Newspaper Page Text
lv ... . ( t . ' ' . ' - THECARUTIIERS AFFAIR ns nui jy 1 '"wnl CoevrieM. IM bv H. . , IcUoiiS.wspeperUO, Blr.H STNOPSIS. Mlnard Hendricks, great detective, Jurt returned from Boston, finds Awaiting him an unsigned typewritten letter directing htm to apartments in Palace hotel, where lie wll find remains of Mr. Weldon Caruth ers currently reported for past t-wo weeks to be out of town. Detective seeems to con nect letter with attempt made on his own life tome time previous. Ooes with friend, Dr. Lampkln, to Invesigate. Upon search of Caruthers' apartments remains of cre mated body and Jeweled hand of victim re found In a vase. Hand bears marks of finger nails manicured to sharp points. Lampkln recalls reports of a row between Caruthers and Arthur Glelow, both suitors for hand of Dorothy Huntington, who Is , heiress to several millions should she marry Caruthers, unconditionally In case of Car uthers' death Late that night Hendricks and Lampkln call at home of Miss Hunting- ton. Dorothy shows detective typewritten letter, which was an invitation for herself and aunt to occupy with Count Harrtlnnl, Italian nobleman, his box at horse show, as he was called out of town by pressing business. She recalls Olelow had expressed before murder Intense hatred for Caruthers and believes him guilty, yet decides to help him, and with her aunt goes to his studio. Olelow has tied. His servant, Hvnrl, tells of overhearing confession to Bantlnnl. Henri thought his master Insane. Hcn ricks, concealed In room, hears all this. Hendricks goes to consult Kola, an Eust Indian Interested In occult researches who had helped him In much previous detect ive work, and located In an old colonial mansion among the puliaudes. Dr. Lamp kln Is summoned by Hendricks, who has been shot. Bullet is removed and detect Ive warned not to leave his room. Hen dricks' unknown enemy had tried to chlo roform htm In his sleep. Detective hud wnked Just fn time, but was wounded by pistol shot before he could prevent his as sailant's escape. Hendricks call for a cre matory employe, who confirms the sup position that a.ihes found were thoso of human body. Miss Huntington receives letter from Glelow In his own handwriting postmarked at Charleston, 8. C, telling of his crime and flight. Noted graphologist examines handwriting of this letter and ays It Is genuine. During a call on Scrgt. Pentium, detective of po'.lce department. Hendricks comes into porscssicn of cuff with words written In blood over Oielow's name to effect that he was Innocent, starv ing and confined, tolng to Ulf low's studio, Henri Identities cuff as his master's, lltr.rl tells of strange influence' Bur.tinnl had over Olelow. Hendricks comes to conclu sion Bantlnnl was the murderer, ai.d through hypnotism made Olelow cor.fs. both in person to Henri and by Utters tu others. Hendricks and Lampkln go to Kola's, retreat. Kola ttlU tlum tJklow Is dead, and to prove his supernatural powers claims to go to detective's home In his astral body and bring back a Bible, which Is handed to Hendricks amlist a lot of occult haberdash. Kcla warns de tective an attempt is to be made on his lift. Beaching home, Hendricks teams how nearly Kola deceived him when his mother .tells of disappearance of BiMe afur one of Kola's calls during his nhnce In Eos ton. Coming now to Gielow'.i experiences, the story goes back to night of murder, Bantlnnl by his strange power abducted hit victim. Glelow wakes In narrow cell 1 and realises he Is starving. Bantlnnl teKs his prisoner he Is In his power, and how ' during three days of unconsciousness he had been used to write letters to .Miss Hunt ington and the, police. The Imprisoned art ist manages to loosen a stem" In aide of cell. Through this opening h? decides to send a message to the outsue wor.d. CHAPTER XVIII. Continued. Oiclow did not flinch as he thrust the knife blade into his wrist. Compared , to the agony of his whole being, the alight pricking sensation was nothing. Then, when the blood had flowed out and stood in a big drop on his left wrist, lie began to write his message with the knife blade. It was difficult work even ior a skillful artist, for his hand shook as if with ague, and his strength was al most gone. Here in what he wrote, economizing in words, for his space was limited: "Innocent. Confined by C. Bantlnnl I know not where. Send help. Starving. Take to police. ARTHUR GIELOW." Thenrolling the cuff tightly and . tying it with the thread, he hurriedly pushed it into the crack. He was afraid the couple would rise and walk on. According to his calculations the roil lodged just beyond the reach of his fingers and then he set about to com plete his operation. He tore his handkerchief into shreds and tying the ends together he made a long string. Then holding pieces of straw to his hand he tightly wrapped them with the strings till he had con structed a rod of straw nbout four feet In length. With this, after many fail ures, he finally pushed the cull through the crevice, lie. tuw It fall from the rock, strike something and leap into the sunlit space. For un instant it was lost to sight, and then he saw it roll into the roadway about. 20 feet from the pair on the bench. They happened to be gazing into each other's eyes anil did not see it. Then a carriage, the driver of which wore a high hat and a blue coat with brass buttons, whirled past. The hoofs of the horses knocked the blood-stained messenger out of (Jielow's Bight. His heart Bank within him. Trem blingly he took oil his remaining culf, but the blood drop had become smeared and dry on his wrist, and his right hand shook pitifully. "It's no use," he said, with a groan. Again he peered through the crevice. The sun seemed to be going down. The lovers had risen, and, arm in arm, were strolling away. For a few moments Glelow lay motionless on the straw, then he tried to replace the wedge of atone to hide the opening from Iltin tinni. but he was so weak that It fell from his nerveless fingers. All at once It grew dark about him. He felt as If he were being tossed on the bosom of an angry sea. Twenty-four hours later there was a lurried step outside. The door opened and Count Ilnntinni came in, holding a lantern over bis head. lie brought pen, ink, a pad of paper nnd an envelope. The durkness outside auel the shine of his lantern prevented his teeing the crock in the rock. Putting the lantern down by the ar tist, he shook him violently. "Wake up," he said, gruffly. "I want jfon to write, Write! Write, I say!" But Glelow did not stir. The count swore sullenly and lifted the lantern so that Us rays fell across the prisoner's face. H thrust his fin . rjers lnfi the bosom of (Jielow's shirt, "Breathing, but that Is all!" be mut tered. "Ah!" as his eyes noted the pen knife and the bloody wrist, "he wanted to punctnre a vein and get it over, but wns too cowardly. Well, you are going fast enongh, my boy. I can do without jrour jv-Btnanship." , .TO n unlocked the manacles from the prisoner's wrists and ankle, kicked them aside and left the cell. ; CHAPTER SIX. The next morning after the visit to Kola Hendricks reached his office be fore his office boy. The first thing he did was to look through the Herald for his advertisement. It was there, word for word as he had written it. Now he told himself that there was nothing to do but to hope for a reply to it. He busied himself writ ing letters until nine o'clock, ana men Or. Lampkin hurried In. "Good morning," he said. "I couldn't go to work to-day with 11 this uncer tainty on my mind, so I came right here to await developments." "(ilad you came," said nendricks, cor dially, as he bent aijuin over his desk. When he had laid his pen aside Lamp kin said: "I hardly slept a wink last night. I coultlin't get that wonderful perform ance of Kola's out of my head. It is in o'f miythlng I ever heard of. Hendricks laughed o?nd recounted what had occurred between him and tt is mother on his arrival nt home. "Ah, a trick, after all!" cried the doc tor, and then his face hardened under an nfterthought, "but you certainly mentioned the Bibb of your own ao cord." "That's the point that kept me awake last night," confessed Hendricks, dryly. For a moment both men were sileut, then Lampkin said: "There is only one way In which he could have done it." "How is that?" asked Hendricks, deeply interested. "Kola hud the llible ready, and when he told you to select some article at home I noticed that he gazed steadily into your eyes. Through telepathy nnd hypnotism combined he must hnT- Im pressed the idea of the book on your mind." "Hut he opposed me in that, he" "That was only for effect. The whole thing was most skillfully done. He suggested the Bible to you hypnotical ly, and forced you to demand that and nothing else." "Can that sort of thing be done?" "In the c-a:.t it is considered mere chi'd's play." Hendricks stared at his friend for a moment, then he brought his hand down on his desk with a resounding blow. "By Jove! that makes three!" he ejac ulated. "Three what?" asked the doctor. "Three similarities between Kola and Count Ilanl inui." "I don't follow you," said Lampkin, leanhig forward eagerly. "J!y Jove! it makes four," cried Hen dricks, his eves sparkling. "Listen. As he lay there last night ami grew whiter and whiter, I remarked a little indenta tion on each side of his nose, which must have been made by a pair of pinch- nose glasses. "ow, as Kola never, to my knowledge, wore glasses, and as Bantinni was never secn.without them, HE BEGAN TO WRITE HIS MESSAGE WITH HIS KNIFE BLADE. that similarity occurred to me. Next my glance wandered to his long finger nails, and their grewsome points, and Bantinni popped into my head again Then what should enter my mind but that it was Kola himself who had often used that foreign Idiom, odntalncd in the letter to Miss Huntington. And now we know that Kola is a hypnotist of rare ability, and so is Bantinni. An exclamation of wonder escaped the doctor's His. "Do you really think Kola and Ban tinni are identical? "Oh, no," laughed the detective. "If I did I should act at once. The similari ties are there, but they may mean noth ing at all." At this junctuie the door opened, and Sergt. Denham entered. His whole manner was that of a man who had sud denly met with great disappointment, "Good morning, Capt. Hendricks," said he, respectfully, and he made 0 careless sign of greeting to Dr. Lamp kin. "Oh, it's Capt. Hendricks, eh?" said the detective, lightly. "What has come over the spirit of your dream, my boy ? The sergeant sat down awkwardly. A flush was rising in his checks. . "I have come to beg for advice," he said. "As you are not concerned in the Caruthers affair, I thought you might be willing to give me a pointer. You see, the chief trusted the whole business to me, and I was so confident of the re liability of certain Information 1 had" "in the shape of a letter from (Jie low?" broke in Hendricks, smiling broadly. "Yes," admitted the sergeant, in as tonishment. "How did you know? "A letter that every known expert declared was no forgery? "Yes." "Well, go on. I'm listening." For a moment the young officer hung his head in embarrassment, then he pulled himself together and concluded: "But in following the letter tjp we met with nothing but failure. Mr, Hen dricks, I am at theendotmyrope.andit really looks as If I am going to be set back. Capt. ilcltue is furious at me.' "Ah, that would be 'oo bad!" said Hendricks, with a touch of genuine sym pathy In his voice. "Y'ou have the in gredients of success in your make-up, and, above all, you have enthusiasm which, wheh H i well curbed, Is the main thir.g. Your egotism will rub off, I see exactly bow the land lies, and1 I want to help you. In fact, I will, if you will join me. "I'll do anything in God's world you suggest, Mr. Hendricks, said the ser geant, warmly, a hopeful note coming into his voice. Well, just let it be known at head quarters that you have beoome asso ciated with me in the case, and together we will get what we can out of it. I am no fool, and I know, that for a young detective to join me will be noi discredit to him, especially if wes win." It will be the making of me, said Denham, beaming aH ovef.. "BuH can't see what can be done." "I can," answered Hendricks, with a glance askance at Lampkin. "Sergeant, I have been hard at work on this case since the night the affair was discov- - ered." ...... "You have!" "Yes, and never got any substantial clew till you gave It to me. That's why I am willing to help you now. "I gave it to you?" said Denham, hia brow contracted. The cuff with the bloody message on it," exclaimed Hendricks. "It was writ ten by Gielow, and he is now starring, if be is not dead, somewhere in confine ment. Ho is in the power of a certain Count Ilantlnni you read it 'Buntam' who was a rival of his for the hand of MUs Huntington." Dcnhnm's astonishment was too great to admit of expression. Hendricks passed a copy of the Her ald over to him. "You see," he said, in dicating with his finger a place among the personals. "I am trying to find th man whom you sent away without tak ing down his address. If we knew where be picked up that cuff we would be on the road to success. Denham crossed his legs and folded his arms awkwardly. Apparently he had u struggle with his pride. 'As far as thai is concerned, he said, sheepishly, "I can help you on that point. I remember now that my as sistant, who talked with the fellow, told me that he said he had picked up tnc cuff on the new road which hoi been cut by an old colonial house abovi Fort Lee, on the lHilisades. I could havj told you then, but I was an ass. I waj so full of my own importance that i simply lied to you." Hendricks raised his open hani It the air, all the lingers apart. He was gazing into Lumpkin's astonished eyes, "Five! he exclaimed. "Horn ana Count Bantinni ore one nnd the same. Gielow is confined somewhere ubout th old house." The sergeant was more than mysti fied. Hendricks sprang up. "Explain it all to h'.m, doctor," he said, pointing to Hie officer. "1 must formulate a plan of immediate action.' lie stood at tlie window, Ins nanus locked behind him, while Lampkln was explaining the matter to Deuhuin, und just after the doctor had finished, h whirled into Hie adjoining room, rout ing (he astonished office boy from i seat near the telephone. 'We must prepare Ko'.a for our com ing," he said to Denham. "If he see. our turn-out approaching he may givt us the slip. I think lcun tlx him by call ing him up u moment." "Good idea," remarked the sergeant and he and the doctor drew near the telephone. Hendricks rang and in a steady, un concerned toue asked for the deairec connection. For a moment he stood perfectly still, holding the receiver tc bis ear, then he luughed. "Hello, Kola! I know your voice. 1 say, my boy, you played me fine last night. I never closed my eyes once. Oh, you needn't laugh. There's no fun iu that sort of thing. "What? Yes, he's upset too. lie wm in my office as soon as I was, anxioui to talk it over. He lost sleep, too, 1 think. But, I s:iy, Kola, I am in a dilemma about this murder case. 1 wont your advice. When I tell you what I half way suspect I think you may ad vise me to go ahead. If you have ii objections I'll come out with Lamp kin and give you my views and then 1 you still hold that I ougu: to drop the matter I will do it. "What's that? A little louder, please 5 "Oh, yes, a thorough convert at last I shall never make sport of your phil osophy again. Then we may come out at once?" And then, although the doctor wai within reach of is hand, Hendricki raised his voice as if t .leaking to so ml one in the next room. "All right, doctor, he suys we maj come. I'll send down for a cab." Imposing silence with a ge.ure ol the hand, the detective led them intc the other room and closet! the door. "He's completely oft hl guard, and tickled to death over my credulity. He'll be the worst surprised Individual that ever looked down the barrel of I six-shooter. Now, to business. We'll all three take the elevated to One Hun dred and Twenty-fifth street. I'll tele phone for a carriage to meet us t'.lere. Doctor, make out as order for some restoratives. In case Gielow Is aliw; w will need thein." Dr. Lampkln penciled a perseripilon. and snt the olK-c boy to the nearest drug store. "I hope," he remarked to Hendricks, "that you are jure, of your ground iu be lieving that olaand Bantinni are iden tical." "Oh, that's all right," grunted Hen dricks. "You sec, the count didn't eunse Gielow to disappear the verj night 1 got back without a reason. He must have been keeping n close vmtch on my movements and knew when I re turned. My mother tells me thatKolj called to ask about me every afternoon during my absence, and h never let a dny slip during that time without drop ping in this office. Why, every time he came he saw his letter to me lyihg un opened on my desk. Oh, the whole thing bears the imprint of the Indian, and I could make it clear to you if I had time. In his role as psychic adviser to the rich set he got acquainted with their ways, and, being desirou of get ting rich suddenly, he resorti'l to the Italiun nobleman ruse. He fnlt that 1 knew him better than anyon"! eise In Xew Y'ork, nnd tried to blow foe out ol his path. Falling in that, he may have decided to let me exist awhli longer, but when he had stained his hrnds with human blood he became shaky and made another trial at my whtc.pipe. ITO BB CONTINUED. His Frond Descent. ' 0'Brien--Aml so Jaykers ll proof) av hla rk-sciut, is he? , McTnrk YIs, he is turribly stuck up about- It.' ' ! "Well,' begorra, Ol've a bit at a de- cint mesilf to boast about. 01 deacind- ed four stories wait whln the ladder broke and nlver sphilled a brick!"- Chicago Evening News. HEWS OF OHIO. Gathered by Telegraph From All , Parts of tha Stats. ! , Sherman Does Not Want the OfflesM Cineinnaitl, May . Horry B. Tro basco, formerly United States district attorney here and a relative of John Sherman, has made public itfoe follow ing letter from the ex-secretary, in ref erence to the rumors that he would be a candidate for governor of Ohio: "You are right in supposing that I have no thought oj being nominated or elected governor "of Ohio. . I do not want the office and could not, accept it in my present 'condition- ,of health and strength. No man nt the age of 76 ought to undertake the performance of the many details of an executive office. You are authorized. to say that I am, not a oandidnte for governor." Jones AsHSHts His (Candidacy; Toledo,, May 5. Mayor Jones - last night nnnoura-etl ithatJie will be a" can didate for governor at the next repub lican state convention. Reynold Volt, the mayor's private secretary, has filed with the board of elections a specimen ballot to be used at the republican pri mary, containing a list of 24 delegates to be voted for to represent Lucas county at the coming state convention. The specimen ballot is headed "Jones for governor" and carries a picture of the mavor. In the list of names are several Who were managers in Mayor Jones' recent campaign. All the men on the Jones ticket are pledged to sup port him at the convention. Gen, Force I Dead, Snndttskv. Mav 9. Gen. Manning F. Force, commandant of the Ohio Sol diers' Home, died at the home near this citv Monday nfternoon. He entered the army in 1SG1 ns lieutenant colonel, was promoted to brigadier general In isr,3 and was breveted major general in ISM. He was appointed colonel of the regulars in 18115 and declined. He served on the bpnch over 20 years at. Cincinnati as judge of the superior court. He was frequently mentioned for governor, me-mlier of congress and senator, but declined all. Is a .Honey itlukln Mold. Bellnire, May 0. The Jackson Ridge oil field in Monroe county, a short dis tance south of Wocdsheld, )., has far more monev-making wells than the public has any idea of. The daily pro- luotion is about 2.000 barrels, and is on the increase. Half of this produc- nn U estimated to belong to one oper ator mimed Bamsdalc and the men In terested with him. In this field there ?.re 17 producing wells, a few being gas producers. Out of the Combine, Cincinnati, May 6. James Levy & Bro. have refused to accept payment of S1.S30.II00 for their plant from the Kentucky Distillers and Warehouse Co. under what the latter claims to be an option agreement and this big firm is now out of the combine. The firm claimed the right to continue making and selling whisky after being noti fied that their option had been accept ed. A Desperate Vlght at Shelby. Shelby, May 9. Twenty tramps en gaged In a drunken fignt near the depot here last evening and two of them were badly shot. James O'Brien, who gave the address of 48 Clark street, Xew York City, Is shot near the heart and in the arm and h-g. He says he is a la borer nnd was once n printer nnd re porter. Tlu- other man, Gaston Frady, cf Indianapolis, is shot in the brick. Argued an Important Case, Cincinnati, May 9. In the United Sta'tes district court yesterday, before Judge Thompson, the hearing of argu ments begin in the consolidated enses of the Tinted States against the Ches apeake & Ohio Fuel Co. and 1" other companies in the Kanawha valley, West Virginia, on the charge of having vio lated the .Sherman anti-trust law. Adopted a Wage Scale, Columbus, May 8. The National Protective Association of Tin I'late Workers adjourned Friday, having adopted a scale which is being careful ly guarded from the public. The asso ciation selected Klwood, Ind., for per manent headquarters and decided to hold the next convention in Pittsburg. Death of Judge Lawrence. Rellefontnine. May 9 Judge William Lawrence, of this city.ex-coniptroller of the treasury of the United Stutes, presi dent of the Xationnl Association o) Wool Growers, and prominent in vari ous busines-i enterprises ns well as In polities, died at Kenton Monday. He was 80 years of age. Ulce Is Champlou, Zanesville, May 9. The mounted broadsword contest between Duncan C. Ross, of Xew York, and Capt. W. S. Bice, of Columbus, 0., at the fair grounds 'here last night, for the cham pionship of the world was awarded to Bice. To be a Slate Event. Toledo, May 4. The funeral ol George B. Meek, the first Ohio soldier killed in the Spanish war, will be held at Clyde on the 11th. It will be made a state event. Senator Foraker will deliver the address. Is IVIovlng Out or Toledo, Toledo, May 8. The Standard Oil Co. is moving its Toledo business to South Bend, Ind. It is the ultimate Intention of the Stair-lard to close the Toledo office. Ten men have already been transferred. Eleetrle Railroad to be Built. Canal Dover. May 0. An electric railroad between historic Gnudenhut ten, south of here, and Uhrichsville Is assured, and after the arrangement of a few details the construction work will begin. The promoters are monied men from Gnadenhutten, who are as sisted by some New York capital. Wages Advanced. Xenla, Mav 6. The Hoven & Allison Cordage Co. has announced an increase of 10 per cent. In the wages of its em ployes. This affects two of the largest mills in the country, both located here. Died from Lockjaw. Columbus, May 0. Mrs. I'aulus Dot ter died Friday of lockjaw, after two weeks of intense suffering. About twe weeks ago she accidentally ran a splinter into her right hand. She paid no attention to It until last Wednes day, when she consulted a doctor. She was then suffering from lockjaw. Killed by a Cat's Bite. Cleveland, May 8. Joseph Hackman, a mason contractor, died at Charity hospital Friday from lockjaw, the re sult of being bitten ten days ago by the family cat. Mr. Hackman waa 119 years of age. jlDDEN ty tke professional jraeer, ft ha proven a winner oftener than any In competition. Kidden by the non professional, by the "acorcher," for business of pleasure, it has a record second to none. Material used in its construction, pains-taking: care in manufacturing- details, ease in running, and handsome, symmetrical design are a few of its claims for superiority. Reasonable prices, coupled with high values, are characteristics of the WHITE." Our long established reputation guarantees the excellence of our product Models A and B...... ............ $50.00 Model Q (30-ln. wheel).. 60.0O "Special Racer" 65.0O Models E and F (chalnless) 75. OO White Sewing Machine Company, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Fo5a,e "y WEBSTER & CO. WELLINGTON, OHIO. send us OWE DOLLAR IHPiilltklt ll ilU 111 statX flHLUsl UKtiiX. 1T fr!-! C, tiMlaftiiM. Voucnoiaml It at your neaint freight utit, n.Wf ynurtnilit exftrllr re prewn ttl, equal to orgm Unit r?UtlsU ?6.00 to lOO.OO, thu'ivattvaluo)ouBverawiinfi farbetUrtbanoriraiuaUTertlsaii by othera at more money, fMiy the freight aent our upcrlat Hit dujV offer price $3l.5f S3I.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE jul h nlk.ra hiiola u nOi-P mua tit-VCr ItlUtie llfl'ore. THE ACME QUEEN Iionoof Kill Liu mi BfflHTIfrr TiiNKO uwruMrta cternuU. Krotn ttie IlluKtratiun uliowti, wtnub UeiitrrarfU direct I rum a inniojrrapu,yout'aii lurriiBttiinuiuomuiii brautiTuI apixBarniice. juaue irnm aoiiu qusncr Bun en ok.anllniaMlnikIinnflsonilydrcoratoiJaiidLiriitinefitflfl, lau-at ltr.t at. If. TUB 1 UK Ol KfcS if 8 tct't b Inchea CiD, iiiiolioioni(,symrliowlda and welu'h" pounm. uon- laltlltJ OCtavos, II BKpa, aVB Iiuiowb: ivispam, rrtatvriiai, Caviller. DlaBUuR For! and Toi HtwaBii ll Oetan dHtiilora, I Tun swell. 1 wua urjta Bireii, bu urmivii iobpsj Bank, or Corn KichaoKn Nat. Bank, Chicago; or Herman Hr-JOBitor? VlpeguBlllj lid, l ott oi mi iDroDwrit Hfioai iv run iiWaij-T,.', J g ? 1- -IJl JUr-da, I ! rs 7 lbarnlriglTliriHaaiLaiMWneW, nn i ; . .";A1.c-. 'TTt - dl I't 4 lll(hMlkHtaoUUIapaMIUdi, t Hrl mt U Ptf aalnB kL , ' VMjl kj S Brttf-MtaafWaelp. dt. TIIK A( MK Qt KKN ao I P: toZ.iiZA-m I 'V- y&Z'f util In tlie hlg-liett Rraile liiitruiiientni lilted with Haav nu 51) a V -v g 2 MfJ Conpkra and Toi II o-ana, alno beat liulira felU, W' M " J' -'' IS 'f 1 lMlbett,etP.,ll.owBof the te f ; A'i'jy. I betlowat-torkand flnodt loatlier tn Talvei. 'IIIE ff . . I M'MK qi KKN Is furnished with a luil boTeled J-T ;: Is',.' . il iW ' pi to Krench mirror, nickel plaUsd podal frame, fe1 Vi-- u- -y. IR and every modern ImproTement. Wt fund In haaaV n - .. , .., , Ap mmm aaatool aad lac IjMltwilaitriictloB book pvblUbaaV W:"' ""' . --i'i t;" .r- ' '.'h GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. W!"" jN, St- " ' ' fl Imue a written bhidlnif -ver guftrante. by tits ",7m. t J.' terms and condition! of which If anj irt glvM out Kirr''- ' 2t w repair It free frbarge. Try It one month and f lWt"k " tt we will refund Tour mouejr If you are hot perfectly . J CO J.V-&y Jf. Mtlined.60uofthCMOrveniwlllheeoldSt4ll.te. f':!1 If OuAJf Jf tIKIIKR AT OMOK. DON'T DK1.AY. U I ljl-si&-l if OUR RELIABILITY 18 ESTABLISHED g.p; ll11.. r y) not dealt with u ult your neip hhor shout ui. write ? fft" -ef tetteUt 4 '' Company in unicaso, we aate aeaauii el eter SIVO.UOO.UV, octuiy enure one OI ine lareea, uu-ium ii--n Chicago, and employ nearly S.0W1 people In our own building, ns BKU. UKuaAS AT SaS.UO aee epi rlAMlS, SI It-OS aej att alio everything In muelt-al InitrumenU at lowest and muster ' Instrument calalo&ue. AUUrets, 8 CARS, ROEBUCK tfc CO. (Inc.), Fulton, I haws need Blpaaj TabnlM with so ranch satis IsottOD that 1 eao cbaerfullr raoouunend tbem. Bars been troubled for about three years with what I called bilious attacks ooailni on reiularly once a waek. Was told by dlSersnt physicians that 11 was oansed by bad teeth, of which I bad earrrsl I bad tbs teeth eilracted, but the at. tanks eonUnued. I bad aeea adtertlsemenu of Mpaaj Tabnlat la all tha papers but had no faith In then, but about six weeks since a friend In dooed me to try them. Hare taken but two of the Small taat boxes of the Tabulee and hate had no recturwQOS) of the attacks. Bavs never glTsn a txwtlaaoaJBl for anything before, but tha arret amtnal of food which I believe has been don on by Rlpejsl Tabulee laduoes me to add mine to tha in any lewttaaoalals loa doubtlsss bavs la your w. v x. intwixT. I was tsiaforayoa, la wwra. exf bbrkset praise, l tha aeaent I hai slecived from aisaaa Tabulae. I ass a profess! naal aares and la this fMrofessloi. a deal bead k) always seeded. Hi peas TatxUee doss II. After esM 1 say oasea I foUDdearaeliooanplately ma Sew a. Acting on the ad vie of mt. Oo. Bow. er, PV MS Newark At, ieney aty, I look R-1-P-A-NS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ill of humanity. graae I eesaay eras troubled wlta kearlkura and sleep) less sss, eautrd by Indlgeeuoa, for a good maay rears. One day the saw larUnioaial In the paair Indorsing Rlsess Taeniae, ah determined ie give tbem a trial, was greatly re'Vived ay their ate aad aster takes the TaMlea regularly. Sbs keeps a few cartons Ri pans Tabules In the house and says she will not be with out them. The heart bora and eleepleesseos have disappeared with the Indigestion which was formerly ee great a harden for her. Our whole famUy lake the Tabalee regularly, especially after a hearty meal. My mooter Is arty years of ie and la eajoylag the bestof health and spirits ; also eats hearty meals, an Impossibility before she ItaAeUpaemTabolee, - Ajtoj B. Butnrjaj. TSAOS AV Aataestykt peeks! cenuJnlas ra lurairi tasvteTs packed la a paper carton (wfthouiej)U now for sole e eqese dreg sseise- Ton nvs oxans. This low-prieej sort la lotooded tor the poor aad the eoooottiloal. Oaa lose at she Iveeenl eortona (IS) tabeirtl eaa ke had by mall by leading ferty-elgal eeau to the rtnaas CaaaDsaOsaraaT. ft. M Snvnee street. Mew Terk-er a Haile oarton(TS iiacusl) wUI be eesrl for ve eeata, fwa TsaelJWesaysajeees of some trooers. general stcrekeepsri, news ogeats end as soeas Isenejaaafeg II , if esses Tey baalskpsia.bdnoe sleep ead erelong Ufe. One gives relief. SEND ONE DOLLAR wlUle 100 wllssefcsiesfe, we will seel fee UlsTOrSCtWI ST raUUHT CO. O. 41 SJITT TO SISSIRS I KIM, yea ese esawlaa 11 at JW frslghl apt awl If feesS vtarsiwLi ssTisrscToar, innll is asratsurss, sunL to bcuuiu fUlT aBT AIL AT te Slt.00 a THE QRANDEST lAMAIM I0U EVE! AW, par laesM.14 Heal OUR SPECIAL PWICE and freight charges, less the ll os sent witn oruer. WE MAKE THIS TOP BUGGY," y"!! FB1Z!.T.,.hS, nitekar put in 111.00 butfglet. Latott 8tyl For 1609. Wf, 11 iM trorn tbe Beit SarUonM. Wood, jtcar. Hast That Mgner (.' But I ft lav Sariaf, M Hlo-trmted, or Brawiicr tiaa D&r. Ithl, llljrh Qndi Bcrwtd Rim starvtn'i PavUnt, Tm Moanca, Lravily Uutibtr HjtHt Llnod, full awe tuidMcic cirwiina, raamff.uiiarane tnad qul to mMj 1 1W.00 bugrijwork, Bodr bluk, 0fcrdrk grata orttta. VmmmiMni, Isinirtti rr laleew. ss kww Jfeia rewkavek kaket alBlst v ava'a V38.WO II 01 ft SMCIAl MICE h Uf k-tff a-.-, wtiu, , -r--rlu -.J-ratirariaa-. aiafu. fUARAHTIlD anrtiB. caraH. mm. WBITI FOB mil Bl tHT CtTlLOilL'B. YOU CAN aUUOOIKB, ORDaR ONI TO-DAY, TOU CAN BJCLsb IT QA SOO.tXJL DON'T DELAY. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK et CO. (Inc.), CHICACO, ILL. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRONG AGAIN! vigor to the whole beinf . All drains Mailed reaied. ricei per boa; 6 boaea, mey.lyoa. bd ftorice book. for Sale by ! Is! puru. arup tAOUia M usmi, jj job wedi. um Dee , f s Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills TbT are pmnpt, 4wfa b1 erUlB In renlt Tha ttnilw (Dr. Pesri) mrwm iim SMiAi. geat afirwbfen. L.Ma Mnm mal Hadwub Cw UBTtUatl. O, For6altiby - -.'' - StfS yy. y m' j t -V VL wn.i " frT:'iW Exchange Bank. New York wholesale price. Write for free special oruan. piano (Seare, aeebaea a t. are taeroafhir esiiaeie. aei. Djiplaints and Wsiman Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. I have been a treat snffersr from eonatrpanoa for over five years. Nothing give toe any roLtaf. sty feet and legs and abdomen were bloated so I onnld not wear shoes on toy feet and only a loose dress. I saw Ripens Tabules advertised In oiif dally paper, boug-bt some and took them as direct ed. Bav taken them about three weeks and there) Is such a change I I am not constipated any mora aud I owe It all to Blpans Tubules. Iain thirty seven years old, bave no occupation, only my household dntles and nursing my slok husband. Be baa had the dropsy and 1 am trying Rlfna Tabules for him. He feels some better bat tt wUI take some time, he hss been sick so long, Toa may use my letter and name a you like. airs. Mast Ooaajji Cuan I have been suffering from headaches ever luce I was a little girt. 1 could never ride In a oar or go Into a orowaea place without getting a bead ache and stuk at my stomach. I heard about HI pans Tabules from aa aunt of mine who was taking tbem for catarrh of the stomach. Bhe had found such relief front their use ihesurrlsed me to take them too, and I have been doing so since last October, aad will say they have complete ly onred my headaches. I am twenty-nine years old. You are welooma to use this testimonial, Mrs, J. BsooutTsb KyisvsB-ytarld bey suffered with pains in his head,- ooaatlpetloa and eomplalned of his stomach. Be oonld not eat like children of his age do and what be -did sat did not agree with him. Reweathla and of a saffron color. Beading some of the testimonials In favor of Blpans Tabules, I tried them. Blpans Tabulae not only relieved but actually oared my youngster, the headaches have disappeared, bowels are la good ooadltlon and he never complains of bis -stomach. Be Is bow a red, chubby-fooed boy. This wonderful change I attribute to Rlpans Tabules, I am satisfied that they wilt beneflt any one (from the cradle to old age) If taken aooording to dlreo- . w.rarca. t5 as, see If feauss 338.9Q LUtsssr. arTw Irt4. fbtl atte m4 fcavaft MHalasj, ttam TWO YEAR. wiU lut a lirtlm. rswBalMalOll.n sM MAKE $600.00 TtalB Tetvr SAlllDf O0A levha id hiv cured Koikiul of :tiaei of Nervoui Ditcaac. inch as Debility, Luiine,SIepltf neit and Varicocelt.Atrophv.&e- They clear tbe brain. itrcngtheB the circulation, make digeitiea tMrfvict. and iraoart a heatlhf and losses are checked ptrmmnentty, Unltn padenu with iroxlari lefil fiisrantee to cure or refund tbe Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cltvtland. 0. W. H. TI8SOT A CO. awsjev MASK sssslsssll IsSllsss is i Cltei II EVERY WOMAN jBea ueoda b rel libit, jarathlf, ravvUtinf medieine. On If hamleaf CXa , W. H. T1880T st CO, KlillHIIt.Jtuyili 1 1 II In sTf T Schedule In eleot Not. SO, lass. , TRAINS LSAVB OAHBBIDOI, a, For Chicago and northwest, vestlbuled llov Ited. dally. k.Ja. m. Bleeping oar aitsched. For Chicago and northwest, express limited, datlr. t:utl p. Ok bleeping car attached fof Chicago. - . ,4 For Columbus. Cincinnati and St Louis, !l:t a. m., dally. Chair oar attaohed. For Columbus. Cincinnati and St Louis, 1:0a a. in. Dally. Sleeping oars attached. Aooommodatlun for all stations Cambridge to Columbus, Inclusive, G;80 a. m. Returning, ar rives at Cambridge at 7:05 p. m. Dally except eundav. For Wheeling, Grafton. Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia and New York. veHtlbuled limited leaves lu p. m. Sleepers attaohed. For Wheeling and Washington, D.C, express T:.-1 a. m. For Pittsburg, Pa., and points beyond, t:lS a. m. Sleepers attached. For Pittsburg, Pa., and points beyond, t:0t p. m. Chair cars attached. F. 1). UnnsawoOD. O. M. B. D. MARi-rtf, Manager of Passenger Traate. 11 Fokutcs, Agent, Cambridge. Ohio. CLEVELAND, AKRON & COLUMBUS KY NORTH BOUNll. Central Time. 3. e-.f. I V. i. m. p. m. 8 B 00 p. Cincinnati.... Lv Columbus Lv "Westervllle Centorburg Mt Vernon j v Gambler 11 45 It 10 12 4o 1 10 fl 15 1 III t:a 17 12 351 1 001 1 fil...... 2 l! 4 6 On! tai os ID 10 626 7 ti 5H s -- Allllersburg. 8 55 4 45 4 K f 55 Orrvllie I Ar ' Li p. m. 3 2: Akr til Cu.vahoaa Falls.. Hudson Newbury Kuclid Avenue.. Clcvuland .... Ar 4 15 27 4 40 6 15 jew $io 37 6 171 8 30 7 051 10 481 ll n ll a 6 2rl 5 40 1 IS 7 30 12 04! 12 11) rt. m I 114. urusuvn ui'uiiL-u. a. m.! lliLv...Mlllrrsburf....Ar 7 Olli Klllbuclt 8 10! Wurxuw 8 55! Cooperdule a-l'Ar Trinwoy tlO 15;Ar.... Zanesvlllo... I,v p. m. to as 6 W 4 15 3 06 2211 $12 a p. m. Runs daily. tDaily except Sunday. (Lunch. Nog. 2 and 8 carry Parlor Cars between Cleve Innd and Cincinnati. Faro ffl cents between Cleveland and Columbus, or Intermediate sta tions; 60 cents between Cleveland and Cincin nati, or Intermediate wtutioa iwuti. of Coluin 27 and 28 carry Vftfttlbuled Sleeping Can 4 between Cleveland and Cincinnati. Mo. ZJ bus a local Vestlbultd Sleeper bev tween Columbus and Cleveland, and can beoo cuplcd by passengera aftr k p. m. at tbe weft end of the Union Station. No. 2H nas a local Vcstibuled Sleeper between Cleveland and Columbus. This sleeper arrives at Columbus 2: 16 a. m. and is net at east end tin ion depot. Paiisyuger can occupy ti-eda; berths until 7 a. m. Nuns- Untit further notice, on Saturday! Train Na f will leave Cleveland 11 p. ol, (Sleeper ready for occupancy 9 p. m-), atut C. A. & C. Stations three hours and forty minutes later than time shown above, arriving at Cincinnati tt):ih a. m. For any information address C. F. DALY, Uen'l PasseuKer Acrt, J. . HA-NNKGAN. Asa't Uen'l Pass. Agt.. Cleveland. OV C. E. WINTERRI VGER. Passenuer At, Ki North High St. Columbus. (X AUCTIONEER. G. W. HINES, of Pittsfield, will attend to all sales promptly. Reasonable terms. Dates can be made at he Enterprise office. DURLING & BL.IGH, WHOLKbALE AND RETAIL j . DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal Coke, Blossburg Smithing Coal. WOOD, $1.50 CORD. jjegj. 0 Accomodations at the IQcBarn. , Baled Hay and Straw, Moving Furniture a Specialty. TELEPHONE 71 EAST MAIN 91 The chculaiion of The Ei terprisefor the year of 1896 was 63,274. This main the average weekly circulation Nearly , one-half of thest circulate in the city of Wel lington; 500 copies go to tkt surrounding towns. . . JFe can prove our circula tion by the invoices of paper purchased from the tf. y. Kellogg Newspaper Co., of . Cleveland. The circulation of The En terprise will be larger for the year 1899. Hcmember this,' Mr. Advertiser, circulation u what counts,' ' ": . 13 Schedule In Effect January 2. 18N, 0 SOUTH BOUND. S Central Time. 3. j j3. it 8 fa. m.!p. m.lp. m.l la, m Cleveland Lv 8 5 7 40 115 i Newhurg ' 8 8 05 SO Hudson 30 8 40 4 15 W Cuyahoga Falls. 6 43 8 64 4 V i Akron. 8 07 4 45 m Orrviue.... Lv 10r,;, 10 , 6 45 a Mlllersburg 1131 ll oil a so em Gambler 12 97 li lulp. m. TOT W vi. v.- J Ar 12 4" 13 l 7 30 J Mt Vernon Ly ,,,, M jl9 m 7 .a K Centorburg 1 Ir 1 10 7 st a Westervlllti. tin I il B 23 Cincinnati I 5 451 6 401 1 1 p. m.a. m. f 4