OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, April 26, 1899, Image 8

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028273/1899-04-26/ed-1/seq-8/

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Collected bt the smtxbpbiskm
gobp8 of oobbb8ponobht8.
Boom HstppraUg and Special Brents
la WalUnstoa InunediaW Vicinity of
Interest t BTeryoiic. Our Cprrpon
ats lpar Ko Palm to Glen the News.
P flgjpBrlng In your
x i
Mr. Fletcher Ward, of Lorain vis
ited relative in town last week.
'Mr. Kobert Nooney, wife and mother
were in town Sunday.
Mr. Timmons, of Hartland and Mr.
Chandler, of Wellington, were in town
Mw. Susie Upson, of Brighton is
visiting her brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Fenwiok.
Miss Pearl Cassidy spent Sunday
with Ruth Haskins.
Erma Kugg, of Wellington spent
Sunday with Hattie and Mattie Hull,
J. V. Phelon is sick with the Grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dirlam of
Mansfield are spending a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
We, the Huntington Cornet Band
wish to thank the people of Hunting'
ton for the assistance offered us on
Monday, April 3. We also wish to
thank Mr. David Hull for his kindness
in securing subscriptions for us. The
total amount raised $37.45, $lfl.86 cash.
By order of the committee.
J. B. Robinson.
F. . Hull.
R. 0. Baker.
Minerva Naylor came from Cleve
land Saturday for a short visit with
her mother, returning the first of the
The genial editor of the Medina
Gazette made a trip through this vio
inity Saturday.
Marshal Bradway, of Medina left
pressing invitations, Saturday with
about forty of our citizens to be in
Medina Tuesday and tell what they
know about the burning of Mrs.
Sharp's house and barn.
Mrs. R. Vanderhoef, of Homer is
staying at J. Browand's.
Mesdames Huffman and Richer, of
Lodl spent a day in Spencer last week.
Gertie Bets has been employed to
teach school in "Little Oberlin"
Mrs, 6. W. Bets is confined to the
house with a severe attack of rheumn
Mrs. Omroid is spending a week in
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington spent a
week in New London recently.
Mrs. Kilborn and her little neice,
Bansey Firestone, attended the 75th
anniversary of the congregational
church at Wellington last week.
' Mr. Wall of Wadsworth spent the
Sabbath in Spencer with his friend,
John Miller.
Rev. Blackburn and wife entertain
ed the Epworth League of River Cor
ners very pleasantly Saturday evening.
Roy Fogle died very suddenly last
Friday evening, having been sick less
than two days. The funeral took place
Sunday and was largely attended.
Rev. Blackburn preached the sermon.
The beautiful white casket was loaded
with floral tributes from his school
mates and friends.
Belle Coleman spent a part of last
week in Brighton.
Chester Stroup recently purchased
four and one-half acres of land from
Dr. A. G. Willey.
Charles Cornell, of Monroe
county, Mich., together with wife
and family, visited Mrs. John Cowie
last week.
Mrs. J. Backus spent last week at
Mr. Barnum's, in West Clarksfield.
Charles Gill and family of Pittsfield,
spent Sunday at Burt Bachus.
D. R. Day went to Cleveland Wed
nesday, visiting his sister, Mrs. Bid
well in Bedford.
Mr. Wheller and Claude visited his
brother at Mr. Seeley's on the town
line road Sunday.
Mrs. Robinson and daughter Jennie,
are at E. D. Gillett's.
0. M. Gillett visited his father Sun
day. Frank Edwards, of Wellington, went
to Traverse City, Mich., last week, and
not being pleased with the country, re
turned to Brighton. He is stopping
at present with his brother.
Miss Kauffman, who is teaching
school in this district, spent Sunday at
her home in Elyria.
Ray King, of Wakeman, was on our
street Sunday evening.
J. P. Eidt and daughter Besse, of
Wellington, were on our street one
day last week.
Harry Hall has been spending a
week with his grandfather, F. Battles.
Wm. Harwood of Clarksfield, visited
his sister Aggie, Sunday.
Mrs. Zilpba Battle was in Cleveland,
Wednesday of last week.
Rev. Riedinger will give one of his
temperance talks at the Camden Bap
tist church, April 80, at 7:30 p. m.
Music will be furnished by the district
school No. 8 and 6.
Mrs. H. Hardy, of Brighton, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Rood.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheffield, of South
Lorain, spent Sunday in town.
Miss Flossie Cushion went to North
Amherst Sunday , to see her mother.
Dr. and Mr. Miller were given a re
ception in the Maccabee hall, Satur
day evening, it being their third wed
ding anniversary.
Mr. Nellie Hurd and infant son, of
Litchfield, spent last week with her
parent, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Whitney.
and have it cleaned,
for summer. You know
it needs it, and we guar
antee a first-class job.
Alarm Clocks.
I a m i-
(film mvi
Always to the front with what the people want The more business we can do lessens the price
of our goods.' The day has past and gone when people buy goods from old friends. Friendship is a
good thing, but who can afford to pay high prices to maintain it. The man who buys close and sells on
a small margin will surely be appreciated by the public. If anything does n't suit you return it, and
we will refund your money.
No Rent to Pay-Come In!
Special purchase of Prunes
2000 lbs. 4 lbs. for
Extra large Prunes, 3 lbs. for 25c
Best York State Navy Beans 3o
19 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
9 bars Buffalo Soap 25c
4-lb. pkge Buffalo Soap Powder. . . ,15c
3 bars good Soap 5c
2400 cans Chautauqua Corn, per can.5o
Pigs Feet 6c Ham Hocks 8c
California Hams, per lb 8c
West Phalian Hams, without doubt the
best hams on the market, weigh from
9 to 11 lbs. Per lb.. 10c
Garden Seeds,
and bulk.
All kinds in packages
Seed Potatoes "Six Weeks Early,"
"Early Vermont," "Early Ohio," and
"Burpee's Early."
10 qt.
IXX Re-tlnned.
...,10c 12 qt 15c
....20c 21 qt 25c
100 Pieces Fine
Decorated Dishes,
sPecia' $6,98
Other grades up to $12.50
Special Drive 200 fancy
decorated plates ..10c
Common White Ware,
0 Cups, 8 Saucers. .Sue
6 Plates, 7 inches.... 26c
6 Sauce Dishes ..... 13c
6 fancy Tumblers '...10c
Little Wine Glasses, with gilt edge, ,5c
2 Salt Cellars 5c
Egg Whips lo
Dover Egg Beater 8c
lM 8 qt . .
ft 10 qt..
ljfjf 12 qt..
Tin Palls.
All Wool Carpets, guaranteed not a
thread of cotton
Our best all wool Lowells and Hartforda,
Carpets that will stand the test, and
you all know their value
Mattings from 12c to 37 Jc
Newest Thing
at Lowest Prices
In Quality, Style and
Workmanship : :
Price, S3. 50.
Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, full nickeled . . (59o
1 My Ma Q
at M J I 'u9t Kot t'1'9
m "r-ycy suitatGoodsell's &
JhJ Good Union Cas- A
d A ( A simere:
2 hi VVJ lCnat, V
0 rl vftj'V. pr of Pants, 0
L( 1 pr Suspenders, A
r W 1 25-c Cap.
fy Special
I. I I SI.69 t
" v
Men's Negligee Shirts 2"c
Men's Army Shoes 1.07
Men's Plow Shoes.. '. 1.00
Men's Satin Calf, in lnco and Con
gress 1.00
i pairs good Sox k. . . 2.1c
Fancy Suspenders 10c
4-ply Linen Collars 5c
Boy's fancy Shirts, two collars JSc
Safety Pins, nil sizes, per card 3o
"Kant Open" Hooks and Eyes lc
Good Pins, full count lo
Black headed Pins, per box lc
Clark's Spool Cotton 2o
Good Dress Binding, per yd 3c
Kid Cambrics .4o
1 lb. cream-white Writing Paper, cheap
at 20c...: 12o
Good .Silesia, all colors 10c
Children's heavy ribbed hose .9o
Printed Crepe Paper, 10 ft 182
Oft 182 A
Mrs. H. Hales does not gain from
her long illness as fast as her
friends wish.
Herbie and Olive Twining were in
Brighton Sunday.
Mrs. Georne Burr entertained ner
mother, Mrs. Jones and her brother
and sisters Sunday.
Mrs. R. Hardy is having a porcn
put on the front her house.
Wm. Matcham, of fenneia spent a
part of last week with his son.
Mr. R. E. Knapp of Hokah, Minn,
is visiting his niece, Mrs. M. W. Labo-
Mr. Dunlap, of Sullivan began the
butter route to Wellington Monday.
The people were glad that they could
keep their former supervisor, Mr.
Wheeler, for they are sure of good
roads from the start.
Mrs. Emma Cole was the guest of
her Bister, Mrs. Cora Knapp.
Mr. O. B. McClellan and family of
New London, spent Thursday at M.
Mrs. Myrtle North, of Wellington
spent Friday with her sister, Mrs.
Rowland, who has been quite sick.
The highways arebeginning to fill up
with egg-wagons and peddlers in every
L. W. Cole and wife and little son
spent Sunday, with Arthur Cole and
family in Orange.
Miss Lillian Feet of Brighton was
thejguestof Miss Ollie Clark the past
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dirlam and chil
dren, of Lodi were gueBts of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peet.
Miss Jennie Hurlebaus and Mrs.
Susie Root of Wellington spent Sun
day with their sister, Mrs. Mary Labo-rie.
Harlo Sage, Esq., a former resident
of this place whose home is in Ithica,
Michigan had the misfortune to have
his buildings all burned. Nothing of
any value was saved.
Spain'! Greatest Need.
Mr. B. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends his wlnlera at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the
back of 'his head. On usinj; Electric
Bitters, America's "grea teat blood nnd
nerve remedy, all pain soon left him.
He says this grand medicine is what
his country needs. All America knows
that It cures liver and kidney trouble,
purifies the blood, tones up the stom
ach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim,
vigor and new life into every mt'scle,
nerve and organ of the body. If weak,
tired or ailing, you need it. Every 'bot
tle guaranteed, only 60 cents. Sold by
Near & Wells, druggists. (1)
The large barn of 8. D. Whitney's
was destroyed by Are last Saturday
morning. Burton Betts, who is work
ing on the place, was doing some work
in the barn by lantern light, when the
lantern fell, settiig fire to the hay.
Three horses, 28 head of cattle, with
the wagons and farming implements
were consumed. Mr. Betts was badly
burned about the head in trying to
save the live stock. The barn and Mr.
Whitney's stock were insured. Mr.
Betts had no insurance. A paper is in
circulation to help him, which almost
everyone to whom it has been present
ed has signed.
Jake White is very sick, and there is
little hope for his recovery.
H. J. Norton had an accident laBt
week. While splitting wood, a sliver
flew striking him in the eye, penetrat
ing the ball. He went to Dr. Rust, of
Cleveland, for treatment.
S. Rawson and daughter, of Elyria,
visited his sister, Mrs. Root, last week.
The illustrated lecture, "A Zig-Zag
Journey Around the World," to be
given in the Methodist church. May 2
and 8, will be given as announced, al
though the last date may be changed
to May 5.
Mrs. Marshal Sherburn and two
daughters, of Oberlin, visited at Wm.
Sherburn 's last Saturday.
Miss Bertha Allen, of Brighton clos
ed a successful term of school in spec
ial district No. 1, last Saturday.
. James Hughes and family, of Brigh
ton visited Mrs. Hughes' parents, Mr. .
and Mrs. Edward Whitney last Sun
day. The annual temperance rally and
silver contest will be held In the Con
gregational church this week, Friday
evening, under the auspices of the W.
C. T. U. Admission free.
Mrs. Erwin Arnold visited friends
in LaGrange last week.
G. J. Johnson started for Illinois
Monday of this week on a busineBB
A. J. Wilson is under the doctor's
Rev. Baker, Melvina West, Francis
Whitney and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Avery
attended the Sunday school convention
in Oberlin last Friday.
Mrs. Chloe Merriam spent part of
last week visiting friends in Welling
ton. Frank Friend spent Sunday at home.
' Miss Oorla Watkins visited her aunt,
Mrs. Freeman in North Amherst last
Mrs. Freeman of North Amherst is
a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Watkins
this week.
The new school board met Saturday
evening and the following teachers
were hired for the high school: sup
erintendent, W. E. Heichel ; grammar
department, C. W. Hyde j primary de
partment, Adeie Swartz. This select
ion of teachers gives universal satis
faction, and the parents who have chil
dren to send to school may rest assured
that if their children do not learn it
will not be the fault of our teachers.
The last public literary for the school
year will be held next week Friday.
After that will come our graduation
exercises. We have a fine class which
completes the course this year. The
young ladies are: Misses Alta Giar,
Sidney Jones, Lee House. The young
gentlemen are: Ira Garver, Murl
Frink, and Edson Hill.
Miss Millie Drumb has resigned her
pesition in " old No. 4" and accepted
an offer of a school in Illinois which
pays much higher wages. Miss Drumb
has taught in Sullivan townBhip for 12
years, and her ability as a teacher is
universally known.
Claude Osterholt has returned from a
short visit to North Baltimore where
he. visited relatives.
Mr. John Brant made a visit home to
see his aunt who is very ill.
Mrs. Nora Ricket is much better.
Mr Oren Whitcomb, who has been
very ill for the past month at the home
of Squire Green, is slightly better.
The grammar school had a literary
last Friday which was equally well at
tended by pupils and visitors.
The primary room has more pupils
than the room can hold, so one entire
class have seats in Mr. Heichel's room.
There are 45 scholars in Miss Swartz's
room, and if you want to be well re
paid for taking an afternoon out, Just
spend that time visiting this room and
see what time and labor are expended
by this teacher on our little ones. No
trouble is too great and the extra ex
penses are taken from her private
purse. This we do nut think fair.
Exchange of BhI Estate LUt of Marrlat
Licenses Divorces Wanted and Granted
Doings In th Different Court During
the Fast Week.
Baal Estate Transfers.
Joseph Turley to Matilda M. Sprague
lot 3, Wellington, 500.
Marriage Licenses.
Herman Barschow, age 21, of Lorain,
and Miss Ethel Murray, of Lorain.
Probate Court.
Will of John Sipple, late of North
Amherst, admitted to probate.
Will of Lawrence R. Livingston, late
of Russia township, admitted to pro
bate. Viola M. Snyder, of Rochester, ad
judged insane and sent to state -hospital
at Toledo.
Circuit Court.
Sheldon 4 Pri, of Fremont, and The
Wellington Macnine Co. have filed
separte suits in common pleas court
for the recovery of sums of (ISO and
1250 respectively from Rosenia C.
For Bent.
House on Hale street. Inquire of
Mary J. Witbeck.
a sn aillasll
I The Leading Specialists of America
250,000 Cured.
Thousands of young and middle-aged
men are troubled with this disease many
iui.iiniiciuu.ly. They may have a sinart
ing eenaatiou, (mall, twisting strain),
sharp eutling pains at times, vligbt lis
charge, diiliuulty in commencing, weak
organs, euiitvioni, and all the symptoms
of nervous debility they have BfltlC
1UKK. Don'tletdootorsexperiuienton
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
you. '1 his will not cure you. as It wil I re
turn. Our NEW METIIOll TKhlAT-
MUNT ahanrha alrlnli.ra (i..,,..
henco removes thestricture permanently.
It can never return. No pain.no suffer
ing, no detention from business by our
method. Tbeasxualorgansarestrength
ened. The nerves are invigorated, and
the bli of manhood returns. r
Thomandi of young and middle-aged
men are having their sexual vigor and
vitality continually eapiied by this dis
ease. They are frequently nucouscious
of tho oause of these symptoms, Ueneral
Weakness. lFnnHlnn.l hlwliitrM- Kntl.
lug Manhood, Nervousnep', l'oor Mem
ory, I rritanility, at times Smarting Sen
mtinn, Kunken Eyes, with dark circles,
Weak Back, Ueueral Depression, Lack
i Auirmion. varioocoic, nnrunken
l'arts, eto. ULEGT and riTUtOTllltb!
may be the cause. Don'teonsultfamily
dootors, as they hava no experience in
these special diseases don't allow
yuaoks to experiment on yon. Con.ult
topeoialiats, who have mule a lifestud of
I)ieaiwo(ilen and Women. OurNKW
lively cure you. One thousand dollars
for a case we accept for treatment and
y- uauuuioure. iermsmoticrateioracure.
. We treat and cure: EMISSIONS,
FREE If unable to cull, write for
Kennedy Kergan
Boiler Flues
for Fence Posts.
Barbed and
Smooth Fence Wire
White Lead,
Mixed Paints,
Linseed Oil.
Galvanized Rooting
a Specialty.
Successor to C- K. Si'Ti.ivr.
Hard and Soft Goal
Coke and Wood
ilraylng anil Moving of house hold
Rixxte or pianos and teaming of all kind?
promptly attended to.
Price and yuulity guaranteed on all
coal orders.
Balled Hay and Straw sold and deliv
ered. OrHce 1'lioue 48. Ollli e West Main Street
le)leuce J'lione HH.
Now in the time to si-led
X Have you seen those up-to- X
ditto lS'J'J stylo
I Bimell Buggies :
Corroded Evurjr Weduesday Morning:
Purl nar.
Ilnypetton 8 00
Coru in ear, 70 lbs XT
torn shc!llod,5o lbs ' .17
lifttaperhu 38
I'.ye nor liu 50
New -wheat perbu 72
Kutter, dairy, per B 15
liutlur, eroitiuery, por lb 21
Kkk. par doz 10 .
Honey, per tb 16 '
I.srd, per lb . 1
totatous por bu '., 45
Flour por sack of tlllbs 100
Corn Meal per cwt 1 W
Chop pur cwt 1 00,
Middlings per cwt .90
Uran per cwt . - 85
Oil Meal por cwt ' 1 40 '
Billing Prices Monday's Balea, '
Ohio State Plata
Creatnerv Butter 4
We have in slock a good ns-
X Bortment ot fresh vegetable
T seeds in puperg und in bulk, ulno
X M'undeville & KinuK, Croesmun
X Bros, and other Flower Seeds 1
in papers. Nuaturing nnd Sweet
Peas in bulk. X
T. F. Rodhouse
ttrt ltiflS Pllm hHrti-itrat'r KkSkltXMIt I MAI. AMI mmi)
tooK hltAtt, by rn-iKiitCU.UmiiOtft i-M-x.iaruliiatK.il.
Examine It at - ,,- ;"n,
or nuani
of, DAY Old
JI3.00 XV al
Isss the SI . Yf WTtTTF roll nflt f"
sn( with or J $TOVE CATALOCI
der or lis.u) .....
and rrelK'il ciuirK'-" iniw uTtivn in fti-.-ItilSxll,
top la .;::!'!, lutule trum !n. t lnm, vtra
laiirs flues, ln-avy ci.vtn., t,.-rtvy IIiiilki. sii'I Kr.tt-n,
Isras oven shwlf, ht-svy tin Itiu-d ovim iIikii-, tiHiidniiie
Dtrkel pltd oriiHni-iititlii.nri mill ti iuiinins ptrit
Urge deet. Kuniitiit. Hl.mll.h purrH.ii I Ini-d rr..'i-.n4r, liumt
Sumo Latye .irnuuittutxl Ii.im. lif.t r,.l bumrr s.itr, mill
ws furnl.li SKSK sn I'.tm wuoil wrnti', imiUni? It 0 w-r-tert
wwd fettrarr. MS lM I A HiMiimI Hf.lUM.K with
svsry stilt's and ifusritlitf-r, Hull' (IHIvi ry In ymir iH
roadstatloa Ynur local drain-wouM i-ntny." ymi l'.ott
fur sm.li a .tove, the fmuht I. only sImiiiI II.im fur
each SO0 mlleii. ... Jn si lr..t (lO.mi. Ailitinn,
(San. i.Sis a Cs. srs lamsi'ts rsumis. lalus.)
The best BuyRy ou the
miirkct, und tho, price is
I have in Ktock
Farm Wagons, Disks,
Rollers, Drags,
Grain Drills,
One add Two-Horse
Corn Planters,
One and Two-Horse
Pumps, Hand Lift
Force, Chain, Bucket.
Wind Mills,
Machine Oils,
and Axle Grease.
Home Savings Bank Co.,
Transact a general banking business,
buying and Helling notea and bills of ex
change. Money loaned on satisfactory
collateral, mortgage,' or personal secur
ity. Interest at 3 per cent, paid on all
savings deposit Interest credited annur
Safety-depwit boxes situated In our main
vault at $1.50 per year. ,
Win. Vischer, Pres.
G. E. Spitzer, Vice-Pres.
J. II. Rust, Caahl er
All implements nro latest
fctylu and improvements.
.ring in your repairing and X
blacksmithing, and look at
my Btook. I will show you
the bet selected stock in X
jiorthern Ohio.
I know both good nnd
prices will please.
('.. V. CarpDiiter vs. FA. D. Bush, et al-
In Lorain county, Ulilo, Cuurt of Common
Ph-as. fuse iVo.oZSii.
ShurllT's sale on order of sale.
In iiuMtianc.H ol an oritur o( sale Issued from
tuetNiurtuf Coimnon Pleas, witkln and (or
tint C4.ii 11 ty ol Lorain and state of Ohio, made
at the February term thereof, A. D. IS!!), and
to me directed, I have levied upon and will
otl.-r lor sale at public auction at the north
door of the court house. In Elyria, on Satur
day, May la, A. 1. W.nt, between the hours ot
ten and eleven o'clock, M., of said day. the
followltiK described real estate, to-wlt:
(Situated In the village of Welllnirton, eoun
tyof Lorain and stale of Ohio and known as
lot Ift! In block numberone. Bald description
to con ml n one-half acre of land be the same
more or le?g.
Said premises have been appraised at nine
huudrml dollars, and cannot sell for less than
two-thirds of said appraisement.
Terms of sale cash on day of sale.
W. II. Waiiukv, Sheriff of Loral u oounty, Ohio
A. ft- Wkhhkk, Attorney.
W. G. Weaver, f
X South Main Street. Z
Our fmoui 1
I 'run avjirt Munplif I
Mi'lr April lutli. Wnre I
now fii we win Hiiti I
tin i-miIy; I'rii'M will I
am iM li'WPPtHin vntithlnk.
w OimIis or . hmuU a
Contains n eompletg-'novel In flverr nnm.
N-r, iii nninili.il ua iinveqnmitiiyui useiui
nod vutc-rtululug reudiutf uuitlcr.
Xo fMriflHif! mttnH, which nr
objectta-nabf to tMsi riilra
It should be In every bonscholfl. Bub
B':rlltim, ff3.tio tier year. v
Aiionts wii hi imI in every tnvn, to whom
toe must liberal luduoenumU will be odcred.
In oiirxuancenf an order of the Probate Court
of Lorain county, Ohio, I will offer for sars
at public uuciliiu on Thursday, the trth day
April, A. 1.. l&ni, at 10 o'clock, forenoon upon
the premises the followltiK described real
estate, situated In the township of Welling
ton, county of Lorain and atate of Ohio, and
known as bel UK a part of original lot No. 11),
bnunded,aud described as follows: beiclnnlnK at
a point in the east line of said lot No. (1). ins
tance 'JS chains, iit links north from atone '
in mi nine ii t at south-east corner of said lot
mid township, ruunluk thence west parallel
with the south line of sain lot 15 chains,
tlieuee north parallel with the east lot line
9 chains. 87! links; thence east parallel with
the south line lo chains to the east line o
said lot; thence south In said east line 9
chains links to the place of beulnnlng
and cniituliiliia" 14-HMUU acres.of land, be the '
same more or less.
Appraised at HI0; cannot be sold for less
thau of appraisal. Terms of sale cash or
Kica'h; Win one yean In two yean with
Interest from date ot sale secured by mort
g.nte on the premises.
MiBua 7. lBUK. J. T. HiBOi.v
Attorney for Ma sens liuws.
Marlon O. Green, whose place of residence
Is supposed to be Minneapolis, Stnte of Min
nesota, will take notice that on March 8, lh.it,
Luella Kuim Hied her petition In the Court of
Coininiiii Pleas, of Lorain County, Ohio,
anal list the above named defendant, Marlon
0. Ureeii. pritytnir the forclosure of a mu-t-miae
made by said Marlon 0. Ilreen toplsln
tl IT. Luella Knot, on the east 44 feet of bit No.
m, and the west half of lot Hi, In block two )
of the v 1 1 1 rnie of Wellington, Lorain County,
Statu of Ohio. The said niortsaKe being- sivon
to secure a note on which Is now due the suin
ofWand Inlerea! at 7 percent from Feb. 21,
IM.i, M:ild di-ieiulant is required to answer on
or before May 15. Hw, or JiutKemeiit will lie
lukeu Hiialnst lilm for said amount with order
of sale upon said premises.
J. X. lYikell, Attorney. LffiLUt, Ejm.

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