THE DIRTIER HAND. The bovs stood-on the school-room floovt It waa lnaDeationdavi i ; The teacher, be surveyed thorn o'er To note their diiarray. i As timidly they marohed around ''- ' Before Mi searching glanoe, , , Woe to the little lad he found With laolMt torn or "nants." 1 Woe to the boy whose dirty ears Or hands or face were spied ; For he, In spite of kicks and tears, Wu soaped and scrubbed and dried. At last the teaoher flxod his eye t On one small boy Inclined To pass his stern Inspector by. Hiding his hands behind. " Ah, ha I" the teacher erled with glee, A-reaehlng for his switch; Those hands, my son, I want to see." Young Innocenoe asked: "Whlchr" Be quick before I give a whack," Replied the man of might; Then one wee fist, begrimed and black, uame siowiy ww biu,. The teacher eyed the dirty hand And then the trembling kid; Oh, hoi" he scowled, "I understand Now why those paws were hid. " But I won't hoist yon on my stool (A Joy you shouldn't miss) If I can find to-day In school A dirtier hand than this." At once the other band flashed out; It made the first, alaok I Look white beside it. 'Twos about . A doion times as black. The teacher, caught by one so small. In sllenoe laid sway . HI s switch to mako it hot for all On next Inspection day. s -H. C. Dodge, In Goodall's Sun. A Story of the Late War. BV BHBNHBD BICSBY. Author of "Xoral at Last," " Mr Idr yantas tto," "Xllra's Qnat oret," "FU Aaonc Thlevas," Xto. . Copyright, iloi, by A N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. CHAPTER II. Continued. "And I thought that may be," her proteffe unblushingly continued, "you'd be willing under the circumstances to give me a helping hand to start with." "Money?" Grace Baked, sharply. "Yes, money," was the surly re sponse. "I must have moans to get to headquarters, and I've a few debts round here, which ought to be paid, or they'll say I ran away to get rid of them." "That they will, I am certain," Miss Euth declared, with an air of eonvio tion; "and, besides, Grace, the poor boy can not start with empty pockets." Grace confessed that it would be very disagreeable to do so, but offered no suswesMon out 01 tne amicuity. . "It would only cost a matter of forty ooiiarg, ana i minx, uraoe, you wouiu say you were cheaply rid of me at that price. Why, the old gent himself would jump at the chance if yon would only ask him." Grace shook her head despondently. "Forty dollars!" Miss Ruth ejaculated. "I have not five available dollars in the world. What can the poor boy do, Grace? You sit there like a wooden doll, and say nothing." "What can I say?" the girl asked. - Now, Miss Euth knew quite well that her grand-niece possessed a little store that she had been accumulating for months, with the Idea of surprising the minister with the present of a new heavy overcoat for the winter, and she was Justly Indignant at the young lady's so obtusely refusing to see the necessity of devoting this sum to the exigencies of James Lawson. ' She was obliged to be more outspoken. . "Can't we borrow from that little fund you have been hoarding away all these weeks?" she asked, plumply. Grace' colored scarlet. - "If I was only sure he was really going to enlist" she said, with hesi tation. Lawson saw that the battle was half won. . ' ' "Wish I may dio If I'm not, Grace," he Interrupted, greedily. "You ask Frank Itesant if it ain't all gospel truth." - "Woll," she said, reluctantly, "I sup pose you must have , it," and as she : opened a desk and handed him a silk ; purse, she continued: "There are only thirty-two dollars; but It is all I have." She gave it to him as ungraciously as it was possible for her to do any thing, but he was not easily offended and took It from her with many expressions of thankfulness. , Hut did Mis. Besant, in her One brick house beyond the walnut grove, sleep that night? Not much, you may be sure. But wakeful as the midnight hour were to her, she fell into a fever ish slumber towards morning, only arousing to find the sun streaming into her casement. With hurrying footsteps she sought her boy's chamber, hoping aguinst hope that in the lone hours of the night he had changed his mind and was not after all going to leave her. One peep into the bright little bedroom and the fearful truth burst upon her. Her boy was gone. There was the chamber she had taken such pleasurable trouble over every little nlok-nack in Its place, except a cabinet portrait of herself, which was taken from its frame the snowy coun terpane unrumpled, and on the bureau a letter simply addressed "To Mother." Ah, how her heart beat as she tore the envelope open and read the contents. Could woman want more loving words or dearer comfort than those precious lines contained! Even her hopeless spirit rose as she read and re-read the sweet message nay, she even shared his anticipation of a happy, though per haps distant renalon. The pang of parting was over, and from that hour he was another woman. Why, even a smile played upon her lips as she perused the oft-repeated injunctions to be kind to Grace Brentwood in his ab sence as if she could be any thing but kind to the sweet irirl. It was not rcmarkablo, then, when an hour or two later that young lady tripped from the parson's house down the shady lano to Brake her peace with the widow, that she found herself re- eelved with open arms, even before she could utter her tromulous plea for recon ciliation, for the poor child's patriotism had been put to a fearful strain during the hours of darkness, and with the dawn she had arrived at the conclusion that she could not give Frank to her country after all; though all the while she knew she was weak and selfish. So she was half-glad when she learned that the temptation of wooing him from his duty was taken away. And, while these two tender women were mingling their tears and giving each other consolation, Frank Besant, in company with James Lawson and two young farmers from the neighbor hood, was hieing away as fast as local freight train would carry him to Columbus. - Three of the little party were miser able enough, for there hud been home wrenching, which had played havoc with the emotions ot the honest lads, but Mr. Lawson was in exuberant spirits, as he had thirty dollars and a bottle of whisky in his pocket, and was cutting adrift from many un- pleasant reminiscences. As for paying his debts such a piece of extravagant folly had -never entered Into his head, and he grinned to think of Miss Buth'a innocence in supposing him capable of such a waste of money. The caboose was full of country-folk going to market, and, if you had asked the rosy-cheeked farmers' daughters which they thought the bravest of the little band of raw-recruits, they would have unhesitatingly given him the palm. Not so the officer m command of the military depot at Camp Chase, near Columbus, who was so offensively per sonal and rude in his remarks to him, that he was disgusted with soldiering before he had even donned bis uniform. Thirty days of severe drill and dis cipline did not tend to improve James days in humblo submission to "his pas tors and masters," loved, now that he was clothed with a little authority, to tyrannize over one bettor bred than himself, especially whon the object of his animadversion obstinately refused to observe the details of military etiquette in remembering that they kept very fair whisky at the canteen and that a sergeant's throat was naturauy or7' . ,. Thus It fell out one aay wnen oer- geant Briggs was more than ordinarily abusive, that Frank's patience nearly gave way. : ' ' "Knees and heels togeuier ana ncwi . . ,i np, you long-ieggea counter-BKipiiuri the sergeant yelled, giving tne young soldier a thrust In the side that nearly took his breath away. Frank bit his Hps and did his best to keep his temper. "Don't look at me like that, sir!" the petty tyrant roared, "or I'll trot you out to the guard-houso. Now, stand; attention! if you've brains enough In your thick head to know what I mean." Frank's blood was boiling, but ho did his best to be obedient "Fall out of the ranks!" was the next command, given in a voice hoarse with passion. Neither the sergeant nor the cuiprn had noticed the approach of a tall, soldierly, middle-aged man who was now standing close besido them, gazing with interest on the scene. Briggs colored crimson and saluted with an air of great deference. "Dismiss the sound and report at once in my oillce," was the stern order, which the discomfited sergeant lortn- with proceeded to do, not, however, be fore he hud hissed in the young soldier's ear a promise of bitter retribution if he irot into trouble through him. Next day another non-commissioned officer took charge of the recruits and Frank did not seo his persecutor any more during his brief stay in Camp Chase, though several of "the boys" told him that Briggs was "on to him," and sooner or later would find a chance to get even with him. , geon of a brawny ruffian, the paltry blade snapped at the hilt. Aye, I know muny rich ladies nowa days, dressed in silks and seal-skins, whose fathers made their money by selling Just such murderous trash to their country's defenders, and who have not even a blush for the blood that stains their finery. , , Fighting to the last,' Frank braced .himself against the door and did his best. , There was not a hope for him, for the mob was wild with rage at his de termined resistance. ( Then.' as a crauhlnir blow from an axe-handlc fcll'on his uplifted arm, the door suddenly opened and he tumbled headlong into the hall-way. Luckily, too, at that moment the mob behind, Impelled by the false alarm of soldiers advancing in the rear, hurled his assail ants forward, and he had time to rccov- Lawson's appreciation of a military sn MAD and sa-naAD MHM10E. THK SWEET She stayed his protestations with an , "I suppose," she said, 'It Is Just pos-., strewn wKh flows, .11.1 t..f w. K fflit!ntiir OT-ntA. twecn the quiot be i a-.iL .hin. n r.fnm . and the rough and tumble barrack life for this?" WM evere trans upon him, but his "Tnr me Grace " ! ken eMe datT " Innate oourage career, nor did frecrtwnt confinement in the guard-house and extra fatigue duty lend a rosier hoe to his surroundings. Not that he had not hja awn circle of bosom friends and sympathizers, jolly good fellows like hjjsself, who scorned hard work and fretted under the Igno ble strains of military 4iaolplIne. Nor was Frank Besant's path entirely The contrast be at Melkmburg "IwilL If It eves, lies In your power to serve Frank Besant, remember that I should consider this money well spent, If you did your best for him. And, If you will sometimes write me a letter to tell me how he is prospering, I shall be In your debt" ' "So help me Heaven," replied the young man, solemnly, "I will do all yo) ask of mo and more, too, if the chance occurs," and ha said It so heartily that Grace forgot her prejudices sufficiently to shake hands with him; for, having se cured all be wanted, be was already preparing to make a hasty retreat. ' Not one moment too soon, for,contrary to all precedent, the minister came out ' of his room and peremptorily ordered his women folk to bed In a tone that brooked no remonstrance. "The idea of the thing!" sniffed Miss Euth, but nevertheless preparing to obey the summons. "A if we were a couple of naughty school children. I do believe Joslah Is taking leave of his sewws." Then presently the lights were ex tinguished in the parson's home and ap parent rest settled over the household. oarrled him through the worst of it. lie had come from a different home than any of his companions; for the Widow Besant was weu-t-4o in the world. having been left twenty thousand do! lars and the homestead by her husband, a physician In largo practice, and, being a woman of broad aMosaslishments and I exquisite taste, aJwhsM brought her boy upln an atmosphere of refinement his present comrades had never enjoyed, This to a degree MMiated him for a time from congenial companionship, and even lead to a decided unpopularity; so that when the eomany elected of ficers his name was never even offered L yomd hope of rescue. ror consideration. "Never mind, old ehap; they don't know liow to appreciate merit, but we'll show them when we get to the front, who's who," Lawsnsi said, familiarly slapping him on the shoulder, a piece of sympathy which tlae poor lad did not very heartily enjoy." Then he got Inte trouble with the drill sergeant, an Eattsaman, who had been drafted frost the regular army to teach the new veertdte the noble art of war, and who, hewfctf spen$ bis early CHAPTER IIL OH TBS BOAI) TO OLOBT. The order to march had come. Uncle Sam la those days did not waste much time in turning his citizens- Into sol diersperhaps not as many days as the German or English Governments would have demanded months but when Frank's regiment, together with the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-ninth Ohio Infantry, turned out of barracks they presented a very imposing martial ar rayat least so thought the country people, through whose villages they passed, and who were at that time In mortal dread of a raid by the enemy from Kentucky. So they cheered the bold boys as they went along and snow ered blessings on their heads, not for getting, too, the more substantial com forts of hot coffee and cold lemonade brought In buckets by grateful women. With banners flying and drums Mating his must have been a cold nature In deed whose enthusiasm was not kindled bv this fluttering panoply of war. Their objective point was the Ohio river, which they reached In flue time, when they were transported by boats down the muddy but majestic stream to St Louis. . Here their first real trouble befell them. The boys got news of the gath ering storm, even before they made the city, when on stopping to "wood-up" at a lone landing, a grinning countryman yelled leerlngly at them. "IIullo, Yanks, you "una 'nil get It almighty hot down at the city. The Seoeshes is swarmin' over the hull place, an' they're a-goin' to give yer a reir'lar hooroar on landin'. I allow yer'd better turn roun' an' go home, while yer skins be tol'ble whole." A bullet from an officer's pistol fired to frighten, not to kill cot the joker's facettousness short and caused him to retire with more expeditlousness than dimity, but the result of his pleasantry was observable in the serious faces of many especially of those who had been most expressive of their desire to meet the enemy. The trouble was whether by design, or because some one .had blundered there was no ammunition. The brilliant pageant after all was but like a painted picture of war s alarms. When, however, they reached the docks, and found the broad wooden quays deserted, the laugh went round, and the men "foil In" with many a sim ple leer at each other's nervousness. It was not till they reached the streets that the storm burst upon them. A cloud of dust It seemed to them at first Then out of It crashed the roaring din of a frenzied mob shrieking vengeance. For a moment the ranks halted. Then, loud and clear as a trumpet came the command: "Fix bayonete! Charge!", ' And, with a steady step, as though on parade, those gallant lads marched in solid phalanx sweeping the howling crowd before them, i - .:, ; Frank Besant was in the rear rank of the lost company, and as the rioter rallied round by-streets and 'massed behind the soldiers, the hardest brunt of fighting was Immediately around Mm. As yet no serious wounds bad been received by the soldiery, though many were cut and bleeding, when suddenly Frank saw his Captain, Charles Fulton, the gallant young son of his Colonel, reel and fall prostrate on the sidewalk, struck on the temple by a rock hurled from a neighboring window. In a moment he sprang to the side of the insensible man, and ere the mob was upon him, managed to drag his body to the shelter of the door way of a handsome residence. In the turmoil the incident was unnoticed by his comrades, who marched away be- Some .Splendid Suits For summer; pert tailors; $5, $6, bprin material by ex- m workmanship. $18, $20! made from thoroughly good perfect in tit and elegant $8, 10, $12, $15, bpring overcoats, $5 to $25, in Meltons, Kerseys, Cassimeren, Tweeds, Worsteds, Thibets, etc, the equal of custom-made costing nearly twice as much! Don't buy common ready, made clothing or pay a tailor fancy prices when you can do better by buying &RAVES'S GOOD CLOTHES These are the best and most economical to buy. They cost no more than the common kind; they are more than one third cheaper than custom-made; they are better than either. The best tailors in America make Graves's Good Clothes. Iney are cut from meaeurments specially devised to please fastidious folks who want to wear perfect-fitting clothes at n moderate price. No matter what your avocation, send to us for any article from a blouse and overalls suit to a full-dress costume, and we'll save you money and give satisfaction. Our Children s clothes are incomparable. All kinds of Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods of every grade. Tennis, Bicycle and Athletic outfits supplied. Negligee Shirts of every grade from 50c up. ' Sent by express and money refunded if unsatisfactory. I ULLI LLnilaJi U. Four Great Floors All Good Clothes. S. E. GRAVES ! . Uiclid Ave. The mob was on him. 'In the strength of desperation he clubbed the foremost, not in his inexperience daring to trust to the bayonet; but do all he could it seemed hopeless, for as one of the crowd fell another was upon him. Then his musket was wrenched from his hands and he waa defenseless but only for an Instant for his eye fell on his officer's sword, and he snatched it from his scabbard and turned once more upon his foe. But at the first blow, which waa fended by the upraised blud- cr&bhtno blow roost as jlx-ha.ndi.k FELL ON BIS ABM. er himself and drag his wounded Captain inside the house. The heavy door was slammed and bolted, and for the time he was safe. Well might he stare around him with wondering eyes. Before him stood young girl, pale as a sheet with excite ment but beautiful beyond bis dreams of woman's loveliness. lie had never seen that peculiar type of feminine per fection found only among the (southern ladies, which combines the flashing beauty of the daughter of Italy with the healthy vigor of tho Saxon maiden. Somehow or other he had got it into his head that all the young women south of Mason and Dixon's line were sallow specimens of humanity with lackadaisical manners and fceblo con stitutions; so this glorious young creat ure was a revelation to him. She blushed under his ardent gase, and said, demurely: 'I was watching your unequal strug gle through the window-blinds, and at last summoned up courage enough to unbar the door and give you shelter Ills eyes alone thanked her. "But come," she added impatiently, this is no time for explanations. Baise your friend's head while I sum mon assistance, for we are only women In the house as the domestics have fled In terror td their quarters." Even as she spoke she left him. Presently, however, she returned, so eompanied by a sweet old lady who silver hair, and a bevy of oolored wom en, whose neat white caps and aprons showed a steaming contrast to their ebon skins. At once the elderly lady took com mand of affairs. TO BR COSTISUIED. COURTESY'S PEDIGREE. Orlfla t Soma of th Social Customs of CitrUitatloa. now came the people of civilized countries to acquire the habit of shak Ing hands, of bowing, of saying "you are welcome." and "thank you," of touching or taking off the hat to a lady, of going through movements which are considered acts of courtesy ana gooa manners, and are required in cultivated society? Such Questions occurred to a Oerman gentleman ol an invesugav Ing turn, and he looked into tho mat ter, which, though seeming trivial to some, is of consequence; for are not oourteslos and consideration for con ventional forms distinguishing marks between a rude state of society and a refined one, -between barbarians and persons of gentle breeding? Ho traoes some of tho forms mentioned to "the signals of peace manifest among the savage tribes," For instance, when they would have said to an enemy "Your life Is safe," tne usage oi years might have wrought such a change that they said instead "You are wel come." He thinks the present form of -raising the hat" originated In the cus tom of removing the helmet before a superior or conqueror. And in account ing for "shaking hands," ne reminas us that one who came into a hostile tribe showed his peaceful intentions by hold- lnir out hi empty bands; mat. is, wiin- ont wcsDona. The chief, or those In noweiv mhrht have touched tho extend ed' hands, aismiryuiff tnat iue aiuiuae of good-will was reciprocated. Best Things. . ' Has Killed kr Albatross. Durlnir the recent passage of a Nova Scotian barque to Liverpool one of the crew, a Dane, foil overboard. AS quick ly as possible the barque was steered to ward the drowning man, when two large albatrosses were seen to descent1 with an eagle-like swoop ana atucs the poor fellow in a terrible mannrr. Both birds dashed at him and It seemed as if they were endeavoring to gouge out his eyes with their hooky bills, while with their wings tncy Kepi oeav Irur the unfortunate man about the head. The sight was a terrlblo one, but It did not last long, as the barqui sailed over tho course where tho Dane had fallen overboard about seven min utes before, but he was then nowhere to be seen. There was no doubt that the poor fellow was killed by the alba trosses, as he was a powerful swimmer and seemed to fight desperately ror fow moments. THE POSITIVE CURE. I mi HKQTHER8. as warran flt. New York. Prios60cU.ii i860 4894 The Oldest Furniture Store in Town ! Having had 36 competitors and still lives: f u Of all designs can bo had at our rooms at living prices. Undertaking attended to with tho usual promptness, accompanied by a Funeral Director. IUBFAXRX1TC A SPECIALTY. A. , & G, L, GQUQHL Hauvaiiu astronomers have con vinced themselves that the bright jlunt star Veiraor Ablia Lvrn I m.t !rl as Fowler, the English ast.-on: ra.'r, cently announced. mm WHY DO YOU COUGH?! Do you know that a little congh is a daaf-rouaj thing t Are yon aware that it often f astena on the lung and far too often runs into Consumption and ends in Death Z. People suffering from A.,t'iina. Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consumption v. l oil 2 tell you that 2. Sihr Vj Can yn "tford to wglect it? Can you trifle :V3i-.kfkUi with so serious a mattorr Are you 6aro that DR. ACER'S ENGLISH R3.3Y for Coughs, Colli arl Consumption is beyond question t'.:o Tr.ut of aUf ' .Modern Kenvxlica? It will stoi a Couch in one ni'-liL It will t!i:i a n,M in i a fluy. it win prevent L ronp, relieve Asthma and cure Consumption if taken ! in time, " You can't afford to bo without it." A SJS cent bottle may save you 1 $100 in Doctor's bills may save your life I Ask your druggist for it, or write j 10 v. ii. houki( a. km., D vvesi rtroauway, new xorc, ior dook. POWDER: siFE; cdratiye; beiutifym. 1.2.3. ffW II I I laSraniita . THREE I ISaMs.fl I POZZOOTS I wat.. 1 i i - i in in in il .ni r Siiaif - 1804. 1891. FIRSTuNATIQNAL bank. WBl-LIlTCrTOlT, OHIO, ' CAPITAL $100,000.00, 8UEPLLS $11,000.00.. Does a General Banking Business, Receives Deposits, Buys and sells New York Exchange, Government Bonds, etc. Drafts issued on all European countries.- S. 8. WAUNEH, President. a. HUJtu.caiiuer WM. CUSHION, Jr., Aes't Cashier. 8. S. WARNER C W.IIORK. 8.K.LAUND0N R.A.HORR. EDWARD WEST. Our H'thc Iti'st testimonials to the value of the Estey Organs i t-i' '-" t that, notwithstanding the very many Omn cntori 'rices that have been starttd by ambitious em ployes ol'ilu! K-U-y, the business of. this original . makei largest reed Organ Factory completed organ every eight continui;- to ;;n;v. It is the in the world and turns out a minutes each day. WM. VISCHElt SON.