Newspaper Page Text
ICsGTON LETTER i f ARY ALGERS ORDKB TO ABMT OFFICIALS. iet I'l.ed;Wtth Manilla Newa-Antl T xl, Movement la CoM" Antic of ub A.BihlrTh. American Battle A l, hey to Im Srwctad la Wahlufton. Washington, March ,17, 1819.-Mem-l. i s of the cabinet who are In Wash ington are much pleased with this week's npws from Gen. Otis concerning mo victorious campaign he . Is waging Rrniwt the Filipinos. A few more days of the same work and Agulnaldo will either be a prisoner or a fugitive and aud hie followers will have an opportun ity to ascertain how badly they were de wived when they allowed themselves to be persuaded that the Americans were their enemies. There will be no let up of aggressive features of the campaign of Sen. Otis as long as there are hostile TTtiininmi to be found. The details of the fighting snow that the Filipinos do not stand before American cuw8s whn thnv have three times as manv men. any better than the Spain- ardsdld. They also show that the Amer ican soldier, either regular or volunteer, Is without a superior as a fighting man, no matter what circumstances he fights .1 j a V. a win Dnd anaer; inai ae aiwuyn uiiw always aoes iu i . A Nezottatlons tot reciprocity treaties with France Germany and with Great Britain, for the British West Indies, which were interrupted by Commissioner Easson's duties as a member of the Aafflo-Ammerlcan Commission, have been resumed and are being pushed, as the period within which the Dlngley tariff act authorizes such treaties to be made will expire on the 24th of next July. Russia has also opened negotiS' tiona for reciprocity. A level head is one of man's most rare and valuable possessions. Had Civil 8ervice Commissioner Proctor possessed it he would not have exposed his chagrin because congress. In the exercise of its unquestioned privilege, chose to provide that employes of the census bureau should be chosen without the assistance of the civil service commission, by announcing In a newspaper Interview his intention to worry senators and representatives by advising oiuce seeiers to iuuow mem around and keep nagging them all the time. Bhouldhe attempt to live up to his announcement, he would soon be if m J V LA wnnM mirtafniv nuuuog iu juu, an uv wvuu not be allowed to keep the one he now holds. Competency to fill the position will be required of every employe of the census bureau, but that will not prevent a large majority of them being republi cans. The census to is be taken under pAnntillMn ailmtnlat.rnHrtn. iruuuuvou UUUUMI.II.MW Representative Joy, of Missouri, thus characterised the story alleging an anu Eeed movement among the republicans of the next house, which has appeared in various versions In the newspapers of the country recently: "I guess that the dull season for the papers has arrived and that the boys must have something to write about. But to re-iterate such . nonsense as this argues also the arrival of the sIHt season. It the gentleman from Maine lives, he will be speaker of the fifty-sixth congress without anyop- noeltion. So far as I know, Mr. ueea i health is very robust" Secretary Alger has issued an official order to army officials calling attention to the clause of the army act of the late eonc-ress abolishing "army canteens and forbidding the sale of liquor at any camp or post under control of the United States. . The antic of the socalled "Cuban As sembly" are cutting no figure in the plans of this government for placing Cuba npon a peaceable basis and giving its rtAnnua an nnooriuuiiv hi vnouino government of their own, to which the Island can be turned over. Nor are the schemes of the American money-lenders, who have offered to float an Issue of bonds authorised by the "Cuban Assem bly" at a usurious profit, If the United States government would guarantee the ' bonds. The United States government Isn't going into the business of guaran teeing; bonds, even were they issued ny ' recognised government or uuoa, ana bnt going to recognijie. the VCuban As sembly" as having in any way the right to represent the people of Cuba. This Kovernment has arranged with uen. Gomes for the dlsbsndment of the Cuban army and the distribution of $3,000,000 among the men, in order tnattneymay return to peaceful avocations, ana it ex pects those arrangements to be success fully carried sut The Idea of erecting a handsome oiuiu- 1 I taT-I 4s-.a r Ka VflAOrn oa flit 1117 111 niUflUUlCIAJU kV VO uunu m iuv American Battle Abbey, and to be filled with relics of our wars, which wss started by the G. A. R. a few years ago and was abandoned because the time was nut rip for such a project, has been re vived and la meeting with much favor. Surely the soldiers of no country were ever more deserving of such a monument than American soldiers have been, and no country has a more interesting col lection of war relics than we have, to place In such building. And Interest Is added to our relics by the fact that they are all of successful wars, as we have fought no other sort. . To Lovers of Flower. i 'AM lovers of flowers should subscr lbe ho erne good floral magazine. We knew that if we could furnish such a maga giue at a very low price a great many of our subscribers would take advantage of our offer. After some correspondence, we have succeeded In making arrange merit whereby we can offer Vlck's UJu trated Monthly Magazine for 15 cents in nklltlon to the subsclptlon price of The Enterprise, the two papers one year fur C 1.15. ' - - '.bribers who have paid their snb '.!tn in edvs'ire can take advantage is aTJt by p&yinz 15 cento more.. COUNTY SEAT NEWS OFFICIAL TRANSACTIONS AT TH SEAT OF JTJ8TICE. Jteohaaure of Peal Batata List f afasriat Licensee Dlvorees Wanted and Grants t Dolna la tha Different Court Daring; tha Fait Week. Ewbia, O., March 81. "A marriage 11-, cense was issued Thursday to Jess T. Montlcne. of Charleston, 111., and Lucy Bailey, of Lorain. He Is a hotel porter and she is a laundress. The marriage record contains the notation, "don't pub lish before Sept. 1899. Licenses were issued Thursday to J. Morehouse, of Litchfield, and Anna Bow man, of Belden; also to Roy H. Durkee and Mabel Tito, both of North Eaton. A marriage license was issued Friday to Jed Wilbur and Ida C. Richards. Real Estate Tranafer. 8. M. Warner to Fred Abbot,' lot . 68, block 6, Wellington 1200.00 Fred Abbott to 8. M. Warner, lot 47. block 3. Wellington 750 00 Anton Werner to Edward Smith, lot 4, block 1, Grafton 600 00 John Bring to Joseph Gerhart, lot 2, block 6, Chamberlain allott- ment, Lorain V...15Q0.OO Probata Court. ' Christina Hall, administratrix of estate of Adam Hall deceased, vs. Chris tina Hall et al. Petition filed for order to sell land to pay debts. John R. Hanley, administrator of the estate of B. R. Coats, has filed a petition for order to sell land. Sophia Marsh has been appointed ex ecntrlx of the will and estate of Julia Perry, late of Brownhelm. Mary White appointed guardian of Carl Kruse, a lunatic, of Pittsfield. , John G. Bans appointed administrator of the estate of Frederick Bruse, late of Amherst Will of Jane Sherburne, late of Pitts- field, filed for probate. Court of Common Plea. Hugh Dyer vs Nancy Dyer. Divorce. NO ROAD BONDS. The People Will Not Vote Upon Them Thta Spring. The county commissioners have de cided not to submit the question of Issu tng bonds for the county road improve ment at the soring election. There is not now time enough to do so. The com missioners are now considering another plan whereby townships that want im' proved roads must prepare the road bed, and the surface stone will be furnished by the county. The necessary funds will be raised by general assessment In case this plan is adopted. This will save the expense of a bond interest issue, in terest, etc., and moreequltably distribute the expense In proportion to the benefit ..... ... yawing Good Statuta.' -f? Medina county Is all enthusiasm over the good roads movement. The Medina Gazette says: "The good-roads convention made the liveliest day seen in Medina for months. Judge Munson said that he never before knew so large a number of Medina county representative men in town at any one time. The opera house was filled and the dis cussion extended. The resolutions favor ing levying a good road tax were carried almost unanimously. The Lorain commissioners were pres ent and after bearing the Allen county plan of road building fully explained expressing themselves as very favorable toit. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years aud npthing seemed to give any relief. I was, able to be around all the time, but constantly suf fering. I had tried everything I could hoar of and at last was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which ! did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by W, Near & Co. Mothers! THSdUcotn forta and dangers of child-birth can be almost en I tirelv avoided. WineofCanlai relicTesex- pcctnnt moth en. It give tone to the gen ital organ, nd tinta them in condition to do their work perfectly. That make preg nancy leu painful, shortene labor and hastena recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong health childrcm. has also brought happiness to , thousand of homes Darren for ' year. A few dose often brings jay to loving hearts tnat long for a darling baby. No woman herald neglect to try it for this trouble. It enres nine case out -of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $ixx per botUa, For adrlo m ease reaulrlnr Specmt dlractlona, addrtaa, clrinr armpuma, tha "Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattasoara Medldaa Ca,, ClatttV noota. Tena. Mrs. WmU HAlt. of Utttnoa, 6a., ttj "When I rst look Win of Card.rt ; w had been married three yean, but eeuld net ha any children. Ilo enUi Uler 1 had t Sua girl hebj.". 2 Neuralgias cured by Sold by all Druggists.. end for Free Treatise to The Athlophoros .Co., New, Haven, Coijn. CLERK'S EXHIBIT' 07- EXPENSES. To tha Council of tha Incorporated Vllier, t Was- j llngton, unio: Gentleman: I hare the honor of anhajltUw. the followlot detailed statement of receipte and ex penditure of thavilUsart WsMopoii. Ohio, a alto tha bonded Indeblednesa for tha jaar sodlng March 0,18W. CORPORATIOH tVVD. RECEIPTS, March SI, 1896. Balance lat annual liaje- roont .11414 (I hag. 10, iste. County treasurer. . .. 11M TO, Feb. 8, 1B. Count treasurer.. ...... BXPKNDlTljttSS. L. Conch. Mayor' Salary. ., IW Exnensee incurred la purehaelnf Electric Llht and Waterworks riant awiwi Kxnenae of Electric Uiht In oetlgstlon Commute... " w n. o. Utrris. Treaaurer's'Selary 11 " . A. Chapman. Clerk Salary, atooca, PoaUicetc'.. UJ" i.A.WUlUw.NIhWtch B. L Whitehead, Night Watch and Ellra Btlp.:..'.'..4.'..' "l Clate Nlchola, Nliht Wawh Q. L. Bllnn, Sollcttor WW S. r. Black. Piremen'e Salarlet S00 0) C. W. Flaher, Care ofTrampa S.F. Black, Care of Kngine Room, ate.... KK. French Printing Co, Printing M 4 Reporter Printing Co, Ad. Bond Sal.,. IS B Stumnf A 8.. Ad! Bond Sale Bnslneerini Newt. Ad. Bid for Blectrle Uzht and Waterworka n ai W. J. Korean. Prlplloa Boode,. M 00 E. L. BenedlcL Coal for' Lockup . .'. W Home Savlnta Bank,. Care of Electric Llsht Balldlac J. C. Dyer, Care of Tow Clock. ., E. W. Adania, Quinine - F. B. SntliS, Teem to Herrlck'l Fire...... 4 00 O. D.Foote, Team to Llrerjr Bain Fir.... too I. L. Benedict, Team to Fir W L. H. Dibble, Team to Fire t 00 8 em peon at Richardaon, Team to Fir ... . I 00 Dorllnf Bllch. Team to Fire, etc ISJ Emmona & Bell, Team to Fir.,.... Phelp Bra. V Co., Moulding 1 00 1(60 Ran too Wilbur, Hardware.. Perry Hprague, Hawing 'ak V. Hoffman, Mowing Park W.AL.B. Ry, Switch to Electric .Light 8 I'UOO (00 and Waterworks Plant 176 00 Sptcer Hall, Epene to Blyrl 4 00 A. 1. Reonnard, Sprinltling PabJIc Squar. 1 00 A. O. L. Couch, Hatracka Conncil Room SOD W. D. Hall, Telegram ' 1 St A. Burllngame, Labor R. T. Splcer, Expres on Hose Coupling.. Tha W. H. H. Pec Co, Hosettjd Coup ling KM Wadsworth Machine Co, Machlns Work W. A. Seoley, Cars Old Street Lamp,.... W. E. Peiree, Repair oa Lockup.... (40 100 ((0 its t. Townsand, Baaalraa Lockup L. O. Ledyard, Janitor, etc . Ktt I. CuanrrM, ItrsatrrM Laeesr Wasw ... ( T3 C. Myers, Lesor w... ...... ...V." 8(0 D. B. McOlll, Labor.. Mrs. C. E Sutllff. Boa Wagon I..., 17 00 O. Howk. DeHrsring Bas. Wagon........ Bendedlct Hdw. Ca, Hardware N. P. Roblnsoa, Olaaa Balance on hand. Total, BOAD FUND. RECEIPTS. March 21, IBM. Balance last aaanal state ment 1HS T Aug. 10, KM. County Treasaret. I0MM Feb. t.ttM. County Treasurer 1103(8 W. B. Berage, Sidewalk and Road Account . (16 L. H. Dibble, Sidewalk and Road Account 83 81 87M Ot .. ..86100 .. MM .. 17 68 EXPENprTURES. W. B. Berage, Street Commlasloaar., L. B. Dibble, Street Commissioner. . W. B. Berage, labor on Streeu P. Smith, " , " , ...... H.Clifford, " AH Cave, .. U5 7t .. M01 Jw.Cave, Too. Serage, " " . ..' T.Lebeck, - Job Reonnard,. " H .... .. Mtt .. MM .. 84 M .. SOU ..KM H. Myers, " .... D.B.McGHI, .... .. U00 H. Scripture. " " .... A. Burllngame, " " .... $ 71 8 76 H. Barnes, " - T 80 Lsm Bowsr, " . " ( O.Ames, " 160 O. Pbelpa, " ' 1 00 0. Uarria, " ., 4 08 F.OreenwakU " 1 E A. Martin, " " 48 H.Caldwell, " 80 L. Barnes,. " " 1(0, F. Rugg, " 1(0, Nesl PetersoA, 44 " IM Clate Nichols, " 14 ( M H. O. Brown, Cutting Stan ' 4 (7 Grant Culver, " Jas. Cleghom, . " L. B. Dibble, Man and Team F.ShuJt, ....... F.Qreenw.tld,. " ' Burt Outer, u " Chas. Harrison, " ....... 0. D. Foot, . " ' Jas, Jones, " " ...... U H. Wadewurth, , " , U. W.Davloa,, " ". ,. Jss. Rolce, " " flats Nichols. " " T N g ( so 1 on 88M SM IM 6l 18 M 84 74 A. J. Reonnard, . . " Dnrllng 4 pilgh, " E. L. Benedict, " Walter Weai, ' , ' W. E. Whitney, " H. Barnes, 84 80 (8 06 .7 00 SM M40 Ju. Sheldon, " " , 8 B. Hawk. " 8(0 H. Marshall, Man and Boras .'.v (0 Warner Stone Co., Stone (MM H. C. Hsrrls, Election Expense 104 54 ft. Wayne Elect. Corp.,Trauformera,stc (14 H Wellington Machine Co, Sewer Pips, etc 74 84 Rsnsom A Wilbur, Hardwsrs............. (0 4( Benedict Hdw. Co , Bardwsra, 1 M Wilder A Vlnarat, Salt,., Wellington Saw Mill, Co, Lumber, v, N. P. Robinson, Lumbar., Darling A Bttgh, Coal and Wood..... Phelp Bros A Co., Lumber , W.H. Kirk, Old Mowar.(... ......... Q. L. Couch, Corner Brace,... Schilllnger Bra, Camsnt W.AL. B. Ry, Freight... Bigelow A Sons, Dirt. ... . .'. Bowlby A Ball, Cement,, R. C. Adam, Bolt.,.;. B. Wadsworth A Bon, Lumber ...... B. Bennett, B!eck)ltblog.., ....... Geo. FalrSeid, Blackemlthlng. ....... l,F. McKinney, Blacksalthtng M 71 a 10 M.J. Jotm, 8ton I. 8. Jackson, Bnrveyina; , BaJanco on haoil,. TotaJ, V 8INKINQ FUND. STa os RBCKIPTS, March 41, ISM. Balance at anneal state ment H5 -. T " ' r w- . Snvtl U IftQIl S.ul.,w Sn. H,,lnN An. cmed Interest on Bonds 10 07 I Ang.l,llM. County TMUnrsr ......... 7M 76 Sept. 10, 18SS. Horn Savings Bank, In terest on Bunds . .-. S7000 Feb. USX.. County Traasnrer.. 1U1 07 Total, . 'turn ol IXPSM0ITURE8. Sept. , ISM. Society fur SaWnirt, Inter est oa Bond I WSJ0 March S, ISM. 8oclaty for Savings, Boad Bond No. (.and Interest on Bonds. ..., 1050 00 5JS0 Balance on hand. Total S00S4 inaosM 8 AN IT ART FUND. RECEIPTS. ' March (1, ISM, Balance last annual state ment 4 I aco EXPENDITURES. H. W Lang, Health Oflcet f D. X. Ball, Health OSteer...., ,. E. L. Benedict, Draylng,,!.. ...... 70 82 C 00 160 8. Brown, Labor . (0 owlby Hall, Express and Postage D. at. Hall, Railroad Fare and Expenses.. W. D. Hsll, Telegram ........... 1 70 10 8 10 Dr. H. Welcker, Vacjlne........ IS no 180 84 816 42 Balance OS hand, Total, 406 Ml LIGHTINO FUND.' RECEIPTS. March (1, ISM. Balance last accnal lUte ment fltM si Aug. 10, KM. . County Tresaurer 7W 79 Wirlne dons bv Corneratlon before Jan. 1 SM 77 1 Light fnmlshed mvion to Jan. 1 US 02 Feb.S. CouatiTraaasrer... lia Wl Tout, - " EXPENDITOBB8. nt Tn.iM Klrlrf I.lrbta and I utu. I l.kl STIMUII W. A. Seely, Cars at Lsmn 845 (0 Wilder Vincent. Chimney, etc 88 81 Wellington Supply C,0. N (I Independent Oil Co, Oil IS 84 76 Am. Pip Fdy. Co, Acct T. C. H. M. AO Brook ...i 1031 (1 Ft. Wayne Electric Corp, Meter, etc ... 75 M T. C. H. M. Brooks, On Contract ' 500 00 Ft Wayne Lamp Co, Lamp 81 60 W. D. HslI.Espras.... 116 C. C. C. St. L. Ry, Prrlght on Suppha - (8 W. L. E. Ry, Freight on Snpplie ..... B. . Oncie, Slectrlrt,... ...... C. & Oadneld, KnglM-r I. F. Hubbard, tryin- 4 " Fred Folk. Labor en Pols Lin. Th Ohio Rasher Oa, Runner Packing 7 I Tha Peaa-Glover Co.. Traaafafaaefe ... E, L. Benedict, Coal r.BlMUCp..Plas,stc k Wilbur, Olaaa, etc ILEC, L10HT8.AND WATERWORKS FUND. RECEIPTS.,- . . Aarll 14.1888.; Society for. Savings, (0 Willi Dec , 1888. I,W,Adam,pld Lamp,., 85 76 Bom Savluis Bank, Two Notes.... 8000 00 EXPENDITURES Boota, Ravings Bank, for Real . iststa. Electric Light a Waterworks. f 7088 M T. O. a B. M. Brooke, For Dlstrlbntloa Ssytea 40M Am. Ftp a Fdry Co., Account T. C. A B. M. Brook, Water Pipe 4476 10 B. J. Aeaiey. Account T. C. A H. M. Brooks. Delay 84(0 Snyder, Bugho A Co, Account 1. 0. A H. M. pioqks, romn..M , sww C. C. C. A 8t L. Ry, Freight on Plea, sU )I71 88 L. H. Dibble, Account T. O, a Ja. at. Brook. Banalring Swat, ate 4 M Ft. Wayne E.lectrjc Corp, Else, Eaalp MM 10 Transformer,., (10 M Standard Boiler A Brtdg Co. Stand Pip. SMI Pitubsrgh Tasting Lahratury, Account B, BAB. Co., Teetlni Pip..,.,., 10 10 L. B. Dibble, Account 8: B, A B. Co, Grading Monad Stand Pip 4 60 0. 1. Flehar, Aqet. 8.B. . Co, .... M, yanpnke, , - " . Mpot., 00 (00 r'44 1371 58 Total. Mtt 87 1 ' F " ' B.J.Ashley, " " Bsgineerlng 1110011889. Said defendant la required to anwern Arbnckl Rvaa Co.. Steam Foolnoaaut-... I8J0 00 B.J. A Encloses 8S0M Ft. Wayne LampCo, Lamp. ....... ...... 61 60 Tbs Ansonla Electric Co, Wire.. 1(4 06 New Tort A Ohlo.Co-Transoralra,...., 4( 7oPoet O)oTrCO,Traoforras..... ....... 8S0 II an I Ah. Carbon Co Carbon ,. M Wi 1 National Carbon Co., carboe n in Si E. L. Benedlct.Coal .... 179 SO Darling A 11 it, Coal. Mm and Team. .. , i (8lThW.B .PckCo, Bu . M i umnunin w Th Wilson Clark Co, Oil , (7 M Timothy Ingrahav, Wast.... 8 Standard Oil Co, OU Forest City Packing Co. Rubber. Packing H: Wsdsworth A Sua, Lomhst, ...... Phelps Broe. A Ca " O. H. Palmer A. Co., 14 (00 ( 16 Bswlhy A Ball, Cement ... E. W. Adams, as pet Pay Roil for J-teoe, t Plant, 41 J.S. Maliory A Co,Cotton ........ 4 Ml O. D. Foots, Horse and Wagon 701 French Printing- Co., Printing Specinca-, tlons, etc KM F. BisseU A Co, Pole Line Supplies, etc.. 764 71 Jas. Bralley, Pole HI WeV'bfn Saw M1UC., Lamber, etc.... 80 W. A L. E. Ry, Freight 89 07 W.AL. I. Ry, Right of Way under Track 100 0. C. 0- A St. L. By, Freight 14 06 WlllgtooMecbU)Co,ae Pipe, t... 8141 Ml Ranaem a WUbr, uaroware...... m no 04 I Benedict Harawar co, narowara . ie so ay I H. Bennett, Blackemlthlng 7 96 10 H.Ooafa, - 1 o t i W. D. BalL Tattrranl. 1 68 1 M I'd. IV Coach, Expedaee to Toledo. (60 8 80 1 A. P. Marshall, Painting Roof of Electric M I Light and Watsrworas riant I it M I L. Conch, Revenn Stamp on Contract 4 6 I wuo w- y-- , - 1 86 1 J. F. Hubbard, Engineer im ou SO C. Qnslrsaa, Electrielaa irild' 1 CO I Ben Oracle, - w w I 76 1 Fred Folk, Labor on Pole Line I'O 77 4(9 F. Ambro., . " . 89 1 Ose, WestoO, - ; SoalPoteraon, ' - " SO 05 Pat McClorr, " tl OS C. Johnon, " " 4T Jaa. Fletcher. " '. " SHI T. Willard, " " HO H. Clifford, " 10 SI Lam Bower, " OS F. Coats, , . ; " 4 40 W. Blnkley, "1 " e (7 M, VanDuke, J 1 OuaOruaon, " ' " 1 T. Gibbons, 1 60 8 Mattbewa, Culnadhi Csl -S H. Scripture, " ' ... 1 Herman White, " ' ..., 1 M. P. Robinson, Lumbar ' 40 J. M. Otterbacher, Leatbur..... 1 A. Cowdwick, Bricking no Window 7 0O Central Union Telephone Jo, Message. ... 00 O. Fleher. Labor . J. A. Time, Repalriug Root Eelectrlc Light and Waterworka Plant 6 96 W. E. Pslrce. Tin Roof Power Houae 17 SO A. I. Cao, Tiling ... 0 85 Ameiican Express Co., Express (10 Wells, Fargo Co, Expreas 0O W. B. Whitney ( 00 B. W. Adams, Paint, Brushes, etc 4 46 8. F. Black. Labor C. Ooll, Labor on Pole Line L.Holliday, " Bison Miller, u . . Ueo. Beary, , i:.-j r.r l.lsht flu. v " " - Balance on hand. Total, $.1x139 88 CEMETERY FUND. RECEIPTS. Feb. 8. 189. County Treasurer f 184 87 EXPENDITURES. Cemetery Trustees, Stone Walk...... ...f 184(7 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. The Bonded Indebtedness of the Villsge of Wel lington, Ohio, is as follows,' Electric LI Kb I and Waterworks Bonds, 89 Bonds of f 1000 each $30000 00 S000CO Unfunded Debt I3MM00 ROAD BONDS. Bond No. 10 1000 00 Total Corporation Debt, $33000 00 F. A. CHAPMAN. CLaaa 1 To the Conncil of the Incorporated VUlsge of Wei- lingtoo, Ohio: Gentlemen: I bsve the honor of submitting con densed report of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Board of Electric Light and Waterworks from Jan. 1, 199V to and Including March 18, ISM RECEIPTS. Amt Reed, in Jan ,.I4M0 .. 304 tf! - Feb ' March .. 806 60 (1060 00 EXPENDITURES. Kuel .. no an .. 84 09 .. (10 00 uu 1 aidarlea insurance... .. 100 00 I Betterment.. ... 180 84 i I arooos .. 68 V buw- .. 91 90 Total Ami. Paid Out, Balance in Treasury, 871 OR 178 46 1050 63 W. D. HLAL, Cuu BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO Hm you Mad the Catalogue (ytttn ol burin EVEKYTUIN6 you use at Wholeitle PricstT f can uv you I a to 40 per cent on your purchases. e are sew arectif aits' will own and occuy the West htfilrttog la Ansrita, tsiskiy 2,000 slens Tiling country orders excluthrely, and will rsfusd lurchaM once H aoodt don I tuft yos. Our BenersJ Catanoae 1,000 saaes, 16,000 .llssxront, (10,000 SUOWtMr) COttt 8) 72 utttn svM and milL W will Mid a to r upon rtcsipt at is ctntt, to (how iw goMlasta. UCSTCOmERY WARD & CO MICHIGAN AVE. M0 MAOIsOS IT. ) CHICAGO. LEGAL NOTICE. Marlon O. Qreen. whose place of resiasnoe la supposed to be Minueapoiia, otato ei mi neaota, win tase notice tnat on naron a, .lew. ih n-un.nieu nor peiiuoa ( . ... If S .L-11-, . Lueila Kuui nied her petition la the Ml againat the abov'a named defendant, 'Marian gas mad bi uld Marlon 0. Oiwaa to nut tig, Lueila Ku ii, on the east 44 feet ol lot No tu. and the went half of lot II. In block twoiS) 1 .,f tha vlllaae of Wellington. Lorain Cntjnti M I state ol Uhlo. The asm moruage oeing giveo 801 o a-itf md Interest at 7 oer wnt Irom Feb. 24. 1 f L're. at IS. 1899. or ludnement will he taken against mm lursaiu amount wiu arae of sale upon said premlaua. . -liuxu aes. uakn, Attorney, I :1 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 01 PARTNERSHIP, v ThM nartnershln heretofore eilstlna and th name ol Wilder A Vincent, where M A. W M,rKnil K. M. Vlneent. notn ol tne VII Welllnston. In the Count ol Lorain 80 nd State of Ohio, I this, the sixth day ot I M March, A. D, 189, dissolved by mutual eon 460 Wi.,.,. . M A. E. M. VlCIT, The business will be continued at Welllnr ton. Ohio, hy M. A. Wilder, who assume all "I U.iH, ... Hhln Marnh Sth. laoO. 671 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Th partnership heretofore existing under the name of J.S. Jiallory A Co, wherein J.S. Maliory, f Wellington. Lorain enunty, otat otunlo. ana n. strong javior, oi i;ieveiann 00 Cuyahoga county, Mate of Ohio, general pari ner. is thl Qrat clay ot March, A. 1), 1st' llssolved by mutual consent, ine anmrn the Arm will be sljusted byfl- 8tn)ng Tayh it Wellington, unio. o. a. istloi, 3t per C. H. A ; irdQTCe OF APPOINTMENT. : Kstateaf Oharlee R.Rntlln'. deceased. The uiideralsned ha been nDDolnted and quailftod as eiecutrlx ot the eatate of Charles a. Hut.liff, lata of Wellington, iyorain uounty ihA this 1st itav nf March. A D. 18M. Maut J. Suturr, 1TTANTED flEVERAL TRUBTWORTHY If pnraons In this atate to manage our DU In thHtr own and nearfcv eoiintle. I is nminl nffloe work eonduoted al hnnif. -uiuiv inilulil ant MS a rear and expenses. ii n.ile. boiiafldc. no more, no les salsr ,i . I, .,, t.i. Kefereneea r.neiose in-ir--tn .. .; miimoed ene.,pe, Heroart E. U i ii, t.'ff t. M. Chioago. FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR cures LA GRIPPE and prevents PNEUMONIA. IT HEALS THE LUNCS AND STOPS THE RACKING COUCH USUAL TO LA CRIPPE. RECOMMENDED FOR LA GRIPPE. N-JACKSON, Danville. III.. Write: 'My daUKhUtr had a severe attack of La (Iripp avi.n iH&ra as-o and alnee then when she tHkea cold a terrible couah settles on her lunire. We tried a (real many remedln without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which eured her. Hha h never been troubled with a oougb slnce.'axJ IT IS GUARANTEED. W. H. TISOOT & CO. EVERY WOMAN-"-: Mam ased a reliable, Mthly, lasaUttat adlrlo Only harsall aM laapaiestarsgaaheaathtassd. If yea waat the eest, get Dr. Pcsl'c Pcnnyroycl Pills Ther srs raait, aa(s s4 esrtala ta resell. The reaeiaa (Dr. PaaT.) dajaa. IXZt, BUtUr.-. AaAreaa Faai. Jisuawura OS. Uersiaad, O. For Bala by WELLINGTON MARKETS. Corrected Every Wednesday Horning: Paying. Hay peiton Corn in ear, 70 lbs Cornsholled,66DS Oats per bu (00 SI 18 88 HO 61 17 21 10 !6 24 tiy per ou Newwheat per bu. Hutter, dairy, per t Bnttr, oresmery, par t Knits, per dos Honey, per S Lard, per St Potatoes per bu Selling. Flour per sack of 49th (0 i oo l oo M 86 140 Corn Meal per owt Chopper cwt Middlings per cwt Bran per cwt Oil Meal per cwt CHER8B MARKET. Billing Prices Monday Sale. Ohio State Flat 11 a reamsrv Butter E. L. BENEDICT Sucooaaar to 0. E. Ssrurr. WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL lard and Soft: Goal Coke and Wood Dreying and Moylng ot boose bold goods or pianos and teaming of all kinds promptly attended to. Price and quality guaranteed on all coal orders. ' Balled Hay and Straw sold and deliv ered. Offlea Phone 4. Offla Waat Mala Street Reeldenoe Phauaa SS. E. L. BENEDICT m r anything yon invent or Improve i also get CAVEAT JRADE'M ARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN PROTECTION. Bead model, aketch,orpboto. for free examination and advioe. BOOK OX PATENTS c.a.;:ov&co. Patent Lewyrs. VVAHINGTON.D.C. Wsaajejrtrsiaeja me BEST Ot THEM ALL?) a.. Ujiiiii iBa nrsil LIPPINCOTTS Contain oomplstd'noTl in arcty num ber, In addition to a tar quantity ftf uaeXul and nUrtalnlof rsadlug rualter. Mm aasstsMssasT atartea, asMelb are a) . ai It should be In evarr honaehohL. Bnh- acrlptlon, 83.00 per year. AgenU wanted In every town, to whom th most liberal lnd,oiQut will be offered. . 1. UmMOOTT OOMTAJfT. ?UU1HIK. fHltADUPMI. ... HORSEMEN ATTENTION! If you wish to save mqney, save time, save feed, and save your horse, take Him to Spit?' er's shop and have him clipped by the only power clipper in Wellington. Haying pur? chased this , machine, we are prepared to do work as smooth as can be done in any city in the U. S. Give us a trial and we will satisfy you in work and price. L. E. Lyon & R. T. Splcer. Lost. ; About ten days ago, silver watch, Kinder please return to Enterprise ffluA. . . For Bent. . Two new hontpn. K. P. Roblrwon. ' For 81 Cheap, , ' noupe aoil lot on South rtreet In quire of ' ' ... J. K. Murgnrt. S, SI LINGERING LA CRIPPI COUCH CURED, MR. 0. VACHAR. 157 Osg.wl 8t.. Chioasn. "My wife had a aevere oaae ol LaUrlpue thire years ago and it left her with a very bad ootuh. She tried a bottle ( Foley Honey and Tar and Itgavelmmedlale re lief. One bottle cured heir convh entirely. Now we are never without a bottle of this wonderful Cough Medicine In the house." W. H. TISSOT at CO. iWuGESOFSIl A Book for Young and Old. OUR W VECURE RECORD ft Esti 1878 250,000 DISEASED li : men , II NERVOUS BLOOD SKIN iV PRIVATE DISEASES twnr,u 250,000 CURED YOUNG MAN tirS:! when ignorant wereeommittlii when ignorant of tho ttirnblu crimo y-m f tig. Didyoiioii yc i'iUiicr ly I (i11urfi)"uU f evil I A itfft) lalotJ p. i.l the tow IM wro rour cyci oi'-uc-l t I' the fssclnatiog I habit T Whan rihla Manila, wero vour eves 6: Mn, mHIt liiil von Inter is in man noodoontractaoyl'UIVATU' cilLOUK di tease T Weroyoucuredf Il.tjoiinow and then see some nlarming symptoinsy Inn you marry in your jnreeni con dition! Yon know. "LIKfiFAfllivK. LIKE BON." If married, ore yon con stantly living in dread f Is mnrrinsoa lailur witn youon reooontf.1. nnr weaa neaa caused bv early abut or later es IeesaeiT Have yon been i'ruirgel with mercury? Thie booklet will printout to you the results of thoo crimes anil point- out now our new Hr.iiiou iixoai MENT will positlvlr core you. It shows how thoummls ham been iave.1 hy our NEW TREAT.MKNT. It iimvei how we can (1UARANTKK TO CUKE ANY CURABLE CASK OH NO PAY. W. tnat and Oure-KM1SSION& t VARICOCKLB, .SYPHILIS, OLEBl, 'A NIK 1 1 : 1 I K K TnnUl. I51V CRBT DRAINS, UNNATURAL Jl& CHARGES. KIDNEY and BLADDER CURES GUARANTEED "Tb Wage of Bin" sent free lir eneloelna in lUnp. CONSULTATION PR!.:!!: If unable lo call, write f rite for QUESTION TREATMENT liOMU 1. DRtal. Kennedys Kergmj 247 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND, O. Bulsaan Flaata have Ist Iheaaaasaef astuaWeaa. users half a cantary, and Is eelebreu the Mth yea laauslaats w ban lame a OoldWeiUla41lla Vick'SayCuido rjir..,TC asrtalalni the areee. wiia ears to vimmmj. m Kc7 pi ire rataloria of sll that Is desirable It Is lea lini"ssvaawayln4iscrlmlnal. l.brtweat ,ri.! ,( in ood saeSee to hv a espy. aad al mis mi l mw QSa. warth at aeeal maswaraisiveaiw.i i " Bareness as hay esse anas. VtoH'e Little) earn Catalogue).. . t,. mikiu Unaienlsnt fee raferenca, FHK8J oka llluatrated Monthly Magailne) nlarted. Improve aad en l dais oni all jubj1. nlsUu to Oaraenlns, Hertlmltare. etc. a cents sY-r ftaeeUI lt "er-u.e Maaaaia anevear. anTtha fiaMa nr M aaai. 8ar asw ataa of aatUa TeasSahls (sss alvss ye m tm yeas sasasy thaa aay sa4 hsaes as aate. James Vicks Sons, Rochester N Y EVERYBODY TALKS. Residence, Phones 50c per Month. Agent will call npon Request CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE CO WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Onioe I wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. E. here is a good opening. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. B. VANATOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER AND COLLECTOR. Headqnartara Tribe of Pea Hnr. Office with The IfrenchPrlotInt Co. V " i i& BEEm WANTID AaenM for 'History of th rlpanlnh American War," hy Una. lien y Watterson. A eomplMta, authentlo history tllustrated with over 76 lull paires hall.toiir and many rfuhlv colored pictures. Lttfe royal oouvo vnlumu. auprb uuilit. poflfix..! tor only Mloeuts (stamp tnken). Mnut lii,'ia terms Klvrn. The arbalest opportunity il ti yi'nrs. Address: 'Jus t,tt ur.l Aat.'O, UUio.