Newspaper Page Text
J W4 1 M V- i'OUiND IN A BUNDI.K. Ir. Talma.- Chooses a Familiar Slmllt for a Text Tha Precleas Baaralle at Life aaa the Can It PbeaU HeeclTe Twlaaa af Bavdaly aad Heerealy CtUKlM, Wihlngton March 5. Copyright 1899.) Under the familiar Image of a bundle Dr. Talmnge shows la thli sermon the things which go to make tip man's ai1hly and heavenly life; text, I Samuel '25:29. The aoul of my Lord shall be bound In the' bundle of life with the Xxrd thy God." Beautiful Abigail, in her rhythmic plea for the rescue of her inebriate hus band, whol died within ten days, ad lressedj David the warrior In the words v 4f tha trYt. She niin-o-pata Thnt his life. physically and intellectually and spirt t ajally, is a valuable package or bundle, Hvinely bound up and to be divinely protected. , That phrase "bundle of life" I heard many times in my father's family prayers. Family prayers, you know, ave frequent repetitions, because day i -Jay they acknowledge about the me blfaslnga and sympathize with About the same misfortunes, and I do tiot know why those who lead at house hold devotions should seek variety of composition. That familiar prayer be- . comes the household liturgy. I would not give one of my otd father's prayers or, 50 elfeutionary supplications. .Again and agVin, In the morning and evening praye&t I heard the request that we might all be bound! up in the bundle of life, but I did not know until few days ago that the phrase was a liibl phrase. Now, the more I think of it the better 1 like it. Bundle of life! It is such a simple and unpretending, yet expres sive comparison. There is nothing like tgrandlloquencein the Scriptures. While there are many sublime passagea in Holy Writ, there are more passages homely and drawing Illustrations from common observation and everyday life. .In Christ's great sermons you hear a lien clucking her chickens together and i , aee the photographs of hypocrites with . sad countenance and hear of the grass of the field, and the black crows which our Heavenly Father feeds, and the salt that is worthless, and the precious atones flung under the feet of swine, cd the shitting sand that lets down me nouse wnn a great crasn ana nenr -the comparison of the text, the most unpoetical thing we can think of a . liundlet Ordinarily, it is something tossed about, something thrown under the table, something that suggests gar Tcts or something on the shoulder of .a, poor wayfarer. But there are bun dles of great value, bundles put up with reat caution, bundles the loss of which means consternation and despair, and -there have been bundles representing the worth of a kingdom. During the last spell of cold weather there were bundles that attracted the : -attention and the plaudits of the high ' "heavens bundles of clothing on the way from comfortable homes to the , -door of the mission-room, and Christ . -stood in the tuowbenks and said as the '"Tirfhdies vpasSea: "XkkedV and ye ' clothed me. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one' of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.' Those bundles are multiplying. Bless ings on those who pack them! Bless ings on those who distribute them! .Blessings on those who receive them! With what beautiful aptitude did Abi gail, In my text, speak of the bundle of lifel Oh, what a precious bundle Is life! Bundle of memories, bundle of hopes, bundle of ambitions, bundle of -destinies! Once in awhile a man writes lis autobiography, and it is of thrill ing interest. The story of his birth . place, the story of hia struggles, the jstory of bis sufferings, the story of his , triumphs! But if the autobiography of he most eventful life were well written . it would make many chapters of adven- . -M . J 1 ,. A tl..M lure, VI kingcup, ui' kuuicuj, auu turn would not be an uninteresting step tfrom cradle to grave. Bundle of memories ore you! Boy hood memories, with all its injustices from playmates, with all its games with "ball and bat and kite and sled. Man- . "hood memories, with all your struggles in starting obstacles, oppositions, ac cidents, misfortunes, losses, successes. Memories of the first marriage you ever .saw solemnized, of the first grave you tver sow opened, of the first mlghty wrong you ever suffered, of the first victory you ever gained. Memory of ; 4he hour when you were affianced. Memory of the first advent in jour liome, memory of the roseate cteek faded and of blue eye closed in the lost sleep, memory of anthem and of ; -oirge, memory oi grem pain uiiu ui ' slow convalescence, memory of times when all thingswere again;t you. mem- "Ory of prosperities thnt came in like the full tide of the sea. memories of a life time. What a bundle!. . . I lift that bundle to-day and unloose the cord that bind it, and for a mo ment you look in and see tears and imlles and laughter and groans anil noondays and midnight Of experience, jind then I tie again the bundle with "heartstrings that have some time "vibrated with joy and anon been tt thrummed by fingers of woe. Bundle of hopes and ambitions also ds almoBt every man and woman, es Vecittlly at the starting. Whoti gains Jit will harvest, or what reputation he will achieve, or what bilsshe will reach, or what, love he will win.' What makes college commencement (lay so entranc ing to all of us us we pee the students Tecelve their diplomas and take up the .garlands thrown to their feet. They -will be Faradays in science;' they will "be Tennyson In poesy;, they will be "WMlard Parkers In surgery; they will "be Alexander Hamiltotis In national Chance; they will be Horace Greeley In editorial chair; they1 will be Web, ters In the senate: Or she will e a JIary Lyon In. educational realms, of a Trances Willard on reformatory plat iurm, or a Helen Gould in military hos pitals. Or she will multe homo life ra dinnt with helpfulness1 and self-sacrifice and magnificent womanhood.. Oh. what a bundle of garlands and scepters from which I would not take one sprig of mignonette nor extinguish one spark of brilliance. They who etart life with out bright hopes and inspiring ambi tions might as well not start nt nil, for every step will be n. failure. Hnther would I add to (lie bundle, am! If I open It now it v,;Ll net In; because I svUh to take anything from It, but that I may put into it more coronetaand hosannas. Bundle of faculties in every man and every woman! Power to think to think of the past and. through all the future, to think upward and higher than the highest pinnacle of Heaven, or to think downward until there is no lower abysm-to fathom. Power to think wrong, power to think forever, for, once having begun to think, there shall be no terminus for that exercise, and eternity itself shall have no power to bid it halt. Faculties to love filial love, conjugal love, paternal love, ma, ternnl love, love of country, love of God. Faculty of judgment, with scales so delicate and yet so mighty they can weigh arguments," weighs emotions, wttigh words, weigh Heaven and hell. Faculty of will, that can climb moun tains or tunnel them, wade seas or bridge them, accepting eternal en thronement or choosing everlasting exile. Oh, what it is to be a man! Oh, what His to be a woman! Sublimeand Infinite bundle of faculties! The thought of it staggers me, swamps me, stuns me, bewilders me, overwhelms me. Oh, what a bundle of life Abigail of my text saw in David, and which we ought to see in every human, yet Im mortal, being! Know, also, that this bundle of life was put up with great care. Any mer chant and almost any faithful house holder will tell you how much depends on the way a bundle is bound. Tho ccrd, or rope, must be strong enough to hold, the knot must be well tied. You know not what rough hands may toss the bundle. If not properly put to gether, though it may leave your hands in good order and symmetrical, before it reaches its proper destination it may be loosened in fragments for the winds to scatter or the rail train to lose. - Now, 1 have to tell you that this bun dle of life Is well put together the body, the mind, the soul. Who but the omnipotent God could bind such a bun dle? Anatomists, physiologists, physi cists, logicians, metaphysicians, declare that we ore fearfully and wonderfully made. That we are u bundle well put together I prove by the amount of jour neying we can endure without damage, by the amount of rough handling we can survive, by the fact that the vast majority of us go through life without the loss of an eye, or the crippling of a limb, or the destruction of a single en ergy of body or faculty of mind. I sub poena for this trial that man in yonder view. 70 or 80 years of age, and ask him to testify that after all the storms and accidents and vicissitudes of a long life he still keeps his five senses, and. though all the lighthouses as old as he is have been reconstructed or new lan terns put in, he has in under his fore head the some two lanterns with which God started him, and, though the loco motives of 60 years ago were long ago sold for old iron, he has the original powers of locomotion in the limbs with which God started him, and, though all the electric wires that carried messages SS years ago have been torn down, his nerves bring messages from all parts of his body as well as when God strung them 73 years ago. Was there ever such a complete bundle put together as the human being? What a factory! What an engine! What a mill race! What a lighthouse! What a locomotive! What an electric battery! .What a furnace! What a masterpiece of the Lord God Almighty! Or, to employ the ant:cll max and use the figure of the text, what a bundle! , Know also that this bundle of life is properly directed. Many a bundle has missed its way and disappeared because the address has dropped, and no one can find by examination for what city or town or neighborhood it was in tended. All great carrying companies have so 'many misdirected packages that they oppoint days of vendue to dis pose of them. All intelligent people know the importance of having a val uable package plainly directed, the name of the one to whom it Is to go plainly written. Baggage master and expressman ought to know at the first glance to whom to take it. This bundle of life that Abigail, in my text, speaks of is plainly addressed. By Divine penmanship it is directed Ileav en ward. However long may be the earthly distance it travels. Its destina tion is the eternal city of God on high. Every mile that it goes away from that direction is by some human or infernal fraud practiced against it. There are those who put It on some other track, who misplace it in some wrong convey ance, who send it off or send it back by some diabolical miscarriage. The value of that bundle is so well known all up and down the universe that there are a million dishonest hands which are trysig to detain or divert It, or to for ever stop its progress in the right dl rection. Every human being Is assailed at the start. Within an hour of the time when this bundle of life is made up the as sault begins. First of all, there are the infantile disorders that threaten the body just launched upon earthly exist ence. Scarlet fevers and pneumonias. and diphtherias and Influenzas.and the whole pack of epidemics -surround the cradle and threaten its occupant, and infaut Moses In the ark of bulrushes was not more imperiled by the mon sters of the Nile than every cradle Is imperiled by ailments all devouring. In after years there are foes within and foes without. Evil appetite joined by outsldenllurements. Temptations that have utterly destroyed more people than now inhabit the earth. Gambling saloons and rummeries. and places where dissoluteness reigns supreme, enough in number to go round and round the earth. Discouragements, jealousies, revenges, malevolences, dis appointments, swindles, arsons, contla grations and cruelties which make con tinued existence of the human race a wonderment. Was any valuable bun dle ever so imperiled as this bundle of life? Oh, look nt the address and get that bundle going In the right way! "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all fhy hearn and soul, and mind, and strength." Heaven with Its 12 gates standing wide open with invitation. All the forces of the Godhead pledged for our heavenly arrival it we will do the right thing. All angeldom rendy for our advance and guidance. All the lightnings of Heaven so many drawn swords for our protection. What a pity, what an everlasting pity, if this bundle' of life, so well bound and so plainly directed, does not come out at the right station, but becomes a lost bundle, east out amid the rubbish of the universe' Know also that this bundle of life will be eladlv received when it comes to '.he door of the mansion for wotck it mm bound and plainly directed. With what alacrity and glee we await soaoe pack age that has been foretold by letter; some holiday presentation; semething that will enrich and ornament our home; some testimony of admiration and affection! With what glo of ex pectation we untie the knot and take off the cord that holds it together in safe ty, and with what glad exclamation we unroll the covering and see the gift or purchase in all its beauty of color and proportion. Well, what a day it will be when your precious bundle of life shall be opened In the bouse of "many mansions amid saintly and angelio and Divine Inspection! The bundlemay be spotted with the marks of much ex posure. It may bear inscription after inscription to tell through what ordeal it has passed. Perhaps splashed of wave and scorched of Dame, but nil it has within undamaged of the journey. And with what shouts of joy the bundle of life will be greeted by all the voices of the heavenly home circle! . In our anxiety at last to reach Heaven we are apt to lose sight of the glee or welcome that awaits us if we get in at all. We all have friends up there. They will somehow hear that we are coming. Such close and swift and constant com munication is there between those up lands and these lowlands that we will not surprise them by sudden arrival. If loved ones on earth expect our com ing visit and are at the depot with car riage to meet us, surely we will lie met at the shining gate by old friends now sainted and kindred now glorified. If there were no angel of God to meet u and show us the palaces and guide us to our everlasting residence, these kin dred would show us the way and point out the splendors and guide us to our celestial home, bowered and fountalned and arched and illumined by a sun that never sets. VV ill It not be glorious, the going in and the settling down after ail the moving about and upsetting of ear'hly experience? We will soon know all our neighbors, kingly, queenly, prophetic, apostolic, seraphic, archan gelic. The precious bundle of life opened amid palaces and grand marches and acclamations. They will all be so glad we have got safely through. They saw us down here in the struggle. They saw us when age lost our way. They knew when we got off the right course. None of the 33 ships that were overdue at New York harbor in the storm of week before last was greeted so heart ily by friends on the dock or the steam tugs that went out to meet them at Bandy Hook as we will be greeted in the heavenly world if by the pardoning and protecting grace of God we come to celestial wharfage. We shall have to tell them of the many wrecks that we have passed on t he way across wild seas and amid Caribbean cyclones. It will be like our arrival some years ago from New Zealand at Sydney, people sur prised that we got in at all, because we were two days late, and some of the ships expected, had gone to the bottom, and we had passed derelicts and aban doned craft all up and down that aw ful channel our arrival in Heaven all to more rapturously welcomed be cause of the doubt aa to whether we would ever get there at all. One there It will be found that the safety of that precious bundle o( life wa assured because Jt. was, bound up with the life ol God in Jesus Christ. Heaven could aot afford to have that bundle lost, because it had been said in regard to its transportation and safe arrival: "Kept by the power of God through faith unto complete salvation." The veracity of the heaven is Involved in its arrival. If God should fail to keep His promise to just one ransomed soul the pillars of Jehovah's throne would fall, and the foundations of the eternal city would crumble, and infinite pover ties would dash dowa all the chalices and close all the banqueting halls, and the river of life would change its course, sweeping everything with, desolation, and frost would blast all the gardens, and immeasurable sickness slay the im mortals, and the new Jerusalem be come an abandoned city.with no chariot wheel on the streets and no worshipers In the temple a dead Pompeii of the skies, a buried Herculaneum of the heavens. Lest anyone should doubt, the God who cannot lie smites His om nipotent hand on the sideof His throne and take affidavit, declaring: "As I live, said the Lord God, I have no pleas ure li the death of him that dieth." Oh, I cannot tell yon how I feel about It, the thought is so glorious! Bound up with God. Bound up with infinite mercy. Bound np with infinite joy. Bound up with infinite purity. Bound np with infinite might. That thought Is more beautiful and glorious than was the heroic Abigail, who at the foot of the crags uttered It : "Bound In the bundle of life with the Lord thy God!" Xow. my hearer and reader, appreci ate the value of that bundle. See that it is bound np with nothing mean, but with the unsullied and immaculate. Not with a pebble of the shifting beach, but with the kchinoor of the palace; not with some fading regalia of earth ly pomp, but with the robe washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Pray as you never prayed before that by Divine chirography written all over your nature you may be properly ad dressed to a glorious destination. Turn not over a new leaf of the old book, but by the grace of God open an entirely, new volume of experience and put into practice the advice contained in' the peculiar but beautiful rhythm of some author whose name I know not: Tf you've set task to do. Let me whisper, friend, to yon. Do It. Tf you've anythlnar to say. Tru and needed, yea or nay. Say It If you've anything to Tore. As a blreelna; front above. Love tt. If you've anything to five, That another's )or may live. Olv It.. ' , If some hollow creed you doubt. Though the whole world hoot and shout. Doubt It. If you've any debt to pay. Rest you neither night or day Pay it If you've any Joy to hold, Near your heart, lest It grow cold. Hold It If you've any srlef to meet. At a loving father's feet Meet It If you know what torch to light Guiding others In the night, : Light It Perhaps. If cat has nine lives we should sc ored it a hit-ten.- Cfclcapro Daily News. TIME TABLES. W. 11,1, In effect Sunday, Kovamber Is, 1891 ' WIST. Trsin No. 4 nllT.. ....... .. I0:la " " tlDiltelcopl8uDly.... HJOpu) Train No. 40 Local U:M a. m. IiT. Trala No. 1 Dully (mcupt Sunday)... 10:04 an Train No. 3 Dally , 4:14pm Train No. 41 Local :lb a. m. BIO FOUR. Il-Cal. Cln. Ind.ASt. L au.n. M-uuiTBhUAiH......... 2: 87-Dally Col. 4 Clo. Ex Kmioi 41 Local FrulirhL o-vi ll UOl. SL & t4A i 24 Wellington JSMduudaroulrj... ydua. M-DalIrCol.4 Cln.Kx , 5:00 am 8:11 am laMpm (l:IK pm a) uaiiion Kx. , mi-Daily Col. lnd. A St. L. Xx... 14-WtlUngtou Ex. t -Dally (Tol. Clu. it lad. Kx 62 Local Fralgh 4:14pm PHYSICIAN. R HATHA WAY. M. D. speetaltv of rectal. bladder, an klduaj diseases. Kecul dlMases mated without pain, or deteatlua Iriim iMitlDww. DlsMMUMottha bladder treated onli alter a cartful eiamlnatlon ol tha urloe HOTKM. HOTKL DK FOOTK. the leading hotel In Welllujton. New house, elegantly Cur D tailed ; gas, steam, hot, mat sold waior bath, good tam pie room, tt very, a id Iad-table I n conueeUnn. Kates, K err da, south Mala street, opposite park, O. D. Vuote, proprietor. REM ESTATE AND LOANS. Money to loan ea long er snort time, aasy paymentslsnd lew Interest. JOSEPH BIMBHOWBR, Agrat WANTED - SEVERAL TBUSTWORTH I persons Is this stale to maaaxe our bun dle In theirowe and searby oountle. It Is mainly oOtoe work emidnetod at horn. Balrry straight MM a fear sod eipenea detail. bnaaOde, ne store, lie leaa aalary. Monthly 175. Keforeneea. Eaolote Mlf-ad-d retted stamped mveloo. Harbert It. lieu. Pratt. Dept. M. Chleauio. For Insurance that... Insures, apply to K. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. AUCTIONEER. G. W. HINES, of Pittsfield, will attend to all sales promptly. Reasonable terms. Dates can be made at he Enterprise office. BRICK. All kinds of Brick for sale at reasonable prices. Also different siztj8of yile. f Foun dation blocks. Can' furnish on short notice J" . E. BIGLOW & SON. DURLING & BLIGH, WnOLXsALE ASD eetail dialers nr Hard and Soft Goal Coke, Bloesburg ,) Smithing Coal. WOOD, $1.50 CORD. Best of Accomodations at the 10c. Barn. Baled Hay and Straw. Moving furniture a Specialty. i TKLEPHOirE 71 EAST MACS 81 The chculation of The En terprise for the scar of 1898 was 63,274-.. This matei the average weekly circulation 1 2 1(7. 1 Marly one-half of these circulate in theity of Wel lington; 500 copies go to tie surrounding towns. We can provelour circula tion by thei&mnefiipapet purchased from the tf. X. Kellogg- Newspwer Co., of Cleveland. The circulation of The En terprise will he lirger for the vear 1899. . Remember this, Mr. MvertiserMrculation is what counts. FREE to OHIO Published gilN -TEN BEAUTIFUL q , i o , . n I O jj CINCINNATI V J 7 i IEW HCTK11I v V J OHIO. I Mia, mrtarteirmm l 1 1 -ST INCHES m The above diagram shows tb nlaMr slta or tha Napa It hani oa tha wall. Width, East aad W SI luchoa j Wagta Xrom wp to bottuoi, 44 lochda. The World Hon, Prlnc pal Products and Exports, besides various other matters of Interest. Then at tha bottom Is given a foB fist of all tha States of the World with their Area, Population, Form of Government, Name of Chief Executive, smt Capital CHy. This Combination Map is a most necessary reference for every home. All of the scenes of impor tant events (Crete, Cuba, Hawaii, Armenia, etc.), can readily be Socated. Every newspaperreat5--. should have It. " It Is invaluable to every home with school childrenj, IT IS SOLD AT RETAIL FOR $2.00. But we supply it and a year's subscription to THE ENTERPRISE for ..... ... $1.50 . a m m. .. TTTTTTTT SUBSCRIBE NOW AND MAKE SURE OF A COPY. THE FRENCH PRINTING CO., WELLINGTON, OHIO. , 1 kawe taa Bipaas Tabala with ao mask atkv (aotuas ttel I aaa eawartullr raaomaua thao. Cava baaa enable. f aboal tbraa rara wit wbal I oaUat Mlloaa attacks auaalas oa rat ularir oao e wask. Wa told br duiiranl phjilcun. tut tt was oms4 by bad teatk, of whlob I bad MmaJL I bad tb tak axuactad, but lb at laeaa oatlaaaa. I had Mae adTartlapmaata of Klpaa Tabulae ta all tba papm but had ao faith la thaas, bat about ate WMk Haas a frtoad duoad bm to try taata. Have taaaa but two of the .amaa boxm of the Tabulaa and ban bad svaaaatraaoaof Ike attacks. Ba MTtrflTaa a lartuaoalal for aaytalas brfuca, but tha M asms of rood which I ballaTa ha besadcoaaaa by aloaac Taaatac laduocs bm to add mtaatoth away milw nasals yea doubt He hare la your a. A.T.VSWIR, . wiv- a;-; M(fA af tha hrteoa l II nt-ahra, tt the beaess 1 haee derle from Blaea. Taaulaa. I em a R'l head w aM-eya sealed. Rlpeae tahaje e tt. after aa af my oawtl found mi mil ismplmly The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ill of humanity. advice of Mr. Oeo. Bow. or, rh. a, tat Bowark Aea, Jeaaty City, ( lock Mpeaa Tiaailre wtth Sjraad fMtre. 01 3 wkm keeftfcara aad ladle- tlea. ear eood many real. Oaa day aba saw tsatimoalal la the fart ladoralas Hlyaa Taevleo. She iiiilale-ltbcBa e trtai, wa e-reetly reUrod ay ehasr ao aim .Beared wtlk the ladlgeettca whack was formerly aa areata burden for her. Our whcls - .-k . ,,....1 Mni.plv aanepl.llv after B hearty ataak My awther la SRy year, of aaa and la aaaytaa the beatot health aad spirits i alto eat hearty areata, B tmpoMlMllty before ah ThU tov-caswd am tabtim mm tw rtra tuvimmxj our Subscribers.... A BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL AND THE by RAND, McNALLY & CO. . . i ..... ON STICKS READY TO I . v - , a. Is shown by a handsome Map printed on the reverse side. It snow Continents, Oceans, Currents, Important Towns, etc., In handsonMsy contrasted colors. Around the border of this Map are printed pictures of all Presidents, also an alphabetical list of names of every country la tbsr world, with a short description glvlnf the kind of Government, Populav I hav bocaacriat sufferer fro aoaatipaPoa for ovor flvc years. Vulhlaf tT. aw aay rcilaC My feet aad lags aad abdooMa sal bloatad e lonuidBotwearshoMon my f act aad only a looas draaa. I asw Rlpant Tabulaa advertised IB our dally paper, bouubt toeie aad look aa dlree. ad. Have taken there about three weeks aad there stench acbaaael I ara no fonetlpated any more and I owe II all to Ripens Tabular, lata thirty terea years old, hare ao occupation, only say household datlea aad neralnf my etch ho. band. Ha baa bad tb drapey and X am trying Rlnu TabalM fur hlra. Re feels some better but It will take oome time, he baa been alek eolooa. Tea aaaf aa Dry letter and Dame aa yna Ilka. Mrs. Hart ooarua Cum, I hare b aaa t wai a suffering from headache erst a little gtrt 1 oould aevar ride la ear or go lato a crowded Ire puoe without getting e headache and sick at my stomach. I beard about El pea. Tabulae from aa aunt of mice wao was taking them for oatarrb of the stomach. She bad found suck relief from tbou tut the advised me to take thum too, aad I have born doing to alaca last October, aad will aay they bar oomph, ly eared my headaches. I am tweatr-nlae years Id. Ton are welcome to am this teetlmoalal HTf, J. Baooejrraa. - P - A - NS aTtms-ravM let eaffered wtth pet as la IP hie head. -'--- w Bd eomnlalaed of aJa aat like children of a atre do aud what ha did eat did aot agre with klm. Bewasthia amd af a saJfroB ooler. BeedtHf lorn of the taallrooauue la favor of Klpaa. TebuUm, I tried tfecB. Blpaa. Tabaleeaal ealy relieved but actually eared my you at tier, tha kaadeobm have dlaaprrearad, howele ara ra good condition and he aervr eomplaiaa of hi tomacb. lie la Bow a red. rdialr-feeed boy. Thl wonderful chance I attribute to Rtnaas Tabulea, I am eatufled that they will benefit eny M (frees thecnumtooMaae) U taken aotordtnt to Clree. tort ! liiuntiwl fov Um poor A tit mmmL OM ted ity mU fay wwitliic totr-cm mm ttiw Umum .p..- . ------ .-v 1MB ,W,V aerS-TTTT MAP OF WORLl COLORS HANG. ...... :,. ONE SIDE 8H0W3 THE I l Handsomest AND ''; Latest Map OF OUR GREAT STATE WITH Every Section Line. . . Every Township Line and Township Names and Numbers. Every County. Every River. Every County 5eat in heavy type. Every Railroad. . ' Every Post Office. Every Town (no matter how " small.) Creeks, small lakes, etc., axe represented. WREVIVO I RESTORES VITJLL1TI Madoa : WeUKSaa the "VKXof Ma. : X "JL UEnCOJJC TT TrrTM I J ." predaeee tha a have reewlte la Be amra. T acta powerfully and anlckly . Carea wheaell uthne fall. Toiing man will recti a their roUvtaw.aaal old men will recover their yoathful power by setae BEVITO, It quickly and sarely earaa Mr ouinees. Lost Vitality, Its potency. Lost Power, smit ing atemory, wasting inaeaeee. and all nea a seaes aad IsdtaereAiooe, which aeBueec tor.l.t r business or marriage. H aot only care, by etanlc at the teat ol dlmaaa, bulls a great nee re ile aad Mead kIMee, bringing hack tha atek arkaw t ami cheaka and restoring the grr oe year. U wards off Inanlty and Coaiaamatloa. Inula, aw kavtng KKVIVU, no other. It oaa he earned ia rest pockitt. Br mall SI.mS per paHuMre. or eia for, with m paeltlva wnrtUea tea to care er reraad the, aaaaey. t'lt ewieja Md phyelelaac mdvlea frwaj. Aoorma Royal Medicine Co., For Sal la Wslllaurtatn by W. F. NEAR I CO.. Druggists. Tern . ate fcjt m M v v ...... -w.waa AtiTOfM n11nt ft llrtfri iinO ilmrrTun qatcklr nrrtain onr oiinton frjk wh- tier . InTfJUtioO ) pmlhlT ptM.tlle, Cnmrvw,., tlonitr,rt lmll(lf(taj. llaiirlbrn i"at-i4a nt trm itMmt Mntcjr fur a-uiiinr iu.r. , Pntnti ttUrn thnMurh Munn k Ctx wrnvm mtriMl notice without ctoTTro, la tb ScimincJIerl:::: A hr4liyTn!r lU-rttritibfl wlrlT. ).n-Mrt enleUKv of n? rtent4dc 1 , - inr ; four Ton nibs, l sM4 bj-vll Braaoh Omoa, r t M. Waaliai . , kVTi F'.vj rs w ,b m .MNeeT- .asm apMMo BO VEAMr : V IXPERIENCS mm i I