Newspaper Page Text
TOWNSHIP HEWS, COLLECTED BT THE ENTERPRISE'S CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS. RwwBt Happening and Special Etnli la Wellington'! Immediate Vloinltj, of InUreat to Everyone Our Correspond enU Spare No Paint to Clean the Hews. CAMDEN. The fourth annual commencement of the Kipton high school was held in the Union church last Wednesday evening, May 24. The rostrum was decorated with palms and potted plants. The first two songs were sung by the school, the balance of the music being furnished by a quartet from the Ober lin Cilee Club. The two graduates, Misses Flossie Cushion and Mable Bronson, delivered their orations in a very pleasing manner. Prof. Bryan presented the diplomas in a few well chosen words. Prof. Teller, of Tiffin, vave an address on "Higher Educa tion." Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peck, of Welling ton ; Mr. and Mrs. Cushion, of Elyria, and Mr. Cushion, of Lorain, attended the commencement exercises. Mrs. Latteman, of Oberlinv is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Betts. The school in this township closed last Friday for the summer vacation. Messrs. Earl Hewitt and Will Man ning left last Tuesday for their work as sailors on the lakes. Frank J. Calkins has purchased very fine span of dapple-gray horses. B. Calkins made a business trip to Elyria last Saturday. J. H. Calkins and B. Perkins were in Spencer last Thursday, the guest of Milton Perkins. Miss Flossie Cushion will remain in town until after the school picnic, and then will go to her home in Elyria. We will miss her sunny face, but hope she will return to stay with us. Geo. Whitney spent Saturday in Ely ria, the Rest of his brother Will. n A Mann, of Huntineton, was in town Wednesday. Died, at her home, Friday at 2 :30, Mn .Tnhn TWidson. Funeral was held at het late home, Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Racheal Hutchins, of Oregon, is visiting her father, J. Davidson. Happy is the man or woman who can eat a good hearty meal without suffer ing afterward. If you cannot do' tt, take Kodal Dyspepsia dire. It digests what you eat and cures all forms of dyspepsia and Indigestion. DR. J. W. HOUGHTOX. HUNTIiWJU.V Some of our farmers succeeded in getting part of their corn planted be tween showers last week. Zilpha Battle took advantage of the excursion to Toledo hist week and vis ited her sister at that place. Ethel Cowie was at home Sunday. J. Hall and B. Backus were in Ober lin and Pittsfield Sunday. Miss Kate Wells, of Wellington, vis ited Miss Grace Day a part of last week. ' A. Heifner had a horse drop dead on the road last Thursday. Frank and Carrie Edwards and Katie Cox went to Camden Lake fishing Sat urday night. They report good suc cess. Mrs. Robinson and daughter Jennie : are visiting at E. D. Oillett's. William Cillett, of Wellington, call ed on his brother here and his sister on Butler road Sunday. D. R. Duy and fumily visited his brother in West Clarksfield Sunday. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Colera and Diar rhoea remedy in the Worcliesler Enter prise recently, which lends me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and ' diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. W. A. STROUD, Popomoke Oity, Md. For sale by Near & Wells. HUNTINGTON. Mr. J. 0. West was in Cleveland Sat urday to attend the funeral of u cous in. Miss Florence Rood, of Wellington, pent one night with Litta Phelon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Myers visited .7. L. Chapman's family, of Wellington, Sunday. Miss Mitta Goodrich, of Wellington, spent one day lust week with George Skeese's family. Mr, L. H. Chapman, of Rochester, and son Bert, of Cleveland, were in town Sunday to make arrangements for the burial of the infnnt child of Mr. a,nd Mrs. Fay Chapman, of Cleve land, which was held here Monduy at 2 o'clock p. m. Miss Fannie Goodrich, of Welling ton, spent Sunday with Geo. Skuse's family. Chronic Rheumatism is cured by , , -Ad i i by all Druggists. . Send for Free Treatise to ? Athlophcros Co., New Haven, Conn The memorial services were held Bl the Baptist church Sunday, May 20. Rev. Smith preached the sermon. Rev. Knenl will deliver the address Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. Van Vollnmburg, Misses Kittie and Lillie Crow, of Ten field, visited J. Morgan's family re cently. Nrs. Charles Dislnm, of Mansfield, isited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Phelon, Inst week. Mr. Hayes Callaway, of Wellington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fredericks. Captain L. O. Diebler, of Co. C. Kighfh regiment, of Polk, passed through here Wednesday. .Mrs. Florence McAvoy, two sons and daughter, of Wellington, called on Mrs. Chris Fredericks last Thursday. Mrs. li. 0. Deibler, of Polk, visited tr. llenrv Smith's family last week. "A word to the wise is sudleient" and a word from the wise should he sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft-repealed experience of trustworthy per sons niav be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manufactured, which shows conclusively that Cham berlain's is the most satisfactory to the people and is the best. For sale by Near & Wells. WEST CLARKFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. ft. B. Beardslcy, of Rochester, 0., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.Pateh last week. The M. K. Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Hoffman Thurs day afternoon to quilt. Miss Carrie Spurrier spent a few days in Xorwalk last week. Mr. Wiliam Rcolt went, to Xorwalk Wednesday and returned Friday. The exercises on Decoration day will take place at the Congregationul church in the afternoon. G. Ray Craig, of Xorwalk, will make the ad dress. The Clarksfield Cornet band will furnish instrumental music. Mr. Wililum Sinclair is some better. Mm. S. H. Waitc has returned from her visit in Shelby. Miss Cora Gibson has returned to her work' in Dayton. Mrs. Julia Wood, of Cleveland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Laura Kress. Hon. S. S. Warner and son George. of Wellington, were in town last Sat nrdny. David Humphrey, of Cleveland, was a guest of his sister, Mrs. A. D. Scott on last Thursday. Mrs. F. A. Gilbert, of Mansfield, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Cynthia Day, last week. Mr. William Stiles has returned from his visit in Knnsns. Miss Cora Johnson has resigned her position in the high school. She in tends to tnke a western trip. Airs. Crawford, of Townsend, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Stevenson, returned home Friday. Mr. Hurley Clauson and Mrs. May Henry, of Axtel, were the guests of their sister, Mrs. S. V. Sprague, on Monduy. Mr. F. B. Patch and family Sunday ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brailey, of Xorwalk. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that has been niecess as a cure, ard that is Cham herlnin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E. Grishnm, Gaars Mills, La. For sale by Xear & Wells. BRIGHTON'. John Brnnehflower returned to his home, Brighton, Mich., hist Wednes day, Mrs. Dunbar accompanying him. The memorial sermon Sunday morn ing was preached by Rev. A. II. Lash, of Rochester, Instead of Rev. MeCon nell, ns announced, the two pastors exchanging pulpits for the occasion. W. C. Yokum, who has been with the Sixth regiment in Cuba, returned home Saturday nfter nn nbsenre from home for over a year. He says be would not take a good de nl for his experience, but there is some of it he would not care to go through with again. ' V m. Visclier and family, of, Wel lington, were calling on friends here last Tuesday. K. 0. Hunt, of Cleveland, was home over Sundny. Miss Elln Hardy, who has been spending seVerul weeks in Cleveland returned last Saturday. . Ernest Yost, of Pittsfield, spent Sun dny. with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McCoy. Burt Ewall is suffering from a car buncle on his neck. Mrs. C. E. Fox was in Elyria and South Lornin Saturday. i Mrs. T. Kenrtey and Mrs. Marv Ken ney, of Oberlin, were at Fred Kenney's over Sunday. 1). It. Ilartman called on friends in Nova Friday. Mrs. Klla Brigga and daughter Edith, of Wnkeninn, visited friends here from Wednesday till Monday. Charles Cibsou, of Clarksfield, was in town Friday. Fred .Myers and Eivrl Cole attended commencement exercises ut Collins Friday night. Mrs. Nellie Bennett and daughterl Mumle, of .Carey, were calling on friends here Saturday. Saturday hiorning lightning struck the large horse barn on Mr. Warner's place, doing considerable damage to the barn, but harmed none of the con tents, including several horses. As has been its custom for several years Brighton (Irauge will hold mem orial services Tuesday night. I. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., conductor on electric street cur line, writes that his little daughter was very low with -roup, and her life saved after all phy sicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. DR. J. W. HOUGHTON. WHITEPOX. We had quite a rain and hail storm on Saturday and still it rains. David Day and family, of Pleasant street, spent Sunday with his brother, ."'tephen Day, of this place. Mrs. William Converse returned home the fore part of the week from visiting friends in Rochester and New London. He has been in poor health for some time and does not come home much improved. S. W. Lee has purchased the old IJoss farm adjoining him on the east. We are glad to sec our young people prosper. , K. B. Xickerson is gKidunlly failing, although able to walk out a little. His son Will has been at home for some lime. His daughter, Mrs. Haitie Nichols, is also at home. Mrs. Mary Morrison returned to her home in Indiana the middle of the week. C. .Murray, of X'ew London, was vis iting old friends in this place Thurs day. Mrs. Belle Phillips began her class in music Saturday. Miss Rose Phil lips also began a class last week. George Beebe spent Monday in Xor walk. Rev. and Sirs. MeConnell were call ing in this place Tuesday. Mr. Hanford, of Wakcman, has been visiting Mb daughter, Mrs. Lottu Ilis sell, at Riverside farm tlie past week. Rev. MeConnell delivered nn uble memorial address at the M. E. church Sunday. J. L. Andrews surprised his wife with a new wheel a few days ago. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease and especially piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel 6alve stands first and best. Look out for dis honest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve. DR. J. W. HOUGHTON. ROCHESTER. A number of the sir knights of the K. 0. T. M. were over to Wellington one evening of lust week to the re view of Wellington tent. They rcort n very interesting time. Mr. Lewis Johnson attendtsl th state convention of the K.'O. T. M. at Mansfield last Wednesday. Mr. X. W. Crandell mid wife, Mr. W M. Phelps mid wife, Miss Josie Phelps and the Male quartette attended com mencement nt Brownhelin, O., last Wednesday evening of Mr. W. E. Cran dell's school. Mr. William Collin is visiting friends in Elyria. Mr. Harrj' Stevens nnd wife have gone to Cleveland to make their future home. Miss Pearl Blair returned home from Cleveland Saturday evening nccompan ied by Mrs. E. Rupcl. Mrs. J. Partes and her son, Del Sim mons, of Elyria, visited friends ill Novu Friday and Saturday. Miss Dory Blnir spent Sunduy in Cleveland. Mrs. J. Dagnon und her daughter, Mrs. Ruubshuw, of Wellington, attend ed the memorial services at this place Sunday morning. Mr. L. Mitchell, of Lorain, was guest of Miss Xora Martin over Sunduy. Mr. Fred Rowland, of New London, was in town Sunday. Rev. McConnel land Rev. Lash ex changed pulpits Sunday morning. Mr. T. B. Garrison closed his school at Brownhelin and returned home Thursday of last week. The Lorain quarterly meeting of the free Baptist churches of Rochester, Kipton and Spencer, church will be held with the Rochester church Sat urday and Sunday, June If and 12. Rev. Winn, pastor of Kipton and Spen cer church, will be present, und Rev. Lawrence, pnstor of Wade Park Free Baptist church, of Cleveland, Is ex pected to be with us. Cordial invita tion extended to a 1 It lie churches. Mrs. McCord, of Wellington, called on friends of this place one day last week. Mr. Bert Chapman, of Cleveland, vis ited his pareqts, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Chap man, over Sundny. Rev. MeConnell, pnstor of the M. E. church, delivered a very able memorial sermon to a large audience at the Bap- DO IT YOURSELF. It is easy to tell whether your Kid. neys are diseased. Take a bottle or glass tumbler and fill it with urine. If there is a sediment a powder-like sub stance after standing a day and night, there is something wrong with the Kidneys. Other sure signs of disease are a desire to urinate often, pain in the back, or if your urine stains linen. There is no question that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the best and surest medicine in the world for diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dys pepsia and Chronic Constipation. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold urine and the necessity of getting up a number of times during the night. It puts an end to that scalding pain when passing urine and correct the bad effects of whiskey and beer. It is sold for one dollar a bottlo at all drug stores. Send your full post office address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORA TION, Rondout, N. Y., and mention this paper. They will then mail you a trial bottle of Favorite Remedy and a valuablo medical pamphlet free, giving full directions for its use. Every reader of this paper can depend upon the. genuineness of this liberal otter, and, all sufferers from the diseases mention ed above should take advantage of it at once. tist church Sunday morning. . The church was beautifully decorated with flags n nd palms, and the choir and male quartette rendered some very fine selections for the occasion. At 3 p. m. the Sunday-school marched willi the old soldiers to the cemetery and decorated the graves of the dead heroes. As the season of the yenr when pneu onia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, cold, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trou bles are to be guarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute," "will answer the purpose," or is "just ns good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallable remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorous ly upon having it if "something else" is olTered you. DR. J. W. HOUCIITOX. If you have a cough, throat irrita tion, wenk lungs, pain in the chest, dif ficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Always safe and reliable. DR. J. W. HOUGHTON. BIG FOUR ROUTE. American Medical Association, an nual meeting, Columbus, O., June fi-9 '!)!!. One fare round trip -going June 'I. .1, and 5, filial return bunt June 13, ISM. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Im periul council, Buffalo, X. Y June 14 ami 15, 1S99. One fare round trip, l'or limits, etc., consult Big Four agents National meeting American Associa tion for the Advancement of be enee Columbus, 0., August 20-25, 1809. One fare round trip. Consult agents for further information. A KANSAS PREACHER. Kansas City Journal. Speaking of Kansas preachers, the Rev. G. H. Woodward, pastor of the Methodist church in Goodland, prints the following enrd in the local paper: "I wish to inform the good people of this town that I will not accept com plinientnries to public entertuinments or to socials, und, when money is be ing raised for anything .that is good for the people, do not pass mc by, Let the people pay what they prom ised on my salary, let my salury be paid, and then if I play deadbeat, ring me off." von cam Dodge Mm Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops? Did not succeed very well, did you? It's just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con stantly taking; them Into our lungs. Then why don't we all have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold in a strong throat and lungs. It's when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat The danger comes when the blood Is poor and the body Is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should . not delay another day. Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whole body be comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It's this nourishing, sustain ?ig and strengthening power '.f SCOTT'S EMULSION that has made it of such value In nil wasting and exhausting liseases. 50c ana i.oa, ill druggists. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, CJumuu, York, A BOOK OF FATE. The Keeping: of Omm Often Helps t-t Make the Keeper Unite Miserable. A young woman who revel in woe has evolved, or at least revived, an ex cellent way of keeping herself In a state of perpetual gloom, says a New York exchange, She has a diary with two pagea for each day.' On one page she writes what she expects to do.wbere she proposes to go and whom she hopes to see during the day. On the opposite page she writes what she has done, where she goes and whom she hasseen. The pages, says the young woman, never agres and are usually flat con tradictions of each other. The silver lining of the cloud of pessimism which such a perverse state of affairs would otherwise engender is that she has no ticed that when she prediots and ex pects a gloomy day, filled with disa greeable duties or monotonous dull ness, the opposite page is sure to glim mer with pleasant surprises calls from pleasant people, letters from ab sent friends, invitations of an especial ly tempting character and all sort of unlooked-for enjoyment. The writer cf the diary says she finds It an excel lent antidote for undue elation of spir its and a check to despair. When she feels "down" she can turn to her blue days and see bow well they turned out, and when she feels particularly exuber ant a glance at the records of days joyously anticipated but miserably spent has a wonderfully sobering ef fect. The book keeps her in a state Of tranquil neutrality very restful for the nerves, ice absurd young woman bas had the old diary bound in pink and purple, typifying joy and woe, and calls It her book of fate. MALAY CHARACTER. A Misrepresentation of hong Stand ing- That la Without Foun dation, In character the Malay is impas sive. He exhibits a reserve, diffidence, and even bashfulness, which Is in soma degree attractive and leads the ob server to think that the ferocious, blood-thirsty character Imputed to the race must be grossly exaggerated. He is not demonstrative. He is slow and deliberate in speech. Children In the company of men are silent, and are generally quiet and obedient. When alone the Malay neither talkB nor sings. He is cautious of giving offense. He does not quarrel easily about money matters. Practical Joking is utterly re pugnant to his nature. The Malays of the higher class are exceedingly polite. They are proud, and, If ill-treated, re vengeful; but under generous treat ment are gentle, kind, humane, grate ful, docile and faithful. They are duti ful children and kind parents. They treat their aged kinsmen with the greatest kindness, and feel it a duty to relieve the wants of an indigent rela tion. Old men and women ore always regarded with respect, says the En cyclopedia of India (1858). Dr. Oxlcy described the character of the unsophisticated Malay as remark able for Its simplicity and honesty, They have a regard for truth, and may generally be depended upon in their statements. What has so often been written of their revengeful spirit, he says, is much exaggerated; polite in the extreme, according to their own ideas, they never indulge In abuse one to ward the other. JUMPED OVER A TOWN. That Is What a Certain Ship Old aad It Was Afterwards Car ried Back. A most extraordinary Incident hap pened to the corvette Monongnhela at Santa Cruz in 1857. While at anchor in tlie Harbor a tremendous tidal wave lifted her upon its crest and carried her clean over the town of Frederlchstadt and back again without Injuring the town or the boat to any great extent. The receding wave landed her on the beach Instead of in the waters of the harbor, and It cost the United States government $100,000 to float her again Fully as strange was the fate of the sloop-of-wnr Wateree. She was an chored in the harbor of Arica, Peru, in 1808, when a huge tidal wave swept in land and flooded the whole city. The wave carried the sloop several miles in land and finally landed ber in the midst of a tropical forest. It was im possible to release ber from such a pe culiar position, and she was sold for a nominal sura. The purchasers turned the vessel Into a hotel, and the remains of the once formidable war vessel loom up in the tropical forest to-day as a monument to the power of tidal waves, BALLOONS WILL SOAR. Even If Pierced br the Bullet from a Thouaana Rifles They Will Not Collapse. Time aad again the plot of a stcry hat hinged on the escape of the villain In a bolloon, and bis miserable ending wben a well-aimed bullet from the hero's rifle has pierced the gas bag and brought the whole concern smasnlrg to toe ground. ' Nothing could, however, be more false to fact. A simple bullet will no more bring down a balloon than a grain, cf sand an ostrich. The experiment has been tried, and by ro less a person tban the Brothers Spencer, the famous Lon don balloonlsts. A captive balloon was sent up and an chored about 700 or 800 feet up. Then firing began with ordinary army rifles, Impossible as it may seem, over 1,000 bullets pierced the silk, yet even then It was three hours before enough gas escaped to bring the balloon once mors to firm ground. One reason of this is that the elasticity of the material to some extent automatically closes the rtnts In tbe material. The Farm Journal is 22 years old, prints 40 tons of paper a month, and is out of debt; it is cut to fit every pro gressive farmer and villager. Don't you want this fine little paper? CVery well, pay a year ahead for The Welling ton Knterprie and we will have the Farm Journal sent to your address for the balance of 1899 and all of 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903 nearly five years and it will get to you if alive and any where on this planet THE WELLINGTON ENTERPRISE. . - AVcgelable Preparation for As similating the Tood andRegula liiig the 5 loraachs andBowels of Promotes Dlgeslion,Chcctful ness and Rest.Contalns neither 3ium,Morptiine nor Mineral. OT NARCOTIC. Akvi tfOUn-SMUELHIWJl Jlxjtnnm AninSi IKrmSud- (Jim fad Skipr . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms ,Convutsions,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NTCW YORK. exact copy or wrappeb. l-- BRfCK. All kinds of Brick for sale at reasonable prices. Also different sizes of tile. Foun dation blocks. Can furnish on short notice E. BIGLOW & SON. For Insurance that... Insures, apply to R. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. physicians. U HATHAWAY. M. II. Specialty ot rectal. bladder, slid kidney dlseanes. Uectul disease treated without pain, or detention iroin im nen. wseases 01 tiieiuafluertreatrd only alter a careful examination of the urine BIG FOUR ROUTE. Ohio Sundny-school association, Mar ion, O. One fare round trip, June 5lli and 0th; returning limit June 9th. Wholesale and Retail Coal Dealers' association of Ohio at Toledo, (). One fare round trip Juno 7ih and 8th; good to return 'till June 13th. Wholesale and Ite.tail Coal Dealers' association of Ohio, Toledo, 0., June 8 -12, 1P99. One faTe round trip going June 7 and 8; returning till June 13, 18(19, inclusive. Ohio School Teachers' associatnn. Fut-in-Bnv, O. One fare L'oing June 2(th nnd 27th; return limit June 30t.h. National Snengerfest, Oincinnnli One rate round trip June 27th to June 30th inclusive, returning limit July 5th. ' International convention Baptist Young People's union of America, KiSli mond, Vn., July 13-10, 1899. Kates und other information later. Ilnptist assembly of Ohio, at Mt. Ver non, O. One fare' July 18th to 2sth in clusive: returning limit July 29th. Association of liailwny Surifcnn Kichmond, Vn., May 31, Juno 1 anil 2, 1899. One fare round trip, goin May 27, 28, 29 nnd 30th, returning lim it June 5, 1899. OUR RECORD Est 1878 250,000 DISEASED MEN WE CURE NERVOUS BLOOD SKIN & PRIVATE DISEASES CURED 250,000 CURED YOUNG MAN n.r S when iif nurmnt iff tho tfrriblo crimo you wero commit tihjr. l)itlymioii'y ooriBmor the fnncinntiiitf iillurctiXHit ut thin ovil hulnt? When too lata to nvoil tho tur riblo runtiltM. worn vonr rvuM uhpni'il tn your peril? hU ym later on in mtui iKMMloontrnfltauyVUI VATi; or liLOOl) ittxpftfoY WuroynurnrtMl? JMyou now una men too unino inarming r-ymptmnii f Jaro you marry in your prftwmt cim d it inn? You know, "iilKK KATHKK. LIKK FON." Irmsrried.aio you con stantly living in d re Ail? Jo umrriiiKo ft failure with you on iconuntof nity wtuik neM rauncl ly oa-ty almso ur later ox ceflttcfi? Hnvn you Ihtd. dniiriretl with ruercury? This Umklct will point out to you tho roFiiltxo Itinwpriim'H andiKiint out how our NKW Mia ilOl) TKKAT MKNT will jtorfitivrly cure you. It phowrthowthonFantlrthavnhcon Kavel hy our NliW 'IHKATM KNT. lb prove, bow wii can UUAKANTUK TO CUKK ANY CliKAIiljK CASK OK NO FAY. W twit n4 niro-KMltSSlONH, VAKfnx'KI.Ii, KYIMIILIS. OLKKT, BTKUTdHi:. IMVOTKNCY, KB OKKT 1HIAINP, UNNATURAL 1)18 11AKUU, KLONEV and BLADOEK (IiMia'ci), CURES GUARANTEED "The Ware of 8ln" rmt fn-o hy vncluaiiiK So ntJiiim. CONSULTATION , KKKK. If unahln In oall, wrltn for QUESTION ULANK. for ilOMtf KEATMKST. Kennedys KerGan 247 SUPERIOR STREET,. CLEVELAND, O. jj A Book for Young and Old. Cl r m For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CENTAUR COMPANY, Nf VOftff CITY. TIME TABLES. W. ft L. K. In effect Sundny, November 18, 189ft. W6T. Train No. 4 Pally. 10:2flm ' - 8 Dally (enceptBuudiiy.... 3Upm Train No. lu Local 10 :H a. m. Train No. i Dally (except Sunday)... 10:(Mam Train No. 3 Dally 4:14 pm Train No. 48 Local H :16 a. m. mo Koi' it. WEST. 3 Cnl.CIn. Ind.ASt.L 8 :8ft am :l' luillv St. L. Kx I:0Hpm Tt Ool. Kx b :20 pm S7 Illv Col. 4 Cln. Ex lOilDlpm 51 Loral Freight II Mam 25 Wellington Ex. (Sunday only)... HJKJam (AIT. 2ft Dally CoL & Cln. Ex n:Mam 2ii i. anion r.x :iiam :m DHilv Col. Ind. 4 St. L. Ex l:IWpm 21 Wellington Kx S:20pra i Iiallv Col. Cln. 4 lud. Ex 8:lMpm fi2 Local Frelich S:ttpm c WELLINGTON ARKETS.) Corrected Every Wednesday Morning: Paring. Hay pet ton Corn in ear, 70 lbs Corn8holled,66ns Oataper bu Kye per bu New wheat perbu Butter, dairy, per B liutter, creamery, per lb Kirira, per dot Honey, per Hi Lard, per lb Potatoes per bu. Sailing. Flour per Hack of 49tti Corn Meal perewt Chop per cwt MirldlliiKd perewt Ilran wr cwt Oil Meal per cwt i oo 1 00 1 Oo ao 86 140 CHKKHK MARKET. Billing Pricea Monday'! Salei. Ohio State Flata Creamerv Butter NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Estate of J. II. Woolley. rteceaaed. The undersigned h&! been appointed and Sualltled us administrator of the estate of . II. Woolley, late of Lonjincounty. deceased, bated this nth day of May, A. D.. lHiH. J. W. Ilouiihton. Administrator, The Home Savings Bank Co., WELLINGTON, OHIO, x Transact a general banking business, baying and selling notes and bills of ex change. Money loaned on satisfactory collateral, mortgage, or personal secur ity. Interest at 3 per cent, paid on all savings deposits, interest credited annu ally. ' YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Safety-deposit boxes situated In our main vault at $1.50 per year. Wm. Visclier, Pres. G. E. Spltzer, VIc-Pres. J. II. Rust, Cashier HIGH-GRADE HAW I HuKIMc $22.50 NET. I 8PK Ifa'ATIOVA, Nanw-nwthom. Craaki i 6!-; Inch lUiaiiiojiii tthjrf. (?aiila M6 Inch bent i hantpned centtiri and rivvta (ludtantvpullfl B belt I quality ), tUiaw cenUir ana iiluwt jii. Kraato-UeKuIar!i4-lncn,otlin8urMlnetiH. FlnUh-lMrk i myrtle Kfeuii, neatly hand ntrl6(l. Utwr Iteinilar I Tt, option 7i 10 tooth rear and tt front aiirookoU ir upwu on i K'r, iu arm k ud (. iianfllfl tfara -AiliUMtahle. l'edala Itrlflirettort. ruttraii. HmA. I Jle-Ullltam, il(lltop. NKikcaTan(rtul,Kiccl I trior Noodle Co'h bent No. t,Sa trout, Mrar, Tina IM-lneh Mcirn A WrlKht double ttibn. To4 Ha Contain l iiir wrrnrh. oiler, rvitalr outfit and titan. i D0". T read --4-tnHi. T a bias Hhelbj mid drawn ramiiH, tv nei iiaac ww ini'iiea. i iivc'Ltea. Welair-(Aboat U pouud. 15000 Sold In 1898 It's as good asftnywhralmnde. All modem Improvement. Guaranteed for onfl year. U not found as represented, return at our ex pense both ways, aud you can have your money bark on demand ASK US TO SEND V (HI OUR HI EE BXYC18 CATALOG Send IS cents for our l.d'u I'aK catalogue. It lists everything used by cuiuklod MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO., CHICAGO. Before the discovery of Oue Minute Coitph Cure ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregation!. No excuae for it now. DR. J. W. HOUGHTON. in ii Ailf mo 50 36 36 l'i W 75 12 21 86