillow, bring it to tne
upper side, cross, put it under again,
then bring it up and tie in a handsome
bow with short ends. Tie narrow rib
bon of the same color en the wrists of
the doll; pnt rosettes on the cap. Pink
and blue are prettiest. For a large
pillow the bandage may be, instead of
ribbon a 1MJ worked band oi cotton on
which any running pattern in colored
wool is worked in cross-stitch; this is
the sort of band generally used to tie
living German babies into their pillows.
A short jacket of white flannel coming
to the waist is put on over the little
nightgown, if the doll is large enoughs
to allow the additional bulk. r :
The negro baby-doll, with its white
nightgown tied at the wrists, with scar
let or yellow bows, looks very comical
in its white pillow-bed.
idtue girls are always delighted to
get wicker cradles for their dolls. These
cradles, rurnisned with bedding, a lace
or muslin curtain, tied with ribbon.
and a bright Afghan are always capti
vating. Very pretty bassinettes (little
cradles) can be made cheaply by using
tne small cnip baskets, sold in all sizes.
Cut rockers out of thin board, connect
them with a small square board, or one
of the exact shape and size of the bottom
of the basket, i as ten this to the basket
with small tacks, then line and cover
the basket with pink paper cambric.
making a flounce to tack on the board
all round the edge, to cover the rockers.
Fasten a hoop of cane or whalebone
like a handle across the basket, near
one end, and attach to this a hood of
the cambric Now cover the whole of
the cambric with white muslin, plain
or dotted, edged with lace. Allow the
musiin covering oi we nooa to project
a little over the front edge, which
should be trimmed with lace, and loop
it back at the top and at each side with
pink bows. Make pretty beddinsr.
trimmed with lace; button-hole the little
blanket with wool or silk.
Punchinello dolls are always in de
mand for the Christmas tree. Dolls
with cloth or leather bodies must be
chosen; the heads should be china, with
close-curled hair. The costume is a
mixture of black, yellow and flame
color. Cut out tongues of cloth of each
oi these colors, these tongues to be
about one and a half inches to two
inches long. Begin to sew these on to
the body of the doll on the legs, so as
to let the tips of the tongues just fall
over tne anues. tsew alternate tongues
of each color on both legs, allowing
them to lie over a little. The object of
Beginning at tne bottom is to allow this
to be done easily. If preferred the
whole side, leg, body and arms of the
doll can be covered with tongues of one
color, and the other with the contrast
ing. The arms are worked upward as
welL When the whole body to the
china neck is covered, finish off with
large plaited collar, edged with lace or
work round the neck and shoulders.
Frills to match can be added to the
wrists and round the ankles. Make a
jelly bag cap several inches long, ac
cording to the size of your doll, of one
or both colors of the cloth you have
used. Put a band of tinsel, gold or
silver braid, round the head, and glue
it nrmly to the doll's head lust over the
forehead. The last, and not least, ad
dition is the bells, which should be the
small covered brass ones, sold for the
purpose of ornamenting baby's rattle
sleigh harness. One of these bells is
sewn to the point of the cap, and
fringe of smaller ones round the head
and the broad cloth belt confining the
waist of the doll is thickly studded with
tiny bells, which are also added here
and there on the shoulders and along
the legs, always, oi course, fastened to
the end of a cloth tongue N. T. Trib
Bice and Apples. Core as many
nice apples as will nil the dish; boil
them in a light sirup; prepare a quarter
of a pound of rice in milk; with sugar
and salt; put some of the rice in a dish
and put in the apples, and fill up the
Intervals with rice, and bake it in the
oven till it is a fine color.
" Don't you love her still?" asked
the Judge of a man who wanted a di
vorce. " Certainly, I do," he said.
love her better still than any other
way; but the trouble is she will never
be still." The Judge, who is a married
man him sell, took the case under ad
How much cold can a bare bear
bearP Stamferd Advocate.
Common Lip Salve is made simply
of equal parts of lard and suet, colored
with alkanet root, and perfumed with
an ounce of bergamot to every pound
of salve.
Indelible Ink. Take four drams
nitrate of silver, four ounces of rain
water, six drops solution of nut-gall and
half a dram of gum arabic This ink
will not fade and costs very little.
Molasses Cake. One cup of mo
lasses, one cup of sugar, one-half cup
of sour milk, half cup of butter or fresh
meat grease, one teaspoonful of soda,
two eggs, flour enough to make as stiff
as sponge cake.
A Good Mince for Patties. Two
ounces of ham, four of chicken or veal,
one egg boiled hard, three cloves, a
blade of mace, pepper and salt, in fine
powder. Just before you serve, warm
the above with four spoonfuls of rich
gravy, the same of cream, and one
ounce of butter.
Smothered Chickens. Cut the
chickens in the back, lay them flat in a
dripping pan with one cup of water; let
them stew in the oven until they begin
to get tender, take them out and season
with salt and pepper; rub together one
and one-half tablespoons of flour, one
tablespoon butter; spread all over the
chickens; put back in the oven, baste
well and when tender and nicely
browned take out of the dripping pan;
mix with the gravy in the pan one cup
of thickened milk with a little flour;
put on the stove and let it scald up well
and pour over the chickens; parsely
chopped fine is a nice addition to the
The Dirigo Sural says: "The
keeping of sheep produces a marked
improvement in pasture. A Massa
chusetts farmer had two pastures of
twenty acres each. In one he kept
sheep seven years out of ten, and in the
other he kept sheep three years in ten.
The pasture in which the sheep were
kept most he declares is worth twenty
five per cent, more than the other one
It is advantageous to turn sheep into
orchards in summer and allow them to
run there until the apples begin to
ripen. They will eat the immature
fruit which falls, destroying many
worms and enriching the land, thereby
increasing the productiveness of the
Asthma. A prominent professor
in one of our .New England colleges,
who has been an asthmatic for upwards
of forty years, and tried a great variety
of remedies, gives this the preference
over all others. It consists simply in
inhaling the smoke of stramonium
leaves, which have been immersed in a
saturated solution of nitre (nitrate of
pot ass a), and then dried. Prepared in
this war, it burns with great energy
and completeness, rarely going out un
til the whole is consumed. These reme
dies, separately, have long been known,
both to professional and private expe
rience; but the combination seems par
ticularly convenient and useful. It is
best kept in a tin or other metallic box,
the inside of the cover being used as a
surface on which to burn it while in
haling. The effects are the more
marked if it is used early, and before
the paroxysm becomes fully developed.
Max has two places where he can
keen his treasures. His pocket can
hold his dollars and his head his sense.
Whitehall Times.
Another leap year, says the Chicago
Journal, is bearing mercilessly down
on the lone and helpless male popula
tion. Consnmptlon Cared.
Ait old nhvsiclan. retired from crartlee.
having had placed In his hands by an East
India missionary the formula of a simple
snfetable remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
AlTectinns. also a DOCUlve anu raiueai euro
for Nervons Debility and all Nervous Com
plaints, after having tested Its wonderful
curative powers In thousands of cases, bas
felt It bis duty to make It known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suuenng, I
will send free of charge to all who desire It,
this nwtiM In (trrmin. French, or English.
with full directions for preparing and us
Ine. Sent bv mall bv addressing with
stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Saaai
liV l umtrr jhocm. jtoenmur. jr. m.
The BrMtaes Accaanwiatcw.
H. J. Footnkr. of Toronto. Ont.. certifies
that Warner's Safe Pills have cured him of
biliousness and sleeplessness. G. A. J. Gsd-
bois. of Brook villa. Canada, certilies that the
fjafe Pills and Safe Bitters have cured him of
malarial iTUHculties contracted in Texas. E.
J. Campbell, of Philadelphia, certifies that
the Sain Pills and Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
have nearly cured him of a bad chronic liver
complaint. And like testimonials keep com
ing in.
For diarrhoea, bloody-flux, cramps In stom
ach, and colic whether affecting adults, chil
dren or Infants, Dr. Pierce's Compound Ex
tract of Smart-Weed is a sovereign remedy.
It is compounded from the best brandy, Ja
maica ginger, smart-weed, or water-pepper,
anodyne, soothing and healing gums, ror
colds, rheumatism, neuralgic affections, and
to break up levers ana innsmmatory attacks,
It is Invaluable and should be kept in every
household. my cents by druggists.
M VsoETrsm." savs a Boston chvsieian, "has
no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing ot its
many wonderful cures, after all other reme
dies had failed, I visited the laboratory
and convinced myself of its genuine merit.
It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs,
each of which la hiirhlv effective, and tbev are
compounded in such a manner as to produce
astonishing results."
Tow nninM (s?R- of Rock ford, TH,
claims to have 50,000 readers. It is a tine fam
ily paper. Christian but unsectarian, without
lvort'viieiita and Dure. f 1.25 lr year. It
... . ..! rniTravliiiF of Christ at Praver,
ad other premiums, ami sends a sample copy
free on application uy posuu.
Jambs' Coi'oh Pills are warranted to cure
the most obstinate cases of Coughs and Colds.
It your Druggist bas not got them send iwen
ly-nve cents ror sample Dome.
j am ma- toioa riLL co., nunaio, is. i
For a cough that other remedies will not
cure, we recommend l'iso's Cure for Con
C Gilbert's Linen Starch la the best made.
Chiw Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco,
Six Christmas Carols, &spTbatuet
Also many other one. uarota. aana lur uu.
Christmas Gifts, Em vlJmm'or "Sound
sheet Music, such aa OEMS OF ENULI3H SONU,
one of the thirty others of similar style, ousting
from S3 to S4 each, and Including- each from one
to two nundrea popular Suoss ot Ki
m,.n,.. flJA- Notntnt s better than a Vlo
UUliObuiao VJ 11 Li un, ttuitar, uornec.
Band ur Orcheatial Instrument, a
Music Han
(lame or small , a Dram, ur say Toy
oy instrument.
suustucs. send lur lists.
Ohoaxtst!! will do well to present themselves with
iriSlNkC-SOIt..! MKs.KtriOXsl.iSl.50 )
containing- 52 pieces by the best cumpoeera. May bo
nseu as tauiiwns
The sweet "Jvmday Srhonl Sons Book. WHITK ROBRS.
(Bocu,) will beaiiMMaccetiLsblepraseut lur a Sunday
The brlt-ht Temperance Song Book, TEMPERANOB.
JEWKLS. (HOcts,) justout, will give new Interest to
iionseanu tteiorm meetiuas.
Any tluok mailed for retail price.
C. H. Dltew-t at C,
SsSBrsadway.If. T.
J. St. JMtsm e Cex
tit Ckestaat 8U. Pkus.
CIO to 010,000
Invwartexf In Syren leata Operations In took.
This plan pars the smallest operator, with an tnvasS.
SBontof from sin in II uu on a par uh the one who uses
10,000 and yields hlin a proportionate profit. It secures
alike to all Uie advantage of isnre capital used with ssJU.
ed experience. Full lnf-uatkm mailed free. Address
KVAKTS. BABNES ft CO. Amatsra. X Broad St.. M. S.
TFT rwTT.rVS Pnttnlsfied Pi ajm. lbs moat beantt
ful Sou e-er Issued. Suitable for Organ or plana
stalled on receipt ot 40c. Sand Be. stamp for 1. SO worth
at Music to A st- BTUuuaar si wo.
Bend for rand Rapids,
men., Business voile jour
Xervous Debility and Sleepless
In almost mil nsea fttonlranew to m nrrnDtorn of
mneoUii-r dlseaw, and can only he rrmrdle-rt by the
removal of the latter. It frcqiHmtlr. however, forme
o pronilnnt a ftwture aa to render It mewwry to be
treated aa an original dlseasa. Interns mental excite
inent continued up to the period of going; to rest,
sedentary hablta, tlie habitual uneor coftee. also weak
item of tbe digestive organ, are frequent causes or this
trouble. The best and simple remedy Is VErfiKTINE:
and any person wbo cannot sleep nights should make
It a duty to keep a bottle of this King of remedies
always In the house, and to take a good dose of it just
before retiring for the night. It will be sure to prove
Nature's tmett restorer, and to give to the patient that
refreshing sleep which every wearied frame fttamlft so
much In need of. For small children afflicted with
wind, nndue excitement, and the asronles which aecon
panydimcuit teeming, nnming win ue iouna saier or
better titan a few drops of VfcXiKTINK. It will at once
restore quiet to the nervous system, and give rle to a
natural and easy slumber. Although VKOETINB eon
tains nut one particle of opium or other narcotic In any
shape or form. It yet has a most soothing effect on the
whole system, and works In conjunction with Nature to
relief, flee jestlmonlals.
Rev. O. T. Walker Says :
Psovtdincx. B. I 1 At Transit street.
I feel bound lo express with mr surnsture the high
value 1 place upon yur VKUE11NK. My family hare
iHd it lur tne last two years, in Dfmn debility it la
Invaluable, and 1 recommend It to all woo may need an
Invigorating, renovating tonic.
Formerly Pastor of Bowdoln-Sqaare Church,
Dyspepsia, Nervousness and
General Debility.
Cincinnati. O- AdtD a 1R77.
Dear Sir 1 hare need several bottles of Yegetlne
for DvmtmHa. Aervou&nfw and Weeeml DehilUv. and 1
can truly say I never had a remedy so sure In Its effects;
wereioio a way nwauimiu iiwmi tautna
Walnut Hllle, 41 Court
W. 1. HELL.
H. B. STEYENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
Holloway's Pills!
Exercise Tour fwdg
sad better phi-
notions of
Ma ourwa. and to cstabltj'i a
Dr. Hollowar,
Baaaa tha svtgla ot bis cc e-
braird PUIS and
tn keeping
to nature
rat her than at vartaw ns wits bar lava, Uka tbose lu
general use. To tba stomach w, traoa drspep 1 1,
beadacbs sad geaaral sabmtyi to ts liver, bile.
Janndlce, and veUow fl to too bowels, diar
rheal, djstinlssj. tiunatltislluo. ptlas, and fistula ;
to the longs. iiasininl. oSs. to tba blood, scrof-
fula, scurvy, ana an aoalsasooa eruptions. Br
keeping those nigs as aa4 vital Salda pun sad healthy
may safsr defy UM attacks of disease, and
ao medicine yot prepared tor this piupuoa can cqnal
the action ot these FUla and Ointment, as they dire
to the seas of disorder, sad extirpating Its cause.
destroy Its effect.
iKPoa-ran Camion. woe, are genuine nnlcss
the signature of i. Hatboob. as sssnt for the United
States, surrounds each bog ot Pills sad Ointment.
Boies at cents, ss seats, sad ft each.
There Is eonsldsrabla saving by taking the larger
sixes. HOUOWAY Co., Kew York.
Possessed of this REMEDY, every man niny
be bis own Doctor. It may be rubbed into
the system, so ss to reach any Internal com'
plaint; by this means It cares 8ores or Ul
SPINE, or other parts. It la an Infallible
Contracted or Stiff Joints, GOUT, RHEUM
ATISM, and all Skin Diseases.
1 m port ant Cautioh. None are genuine
unless the signature of J. Hatsock, as
agent for the United States, surrounds t-acli
box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes 2-5 rents,
02 cents, and SI each.
There is considerable saving by taking the
larger sins.
HOIXOWAT ft Co., Hew Tors.
Sick He ada chew
Positively Cared by Wl
these Little Fills. Tj
They alto relieve
main" I mm Iypcip
sta, J ml iKt-Uion a ud
Too llt'arty tat inn.
A ierfTt remedy for
IHuiiieMA, IS au sea,
lrmva.nem.la4. TaM'
In I he Mouth, Coaled
Tongue, Pain In the
Hute, Ac They regu
late the Bowels ami
prereni Conuijetion
and Fi.ea. The small
cat and easiest to tuke. Only one pill a dine.
40 in a vial. Purely Vegetable. IMice 2a ceuis.
Isold by all DrugKists.
..CARTER MEDICINE CO., Prop'r, Erie, P-u
a ytve Vlale by mall for one dollar.
Are the mildest ever known, they
TION. Nogrlpingornause. These
Tone up the system and restore
health to those suffering from
general debility and nervousness,
old by a 'I Druggists. 28c. per box.
Advertising Cards
ranmrs n oust variety bt tbb
Bhober Carqneville Lithographing Co
i to MoxKom mr., rmcAtio.
1ST Pi hj-List mailed froe ot ebsrgs, sad a tun SOt
St Samples oaraoolptoC 16 cants.
awssssiiapsj VIwrvtilM nastl Cstiwal la
sr 1 toSAslaiya. N. star till Or
WflUlla,J. buriuia, .Labaaoa. OI
S M Pott tin Cars far Til San BelM far f S
Sou DM lor S)l. O. K. PasTr. 1'. O. Uux X i7. Boouo.
A WEEK In your own town. Terms and
T ' -" " y-
Revolvfrs. ninstrated Cstalotrne
Ires, ureal Western Sua Works, Plusburga
Cljtl A WEEK. S13 s day at home easily made.
4)1 U Casxlfsutat tree. AddrIras Oo. Auafusta.Ma.
f F 1. (Oft perdarathnme. Ssmples worth S3
f is VS.U new Aoarsaai
s8THisoM A On Portland. Ma
jslevsata aMsyy syew aatte thm icreHlwtNent
Is tHtm Mjiec. jSdwrHmorm liltm t tommm
srea siaMf rfcers t Me tr - vev-Usemcfa
awe jMsajiMf beef.
awn Sown all at ami a and
aratasa oa lbs rama,
tSTSwgB) Itfw.
eas a. isssass subservient
Wells, Richardson St Co's fs a anasasaaaai mrnm sass. U af 11
In ellmlnatinc theimpuiitieeof the blood, the
natural and necessary result la the core of Scs ufr
lsMaaand other Shis- ErmifrttessassY Dsaeetaae)
including Cat err, I'lretra, and other sores.
It Is the best BIseosJ Prtaer, and stimu
late every function to more healthful action,
and thus a benefit In all diseases,
lyapffielsu WMkBtessi mf th fttoinaeti,
CBKMiaaUoBs DtavtsMBsa, a,rsU sdeteli
ftty, etc., are cured by the feafe Bittra. It 1a
un equaled as an Appetiser and Kegular Tonic
It la a medicine which should be In every
family, and which, wherever used, will aave
payment of many doctors' bills.
bouiw oi two sisea ; prices mm wmwm ana suu
Safs Remedies are
old by Druggists
& Dealers in Med
icine everywhere.
H.H.Wan)er JtCo.,
srtni for PsmpaUt
sna TcstlmotiUU.
(Paste la Your nemotmrndnsn.)
We take nleasure in recommendincr
our readers when visiting Cleveland,
Ohio, to call in at Steikfeld's, the One
Price Clothier and Tailor, 242 Snperiol
street. Their Stock o Suite and Over
coats for Men, Boys and Children is
just immense, from the lowest price
garments to the very finest. We can as
sure our readers lor nonest ana square
dealing there is no more reliable
house in the State. They sell at one
price and that is a low one. Price of all
goods being marked in plain figures, a
chua can Duy mere as low as me most
experienced man. Take our advice and
try Steinfeld, the One Price Clothier
ana Tailor. 11 you aesire samples ox
piece goods for suits, or overcoats made
to order, they will send them per mail
with self-measurement blank. You
will save from $5 to $15 on a suit or
overcoat, and from $1 to $5 on a pair
of pants. Wedding Suits a specialty.
A complete line of Gentlemen's Fur
nishing Goods. Headquarters for Cellu
loid Collars and Cull's for ladies and
fentlemen. They require no washing,
amples sent per maiL A trade dis
count to jobbers and retailers.
Aio 1. 1 Y K it PAD crura
siTHOt'T ukdicins all stomacb
and Llvvr dlsrasra and remorea
the cause of seven-eighths of all
Ills. Worn aa seen In tl cut,
the nart will effect more cures
than all other remrdlee com
bined; thousands testllj to this
fact. More than 2.000.000 pad!
sold the last year. HeKiilar pad
112. Special pad for chronic cases
S:H. Dr. Sail-child's celebrated
wnnn hotii un to any n
n .umxs ro.. e Ea
rns Ave., sjievelititii, as,
(JT Bold Uy urnnlals.
Elzctso Dtnamto
The smb-n discover In the annals of Medical Sctenea.
Contains no narcotics or alcohol and Is more than a sub-
sUlute for opluni. niorpuiue or tirdrate chloral for
Acnruus frustration anu is a specuic lor an lorms or
fiervousness. We have numerous testimonials from
those who have used It for ' Hypo Hysterics, Nerv
ous and Sick Headache, fteiiraliria, Loss of Sleep, kits.
Melancholy and (Jreat Dlstressof allnd, and pronounce
It SAeonif lrwreiefy for allntrmua dumata. One
sara "It saved mr life after hanns been (riven no bf
the doctors." Anotner: "Itcured me of Extreme Nerv
aus prostration." A ladr says: Having- contracted
the morphine habit, tnkrn for neuraliria. I usedeurht
bottles and am frMdlmn both " Nitthlnsr like It for
old people. The liest and safest substitute for soothlnc
syrup in theworld as It contains no opium, w. L. Mutt,
Bacsaire Master. Onion Depot, says: It till ctmanf
sum on turlk wAo is a laceio4rink(f Aa icanis to be
All flrst-dasa Drrunrteta keep It. Don't h put ofMlth
ttnutkina else, henutn'a N.rve Tonic IstrSvf mw trant.
Pru-e.tf.ou. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of
Address an orders to
TV Bask u, lavelumd, O
Of Parliamentary Practice.
This Is the universally accepted authority In all trie
United states on rules and order of debate. For youus
men who wish to take an Intelligent part m debating
societies, or to be fitted for tne public duties of dosen
anip. this HtUe work will be found Invaluable. It con
tains all the essential points for the cuKauc of delib
erative assent ones or any sum. amcv, vs essue. a
by mail on receipt of price.
THOHPSOH. BROWS CO- Publishers. Boston.
TWs is the tastest-eeiriruT book ever published, and fas
ni, Mvnnl.ji and anthentle hlaton sf OrantB Travels.
Sand for circulars eontalnlnc s full descrlptloa of lbs
weak and our extra terms to Asenut. Address
MiTioasf. rcmuaams Oa. FkMartolphla. Pa.
llssrV WT SoUtfaaDnogtm.
JAltfa.KlXI.EK !
As a lvAHIlvr MKDICIXK. for external and
Internal usee, especially as a Regulator of theSTOS ACH
49U aturiaija has aa.vaj& jssjui ajuAi.aii
A Monthly Magaziae for Yoangest Readers.
Baperblr Illustrated. (V Send I O cents
for a Sample Number and Premium 1MU
Hailed Free for 35 Cts.
s4ft.sM. wil 1 b Dai! to
wsragl wieran rxWssaW si Lamtp fltt4
WlinnvrrAiasiaj'SAfais .as -
May us an? lamp fern-Mr.
rnwi ta drlDbluc and fcstlnr.
" 1 Hd dsptJ. of jrcMar lamp.
13 West Broadway, skew Xovfc
Factory and Offica. Binghamton. Ns Y.
WV will Irwas aslTallS amimmtJ vsi ftw sew swi
expenses, or allow a large commission, te sell our new
and wonderful Inventions. We mean what u an. Saas-
u much chance fur makm: money amotiir r.
jreara. Send for New Illustrated CataUogin
and partlculard. KEDU1NO CO MMaoaiC
k a. as. nM Dn onerea ror ine dih ten
iXl jaussawaj, new xok.
008 flAH Brtlslasssw n in saasnaTst
lea om vmmt mrnm ua awsrv MaLaax of aasta.i.
at II I fa- ssitsnal Lara. pnsflU dMs)fsdmrt
Mat sw 8M aa aLM, vuvmiart wiim isus su
V4.WM.Uloa a OtX. ai fia-aaga rum.
asakes "Cilt-EJgs" Batter Iks jtar
ft W
Ttmmi. Caaa.
sssa ilan a ad the Seleses of CaeasktrT applied ts Batter.
ssaklaa Jaly, Aagsst and Winter Batter asade equal ts las
bast Jaaa Bred act. laerrasce prod act per cent. Improves
aaallty a least to par seat. Seduces labor sf ekaraiac sae
sir. Prereak, Batter hecaajlaa; re acid. Improves ssarkst
Talae S ts S eeats a soaad. Gearaatees free fresi all lajarlsas
laaTedieata. Gives a aica Gsldca Color tks year nana, tt
cents wartB will (reduce $8.00 la lacrsats sf prod act sad
ssarkst ralaa. Can joa make a better lnvestnieatl Be wars
af tasltatJowa. Genuine sold only la boxes with trade
mark erf dairymaid, together with words "Gilt-Edgs
Btrma atAKSB" printed on each package. Powder said
b Grocers aad General Store-keepers. Ask your dealer for
our book "Hints to Butter-Makers," or send stamp to us
for It. Small size, K tt., at S3 cents; Largs size, tH ISs.,
1 1.00. Great sarins by bnyinf the larger size.
li BtrrpAtvo. B. x.
I Cl Vs- a sU J sTi.
flutter Buyers iscuiiiuieuel Its was.
best creamerlea. Awarded the Inter
it or merchant fori t; or write to aak whatlt la, what
caiw iToiwtlaWws iiwiiiBBaTaasB- vi
50 Years Before the Putlic.
Pronounced by all to be the most
Pleasant and efficacious remedy now
in u.-e, for the cure of coughs, colds,
croup, hoarseness, tickling sensation
of the throat, whooping cough, etc.
Over a million bottles sold within
the last few years. It gives relief
wherever used, and lias the power to
impart benefit that cannot be had
from tiie cough mixtures now in use.
Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents per
also highly recommended for coring
liver complaints, constipation, sick-liea(l-clie,
fever and ague, and all eli
sensca of the stomach and liver. So! '
1y nil Druggists at 25 cents : er lox.
It. E. Sellers & Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Free Gift
to all
With Rheumatism, Paralysis, neu
ralgia, Nervous and Sexual Debil
ity, General HI Health, Wasting.
Decay, urinary Diseases, Spinal
Diseases, Dyspepsia, Eto., Etc., to
whom will be seat my Book on Medi
cal Electricity, and Electro Galvanic
Belts, world renowned for their suc
cess In saving many valuable lives, by
Coring all Chronic Diseases. Send
Symptoms aid Stamp for Diagnosis to
Dr. Q. W. FORBES, 174 W Fourth
Street, Cincinnati O. 2-ly.
J. Wilbur
A Large Stock 0J
Before The Recent
Advance in . Prices.
lie Intends to Sell at Greatly
Reduced Hates
Remember that a Dol-
lar saved is better than a Dol
lar made.
J. -W. E0TJGHT02T,
offers a large variety of ftoxis. useful and orna
mental, lnciuoiDg
of all kinds.
Patent Medicines &
. -. . - - : i
Soapa for the toilet, and housekeeper.
Fancy Colons Bottles, Fiat
Colognes, fianikercli'f Ex
tracts, aad Tooth
J mrnm
Superior Whiteness and Fine
ness, and absolutely purity
in our braDd of strictly "
and will pay THIRTY
DOLLARS for every ounce of
ttudulteration found in one
of our packages.
T. II. NfcVIN & CO.,
rittshurgh, Pa.
Baldwin, Tjanndon & Co., S.lc
Agents, Wellington, Ohio. 3a tf. '
lut.i au4 ,p.etity curaS. ri.
Hi. Km twblkitT.
r pill Mrticslar. Dr C.rtto
Bw a. Clark Sb, Cklssrs, Itt,
Indian Blood Syrup.
77 W. 3d St., Rev York City.
The Best Remedy Known te Kan!
Sr. Clark Johnson haylnr associated himself wttaafr.
Zdwtn Kastman, an escaped captive, tons s Slavs ts
WakameiB.13- tha medlrtne man of tho Comanehea. al
Bow prepared to lend his aid In Uie InLroducUoa af tns
unoerxui remedy or war rrioe. -
The experience of Mr. Kastman hers m similar to tBat
of lira. Cbaa. Jones and son, of Washington Count.
Iowa, an account ot woose stinenngs were tnruiioai
narrated in the ew York Hrrald of Dec. 16th, 1878.
the facta of which ara so widely known, and so nearly
parallel, that but little mention of Mr. Eastraan'a as
perlenres will be alren here. Ihey are. however, pub
lished In a neat volume of 800 pa-res. entitled "Severn
and Nina Years Amen the Oormw. As and Anaehea
af whtch mention will be made hereaffer. ftrmce ttta
saw that for several sears Mr. Kastman, walls a eaptlva,
was compelled ts father the foots, rums, barks, barbs
and berries of which Waksmetkia's msdlciiM was
made, and Is still preaared to provide the aaars ma
terials for tne successful introduction of the medicine
to the world; and assures the puhlic that the remedy Is
(he same now aa whan Wakamstkla enuipaUsa Bias 9
Wekametkla, the Medicine Kan.
Kothmc bas beea added to the medicine and notsrsg
baa been taken away. It Is without doubt the Baar Pt
una af the Bixmd sud Bsarssaa of tba Signal srw
Snow n to man.
Tola syrup i
It atcssi aipwas the Isver.
IS mctm wpwal the Kldneyw.
IS rewlaai tke Kovrelev.
aa wsuistesi is asiwow.
la eualettai Slsa HetrwosM
IS traBBatw DlrMtlsn.
It astrlaaiea. atsevarthcsBB ana larrtar
sMulaa war tat sld klwwal wssatcw
ss assas nw sisisi'si anr tne aBLiat, tsl sss
seas stealthy PerawirmtlwaL.
It nentrallaaa the hereditary taint or poison ta tbs
Stood, which seneratea Scrofula, Erysipelas and si
ytmy of sklr diseases and internal bumora.
There ars no spirits employed bi Its manufacture, and
a can be taken by the most delicate babe, or by tbs
ased and feeble, oars only eetma rsgrvarstl wt stfssylsa
Edwin Eaitmaa in Indian Costume.
Barm ahs Rnra TBsas Abtoim) tbh ooxaiicbbs ires
AyicHSS. A neat volume of 800 Dagee, belnc a
simple statement of the horrible facts connected
with the aad niaasarrf ot s helpless family, and tba
' captivity, tortures sad ultimate escape of Its twa
survlvlnc members, War sale by oar aseots sway
orally. Price. L00.
The inddenta of tbs maasaers, briefly narrated, ars
distributed by scents, fbks of charm.
Mr. Eastman, belnc almost constantly at tbs West,
tssriard In tathennft and curlns the materials of which
the medicine Is composed, the solo business manage
ment devolves open Or. Johnson, and tbs remedy bas
a si an
Dr. Clark Johnson's
Me of Lam Bottles ... $1.00
Mm of small Bottles . . .60
Bead the voluntary testimonials of ueisisjs who have
bean eared by the use of Dr. Clark Johnson's lndlaa
bssod bjrup la your own vicinity.
Cares Rheumatism. . .
nnrm, Guernsey comity, Ohio.
iJeorStr I was subject to Rheumatism twice a year
for the past ten or twelve years, but since using your
reliable Iwdlatw Btlawal Ryrap I have been free
uvn it. aiuswtu ts aa a vary vatuaoie Tmrai iur una
Best Fatally Medicine.
HavANa. Huron County, Ohio.
Oaar Sir I bsvs used your excellent Indian
BtloaS Syray la ray family for IJvcr Oomplalnt,
Indigestion, etc, and I can truthfully say It la the best
remedy I have ever used,- as In every ease tt effected s
A am ever ready to testily to its
CwstiYeasss and Piles.
Tkdbov. Fulton Comny, Ohio.
Btar Sir I was In very poor health for a long time,
boms- severely troubled with Costlvenem and Piles;
sometimes I would be five or six days without a pass
age. 1 took some of yourlwwlwas iiiowel Syray,
aad in a short Uroe 1 was eflectuaUf curtxl.
Weald Sot be Without It.
Findut, Hancock County, Ohio.
Dear Sir I have beea afflicted with Dyspepsia ror
many yea re, and have ased the IaSlsa Biwoal
Myrsy with good effect. I And U to be the nesi
remedy which I have ever used and would not be with
out. I am thankful for its discorery.
Lang Disease Cored.
MawrLBOK. Henry county, Ohio, Feb. SO, 187a
Dear Sir Allow me to give my testimony In favor
wi raor lasnamai awss ayray. x was man?
and st the request of your Agent I tried some of your
meojcine. wtnen immediately retiereu me. 1 reel better
than I have felt for years, and never was so welt as 1 am
al present. 1 will always recommend your medicine.
Kidney Complaint.
DtrroxT. Putnam County. Ohio.
Dear Sir This Is to certify that I was afflicted with
Kidney Oomplalnt and Ueneral Debility fur a number
of years. I obtained some ot your Iailaa stleaxt
Syray (ram your agent, and it entirely cured me.
Cares Headache.
Kbtth's, Noble County, Oldo.
Dtar Sir This is to certify thai your ladisa
Sited Syrwp has gresUy benefited ma for head-
nsnan u. auAUll.
General Tfeakness sf the System.
KTAwsrORT, Defiance County, Ohio.
Dtar r Iwas suffering from Weakness ot the
System and DttHneas of the Head. Tour ladisa
use syraa was reeomroendea to me ana I aro-
cut ed some, i
ana asoort dim naa restorvxi nay oeaitn.
' HKMBI hOmhUi
For Erysipelas.
Hofkdaul Harrison Comity. Ohio.
Ztorr Sir This ts to certify that your IweUana
Bllwwal Syras has cured me ot Erysipelas and
Bbeumattsm. with which 1 suiferpd a long time. 1
recommend Its use to all. WM. KK,IX
Cannot Recommend It Too Highly.
- ' Dzrrsa, Heigs County. Ohio.
JanrSes-Ihavs used roar great Iwaiaua ttlttwal
yras for Mervoosness and Constipated Bowels and
eaa truly recommend it the best medicine 1 ever ased.
I regard It a good remedy and It cannot be too highly
racominended. KAKAil K. WILbON.
Greatly Beseflted.
Ksw BtTBLrsaTON. Clinton County, Ohio.
Dear Sir I was a great snrferer before I took your
tastly-eslebrated Iwwlaai Ulowd Hyrwp. l 'was
troubled with iNeuralgia of the Stomach, Liver and
Kidney Msesse, and a BloaUns of the Stomach and
Bowels. 1 was In a terrible state, bnt thanks to your
medicine, I am now greatly Improved, and believe your
Syrup to be the greatest Blood Purl tier known to the
Lifer Complaint and Heart Disease.'
TirrscasiOB Cm, Miami Co., Ohio. July 19. 1877.
Jear Sir1 have used the excel lent! ssdlatsi B loo el
Syrap, which I prucmed from your Agent and tho
result bas been wonderful. I have been sick for one
year with liver Complaint and Heart Uaaase, and nine
weeks out of that time X have not been able to do soy
work at all. I have taken some of your bVKUF. and
since then I have been able to work. 1 heartily recom
mend It and believe It to be the Best and stoat BeUaus
Moil Idas aver offered to toe public
5 -g
man a is

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