w aa wur yo0 making rxxj rrr w "a w t Htii 1. rvhri ni Tru - rr,.v
Stopped, has It? '
si""' inc Diu utFAK 1 Mm 1 5 1 UKc,
Well a Watch will not run forever.
It muAt he cleaned and oiled occasion
ally. We suppose thlt Is what" your 5'
5 New Hats at new prices. Fine Fur f
S Ht, Silk Lined, 75c.
watch needs, so bring It In tnt
t attention. .
1 Special Easter Offering,
Beginning April 1st, and ending
5 7 oaiuruay iiigiu, :pru 0111. 3
!S ilThis I I
T i'Shoe I I :
fcuaran- j 1
J ST teed. I
IE $3.00. V J I
S5: -S
A chance to avail yourselves with new wearing apparel at very small prices. We were never in such a gopd position
to serve the public as now. The Store is jam full of new goods awaiting your inspection. Every article sold guaranteed
to be just as represented or money refunded. Don't forget ' the Suit Opening, April 1st. One day only. . . . .
ST1 Clothing Department.
Our Stock is all New.
No old Stuff
Bought directly from New York markets.
Made by the best manufacturers and bought
I for spot cash, and will be sold for spot cash.
Our stock is as large and quality as good as
I any in town. The prices speak for them-
. i selves.
Men's Fine Blue Clay Worsteds, Double-breasted (like cut), Silk-faced, the
Bwellest thing for spring, 1899. Ask to see them.
r-, r,: t - a;.. in TOonl fllfton. All"Satin-
iiicH B X lux: XJivaa uuiuo .-v
lined, Vest Satin lined and Tailoring the very I C Mil
Gents' Furnishings
4-ply Pure Irish Linen Collars, in
Standing and Laydown. c
Worth lOand lSo ........ 5
Boy's Shirts of same mater- c
.ial 25
25 doz. Suspenders, Fsney Silk over
shot, light and dark colors. Regu
lar values, 16 and 20c Spec- - c
ial Easter offering. I U.
Men's Three-thread Sox, double heel
and toe. Our regular 10c .c
value. 4 pairs for "t5
Men's Black and Whit Stripe S,hirts,
double stitched, and felled seams,
full 36 in. long, warranted not to rip
or fade. Regular Value -C
50c. Special Easter sale 5
Just opened a fine line of Percale
Shirts, with two collars to match.
All sizes, from 6O0 to 11.25.
New Puff Ties, four in hand and
tecks, all silk teck ties 13 and 15c,
worth 25c.
w beat. Price for Eaeter.
Special things in our
I 4 Children's Department
Good Cassimere Suits, ages 9 to
15, with an extra pair of pants
of same material. Cost $1.50
to make. Our spec- 1 M"
ial Easter offering 1t-J
Good Union Suits, splendid
wear. Cheap at $1.39. QOC
Easter price 70
Our Little Juvenile Suits, made same as cut, in
Cassimeres and Wool Mix- M Q1 QO
tures. Special for Easter ... If0"l70
Just 100 Pairs Boys' Knee Pants. 7 days only. Per pair .c
Other erades 19c, 25c, up to $1.00. V
Men's All-wool Suits, worth $5.00 and bought since March 15th 1 I
and guaranteed in every respect. Special Easter price JUJ
AA , . ' I
Do you know that our stock is second to
none, and that we sell the very best makes
such as Drew, Shelby & Co., A. E Lyttle &
Co., who make the famous oorosis bnoe.
"We especially invite shoe critics to examine our stock.
The Sorosis Shoe sells for $3.50;
D. S-4 Co.'s from $2.50 to $4.00.
To further convince you that our
goods are correct we will give you
a Special Discount
For Seven Days only
of 10 per cent
on our entire Una. AU goods
marked in plain figures.
Ladies' Kid Shoes, Pat-
entTip IOU
Ladies' Tan Shoes, Tip
7a I
Men's Fine Cloth Top Shoes
in Tans, marked $3.50. . . .
Umbrellas and
- Mackintoshes.
Are you thinking of purchasing an
Umbrella or Jlackintosh?
Umbrellas, from . .
50c to $5.00
Men's Black Box-cut Mackintoshes, strict
ly all wool, thoroughly made J A
and lined. Ours pecial price JtDJ
Also same in Tan color.
Dress Goods...
Our Dress Good Stock Is fat
better than ever, and our en '
tire stock Is more complete
than ever.
Beautiful Crepons in Black, i yds.
to the piece, just enough for a
skirt, prices from $1.00 to $2.00
per yard.
You have all heard of the "Matchless"
Hosiery made by The Wayne Knitting
Mills. Every pair warranted.
In black, cream, tan, and black with white c
feet. Price 2
Children's Black Cat brand, called Leather Stock
ings. Always give goodjservice. .
A complete line of Ladle's and Misses' Stockings.
Children's Heavy Bibbed Hose, absolutely fast color, only.
Extra Heavy, Fine Ribbed, cheap at 20c. Special
1 Lot Dark Wine Hobo, Ribbed, that sold at 15 to 25c
Groceries and
House Furnishings.
:: , .. :; -
The newest and swellest thing can
be found at our Dress Goods
counter. Special attention given
to Commencement Dresses, Silks, Laces, White Good and Embroideries.
More Dainty Muslin Underwear to Tell of.
The Complete, Tasty Garments that are always In the
making, always coming fresh and new for women
to choose from, always at the fair prices that
women appreciate: these hint of good sorts.
Night Gowns, at 50o, 75o, and 86c, 6f Fine Muslin, Mother Hubbard Yoke
of Embroidery and Fine Cords.'
At $1.50 and $1.75-of Fine, Soft Finish Muslin, Square Neck of Embroid
ery, Ribbon and Puffing.
and Bal . .
Mn'a Fine Vici Kid. in Lace and Con-
gresa, Black and Tan. Every shoe
in the house goes at a discount 01
10 per cent. I
Men'a Good Satin Calf Shoes, would be
cheap at $1.50. Special qq
i A w
k 1 1 m
1 I
Trunk and Valises.
All New.
Prices very Inviting.
' ' ffffTfTWfff ff?TTf 1
Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings,
j Wall hper, Lace Curtains, Shades.
We handle a Very complete line
of Carpets .
f All our Best Lowells, Haruords ami c
. .
Wnite stars, at
Strictly All wool Ingrains
Extra Snpers 7
Printed Jutes ;
A complete line of samples of Motuettes, Axministers, Body Brussels, Wil
ton Velvets, and Tapestry Brussels. Sold at lowest prices.
50 Pieces of Mattings, from 12 1-2 to 40c per yard.
..35, 40 and 45c
300 different combinations to select from. The
patterns are beautiful and worthy of your careful
consideration. Prices from 5c per double roll up.
Wall Paper.
C4I) and examlue when la need
.Best Qualite, Q CWftainS
An extremely showy and effective Curtain, full FJoral Centpr with
(lep JJorder, gi yds. "by ffi incjjes, pr pair. ................
An entirely new combination in "machine-made curtains, with a
graceful figure all around border, 8 yds. by 64 inohes, per pair
No. 837. Madras Center, with extra deep Floral Border. Extra
size, 8 i yds. by 60 inches. Per pair
..Lowest Prices
House Furnishings
Egg Beater.
Fine tinned wire, woven across a heavy
frame, double braced. Easier price ic
Mrs. Pott's Pattern.
Three double pointed irons, detachable
always cool handle, and stand, full
nickel plated, sell everywhere at $1
Easter price 69c
Extra handles for same 6c
Steel Frame Dover Egg
Frame and cutting parts
unbreakable, large stae,
usual price, 16c, only.... 8c
41 Lh
It has now been just one year since we moved our Grocery ,
Rtock into the baeraent. It has proven a great success. We en
deavor to handle the best goods for the least money. Our ex- .
penses are far less than any other grocery store in town. ; We es
pecially invite you to make a close . inspection as to prices, quality
and cleanliness.
A few of our many Hard Hitters.
Every article quoted, Guaranteed.
N. K. Fairbanks Gold Dust iljc"
" " Soap, 3 bars So
French Blend Coffee, per pound IK
Wonder Coffee... 15c
White Star, the best coffee on market.
We get it fresh from the roaster, and
roasted by experts with the latest
improved roasters. Pricesao, 35,30, 35c
Free smnple by asking. .
Try our "Grandma" Tea. It is very
much superior in flavor and quality
of other 60c Teas. Try it.
Other grades as, 30, 39, up to 75c
8 pounds Best Bulk Starch . .2$c
10 pounds SalstKla ' 10c
Best Bulk Olives, per quart 30c
100 Cases of Chautauqua Brand Canned
Ct rn. It is a good corn. Special price
per can 5C
Commodore Brand Corn, guaranted to
be as good as any corn on the market
equal to any 12Jc corn IOC
Hnserot's Chinook Brand of Salmon
Steak, flat can, key open, usually
sells at 20 to 23c 15c
"People can't any this is old stuff.'?
19 pounds Granulated 8ugar........$i.oo
20 " Coffee A 1.00
21 " 0 Sugar 1.00
Fork Loin, Sausage, Figs' Feet, Tripe
Hallibut, Hams and Bacon, Cooked
Mixed Pickles, Sour Piokjes, Sweet
Pickles, Little Midgets. ,
An extra supply of dainty stuff for Easter.
High Orade Wringers at Low Prices.
Has all, the Improvements of other '
wood frame wringers.' Why pay -$2.50.
..Our price V..'v..$l.3J
Rising Pans. : .
High grade, stamped and retinned,
8qt. 8c. lOqt. IOC. 12qt. IK 17qt.- 17c
21qt. aic.
Flatting Pail.
Standard grade
6qt.. 6c
8qt.. 8c
12 qt ...,100
14 qt HC
preserved, l(eUes.
Stundard quality
4qt.... 8c
5qt ... oc
6qt 10c
8qt iac
Large size IXX retinned, a genuine
bargain, No. 8 or 9 39
Heavy nickel plated, NO. 8 69c
No. 9 78C
No. 9, Granite, 1st1 .75c ,
2, 8 and 4 qt. coffee
pots. ..10c
. 8 qt. coffee pots, copper
' bottom age
8 qt. coffee pots, gran
ite.... ...age
Also have tome in nickel.
2qt. granite tea pots, 10c
Good nickel tea pots,
as and 33c
Solid copper, 14 os.
heavily niokel plat
ed, copper bottom
.50 and 75c
New Tubular Lantern.
Best In the market - .
Dash board lanterns
...,,,..,,..,,,,.406 '
Light Midget brass . .
lanterns.,,,., v.. .3,
-v. ii-.-;-: ,.
- . ' , .
Six large fancy Tumbler....
Prism Salt and Peppers, tasty in&& . ,
signe, excellent in finish.... ....... 3c
Block beaded pint per bos
Hooks and eyes...
. Good pint .
- Kid cambrics, all colors . . . ..
Clark's 200 yd. spool cotton 's. .. . ,
I cash. 0. B 0O0DSELL. 0NE m?
Beautiful Belt buckles' at asc, 33, 40,
30 and 75c. : '
Cyrano Bead chains . .35c to 65c
Sterling silver bracelets. . . . joc to a. 30
Baby bracelets..,.. ,30c to 1.30
-9 :
9 '
1 1-
M He,