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THECARUTHERS i AFFAIR ,), CopTrtflil.UM.- ''J A. N. KbIIu S.w.peper Ce. KS?7 AT. S9. V l .. ; pTNOf8I8.,.,. , ., Mlnard Hendricks. rgreat detective. Just returned from Boston, finds awaiting him a. u!Mlne4 'typewritten letter directing him to aitartments In Palace hotel, where ha will nnd remain of Mr. Weldon Caruth ers currently reported for past two weeks 0 be out of town. Detective seems to con nect letter with, attempt made on hi J own .life some time previous. Opel with friend, !r. Lampkln, tti tnveatlgate. upon eearcn of Caruthra' apartments remains of cre mated body and Jeweled hand of victim are found tn a vase. Hand bears marks of finger nafls manicured to aharp points. Idunpkln recall reports of a row between Caruthere and Arthur pielow. both suitors for hand of Dorothy Huntington, wtho li helresa to several millions should she marry Caruthers, unconditionally In case of Car uthers' death. Late that night Hendricks and Lampkln call at home of Miss Hunt ington. Dorothy shows detective type wrltten letter, which was an Invitation for herself and aunt to occupy with Count Bantlnnl, Italian noleman, his box at lionse show, as he wu called out of town by pressing busmeis. She recalls Qlelow kad expressed before murder Intense hatred Xor Caruthers and believes him guilty, yet decides to help him, and with her aunt s?oea to his studio. Olelow has fled. His servant, Henri, tells of overhearing confes sion to Bantlnnl. Henri thought his master Insane. Hendricks, concealed in room, tears all this. Hendricks goes to consult Kola, an East Indian interested in occult a-esearches who had helped him In much previous detective work, and located In an old colonial mansion among uie jiiniouu. Dr. Lampkln Is summoned by Hendricks, who has been shot. Bullet la remove and detective warned not to leave his room. Hand-ricks unknown enemy had tried to chloroform him In his sleoep. DftedlJ fieri wakfd tuat in time, but was wounded by pistol shot before he could prevent his assailant's escape. Her.drlcks calls for a eirematory emnloye. who confirms the sup- oosltton that ashes found were thorn of human body. Miss Huntington receives letter from Gielow In his own handwrit ing, postmarked at Charleston, 3. C, tell Inn of his crime and flight. Noted graphol ogtat examines handwriting of this letter .and aays It is genuine. During a call on Bergt. Denliam. detective of pollco de partment, Hendrlika comes Into pos session of cult with words written In blood over Cllelow's namo to effect that hewns Innocent, starving and confined. Going to O'.tloWs s-kudlo, Her.rl ller.tlfles cuff as his master's. Henri tells of strange Influence Bantlnnl had over Gielow. Her.drlcks comes to conclusion Bantlnnl wa. the mur (JereT, Bd through hypnotism made Gielow confers both In person to Henri and by let ters to others. Hendricks and Lampkln to to Kola's retreat. Kola ti lls them (lie- low- Is dead, and to prove his r.-prrnatural ., powpjs claims to go to detective's home in his astral body and brlns Iwck a Bible, which Is handed to Hendricks amidst a lot of occult balderdash. Kola warns de. teotlve an attemut Is to lie made on his life. Beaching heme. Hendricks learns how nearly Kola had deceived him when his mother tells of disappearance of Bible after one of Kola's calls during his absence In Boston. Coming now to Glelow's exper iences, the story goes back tonvlu of mur der, when Bantlnnl by his strange powi sbducted his victim. Gielow wakes In nar row cell and realizes he Is starving. Ban- . tlnnl tells his prisoner he is lnhls power, snd how during three days or unconscious- reus he had been used to write letters to Miss Huntlt.gtnn and the police. The lm nrisohed artist manages toloosfn a stone in side of ceU. Through this opening ho yusheWa oiiff out with Its bloody mes--aaae to the outr world; Sergt. Denham, not having known of Hendricks connection with the affair, comes to him for advice. Thi brings out fact that cuff was four.d r.ear nallsades. Detective Is now convinced of ldontlty of Kola and Bantlnnl, and so Informs Denbam. CHAPTER XIX Contixued. 'At this juncture the ofliee boy re turned with the parcel for the doctor, and they saw thut he was aocampauied by Miss Huntington. "I do hope you will pardon my intru sion," she said, humbly, to Hendricks, who had hiiilily risii to niec-t lier, "but U seemed impossible to wait longer at home. Won't you tell me if you have made any progress?" "We've made some in the right direc tion," ' said HeDdrioJts, reflectively. "Come, sit down a moment. You look awfully cold. You have met Dr. Lamp kin, and this is Sergt. Denham, of the detective bureau. We are all working for you." "You say you have done something?" faltered the young lady, as she sat down near the radiator. "Oh, I do hope lam almost afraid to n.vfc " In her agitation she seemed unable to conclude her remark. "We know where Uantinni ," ex plained Hendricks, "uml.iis you know, ' we have reasons strong reasons, in fact, for believhig that -Mr. (lit low v;is In his power only a few days ago. You must not be too hopeful, however, for tou must realize that it wuuld be ngisiust llantinnl's interests to allow your friend to live and be a witness against him. Pardon me for not be ing able to put the situation before you siore delicately, but I do not want to raise false hopes." They saw her shrink under the words like a flower placed before the open door of a furnace. She said nothing. Hen dricks bit his lip nnd pulled his beard as If angry at himself. He tried to throw k more hopeful ring into his tones as he went on: "We are going out to Eantinni's place at once. It is just above Fort Lee, on the Jersey side. If we are fortunate enough to tlnd .Mr. Gielow still alive, everything possible shall be done for liim. Dr. Lampkln has already sent for the necessary medicines. We were just .getting ready to start." "Have you yourself any hope that Mr. Gielow may be found alive?" asked the young lady as she rose. Ilendricki looked down. "It may sound paradoxical," he said; "but I base my hopes in regard to his fife on his statement, made perhaps two days ago, thut he was starving." "Oh, don't say that!" cried Miss Huntington. "You see," went on Hendricks, as they all moved towards the door, "Dantiiinl placed him in confinement for a pur pose. If he had not desired that iie low should be kept ulive for awhile he would have put him out of the way at once. It looks as if the count Intended to let him live for awhile and has for , gotten io give him attention." . Miss Huntington laid her hand on Hendricks' arm. - v , "I am going to ask a great favor," she .said, tremulously. "I want to go with you. ' If he Is dead, I should like to be there at once, you know, and if he It lireC'I could help!" ; ., . V i nendricks' fan fell. He . glanced -dubiously at the'srrgeant and Dr. lampkln, then his face slowly cleared op. ' "" i ; BAHEI W ""ss"e?J-"S"4aSa'srjsiBae,eej- go," he said. "I have ordered a closed carriage to nieet'us at the elevated atal tiou. Yon could remain in the ca riage till we went in and made the ar rest and then you certainly would come in handy." , ,. 1 . "Oh, you are ao good I " she exclaimed. "Please do not lose anr time." ' CHAPTER XX. As the carriage was ascending the rrrudual incline . oi the rueged road through the woods surrounding the old mansion, the four occupants agreed that, to prevent any suspicion of their intentions entering the mind of Kola, the sergeant and Miss Huntington were to remain inside the carriage witji the blinds down while Hendricks and Dr. Lainukiu went in. And just before getting out, when the door was reached, Hendricks said to the sergeant: Keep a good look-out, and if be should escape us and make a break for the front, stop Win. "All fight," agreed the ofheer, and he miled apologetically at Miss Hunting ton, as he took out a big revolver and laid it on the seat between them. Lamnkin and Hendricks had their re volvers cocked ready for use lu the pockets of their overcoats. It had been agreed that they were to take Kola by surprise, get him well under Are and then calmly demand tne res toration of the prisoner. Going up the steps, Hendricks and Lamnkin found the big front door open, nnd as no one came to answer tneir rimr thev were hesitating as to what course to pursue wneu num iuiuoi um cowled head through the curtains and called out, cheerily: "Oh, hello! Come right in, gentle men." When they went into the room in which Kola had entertained them the night before, they found the windows darkened and the same dim lights burring overhead. "I have just got up," said the Indian, with a smile. "That performance last night took all the strength out of nie. I hope I'll never have to go through that sort of thing again to convince anyone of mv ability lu that line. "You won't have to, my boy," replied the detective. "Cut 1 want t' have a talk with you." "1 know I know, sit down," and Kola waved his hand at the lounge on which he had reclined the preceding night, but it had been moved against the wall. lie tat down in a chair at a tabic. Hendricks and Lumpkin both obeyed. The former thrust his hand into the pocket of his overcoat an grasped the butt of his revolver. "Kola," he begun, "I have reasons for thinking Gielow is alive and " "Hold on!" the Indian broke in, with a laugh. "Listen to me, Hendricks. What if I should tell you that you are absolutely in my power you and your friund that simply by pressing the electric button tinder my hand I could hurl you both into eternity?" A startled .look flushed inlo the face of the detective, ne looked above him and then down at his feet. "I should believe you," he said. "My pod, doctor, he has trapped us!" "Don't move a muscle or raise a An ger if you want time to etiy your prayers," chuckled Kola, "for as sure as you sit Mure you will be dead in a minute. The rug under your feet covers some thin boards over a cavern 200 feet deep. With all your shrewd ness you have never suspected me, but you do suspect Count llantiiuii, and it does not suit me to huve you prying further into his affairs. I have tried twice to get you out of my way, nnd I do not intend to fail this time. Xow, get ready. I assure you it is a genuine delight to see flint expression on your face. I'd get you a mirror, Hendricks, but to do so I'd have to take my hand oil' the button." "I can ask only one thing," said Hendricks, calmly, and a perspiration broke out over his face. "What Is that?" asked Kola, with a smile. "My friend here is not responsible for what I have done, and I hope" "Oh, there is not a ghost of a chance for him!" broke in the Indian. "You can sec that, Hendricks." Lampkiu was speechless with sur prise. He had been slow to grasp the awful seriousness of their predicament, but when ha did it completely un nerved him. ' Kola glanced past them at a little clock on the call. "I'll give you just a minute," he said. "It's as much time as 1 can afford to allow. My Indian pal has become shaky and threatened to desert me if I sprung the trap on you. I must pacify him and show him how safe we are. I could explain to your driver out there that an aeeiileut had happened, and no one would think of blaming me." Then, itliough their eyes were glued to Kola's Sinister face, they ob served the silk curtains behind the In dian stir as from n breeze, tU n the cur tains parted cuulioiis'y, and Sergt. Denham peered in. They saw from the wondering gaze of his wide-open eyes that he was mystified by their un expected silence, their white faces, an:! the haIf-erouchiii;j attitude of the In dian as he lenntij over the table, his stiff lingers on the hutlon. Like a flash a plan of action came to Hendricks, and its stibtiMty was worthy of hisgreut intellect. The words he called out the next instant he hoped would stay the death touch of the murderer and fur nish a key to their predicament to Den ham. "Hold one second!" he cried. "I know something you ought to know. Kola. We are completely In your pow er. I know that when you press that electric button we shall be hurled into the pit below, but you must listen." - Kola's enjoyment seemed intense. "I don't want toiear anything from you," he laughed. "(Jet ready." Hendricks drew a deep breath. The most startling feature of the situation was that Denham did not seem to com prehend their peril. He half smiled as if he thought Hendricks were playing one of his practical jokes on his man before arresting him. "Time's up," announced the Indian. "Denham, jerk him back trurd! "yelled Hendricks, and, In the sudden shock of astonishment over the puzzling com mand, the Indian involuntarily raised his finger from the button, and the sit uation seemed to flash upon Denham. Like a projectile hurled from some powerful destroying machine he sprang at Kola. He caught h: n by the throat and pulled Im over the back of his ohair.-" Hendrlcka- sprang; from the rug, dragging the almost inactive doc tor with him. Kola wriggled in Den- bum's clutch and managed to. get ou his feet. But, with his fingers digging Into the Indian's throat, the sergf n,t bore him backwards over the table. In the. struggle Kola's shoulder pressed down on the electric button. There was a crash of timbers under the lounge just vacated, and with a dull, subter ranean rumble the flooring over that spot disappeared in a yawning black hole. Hendricks was beside himself with rage as he towered over the now pas sive Indian. Oh, you dirty scamp!" he ejaculated. He took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and fastened them on Kola's wrists. The Indian's face was the color of ashes. "Downed me, after all," he said, re signedly. You dirty puppy, was all that Hen dricks seemed able to say, but in a moment he was perfectly calm. "Kola," he said, firmly, "we want Gielow." The Indian sat down in his chair. He had grown calmer, and now a sort of dogged smile played over his face. Oh, you do! he said, almost with a sneer. And we are going to have him," add ed Hendricks. "Never," said Kola. "It doesn't suit me to give him to you. I know I am good for the electric chair, anyway, so why should I tell you where he is? There Is not another man alive that knows the secret entrance to his cell. You would have to blast away this whole hill of stone to get at him, and then you'd not find him alive. The last time I saw him, two days ago, he was dying of starvation. Huh! Gie low's suffering and death Is all the sat isfaction I shall have out. of the busi ness. Y'ou will find enough of my elec trical appliances down below to amuse you, but the secret vaults can be en tered by no one besides myself. I learned the secret from the sole sur vivor of the old gang of counterfeiters, and leased the place for that reason." Hendricks proposed to Lampkin to go with him downstairs. "Get your gun ready," he said. "Ha h.ia a dark-skinned assistant somew here about here." "I think he has skipped," said Den ham. "I saw a fellow in foreign clothes ruu out of the side door. I was afraid it was your man giving you the slip, so I came in to see about it, and happened to get here hi time." "Oh, he's giiiie," said Kola, grimly. "He is a coward. He knew what I was going to do in reg'ard to the dead-fall and was ton chicken-hearted to face it." "Kola," said Hendricks, "it can do you no possible good !o keep tack informa tion in regard to Gielow s where abouts." "You will never know that from me," answered the Indian. Hendricks' face fell, ne signaled Dr. Lampkin to follow and led the way downstairs. In the basement they found nothing of note except a trunk bearing the in itials of Weldon Caruthers.. "That's what he brought the body in," said Hendricks. ' In the big cellars below, they found, directly under the trap Kola had ar ranged, the yawning opening of a deep pit. "An awful hole," said Hendricks, as he turned away. He pointed to some large steel vessels and two large cop per cylinders such as are used, for mak ing lime light in the theaters. "That's w here lie cremated the body seetiou by section," he said. "He thoiiirlit, as most murderers do, that his secret was well guarded." They searched through all the rooms of the cellar, and then Hendricks stopped. "We are losing time," he grunted, in disappointment. "I believe Koia told the trulh about his being the only one who knows the secret of Gielow's hid- ing-plaee. I am also sure that Gielow Is somew here under ground. We have seen one cavern, and it is not unlikely that there are others. It has long been believed that they are under this hill Can't you think of some plan to wring the truth from that imp?" They had paused before the door of a little room where a dim light shone over the transom. Lampkin tried the latch, and, finding the door unlocked he pushed it open. The ruom had shelves on all three of its walls, and these shelves w ere well filled with all sorts of 'cot ties. "His laboralory," said Lampkin. "Xo, 1 cannot tell you what to Uo. Ah! I have un idea." The doctor took down a bottle and read the label and then uncorked it and uppikd it to his nose. "Ether," he said! "This bottle re minds me of un experiment I once taw performed at a medical college. A thief was made to confess under the influence of ether. In the first stages of anaesthe sia a subject almost invariably becomes talkative and will talk about exactly w hat he desires most to keep back "Hring it upstairs, for the love of mercy," cried the detective. "It can't do any harm." As they entered the reception-room Kola's questioning glance became fixed on the bottle In the doctor s hand. "Huh!" he grunted, "you need not try to give me thut. I won t take it. "l'ind me a towel, Hendricks," was all the doctor said. He spoke like a de termined man w ho is thoroughly angry Hendricks darted into a bathroom near by and returned with the required article. "Xow lay his lordship on the floor," the doctor said. Koln wriggled like nn eel, but, with Ikndrioks tit his head nnd Sergt. Dcnlviin's determined hands at his feet. they soivn had him laid out. Dr. Lamp kiu folded the towel into the shape of a funnel and saturated it with the fluid feom the bottle. Then he started to put over Kola's month and nose. "Hold en, give him one more chance," !; dered Hendricks. "Where is Gielow, Kola?" The only answer the Indian made was to close his lips tightly. "The devil is trying to hold his breath!" cried Lampkin. "I'll Bhow him a trick that will beat that. lean make him take it." And, holding the towel over Kola' nose with his left hand, he began to punch him violently In the chest. This proceeding made the Indian gasp for breath, and forced hlin to take deep draught pf the ether. to bm connnnBD.1 THB BLANKVLLLE IX A. R r A blfflcalt Problem Was PsesenteJ to the Club, But It Was Solve All Want. ., H., ., "I have here," announced the secretary of the Blankville Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution, "a note from Mrs. Foraigne, in which she applies for membership." Consternation was at once plainly de picted upon the countenances of the daughters. , , ' Dear me, dear me, how dreadfully em barrassing " murmured the lady regent. ."She entertains. so. delightfully, sighed a daughter. "And so often, added another. "And is so helpful in church work, ' con tinued a third. ' "And in everything we get up," said a fourth. "We really cannot offend her. It would never, never do," chorused several decid edly. "But what on earth can we do!" asked the secretary hopelessly. "If it were only ourselves we could ad mit her," said the lady regent, tearfully. "Hut we never could make the board of regents understand." "Why isn't she eligible!" asked the vis iting daughter. "Because she is an English girl Jim For aigne married when he was in London." ex claimed a number together. "But she's a most charming and helpful woman." "I really do not see what we can do," moaned the lady regent, despairingly. "We can't offend her, not on any account; and we can't admit her; under our rule it's ut terly impossible." "I have it," exclaimed the secretary, with exultation. "We'll disband, and then we'll organize ourselves into a progressive euchere club. She can belong to that." "O," cried the rest, unanimously, "you clever, clever girl!" And it was thus arranged. N. Y. Journal. HE HAD INVESTIGATED. A Visitor a Macara Falls Who Was Prepared to Prove They Were the Real Thins. Wre had got back to the hotel after doing the whirlpool at Niagara when the welf nreserved old man whose face carried a look of solicitation approached to ask: v ell, you have seen everytning, ana are ready to go?" "Yes. "Have you any fault to find?" "Not a bit." "You vou don't doubt that it's real water pouring over the falls?" ..v... T:.,k-.. " 'And the roaring." he whispered "you iUL liic BiiiciiLenk. don't imagine the roaring to be a put-up job.' in course noi. I am alad of that. You found Goat island real, solid land? It didn't turn out to he the end ot the bridge? Oli. no. Gnat island is all there, and no humbug about it." And you expected the whirlpool to go round and 'round, of course? I trust that your expectations were realized.' u v realized, sir. "that is irood." he feelinelv exclaimed. "Water perfectly natural Goat island real lend roar not nroduced with sheet iron- whirlpool whirling around as advertised no fraud no decention. Sir. it makes me feel good; it makes me happy. I came here three months ago, nnn nave eareiuny ana eon.-.ei-entiouslv investigated evervtliinit. and 1 as sure vou. sir. that evervtlnnz is zenuine and up and up, and that you neeiln t lie atraia to talk to your tnends when you get home. Keal thina. sir real thinn, and should any deception be practiced depend upon me to find it out and put the confiding public on its guard. Chicago fcvening .News. 'The Trouble with It. "I wish vou would tell nie what is the matter with this watch, said the customer, passinn it over the counter. "It stops occasionally and you have to shake it hard to make it go, don't you?" in quired the jeweler, after he had examined the timepiece with the aid of an eyeglass. les. i - . "Sometimes you have to open it and start the balance wheel with a toothmck something of that kind?" i e. "I'erhans vou don't blow throuih the works to get the dust out as often as you snouia. "1 ve done that dozens of times, nnd it aoesn t seem to do any good. What really ails the watch is that it has a dunicd tool tor an owner." said the leweler. tnis, nowever, was the remark he made to himseil. W hat he said to the customer was that it needed about five dollars' worth of repairs. Chicago 1 rihune. Then She- Felt Relieved. "I felt sure the hero was going to be ki ed. she said, in describing, the serial story to her best friend, "until I happened to think that the author was paid so much a word, and nrolmlilv would not want to spoil a good thing. Chicago 1'ost. Helped br a Tip. "I don't see how it happens that yon get the start of your business rivals so often," said the man to the prosperous undertaker. Why, you must have nearly double tne trade ot any oi the others. "Guess I do." said the man of caskets, frankly, "guess I do. Of course, mum ii the word, hut the fact is, Dr. Cutter always gives nie the tip when he's going to dig foi appendicitis and I'm invariably the first man to apply for the job!" Cleveland Plain ueaier. I have found 1'iso's Cure for Consumption an unfailing medicine. F. K. Lotz, 1305 UlUbb Ub., V.U, I11IUI1, tvy., oil. 1, lOJl. Ilnw to Get Rich. Some men. sni Uncle Eben, "wouldn' hab no trouble 'tall 'bout gettin' rich ef dey held on as tight to de money dev earns tit dey does to de money dey borrows." Washington Star. Adam was not born. Probably that's wli he never wrote poetry. Chicago Daily i ews. 500,000 FAMILIES RELY ON PE-RU-NA Mr. W. H. B. Wllllami, Columbus, O. W. II. U. Williams, publisher of The Farmers' Industrial Union, in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman aays: "I have used Pe-ru-na as a family medicine for sev eral years. I find it of especial use for myself. I have hud aeverul tedious spells with systematic caturrh and be fore Using I'c-ru-na I had tried several other remedies with little or no success. But In Pe-ru-na 1 found a prompt nnd sure cure. I always keep the remedy which promptly relieves any attack of the same malady. "My wifealsouses Pe-rn-na, She finds It of especial use for severe spells, to which she la aubject. We always keep it In the house as a family medicine. We think it an excellent remedy for the various Ills to which children are subject, especially climatic diseases. Address Dr. llartninn, Columbus, Ohio, tor a free book on family medicine. BIGCLE No. 4 BIOOLE All about Cow r of America having over a million and a-balf regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 8 YEARS (remainder of 1S09, ijoo 1901, 190a and 1903) will be tent by mail to any aaaress for a uullak dill.. bampleof FARM JOURNAL and wii.mik iTKmsoK. Address, FARM JOURNAL, cuaa. r. jiutauNa. SEND NO MONEY uiA&EDfiOr'CAIIHtT IUSDICK SEWING MACHINE f r.Ukt fctiwB. at your nesrest freight hbiIU BMblnts IktnMlf m fclrfc m SCO. OO, w TKJC, (tkiATUT liMuia roi arts hiaud or, par w frtrfct ifMt our Spaolal Offer Price 5 60 &ntf fralcrhtehsrstii. The mschlnt weltrhl y lMpotsBdasndttat freight will 75 cent, (or OIVE IT THREE MONTHS' TRIALS jour own bome.and ws will rstura your llt.M atiy dsr you srs not tstiifled. 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A Mr- val In eaisjosus inaavius " a""1, - ------ rtllnlnito ll-.l Mld.i. WHU c.r. for th. Mil, .nd a 3icrltlve rKslitf.:. of all l.:M i. ontranis. " tunnfere w. nltl .nd tko Guide nid nt sLK BIL.L for .e. worm mvvui , . . . , . , .n..p.. . f . asnssw ts tar eUm (cols. Vlok'a LIHIo Com Catalostia.;. . ahspo, making It csnvcaltat f ji tsieroncs, tuna Vloka lllutro!od KorithlyMegoilno IJnltrsea. lBnrTd anicp to ds ca 11 nhlKU Felatlnc to Uirdtilne, iorlteolter.. .10. oU a yr. rlpeclnl 1S0D oflbr-ti.. Jlagnalaa on. jsr, aK tho Ouldo for 35 conts. Otr tn tlsa of stUlag VoctSitl. S-l elm T In joar ar ear tui aoiss la AauriM. James Wicks Sons, nochester, N. Y. SEND US ONE DOLLAR STSSS 181 T-.ller. klfh-rrad- kKSKKVUlH tUL AhU WUU1I t'.H)K mtu i a, ty iroiKus. i.v.1'., auujcvs. vm.. tiaiuine it si KM OUT AlJKNToa mux. SI3.00 leu tb SI -00 WRITE FOR OI7R RIO FREE cut wltn or ri.F n, SI2.U) 8T0VB CATALOliya. Thlt itn. I. tlse Nn. I. oven Is ndfrelabt ohsrai!) UUi; made from bet pl Iron, fra Url .lielf, fieevy tln-llned oven d.r, hnd..ioe nlrkel Dieted orneinenUtlon. end trlmmlnir., titrn lenre dee ii, uenulne Sludlik ewtrUla Me r.rlr hand- furnlfh fKSS er etr wood itrel, mulilny it e er.ry eto.e end gnerentee eefo d'H'erx to jroui nil- fofiurh e .tove, th. freliilit I. only oboet Si nO for kc "IS mil... .t MJl;JgiSfti, BEARS, ROEBUCK 4, CCdNOCHICACO, ILL 0eil. aeeteet C, ei laoeoHSIS ""' A LOCAL and CLIMATIC DISEASE Nothing but a local remedy or change ol climate will cure It. (Jet a well kaown specific. Ely's Cream Balm It Is quickly Absorber! (lives Hellr! st oner Opens ana cleans Vu.aot la..u,' itaVInnd,pSl.?i!..COLD '"s HEAD the Membrane. Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell, No Cocaloe, No .Mercury, No Injur, lous drim. Price 50c. at druggists or by null. Trial Slie 10c. by mall. ELY BROTH BBS, 06 Warren St. New York. a VVVvvvyyvvererevvvvvev.) hue tinythfnr yon InTent or improve ; elno ret CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK, COPY RIGHTor DESIGN PROTECTION. Send model, iketth, or photo, for free exmi nation and arlvtce, BOOK ON PATEHTSL C.A.SNOW&CO. Patent Uwytn. WASHINGTON, D.C. Binder: Oar faaoiia lMBla hmM Brmct frlrM and asuuulea radr April HHh. W rit now and wa will aand Tuinol Whtra raadyi Fticaa will b lo war than jroatblnk. W dal rrtjr frnmC h icaao Otmaba or (M. faql, aa dMirad. MOrCTOOMEItY WAID CO, CUKAOO. your irwii -ajsasy- a V-U found perfet- VwffSji !L AiB ly astlsfBAtory iM WJr Ml W Biota RAH. W MJ v ths xr .W.-rfSS" If sins a. W :atarrh fm4j BOOKS X Farm Library of unequalled nine Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensife Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Hlustraied. By JACOB BIOQLB No. 1 BIOOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 Ulustratioua : a standard work. Price, spCsats. .. No. 3 BiaOUB BERRY BOOK All about growinsr Small Fruits read and faara now contains 43 colored lite-like reproductions of all leading - varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, so Cents. No. 3 BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book In ealstence; tells everything ; withss colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds: with loj other illustrations, Price, jo Cents. COW BOOK and the Dairy Buslneaa ; fearing a mat ale; containa 8 colored lile-like reproduction of each breed, with 131 other illuatratiooa. Price, y CcnU. No. 6-BiaOLB SWINE BOOK Juatout All about Hog Breeding, Peedlnff, Butch ery, IriKajea, etc. Containa over 80 beautiful naif tonea and other enfravinga. Price, 50 Cents, TbeBIOOLB BOOKS are unlque,oriiial,uefU.-Tou never uw anything like them ao practical, ao lensfble. They are having an eaormoua aalc Cut. West, North and South. Every one who keepa a Horse. Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to aeod right away fur the BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is Tour paper, made for yon and not a mlsSt. It Is si yean old ; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-natl-on'the-head,, Farm and Household paper in the world the bierest paper ofits sise th the United States circular describing BIOQLB BOOKS tree. Philadblvhia .TOSMOT. - r. C. o. . fct u suaT otgot ana u sseh BOO nUlst. It arm wke ars or iurt miuii nsmti. with BiDI, WITH THB IN All ERICA, L fell At, t V is, a -asm- n 1.14 ' ! a - . a I. ' 1 I SB SOLID QUbRTER SAWED OAK gfO'Sgg UNO rOUtrtlKD, ooo lllutirstiounhfjwt mochiue closed, (At! drop ping from atirbt) to be uwd si s HiUf tablt, aUaa tr dtak, Ut alkta pa with full length table and aiad In plaes for Marios:, 4 faacy Sraartrt, laleri IS 99 tadtlsa fraata, earTsd, paneled, emboassd sml deoorstMl cabinet flntih, finest nickel drawer pullt, reati on 4 oss tern, ball bearlnt sdJuntable treadle, scnaine Smyth Iron Hand. Klneat larf Hfefa Are. baas, poaltlve fuur motion feed, self threadlss vlbrat ing inutile, autonaito bobbin winder, sdjuatsble beariniri. patent tonals liberator. Improved loose wheel, sdjuatsble preaeer foot, Improved ahuttls osrrfer, patent needle bar, patent dross guard, heart It handaoaielr decorated snd ena.atPr1 a.d beaeilntlTr NICKEL, TRIMMED. GUARANTEED I" Itebleal reaala;, aottdarabla an aaaravt selwteaa wethhis adt. Burr kaawa all a eh at mi ItTaraUaad aas oar Free Instruction Book tells Just how ariTone can run It and do sltbr plain or any kind of faocy work. AOO-YKARS' BINDING GUARANTEE Is sent with every narhlns. IT rflCTQ VOU NOTUINfi to nee andeiarotne this machine, compare It II tUblS TUU WUIHIHU wUh lho-e atorskssper sells st S40.0O h ail If nnn trin Mart m sr. ..! a&.aA SAS.AO. tU.kO If el aay Dm viifcia tbrt the yee eayesars BUY GOODS IN CHICAGO Have you tried the Catalogue tystem ol buying EVERYTHING you use at Wholesale Prices? We can save you 16 to 40 per cent.on your purchases. We are now erecting and will own and occupy the highest building in America, employ 2,000 clerks tilling country orders exclusively, and will relund purchase price rt goods don't suit you. Our General Catalogue 1,000 pages, 16,000 Illustrations, 60,000 quotations costs us 72 cents to print and ntaiL We will send H to you upon receipt ol 16 cents, to show your good faith. MONTGOMERY WARD & GO. MICHIGAN AVE. AND MADISON ST. CHICAGO. Hi IMS) (21(8 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Itartlflcially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structine the exhausted digestive or gans It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps,and all otherresultsof Imperfectdlgestlon. Prepared by E. C. DelMItt A Co, CtjlcaflO, ; J. W. HOUGHTON. Druggist. CLEVELAND BUFFALO TrYhtla yoa Sleep." UNPARAUEUONieHTSWIVICE. NEW ITEAME8S "City or BurrLo" HO " City or Eie." both together belnn without donbt, In all respeots, the finest and fastest that era run in th Interest of the traveling publlo in the United States. TIME CARD, DalLV INCLUDING 8UN0AY. Uire CleveUed 8 P.M. Arrive Buffalo .A.M. " BifUlo i - ClereUod i " CINTRAL eTANOMO TIMI Connections made at Buffalo with trains lor ail Eastern and Canadian points. Ask ticket agent for tiokets via C. ot B. Lin. Bend four oants for illustrated pamphlet. IPECIAL LOW RATEf TO BUFFALO AND NIAQARA FALLS EVERY SATURDAY HlfiHT. V. f. HCRMAN, flssfs.t aeeeaeeae Aeam, CLivsLANO, a fHB BEST OP THEM ALL It Containa a eompIeta'noYel In ererr num. ber. In addition to a large quantity of Ueuful and eDUrtalnlng reading DiatUr. jr 4wnHewa4 atari, eeftlxk are M 6Jeell.M ( anawt twsslara. It should be in vnrj household, etab.1 eerlptlon, 3.00 per year. AgenU wanted In every town, to whom1 the most liberal lnduoemenU will be offerwi. I. b. urmcoTT ooKMirr, twmxty , . PHIUDCkPslieV- -.1 i . '.YJ max am iA.,t,..V,-TA Schedule in elteot Not. , li . , TRAMS LBAV OAHBBIDOI, O., For Chlcaeu and northwest, estlbu led lim ited, dally, .5 a. m. Sleeping oar attached. For CWoagd nd; aofthwest, eapress limited, dally, b.ia p. m. bleeping car attached lor C j-'orUolumbus, Cincinnati and St Louis, ll:t a. m., dally. Chair car attached. For Columbus. Cincinnati and St uouls, I M a. m. Dally. - Sleeping oars attached. Accommodation for all stations Cambridge to. Columbus, inclusive, 5:30 a, m. Returnlnn, ar rives at Cambridge at 7:05 p. m. Dally except oundav. .... For Wheeling, Grafton, Washington, Balti more. Philadelphia and New York, vestlbuied limited leaves it) p. m Sleepers attaohed. For Wheeling and Washington, D. Ceipresa ''For" Pittsburg, Pa., and points beyond. t:15 a. m. Sleepers attached. .... For Pittsburg, Pa., and points; beyond, t:M p. m. Chair cars attached. F. I). UKPltRWOOD, O. M. B. D. Mabtik, Manager of Passenger Traffla M. Fobuvci. Agent, Cambridge, Ohio. CLEVELAND, AK110N Si COLUMBUS RY Schedule In Effect January 5, IBW. SOUTH BOCND. Central Time. I I at its a m. 8 IV. 8 45 8 6H t 80 0 43 5M 10 4H 10 M 11 to 12 37 l in u. m. Cleveland Lv 7 41) 7 50 9 15! S 25 5 30 4 15 4 87 4 45 6 40 Euclid Avenue.. Newliurg Hudson Cuyahoga Falls. Akron. OrrvlUe.... r MUlershurg Gambler Mt Vernon j Centerburg Weslervllle Columbus Ar 8 on 8 40 8 (4 07 10 00 10 10 11 00 6 45 S SO e m 797 7 17 25 7 5 8 li 85S a, m. 12 IV S US $12 40 1 10 1 62 S 15 ji; 5:t i if I 4C! t 10 a. m Cincinnati. 5 451 S 40! . p. m.a. m.. NOBTH BOUNU Central Tlma 3. !. tia I I XI- la. ru.!p. ui.ia. m. p. oa. Cincinnati . . . . Lv 8 no 8 0o Columbus..... Lv 11 45 1 2 351 4 Westorvllle 12 10 I (W OJ Centorburg 12 4 I 51 1 u. v. J Ar 1 10 2 20 SOS MtVernott j L(t jn5 ,& $s ,0 Gambler 1 M 2 40 Mlllersburi 2: S55 8 50...... 7 li urrviuo.... Ly t.t, iK) (w ..,. I Ar 6 55 Kron 1 Lv 4 15 J0 05 jl0 37 Cuyahoga Falls.. 4 27 6 17 10 48 Hudson 4 40 8 30 11 0! Newlmrg 5 1 5 7 05 It 4-; Kurli.i Avenue.. 6 7 1(1 12 04 Cleveland .... Ar 5 4 0 7 30 li lu ;p. m .Is. in . ii. m. 114. i Prcsoi'U iji-aot-n. IIJ. p. rot t0S 5 M 415 sua 2u ii2 4t p. m. a. m. 10 li;Lv...MI!lrTsbiirit....Ar 1 uo KUlbuck 8 ID; Warsaw 8 55! Cuopordnle .... I 2j'Ar Trlnwuv ;I0 IS Ar.... ZuucavUlo... Lv Kuns dally. Slially except Sunda.v. iLiinch. os. x ana s curry farior uars Between uieve lnnd und Clnclmmtl. Fare 25 cents betweea Clcvclund and Columbus, or lntei-niedlute sta tions; 50 cents between Cleveland and Clnola uatt, or intermediate stations aoulli ot Column bus. Nos. S7 and 2fl carry Vestlbuled Sleeping Care between Cleveland and Cincinnati. No. V has a local Vestlbuled Sleeper be tween Columbus and Cleveland, and can be oo cupled by passengers afr-tr V p. in. at the weak end of the Union Station. No. 28 nas a local Vestlbuled Sleeper betweea Cleveland and Columbus. Tbts sleeper arrives at Columbus 2: 15 a. in. and is set at east end Union depot. Passengers can occupy Uiait berths until 7 a. m. isuti. Lnm turther notice, on Saturdays Tialn No. 28 will leave Cleveland 11:20 p. m. (bleeper ready lor occupancy p. m.), and C. A. tL C. Stations three hours and (orty minutes later than time shown above, arriving at Cim-innnil 10:45 a. m. For any information address C. P. DALY, Gen l Passentter Airt, 1. . UANNKUAX, Ass t Uen'l Pasa Atrt, Cleveland, a C E. WINTERRINOER. Passengor AkU, 83 North llmh St. Columbus, Ot AUCTIONEER. G. W. HINES, of Pittsfield, will attend to all t3ales promptly. Keasonable terma. Dates can be made at he Enterprise office. DURLING & BLIGH, WHOLKbALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal Coke, Blossburg Smithing Coal. WOOD, $1.50 CORD. Best of Accomodations at the 10c. Barn. Baled Hay and Straw. Moving Furniture a Specialty. TELEPHONE 71 EAST M ACT 81 The chculation of The En terprise for the year of 189& was 63,274. This mato the average weekly circulation . 1217. Nearly one-half of thesi circulate in the city of WeU lington; 500 copies go to tie surrounding towns. We can prove our circula tion by the invoices of paper purchased from the tf, K. Kellogg Newspaper Co., of Cleveland. ' The circulation of The En-' terprise will be larger for the year 1899. Remember this Jlfr. Advertiser, circulation it what counts. f J