AVeeetablePreparalionlbr As
similating iteToodanriRctf ula
ting the stamfldB andBowela of
Promotes KgesUonjCheer&il
re33 and Rest-Contalns neilher
OjTnim.Morphlne twrMtactaL
Anerfect Bemedv forConsliD-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diairhoea,
Worms ,Conulsions,fevensn
tat Simile Signature of
exact copy or wrapper.
A Farm Library of unequalled loe retlcl,
Cp-tOMlate. Concise o4 ComprchenslvcBsiitV
somely Printed and Beautifully Uustrattd.
V All about Horao
L m, llluamftiona r
i.v 2 BIOQLE
A (I about growta.
cugtalns 4j colored Hie-like reproductions of all leading
- wartetlea and k. otber tUuetzaUoae. Price, a I'raM .
Prise, 5 Cent.
ffJo. 4-BIOOLB
i ah aamn uiwi
. salei contains
I. ., bread, with 131 other Illustrations. Frtot, joCeals.
Ji, k ninsti d civiND nnnr
- 'luatont. An
are harina an
mwMj tor wc diuulg Dwi.a. 10c
b toot paper, made for roa and act a feitiflt. II la MTeara
old , it ia the great boiled-dowa. hit-tbe-nail-ooHhe-aead,
qult-after-yon-hare aaid-H, Farm and Houeebold paper ia
the world the biraeat mdct of iu rise la the United State
h1"g"f-t1Hitnin1 a-hilfrttilnrr-'t
a YEARS (remainder of t&Wjljoo, teal,
ia a address for A DOLLAR BILL.
bampto el r AKm jwjkmai, ana circular twemning diuuui duvu tree.
wilhu ATKiMsoa Aodreaa, PJJUI JOVatMAI.
csaa. . jaaauas.
3DEN try tne professional racer, K hxi prores a winner
oftener than any in competition. Rldocn by the non
profmiooal. try tne "tcoKhtt," for Wncu or pleasure, it
lias a recori seconi to none. Material used in its construction,
pains-tafcine care in manufacturing details, case in running, and
huJionoe, symmetrical design are
Reasonable prices, coupled with high Tallies am characteartkai
the WHITE.'' Our long established reputation guarantees the
excellence of our product
- , . Modala A and B ......60.0P
i ' " Modti a (30-m. whaiDw, eaoo. '
f . "Special Raoar" 66.00 ,
Modala E and P (ohalnlaas) ..?...,,.7e.OQ
White Sewing Machine Company,
TlirortofTSeiwholf hftrt. Al! drain
, are pnM .ny (iti'-.i, ttif.r tta1.t.oD
t Mv.k-i -uii. y-i-ri XTrMw; 6
u tevwjr,,ow tiii Uu book
For Infants an J Children.
Ths Kind Ya Il:v3
Always Cc"yhi
Bears the:
Signature ;
For Over
Thirty Years
tm. niwn mmut, new waa aw.
- a Common-Sam
minAmrA work.
Small Fruit. ntS naC, Hri taw
about Foultr ; the beat Poultry Book u oMnnj
stwervthinc ; with 13 colored liw-Mkereprodactiaai
ill the modus! breed: a-ito lot eUur Wuatrallnaa,
ana tne vatry nasiaess: imgi areai
teoloi - edlife - ltkereproaactioasofcack
about HoaaBreedtaaT. Veedhur. Batch-
err, DleeaJee, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half
tones and other eagraTinfs. Priot, jaCeata.
reuaique,ori(faal,taeAil 70a
UEetnem aoDractical.sosensroie.
cnortnous teaic? 1 Ert, Wnt. North
South. Every oh who keep a Hone, Cow, Horn or
Chicken, or grows fimall PrulU, oufht to Ann ngU
loot aad 190J) wlil be teat by suit
fail, anal rana
a fnr of its claims forairpcrkjrrtTe. 1
ad hav catrW tiaowtUKla o
o( Ncrroul Daaamtam, Mch
as Dsbtttty, Uiiaiai i, rlwpliiri
aeu and Varic4WMtiUropby,ii&
They ckar lha braia, atreagtbca.
tha circuUikoa, autkat sitiMttoa
tMrfcct. and atapart I1uit
aad losffct ara ebedted ftrmmrnmih. Unla pa Wats
odea womeaihem iota InwaMw. Lansuaapttottow iMath.
bOM,arttt. iroDil IrfAl i.aTnea to cute aa iiwau
Altaic, ts i. ii.,.!:
miM VT.aVU
1 1
ant Bnnpanlaga aad pvelnt Erwata
la Waillagtoa's IsaaMdlat Tlelaltr of
Intaraat to Kvaryoaa, Oar Corrcaaaa
daata Rpara Ho Paina - to Olaaa th.
tatoat aad Mast Aacarata Mewa. .'
K. C. Wheeler bas located on Fleaaant
atreet H will work tor lira. ZUpha
Mr. end Ura. Wm. Hlllbooae and (am'
llr. ot Lorain, and Mr. and lira. Clarence
Ketebnm and daughter, ot New London,
re rtaltlog Ur. and Mrs. John Cowl tor
a few days.
Mrs. Pomeroy, ot Korwalk, ia nsttlng
Mrs. Zilpha Battle.
John Cowle went to Clereland Monday
to purchase lumber for R. Fenner, who
wiU make some Improrementa en nil
farm bolldlnn. Bert Backna will aeslat
Mr. Cowle In the work.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Day and daughter
Grace Tlaltd at B. MeClaflln'a on Butler
Boad, one day last week.
Win. eilletl ot Wellington, apent part
jf last week with hla brother, E. D. Gil
lette thli place.
. H. Kdwarda waa In East Wellington
aat week looking tor basket timber. He
ays be will put np 2000 baskeUUi
ear. Bla daughter, Mrs. K. Uox, auo
ausband have returned from Hartland
and will assist him.
18teVe Cowle went to work the 15th for
Mr. Miller on the tteo. Fiwawr fariu.Gia
Miss Abble Stocking rtoited her eeusi
Ml). Lilly lnew London the.oaat
wee.! '. -
Wm. Harwood. ot ClarkaBeld, spent
the past week with bis eister, Aggie Bar
Fred Gillett waa tn Clarkafietd HoJow
The C. X. of the Congregational
church will girt a sodal at fi. B. Ing-
rabam's Friday avenlnf of thla . week.
A literary and maiai mtanauunent
will be given in connection with the
aoelaL Don't forget the date March U.
Our school closes Friday afternoon for
a weeks vacation. Kxaminauons are
occupying the attention ot the teacher
and pupils this week.
Ed. Ringler has been ery sick with
lung fever, but is considered out of dan
ger at this writing,
Our sugar makers are Joyous over the
great yield ot sweetness which is their
lot thla year. The pure maple syrup
sella for only B0 eents per gallon in
Cleveland. It la the greatest sugar year
known for years.
Miss Ethel Smith gave a sugar party
to her young friends at her home last
Thursday night.
60. Gibson went to Creston, to
little Emma over Sunday. Ha did not
bring her home as expected.
John Gibson la home from New Los-
don, for a short visit.
, Mrs. X. A Gotham, who has been vary
sick with the grip for several weeks
slightly Improved.
8t Patrick's day was not forgotten by
our school children. "Wearing of the
green" waa as Universally observed here
aa aa though ws were natives ot ths
Emerald tola".
Mrs. 8. a Green passed aiothar mlla-
stone in bar life's journey, Marc 10.
Bar frienda did not forget ths oeeaalon,
although tbt raging blissard prevented
soma from attending. All wtahad bar
many happy return ot ths day.
Th third quarterly meeting of th
Brighton circuit will be held at Brighton,
April 1 and 1 First service will be held
at S p. dl. on SatunUy. Preaching, by
ths Presiding Elder, P. B, Stroup, both
Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. T. L. McCoonell went to Row
London last Tuesday night to preach.
At the republican caucus last Toes-
day evening the following ticket was
Trustee, Karl Griggs.
Treasurer, a Stocking. ,
Assessor, L. W. Hart.
Justice ot ths Peace, P. Brown.,
A citizen's caucus was held on Wed
nesday night and the following nomina
tions were made:
Trustee, Chaa. AUyn.
Treasurer, C. A Hardy.
Am, L.W. Hart.
' Justice ot ths Peace, C X. Fox.
! Mr. and Mrs. Jeas McDonald returned
tram Florida last ! Wednesday, where
they have been spending ths winter,
. Miss Laura . Han kins spent last weak
visiting friends ia Spencer.
Arthur Everwn has been entertaining
.he measlea.
A N. Gill and family have moved to
the farm which they have recently pur
chased, and Earl Cole will act aa tillage
, Ray Gru'i ly iiit a few Ihjs 1
Craaton !' vlltlug hla eo;i .iim,
Theeatw -alnwnt riven hy th? t
s..t:wl fcji F.:'.j ct as r M i'
nltea, t--'
sa wereaeredltto
. i .. - i . ,
iiii!iaiioNUBa(iaattiuwuiuvuiuwwii.v , -
I - - . ... . . i. . . i. it
Mrs. 1
e earn ul training toe I
1. ,
The L' '
j have placed a One I
Epworlh '
Itia pru
have iw:-;
i the Methodist church,
a beauty by all that
It la Juet as rood as it I
looks. V
to the iJ
piu ha been removed
i where it willeon-
tinne to do 0. :y. ' ,
Shirt avn.l J (illl and Henry Greene
art down t . meaalea.
B, Haiiiiu:;, ! Uaagillon, rialted bit
oouain, Rw. t. L. MeConneU. last week.
Ifiaa laaiifa P.rnnAw At Praatan la via.
m-i... ir n n n..
otber friends here.
Mrs. Sarah B.ach ot Weilingtoa, ria-1
lted at Mr. Goea'a last week. .
Brtt, c,... - i. i.-t wtin
diseuased tUe ubjwt of book-keeping
tor tanners, with much inUrest. The
subjeettor the next meeting is, 'The
boat trna nf dairr Ml for thla loealitT."
Tks.. la nn .)uu,l at tha aontar thla
v ' I
" 1
a.a.a . muni n tha tnaaalaa
i t . v. i...
itlngher daughter In Wadena, Minn.,
thla winter, returned as far a Elyrla
where ahf stopped to visit friends a few
daya. ; ,
At Butler waa lu Cleveland Thors-
' ' ' I
UnalCroW,Ol LltChfleld, was 10 town
Satoiday. ?
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knowles, I
March 14, a son.
Born, March IB, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Biggs, a son.
Born, March 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul
M.Johastou, aa eight-pound daughter.
Mrs. Ralph Hart and Mrs. X. A. Will
iams were the guests ot Mrs. Lucy Un-
derhilL ot WeUlngton, Thuraday.
ur. fl.,.i, irair. nf rninmhnA rlltd
r .fln-.Mr,,'an.n1rtM.k.
A S, Ingall snperlnWndent ot the
Big Four Ry-, ws a recent guest at the
home of Mr. and Krs.. Hubbard A Wil
cox, on Church street. :j ..."
Mr. nd lir' Ji ;i?UL,Vnd Chtld,
ot Elyria.htpeut vBuiuUs Mr.
and Mrs. IVNiubulav. -
Mrs. SophronU Curtice, of Klyria, is
visiting In town.
Mrs. Jana Stroup Is the girest ot Elyrla
Mrs. Chester Crow and two children, ot
French Creek, are visiting at the home
ot Mr. Battle Wheeler.
uyae wiioox, youngest arm oi air. auu i
n . mrat . m 1. . ... I
Mrs. H. A Wilcox ot Church street, wsa
in Columbue, March 14 an! IB, taking
law examination. Hla many friends
wlU be pleased to learn that b ranked
among ths foremost ot ths class, and waa
admitted to ths dm. Clyde baas i of oar
most pop-uar young Ben. na wiu
graduate from Baldwin University the
coming June, after which be will prac
tice law with a prominent Cleveland
flrm. That his effort nay be crowned
with success is ths wlah ot the writer.
OMroarr ml Margaret Haadrslda.
Margaret fiandyalda wsa born In
Litchfield, Medina county, September 17,
1845, and died In LaGrange, March 8J
1899. On tha 10th ot December, 1868,
she was married to Egbert Holcomb. One
daughter and ons son crowned their
wedded Ufe. '
She was converted and united with the
Methodist church at LaGrange In th
winter of 1894, and her Ufa thence
forward waa markad by great simplicity
ot faith, godliness of spirit sad earnest
ness ot purpose. In the' aequetterrd re
treat ot boms she made the family
hearthstone a sanctuary shrine, where
she Illustrated the beauty ot faith, the
strength ot patience and the evidence ot
fortitude seldom equaled. Firm as a
pyramid, free from cant, standing fonr
aqnare to every wind that blows, yet she
so commingled gentleness and modesty
with strength and stability, thata like
the violet, h loved tha shade. Sickly
aentimentality disgusted her. She was
given to reflection, logically matured
her oplniona and held them with th
genialty of the sun s shining, but as
steadfastly as the grasp of gravitation.
Withal she waa tolerant of the honest
opinions -of others. There Is a stone
many tone la weight, so firmly pleated
that an army ot men cannot hurl It
from its base, yet so nicely poised that It
will tremble at the touch ot a child'
haul It Is ths smblem ot her character.
She published her religion only as the
sun advortlsea light by ehlnlng silently.
True to her Ideal she was recognised aa a
ehriitfian wife and mother, and I am
sure tbat those who knew her will re-
member her as their friend and neigh
bor if or she was both tn the fullest sense
term. Nor was ever human heart
more fragrant with appreciation
n her. She literally In mind and
it, lived and moved and had her be-
ln her faithful companion and cull-
en, and all the heavenly constellation
for her, rose and aet In them. The
whole community were mourners at her
' iiii, for hnr tender banda and loving
' m!3 Is sal cheered their homes In sick-
jia .1 la sorrow. "Eli bi;ig"nsto
' :tt V t s!'d gkTlijTi B.t-0 W
MnI TjiUl
A representative o Stem
to show a handsome line of -
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, Separate Skirts in Sill:
and Crepon, Shirt Waists and Children's Jackets.
Ladies' Petticoats and Wrappers.
Mrs. M. M. JOYCE. . West Main Street.
pure and lnfadiogjtiys have birth; aud
kM..i. mi. k... im and and lima VBf
wouia not can ner oaca to wiw.
The funeral services were neia irom
the borne on Friday at 10 o'clock, and
were conducted D ner paswr, nv. . n .
from the text found in nor. 10:01.
Many beauutul flowers were piacea oy
loving bands upon the the casket, and in
the east cemetery she calmly Bleeps un
til th day break and the shadows nee
Mrs. Alton Pitta fell about two weeks
aeo. inmnns nee Berereir. ousuat
not been able to be around since.
"T, ,
ataaL . . i 4J A tiOl - T3aa, lm.
lue "
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bluett,
""i the erening, was
Ter7 weu """""" uu Ul
iuB win ua a nuB.
OtOUlUK IH Ulia WTO, a. ' v.
i a .V.1- Knma nf
. J 4V. t
aDQ BUB. ty. . xTtrj, U1UH WW au.,.
01 tne a. a. ooeiety. a coruuu iuna-
tion is extended to alL
Mrs. E. W. Pitts, of Wellington, spent
last week at her son Alton's, helping
H care for his wife.
Miss Anna Friend returned from Cleve
land last Wednesday, where she been the
guest of friends. s, '
Mr. aud Mrs. John Merriam and Chios
. i . wr a I r.i
atemam spent ui neuuwuaj ""
rT ...
air. ana aus. .oun reny oegnu uuur
keeping last Thuraday
Mrs. Henry Rawson and children, of
LaGrange, visited at Wm. Avery's re
Messrs. Orrin and Clarence Metcalf
and their sister, Mrs. Mary Toeker, at
tended the wedding of their cousin, Miss
Alvera Metcalf to Mr. F. J. H11L of Ober-
Ha, last Wednesday evening.
uorn to nr. ana ur. simeon nmte-
Messrs. X. Arnold. C. 8. Sheldon, Jan.
Meredith, A Meredith, F. Meredith and
F. Yost attended the K. O.T. M., eon-
vsutlon at Elyrla, Monday.
v Umhtb. H UeBoberta. F. Boot and C
F. A vary were lu Elyrla, MouiUy;
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hanley were called
to Columbia, Saturday, to attend the ton'
oral of a nephew.
Mr. W. B. CraodaU visited his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crandall last week.
If. T D n. rrlann I. Knm. f AT a faai
Mrs. Flora MeElroy is home for a two
week's visit from Cleveland.
Mrs. Charles Asheraft and little son,
Duton, are visiting friends in Cleveland.
Miss Pearl Blair visited friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cheat are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Swarts, in Cleve
If so, there must be some
trouble with its food. Well
babies are plump , only the
sick are thin. Are you sure
the rood is all right? Chil
dren can't help but grow,
they must grow if their food
nourishes them. Perhaps a
mistake was made in the
past and as a result the di
gestion b weakened. If that
b so, don't give the baby
a lot ot medicine i just use
your every-day common
sense and help nature a
little, and the way to do
it is to add half a teaspoon
ful of
to the baby's food three or
four times a day. The gain
will begin the very first day
you give H. It seems to
correct the digestion and
gets the baby started right
gain. If the baby b nurs
ing but does not thrive, then
the motrvcr should take the
emulsion. It will have
good effect both upon the
mother and child, twenty
r.e years proves t! Js fact.
Sac. sad Suae, sD,
. fCOTT a aO'.VNS, CWua, Hnr Yotk.
IS ill
- V'VOcf,"
iN ?V NO I::
.. ., MI.I...I - ttr- 'V.
22. 1899.
& Co., of Cleveland, will
Mr. Charles Cowie was In Elyrla, Sat-1
Ur. A Williams wsa in Cleveland,
Mrs. Pearl Johnson of Elyrla called on
Mrs. C. Johnson, Wednesday.
MLis Sadie Bldinger vlnlted her sister
Mrs. Corpenlng in New London laat
Mr. L Johnson is delegate of K. 0. T.
eonveutlon to be held in Norwalk,
MlasJoele Phelps is home again
from Brownhelm for a tew days.
Mr. Robert Cheenut will occupy C. A.
Beard tdey'i house, on West Railroad
street April 1.
Mrs. Reynolds bas moved into C. A.
Beardsley's house on East Middle street.
Mr. Lewis Mason and Miss Jennie
Sheets were in Cleveland. Thursday.
Mr. Lewis Johnson, teacher of the
Rochester union school, gave hla pupils
treat to warm sugar Saturday after
The Baptist society atJMrs. Sugar's was
well attended last Thursday. A delight
ful supper waa served to seventy-three,
Mr. Barry Campbell bas purchased
half interest in the Johnson mill plant
of L. B. Petty of this place.
Mr. John Gordon returned home from
LaCrosse, Wis., Saturday evening.
Mrs. Geo. Williams of Greenwich vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. A Williams of this
place one day last week.
Mr. Frank Stightez and James Blair
left for Clereland last week to enlist In
the D. 8. heavy artillery. They were ac
cepted and left for Baltimore, Md, where
they will be stationed for a while. Their
friends wish them success.
The Ladles' Union met at the pleasant
home of Mrs. S. Phillip's on South State
street, on Saturday afternoon, March 18.
There was excellent speaking and
good music, well rendered. Prayer waa
offered by Rev. Lash. A most excellent
supper was served and the afternoon was
pleasantly spent in conversation. Mrs,
Phillips will be remembered as a most
ebarmlng hostess and good entertainer.
All bad aa enjoyable time.
Clarence!, Sweet bas opened a fresh
stock of groceries in the room occu
pied by S. W. Clark. ,
Otto Knapp moved to Lodl last week.
John Miller has hired out to Firestone
Co., to drive their wagon the coming
BedaRlce was in New London last
Monday, returning Monday evening.
Will Oldman waa in Cleveland last
week and secured a position there for
the coming season.
Mrs. Ella Hendee went to Cleveland
the first of the week to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Florence Hyland.
Jabec Van, of Mansfield spent Sunday
with his brother, A T. Van.
Georgia McDowell, of Seville, visited
her friend, Mrs. Vanvalkenburg, the first
of the week.
Miss Betty Eggleston ot Akron, N. T.,
ia spending a month with her sister, Mrs.
Lee Grissinger.
Mrs. Ablgal Walters bas bought the
Frank 8 teaman property on West Main
The ladies ot the G. A. B., together
with several invited guests, assembled
last Saturday evening at the home of T.
W. Dangherty to remind him that he had
reached his 59th birthday. The occas
ion was one of rare social enjoyment A
most excellent snpper was served at a
late hour. All departed wishing many
nappy returns of the day, both to host
and guests.
Laura Hawkins ot Brighton, and her
brother, of Masslllon, spent Sunday at
Julia Coleman's.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Foster, ot Vir
ginia, have come to Spencer tor ths sum
Fire destroyed the barn on the D. Hot-
statter farm last Wednesday evening,
The origin of the fire is not known. In
surance 1100.
About fifty friends and neighbors sur
prised A S. Ketchmn and wife in the
evening ot March 14, it being the 27th
anniversary of their 1 marriage.
Clarence Bracy and wife were taken
unawares on the next evening, the oc
casion being a birthday celebration.
Considerable difficulty was experienced
by some ot the guests in getting borne
through the mud.
8ugar makers have struck prosperity
and are piling np a reserve. The aap
filled the palls in one night lately.
Who says the brown leghorns lay small
eggsT The writer gathered an egg that
measured 7x6 Inches In circumference.
Come with a bigger one.
It waa quite a surprise to many ot us
to see the name of W. W. Eetchum as
democratic nominee for trustee ot New
London. We supposed he was a Popu
list. .,
Lyman Vansooy has secured the nomi
nation for supervisor for district No.
North-East New London.
The West Rochester correspondent
takes this opportunity to say "Au Revolr
to the many readers ot the Enterprise,
whiie we B the 14 bew w tan
PAJM c1 2:
Will buy a loaf ot
Home Made Bread.
, The best place to buy
Fancy and Staple
Baled Hay and Straw.
Big Discount on
Canned Goods
I .Tea and Coffees.
Wm. Crosier.
Phone 146.
O S earn ewl aa aVB1a. Lai
aaeraaei a ai raadrapru anh. writ, g
aow and ws will and I
111 I li'l" rrlcas ana
Bwaaj ft wnaaraadT! rrmawiu
II e b. lower thaa ,oo think.
we tremblingly come before the people
under the beading of Butler Road.' ;
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner ot Penfleld,
were in town Jast week.
Mrs. Leverlte Clark visited relatives in
Akron, recently.
P. Z. Btedman baa returned after a
winter's visit In York state.
Mr. Elwood Russell is very etek with
pneumonia. ' -
Mrs. Henry NeaL Is very sick.
Mrs. Wv Baodley ot Wellington,
visited relatives In town last week, ,
- L.H. Chajman of Rochester, was la
town oae Jay last week. -,
About forty-five relatives and triec l
of Mr. and Mrs. Denttln Bradner met at
their home last Tuesday evening Vuch
14th, to help them eelebrate their tenth
anniversary. A very pleasant evening,
was spent Refreshments were served
consisting ot ice cream and cake. The
company left with the couple in remem
brance ot the occasion a beautiful set
ot dishes. Mr. Clinton Chapman made
the presentation speech.'
At the republican caucus bsld last
Thursday night, the following officers
were nominated: Trustee, Elmer Long;
Assessor Dr-nttln Bradner r Treasurer.
James Handiey; Constable, Bert Boone.
J. B. Robinson has another car load
of coal in. ,
Sugar makers are reaping quite a
Mrs. Thomas Whitney and bar grand
son, Charlie Obley are visiting , la the
western part ot the state.
s cent5
Frank Calkins and Lewis Whitney :
went to Cleveland on ths excursion last
week Wednesday. ;
John Sigworth has bought Olln Rose's i
Sammle Davidson, who has worked for !
S. A Hardy for the last three years wlil,
work In the Thayber & Twining ware-'
house. J
Willie Hill is clerking in a grocery .
store in Oberlin.
Messrs. Earl Hewett and Renbln Calk
ins were In Elyrla, laat week Friday.
Miss Moulton is ths guest ot Mrs. 8. A
Hardy. . ,
Frank Williams has the building tor
hi ebeeee factory nearly completed. -
Clarence Searlee bas moved on to his
farm. - . " .
Mr. and Mrs. M. X. Perkins are visit
ing in town. Mr. Perkins will work at
cheese making In Sullivan the coming
season. '.-
Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. X. 8. Prentice
and daughter, Grace were the guests of
Mrs. Geo. Welling in Collins last week
Headache tar Fait Ta
For forty years I suffered with sW
headache. About a year ago, I begnn us
ing Celery King. The result was rati
fying and surprising, my headaches 1 , r
lng at once. The headaches used to re
turn every seventh day, but, tha-.;' . :
Celery King, I have had but one fiu ' ;
In the last eleven months. I know v. '. l
has cured me will help others. L' s. .'.
D. Van Eeuren, Saugertles, N.T. C '
King tor the nerves, stomach, liver, ;
kidneys is sold tn 50c and 6 m'
by E. W. Adams, Wellington, an i :
itone & Sweet, Spencer.
Be sure and read our gr t "
Thr Enterprise1 for a y r ;
farm Journal five vmrs, a!l f -ot
our paper alone. J - t r
eai'fuiu's 'e a-l i:
5'S.w? y-'.ra v ,-r i' "w.