ItMtlHtfpwIifi ud Special Brants
la WatllnctoB Immediate Vicinity, of
latere to Everyone Our Correepond
ate Spare Mo Peine to Glean the Mews.
Our Center schools closed (or the
summer vacation, on Friday last.
Mrs. Fannie Auble, of Spencer River
Corneri, visited at A. W. Denham'e
the flnt of the week.
Memorial lerviees will be held in the
Congregational church at 10:80 on Sun
day next, aermon by Rev. Long, pastor
of the Methodist church.
Deooration day services will begin at
8 o'clock, to enable our people to visit
other town services in the afternoon
W. L. Denslow, resident pastor of the
Congregational church who has Just
superceded Rev. V. J. Jacobs, will de
liver the address.
Our people are all agog with enthu
slasm over Decoration day at present.
It is hoped that the G. A. R. Poet
from Wellington will honor us with
their comradeship on thia occasion.
W. L. Denslow, Congregational pas
ior, will deliver the address. The Sab
hath last past was .Mr. Denslow's first
ft resident ptistor, Mrs. Denslow hav
ing joined hlnv last week, accompanied
by two charming Masters Denslow.
Our people all seem much pleased with
their new minister.
The ministerial reception at Fred
Oott's on Thursday evening, the 18th
Inst., was well attended, 'the house be
ing so full that our hospitable hostess
found it utterly impossible to set
tables, and wns forced to consent her
self with offering her numerous guests
a "lap supper," which was very nice
and well served.
Quite a number of our M. E. breth
ren attended, and all seemed to enjoy
themselves hugely.
Married In Penfield. on Wednes
day evening, th)e 17th instt, at the
home of her parenits, Mr. and Mrs. P.
D. Dalgleish, Miss Vira Dtilgleish to
Mr. Irvine Gallatin. The wedding was
well attended, quite a large house full
present despite 'the warring elements
which seemed so fiercely bent on
keeping the guests away. The parlor
in which the ceremony was performed
was tastefully decollated with haw
thorn and ferns, and all arrangements
"were thoroughly made and well car
ried out. No ring-dropping or other
awkward "contretemps" occurred to
mar the felicity of the occasion, and to
use Mie old hackneyed expression an
went bs merry as a marriage bell." We
. hope and trust th old poetic proph
esy, "Happy the 'bride that the sun
shines on," followed by its less happy
prognostication, "Unhappy the bride
that the rain fails on," may not prove
true In this instance; for the jolly old
aun never gave us a single view of hi
genial countenance the entire day,
while the ram surely did its prettiest
endeRvors to spoil the festivities,
TTnwver fnr onpp. the weather irot
beautifully "left." The young coupl
will make their home in Congress, we
are Informed. A number of valuabl
end tasteful presents were on exhibi
tlon, showing the fair bride was not
foraroMen by her friends and relatives,
The Smith road boys also furnished
"in pan serenade," free gmtis, which
. was thoroughly enjoyed by all present,
being finally put an end to by the
rroom setting up the cigars. After
which th boys retired in good order.
It was their way of showing their good
will to their old playmate, "Mr. G., and
If trifle overpowering wps at leas:
sincere. It was both "loud and deep,
Mrs. Lester Richmond, of Medina,
and daughter Vic, and Mrs. Jane Dale,
of Oberlin, .were present, despite the
bad weather.
Mr. William Taylor, of Iowa, is at
present visiting his brothers, H. D. and
C. A. Taylor, as .well as many other
friends and relatives in our little burg.
We saw Mrs. iWatt Starr, of Elyria,
in town last week. She is much
missed here, 'being a steadfast church
worker, and a hard "pusher" at any
thing she undertakes. We hope she
may find new friends to appreciate
her talents as did the old in Penfield.
spent Sunday with Mrs. Zilkha Bat
tles. Rev. T. L. MaCounell will deliver a
emorlal sermon at the M. E. churvh
next Sunday morning.
Decoration day will be observed here
at 10 o'clock a. m. The speaking will
bo done by home talent, mostly by the
children. Committtee on music, Kev.
and Mrs. McConnell; martial music, G.
W. Greene. Committtee on flowers
and decoration, Misses Alice Hart, Jen
nie Herbert, Jessie Evereon, Blanche
Kaufman, Ida Mills, Anna Allyn, Jen
nie Stocking, Grace Day, Ethel Burge,
Mabel Manning, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Griggs, and the Misses Storrow.
The Pomona Grange of Lorain coun
ty will meet with Browrohelra Grange
on Saturday, June 10, 1899. Patrons
from their part of the county are
urged to attend, as it will be an Im
portant meeting, and Brownhelm
Gmnge will entertain the visitors roy
ally. C. E. FOX, Secretary.
"A word to the wise is sufficient"
and a word from the wise should be
sufficient, but you ask, who are the
wise? Those who know. The oft-repeated
experience of trustworthy per
sons may be taken for knowledge. Mr.
W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy gives better satisfaction than
any other in the market. He has been
in the drug business at Elkton, Ky.,
for twelve years; has sold hundreds of
bottles of this remedy and nearly all
other cough medicines manufactured,
which shows conclusively that Cham
berlain's Is the most satisfactory to the
people and Is the best. For sule by
Near & Wells.
Mrs. Green (nee Nora Long) started
for her new home In (Burton Saturday
morning. 1
Mr. J. B. Robinson was In Cleveland
last Monday. . . ;
Messrs. George Nimock, 'Dudley Fin
kle, and George Boone, Jr., were in
Elyrla the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. PheVm were In
New London last Tusday.
Mrs, Low, of Wellington, spent Sun
day with Eugene Bliss and wife.
Mrs. Cadnuis, of Lornin, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. E. S. ,Buck, and
family. ' -
Miss May Hollenbeck, of Wellington,
spent Monday night with Litta Thelon.
Mr. "leorgo Boone, Sr., of Welling
on, visited David Hull's family list
The band boys have their new suits.
Mrs. John Casscll, of Liverpool, is
visiting the family of her futhw-in-
Mrs. Lura Rogers and son Warden
spent Sunday with Mr. William Hand
ley's family of Wellington.
Mr. Swlucegood and family visited
Chris Frederick and wife Sunday.
Mrs. Lew Dibble and Mrs. Bird Van
Arsdale, of Wellington, spent last
Tuesday with Mrs. L. E. Chapman.
J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on
electric street car line, writes that his
little daughter was very low with
croup, and her life saved after all phy
sicians had failed, only by using One
Minute Cough Cure.
Be sure you need medicine before
you take it, but having once found out
that you need it lose no time in get
ting the best. If it's for the Kidneys,
Liver, Bladder or Blood, Rheumatism,
Dyspepsia or for Chronic Constipation,
the best is Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
ite Remedy, and very simple way to
find out if you need it, is to pit some
urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand
24 hours: if it then has a sediment or a
milky, cloudy appearance; If it is ropy
or stringy, pale or discolored, you do
noi neeu a physician to ten you inai
you should take Favorite Remedy at
once. It speedily cures snch danger
ous symptoms as pain in the back, fre
quent desire to urinate, especially at
nignt, burning scalding pain in passing
wator, the staining of linen by your
urine and all the unpleasant and dan
gerous effects produced on the system
by the use of whiskey and beer. All
reliable druggists sell Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy at $1.00 a
bottle, or 6 bottles for te.00.
By a special and particular arrange
ment wit h the manufacturers, our read
ers can try this grand medicine abso
lutely free. By simply sendingyour full
name and post office address to the I) It.
Rondout. N.Y.. mentioning this pnner,
when a trial bottle of Favorite Reme
dy, together with a pamphlet of valua
ble medical advice, will be sent you by
mail postpaid.
The publishers of this paper guar
antee the genuineness of this liberal
Sunday morning, which was highly
appreciated by all. Mr. 'H. Fisher is a
very promising young minister, and
his many friends wish him success In
the good work.
The Armenian missionary ser
mon Sunday evening and singing at
the . M. E. chwcfo were delightfully
rendered to la large audience by Mr.
Life, student of Oberlin college, a na
tive of Armenia.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con.
gregational church meets pt the par
sonage Thursday, June 8. Cordial in
vitation to all.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Colera and Diar
rhoea remedy In the Worchester Enter
prise recently, which leads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to H for colic and
diarrhoea. I have never had to use
more than one or t wo doses to cure the
worst case with myself or children
W. A. STROUD, Popomoke City, Md.
For sale by Near 4 Wells.
We forgot to mention last week the
meeting of the Ladies' Society with
Mrs. M. E. Seeley. It was one of the
society's meetings, and the hostess
spared no pains to make it pleasant
for her guests,
John Branchfiower, of Jackson,
Mich., is spending a week with Mrs.
Harriett Dunbar.
Miss Mhy Grundy visited friends In
Spencer Friday.
Mrs. Sarah Beach, of Wellington, Is
pending a few days with relatives
Earl Merrills and family spent Sun
day in Clarksfleld.
Mrs. Electa Hall spent la few days
last week with Mrs. Harriett 'Dunbar.
Mrs. Alice Battle, of Wellington,
Mrs. William Ormsby is reported On
the sick list.
Mrs. R. E. McKisson, of Cleveland, is
visiting in town.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyman Knowles, of
Elyria, spent Sunday with LaGrange
Mrs. D. E. Morris and little daughter
Marion, of Geneva, O., are guests of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Z. R. Parsons.
Mrs. Ellen McKisson, of Cleveland, is
spending a few days with Mrs. Nettie
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Gott and daugh
ter called on Elyrla friends bunday.
The commencement exercises of the
LaGrange High School (for 1899 are
thjngs of the past. This institution
has just closed a successful year
successful in Rlmost every respect.
The increase in the enrollment of stu
dents is 10 per cent over that of last
year. The reputation of our school is
made, and is steadily on the Increase,
while friends of the school are con
stantly increasing in number. The ex
ercises of commencement week showed
what the institution is accomplishing
under the management of Prof. 'H. 0.
The annual commencement exercises
of the LaGrange high school were held
in the City Hall Friday evening. May
19. The class of '99 has concluded Ms
work and received their diplomas.
The stage was handsomely decorated
with palms, ferns, cut flowers, and the
class and national colors. The crowd,
an immense one, was orderly and in
telligent. The exercises passed off
pleasantly from beginning to end. Ev
ery one was Satisfied and happy. It
was a bright gathering. It showed
progress and advancement. The plane
of scholarship, as shown by the orar
Hons, was highly creditable ftlike to
faculty and students. The speaking
was clear, brisk, and to the point.
The following programme was ren-dered:
Music, LaGrange Orchestra; music,
"We Meet Again," Phreno Mole Quar
tette, of Bereia; invocation, Rev. W. E.
Lyon; music, "When the Day Fades,"
quartette; salutatory, "Character
Greater Than Wealth," was delivered
in a very pleasing manner by Ethel H.
Clark; music, "A Medley," quartette
omtion, "Concentrated Energy." by
LeRoy A. Freeman, was full of
thoughts properly composed and well
rendered, which showed his full un
fierstnnoing oi tne selection; music,
orchestra; oration, "Decision," by
Frank R. Wilkins, was one of the best
on the program. He treated the sub
ject in a philosophical manner, and
pleaded for the cultivation of thn
habit; music, "Juanita," quartet
oration, "The Needs of Yesterday and
To-Dny," by Charles E. McKisson, won
the hearts of the audience by his nobl
thoughts. His voice is full and rich
and gives promise of great hchieve
ments In the future; music, "The Jolly
Blacksmith's Lay." quartette; Esther
M. Dale w4 (valedictorian, and her
theme. "One Unwavering Aim," was
an interesting prodmeHon and was de
livered in a grticeiful style, and should
prove inspiring to all who heard it
music, "Alma Mater,", quartette. In
short address that should not be soon
rorgonen, rroi. n. w. Merrlam pre
sented the diplomas. Music, orchestra
A. R. Webber, of Elyria, delivered
helpful and inspiring address on th
subject, "Onr Boys." He emphtislzed
the need of a temperate life as a means
of success, for in 'business life we
must be strong In mind and body to
perform the work that is before us,
The man who is to win in the struggl
of life Is he who can do honest, hard
work, do it well, and stand it long.
was an roble and scholarly discussion
Music, "Until the Dnwn," quartette,
Music, orchestra.
Messrs. Anderson and Hockley had
their hliy baled last week.
Clnrenee Dirlum is the guest of his
brother, 0. A. Dirlam, and family.
Miss Mida Rowland, with her sister,
Mrs. Tu'dium, of Nova, spent lust week
with their sister in 'Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson and
daughter, of Huntington, were guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
Sage, Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Beckley visited
Mr. and Mrs. Byron llileuian in Sulli
van recently.
Miss Jennie Hurlebaus spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. II. Lauorie. She
returned to Wellington Sunday even
Mrs. H. B. Stevick and Mrs. Shepard
of Wellington, were recent guests at
A. Laborie's.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Peet and little
daughter, of Homer, were guests Kit E,
I have been a sutleier from chronic
iarrhoea ever since the war and have
sed all kinds of medicines for it. At
ast I found one remedy that has been
ruccess as a cure, ard that is Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea W,0K nns Deen """'"IT l"e
R,iup p. fi.rfo.hon. finnr. viit funeral of his wife.
Mrs. llaker visited friends in Norwalk
ast week,
Leland Avery, of Cleveland, was at
iime over Sunday.
Rev. Andes.of Oberlin, has accepted
the position "as pastor of the Congre
gational church.
Mrs. Woodtird, of East Rochesiter, vis-
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, of Indiana
visited Mr. Walter Hull's ftimily a few
days the past week.
Fisher's Sunday.
cut. A good literary program was pre
sented snd well rendered". The singing
by the brand new male quartette was
very good. The occasion was enjoyed
by all.
Mrs. Young and her daughter, Franc,
hlive moved buck to their place at the
Mrs. Rose, of Elyria, visited he.
daughter, natlie, at Mr. C. Gifford's
part of last week.
Mr. G. J. Johnson returned home
Saturday from a three weeks' sojourn
In Illinois.
There will be a school picnic at the
Center Snturflay of this week. R. If.
Kinnison, of Wellington, will deliver
an address. Each school is expected to
hlive a short literary program. A good
time is expected.
Rev. Andes will preach the memorial
sermon In the Congregational church
next Sunday.
Memorial day will be observed with
appropriate exercises.
Messrs. Alton and Grant Pitts anil
families spent Sunday with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Pitts, In Wei
Mr. land Mrs. J. Hobbs, of Oberlin,
visited at C. F. Avery's last Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. iWm. White, Mrs. Jake
White, Adam Beard and C. F. Avery
were in Elyria Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Troerrel accom
panied Mr. Clodiwick to his home in
Watertown, N. Y., last week. Mr. Clod-
La. For sale by Near & Wells.
Mr. Clodwick, who has been visiting
friends here since the funeral of his
wife, returned to his home in Water-
town, N. Y., accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Troerrell, last week.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris
tian church will meet with Mrs. Kate
Rioket. The election of officers for the
ensuing yetar will take place on this
Miss Lou Rodgers, from Cleveland,
In Sullivan visiting her many
friends and relatives.
Rev. Howard Dennis, of Cleveland,
was the guest of the people of Sullivan
last week. He addressed the congre
gation (it the Christian church in the
evening of last Lord's day. He is n
pastor who has spent the ibest of his
life working In the Master's vineyard.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Grissinger at
tended the commencement exercises at
Spencer Friday evening. The even
ing's entertainment wns exceptionally
good. Five young gentlemen gradu-
ted with high honors. One of the
graduates was Charles Mann, second
son of Frank Munn, Sr., who was a Sul-
van hov.
Mr. Orlando Johnson has improved
his fnrm buildings by the addition of n
ew barn roof.
Some of our high school scholars
ent fishing Thursday. We hear it re
ported that a 13-pound catfish was
their largest catch, Nextl
The severe electrical storm last
Tuesday night, which set fire to Mr.
Charles Spencer's barn, burning the
contents and barn to the ground, also
set fire to the ltirge new 'barn of Anson
Hyde's in three places. They were so
fortunate as to extinguish the fire be
fore any great damage was done. An
son s garden is covered with the pine
plinters which the lightning made fly.
Mr. Spencer's loss is considerable, as
t was insured very lightly. One great
loss was the burning of all his gitain
Mr. and Mrs. Streets were visiting
W. E. Heichcl and family.
Decoration day will be observed as
usual here. The music is in the etli-
clcnt hands of Mr. Joseph Gawar,
School closes Friday. The scholars
have a picnic planned for next Snt
nrdny In the Parmely grove. A base
ball game is under consideration for
one of the drawing features.
The Hoxwell class were notified on
Monday that all who attended have
ptissed with high honors.. , .The
Dr. Dignan spent Saturday and Sun
day with his parents in Fairfield.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Phillips, of Clarks
fleld. visited Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
ted her brother's, Grant, and Alton Phillips, of this place, Saturday.
itts and families part of last week.
Miss Arda Barker, of Wellington,
pent Sunday at Wm. Avery's.
The ice cream supper and literary en
tertainment under the auspices of the
i. O. T. M. Friday evening wns well at
tended, about one hundred being pres-
is My '
If so, there must be some
trouble with its Food. Well
babies are plump; only the 1
sick are thin. Are you sure j
the food is all right? Chil- J
dren can t help but crow ;
they must grow if their food
nourishes them. Perhaps a
mistake was made in the
past and as a result the di
gestion is weakened. If that
is so, don't give the baby
a lot of medicinet just use
your every-day common
sense and help nature a
little, and the way to do
it is to add half a teaspoon-
tul ol
j to the baby's food three or '
four times a day. The gain :
, will begin the very first day
j you give it. It seems to
i correct the digestion and
f gets the baby started right i
I again. If the baby Is nurs-
ing but does not thrive, then :
the mother should take the
emulsion. It will have a
I good effect both upon the
I mother and child. Twenty-
live years proves this tact.
90c and ll drugglsti.
SCOrr 4 BOWNB., New York.
cetablePrcparationfor As
similating thc7oodandRetfula-tiriteSiomadisariiLBowclsQf
Promotes KgeslioaClreiful
ness and Rest.Con tains neither
Optum.Morptitnc nor Mineral.
Pmqbm Sml
jHxJtnim Jtd
Aocrfecf Hemedv for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions , Fevensh
aess and Loss OF SUER
TacSimile Signature of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
the .i
lM Use
ill w . -
$w ror uver
Thirty Years
mm u tin
consists of the following members:
Misses Helen Park, (Blanche Ililman,
Hozena Park, Enola Eaton, Ethel
Smith, Ethel MoAdoo, nnd Roy Du.Min.
They expect to have a commencement
Orrin Lnshcl, of Wellington, with
Alex. Justice, put in a day recently
shooting. Nine cranes, one hawk and
woodchuck were Inid low by their
Steve Cowie and Carl Hackus were in
Wnkeman Sunday.
Allie Battle, of Wellington, called on
friends on our street. Sunday.
Frank Richmond, of -Wellington, was
at J. Hall's over Sunday.
It. .7. Unckus land family visited at
Mr. Fish's in White Fox Sunday.
Elsie Eil wards was at home Sunday
from Camden.
Mrs. Barnum, of West Clarksfield,
called on Mrs. liackus Saturday.
Clarence Garriss, of Rochester, is
getting to be. a frequent visitor on our
Fred fiillctt etiims the champion
ship on growing pigs. He recently
sold one to Gott, of Wellington, which
was seven months and thirteen dayi
old and weighed 350 pounds. Who can
class Uwm M . . -
W. L. K.
In effect Sunday, November 18,1808.
Train No. 4 Pally. 10:2Bsm
" 6 Dally (except Sunday.... . B JOpm
Train No. 40 Local 10:04 a. m.
rnln No. 1 Pal I v (ezecot Sunday!... 104 am
Train No. 3 Dally 4:14pm
Train No. 48 Local 8:16 a. m.
Col. Gin. Ind.AStL....
i Dally Ht. L. Kx
27 Col. Ex
V DhIIv Col. A Cln. Ex 10:(Kpra
Local rrelitlit
26 Wellington Ex. (Sunday only)
2S Dally Col. & Clu. Ex 8:0im
i (iiilllon Kx 8:11 am
ii-I)iily Col. Ind. 4 8t L. Ex 1:08 pm
We imton Kx 6:20Dm
Dallv Col. Clu. 4 Ind. Ex 8:10 urn
U Local FrelKb 5:'J0pm
After a lapse of about three months,
David Dny had another attack of his
old complaint Ifcist Tuesdny. He is re
covering slowly.
The fnrmers are lilir. their surplus
stock of liny this week.
Mr. Willard "Welsher, of Iowa, is vis
itimr relatives and friends of this
place. '
Mr. E. Rowland has bought the W. E,
Crandall property and will move into
town next week.
Mr. W. M. Phelps Jias moved into
part of R. Potter's house
Mr. John Brfiman, of Cleveland, vis-
ted his brother, Mr. Samuel Braman
over Sunday.
Xfr. and Mrs. S. (Phillips spent Sun
day in North Fairfield, O.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Pifer visited her
mother, Mrs. Krobs, in Lodl, O., over
Mr. Peasley and family, of Ilrigton
were the guests of Mr. J. F. Beardslcy
Sunday. y
Mr. Willinm Dignan, brother of Dr.
Dig-nan, of this place, returned from
Culm Saturday evening. Mr. Dignan
enlisted in the Eighth Ohio Cavalry
last fall and was sent to Cuba. He was
recently discharged, and Is on bis wny
home in North Fairfield, 0.
Mr. 'Dell Simons, of Cleveland, is
visiting his mother, MrB. J. Porter, of
this place.
Miss Daisy Webb, of New London,
O., came over on her wheel one day
lust week and was the guest of Miss
Josie Reardsley.
Mrs. John 'Dagnan and her daughter,
Mrs. flobishhw, of Wellington, were in
town Saturday.
Mrs. Anna Fisher, of Wellington,
was the guest of her father, Mr. Henry
P.nrnes, Sunday.
Mr. Fred Rowland, of New London.
0 was in town Sunday.
Mr. Oley Hnnley was home from Co
lumbus over Sunday.
Mii-s Julia Cotita, who has been work
ing at dressmaking in Oberlin the past
winter, has opened a shop on Norlh
State tr1 in rhi place.
Tha Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E
church meets with Mrs. Mary Starron
Friday, June 9. Cordial invitation to
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Bap
tist church meets with Mrs. Anna
Ketchum on BuMes road June 8, lft)9.
Cordial Invitation extended to all.
There will be memorial services at
the Baptist church next Sunday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock. Ail old foldlers
are invited. Rev. A. H. Lash will de
liver the a'ddress.
Mr. Hubert Fisher, of Wellington,
delivered a very able discourse to a
large audience at 'the M. E. church on
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs,
cold, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trou
bles are to be guarded ngainst, nothing
is a fine substitute," "will answer the
purpose, or is just as goal as Une
Minute Cough Cure. That is the one
infallablc remedy for all lung, throat
or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorous
ly upon having it if "something else"
is offered you.
Rev. W. .7. Gray, who came from
Michigan to preach the bncenlnurea'te
sermon, mlule an all too short a visit
to his former parishioners Jn Spencer,
returning lust Tuesdny.
The commencement exercises last
Friday evening were very largely at
tended. The town hall was crowded to
its utmost and many went away. The
performances were a brillinii't success
Five young men formed the cljuss of
T Corrected tvSry Wednesday Morntar
Pavlns;. '
Ray pel ton
Corn In ear, 70 lbs
Cornaholled,56 tbs
ttye per du
New wheat per bu
nuiier.aairy, per a
Hutter, creamery, per t
Kirvs, per doz
Honey, per lb
.aro, per m
olatoea per du
Plonr per sack of 4Utbs
Com Meal perewt
cnop per cwr
Ml.ldllnm per cwt
Hran per cwt
Oil Meal per cwt
chki:ne makkkt.
nilllng Prices Monday's Sales.
Ohio State Flats
Creamery Butter
09, and Spencer has jut reason to be
We had ft light frost this morning proud of its schools. Receipts were
nnd yesterday morning. $16.
Quite a strong wind passed through The L. O. T. M. furnished the nluiiin
here lust Tuesday, blowing down trees banquet Saturday evening, nnd all who
nnd unroofing some small buildings.
i iiimih iM
The Leading Specialists of America I
250,000 Cured.
Thousands of young nnd middle-aged
men are troubled with thin dimmse many
uiioontwiouBly. They way have a smart
ing sen nation, email, twisting Bt renin,
shurn cuttinr nainsat timeit. fliahtdi-
I charge difficulty in commencing, weak I
organ it, em in?! linn, anl all thepymptom I
I or nervous aooiniy iiiey nave hi iut
I TURK. Don'tlatdootorHuxtwrimcnton
you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing
you. This will not cure you. aBtt will re
turn. Our NKW MKT HOD TKfclAT
MtiNT absorbs the stricture tiHtme;
hen on removethestricturepornian'ntly.
Itean never return. No ittin,uo suffer
ing, do dutcntion from b urinous by our
method. TbeHexualorgansnrestrongdi
oned. The nerves are invigorated, and
I the bliss of manhood returns.
Thousands of young and middle-aged
men are having their sexual igor and
vitality continually pupped hy thin dis
ease. They are frequently unconscious
ot the oauiw ot mew prmpiomt, uunorai
Weakness, Unnutnrtu Discharges, Fail
ing Manhood, Nervousness, l'oor Mem
ory, rri lability, at time Smarting Hen
nation, Sunken Kyes, with dark circles,
Weak Bark, Uenornl Depression, Lack
of Ambition, Varieoeolo, Hhrunken
Parts, ete. (1LKLT and KTR1CTUHK
may be the caue. Don't consult family
doctor, as they have no experience in
these special diseases don't allow
Uuacksto experiment on you. Consult
rTpeciiilists, who have made a life study of
Diseasesorfcn and Women, UurMiW
tively euro you. Une thousand dollars
for a cose wo accent for treatment and
oannotcura. Torm moderate for u cure.
We trent ind care: EMISSIONS,
ES. Kl UNKV smi HLAH1KII blumm.
FRKH if uiibIiIk to cull, write for
Kennedys Kergan
participated were highly pleased. The
literary program which preceded the
supper w(is very interesting and profit
able. David Monosmith showed mark
ed nls'lity as toastinnster, nnd the oe-
casion wns a very successful one
every way.
Kev. J. II. nhickhurn will preach th
memorial sermon May 2S. All soldier
with their fltimilies are requested to he
present, gathering in the anteroom
and march into the church, sitting to.
gether In the center pews.
The meeting for making arrange
menis for Decoration day showed
more than usual interest, especially by
civilians. Arrangements are made for
a good celebration. An invitation ha
been extended to all the children in the
township to come and assist. The la
dies are 'to meet at the ha 11 at nin
o'clock to make wrflalhs and bouquets,
and any one having flowers is request
cd to send them there. The exercises
begin at one p. m., when the procession
will form at the hall and march to the
cemetery. After the exercises there,
proceed to the 'M. E. church, where
t'upt. McLcllan, of Wooster, will deliver
the address.
Hev. .T. II. Mackbnrn will attend
ministerial conference at Burbfrnk the
coming week.
'Mrs. Illockbiirn nnd children luiv
gone to Crestline to spend a couple of
The dnmnge by the storrn last TueS'
day wns considerable. The farm of
Mrs. Solomon Dimock was severely
visited 17 apple trees rooted up, fences
torn down, etc. Mr. llradly lalso suf
fered. The tower to the M. E. church
was struck by lightning and various
other pluses show the effects of the
1'. Rullerton, of Lodl, was in Spence
Wednesday in the Interest of the Ohio
Farmers' Insurance Co,, in which the
diuroh is insured.
Miss Georgia McDowell, at Seville,
8:88 am
1:08 pm
f :20 pm
11:00 am
SUM am
t 60
1 00
1 oo
1 ou
1 40
J. W. Smith vs. James Serage, et al..
In Loral n county, 0, Court ot Common Fleas
Case No. SB.
KtierlR's sate on order ot sale.
In Durtuance (it an order ot sale Issued from
the Court of Common Flas, within snd (or
the enmity of Lorain and state of Ohio made
nt the Fntiruitry term thereof, A. I). !WI, and
in iiKid reeled, i mve ev en UDon ana will
offer for g.ile st public auction at the north
dnnrof the court hoimn, In Elyrla. on Satur
day. MaviT. A. D. I'M, between the hours of
in and II o clock, a.m , of suld day, the follow
ing described real extato, towlt:
hltuiitl in the v site of we nzton. coun
ty of Lorain and state of Ohio and known si
bet iik lot number five (.") and thirty three (IS)
leel off from the west aide of lot number four
(4 in block number live (f) extend nil back
the lull leneth of aald lot number (our (4) In
u. ij. waoHworurg aivision oi tne incorpo
rated village of Wellington.
Hld premises have been appraised at twen
ty five hundred ( dollars and cannot
ell for leas than two-thirds of said appraisement.
Terms of Sale, cash on day of sale.
W. II. Warden. Sheriff of Lnraln eonntv. O.
J.T. Haskell, Attorney (or Palmer Steadraaa.
Estate of J. II. Woolley, deceased.
The undersigned has been appointed and
3UHllfled as ailmlnlairator of the estate of
. II. Woolley. late of Lorain county, deceased.
Dated this Uth day of May, A. D., m.
J. W. Houghton. Administrator,
visited Spencer commencement time.
John Nestor and wife, of NorwaJk,
were at A. T. Van's over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. liichter, or Lodl, visited
relatives here last week.
Mrs. Maun and son and daughter, of
Sullivan, were at Will Fulk's Friday.
Solon Tucker, of Wellington, was in
town a couple of dnys last week.
Mrs. Kmma Ketcham, of Lorain,
spent the Sabbath M C. W. lAldrlch's.
J. J. Hair Is seriously sick again.
11. Freeman is having a serious time
with a carbuncle in his hand, being
unable to attend to business.
If you have a cough, throat irrita
tion, weak lungs, pain In the chest, dif
ficult breathing, croup or hoarseness,
let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure.
Always safe and reliable.
Happy is the man or woman who can
ent a good hearty mcul without suffer
ing afterward. If you cannot do it,
take Kodul Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what yon eat and cures all forms of
dyspepsia snd Indigestion.
. . DB. J. W. HOUGHT05.