Newspaper Page Text
;? f SPECIAL ATTENTION! Ladies' Shirt Waist .50c to $1.35 Select Styles in Neck and Belt Buckles. Fine Curtain Muslin at .8, 11, and 12c, yd Hammocks with valance sides, only $1.00 Palm Leaf Fans, each 2c Baby Caps, each .20, 25, and 40c. Full stock of galvanized pails and dairy pans now on hand, at lowest prices. WELLINGTON NOVELTY STORE FRANCES A. BENEDICT. ' CLARA B. ARNER. cTqf local Interest, j (.Strawberries with Ice cream ioda at Near & Wells'. Mrs. Douglass, of Taylor street, is having her house repainted. Oscar Herrick is building a two story addition to his residence on Tay lor street. A novelty factory is one of the "sure things" for Lodi, work already hfiving commenced on the buildings for It. The Literature Club will meet at the home of Miss Edith Robinson, on Mon day evening, June 6. Tennyson will be the subject of the evening. The Women's Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet at the home of Mrs. O. W. Crosier, on Friday afternoon of this week. The electrical discharges during the storm on Saturday morning were quite severe and played many pranks in this vicjjity, though no serious damage was doiA The Herrick laundry has so much business that It Seen me necessary to have a new piece of machinery for ironing shirt fronts. The new mn chlne.was placed iq position last week and works like a charm. The Snlvntion army report 99 con versionH in New London during their evangelistic eflort in that city. And tlSs reminds of a ntory. An ancient prevaricator went hunting pigeons, nnd on his return reported that he had shot just 99 pigeons. When nuk ed why he did not say an even hun dred, he replied, "Do you suppose 1 would tell a lie for one pigeon?" Keep cool by drinking one of those delicious sodas at Near & Wells', Wm. Schroeder's house on Adams street has been treated to a coat of paint on its exterior. Robert Walden, editor of the Ob server, has moved into the Suntlvy property on Mnygnr street. Here is one of those who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them,' and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of. the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. C PERSONAL MENTION, j W. H. TISSOT & CO. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs G. II. Palmer next Tuesday. June 6th at 2:30 p. m. The Wellington Poultry Club at its meeting last week at the voting room, took in five new members. The character sketches of distin guished men personally known to Cnptiiln tind Chaplain Pepper, in this eon n try, England, and Europe. form one of the great attractions of his last book, "Under Three Klagi." The il lustrations and mechanical quality of the large volume nre all tlit could be desired for this graphic outline of a life of great laptiv'rty and usefulness. This volume should be in our Public Library. Clark Johnson wag severely cut on the hand by handling tin roofing on the ten cent barn Monday morning. Elyria coal dealers have mutually agreed to sell coal for cash only after June 1st, and have so announced to the public. Look out! The Bees are c.ming; they will swarm here from all over the county next Saturday, and there will be such buzzing. The commencement exercises of the Xew London high school will take place on next Thursday evening, .Tune 1st. An elaborate programme has been prepared. The annual county convention of the L. 0. T. M. will convene here, Satur day, June 3. Emma S. Olds, the Great Hive Lady Commander, will be pres ent. All hives of the county are invited. We recommend that there be more hitching facilities furnished 1y our town. Some of the posts and railings need straightening and repairing, while others are so rotten nnd out of date that they ought to 'be replaced with new ones. North Main street ought to hnve a better supply, and the same migiht be stiid of East Main. Afford the country, eople who drive to town a good comfortable place to hitch, and they will come to sec us often. This is a little thing, but we think it means much. Many old soldiers now feel the effects of the hard service they endured dur ing the war. Mr. George S. Anderson, of Rossville, York county, Penn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately," he says, "and procured a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted it both for ihis own use and to supply 'it to his friends and neighbors, as every family should have a bottle of it Tn their home, not only for rheuma tism, but lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts, bruises and burns, for which It is unequalled. For sole by Near & Wells. STRANGE, BUT TRUE. It may seem strange, but it is a fact, that we can send you the Farm Jour nal for the balance of 1SOT nnd all of 1000, 1001, 190i! nnd 190S. nearly five years if you will pay for the Enter prise one year ahead both papers for just the price of ours, Whether you can reap the advantages of this surprising otfer depends on how soon you come forward with the cash. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Keep Posted ou Church Appointment- Torn out and Hear your Local Mints try Try to be Somebody. Method Int. Morning "The Christian's God." Evening "The Divine Opulence." CougTeiftttloiml. Morning " What' Does the Lord Re quire of Thee?" Even'ng "Martin Luther." A ser mon for young people. ChrlHtlHii. Morning "The Church." Evening "Who is My Neighbor and What do I Owe Him?" ltitit. Services morning and evening as usual. PEPPER'S LECTURE. DR. HlNKilN'S NERVE CURE. Soothes, strengthens and ones the nervous system. A wonderful remedy for overworked and disordered nerves. Warranted to please. 25c. INTERNAL PILE CURE. Dr. lluggin's Pile Cure. Pleasant Ut ile tablets. Eaten like candy. Positive ly cure piles nnd all rectal disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Ii5c. W. H. TISSOT CO., Wellington, O. The lecture of Chaplain Geo. W. Pepper at the Opera House on Monday evening on "Sherman's March to the Sea", was not attended by as large a crowd as could have been wished. Those who did attend and were bo situated as to hear what the speaker said were well repaid fur their trouble. The invalid condition oj the speaker was an unfortunate circumstance, re quiring him to be seated while talking, and this with some slight vocal imped iment increased the eflort required on the part of the hearer to catch the sen tences as they fell. To the veterans present who could follow the speaker from point to point in the grand old march to the sea from its inception to its termination, it was a grand treat. The incidents of that historic march were brought out with thrilling effect by the orator, and many of them were singularly touching and impressive, It is well enough to live those days over again, but only "in your mind" Last week of free photo buttons Brownie Art Company. DR. 11UGG1YS HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA TABLETS. The only safe, instant relief for neu ralgia, sciatica, faceache, headache or acute pains in any part of the bixly. Warranted to please or money refund ed. 2.'c. W. II. TISSOT & CO., Wellington, O. IV LOS OUT SALE OR A FEW BAYS. Women's Shoes 93c 1.19, 1.35 upto $2.50 Misses Shoes 60, 75, 90c up to $1.35 Children's Shoes 25c to 90c I also wish to dispose of my Niclcle window display racks, Settees, Lamps, Desk, Tables, Safe and Stoves. THE SHOE rr'-'p-frrrCrvVrr m I 1 P p. TO rr. I taf Dr. Holland was in Cleveland yester day. Mr. Will Ash ford spent Sunday at home. Mr. Wm. Rininger was in Cleveland, Friday. Col. Myron T. Herrick was in town Friday. E. L. Benedict was in Cleveland last Thursday. M. A. Grissinger, of Sullivan, was in town Friday. Mr. II. M. Horr has gone to Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mort Basset, of Cleveland was in town over Sunday. Mrs. Ed Robinson visited relatives n Lorain last week. Mr. M. H. Laundon, of Cleveland, was in town yesterday. Mr, Herbert Linder, of Elyria, was was in town yesterday. Mr. George Penfleld is out of town for a week on a business trip. Mrs. E. G. Rust, of Cleveland, was in own a few days lust week.- Marcus DeMoss of Sullivan, J. P., was in town one day last weeje. Miss Carrie Disilva, of Toledo, called on Miss Marie Hamrick over Sunday. Mrs. B. Vanator went to Clyde yes terday for a few days visit with friends. J. Howard Rust commenced his work with the Cleveland Trust Co.. Monday. Miss Mary Herrick, the post mis- ress, ref limed last week from a few lays' outing. Miss Mae Young of Medina, is spend ing a few days with Mr. a:id Mrs. H W. Ashford. Mrs. A. R. Demory will entertain the members of the Thimble Club on Fri day afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Colver, nee Simmons, of Cleveland, is spending the week with Mrs. J. C. Artz. David Hrucy and wife and Alonzo Ketclium and wife, of Iiutler Road, were in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Osborne and chil dren, of Mt. Giletd, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Brink Sunday. James Gosling has moved his shoe shop into the Stuchfield building and is now ready to receive his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fisher started Sat urday for Harvey, 111., where Mr. Fisher has accepted a position with a granite ware concern. Dr. Frank Gregg is attending the an nual session of the International As sociation of Railroad Surgeons at Rich mond, Va., during the present week. Mr. William Ratzow, of Glenville, O., and Mr. Charlie Friend, wife and three daughters, of Pittefleld, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder over Sunday, and had a "bona gratia tempo." S. K. Warner, E. C. Branson, G. L, Couch and C. McDermott went this evening to Columbus, the two former as delegates, the two latter as alter nates to the Republican State Conven tion which assembles tomorrow. Your Opportunity, OUR LOSS. Hprlng Good.. A fine assortment of Trimmed Hats during the season, at the millinery rooms of Mrs. S. Cady, South Main st. The Wadmvorth Case Settled. The long drawn nut case of Mrs. L H. Wadsworth vs. the Big Four Rail road Co., has finally terminated by a compromise. Mrs. Wadsworth is to receive from the company $2260.00 and the assumes all the costs thus far ac crued in the case: A large stock of perfumes and toilet articles at the drug store of Near & Wells'. Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me, will please call at the Btore of A. II. Peirce and settle im mediately. W. E. PEIRCE. Wellington, O., May 30, 1899. For Kent. House and lot in good location on Barkers treet. Enquire of E. C Cushion at First National Bank. Stone Walks Laid. Any person thinking of putting down stone walks will do well to look up the prices and quality of the Sampson" stone from the Willow Creek quarries. H. G. Brown, Sole Agent. Bell phone, 754. ' Notice. I can place $800 for three years, pro viding security is grod, at a fair rate of interest. Interest Semi-annually, Call on or address, R. N. Goodwin. DR. HUGGIN'S HEART CURE. A most reliable remedy for palpita tion, heart weakness, irregulur action heart pains and all heart disorders, Warrnnted to please or money refund ed. 25c. W. H. TISSOT & CO., Wellington, 0. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate of Katharine Hslftemler, Deorased. The uoderslirned has been anDolntnd in quallfled as executor ol the Estate ot Kathar ine iiainemter late or . weiuugton, Loral oounty, aeceasaa. Dated this 27 day ot May A. D.. 1899. R.K.Goodwin. SHIRT WAISTS Pitjua, Chevoits, Bataiat, French Ginghams and Precales, Prices , , 75c to $2.50 Also ilk Shirt Waists. Linen Skirts 75c to $1.75 White Piqua Suits, $5.00 and Skirts $2.25. Girls White Dresses, ages 6 months to 12 years. Gingham Dresses. Come and see the pretty Wrappers, Organdies and Precales. SPECIAL BARGAINS: Tailor-made Suits, the nobbiest of the season $5 .to $20 Laces for trimming Graduating Dresses. Will arrive next week Silk Veets and Silk Stockings, especially nice for the graduates. Come and see the pretty neckwear. MRS. fl. M. JOYCE. Don't Look Untidy. For a nice clean shave and a razor that will cut the beard and and not pull it out USE AN ELECTRIC RAZOR. We are sole agents for this line of goods and sell every razor with a guarantee to give entire satisfaction or refund the money. BENEDICT HDW. CO. t si i X4 i1 i1 m SI JiJ m S3 a m ;, si S1 Our entire stock at cost and below. Indies' Oxfords, Black or Tan, 50, 75c, 11, $1.25, $1.35 Misses Oxfords " " 75c and $1.00. Ladies' Shoes " " $1, 1.20, 1.35, 1.50. " hand turned, Black and Tan, 1.C0 and $2. Misses " Black and Tan, 75, 85, OSo, 1.00, 1.10 $1.25. Baby " " " 25, 35, 38c. Children Shoes Black and Tan, 25. 40, 50, (55, 75, 85c, $1. Gents' Shoes 85, 9Sc, 1.00, 1.18, 1.25, 1.40, 1.05, 2,00. Examine the quality of our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Benedict Shoe Co. , i r-r ir-v -- rv rr -rr w m. fyr -nr try -r-vr0 ww U '0 ? .. .' .5 .5 4M 4 4. 3 1 w ' 5 3 .5l"-"' 1 THE DIAnOND GARMENT CUTTER. The work is being successfully organiz ed in our city and the school will open soon. THDCCWTNn MAPHTN13 OUTFIT. DR. FRANK GREGG 10 to 12 . m. 1 to 8 p. m. 7 to 9 p. m. - Consisting of Ruber En gine, Mansfield " Dixey " Separator, Died trick Baler, Water Tank and Trucks, Tank Pump, and Canvas. All in good condition. Will sell cheap. E. J. HICKS & SON, South-west corner of Spencer Oar fmmona klitH KL UK All II. itow twM In tba world. PrUia I1 mir- BOER i III Kinn ChtMRK OntKhi BlttiM or Hi. PdI. M dfatmU Write tar pMa mtA 0ITI0IUT WARD k CO., C.1ICAG3 i i T' J:' I' ll ' Ipeelal Attentloa tm . ' EYE, EAB, NOSE AND TUB OAT.