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i V ;il,v tt A- SJI if- THEIRS BY RIGHT. BRIDE'S COOK BOOK, ill Little Gift That Will Add Mt of . Merr Intra t to the Wedding Feettrlllea. .... '. It goes without suylng that, for while at least, the newly-wedded- man can eat anything concocted within his home, however dyspeptic may be his nature, and declare it food for the godst There it supposed to come a lime, however, when the man in ques tion bjwjiri to yearn for a sight upon lh,Stable of the "good things his Another used to make!" It would ap fiear, therefore, to be the part of wis- Ab in Caah la Rat a Mara Pririlece Bat a Daty Par cats Owa to Girls. If it be essential and necessary that girls should be well acquainted with all matters connected with the manage ment of money, then there can be no better method adopted for enabling them to become thus acquainted with those matters than by granting them a weekly or monthly allowance of such amount as their parents or guardians may be able to afford. But if such an al lowance is granted it should be given to cover certain specified expenses, such as dress and other personal necessities An allowance Is not a mere privilege, but in a certain sense, a girl's right To withhold it is an injustice not only to the girl, but to the man whom she may marry and whose money will be intrust ed to her care to spend wisely. Indeed, It might be said without hesitation that it is a father's duty to see that his daughters not only understand the value of money, but the difficulty of earning the same. It was the poet Young, a somewhat dismnl and lugubrious author, who told us in his "Night Thoughts" that "we take no note of time but from its loss" and to this mny be added that they only lnow the value of money who have not got any. A girl who caters for herself will have an opportunity of showing her individual taste, and it gives her a feel ing of self-reliance. Chicago Daily News. WIVES BADLY NEEDED. TUMBLING MUSTARD. A DeatructWe Weed Which Waa First Noticed la the United States. ' Twenty-One Years Aaro. We illustrate tumbling mustard, known scientifically as Sisymbrium Al- tissimum. This is one of the plants that have already obtained too great a foothold in this country for us to hope to exterminate it. Tumbling mus tard is called so from the fact that when it is ripe it breaks oft and is blown atonir the irround by the wind. The rounded shape of the plant makes this characteristic of great value, as to the propagation and dissemination ol tne plant, as it is said to travel wen faster A BRIDE S COOK BOOK. Horn for the bride-elect to be, not only forewarned, but forearmed as well, against this inevitable yearning on the part of the lord of the manor. The forewarning may come in the form of a little wedding present a From the Frosen Resrloaa of the Klondike Comes the Emphntlo Cry of "Girl Wanted." IMPROVING THE BEES. "Girl wanted!" is the cry that has come down from the frozen regions of the Klondike. It is said that any la- Kappp nni. pnrn A dav in thatcoun- dainty. parchmentcovered recipe book, Lyj but tl)e mDeTi wouldi welcome with decorations suitable to the occa- ,. American women much more eion. A suggestion in this direction 18 enthusiastically and pay them much offered in the cut; the old ehoes fly-, forlh PV.WOuld irive to the girls ing after, the retreating wagon, with iheW wealth and their Thino-a mat His .uomer .uaue eicucu TUMBLING MUSTARD. than the Russian thistle. The pran-t was introduced into this country from Europe previous to 1878, as it was first It Can Be Done Systematically Where Oaly th Hltfht Kind of ttoecas la Raised. . One would naturally suppose that there Is but little if any difference in bees, and that one hive of bees was just as good as another. More particularly would this supposition exist when the jees are of the same variety or race. While it is true that certain races of bees, as a whole, are much' superior to other races, yet it is also a fact that some colonies of any race are far superior to other colonies. As it Is now conceded that the Italian bees are superior to all other races as a whole, it is also a fact that we not only find some colonies of this variety in any apiary, but we can find whole apiaries considerably in advance of others in nsef illness. The expert apiarist under- this fu lv. . and knows n is brought about by careful breeding, The breeder of fine stock of any kind wta his best suecimens to breed from, and therefore improves his herd Now the apinrist is not behind in the least in this respect, but selects nis Dest stock in breeding and makes as rapid strides in this direction as anybody. The principal point in breeding bees centers upon the queen. The apiarist has under his control the breeding oi queens and can rear them from any other queen he has in nis apiary, dui he cannot control her matings with the male bee, as this is beyond his reason As it is well known that the queen Is the only female bee in the hive, and lays all the eggs that produce each and every bee therein, hence, to change ine entire stock of the hive It is only nec essary to introduce a new queen to the colony. Two colonies of bees having the same traits of character, markings, etc., cannot be found, but when all are hatched from eggs of the same queen thev will have peculiarities of their own, as a colony, not found In another, For example, some colonies are more industrious and will store more honey than others, even with a less number of bees. Some are cross, and some gen tie. Some are robbers and some are good citizens. Some incline to swarm, others do not under the same condi tions. Some breed more rapidly and be- wallowed kia False Teeth. A nun recently swallowed his false teeth sd it drove him mad. Stomachs will stand great deal, but not everything. If yemrs is weak try Hotletter's 6tomach Bitters; It cures indigestion, constipation, uaney auu liver troubles, as well as msUris and lever and ague. It is particularly effective in all nervous affections, and is strongly recom mended st this season of the year when the system is run-down and most susceptible to disease. AU druggists Keep it. Sentiment and Fact. Phe Do vou remember how you used to put your arm around my waist, when we were engaged, ten years, ago? Vou never i to now. He Ko: mv inn has not grown say longer. Indianapolis Journal. tk Taar Dealer tar Allen's Faot-Kaea, A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests ... i,i..f"j,m Riinlnin. Swollen. Bore, Hot, Callous, ACUng, oweaung icov auu in growing Nails. Allen'a Koot-tase makes new or liglit shoes easy. Bold by all droiigisu and snoe stores, aw. iw"p ,. Address Allen B. Olmsteo, ue rtoy, n. i. Vn man ii so rood that his neighbors can't lee room for improvement. Chicago Daily f.ewi. It is alwave easier to recognize a debtor than a creditor. nam s nora etcnea .i, ..meriniivtlii. Inst, for. thonrrh cross the page.: ine nine duo i ,inpr mHV he able to bend for hours noticed in tnat year in, rnuuueipum. made of very heavy, unruled linen pa- ,, . hnlll lhe around or wash- It Is probable that it had been growing per, with the cover of parchment paper . 1(1 in a n an(1 not be more tj,an jn out-of-the-way places for some years come very strong In numbers, while -1 -.- I ...... .rH nnnor t Hit t 1 H I b & 1 . .... .7 C:nnA flint 4im. I -.1 .7 n4nn nMQ .(.an rr,T, it has spread over, much of the coun try between the two oceans. It bears numerous Beeds, the seed pods-contain ing frenuentlv 100 seeds each. As the or the very heavy, rough paper that is tised for water-color painting. The or namentation may be done In whatever medium one chooses water color, enia or oen and ink. Inside nre to be written the recipes lor a lot of the "good things his mother used to make!" These can quietly be procured from the mother in question. Such a little' book will dd a bit of merriment to the bridal ciU-making, and msy he made to prove, as well, a source of practical as sistance later on, when household cares are assumed. Rural New Yorker. - A COMBINATION LAMP. la the Day It Can Hold Flowers and ' at Msin-t Shed Light Tbroonh ' oat the Haom. HARDER THAN WASHING GOLD. plants are very numerouson each plant, the number of seeds a single plant may bear is almost beyond- calculation. Prof. .Tames Fletcher, of Canada, by careful calculation came to the conclu sion that one plant with which he came in contact contained not less than 1, 500,000 seeds. The pods are round and long and stand out almost at right an- plea to the Btem on which they are borne. The means of eradication is to plow under or cut down with a sharp hoe before the seeds have ripened enough to grow. This must be early, for seeds will sprout and grow while jet very Immature. The plant Is easily killed others do not attain great strength. Some are good comb honey producers, while others are better at filling the extractor. These are but a few of the numerous different characteristics found in bees, hence the breeds may rapidly develop and attain to a marked degree, In a short time, too, any of these points sought for. A. IL Duff, Journal of Agriculture. COMBINATION HOUSE. Bargain Haatlaar. Tt k imDouibie for all us men to be the gallant prince who is the devoted tiara to the lady in the rote-colored fairy story, but we can oner our seat in me street car to tne tired woman who ha bees "shopping" all day in the'vain endeavor to make the TlJi her husband kindly "give" her clothe a family of six and make them look as neat and comfortable as the children next door. L. A. W. Bulletin. Cure your cough with Utile's Honey Horehound and fa of Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. When a man builds a Urge and costly house, he should plan it with a view to its fitness for a boarding house, for that la what every large house ultimately comes to. Atchison Globe. Coughing Lends to Conanmntlon. Kemp's Balsam will stop the Cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. Go at once; delays are dangerous. jl0ny "I. wonder why those chickens are called leghorns?" My "Don t you see the little horns on their ankles r -Hioia- en Days. To Care av Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.. All rTino money it u ihiih mnnr. x.:. Try ern!-OI Try Ask your rrwer to-iy to show you package of GRAIN-O. the new food drink that Ukes the pl of coffee. Ihechilclre. may drink it without injury, as well a thai adult. All who try it like it. GHAIN-t baa that rich seal brown of Mocha or J'a but it is ade from pure grains, and tho most delies stomach receives it without distress. 1-4 the price of coffee. 15c. aixli 25 cts. per package. Sold by ail grocers- They Wera Land Eaoagh. Wheeler Bevelgear never has a bell on his bicycle. Scorcher He doeen't need it. Just look, at his stockings. N. Y. Journal. - goggeetlone for Spring Cleaning?. Much of the labor of house cleaning may be avoided by the exercise of good judg ment and management. Pleasant weather must be selected for the work, usually tha first of May is the best time to begin. Evenr thing should be in readiness beforehano Brooms, brushes, tacks and strings should be provided. The windows and paints cast be perfectly cleaned by washing with wins water and Ivory Soap; the free use of lime) and borax will purify and deodorise ths I,emi,, ELIZA R. PARKER. After it is too late a man thinks of a loft of bright things be might have said. Cos- eago llaily .News. ordinarily tired, yet when he starts to ITnr h vnmnn who la looking for a u-nuli nut his mud-stained leans insme- tmriraln and where is the one who 1b diatcly his back aches and he swears when cut off at the roots, while its not? there is a prize in the shape of the off literally. seeds are yet umormea. a man cau w combination flower vase and lamp. However, as will be noticed in the ae- eradicate a large area ol lt in a single This odd combination of bric-a-brac companylng illustration, somebody day. Being an annual, lt win not grow ud serviceable utensils is wrought in mnst have been thoughtful enough again from the root. Fanners lleview. delicate china which is purchased plain when starting out there to take with u afterwards trimmed at home, by him a patent washboard, for it's dollars to doughnuts no miner woulttever have thought of making one, or remember ing what it looked like had he thought of such a thing, without a woman to jog his memory. It Is n Poultry House, Pigeon Loft nnd Open Sheda, All Combined Under One Roof. We conv from Poultry Keeper the novel house here illustrated. It Is poultry house, pigeon loft and open sheds, all combined under one roof and designed for two flocks. The building may be of any desired size, but rooi boards 18 feet long, spread to allow a width of 20 feet on the ground, makes a well proportioned honBe. If the en- " mm f m ell AS GOOD FARM CROPS. They Are Those Which Save the Fer tility of the Soil and Produce Paying Results. NEW ORLEANS SOCIETY. Tfo crop in this section of the country COMBINATION HOUBE. They Who Are nce Received by It Never Forget the Charm of Its Perfect social Life. "The question that confronts the Creole to-duy," writes Harrydele Hall mark of social life in New Orleans, in the Ladies' Home Journal,'"is, 'Will the money of the Americans rule the city socially in the beginning ol tne twen tieth century?' While money rules less in New Orleans than- in any other city of its size in the United States, still a certain amount is absolutely necessary for a person to keep up the exterior of a gentleman s position. let people oi good family and very limited means do hold the best social positions, because takes the precedence of corn, writes a , a be made eight feet wide, . . . . ... t. .. . lrnlloin'. 1 . . .... .... in cprasKu cuuuiumu! ., . . . , wjI nave a tnot six ieei. Farmer. It is so abundant nnd so use ful. I do not know of any other crop that cun be used for so many purposes, It makes good human food and admits r.r VieiniT nrennred in so many ways. I v- a i 1 By making the roof-angel an. pxact right angle, the spread, will De aoout three feet greater and the ground floor considerably Increased. In any case, the house should be set on a wall of don't know of any other crop that will , . ,,, B,nR nnt i than one foo4 aupply the wants of our domestic am- bj . and tw0 feet wouId bettel!, muls so completely as tne corn crop. The she(lg glloua be closed in the The entire plant fed to cattle or sheep renr nn(, ,j-htc(j by wndows, makes an admirable fattening ration, T, -.. asr,Pn rnhhetted boards niipplylng both grain and rough feed be U8e(li the roof wiU neeu n0 other or the nignesi quality, jjo iiuv nui iu COvering. . ; have a good corn crop. Then concen- tw. tnr entrnnca to the house L trate it as much as possible into the at the Bidcgi jugt lnside the 0pen ena most marKetauie prouuew, uuncr ur of sheds. mom1 hpfnre it leaves the farm. Next ... I .. . . .'! v ... If onl in it i nro-hnm. I lie In with the ordinary c-rnin drill When the flock hos received no grain they have learned to give up the chaff Rt th(J rate o three peckg to one bushel but corn the hens soon begin to refuse FOR FLOWERS OR OIL, PLEASE. TOO eoverlne it with pretty hand-painted figures. Or it can be bought ready decorated, and spend their money on the wheat, Agiiin, people of no influence, as New Orleans counts it, but who have plenty of money, tact and social qualifications, can obtain and have obtained good standing. Blood- and money together are good; money and refinement are The lamp, or vase, as it may be called, not a specially favored condition, as are la divided at the line indicated by the slots. 'When the top is removed there will be found to be inside a little round metal bowl, which is plnted with sil ver. This makes a decorative orna ment in itself with Its globe-shaped covering. - The lower part can then be filled with water and flowers set in it, The lamp has a very wide wick and the two others, for storming New Or leans society: but any of the three qualifications alone would have a hard time of it, .Narrowing lt down, ii re mains that money alone cannot entei New Orleans society to-day; refinement alone cannot, but blood well, it has held and does hold the lead. The at mosphere of New Orleans society, as of seed to the acre. No one. will believe the amount of good feed for any kihd of stock this will produce until they try it for themselves.. Then comes peas and oats sown together. I differ from many in the amount oi seed to De gown in this combination. I think mostly too many oats are sown for the peas. I prefer one and one-half to two bushels of peas to not more than three It. This muy be particularly noticed 11 a small quantity of oats or wheat be thrown before them. They will at once eagerly seize the grains of oats and wheat, leaving the corn untoucnea, This indicates that the hens require something else than that which they derive from the corn, such as the phos phates or nitrogen. After feeding oats or wheat awhile the hens will leave THE pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy, Strop of Figs. I b? L California Fig Syrup Company, illustrate the value of oblaimng the 1, of plants known to be medicinally laxative ana presenting mem m f ..... . -r . V - I".. . lnnfl,niniT 1q-qI1V uid acceptable to tne system, h is iae um ucti oiicu5ialUiU6 . , CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY, DISPELLING ( COLDS AND HEADACHES, PREVENTING FEVERS, ' . . OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY, Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance and its i acting on tte kMV liver and bowels, gently yet promptly, witnout weakening or irrnaiiK8 " x In the process of manufacturing hgs are used, as tney are picusum iu iu THE MEDICINAL QUALITIES ARE OBTAINED FROM SENNA AND OTHER AROMATIC PLANTS. by a method known to the California fig Syrup company omy. m s- " ""f'Za7CZ "j ... . . . i -.n rn.- nnnn nnntpH rm th front ot everv Dactaee. to avoid imitations, please rememDer tne iun name in iuc . .. r.'t Consumers of the cho cest products oi modern commerce purtuaac r- r: T pay for chep and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere de4 the best of its class, an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of best informed purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the "ufacture ru . . . .. j :j.. cr,..r. -Rrr-c it lins riecome fmDortant to all to have a and sale oi us exceuent nquia laiauvc icumj, '.tr.'A n. , u- knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrnp Company was organized more than fifteen years ago, for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be more pfeasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the remedy, as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts, is attested by the sale of millions of bottles. annually, and by the hign approval oi most eminent pnyhiiaua. b rj - Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, the knowledge of that fact, will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other (XlJRRNIA JTC 5YRVF WSIU.I '"S:'! VOBK. For 6ale by All Drusftiste , Price 50 Per BorHe. onl.-. nt i npr lore. Do tint let the those grains ana eai largely ot corn, 1 1 ... I mi . U to Uan n neas become too ripe before cutting, ine proper mciuuu, cu, . - My crop of peas and oats seeded in the variety, using corn puruuu u. above proportions yielded last season over four tons per acre. Imparts on unusually brilliunt light to tbist century draws to a close, is con- HOTES FOR SHEPHERDS a room of ordinary size. splcuously runsian in manner, Hrwni- ly American in loyalty to the old flag, warm-hearted to the visitor, reserved in Its inner life, pleasure-loving and childlike in its gayety. It offers to one, in its social as well as its physical life, the heart of a ripe, red pomegranate. He who taRtes never forgets the charm. lie never forgets the redr-roofed houses, the chimes of cathedral bells, the en tresol where lives Is, Belle Creole, the folk songs on a guitar, the .melodious swing of French voices, nor the dark, luxurious beauty of the women. Mornlnar Brcatblna Exercise. Do you want a chest without hollows and a neck firm and round? lake breathing exercise. Every morning as soon as you awake tout on a warm dressing gown and warm sllppersv. Stand before an open window and breathe, in deeply. Count mentally as you Inhale. A breath taken while you count- 70, one held while you count 20, or one expelled while counting 20, is a long one. Take six every morning. Nothing nils out the throat a ud chest more effectually. Nothing causes the blood to flow more healthily and give brighter eyes and cheeks. How to Reduce Weight, It is not a wise thing to take medicine to reduce the weight, Exercise and a Laurent Rincle whent Field. system of dieting are to De advised. Th Jargest single whent. field in the Avoid starchy nnd fatty foods. Aprom- mrlri lannwhelnirnlonted with craln. Inent actress Is Quoted as saying tnat It covers over 25,000 acres, or W square sue Keeps ner ngure oy riumg unic. miles. 'This enormous Held of grain is at a racing speed on nerwneei.navinga on the bonks of the San Juan river, cold bath on her return and sleeping wear the towa f Clovis;ln Califarnla, I for two hours betweett uiaanet Manacrd Husbands Worthless. Helen Watterson Moody believes that -the husband who can be managed is not worth managing, "and there isno better principle," she udds, in the Ladies' Home Journal, "for both husband and . -wife to adopt in adjusting themselves to the new relation than that of trying to do each by the other what men are accustomed to call 'the square thln.' Many ft woman understands 'managing' a husband better than she does doing the square thing by him, nnd many k man understands and practices doing the square thing by other men who would be affronted If he were to be told that, judged by his own business stand ards, he habitually dealt unfairly with liia own wife. Chicken nn Touat. Cut some cold roast or boiled chick en from the bones and piitjt in , a chopping bowl. Chop the chicken Very fine. 1'ut in a little butter and a little cream in a saucepan. When the but ter is melted and the cream begins to bubble add the hashed chicken. Let it cook over n quick fire just long enough lo absorb the cream. The hash must be moist. Put as many slices of dry toast, well buttered, on a platter as there are persons ut breakfast. Don't think of using grade rama Tedigreed animals only can be depend ed on for satisfactory results. Keep a trough under cover in the sheep yard pastures and in it put a mix ture of salt and sulphur. This will keep off ticks. Doers do not like too much noise when they are hunting sheep. Put one good rattling bell on every twentieth aheep or one on every ten Is better. The day of the big, beavy-feedlng aheep seems to have passed, not to re turn, and the demand lor younger muttons Is a steadily growing one. Do not chnnge feed suddenly, espe cially from dry feed to pasture. There is always a loss ol condition lor a lew days following and Budden cnange. Keep up the regular feed until the flock kave become accustomed to the grass. Western Plowman. t Weigh the Chicks Weekly. It would be an excellent plan to weigh the chicks every week and'observe theit increase. Take ten clucks, or even adults, from among the whole number, weigh them every week, and keep an ac count of the exact amount of food con sumed, and you will know more regard ing the matter of expense, pront and ra tio of grain than could be derived In anv other manner. Experiment with different kinds of looa coum aiso easily be made, nnd chicks of several breeds could be used for comparison, lt would take but a small proportion of time, while the knowledge gained would be Invaluable. American Gardening. ration in winter, but omitting it in the summer. Among the grains we may mention wheat, corn, oats, barley and buckwheat, the best results being obtained when they are changed from one to the other occasionally. Farm and Fireside. Secluded Nook for sitters, Don't set the hens in the hen house. A worse place could 'not be chosen, Thev will be constantly disturbed by the lovers, eggs will be broken and th aetters will frequently be entirely crowd ed off the nest,- Give . the sitter a nest where she can attend to her duties in Deuce. A barrel laid on its side in some secluded spot out doors makes as good nest as anything which can be ae- vised. Shovel out a small cavity tor tne barrel to rest in and use the loos earth for formlnir a small embankment around it, for carrying off the syrfao worter. Fill the barrel to a third of its depth with earth, and shape the nest in the center. With a wide board to cover the opening at night, securely held In place bv stakes, the hen H most comfortably fixed for attendin to her duties. Western Plowman. Stock la Pond of Straw." Straw is relished by stock at times, as mny be noticed when cattle have ac cess to a straw rack, even when they are well fed. Straw alone Is not of value aa a food to a great extent, but It be comes serviceable when mode a portion of the ration. No kind of food is suit able when it is given every day with nothing else. Many foods consist large ly of water, containing but little solid matter, but such foods become more Taluable when given as a variety be cause they promote digestion and pre vent waste. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." USE SAPOU AmaOaUa. Omwha. BortTbmt Oraov. Ib8- aua, Wbaopief Cough. Broaehitii ud iitanu. A wttaia tur for Conramptioa la first lUffts, iHltnM, Ton will im thl Mllt rfnt sftw UkiK tlu Brit tow. Sold by doolort (vorrwlion. Frio So sad M oosts ptr bottl. FREE Your nam on a postal card will get you Spalding's Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of Sports 72 Pages, with nearly 400 illustrations - - A. C. 8PALOINO V BROS. New Vorlc CMoaaa Denver We don't admire a Chinaman's Writing. He doesn't use Carter's Ink. But then Carter's Ink is made to use with a pen, not a stick. Funny booklet " How lo Mkt lak Pictures Ut. CARTER'? INK CO., Boston, Mas. Don't Rent ESTABLISH A HOME OF YOUR OWN Read "The Corn Belt," a handsome monthly paper, beautifully illustrated, containing exact and truthful informa tion about (arm lands in the West Send a; cents in postage stamps for a year's subscription to The Coin Belt, 109 Adams St., Chicago. FREE HOME 1000s of UNS0ICITED TESTIMONIALS SAYi PerniBornllr enrao oil lbcbirj. Bnmin. Boolor. Scalp onrtHkin Mieanea. ftneb an Salt Khovn. Ko irni. Scald Hoad. Chilblains. PIIm, Burnt. Babr U Bora. DondrnS. IMblns tValp. Falling Halt (itilckenlni and making It Sort. Silky, and Lniurt- ant 1. All VMt Kruiitlnna (nmduolnk S 80ft. 1'loar. Buantlful Hkln and Complexion). It eonlatna no !ad. Sulphur. Canthmrldea or anytnlns Inlurtont. An easy, (treat teller. Lady raorneMrt makeSl to a dT. DrniiiiUU or mall 0. Cai'lllarlt Mtnnfnftiirlnr Co.. N. T. Artdret T. MILL S AN ttFl El. D, All., WUKJB jtiDwafc fl. w, ft . I 4 Cum & PlttHt Ail fLSt ( Court, Simp. TaaUjt G time. Hold trr drncrHna. (All f. In the Great Grain anOi , Uraxlnf Belts ol W et era Canada and Infor mation an to now voi secure them can be Bad on application to Su perintendent ot Ironah- S ration, Ottawa, tana a, or to M. V. M 1NNES. No. 1 Merrill Block. Detroit, UUk. BBAMER8 OF THIS PAPCB HKH1KINU TO BUT ANYTHING ADVKHTISKD IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT TOUT ASK FOR, KKKU8INO ALL BUB8TITUTK8 OH IMITATIONS. " Whiskers Dy?f A Mate I Black by BuckingharfsD;: anaaBBBsa 11 1 1 n s Prlea IS eenta ot an dngxtete or . P. Ball Co. tiathna, M. H. A. N. K.-0 1 FV7 dropsy: 'NEW DISCOVERY; kIm. Qtlit'fc rfitlfl ami t-ttrf tt wi)r-.1. swikFS. Hook of Unltmunl! and l lr ' - 1 fm . Ik I. tsa ..StlSAi.AtiAiuA, a.. v "I -5 i A 'i '