Newspaper Page Text
ENTERPRISE. i. "j, ' ... a , THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. WELLINGTON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1899. h NO 10 THE : WELLINGT.OI v3 6K4 No matter what style of Suit or Top Coat You want; no matter how extremely fashionable or plain your ideas are; no matter how slender or fat your purse may be, we can come nearer to giving you perfect satisfaction than any other clothier in town. . We are doing as we advertise. Thousands of satisfied buyers will testify to this. To see the best assortment and latest styles in Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, come to our store, you will find it an interesting and profitable place to visit. Daugherty, Helman & Co. Exclusive Clothiers. COUNTY SEAT NEWS. OFFICIAL TRANSACTIONS AT SKAT OF JUSTICE. Exchange of Kwl Estate Lilt of Marriage Llcenses Divoroe Wanted and Granted Doing In the Different Court. Dnrlng the Put Week. REASONS BOILED DOW.!. WHY JIUMJE NASH SHOULD BK NOM IHTF -Wtt OOVKKKOK. ' FrankllnV can to JoJ, Pnbllo Caret" 4 Jklk Ohio Koi'iibll-ra,'- Throuhgout. His UeqaK K. Na1 Ha Been Faithful and Upright. Real Estate Transfer. L. H. Pierce to Martha M. Hall, lot 71, blk 2, Wellington $1,775 AlpheiiB Howk to J. T. Doug- las, 24 9-100 of land in lot 8, Wellington 722.70 Lucia Elwood to Levi A. Fish, part block 8, Wellington CCO Mary 0. Coleman to Frances Raw-son, 2 acres of land in lot 68, LaGrange 1,000 , John Iliggim to J. D. Bates, 4233-100 acres of land in lot 22, Camden '.. 1,000 Augusta A. Sherwood to Jef ferson D. Bates, part lot 20, tract 11, Camden 324 August Arndt to Joshen E. Boynton, lot 7, block 1, Ely 4 Boynton's addition to Elyria.. 250 Marriage License. Robert C. Parks of Fitchville and Daisy W. Simmons, of Henrietta. William J. Lynch and Hattie M. Danforth, both of Lorain. Peter Schoff, of Ridgeville and Adelaide Myer, of Sheffield. Erman Cotton and Cora Cook, both of Elyria. Moses S. Stalenp, of Toledo and Alice M. Needhain, of Elyria. Frank Ambrosie and Agnes Guha, both of Lorain. Herman Barschaw and Ethel Mur ray, both of Lorain. SEND no flRADt DROP CABINET ftliKDICK SfcWiM MAC MM at lu, loti can examine uat four iitturuai Ii loviid gwnenij aiiutnorT, eiaciiy- , Sjmtl 1 MM! IBM Itan Mil M hlfB WITH YOUR flHSHI. ctrtthH ad.outiiuutrtua tu us, mid wo will undvouDUII Hir.U : L JrvlirhlC. U. D, iiUtel U tuiai i rpprehentcil. f QO.OO. ud TilK ClalATBHT lUIUUM 100 EVffK HKAliU OF, pj jour frfjfhikvnt our Special Offer Price 15 50 ana ireiunvcnarifti!!. 1110 mttcmne r , ,7,7. lSOpouoiiH and the freight will re rare 7 ccnu for each MO mile. OtVE IT THREE MONTH6' TiilALin your own home, and b win return your iio.wj any aay you are noi saiunccj. l ir real saakM aaa rrad of BmHm JiaealM. al H.t0. 110.00. 11.00. It.OOurfap, all rill; Wierib4 to Our Frtt 8wlt.r HtebU CiUlom, tot f9.50 fcrthia DROP DESK CABINET BUEDICK u um STsatest Taiua ovr onurod by any mi. ami i in. ; : ,- v s z -- 7 ; 2f? ii i Iri ilaaaar .r.Iial"ijLCTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS rSTE Toi uraent, offering iiUova auhlMi unOer variotu namot, Witt varloui in d ii M menu. Writt mm trim fa UtaMt tm4 Inn wtw ai KII.URII AND WHO AJtl MOT. rr-- : GRID! RUHIKI liDa, WITH Till MklCItOVIOHI. MA1IEUY THE ltMT M Aki:it IN AMI It !C A, MONEY . I AN III V. rum IDLIsHKD. ooa illustration ibowsj macalne closed, (beatidror ping from stuot) to be used an a eUr tabl. iUi r dnk, la vtbti dm wiin inn ipnirtn iaiii8 ana nena in niana tor Mwtnir. nif t I . " jv7 Craswrt. ti'.csl IDM akrlrlM Trtaa. carved. I'Bnek-ri. AmboiiMl arc 3 1 jg 1 lxiit T.jl dooraMd cabinet finish, finest nickel drawer pulls, mti on 4 ca i Htttl anal SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK gjgl trn liall hfairlnir ariiuht.blf treadle, trenuine Smth Irnn tnrt. ineat Uri Hixh ins Msd, positive four mntlm feed, self threading vibrat- lnfrihattle, autoMtio bobbin winder, adjustable bearinm, patent tensinr liberator, Improved loose wbeel, adjustable presmr foot, Improved thattlp earlier, patent needle bar, patent drrMfruartl. head Is handsomely dMorated andcrasarstMl sr.4 kMatlfaliy NICKEL TRIMMED. CUARANTEEO llfhUii rnntir, wntt dnnhu s4 iHml aslselew saerklm a4t, Kttrj hfsi lUstkaeal lifanilibee aa4 Mr Pre InitructiOD Book tll9 just bnw anyone nan run it and doeilber plnin or any kind of fancy work. A 80-TEAKS' BIND TNG GUARANTEE It lent wltb every mat-bine. IT PORTS Vflll NOTUINl ti aee and examine this machine, tompareit II tU&ia TUU WUIHirib w,lnih(,MyoliroreUrM.rnaat$4o.OO In SSA fn anil Ih.n It nnn lniw.1 Bu L aft ai AIM Ml naa i Ike fl A.fkn. Wl TO Kurd KM ' fOUt III.IO If at aar llssa wKhla thr las m aav ret) art awlMtMei. CftDIRTO Oil. (H-fT DKI.iT, (Heart, Rhurk A IU. are thoroughly reliable -Kdltor.) Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. 'S Vick's; Guide Bulla n PlsnU hsn tons to tboussnils of atlsnM ctii for bslf s omtarr, sni to celebrsl lbs Mth ytf la bullous w bars lauud Golds Weddlog edition at . Garden I and Floral which Is s work of srt. tt psjes "tbOKrsphwl In mior, bslTlons UlustrMlons of Ftowfri, VrnUblM. flints, Fruits, ttc.,lfntly bouod lu white siid old. A msr Ml In csuioiue nisVlm : sn suthorlly on sll iuhecls Mrtslnlnl to His Rurden. with csre for the ssinf, Slid Scr ptlTSC.UIou. of sll tli.1 lidlr.l, It il loo sineniln to ,l?swsjr lndlrlmlnst T-'' rons InlerMWd In s t" pf'den tp h.r. s copr, tberefore wo will sfnd lb (Juld aad a I for UUK BILL for tt.lo. worth at sees 10 Ota. ItlsUs bow ensll ! fins for rmU AsmuI f ptrassM U kf stbsr loess. Vlok'e Little Cem Catalogue... 1 A perfect little (em of s price ll.t. It Is llmplT ttis . Oulds condenjed. Unelr llluntmled. snd In band shsps, mskloi! Uconrtoleut for refereocs, FUKB Vlcka Illustrated Monthly Magazine Knlsrred, Improied snd up to dste on sll subjects reUtlni to Osrdenlns, Horticulture, elj. so cents jeer, rlpeclal IH flr-lhe Magalia as tost, and tbo Ould for 45 ceau. 0v e lsa sf sUlsf TiiaUbls leesi fins ts lar nu wsf tksa si, us U AsMrlss. James Vicks Sons, Rochester, N. Y. BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO fit: : :S jfi!'!!:'"''tit! ss rvSSSlT A LOCAL and CLIMATIC DISEA8K Nothing but a local remedy or change of climate will cure It. Get s welt-kaown patilfle, Ely's Cream Balm It I quickly Absorbed Give Kcllfl at ODce. Open and cleansen ruassai rassuKe. Allay Inllainatlon Heals and DroteotK tbe Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell, No Cocaine, No Mercury, No Injur ious drug. Price 60o. al druggist or by null. Trial Size lOo. by mall. ELY BR0TBEBS, 58 Warren St. New York. 1ATARRH Have you tried the Catalogue system ol buying EVERYTHING you use at Wholesale Prices? We can save you 1 5 to 40 per cent on your purchases. We are now erecting and will own and occupy the highest building in America, employ 2,000 clerks filling country orders exclusively, and will refund purchase price il goods don't suit you. Our General Catalogue 1,000 pages, H5.000 Illustrations, 60,000 quotations costs us 72 cents to print and mail. We will send H to you upon receipt ot IS cents, to show your goad faith. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. MICHIGAN AVE. AND MADISON IT. CHICAGO. Circuit Court, The circuit will convene in Elyria April 24. The following are the cases on (or hearing: The First National Bank, Welling ton, 0., vb Rosins C. Wadu worth, et al. Money, foreclosure of mortgage and equitable relief. Appeal. Eosjna C. Wadaworth, ex., vs. S. 8. Warner. Error.l Lizzie T. Hogan, et al, vs. The City of Lorain. Injunction and equitable relief. Appeal. Anna Mary Bchaefer, admx., vs Frances Nicholaus, et al. To Set aside conveyance and equitable relief. Appeal. Wood F. Worcester, ex., vi. Mary Pickworth, et 1. Error. . ; Milton P. Hay ward vs. The Village of Oberlin. Error. C. A. Reamer va Otto Bruce, et al. Marshal liens, sell real estate, etc Appeal. Boynton vs. City of Elyria. In. junction and equitable relief. Appeal. Probata Court. Will of John H. Eoling, late of Am herst township, admitted to probate. Henry Hennison, administrator of estate of Barbara Petta, deceased, vs, Harry T. Howard, et al. Petition filed for order to sell land to pay debts. The state of Ohio vs. Leonora Hud nell, aged 13 years, charged with lead ing a vicious and criminal life ; sent to the girls' industral school at Del aware. ' Elizabeth Shaddick appointed ad ministratrix of Wm. Shaddick, late of Sheffield. W. J. Krebs has been appointed guardian of Carl Buel, of Penfleld. Frank Parsons has been appointed administrator of the estate of L. L Lamphier, late of Russia township. Frank Kreuger has been appointed administrator of the estate of Maria E. Schafer, late of Henrietta. Sophia Bruse has been appointed suardian of Lena, Otto and John Bruce, of Elyria. In the case of the will of Leonora Davis, late of Oberlin, the postmaster at Berea, Ky., has been commissioned to take testimony of the witness. Michael Ward has been appointed administrator of the estate of John Ward, late of Lorain. Bond, $1,480. Henry J. Sipple appointed adminis tratorof estate of Eliza Sipple, late of Amherst. Bond $4,000. Columbus, 0., April li, 1SD). To the Republicans ot Ohio: v At a meeting ol the delegates and their aiuraates, from rrauklli county to the Republican lUtt convention, it was aaaulmously resolved to ttsu as address to the Republicans of Ohto Tbe object of tbla adqress Is to sat forth why we, who are tbe frlesds aad aeifhbors ot Judge Ooorfe X. I'-aib. are earnestly aad unitedly in fivor et his aominatlon for governor, anil U ask the Republlcaa of the statt to unit with us In bringing about that very desirable result ' -' While Judge Nash, by reason of bis active work tor the party,-oa the stump as! la the committee room, for mar than 26 years, la well and favor ably known personally, or by refuta tion, to all the Republicans of Phlo, It la fitting that w. who have krowa him intimately during these yara. should call attention at this ttnH not only to these service, but also to hi qualifications for the office, of which, by reason of our acquaintance with him, we may bave fuller knowledge than others wb bave aot bun so fav orably situated. ' ' v ' - George K. Nash haa been a resident ot Columbus sine 1841, and has al ways sine that tin bee) a prominent leader In tk Republican party la Franklin county. HI election to ta office of prosecuting attorney ot Frxak- lln county In 1870, and his re-l'Uon In 1S72, bath due to his ability, and popularity, were the beginning M-th downfall f the Duaocratie party la this county. ' . f COLD HEAD mm BEST Of THEM ALLI I fnONTHLYJAAGAIINfi) ; " , M.iii.. jmaaiisi ft 1 iii. an ftggi i i ' imm SEND US ONE OOLURSSijarTCK l (Htk ttrOYK, bj (reiKiit y.O.U., lubjeot w ruiuitwiuii, Sour frelKtiC etn and If found perftv y MtlIviU)ry ta Uir frMKMt Kift. BAH. iiAlX yon ever mw or heard or.Ty tti FKHUHT AHKUT M PHIIIU SI3.00 Icaa the (I so anna with or ri.p m S12.0O 16Mal8ll. toplalKawi uiiwle from dsi irun, Uri' o" sn shsll. hesvj tli llnod oaeu d..r. lisutomM nk'kel nlauid oriianii' and trlmmlDiia, eatrs K dwpVsVnnlne su-IM faraalal. Itorf rarlr tand aTimo isrire ornan.ntl baw. B-al l "sSs, sn aVarTlto'S snd trurnti ( dpll.ary to yoor rsll Z7.UMotL You?l.llalaroul.lisli.wejooK4.M SIMlUt Sl-w iur A'I'lwa. V . aw mimi aw f WHITP nnoriR bio FR&K 8T0VI CATALOGUE. Thla atoTS Is alse No. I, OTer, la foraunh a atoia, tha freluht U only six IE IMS, ROEBUCK . CO.(IKC.)CHIC.C0, 10. (aaaa,anaisav.aaaaiaas.i aajayaajsysaiSjaasjS'iSJ,sial Contain a eompleUnovel In every nnm twr. Id addltlun to a ianie quantity of useful aad enUirtaUUng reaUlug matter. JVa twaNatsMst ttrrfrm, hlh arrs M siaavlsasHsfesa) $0 ssaaa 1 aslia. It should be In every household, stab Scrlptlun, (3.00 per year. 1 Aironu wanted la every town, to whom tli most ulwral Inducements wlU M onarada I. UFT300T1 OOKFlSTi IWllatats,, fHIUDgintlA 1 anything yon Invent or Improve) also ret CAVEATJRADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESI6M PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch.or plioto. for free eiamlnatlon and advice. BOOK U PATENTS aaSUiK Patent Uwrsva, WAtHINOTON. D.C. ) Canrt of Common Pea. , Frank Westfol against John Mercozy noshi, replevin. 8 cents Will bny a loaf ot Home Made . Bread. The best place to buy Fancy and Staple GROCERIES. Baled Hay and Straw. fcery, Ollbrrt IT Stewart, Jssas T. Asf.a btuia, Karl, T. Webber, rraak Ii. Iqalra. 1. T. Lindsay, M. A. Brldf. W. T. Com, Scott Kacbslle, J.k slcUab, W. L. Plak srtoa. Josepk B. Dsrls. J. . gater. Ollbort R Klttl. 0. M. Klaaalrd, Otormt (. Uav shall, O. D. Harris, B. F. Burr, W. W. Orlswold, Bltasa Bsrbe. Alt.raac. Carl Brsaa, A. R. OHst, . L. Safer, W. H. Ball, Isrrls. Cooley, Csrl N. Baa croft) Bd. A. Prye, Job Davie, Ueaaxd Klfip, Oeorf Ball, Tb.raa B. Bomphrwy, O. H. Prry, J. F. Fergn, M. I. Slbei, Praok 8. Millar. L. Waatraf, Daalel 8. Latbsnj, Reedy MD.DSld, Praak Bitta, a D. Besrdsley. A. H. Jekise. Ark. asoad, Bd. Jeakla. Hartiell Caldwell, Wll llsn Perkia. W. I. Bdan4t.a, Caarisa A. BtrlbUng, h. If. KUalafar, J. H. Dyer, Bartoa Uriflth, J. T. Vsdtwrj, Joka Ho (Uay. 1. U. ruaoa. Oeorc W. Dey. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi FT V WELLINGTON STREETS. PERMANENT IMPROVEHENTS SUQQESTED THEREIN. List of Jurors. ' ilTB? following jurors were drawn Mitmday morning for the May term of court. The grand jury it May 8th and the petit jury May 13th. . GRAXD JURY. Eugene MrJIntyre, Wellington. D. I. Perkins, Camden. Wm. Crosier, Pittufleld. L. B. Gfbson, Brownhelm. Oeo, Crehore, Sheffield. B. C. French, Brownhelm. Geo. E. Crisp, Elyria, Fourth ward. T. M. Barnes, Elyria, Second ward. 8. B. Day, Elyria, Third ward. C. H. Ledyard, (Rocheuter. Frank Jlollin, Kidgeville. Ed Lyman, Russia, Second precinct. J. E. Boynton, Elyria, Second ward. J. E. iBurrell, Elyria, Second ward. ' Jesse Long, Penfield. PETIT Jt'RY. I B. Hedfeniv Amherst,, Second pre cinct. ' Jack Turner, Lorain, Fourth ward. 0. E. Pealwdy, Russia, Third precinct. Wm. Andrews, Penfield. . ' E. H. Holter, Russia, First preynet. Hary Smith, Elyria, Third ward. ' Henry Barnes, Rochester. John Cooley, Eaton. Walter McRoberte, Pittsfield. Chas. P. Smith, Ridgeville. , T. F. Wright, Lorain, Second ward. ' ft asv H' ( ' i' . . i . r-rV. -0k K. GEORGE NASH. Big Discount on Canned Goods Teas and Coffees. Wm. Crosier. I Phone 146. From January, 1S8I, to April, nil, k tiled with slanal ability the oBca of attorney (aaeral, aad reslgaed that office upon being appelated by Qv- ernor Foster a member f the supreme teurt comsslsaloB. This esSce he tiled with great credit to himself and tta state, until the expiration of the com mission, in 1815. He lu always baam aotive la political work la msnltipai. county, state and national aSalr. He was chairman et tbe state esecuUve in the presidential earn palga of USA, and again in 1811, ltll and 1117. When not acting aa ehair maa, he has always bean In close touch with tbe committee, hit experience and ability rendering his services In valuable. Such have been bis polit ical services; always ready, always able to serve the Republlcaa party; prepared to eoaduot a campaign or to assist la 1U presecntloa, with ability to command, and loyalty t rv. Ia ali theee campaigns he haa ever ehowa himself a rigorous antagonist and a brilliant fighter. The blown he gave were given fairly, squarely aad with great effect, and hie opponent bave ever found it Impossible to swerve him from what he believed t he right He has been boa est, faithful, and ap right ia all hi dealings, commanding aad receiving the affection et hi friends aad the respect of hi enemlea. His executive ability ha been teated and proved. HI experience aa the law Bear at the state ha mad him familiar, not nly with ail ite various department, but with their needs and methods, and peculiarly fits him to administer them o that their purpose shall be faith fully carried out His acquaintance with public mea ia Ohle and elsewhere Is very large, aad his association with them has so famlllarlied bint wltb public affair as eminently ta qualify him tor the elSce of governor. We know be will fill the office with honor and dignity, with credit to him self and to tbe state, and we preaent him to the Republican voters of Ohio, tor their deliberate judgment and fa. orable consideration. Respectfully submitted. D.l. fires Jsrob 8berm(, F. MoCsfferty, Harry I. lone, B. N Hurilns, laalab Smith, 8. O. Qlffln, Joke J. I'ujh, Willi Q. Bowlaad, Albert Rlrk.nbaehsr, William Trantnua; Gear. II on oat t, I, V. Barnaul, Heary A. TVlllu-ail, Qevf W. tisas, V. f. p. AW H. B. Manley, Wellington. Frank Seeley, Amherst, Second pre cinct. Peter Forthover, Avon. Albert Chapman, Huntington. Wm. Lapp, Amherst, Second precinct. Correspondence Stationery. True Blue is the popular color now. 60c values in fine papers, 20, 25 and 80c at The French Printing Co's. Business Change. . The Wellington Saw Mill Company is no more as a factor of Wellington industries. The firm had leased the property subject to sale, and last week the sale was accomplished. The Hoff man Bros., a large lumber firm of Ft. Wayne, Ind., with large capital, have purchased the mill of Mr. 8. S. War ner, and have leased the site for at least two years, and will run the mill to its full capacity. While we welcome the new firm, we hope such arrange ments may be made that we will not have to bid good-bye to Messrs. Hall and Stevick. ainminiunnnniiiiuiiiuiuiiiiniimiiiu AUKttW E B ,,lsmallHalllntTba"BeatTot,la,aBd S 3 reltsrslsmyrormcrststemsatsstoltswsrtB. B If svsra OB. oould kaowltss 1 do, you would 5 b ansbls e supply the demand. I bcliav g It saved my wile's llls'-Jesspk ,H. Un, B uratiuui anticpon, taa. At all drus snrse. '''."?:!.r;;;;ii!!ti;!:mnr liSSsaa' Oravel, Brick or Asphalt?--Which do we Want?--How- can Either be paid for? Pertinent Suggestions. In our last week's issue we promise'! another install ment under this head. We now undertake to redeem that promise. In doing this we do not pretend to be a fountain of knowledge or wisdom. We seek simplj to . give visible expression to the pent up groanings of the heart for lo, these many years. Not only so, but some of our good people have expressed themselves along the lines of thought which follow. Since our other article was written and published, we feel that we are in good com pany and have the sympathy and co-operation of many good citizens in the thoughts below. About ten years ago, the town paid out $10,000 to improve the streets with Clarksfield stone. This stone was laid eight feet wide and from six to ten inches thick on the two main streets to the corporation limits and to Wheeling Avenue on Prospect street. This was laid in the center of the street. For one short distance on West Main Street a double track was laid. In a few places a third track has been added next to the side walk, but.this was largely by private enterprise. .Now we would like to see the man today not financially interested in stone quarries, who would not like to see all that stone displaced by something better. Now what is better? We answer, either of hree things: gravel, brick or asphalt. We know some cities of twelve thousand inhabitants, whose streets are made of gravel, and it serves a good purpose, except in the late fall and early spring rains. It then becomes, when mix ed with the mud brought in from the country on the wag- Ull it ULl.ina U, (,11111b 1UU1 LU1 T LULIAlJlVV IT U1VU IVtluvtU VaU . J 1 "f streets and crossings very nasty and disagreeable. This y kind of street would be the cheapest, trom a money stand- not have it? Wellington people are entitled to the best . there is to be offered. The money Bpent on old dilapidat ed streets to keep them in repair is worse than wasted. 1st. Good crossings kept clean. . 2nd. Good ditches and gutters kept clean. 3rd. Sufficient scraping in the spring to level the hubs and no more. lt Tim Kolnnno nf trio utrpor fnnrl tn lip PYrw.nflpr1 in mermanent improvement of the streets. For these four items we do not claim originality. They may be found substantially in Judge Munson's discussion of the streets of Medina. We are glad to make this ac knowledgement, and to take advantage of his able and well considered views upon a subject so vital to the con venience and happiness of every community of people. It seems to be necessary to reject the thought of a gravel turnpike, however superior that might be to the stone road. We are then reduced to either brick or as phalt pavement. The asphalt is better, smother, nicer in ; every way, but more expensive to build and keep in repair. The biick is good and easily laid and kept in repair and possibly for our purposes, all things considered, the one to build. Now about the ways and means to pay lor it. Last year ending March 20, the clerk's exhibit shows $2390.44 expended from the street fund, practically $2400. . This has been about the average for years. "With the necessary work to keep the crossings and ditches clean in wet weather, there might easily be left, annually, $2000 to ex pend on permanent improvements. Let this amount be used first on the public square and the park. Improve and beautify these two places. Then should there be a surplus, it can be expended to advantage in the direction of the railroad on North Main and West Main streets. Gradually extend the work from year to year in every di rection, slowly if need be, but in thorough workmanlike manner. Extend the sewerage system as the paving is extended. Provide for the future. Build for all time, and in a few years the streets of our village will be in prime con dition and at no greater expense than we pay for shovel ing mud. Think what might have been, had the $10,000 or- n i . J i v,.. ,.,.A igiiiaiiy upcuueu icu ctuo ngu uocii uocu ivi a otaine tu this direction and the $24,000 paid out since that time, used in extending and perfecting those inprovements. We are asked: "What shall be done with the stone already laidl" We answer, take it up as fast as you come to it in paving, but no faster, either pound it to pieces for a substratum for the brick paving or utilize the best of it for crossings and walks farther out, or for curbing along the streets. In this manner it can be disposed of and gradually give place to better, more convenient, prettier pavement, and one that will be enjoyed by evsry person who walks or rides upon it. In connection with this we have ideas about beautifying the square and the park, but we reserve this expression for an other time.