Newspaper Page Text
welbmctqm v a a a THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. WELLINGTON. OHIO, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29. I899. TOTK un;ii;i;ih ,,i7r,;.L,t,.im,HmTi;:m;i;,;,. ,,.,", 'n JSefabteftcparalwnror As similating tbeToodandBegula-ItaglheSlDjnactBfliKlBowciscf Promote s DlgcsHooCheeidJ tsrss and Ecsi-Contalns neither Smun.Morphine norlfincrai ot Narcotic. ' wrufeua-SMixuaatB r7SBS A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Wormj .Convulsions Jeverish oess andLoss or Sleep. 1 TaxSunll Signature ef NEW "YOHK. ' CXACT COpyOrVRAPPEB. Tlel BIGGLE t ,11'', '?JI " A Farm Library of unequalled wine Practical, Cp-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand- - race, 90 ixnis. No. 4 BIQfJLE FARM t 1 Is toot paper, made for you and not a mliBt. It lass years old , It is the great boiled-down, blt-the-nail-onthe-head, quit-alter-you-have-aaid-it, Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of Its site fa the United States 01 America naruig over a million ana s-bsU regular readers. Any ONE Of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 8 YEARS (remainder of 1809, 1000, 1901, loot and 1903) wiU be sent by mall to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL, and circular describing BIOOLB BOOKS free. wilm ATXwson Address, FARM JOURNAL, cm w. jaaaiaa. Pbiladeimiia )DEN try the professional racer, H has proven a winner m oftener than any in competitions Ridden by the non professional, fey the "scorcher," for business or pleasure, it hat a record second to none. Material used in its construction, pains-taltingf care in manufacturing details, ease in runnings and handsome, symmetrical design are a few of its claims for superiority. Reasonable prices, coupled with high values, are characteristics of the "WHITE." Our long established, reputation guarantees the excellence of our product. Modal A and B... .............00.OO Modal O (30-ln. wheal) CO.OO "8paolal Racer" .... ......... flS.OO Modal B and P (ohalnla) ......... 75.0O White Sewing Machine Company, i CLEVELAND. OHIO. , eyaavvf WHIN IN POUBT, TRY STHlLUl aO vartlTiw1iolbeinf. AH ftratafl Y i!iUid tatnlawi frtrcfi px Ik.e: 6 mr nrarrlv rittrl thru-mnlinrfi -J ttouy,tj.BO. I. cod tin Lice book, ty For tu mil For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature TMI Of MTAUIV OeMMftr. Mt VMM OTTV. BOOKS kf Ms" U' For Over Thirty Years ill someijr rnoiea and Beauuiuiiy illustrated. By JACOB BIOOLB No. 1-BKWLE HORSB BOOK All about Hhiki Common-Sense Treat, with OW 74 Illustrations ja standard work. Price,? Cents, No. a-BKWLE BERRY BOOK All about growing 6m ill Fruit read and fcara bow containe as colored lite-like reproductiona of all Leading varieties aod loo other Illustrations. Price, to Casta. No. 8-BiaaLB POULTRY BOOK All about Poultn: th beat PouHr Book iaaziateaaa: ' tell. everything ; vrithlt colored Utt-llke reproductiona I ct tt tar u iBUpal breeds; with etbtr Ulustreuoa X COW BOOK All about Cowa and the Dairy Business 1 having a great eale; containe tcolored life-likereproductlonsoreacn breed, with 13) other illuatrattona. Price, jo CeoU. No. S-BIQfJLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Ho Breeding, Ffedlni, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over So beautiful half tooea and other engr.vinge. Price, 50 Cents. The BIOOLB BOOKS are unlqiie,origtnal,uaeful you never sjwanythiuglikeUiem aopractlcai.eoaetiafble. They are having an enormous aale Et. West, North and South. Every one who keepa a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLE BOOKS. The JOURNAL Thy m ttood toe tnt of yttrt. md hv cured thuuaanUt of of Nervout Di sea tea, tuch ae lability, Duainma, Slplsi- f Deal avnu "K7 i".js Tlwy ciear the bwt, ltrengthn tM tfrculatton, nk aigesnon Mrfect. nd impart m healthy and loawt art checked prmmntlf, Unlen pauenta box, with lronlad ''gal guarante to cure or refund th atttr m(m thetn ibtO ItUalBltV. CoHSUtTiDllOas OT UcatH. AdUitae, ftAt HtUIUINIV iV.f kievtisna, w. W. H. TISSOT A CO. LETTER FROM illlLfl. njc or ovn. Wellington bovs IS HEAKD FROM. . A Fight oa Fabrriurj Bth.-A Hot Battle Many Killed and Wounded Insurg ent Slaughtered Aa Hour and a Half Going 500 Fact. In Camp Maloas, 18 miles from Manila Feh. Hth, 181)9. We have engaged the enemy and the; are onrs. I hope yon have not worried lunch, but cannot help bat realize tliut 7011 Imre. Your soldier boy did not even get hit, but God knows there were enough bullets fired to have ..illed the whole American army. I will now describe (he battle: On Saturday night, February 4th, we heard filing, and at once were ordered out, where we lay all night. They were .leavlly engaged on our left, and at 7:30 o'clock on the following morning, Sun day, Captain Murphy ordered Lieutenant nitchel to take one company and ulvanceon block-house 14, which was deeply intrenched and held by the in surgents. He came back and asked Lieutenant Mitchel's company If they wanted to go or should he take some other company. Company M., being his own company of course t! ey were all ready and anxious to go. We went down in open space, and when within ibont 200 feet of their first intrench ments, where we supposed were only a few dozen men, there raised out from the breastworks insurgents by the hun dreds, and we had no protection what ever, and but 100 men and two officers, Lieutenant Miles and Mitchel. At the minute they started to raise from the trenches, we struck the ground, and talk about fire their bul- :v?T .frll,' lets went a foot or more above onr bodies by the thousands. After we fired seven volleys into them, we were ordered to fix bayonets and charge. Away we went and gained their first trenches, but it cost ns three men. Then we fired nine volleys more snd again were m&et--d tn fharaa. We naiued the next ln- trenchment, but not without losing two more men. fin nf the killed. Ransom Close, a great friend of mine, was shot beside me. it in at this rmlnt of the battle that onr lieutenant, Mitihel was killed, and as he dmnnad. Lieutenant Miles being next In command, jumped to his feet and called, 'Come on men, follow me, tne oiock- house or die," "Charger Just then the cry of "Remember the Maine," nama from the throat of one of our men, and in an instant It was taken np by the whole company, and away we went The blockhouse was taken at a loss of eight more men snd twenty wounded. will send yon a paper giving the wnoie account of the battle. The battle took olace from 7:30 to 9:00 o'clock, and when weot into the block house there were fennd slxty-tnree killed, and the ground on the out side covered with the bodies of dead and wounded, but I am here alive and well. Vnn haa wa onlv had abont as far at. 600 yards to go after the first fire to reach the blockhouse, so ask father wnat kind of fighting It takes to go 600 yards In one hour and s half. Evervthlns is anlet today and they have gone to the mountains. Will have to close now, but will writt again in a few days. Look for me uooie by the 4th of July. With love to ill. Frank f. KhY.sous. The above letter was accompanied by "The American" of I February 8th, paper published In Manila, and giving all the particulars and incidents of the battle of February Dili, showing the part taken In the battle by each regiment engaged. It is very interesting reading and the first print we nave, swii from that far off corner of Uncle .Suiu't domain. Ed. ' j For R-ut I heap. Small house on Taylor J street. " In quire of John Rooer. 13 A LEADING INDUSTRY. 18 THE . WELLINGTON MACHINE . J COMPANY OF THIS CITY. ' ' A Modest rJeglnnlnc A Steady Growth An Uninterrupted Snoreta. Their Out put of Brick Machirins In the Past Twenty Years Waa 14 The accompanying cut, ripiesentti the business plant of one of Wellington', oldest Industries, The-Wellington Ma chine Company. This manufactory has enjoyed almost uninterrupted prosperity siiice its inceptluu ' uouj uioi than 20 yearn ago. From 1878 tf 1801 or there abouts, it was owned a(d managed by .euuell Brun. & Co. Almut eiglii em .go the old building which had serve their purpose for so Ion were removed aid the beautifnl new pjant represente(. herein was erected on thf ground, great ly enlarged and improei.pver the old accommodations. About tli.tlme the business was reorganize4 under the title of The Wellington Marine "Company, ..mi the loiluwiug grtiilbuieu: t. W. Bt iiuett, PreHfdent; C. cDennutt, Btf retary, H. S. Bennett, Treasurer. Comparatively few of Jour people are acquainted either with the nature or the magnitude of the business of this com pany. The principal tout-put of the -iMiipany J consists t Jcuj vmum... inachlnery and brickyard supplu.-. They manufacture two patterns of brlcl machines, the "Quaker"! and the "Mon arch" both made of iron anif weighing respectively, 4,800 lbs araj 11,000 lbs. Since 1878, abont JU00 of these machines have been manufactured and sold by the company, averaging In price over $500, thus making i grand total of abont three quarters of a million dollars ."illi'V .Sp,.; ;V,fjj. PLANT OF THE WELLINGTON MACHINE COMPANY. worth of business on these machines alone. They also manufacture mud grinders and various other things be longing to brick-yard out-fits which Is not necessary to enumerate here. These goods are sold all over the United States, besides considerable trade is had in Europe, South America and Mexico. Their foundry is well equipped, hav ing among other features a six ton traveling crane for conveying melted iron to the flasks, and tor other purposes. At present they are melting about eleven tons of iron per week. The traveling force of the firm consists of two men, one with headquarters In Chicago and one in Indianapolis, who care for the western trade. Besides these, the members of the firm frequent ly take short trips and for the past two years, one or other of them have made a trans-atlantie voyage in the interests of their business. The practical value of this firm to Wellington consists largely in the fol lowing facts: They employ at present twenty-two of onr citizens and pay them In clean cash abont 1 1100 per month, which is, or onght to be, largely spent in onr own town. More than this, we are told by the gentlemen of this firm that the outlook for 1899 is excellent, and we sincerely hope their anticipations may be folly realized. Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I suffered with sick headache. About a year ago, I began ris ing Celery King. The result was grati fying and surprising, my headaches leav ing at once. The headaches, nsed to re turn every seventh day, bnt, thanks to Celery King, I have had but 9ns headache in the last eleven months. I know what has cured me will help others. Mrs. J. D. Van Kenren, Saugertles, N. Y. Celory King for the nerves, stomach, liver, and kidneys is sold In 50c md 26c packages ty E. W. Adams, Wellington, and Flre- ilone & Sweet, 8peneet. 1 Notice to Personal Property Assessors- Personal property assessors are re- mested to 'meet In the office of the cunty Auditor, on April , iwj, at uau 'clock a. m, to receive instructions and supplies. 0. H. LEWIS, Auditor. 17ASHIIIGT0II LETTER A RESUME OF PRINCIPAL KVKNTS AT TOE CAPITOL. Important Newa Expected I'nim Oils. : Request Utr I)eweya Oldir tu lt'-1uru Caslouia Iulls In Miti-ch lli-.iu in.; Belmont Oen. Corbln. Washington, March 26, 1808. Diirii.g Secretary Alger's absence In Cuba, where he has gone partly to inspect the mili tary posts and partly for recreation, slstant Secretary Melkeljohn will be act ing secretary of war. The ilepurn. n has had no important news from Gen O.Lh this week, but uuless the Kiliiin respond promptly to the proclamation ol the ctitilplnes commlesion. calling up on them to lay down their arms, there will be Important hews from him in s few days, as' it is known that be ha everything ready to make an attack up on the headquarters of Agnlnaldo. A Committee of citizens called on Sec retary Long to request that Admiral Dewey be ordered home in time to par ticipate in the big peace jubilee to be held In Washington the later part of Way. Secretary Uug tlil them he would submit their request to President McKlnley when he returned to Washing ton, but intimated that, owing to Dew- ; - lit IUA a Illl'UJOrl ( the Pliilipiut ''nrtimission, he would be unable to at tend. March promises ;to be the banner month in ihe amount f cn-tumi dulleh received under the Dingly tariff, present estimates being that ihe receipt Ml i ceed $21,000,000 for the month. Nothing could more certainly indicate the pros perity of the country, as the present high duties make imported goods luxnr- les, and only prosperous people buy lux uries. It Is the opinion of shrewd political observers that the correspondence be tween Mr. Bryan and Mr, Belmont, presi dent of Croker's democratic club, in which Mr. Bryan read Mr. Belmont and all other democrats who bolte 1 in 1896 and have failed to publicly announce since then that they will support the Chicago platform, if it be readopted next year, out of the democratic party, will result in accentuating the line between the dollar democrats and the ten dollar democrats, as the silver and gold demo crats are now called, and in increasing the certaldty of republican success. A prominent New York democrat said of Mr. Bryan's letter: "It is perhaps a play to the galleries an old Bryan trick a bid for the continued support of the South and West by this act of voluntary antagonism to the east. It seems to me a clumsy performance and how it will make the Nebraska man friends any where is hard to understand. He could hare sent a courteous declination withont any insulting allusion; nobody but the most fanatical will ' commend bis ac tion." ' ' Brigadier Gen. Corbin, who as adju tant general of the army was on duty eighteen hours a day during the war and who has been on duty constantly, except one day, since, gives the following as his reason for not accepting the commission of major-general of volunteers, which was tendered him,; last summer, by the president: "The number of major-gen erals was limited, and we need every one of them In the field. I could not stand in the way of any man who 1 In the fighting line. -I wanted, them to have their promotions first" Pneumonia Follow. La Grippe. But tmeumonia cannot follow the use of Folev's Honey and Tar. Pneumonia is striking down hundreds of those who thong-tit ther were cured of la grippe Foley's Honey and Tar. taken during or after la grlpp Is guaranteed to prevent pneumonia. W. H. Tissott & Co. '- "true Bine" Is thela'test thln'fif ' In correspondence stationery. ' The French Printing Co. fc: 7 WHO ' TOWNSHIP NEWS. COLLECTED BY THE ENTERPRISE'S CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Recant nappenlnga and Special Brant. In Wellington's Immediate Vicinity of luterest to Everyone. Our Correa non den U Spare No Pains to Oleaa the Newa. . BAKER'S CROSSING. The Uulveraalist Sunday school will re organize Easter Sunday. The usual Kastor off. ring and the breaking of eggs ., n- rh. dreo will be in order. Mr. 0. A. Bole and family are m. viug hack on their farm. They have been In 'Jnmer for three years and their many friends extend a warm greeting to them on their return. Mr. Clarence Sage visited friends in Akron recently. Miss Maggie Herlabaus spent Tuesday in New London. R. B. Drake of Sullivan spent Thursday calling on friends In this vicinity. Arthur Cole and family of Orange, were guests of D. W. Cols and wife last week. Mrs.Effle Fortney of New London Is helping fo care for the sick at M. An drew's. Mrs. W. A. Peet is rapidly improving. Mr. Warren Kuapp la able to be out again. It you have not received a call from onr up-to-date salesman, Mr. OrlanDlr lam, please wait for the wagon. The friends of Mr. Clinton Cole will be sorry to hear that he enlisted In the regular army at Wooster a short time ago, and Is now In Baltimore, Md. He , xpeets to nail for Manila, April, 5th. .. II..J lln, A' ' may Bucce&a umuhu mm. . Mr. Auiieisou auu lamuy oi ron '..yr xt county have moved on the Horr & War ner farm. School in district No. 7, closed Friday for a Week's vacation. Died, recently at the Hnron county in firmary, an old resident of Baker's Cross ing, Mr. Benjamin Kelsey. He will be remembered by his old acquaintances as a great lover of the violin. It was his chief amusement in youth and In old age, and he died suddenly with his old violin in his hand. His wife, Mrs. Charlotte Kelsey, living In New London, preceded him a few days to the spirit land. BUTLER ROAD. Mr. McDowell has gone to Michigan on a business trip. A. S. Ketchum lost a $40 cow last week. Mrs. Callie moves back on her farm this spring. Austin Callie will live with her and work the place. Jess Cook goes on the Cora Case farm. ' Mr. Broughton has bought, a farm north of the Rumsey church in Fitch- villa township and moved there. There is some prospect of our town getting a grist mill this season. Henry Case offers to build. one It the people will raise $2500 for him. The fire the other evening plainly seen from here was the Elliot house at the center of Rochester. Work has been resumed on the Grange hall, and will be finished as the weather permits. W. W. Ketchum has hired a man from the southern part of the state for eight months. The youngest child of Mr. F. Dyer had the croup. Dr. Gamble brought her out and Bhe is mending at this .writing. Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the English Baptist church at Minersville, Fa., when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "A few applications of this lini ment proved of great service tome. It subdued the inflamation and relieved the pain. Should any sufforer profit by giv Pain Balm a trial It will please me," For sale by W. F. Near & Co. nouse and Barn to Beat. Honse and barn tor rent on Maygar treet. Inquire of Wm, JL H. Sntlift. MARKETS. Corrected Every Wediiwday Mnnilne : Paying. Raypeiton 6 0" Corn in ear. 70 lbs " .17 Corn shelled. Sens HH Oats per bu,H W Kyaperbu '' New wheat per bu '. ? til Butter, dairy, per t 17 Butter, ereaiuery, per l 21 Ekks. per doi Ii Ho'iey.perft) I.'' Lard, r l 'i Potatoes par bu... .. .... 1 m SelUng. Flour per saok of Wlbs W Corn Heal per cwt , 1110 Chop per owt too . MMdfliiK. per cwt 90 I Bran per ewt m &5 i Oil Meal per cwt...., 140 CHEESE MARKET. Billing Prices-Mondays Sale. Ohio State Plats... M MM Creamarr Butter......'..'...!..!'.'..' .! II a1 8 cents Will buy a loafof " Home Made Bread. The best place to buy Fancy and Staple GROCERIES. Baled Hay and Straw. Big Discount on Canned Goods Teas and Coffees. Wm. Crosier. Phone 148. Tn T 1-lT-lTtT I.I 1 T tm Sueoeaaor to C K. SnrurF. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llnrrl nnrl Oifl IIaaI ndlUdllU 0UII UUitl Coke and Wood Draying and Moving of house bold goods or pianos and teaming of all kinds nromotlv atteniled tn. Price and quality guaranteed on all GUBJ UlUtXB. . Bailed Hay aa4 Straw soleTa-nd (Ml W ered. vr uiut? rmira to. vbhw ww an ism uMwmm ReaJdence) Phone) SS. E. L. BENEDICT s Bulbs sad Hani, have gens la thoussiKlsef satlatea cos. 10m in tor half a eaumry, and to eelrtrate the toth year la buslaaai wa bars lamed a Ooldsu Wedding edition ef Vick's... Guide which Is s wort of art. M psies HttW''"'" ?'' I pan. onv.alr. nearly 100 pij 111 1Ui """? hilTuioe UlMtretloD. of Flowm, VvUblja, Flanla, milts, rtc.eliwuHly bound la white and sole. A rasr vsl la calalof o m.klns ; aa auuiorlty ea all aaWeiXs aarUlnlni to lb. lardta. with care for tto smb.. and a owerlpuv. catalogue of all that t. desirable. It Is tsa eiprauva M five away but we aat vverrone laurelled In a food ard W have,, ceuy, uierafon we will nod the tialda and a ' rer DUB BILL for 93a. worth at seed J IB Ot. n tells sew ereen is ansa aw nu .. aarekaeets say ether feeas. ' Vlok's Littler Cam Catalogue). . . A petted little gem or a price nm. m mmyij Guide condetwed. ntiely Illustrated, sad Is ' bandr .bspe.maaluf U convenient for reference, rBEsi Vlok Illustrated Monthly Magazine) Enlarged, Improvw ana up m nw vn relating to Hardening, Horticulture, etc. M cents a year, ttaeelal IHP9 effer-tne Maaaaia. one year, and th. Quid, for A3 eeala. Oar aew plea ef eeUlag VeaataUe Seaas gives yea ansa ajryessasytaaBaayaaaeaa.aayan. . James Vicks Sons, Rochester, N. Ye fHB BEST, OA THEN! .LIPPINCOTTS aWTHLYaAGAIlNfi Contain, a oomplataboTel In e-venr num- , Dor, id aaaiunn lo a large quantity oi useiut and entertaining reading matter. : ' AT. eeHaiel adavdea, arkask ewe ee .aJeeWew.He aa suae reader.. It should be In every household. - Boh. ecrlpllon, 3.0e per year. WV.I1M7U IU .,.17 MJWU. V .1M. th most liberal Indnoemenl will be oflortsd. a, a UPPIHOOTI COBPAJST, VohUshaxit ' FHIUDSLFHIA. . WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of Prnnnh Offirw T vanah rTfin in this vicinity. If your record is O. E. here' is. a cood opening. Kindly mention this paper when TY 1 1U.AJ. ' A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. postage. B. VANATOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, COSIBf JliCEH AND COLLECTOR. Heavdqnarter Tribe of Ben Ilnr. Pfflo with The Vrenoh Printing Ce. WANTED Agent for "Illetnry t t Spanish American War," by nn. Watterson. A oomilite, authentiin it Illustrated with over Iu11i-h iiii i and many riolily eolorfd piriiir-.. i royal ocihvo volumn, suprb ou;::i. i -fnronlyMcentHiii(ni. t.MKi'ul. i . terms given. The grl-aeH'''l:' v, yiKrs. Address: Ins Akron, (iulo. j