Newspaper Page Text
TOVfJSHIP HEWS, COLLKCTKD BI THB KNTKRPBlSfi'i GOBPS OF COBBESPOND ESTS. Beeeal Bppiln(i and Special EreoU la Wellington Immediate Vicinity of Interest to KraryoM. Our Comapon deate Spar Ko Pains to Glean the Mew. BAKER'S CROSSING. One lone milk wagon remindi us that it it the first of April. The weather ii bo unlike iti former self, it almost teems as if there was some Joke bout It, and dame nature was playing April-fool. C. Wlnemiller was in New London Thursday. Alonzo Rogers and family have mov ed to their new home in Homer. Miss Marguerite Herlabaus went ; to Medina, Tuesday where she will . spend the summer. Mrs.Effle Fortney returned to her home in New London, Saturday. James Haiel and family moved last week on a farm in Rochester. Miss Biddinger, of Sullivan, is work ing at W. A. Feet's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Laborie and little son, Victor, Bpent Tuesday in Nova. . Lou Hall of Wellington, spent Fri day night at D. I. Beckley's. Miss Ollie Knappof Sullivan, is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E, Fisher. Walter Peet of LeRoy, was calling on friends Tuesday. Henry Laborie sold his farm last Tuesday to Charlie Farnsworth of Nova. Died, at his home in Chicago, of appendicitis, Mr. Thaddeus Peet. He was well and favorably known in this community, and his friends will regret to lea,rn f his early death. In Its advanced and chronic form a cold In the bead Is known as a Nasal Catarrh and is the recognized source of other diseases. Having stood the test of continued buccessfal use, Ely's Cream Balm is recognized as a specific for membranal disease in the nasal passages and you make a great mistake in not re sorting to this treatment in your own ease. To test it a trial size for 10 cents or the large for 50 cents is mailed by Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, New York. Druggists keep it. HUNTINGTON. Osea Smith spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Effie Davison and fam ily of Wellington last week. Mr. Frank Hull spent a few days with relatives in New London last week. Mr. T. D. Phelon was in New Lon don last Tuesday. TTia frillmvtnf. lUHnni t tdTlfl CiA f.he, .vuvnui ... - IPnornvth Tjiamia nnnvant.Snn f T .n rH ! n the past week: Mrs. Harvey Breyley, Miss Anna Dodge, Julia Dirlam, Stella Finkle. Clatie and Nora Hull visited their uncle's family, Dr. Hull's in Welling ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meachum have returned to town. Mr. Tom Smith has moved his family over by Sweeney's factory and he will work in the factory the coming year. Mrs. Ernest Wheeler, Mrs. Orlin Dirlam and two children, and Mrs. Jack Wheeler, of Bakers's Crossing, Tisited Mr. Peter Finkle's family last Friday. Mr. James Handly and Mr. Edson Clark attended the convention of the K. 0. T. M. at Norwalk recently. Mr. James Crawford of Medina was in town Saturday. Miss Florence Rood of Wellington is visiting her uncle's family, D. P. Wells. Mr. Fred Dudley of Dakota is visit ing Lee Loomis' family. Misses Lena Dirlam, Ethel Gillet, Ruth Haskins, Bertha Chapman and Mr. Paul Pratt were in Elyria, Satur day. Harry Pratt of Beret college is home for a time. He spent Sunday in Lorain. J. B. Robinson has bought Hima Cole's house and lot; property for merly owned by George Robinson. SULLIVAN. The Easter social given at the town hall was well attended Saturday night. As it was "All Fools' Day" of course the mischief loving young people had to have some jokes in order to com plete the program. A beautiful frosted cake adorned the center of the table. When the cook frosted it she dipped in the salt jar for the sugar. The tarts were of a new design. Batting was be neath the frosting to insure lightness. Of course no one thought of being an gry as it was joke day. One dish of pickles reminded us of the story of Lot's wife ; all else was above reproach. A boquet of lilies and geraniums lent color to the tables. Eggs of every oolor and shade imaginable were there. Grant Eaton had a lively runaway last week. Hit horse became light ened at a bright tin pail Mr. Eaton car ried on hit arm, and then the steam from the sugar-house blew towards it, causing it to plunge and jump, which threw him off, his foot caught in the harness ; the horse dragged him about ten rods when he freed himself. His clothing was torn into shreds. His es cape from instant death was miracu lous. Burglars broke into Will Hubler't house April L When he arose he found his wearing apparel containing his purs were gone. A diligent search revealed the fact the burglar had ef fected an entrance by placing a ladder to a broken window. Large foot-prints were found around the house. Mr. Hubler got Mr. Riggs to come and help solve the mystery. As they started fur the phone to warn surrounding towns to be on the lookout for the rascal, .Mrs. Hubler stepped to the door and dispelled their grief by two words. "April Fool." We leave the rest to the imagination of our readers. SuptE. B. Whitcomb returned to Wooster to resume his studies, Mon day. L.D. Blocker and family took the early train for Akron Monday morn ing. Claude Ricket has moved into J. C. Palmer's house. Len Cole and family have moved in to their new home in town. Miss Swarti has her room full of scholars; ten more pupils started today. M. E. Wurts, the poultry man has been secured for the season by the owners of the Crescent Poultry Farm at Kent, 0. He has the entire care of the barred and buff Plymouth rocks. BUTLER ROAD. At the sale of Mrs. L. L. Brundage's, horses sold low as did most of the tools, while cows brought a good price Grant Snyder started with his milk sled promptly on the first of April He has thirty miles a day to travel, starting from Clarksfield and going to the Thomas factory in Rochester. Mr. Beebe of Whitefox, has the but ter route this season. It is reported that Mrs. Clarence Bracy had her face badly scalded one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tripp were visiting in this neighborhood last Sun day. A "sugar-off" seemed to touch the right rpot with Charley. Ray Atkinson has bought the south part of the old Sutfin farm one and a half miles east of town. Mr. Murray, formerly a resident of this place but lately of Rochester, died April 1st. Perry Nobles has been visiting his mother, Mrs. D. Thomas last week. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be around all the time, but constantly suf fering. I had tried everything I could har of and at last was told to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cared. I am happy to say that it has not since returned. Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by W. F, Near & Co. SPENCER. March 29. Ada Firestone returned from Oberlin last week and has taken the position of cashier in the new Fire stone store. Electa Miller of the Norwalk schools, is spending the epring vacation at home. Minnie Freeman was in Cleveland the last of the week, at the funeral of Rev. Austin Hoak. Miss Irene Eggleston, of New York, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Grissinger for the past month re turned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. JosephineBuffenmeyerof Cleve land, visited her sister, Mrs. A. T. Van the first of the week. H. B. Aldrich has moved into the farm house of the Aldrich place, so long occupied by Will Aldrich, who has rented the S. D. Oakley farm just out of town. Mrs. Georgia Querin of Cleveland, is visiting at her father's. A. J. Routson, one of our oldest and most respected citizens, passed away Monday after a long and lingering ill ness. Mrs. Celia Hicks, who died of con sumption last Wednesday, was buried at the Center, Friday, Rev. Jacobs officiating. The deceased leaves a hus band and bright little son. van can't Mge TiteiD Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops? Did not succeed very well, did you? It's just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do it They are about us on every hand and we are con stantly taking them into our lungs. Then why don't we atl have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold In a strong throat and lungs. It's when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger comes when the blood Is poor and the body Is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feet raw and sore, you should not delay another day. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight Increases. The whole body be comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It's this nourishing, sustain ing and strengthening power of 5C01T3 EMULSION that has made it of such value In all wasting and exhausting diseases. - fas. sad, all dnujtlMa. SCOTT BOWNE,CkBtou,Nnr York. . SMI mm AVegctablePrcparationfor As similating theToodandRcgula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheeiful ness and Rest.Contalns neither Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. AfcfM tfOUIt&MUHPlTCnKR Jbvti, SmJ JU.Smnm M4U.&A- ttfanaa.JUae HirmJktJ. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish aess andLoss OF SLEEP. Tax Simile Signature of NEW YORK. The entertainment Saturday evening was largely attended, not withstanding the stormy weather. The receipts were nearly $40, which is a convincing proof of the popularity of Mr. and Mrs. Loos. The various characters in the play were well sustained, reflecting great credit upon all who took part. Grace Grissinger especially showed remark able self-possession as a soloist. All the music was excellent. Mr. and Mrs. Lous left for Sandusky Monday after noon, taking with them sincere wishes for future success from the many friends they won during their stay with us. Obituary. A.J. Koutson was born in Easton, Wayne Co.. 0., Oct. 17, 1S28, where his father, Captain John Routson, built the first house and kept the first hotel between Wooster and Akron. On both sides his parents were of good old pioneer stock, his mother belonging to the great Franks family. In Novem ber, 1851, he was married to Elsie Louis Stewart. They came to Spencer, 0., when the land was all covered with forest trees, and built their first log cabin on the farm where they both died. He leaves two daughters and five grandchildren to mourn his loss. Two daughters preceded him to the spirit land. He died March 27th, 1899 Like a shock of corn fully ripe, made fragrant by the breath of frost and gathered by the reaper's sickle, so was the end of the worthy man, who has gone to accomplish the destiny uf all our race. ROCHESTER. Mr. Perry Noble of Sherman, Texas, is visiting his family and friends of this place. Rev. Leverate Rugg and family of Michigan were guests of his brother, Mr. Wm. Rugg, last week. Mrs. Dots of Ravana, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Stanley. Mrs. 0. Laraby of New London was in town Monday, the guest of Mise Josie Phelps. Mr. James Murray passed from this life at his home Saturday, April 1st. Funeral services were held at the Bap tist church Monday at 1 p. m., Rev. Lash officiating. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist church meet with Mrs H. T. Mason, Thursday forenoon, April 13 A cordial invitation extended to all. Rev. Rugg gave a very interesting discourse at the Baptist church Sunday morning. He left Monday morning with his family for the state uf New York where he has a new fielld of labor. Mr. Rugg was well known in this place when a young man and his many friends wish him success. Mr. Erwin and wife of Cleveland are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon of this place. They visited at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnes,' Monday and ate warm sugar. Mr. D. C. Mann will go with Fore- paugh's show this season with hie brother, Horace, as advance agent. Mr. F. W, Clifford is in the jtocl. business again. He shipped one cur last week. In spite of the muddy roads there was a good attendance itt the Easter concert at the Baptist church Sunduy evening. The church was prettily dec orated with potted plants, and Easter flowers, with their fragrance, added their beauty to the church. The center attraction was the beautiful cross with the motto, ''Christ fin Risen." The little children with their smiling faces, presented a picture ol perfect happiness when the beautiful Easter eggs of various colors were pre sented them. Rev. Lash made some very interesting remarks appropriate for the occasion. Pneumonia. U the quick agent of death. Ktilly one- third of recent dentin have been Ir-n pneumonia following la gripp. Fin-u-'tionia cauunt follow the u of Foley' Uouev aud Tar. W. U. Tlaeott & Co. kffgisHj pnrrnpin exact copy or wrappeb. JjlCy 1 wlllBlH JBPW MUllMt W TXK QSWTSUa OQjeHT, KM VOW! OUT. mm For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AA Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years PITTSFIELD- Mrs. Barker's two sons from Wood ounty are viniting her at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rogers. Walter Bush and Eugene Robinson, of Oberlin attended services at the M E. church Sunday. Miss Madge Whi ney has secured a position in the new dry goods store of Preston Bros., Oberlin. Mr. Chas. Stone and family returned home last week from Florida where they spent the winter. It is reported that Mr. P. Wynn, a former resident of our town, was shot and killed In Arkansas, recently. Chas. Stone has gone after the remains. Wm. Avery was in Elyria last week Wednesday. - Frank Root and daughter Nina were returning from church, Sunday, when the reaeh of their buggy broke, fright e in their horses so that they ran away, but fortunately neither of them was hurt. v Mr. and Mrs. John Herri am and Mrs. Chloe Merriam visited at Henry Shef field's last week Wednesday. LA GRANGE. F. B. Gott was in Cleveland, Monday night. William Hopkins made a business trip to Oberlin, Wednesday. Mrs. Ida Rawaon is suffering with the mumps. William Wilcox is dangerously HI at his iome on the river road. Jay Wotring has returned to his home in Cleveland. Miss Edith Elliott of Elyria, is the guest of LaGrange friends. Eddie Wight of Eaton was in town last week. William Heiston of Lorain spent Sunday with his family. Subscribe for the Enterprise. It is one of the best papers published in Lorain county. Chicken thieves are getting in their work in this village. A very pleasant surprise was tender ed to Lee Dean at his home on Church street, Wednesday evening. Games were played, and a fine time is report ed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrus of Well ington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Andrus Sunday. Miss Pearl Heinton, of the Conserva tory of Music, is spending a week at home. The Rathbone sisters will have a dime social, and literary program at K. of P. hall Tuesday evening April 18. A large attendance is de fired. Edward McKisson and friend, Rev. Edwards of Oberlin college, were the guests of Mrs. Nettie McKisson over Surdity. Miss Peail Salsbery of Elyria, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. t D. Ryan. F. G. Morgan called on Cleveland friends Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wilcox of Cleve land were in town a part of the past week. John Dean was in Clyde, last Mon day and Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Wood ha returned from New York. s J, P. Eidt's cheese factory north of Uihii Mas opened fur business Monday Consideration cannot be too careful; forethought cannot be too circumspect; prudence cannot be too discreet; but the best way to insure these results, is to confine them strictly within their , roper limits, and never to permit them tu interfere with the promptness uf actum with integrity uf purpose, utid with fidelity to all engagements. The changer that make or unmake a man are not changes of stature or posi tion or circumstances, or any thing else that can be seen outwardly, but the subtle changes that begin, silent and unnoticed, in the hidden chambers uf the man's consciousness, where foi'inierta and vague lies the material ut uf which motives are shaped. Huuee and llartt to Kent. House and baru tor rent on Maygar atwt. luqulra t Wm. H. IL Sulllfl. BRIGHTON. The ladies' society will meet with Mrs. J. T. Burrows, Wednesday March 12. Dinner will be served for ten cents. ' Mrs. Henry Spring of Paulding, visited her daughter, Mrs. Will Love land last week. Paul Kenney visited his grand mother in Oberlin Friday and Satur day. 0. W. Green is laid up with the measles. Mrs. EX B. Squires went to Elyria on Wednesday returning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCoy returned from Penfield Sunday where they had ben spending their vacation. Mrs. Emma Peet of ClrknnVld, visit ed friends here over Sunday. Mr. Fenwick moved into the Gills house Thursday. D. B. Hartman has rented the Mc Donald farm south of the center for a term of years and moved last week. Mr and Mrs. Jess McDonald have moved to the old homestead nenr White Fox. F. W. Dennison has moved in with Peter Garris. The milk wagon began their pilgrim hgfi for Jones' cheese factory Saturday. The republican ticket was elected here Monday. J. Jordan, Jas. Hall, Geo. Ronk and Walter Mosher were elected supervisors. John Laughery has moved back from Nova to Brighton and will work on the railroad. PLEASANT STREET. A large number of wild ducks and eeese have been seen around thl ' icinlty. D. "locking's man snceed'il in killing a goose last week ; ron" goose wns the result. Claud Wheeler visited his brother at Peter 8hnde's in Rochester, Saturday Zilpha Battle visited at Fred Bat tle's on South Main street, Thursday. D. R. Day and family visited his brother in Clarksfield, Thursday. E. D. Gillett called at E Litchfield's on the Butler road Sunday. He re ports them very much improved. 0. M. Gillett called on his father, Jason, last week. He is able to be out again. F. Battle and family were at J. Hah's, Sunday. The almost ' Impassable condition of our roads does not keep people with plenty of pluck at home. Owen Rolf and family visited El nathan B urge's, Thursday. Minor remained at his grandfather's several days. Dave Day sold a colt, coming four years old, to H. Bonney for $100. Good horses demand a fair price. Mrs. George Bracy of Winchester, Ind., is visiting her friend Mrs. Jen nie Cox. John Willis of Wellington, Sundayed at Owen Rolft's. Miss Jennie Kaufman of Elyria be gan the spring term of school in this district, Tuesday, April 4. Election has come and gone, and not withstanding the underhanded games of the new union reform party, the entire republican ticket was elected. Be sure and read our great offer of The Enterprise for a year and the Karni Journal five years, all for the price of our paper alone. Just walk up to the captain's office and draw the greatest prize you ever drew. WELLINGTON MARKETS. Corrected Every Wednesday Monitor: Paying. Hav Dei ton 6 00 SI 87 28 70 16 21 10 lt S 46 Corn in ear, 70 lbs , Corn shelled, 66 lbs Oats per bu Rye per bu New wheat per bn Butter. dlry, per ft Butter, creamery, per tt f.ggt. per dot Honey, per t Lard, per ft Potatoea per bu Selling. Flour per sack of 49ns Corn Meal per ewt Chop per cwt , go 1 0 1 on 0 M 1 40 MMdiinKs per cwt Bran per cwt Oil Ileal per cwt , CUKKSK MAKKKT. Billing Prices Monday's Sales. Ohio State Flats.' Creamery Butter, 1? m, 20 E. L. BENEDICT Successor to C. E. ScTLrrr. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hard and Soft Goal Coke and Wood Draying and Moving of house hold goods or pianos and teaming of all kinds promptly attended to. Price and quality guaranteed on all cal orders. Bailed Hay aud Straw sold and deliv ered. Oim-e Phone 4 Office West Main Street Hrfldeuee Phone 88. E. L. BENEDICT WANTED! KeliaMo man for Manager of Branch Office I wish tu open in thin vicinity. If your record is 0. K. l ere is a good opening. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, 0. Illimtratftd catalogue 4 eta. pontage WA NT K I) Agents lur "lllntnry ol the Spanlrlt A War," by llnu. deny Illustrated with over 76 lull pages halt tnnes liu iiiaiir riumy ouiiireu muiures, liHrge royal octavo volumn, superb outnt, postpaid fur only Moents (stamps taken). Most liberal terms tftven. The ffreuteat itnnnrtunllv f th years. Address: Akron. Ohio B. VANATOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER AND COLLECTOR. Hendqnarters Tribe of lien Bur. Office wltu Tne Jfrenoh PriullM Co. , LA-GRIPPE FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR cures LA GRIPPE and prevents PNEUMONIA. IT HEALS THE LUNCS AND STOPS THE RACKINC COUCH USUAL TO LA CRIPPE. RECOMMENDED FOR LA CRIPPE. N JACKSON, Danrlile. III., Wrlless "M dmiKhier hurt a severe attack of Lb Orippe, srvrn ear ago and since then when she takes cold a terrible ooURh nettles on her Iuiiks. Wf tried great man remedies without giving relief. She tried Kole' II-. oey end T:tr wlileh cnrd her. She ha never been trotlllt!tl with at'ouith sllieo.' 20' IT IS GUARANTEED. W. H. TISSOT & CO. EVERY WOMAN M naea a reliable, uepuenarupuwaiaMawa. ii ye tul UM tat, fat Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal PIII3 Thar art prowpt, tf M Mrtaia In tvnll Tfc mmIm (Dr. Ftml'i) 11m Hmm saalnt QDt amwhura ft I DO A AArmttm Pli t. Ii aaiiUla fan A Si, For Sale by Mothers! TBS discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en-i tirelr avoided. WineofCardui relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives tone to the gen italorgans,aod cuts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. VinK6ri!ui has also brought happiness to thousands of homes Darren for years. A few doses often brings J to loving hearts tnat long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wins of Cardui. i ,oo per bottle. For advice In caws requlrlnr pedal directions, address, (ivlnr symptoms, the. "Ladles' Advisory Department, The Chatunoos Mediclae Co., Chatta noop,Teon. Mrs. LOUISA HAIE. or Jefferson, Ba., ssysi When I first took Wine of Cardui we had been married three years, but eould not have any children. Nina months later 1 had a One girl baby." rHF BEST OP THEM ALL It LIPPINCOTTS nONTHLYJYAGAIINE Contains a complete-novel In every num-ln-r, In addition ton l-irge quantity of lueful aud entertaining reading matter. eoHf inned efoWe. trhlrh mr o ajeet tfoMafrle to msmI resMlera. It should be In every household. Sub scription, S3.00 per ycur. Agents wanted In every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be offered, B. LffPIHCOTT COUP ANT, Publishers, PHIUDCLPHIA, Ask your DRUQCIST for a genenius 10 CENT TRIAL 8IZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cecal ni- mercurv nor ony utb ur Injurious drug. It is quickly absurhei Gives Kellel etnuce It opens and cleallse the Nasal Pasnagrs Allnys IiiflHiiiatlou. COLD N HEAD Heals and Protects Ihe itiriiiiirane. itesiorea the Senses nl Tiiote and Smell. Price oOcen s at Druugtst nr by mall. Trial size 10c by mall. ciii o.iuiaan), oo warren street, ft. x. Binder: Oar famous iImUM Brut 1 PliCOt sUld fesUDDlM nuly April th. Writ Dow And V will Mnd mm m mine whenrwdrt Price will osj tower man yon mint We deliTtff f romCbloaco Omab or BI FaoL m lmt MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO., CHICAGO. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. tn pursuanceofan oiderol the Probate Court of Lnralu eouuiy, Ohio, I will uller lor sal. at public auctluu on Thursdiy. the '7th dav April, A. U-. ISM), at 10 o'clock, loreooon upon the premises the lollowlng described retti estate, situated tn the township ol Welling ton, cnuuty ol Lorain and state ol Ohio, and kn'.wn kb being a part nl original lot No. til bounded and deacribed as trill, jw: beginning at a point in the east line ol said lot So. 10, dis lunce 2X chains, (i II n s north Irom stum monument at souin-east oorner of said loi and towushlM runultig thence west parallel with the south line ol sain lot IV chains thence north parallel with the east lot Him Uchal S.87H links; thence east parallel with the south line 15 chains to the east line oj seld lot; thenoe souih In said east line I chains Vi links to the place of lieglnulnv and ooiitnlhliJK U-81-1UU acres ol th same more or less. Apural-eu at iiuO; onnnot be sold for les thau of appraisal. Terms of sale cash oi Vacah; H In one years 'A In two years wit' in rrrst Irom dais ol sale secured by mort tMge on the priulses. Macs S7, im. J. T. ir.KHU., Attorney for .YUacug llowx. LEGAL NOTICE. Mnrlon 0. tiren, whnsH place of rcKldpni' l HUppuHfd t btt tllllllfHllllllll, HUlrt uf All. iiHHotH. w II tMhf Dutiuc ttmt tut Mttrcb 8, 1-! . Luella Kunz tlleil iitr peiiiloii In ilie ourt Oinni".! Finns, ut Lorn hi Counij. 'hi HKHhiHt the Hleive uHnietl dtfnduiit, Marl. 0- On n prttylfiK thti forclnNUre of mrt icnKf mude liv mid Mnrluu 0. tfreen toplitlii tilf, Lut-IIh ku l, no the eMt 14 IV el of lot No Hi), and Hit wvst balf -f hit HI, In block two 'l of the -vtllitxe of Wellington, Lorain County State of Ohio. The Huh. uiortitRKe belnir giveh to fcurM a note nu which In now tu the nun of XS find Interest at 7 ptr out from Feb. 24 Itm HhIiI defendant Is required to aoiwfr on or twfore May 16, IHW, or Judgement will be tHken against him fortiHld amount wttb order of sale ii pii stitd premises. J. X. ilaskell. Attorney, Lurlla Kuhi. WAN'I El HEVKRAL TRUHTWOKTin 1 T persons lu thU tnte to manage our bu lnenn In tlit-lr own and nerbv count let I It mainly oftlre wirrn eonduvfrd hi borne, HHiary si ruin in 19110 a aud expena a definite, boiiattde. on mora, no less s.t,r) Monthly l Kefurvnces. KucMose alf ail frrsaed stamped env-lope, Hrbrl . UeM. fa! iiaitt. Jfc. Cbietttfa. v LINGERING LA CRIPPE COUCH CURED. MR. G. VACHAR. 1ST Osgood St.. Ohlearo. "My wife had a severe earn ol La Grippe three vears ago and It led her with a very bad couth, hhe tried a bottle ol Foley's Honey and Tar and It gave Immediate re lief. One bottle I'ured her enugh entirely. Nnw we are never without a bottle of this wonilorlul Cough Meillelne In the houte." Monthly, reeulitiDf medicine. Only asmles ttd W. H. TISSOT t 00. A Book for Young and Old. OUR jf RECORD $ Est! 1878 t 250.000 1 WE CURE NERVOUS BLOOD SKIN & PRIVATE 015EASES DISEASED 5:1 MEN CURED 250,000 CURED YOUNG MAN "jar as when ignorant of the ten i bio en mo yon wereoommitting. Dnlyuiion'yc insider the fascinating aUuremnuts f thin ovil habit? When too lata to ftvui 1 tho tur rible results, were your eyes oincil to your peril Did y m later on in man hood onntniftt any PHI V AT IS or B LOO I) disease? Worn you eurai t loyounow and then seo some n tanning symptoms? Dare you marry tu yournreent con dition? You know, "IjI KB FATIIHR. LIKK BON." If married, art yon eon utantly living in dread? la marriage ft failoro with you on recount of any weak ness caused by early abuto or later ex- cesses? Have you been r'ruggod with km mercury t mis nooKietwiiinumiouiio sr. you i he result of tliewi crimen and noint out how our NKV MKTHOO TREAT MENT will positlvdy euro you. It shows how thousands havn been paved by our NKW TKKAT.'iiENT. It prove how we ran UUARANTKti TO CtlKK ANY CUKABLK CASE 0ft NO PAY. We treat and cure EMISSIONS, VARTCOOKLE, BY P1IILIS, OLERI, (STRICTURE. IM POTENCY, SE CRET DRAIN'R. UNNATURAL TUB CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER diseafes. CURES GUARANTEED "The Wales of Bin" wnt free hv enebfinf io ttamp. CONSULTATION FK HE. If unabla tn call, write fur QIIKHTTON BLANK for HOMK TREATMENT. Kennedy Kergan 247 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND, O. s i a a sa .M-' - w--. BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO Hsv you tried the Catalogiw system of buying EVERYTHING you use it Wholetalo Prices? Vo can wve you 1 5 to 40 psrcenLonyourpurehisst. Weirs now erecting ind will own and occupy tho ighest building in America, employ 2,000 clerk, filling country orders exclusively, ind will relusd purchase price fl goods don't suit you. Our General Catalogue 1,000 paget, 16,000 lllustrationt, 60,000 quotations costs us 72 cent, to print and mail. We will Mod II to yon upon receipt ol 15 cents, to show your good laitk. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. MICHIatN AVE. AND MADISON IT. CHICAGO. 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