Newspaper Page Text
T THE WELLINGTON ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED ITBRT WIBKKSDAI, TBI. f BENCH FBINTINO COMPANY. G. I COUCH, BECIITIB. SUBSCRIPTION. On Ysar la Months... COMMUNICATIONS. The nun of the writer mutt accompany all letter! for publica tion or requeue for information In order to secure attention. The name 1 not required for publication necessarily, but for the Inform ation of the editor Unsigned articles go Into the waste basket. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1899. State of Ohio, Lorain County, S. S. (Before me, a Notary Pub lic in and for the county afore said, came E.L. French, of Well ington, Ohio, manager of the newspaper known as The Well ington Enterprise, and first being duly sworn deposes as follows: "The circulation of the Enterprise for the year iSg8 was 63,274, making the average week ly circulatiou for i8g8, 1217 cop ies. Nearly cue-half of these circulate in the village of Well ington; 00 copies go to sur rounding towns. E. L. French. Sworn to and Subscribed in my presence this gth day of May, J.., i8gg.- (Benjamin Vanator, Seal JJotary Public. know of no good reason why a preacher should not be permitted to speak his sentiments occasionally along political lines. He averages well with other people in general intelligence. He perhaps keep up to the general average of people in his knowl edge of state and governmental affairs. He certain ly is supposed to average well in morality and the display of the more exhalted traits of Christian character. Then why should he be debarred from the political arena on account of his relationship to the church? Now we frankly acknowledge that the political views which we individually entertain we consider to be the legitimate outgrowth of our religion, and where we cannot go with our politics we will not go with our religion. Republican doc trine is a branch of the great vine of Christian eth ics and while we recognize the justice of the, clerical remark of Sunday evening, we would enlarge the scope of it and say that the republican party has reason to glory in its record ever since 1861. . This record has been rehearsed so often in past years that we will not take the space to do it here. It is well known, and none know it better than the cler gy of the land. If they know it, let them speak. To all unfortunate persons who happen to be outside of both church and party, we recommend the ad vice once given by ex-governor Foster: "If you desire to be supremely happy, get religion and join the republican party." Queen Victoria is eighty years old to-day. There was a real bull fight in Chicago last Sunday. Let's see. What was that aggregation called which met there in 1896 and unearthed a "cross of gold?" Bryan resigned his commission but the regi ment once under his command went on to victory and glory under another leader. 16 to 1 he's glad he didn't go with the regiment. One of the signs of the times which gives "promise of good is the conference now in session at the Hague. If all the powers represented there mutually agree to disarm, then the plow manufact urers ought to cut prices on their output on account of the over-abundance of material. See Micah 4. 3. ThE Trusts have commenced to overreach themselves. They have the price so high on some classes of steel rails that an elevated railroad in Boston placed an order in England for what they wanted, receiving them here duty paid at a much reduced rate from the home schedule. Let this continue and the trusts will gradually collapse. The Porto Ricans are becoming Americanized very rapidly. English is being taught in the schools, and Yankee methods of business astonish the natives. General Henry furnished a water sup ply for one of their cities in a few weeks which the Spaniards had tried in vain to do for several years. The "effete" East is nowhere compared with the 'wild and wooly" West. The Filipinos have now been four times re fused armistice pending the meeting of their con gress. It is "vassalage or death" with the imperi al program. Columbus, O., Press Post. We clip the above from an average sheet of the unwashed democracy. It is the smallest sample we could find with which to afflict our readers. We call especial attention to the words in quotations, "vassalage or death". We would like to ask the P. P. editor if, when his mother used to lay him prone upon her lap and proceeded to use upon his anatomy her well worn slipper, did he, after a few motherly slaps, ask her to suspend proceedings un til he could call his congress together and see if he would be a better boy? And suppose he had? Would it have been a mark of good generalship in her to have stopped until he had given her his un conditional promise to be good? Once before in the history of our country did its enemies seek to parley, and on asking for best terms, Gen. Grant replied: "Unconditional surrender. I propose to move immediately upon your works." That was good policy then and it is good policy today. Let Filipinos surrender unconditionally first, then the terms can be arranged afterwards. The Republican Party has a right to glory in her achievements of the past few years. This was the substance of a remark by one of our village pastors at a public meeting last Sunday evening. We wish to acknowledge our apprecia tion of such a sentiment from such a source. If the clergy felt at liberty to season their discourses with an admixture of politics more than they do they would doubtless increase the size of their aud iences and enhance the value of their pulpit work. We know that many people are very sensitive along these lines, and are horrified if the preacher even distantly alludes to politics in his sermons, and all the more if it is a Sunday sermon. , The same man will sit on a dry-goods box a half a day and dibate with some political shyster and not feel ' degraded or scandalized in the least by the contact. We WHY WE GOT IT. The Emtok of the Observer has at last re lieved himself of the bile that has been accumulat ing on his stomach since he began to publish his little handbill with a sample copy circulation. He finds fault because The Enterprise was awarded the contract for the public printing at fif teen cents more a square than the Observer's bid. Well, why should it not be given to The Enter prise? The statutes of Ohio require that ordi nances, etc. should be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the village, and not in a free circular. The statutes also provide that they may charge one dollar per square for such matter, and The Enterprise is doing it for fifty cents, one-half of the legal rate. Considering that The Enterprise has a bona-fide weekly circulation of over 1200 copies, it is proportionately cheaper than the other bid. Undoubtedly the council took into considera tion the fair treatment they had received from The Enterprise during the time it was the only paper published in town, and could have charged the full rate, and the council would have been obliged to pay it. We took no advantage of the situation, but continued to do the village printing at much less than the legal rate, and have never asked or received the legal rate. The council was perfectly satisfied with the price they were paying for the printing, and that it was as low as could be afforded in a newspaper where space was worth anything, and the Observer man asked the privilege of bidding for it, instead of the council inviting bids. In awarding us the contract the council did only what any private citizen would have done with his own business put it where the whole public could read it, and not to the exclusion of the majority. It required no McKission machine tactics, as charged by the squirt-gun writer, it was simply an open business-like transaction, by a unanimous voice and vote of the council without the least dic tation, and will meet with the approval of every sensible, thinking citizen. B B 1 ENTERPRISE NEWS STAND. ) Magazines Just Received. Come in and look them over. E Century E Munsey McClure's E Leslie's Scribner E Cosmopolitan Puritan Quaker Argosy Harper's Nickell Forum Arena Dramatic j Overland Monthly J Black Cat T Strand J Outlook We are also agents for THE SUNDAY e1 2 1 New York World I B B B B B A journalistic wonder. An artistic triumph. A literary feast. Magazine supple ment, containing a week's reading. 3 "KEEWAYDIN" Is Her Name a! New Launch A Wellington Mao, Owner Now Building at St, Jouph, Jtleh. Mr. H. B. Hamlin, of Wellington, 0., it Mopping at Hotel Whitoomb attend ing the finishing up and trial of the launch "Keewaydin" built for him by the Truscott Mfg. Co., and which will be ready for a trial tomorrow. The "Keewaydin" name of the north west wind, from Hiawatha, when com pleted will be one of the finest launches afloat. She is thirty-three feet long, her timbers and - frames of best select ed whito oak, planked with red cy press. Cabin and decks of quartered oak. Interior of cabin of solid mahog any finished to a high polish. Deck rails and all trimmings of brass, n'okle plated. Steering-wheel and controll ing levers in forward end of cabin. Curtained with silk and carpeted with axminstei.. Hat elegant pneumatic mattresses and cushions made to order In Massachusetts. In aft end of cabin is a book-rack, on port side a door opening into a clothes press, aft of which is a closet fitted with Sand's W, C. and patent folding lavatory with mirror. On starboard side a cook's galley with dishracks, shelves, drawers, ice-chest, stand and stove. A door opens from this into engine compartment, containing a Truscott tandam or double cylinder marine motor and dynamo. The launch will have electric signals and lights. Has suit water fillings through out, and is put together entirely with brass and copper fastenings, not a nail being used in her construction. The "Keewaydin" will fly the San dusky, O., Yacht Club colors and go to the races at Put-in-Bay, Erie, Pa and International races at Toronto, Cana da. Later in the season a leisurely cruise will be taken to Florida waters for the winter. The Truscott Co. employ 240 skilled boat-builders and now have in their warerooms eighty-seven launches and boats about completed and the majori ty of which will go to their destination within ten days. Captain Young, of Ashland, Wis., is now here with his en gineer to take his thirty-foot launch "Mollis" to Ashland, making a trip of 1000 miles. One launch about com pleted goes to Boston, one to Cuba and one to PuertoJRico. St. Joseph, Mich. Press. Birthday Annleriry. A pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. E. C. JefTeries, on Bennett street, May 17, it being the fiftieth an niversary of Mrs. JefTeries' birthday. About twenty-five relatives and friends were present. Dinner was served and a very enjoyable time was had. Among the presents received by Mrs. JefTeries were many useful ones. We mention especially a beautiful hat rack, a present from husband, son and daughter j i set if solid silver teaspoons and a dozen silver knives and forks, from her father, mother, brothers and sisters ; a silver nut crack and picks and silver spoon were from a nephew and neice. A good time was had, and all went away wishing the hostess many happy returns of the day. Ha Kicked. Last Monday Goodsell't delivery horse demurred to the manner in which he was connected with the wag on, the harness bringing him Into too close juxtaposition to the wagon, A friction ensuing, he began to run and Anally wound up by kicking part of the dashboard over into the next township, and greatly frightening the driver, who managed to haul him up at the store. An inventory of the damages revealed a few scratches on the horses hind legs and feet, and thit with the above in juries to the dashboard was all there was of it. Diamond Garment Cutting School. To the Ladles of 'this City and Vicinity. It it proposed with the encourage ment and co-operation of the citizens, to establish a school here, in teaching the art and science of fine dressmaking. Thit it a matter which at once demands the attention of any woman, as all are interested in dresses. It Is certainly a very desirable attainment for a lady to be able to properly superintend or to do her own dressmaking, particular ly as that art is now considered an ac complishment and a necessary adjunct to a lnd'ys finished education. The great difficulty in the past hat been to acquire that knowledge in a satisfact ory manner, but in this school that perplexing question will be fully met. The school will be of the nature of any institution of learning. The course of instruction covert every branch of dress-making, taking meas ures, cutting, basting, fitting, match ing, pressing, fine finishing. Attention is given to the selection of style and the study of art in dress. Also to all other points that can pot' sibly come up. A new plan of cutting is used, the Diamond Garment Cutter which prac tically revolutionizes dress making. It is without question the simplest, most. perfect, and most practical plan of cutting ever invented, being noth ing on the line of the common chart, confined to the cutting of plain waist, but cuts with ease and accuracy, any kind of a garment worn, together with all fancy trimmings, new style sleeves, and skirts. While it takes months to learn a sys tern, the Diamond Garment Cutter can be thoroughly learned in the spare time of a few weeks. The idea of a thoroughly equipped school, in charge of trained lady teach ers where the art of costume making may be studied in a scientific manner will appeal to any thinking person as being a good one. In the cities of Springfield, Bucyrus, Galion, Shelby, and hundreds of other towns in neigh boring states, large schools have been taught, where all pupils are enthuias- tic and the general verdict is that it is the finest and most beneficial insti tution ever introduced in the city. It is impossible to give adequate ex planation of such a work on paper, but the managers will be pleased to meet the ladies in their own homes at any time, to lay the plan before them. Ladies interested will please drop us a line, giving name and address, where a representative will call at once. Yours respectfully, DIAMOND GARMENT CUTTER COMPANY, WELUNOTON, OHIO'. n nrn An nup 1 at r a mi PHOTO BUTTONS FREE. Two Can Paaand Ovar Him. But did not touch him, and he lives to tell the tale. A boy seven years old, son of Frank Freeman of WeBt Main street, was knocked down by two freightcars, which were being switched across the public highway Monday af ternoon, at the Big Four depot. Fall ing between the rails, a brakeman told him to lie still, which he did until the cars had passed over him, when he was removed without injury. Annlveraar Calibration. Wellington Tent No. 105, K. 0. T. M will celebrate the eighteenth anniver sary of the order Saturday evening June 10. Attorney A. B. Webber, of Elyria, will deliver the address on this occasion. Th 1 8 is to be free public meeting and everyone it invited to attend, es pec i ally the Sir Knights and their friends from neighboring tents. Praiae for Col. Metcalf. Oapt. F. E. Buchan, formerly of Ashland, O., but late of the Twentieth Kansas regiment, has returned to the U. S. and givea the Kansas City Star the following: "Wilder 8. Metcalf hat ttepped into Funston's place as colonel with a brilliant record for military skill. I can-not say anything too good of Metcalf. He is loved by every man in the Kansas regiment. He and Funston were hand to hand in the fighting all the way through. When Funston said 'go ahead' it was Metcalf that steadied the men and took them through. He was the power behind the throne. Trlba of Ran Hnr. There will be a meeting of Melchoir Court, at their hall on next Monday evening. Important business. THE DERRICK FELL At the Foundry IU Falling; Load Struck a Man Hit on the Head Then Acrou the Back A Serloni Injury. BROWNIE ART COMPANY, Chaplain Pepper's Lecture. ! On Monday evening, May 29, the doors of the opera house will be open at 7 o'clock, and the lecture will com mence at 9 o'clock. As Louie Daniess, an employee at the Wellington Machine Co.'s works was assisting to load a brick machine on to a car the derrick they were ub ing broke and the brick machine fell, striking the young man first on the head and then on the back, inflicting quite serious injuries. Two severe gashes were cut in his head and the strike across his back loosened at leant one rib, if not more. Dr. Holliday was called and dressed the wounds, and It remains to be seen how serious the injuries may be. The patient is at Mrs. I. N. Linder't, his boarding place, and doubtless will have good care. The accident occurred this p. m. Waa It an Attempt T Clark French of Brighton, who has been working in 0. B. Lindsley's carriage factory was very hard to awaken this morning. He was sleep ing at his boarding place, Frank Free man's, and when called made no re sponse. The family made desperate efforts to awaken him, but to no pur pose and Anally Dr. Gregg was called, and he not being at liberty just at that time was called again in an hour or so, A partly empty bottle of chloroform in the room, and a scrap of writing ad' dressed to hit mother both tended to confirm the suicide theory. The phy sician found him in better condition than was expected from the surround ings, and at we go to press the proba bilities are good for his recovery. Death of Mrs. Krelger. Our community was shocked last week by the arrival over the W. & L E. Ry., of the remains of Mrt. Mina Kreiger, of Toledo, a former resident of this place. Mrs. Kreiger is the daughter of Mrs. P. A. Emerson of this place, and was well known by our peo ple. She had been enjoying good health until about a week prior to her death, when she waa attacked with tome malady strange to her, and physician was called who assured her it was nothing Berious. However 1 second attack proved fatal, the physi cian pronouncing it apolexy. The remains arrived here Thursday The interment services took place on Friday from the home of her mother, on Barker street. The deceased leaves a husband and daughter to mourn her lots, both of whom accompanied her remains to their final resting place. For Rent. House and lot in good location on Barken treeU Enquire of E. C Cushion at First hatlonal Bank. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the members of the fire department and other friends and neighbors for their excellent work in saving our home from burning last Wednesday. Mrs. P. Nichols and Family. CROSIER BLOCK. : (tieiii.e 11. . T j f Keaa me Description r Then come and see a sample of the famous BIMELL BUGGIES. Pineo & Daniel'sA grade wheels(Are you familarwith this make of wheel?). Best selected gear stock. No. 1 Black-hickory thills, (extra long fine leathered) Richard's long distance axle. Open head, rubber cushioned springs. Anti-rattler fifth wheel. Rubber padded steps. Safety anti-rattler, quick shift thill couplings. Hand made body and seat. No. 1 hand buffed, leather quarter top. 18 or., wool dyed cloth cushion and back. These buggies have not the slight est appearance of cheapness, in fact they look at they ure, made by mechanics instead of boys. CO Mm THE BEST CULTIVATOR ON EARTH. The best of all grain drills-THE EMPIRE, 9 and 11 hoe Drills corn, beans and peas, as well as wheat and oats We guarantee this to be the lightest run ning and mast accurate drill on the market. We put them on trial to prove their merits. Please remember I have in stock Farm Wagons, broad and narrowjtire ; Wind Mills, Pumps (for every use), Disks, 1 and 2-horse Corn Planters, land2-horse Cultivators. It will pay you to Bee them before you buy. W. G. WEAVER, The Blacksmith. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Keep Potted on Church Appointment Turn out and Hear your Locnl Minis try Try to be Somebody. ConitretcRtloliiil. Morning Address to G. A. R. No evening service. Method Ut. No morning service. Evening The World's Mistake. IlupllHt. Evening service as usual. Chrl.tian. Evening Who Received the Keys of the Kingdom When Were They Used. For What Purpose. All the churches unite in morning service at Congregational church. Memorial Service.. We have not been furnished a pro gram of the exercises for the day, but we are authorized to make the follow ing statement: Hamlin Post to meet at O. A. R. hall at 1 p. m., march to opera house to re ceive flowers ; march to the west ceme tery to decorate graves; counter march to opera honse for flowers ; march to south cemetery to decorate graves; counter march to opera house to listen to the memorial address by Chaplain Geo, W. Pepper. The procession to be escorted by the Wellington Cornet Band and Sons of Veterans. There will be a meeting o(,the ladies of Wellington, Monday at 1 p. m., and Tuesday at 8 a. m,, May 29 and 80, at the voting rooms to prepare wreaths and garlands for decorating the graves of our fallen heroes. Let every woman who is interested in perpetuating the memory of the heroic dead turn out and assist with the work. Committee. Too much iciness in the air prevent ed the band from giving their usual concert in the park last Saturday evening. The Relief Sewing Society will meet with Mrs. E. M. Smith on Courtland avenue, Thursday afternoon of this week. Supper from 5 to 7. Mr. Woodley Brugler has received an order from the Lackawana & West ern railway for fix of his rail-joint sup ports, a description of which was pub lished in the Enterprise of last week. Since rope portieres have taken the place of chenile draperies, we notice it hat been quite the thing for our town people to tend their chenile cur tains Bway to have them converted in to the rope portieres. . Now they can have them made over in their own town. The Misses Knapp on Elm street, we learn, are prepared to do thit work at reasonable prices, and guarantee satisfaction. This is quite an opportunity for our Wellington ladies. The prospects are that they will be well patronised. We have the winner Over 100,000 Grascent Bicycles Sold in 1898. The moat popular wheel in America. . Chain and Chain less Models in stock, and prices are right, We invite your inspection, and can in terest you. Also a nice line of Second Hand Wheels Cheap. I All Kinds of Repairing Done Rooms under the American House. J. J. THOMAS & CO. Boiler Flues for Fence Posts. Barbed and Smooth Fence Wire White Lead, Mixed Paints, Linseed Oil. Galvanized Roofing a Specialty. AT RANSOM & WILBUR'S B. VANATOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER AND COLLECTOR. Haadqnartars Trlba of Ban Hur. Offlot with Th franca Printing Oo. " .." 1.1...