WELLINGTON ENTERPRISE. rCBLIIBED ITHT V1DHIID1I, Oh Year .... Six Monthl.. IltXOB PBIXTIXw OOKPAKT. a L COVOH, IICI1TIB, SUBSCRIPTION. i 1100 M COMMUNICATIONS. Th bum of ths writer nut accompany U ltttars for public lloa or requests for Information In order to Menra attention. The in li not required tor publication necessarily, bnt for the Inform ation of the editor. Unsigned artlolei go Into the waste basket. By a recent enactment of the North Carolina legislature, 100,000 negroes of that state are pract ically disfranchised. This may work a great deal of trouble before it is brought up against the con stitution of the United States and knocked out, as it certainly will be; but in the meantime many of those smart fellows who worked this iniquity, will be howling about the course of the administration in "depriving of their liberty" a few thousands of heathen Fillipinos. Verily, "consistency, thou art a jewel." WEDNESDAY,: APRIL 6, 1899. Wb suppose Mayor McKisson of Cleveland can comfort himself with the reflection that the "good die young." The people of Cleveland now have the promise from Mayor-elect Farley, of something seldom seen on this mundane sphere, viz., a democratic business administration. Aguinaldo probably intends to make a few century runs eastwardly and get around to capture Manila from the "blind side." He may imagine there is nobody on guard. Thb Filipinos are now doing to perfection the act of a certain Irish soldier durintr the war of the rebellion, who said that if he should get into tight place he would advance backward until the coast was clear. Thb present sad and mournful condition of the roads will be measurably forgotten in a few days when we see the street sprinkler going up and down our streets. We forget our former adversity when prosperity comes. A manufacturer at Three Oaks, Ind., has agreed to pay into the village treasury as much money as the tnwti would receive from the saloons, it the town will vote out the saloons. This we under stand has been done with satisfactory results. A good way to prevent legislative senatorial deadlocks is to amend the constitution so that the feoph may do that little business of electing Sena tors, bv votine- for them on the same ballot sheet 1 - j o on which they vote for Congressmen. Try it Thb probable effect of Bryan's recent letter to Perry Belmont will be to emphasize the coolness al ready existing between the gold wing and the silver wine of the party, and tend to widen the gulf be tween them until it broadens into disaster to the entire out-fit next year. We give them fair warn- intr. but some folks will be headstrone in spite of all you may say. Thb claims for spoliation of property belonging ,to son-combatants in Cuba, during the late war, .are assuming enormous proportions already, and the music has only just begun. Uncle Sam is get ting to be quite prodigal of his spending money but we opine that many of these claims will suffer the fate of the bulk of spring poetry and be con ; signed to the waste basket. CUTTII1G TIIE CABLES. CMDBB FIBE AT CIENFUEftOS DAM GEftOUa WORK. Oh of th. Bravest Deeds of the War Lieutenant Hobson Sinking the Marrl ma was Haraic But Only On of Many Instance of Heroism. According to Attorney General Griggs, the gigantic trusts which have formed and are now forming throughout the country are not under jur isdiction of the federal courts, except in instances where they interfere with interstate commerce. He gives it as his opinion that state legislatures can deal with them most effectually. If this true, it would be a wise plan for the legislative bodies of the various states to look after the matter this winter, while they have nothing else to do. We mention this matter because the combinations of capital are becoming very annoying to small manu facturers, who have a right to "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness." ON GOOD ROADS. Catechism adapted to conditions in Lorain county on the good roads question. Q. What class of people would be most benefi ted by good roads? A. The farmers. Q. Why would the farmers be benefited more than other people? A. Because they make more use of the roads than other people. Q. If bonds were issued to raise money to build roads, what proportion of the expense would have to be paid by the farmers? A. Less than one half, because the taxable property of Lorain county is about $20,000, 000, and more than half of this amount is in side of city and villaee corporations, which are obliged to build their own roads. Q. Then why should the farmers "kick," and claim that it is a scheme of town people to oppress the farmers.? A. There is no reason why tiny should, uiless they are misinformed as to the real situation. The towns provide their own roads, within their corporate limits, and besides would pay more than half the cost of good roads throughout the county. Then is there any reasonable ground for ob- jecting by farmers to an issue of county bonds for such purposes? None whatever. When Lieutenant Hobson and his men wnk the Merrlmnc in the channel of Santiago Harbor, the deed wasalmrwt everywhere hailed as the bravest of the war. This was as It should have been, but to our mind a deed equally brave was that represented la our Illustration taken from the current issue of Harper's Magazine, "Catting the Cables at Cien- fuegos." The Illustration was drawn by R. F. Zogbaum for the third part of the 'History of the Spanish-American War," by the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Senator from Massachusetts, who In this Instal ment of a most notable history dlscm "The Blockade of Cuba and the Pursuit of Cervera," gives an admirable descrip tion from an historical point of view, of the operations arnnnd San Juan, of Ouan tananio Bay, of the bottling np of Or- vera's fleet, and of Hobson and the Merrimac. The gallant work of the men who nnder a galling Ore en the cables at Cienfiirv gos has been in the main lost sight of by reason of the mire Important and decis ive battles, brief resume of it will certainly not be out of place. The same day that the Wlnslow, the Hudson, and the Wilmington' were hav ing their action at Cardenas, far away on the southern coast or Cnba anher Q- In adjusting Cuban affairs, Uncle Sam was wise enough to promise to deal with the people only. This supercedes any recognition of governmental "authority on the island, such as the debating society, which,., recently deposed Gomez "in their minds." Uncle Sam will attend strictly to his bus iness in Cuba, and will do it according to contract, and will have the co-operation of every sensible Cuban. v Wb learn from Youngstown, one of the bright est cities in Ohio, that a steel firm there are in need of 250 more men than they already have, and - are as yet unable to get them. All the available menuJufowa who want to work have been secured. We also learn that similiar conditions prevail , elsewhere. This is on the principle of ' the office seeking the man" in a way with which we t are heartily in accord. W. J. Bryan's explanation of his refusal to accept the invitation of Perry Belmont to dine with him and make a speech, has the merit of frank ness to say the least We sincerely hope that the . democracy will not get into a family row before the time for their national convention, as it might en danger their chances before the people and make themselves appear ridiculous in the eyes of well, say the republican party. Thb United States is ever to the front. On the commission of arbitration to settle differences between Great Britian and Venezuela, have been appointed Justices Fuller and Brewer of the Su preme Court This commission will convene in Paris in May and will continue in session doubtless about six months. Besides these noted jurists, Ex-President Harrison and Ex-Secretary of the navy, Tracy are principal counsel for Venezeula in the contention. JOHN BROWN AND HIS PERSONALITY. Thomas Wentworth Higginson's "Cheerful Yesterdays, a book ot delightful reminiscences, has this concerning the impression made by Mr. Brown in an interview by appointment in Boston, March 1858. "I saw "before me a man, whose mere appearance and bearing refuted in advance some of the strange perversions, which have found their way into many books, and which have often wholly missed the type to which he belonged. In his thin, worn, resolute face there were the sigTis of fire which might wear him out, and practically did so, but nothing of pettiness or baseness; and his talk was calm, persuasive, and coherent. He was simply a high-minded, unselfish, belated Covenanter; a man whom Sir Walter Scott might have drawn, but whom Nicolay and Hay, for instance have utterly failed to delineate. To describe him in their words "clean but coarse" is coarse; is curiously wide of the mark; he had no more of coarseness than was to be found in Habakkuk Muckelwrath or in George Eliot's Adam Bede; he had, on the contrary, that religious elevation which is itself a kind of refinement, the quality one may see expressed in many a venerable Quaker face at yearly meeting. Coarseness absolutely repelled him: he had little humor, and none of the humorist's temptation towards questionable conversation. Again to call him "ambitious to irritation" in the words of the same authors, is equally wide of the mark. I never could find in him a trace of ambition." He had been a surveyor and knew the Alleghenies like a book. He would have liberated slaves in families and groups by paths familiar to him All this he explained to Mr. Higginson and others plainly and calmly and there was nothing in it that we his friends in Boston, Theodore Parker, Dr, Howe, Stearns Sanborn and myself considered either objectionable or impracticable. m. h. h Thb Sunday-school workers and Christian peo ple of Marion, Ohio, are planning largely for the 40th Annual Convention of the Ohio State Sunday school Association to be held there during the week of June 5th. Each county is entitled to a represen tation consisting of its county association officers and ten chosen delegates. This state association is interdenominational, helpful to us all. It is the organized Sunday-schoool force of the state. It directly organizes no individual schools, but it organizes the Sunday-school hosts of counties and townships, and through conventions brings them in touch with the most practical and advanced methods and teaching. The Ohio Sunday-school Worker, of Toledo edited by Marion Lawrence, General Secretary is the official paper of the state association. . The Farm Journal Five years free with THE ENTERPRISE... To all subscribers who pay in advance. If you want it, you must come soon for the number is limited """" -T BARRELS Or SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand BottlM Snt Ftm by Kail. Trial By special arrangement with the manufacturers of that Justly famous Kidney medlolne, Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, the reader of this paper are enabled to obtain a trial bot tle and pamplet cf valuable medical advice absolutely free, by simply tending their fuH name and post office address to the DR. DAVID KEN NEDY CORPORATION, Rondout. N. Y., and mentioning this paper. Of course this involves enormous ex pense to the manufacturers, but they have received to many grateful letters from those who have been benefited and cured of the various diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, and all the weaknesses peoul'ar to women, that they willingly tend trial bottles to all sufferer. Upon investigation it was found that 91 per cent of those who had used the trial bottle had received such benefit from it that they purchased large sized bottles of their druggist. it matter not how sick, you are or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this Kreat medicine, it costs you but postal card, and benefit and cure wil1 most certainly be the result. Put som urine in a glass tumble and let it stand 24 hours ; if it has sediment or If It it pale or discolored milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder are in bad condi tion. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy speedily cure such danger ous symptoms at pain in the back, in ability to hold urine, a burning scald ing pain in pairing It, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, the otnlning of linen by your urine and all 'he unpleasant and dangerous effect on the system produced by the use ) whiskey, wine or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is sold at all drug stores at $1.00 for a large but tle; six bottles for $3.00 CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tba Kind You Hare Always Bought Bear, the rtf .jfTZZ? Signature of Lut JtUcJUA. Cltlftff Mm rMm nto Sra al CtoatoM, H.f,. . NafwtM Ovvrlffcl, Itlt.k. I Afer.4rwtMbi Htftr . Sn.UMn. fight was taking place, lu the progress of the work of separating th great Inland from the rest of the world. On the night ot May 10, Captain McCalla of the Marblchead called for volunteers to pro ectlhe cable-cutters tn their work. The roll was anop filled, and the pext morning' the Steam-launches ot the Mar blehead and Nashville, towing the two sailing -launches' nnder command of Lieutenants VYIiibIow and Anderson, started Into the harbor ot Clenfuegos about quarter before seven. They car ried a squad of marines picked for pro ficiency as marksmen, and a machine gun in the bow of each boat. The Nash ville and Marblehead then opened fire on .he Spanish batteries, and nnder cover of his, and that of the steam launches, the crews of the other boats went to work. It was a erllous business, bnt the sail- rs grapnel and cut successfully the two cables they had been ordered to de stroy. They also found a small cable, but the grapnel fouled the bottom and was lost. Meantime the Spanish fire grew hotter and hotter, pouring ont rrm the batteries and machine-guns. and the boats began to suffer. The well- ilrected fire from the rifles of the murines and from the 1-poiinders kept i he Spaniards tr m reaching the switch house which controlled the sub-marine torpedoes, bnt hunches could not eon tend with batteries at close range, and when the work for which they came, and which had all been performed nnder a heavy fire, was done, they withdrew to the ships. Nlue men, Including Lieu tenant Wlnslow, had been wounded, wme seriously, and three as was report ed later, mortally. It was a very sal lant exploit, cooly and thoroughly car ried through, under galling fire, and It ucceeded in its purpose of hampering and blocking in the enemy at the Im portant pon oi uenruegos, wnich was the road to Havanna from the southern coast. It was another twist In the coll which the United States was tightening about Cuba. i YOUR EYES. What are they worth? Would you take f 10000 each for them to day? If not, then listen. Ton may he wearing just such glasses as will do yon more harm than yon could estimate in money. We fit lenses to yonr eyes with scientific accuracy. You take no chances. Examination is entirely free. If you need no glasses we will tell you so. Monday to Saturday, inclusive, are the best days for examination. J. W. HOUGHTON SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN. While Americans lead the world In inventive genius they do not monopo lize the inventive faculty. U. 8. con sul Higgins, at Dundee, Scotland, has written the department of state that on a farm near that town a machine for milking cows hn been successfuly used for two years. m a The best Salve in the world for Cute, drultea. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corn, and kln Eruptons, ind positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 15 cent per box. For tale by w. r. Near Co drnggtete. Nasal CATARRH In til Its stages tort should bt cletniloeu. - Ely's Cream Balm cletnMs, soothes snd halt ths Attested membrane. It onrss catarrh and drives swty t told la Ins heat quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, sorted orsr the memhrsns snd It tbsorbsd. Belief Is lm medlett and a cure follows. It It tot drying does not prodoo sneezing. Urge Sire, Meenu St Druf. gilts or by mall Trial list, M tenia by Bill. 1LT BBOTH1B, It Wanes Stnet, Hew Ttrk, ray The Home Savings Bank Co., WELLINGTON, OHIO, Transact a general banking business, buying and selling notes and bills ot ex change. Money loaned on satisfactory collateral, mortgage, or personal secnr ity. Interest at 4 per cent, paid on all xavingB deposits, interest credited aunu ally. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Safety-deposit boxes situated In our main vault at $1.50 per year. Wm. Vischer, Pres. 6. E. Spitzer, Tlee-Pres. J. H. Rust, Cashier Boiler Flue;; for Fence Posts. Barbed and Smooth Fence Wire White Lead, Mixed Paints, Linseed Oil. Galvanized Roofing a Specialty. AT RANSOM & WILBUR'S WANTED SEVERAL TRKBTWOHTHT persons In this state to manaiit our but Inaas fa their own and nearby eouuilee. It Is mainly offlca work eooducted at home. Salary straight two a Tear and ementee- aennlle. nonanoe. no more, no lata salarv. Heferaneea. IneloM self at Dad envelooa. Herbert B. Haas react ueps. at, uaieaaa. Fine Stationary... Monthly 17a, ireesed starai $X$$$K$$$$$$ The Latest Shapes and Shades in Correspond ence Stationery. 10c to 30c per box. Fine "Writing Papers in Tablets Ruled and Plain. The French Printing Company. jThe'White"! iDDEN try tne professional racer, it fuu proren a winner oftener than any in competition. Ridden by the non professional, by the "scorcher," lot business ot pleasure, it has a record second to none. Material used in ta constructions pains-taking care in manufacturing details, ease in running;, and hanrKTT symmetrical design are a few of ha claims for superiority. Reasonable prices, coupled with high values, are characteristics of the "WHITE." Our long- established reputation guarantees the excellence of our product. Modal. A and B. ..................$60.00 Modal Q (30-ln. wh.al) . OO.OO "Special Raoar" . CS.00 Modal. E and P (ohalnl.a.) ......... 7S.00 White Sewing Machine Company, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Fo:s"le"y WEBSTER & CO. WELLINGTON, OHIO. HIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled Taloe practical, Dp-lo-date, concise and Comprehensive Band somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIOOLB No. 1 BIQQLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Com mon-8rase TreetSM. with over 74 Illustrations j a standard work. Priot, y Ccatt. no. a Biuam berry book All sbout growlnsr Bm ill Fruits read and leara bow contains 43 colored liie-like reprod actions of all leading varieties and 100 other Illustrations. Price, go Ctats. No. 3 BlOdLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book to existence g tells everything ; wltbjj colored llfe-llkerrprsdoctlont of ill the principal breeds; with to otner Illustration. Price. y Cents. No. 4 BUM LB COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; feavkaf a treat salt, contains t colored life-like reproduction, oreach breed, with ijs otner illustrations. Price, y Cents. No. 6-BI00LB SWINE BOOK Just out. AQ about Hosa Breeding , Feeding, Batch cry, Diseajes. etc. Con tt ins over 60 beautiful naif, tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. TheBiaOLB BOOKS are nulqoe,orl(rlnal,nterul you never saw anything like them eo practical, so trot fblc. They are having tn enormous sale Seat West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Bog or Chicken, or grows Bmall Fruits, ought to atad right away for the BIUOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL la your paper, made for you and not a mlatt. It la at years old, It lathe great bolled-down hit-the-nail-ontbe-beed, quit.after-you-haeaaiMt, Farm and Household paper la the world the binrest paper ofltasiie fn the (Jolted Blatea h America saving over a muuoa sad asliajf regular Kadcrt Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL VBAR5 (remainder of iIoo.ioro, 1001, loot tad 190) will bt lent by audi to any addrraa lor A DOLLAR BILL. . (ample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLB BOOKf free. Mm r Wilkes aratMsoa cast r. jBxtujif. Address. FASUf JOIJKNA1. Pnit.snai.ntA Save Your Silver! Ordinarily, good silverware should last a lifetime, and hold its original brilliancy quite as long, providing the right mater, ial is naed in cleaning and polishing. IMPERIAL SILVER POLISH is the most economical polish made as well as the most effic ient; it saves silverware because it cleans easily. It does not require muscular exertion to produoe a lustre; its effect on silver is similar to a fine toilet soap on the hands leaves the eurfaoe in its natural condition: clean and highly polished; just as it comes from the factory. Polishes that necessitate hard rubbing will gradually wear away the delicate surface of silverware, and will in time destroy the brillianoy imparted by the burnisher. Ask for it at WIGHT tc SONS.