OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, June 07, 1899, Image 8

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028273/1899-06-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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! V
Beoeat Happening and Special EvanU
la Wellington's Imraadiata Vicinity, of
laterals to Everyone Our Correspond
nu Span No Pain, to Glean the Newt.
find the nice flower bed they had made Class Song.
to ornament the school grounds had Benediction .Ttev. J. A. Findlry.
been totally destroyed. They huve re- ClnsB nddreti by Superintendent V.
built it and now it looks better thun K. Heichvl at AKblund, June 10.
Memorial services were held In the Th,re ls tim for ti,ina- The
Cong'l church Sunday evening. Al- ,lme 10 laKe ut n 8 1'uue tarl' IU-
though the rain continued to fall the 'n ls wh,n y" Bre "unenngr irom
house wns well-filled to hear the trib- consiipanon, Diuoiianess, aica-nemi-
ute Rev. Hill should pny to our fallen ai',,e' indigestion or other stomach or
Iiev. Enrly, of Elyrin, delivered a
very interesting memorial address in
the Congregational church Memorial
Iiev. and Mrs. HaUer spent part of
Inst week in Cleveland.
Herbert Fisher, of Wellington, con
ducted services at the M. E. church last
Sunday in a very acceptable manner,
lie gives promise of a very useful life
in the ministry.
Mr. and Mis. Frank Sheffield spent
part, of last week in Cleveland.
Mrs. Charlie Merriam visited friends
in Wellington and Lukewood last
Mrs. John Hobbs entertained the
missionary society of this place at her
home in Oberlin with about forty in
Quite a number of the members of
the Echo hive attended the L. O. T.
M. convention in Wellington last Sat
urday. Arthur Sheffield, who is in the em
ploy of the C, L. W. K. 1!. Co., spent a
few dnys with his parents recently.
John Davis, of Cleveland, was visit
ing his home people In town over Sun
dny. .
The residents out of town who did
not know of the arrivul of the new
bell for the church and who do not
take the Enterprise wondered what
that bell was ringing in S. for. One
farmer called on his neighbor to find
out what the unusual stir wns all
about. For the first time in many
years the sweet tones of a church bell
"ailed us to Sunday-school last Lord's
Decoration day was observed in S.
Hon. 0. L. Tllinn, of Wellington, made
a rousing speech.' paying honorable
tribute to our brave boys who perish
ed in the field, in hospital or at A11
dersonvllle. The committee were for-
uute in securing Mr. Hlinn to mi
res them on this day. The music
as furnished by a quartette. Mrs.
Ilnttic Park, Miss Maude Martin, M.
Grissinger, J. Gnrver, Mrs. Wallace
Mayes, organist.
Miss Lou lioeers, from Llevelanil, is
lsitmg her friends 111 hiillivan and
Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs.
liver troubles. Dr. J. H. Houghton.
What you want Is not temporary re
lief from piles but a cure to stay cured.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles
and they stay cured. Dr. J. H. Hough
Mr. William Hundley and family, of
Wellington, and Mr. Alonzo Rogers
and family, of Homerville, spent last
Sunday with Mrs. Lurn Rogers.
Mr. John Leininger, of Cleveland
was in town one day last week.
Mr. Henry West, of Cleveland, spent
a few days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. West, recently.
Mr. Ora Stone, of Sullivan, visited
his brother, Mr. William Stone, and
family last week.
Miss Lina Hull, of Elvria, visited in
town over Decoration day.
Mrs. Amon Rogers, of Xorwalk, was
in town Decoration day.
A number of our Indies of the L. 0.
T. M. attended the convention at Wel
lington last Saturday.
Mrs. Edgar Wiifbck is on the sick
The camp fire social given by the
Epworth League at the M. E. church
last Friday evening was well attend
ed by all except the soldiers, who were
few in number.
Mrs. McKinsey and child, of Cleve
land, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cliff'
ton Chapman.
There wil be a concert given by the
Huffman brothers next Friday eve
ning, held at the M. E. church.
Miss Sylvia Tark, of l'enfleld, is vis
iting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
Eugene Bliss.
Mr. Chnrles Hush, of Norwulk, was
in town Sunday.
Mr. Frank McClellnn and family, of
New London, called on Mr. and Mrs,
Louis Myers Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnston, of Ely
ate Ricket and Mr. Charity Gould rin, were guests of La Grange friends
Wednesday. A very large attendance Wednesday.
made it a success. Georcre Nichols and family made a
The school picnic and ball game was business trip to Klyria Thursday.
failure owing to the continued rain. A. IT. Wilcox, Alden Henschotten,
Mr. Hey Hciche and Miss Ethel Miss Cnrrle Henschotten and Carl
came up from Jeromeville to attend Wilcox, of Cleveland, nnd Mr. and Mrs.
the picnic. Master Paul lleicbcl re-1 Kdwanl Wilcox, of Illinois, are guests
turned home with them. of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Wilcox.
The teachers' institute wns not the Will llongn, of Lester, O., visited his
success we hoped it would be. The parents over Sunday.
rainv season has set in nnd it affects Mrs. Addie Butler wns the guest of
her sister in Grafton Fridny.
Miss Minn Mynderse. of Elyrin, Is
many nn enterprise.
The Boxwell commencement will be
une Mh. tiur class 01 seven lias nn spending a few days with .Mr. unci Mrs.
nddition to its class role. Miss Myrtle R. Loomis.
Miller, from Polk, a pupil of Mr. D. Mrs. Sarah Woods is visiting friends
Houseman, has joined the class, in Michigan.
making eight in nil. We are glad to
elcome Miss Miller among our stu-
J. A. Senear, of Sednlia, Mo., saved
his child from death by croup by us
ing One Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, cold, pneumonia, In grippe and
all thront and lung troubles. Dr. J
Mrs. Daisy Dirlam, from Mansfield
is here visiting at Mr. Orrin Dirlam
Mrs. Emma Biggs and daughter
W' m . ...
.wish r.iiiiu, irom r.iyria, are visiting
Mr. Willium Clark, Sr. ,
We had four hoboes here Friday
night in the lockup. They had stole
some clothing and eatables from the
house of Mr. Frye. One trnmp escap
ed, two were given notice to Bhnke the
Sullivan dust off their feet immediate
ly, the other two were taken to Ash
land by our authorities. Tramps wan
to keep clear of Sullivan.
The senior class wns filled with con
sternal ion one morning lust week to
Some people have an idea that Rhe
mntism is not serious. Inflammatory
uiieuinatiHin is a very dangerous dis
ease, and we advise every patient who
suffers from it to immediately use
Atn-10-pno-ros, and be on the safe Bid
Diseases is not something to be lauirli
ed at, it is something to be got rid of.
Here is the case of a gentleman w
was given up to die by his fnmily phy
sk'iun. It shows the seriousness of
this affliction better than any words of
Memo, Neb., Feb. 16, 189S.
Tn the spring of 1890 I was taken
with Inflammatory Rheumatism and
was down for six weeks, and the doc
tor came every day to see me. He said
Mr. Charles McKisson was in Elyria
Mrs. W. W. Reece will entertain the
M. E. Aid society Wednesday after
Mr. und Mrs. 1). D. Gott ealled on
Klyria friends Wednesday.
Miss Mamie Willard, of Elyrin, is the
guest of Mrs. R. Knowles.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sweet and Prof.
L. J. Sweet, of Elyrin, attended the
piano recital nt the home of Mr. und
Mrs. D. D. Gott on Saturday evening.
'Clyde H. Wilcox, a prominent young
lawyer, addressed the people of La-
Grange on Memorial day, and It was
a most worthy effort.
Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Long, of Pen-
field, were in town last week.
William Johnson called on Elyria
friends last Tuesday.
Mrs. W. Martin spent, Inst week Sun
day in Beren.
Mr. Arthur Wilcox. nnd family, of
Cleveland, are visiting in town.
Why ask physician to find out
whether your Kidneys d"";
Take a glass tumbler and fill it wlw
urine. If there is a sediment after
standing twenty-four hours, your Kid
neys are sick. If you have a desire to
urinate often, a pain in the back, or if
your urine stains linen, you should at
once take Dr. David Kennedy's Favor.
He Remedy, as delay is dangerous.
There is no question about its being
the best and surest medicine in the
world for any and all diseases of the
Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and of the
urinary passages, Rheumatism, Dys-
repsia or constipation of the bowel,
t quickly relieves inability to hold
..-In a or.,1 XOCASsitT Of BCttinC UP
often during the night It stops that Bgter Mrs. Smith, and families in
. , l ' ' " l Hnna nn imnA inn I I
:"it.Tjy a.s utchneid.
correcus uia uu cuw.w " - v
beer. ...
It is sold by all druggists at ons
dollar a bottle. You can have a tnal
bottle and pamphlet of valuable
nodical advice sent free by mail
O. A. Boies has begun repairs on his
I residence.
Ernest Wheeler has the cellar dug
for his new house.
Mr. Lorin Crumrine and Miss Mary
Andrews, of Sullivan, Mr. Dolph
Peet and sister, Lillian Feet,
of Brighton, and Miss Lucie Andrews,
I were guests of Miss Clara Clark re
cently. A good time was enjoyed hy
all and best wishes go with Miss Clara,
as she returns to her work in Medina.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Laborie and little
spent Saturday and bund ay
guests of her aunt, Mrs. Holliday, and
Saturday while Mrs. S. C. Rowland
and little brother, Paul Sage, were out I
I riding a thill became loose and fright
ened the horse, which ran into a ditch,
postpaid, by mentioning this paper ,lpgettIlg. an(j smashing the buggy,
fivm KKlNKnY CORPORATION, but the inmates were uninjured save
Rondout, N.Y. The publishers of this Ir few bruises, and some torn gar-
paper guarantee the genuineness 01 lum mentg
uo...Uw. There was an excursion to Akron
- Sunday over the Northern Ohio Rall-
The Clnrksfield cornet band gave some road.
choice selections, and Misses Clara
Stiles nnd Clara Spurrier gave a nice
recitation. Mr. S. Ray Craig, of Nor
walk, made an elotment address. A
DeWitt's Little Early Risers act as a
faultless pill should, cleansing and re-1
riving the system instead of weaken-
procession, consisting of the band, the '"ST iM and sure, small
veterans and sixtv school children car- DU irw
rylng flags, followed by numerous car- '"m objectionable drugs. They assist
riages, marched over to the cemetery, "nPel- a- ""Kn-
...!,.. u.oi f,mtuhid fnl. tn.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 80 years, has borne the Bignatnre of
and has been made nnder his per
1&Hyf. sonal supervision since Its Infancy '
-CUC"AZ Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Oastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It '
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the '
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of .
lowed by the decoration of the Sol
diers' monument, while the names of
04 dead soldiers of the civil war and
19 of the war of 1812 and five of the
Revolution were read.
The church was beautifully decor
ated with flags and flowers.
Following is the programme for the
seventh annual commencement of the
Sullivan high school at. the Disciple
hureh, Thursday evening, June 1,
Motto "Climb, Though the Rocks
be Rugged."
Quartette Yearning ...,J. A. Parks.
Merril Mann, C. E. Ingriihani, Mrs.
Maria Dirlam.
Accompanist, Fannie Gorhnm.
Invocation Rev. J. A. Findley.
Duet Listen 'tis the Woodbird's
Song Stephen Glover.
Helen Park, Blnnche Hilcmnn.
Accompanist, Mrs. Hattie Park,
Abuse of Power Murl Frink.
The Youth Replies, "I Can." ....
Alfa fiiar
Quartette The Story of A Tack..
J. A. Parks.
Needed Reforms Kdson Hill.
The Woinun of To-Morrow
Mrs. C. J. Ilolcomb hns returned
from a visit with friends in Pittsfleld.
George Nichols and W. E. I'.uswell
are erecting large barns on their farms
south of town.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Andrus are at
tending the millers' convention.
Sirs. A. H. Hutler returned from Col
unions Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willard, of Ely
ria, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
D. D. Gott, Wednesdny.
Rev. W. E. Lyon preached the mem
orial sermon Sunday at 11 o'clock in
the city hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Knowles, of
Elyrin, called on Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlie
linn-son Friday.
One of the most happy experiences
n the life of the L. H. S. student is
the annual alumni banquet, but it was
the opinion of all the members of the
association that the Inst was the most
pleasant in the history of the school.
Thomas Thurmnn, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the
United States should discover the vir
tue of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for I tvM ,n Wakeraan Thursday nnd Fri
piles, rectal troubles and skin diseases, .
. . A, 1 .1 T I
tne ciemana couiu noi oe snppiieu. ur. Erne Edwards and family spent
Alex. Justice Bpent Decoration day
hunting hawks. He succeeded in kill
ing Ave old ones and capturing two
young ones alive. We think that a
good day's work.
Mr. Charles Backus goes out in fine
style with a fine new buggy purchas
ed of M. Scott, of Wakeman.
Dave Day and wife visited her rel-
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I. II. Houghton.
couple of days at the lake the past
E. D. Gillett hnd a fine two-ycnr-old
colt badly cut on a wire fence.
Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Edwards, of datlOIl blocks.
rairneiu, visited ner urotner, u. k. i -a
On Monday night of last week a re
ception was held at the home of Wal
ter Mosher for W. C. Yocum, our re
turned soldier boy. About one hun- Day, of this place, Sunday,
dred and fifty were nresent. Refresh- Mr. and Mrs. John Cowie called on
ments consisting of ice cream and cake his father in Rochester Sunday,
were served. A thoroughly good time Mr. Charles Gill, of Pittsfleld, with
wns had by all. h'8 wi'e an family visited at 11. J.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Squire attended Buckus' Sunday,
Decoration day exercises In Wakeman,
All kinds of Brick for sale
at reasonable prices. Also
different sizes of tile. Foun-
Can furnish
It hardly seemed like Decoration
day here without martial music.
Mrs. C. A. Hardy and her mother,
Mrs. Ann Newhall, spent a part of
Inst week with relatives In Richland
Ira Robishaw has the frame up for
a fine new residence.
Frank Loomis is spending a few
dn.VB in Medina.
Miss Maud Bennett, of Carey, O., is
visiting friends here,
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It
is the newly discovered remedy, the
most effective preparation ever devised
for aiding the digestion and assimila
tion of food, and restoring the derang
ed digestive organs to a natural condi-
For Insurance that...
Insures, apply to R. N.
Goodwin, the old reliable
insurance agent.
T HATHAWAY. M. I). Boeclaltv of rectal,
XV. bladder, and kidney diseases. Kectttl
dlneases treated without psiu. or detention
.-on. kiul.... nf ll,BhlUM..tM.r.rf
tion. It is a discovery surpassing any- onlt after aciiretuUiftmiDstlonot the urine
thing yet known to the medical pro
fession. Dr. J. H. Houghton.
evening from a trip through ths east
ern states. She stopped in Washington
tnd visited the old home of Washing
ton, and many other places of interest.
Geo. Fisher, of Cleveland, attended
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely di
gests food within the stomneh nnd in-
Lee Honse. testines and renders all classes of food
Solo Merrily I Roam ...Schleiffarth. capable of being assimilated and con-
Sfrs. Rena Rice.
Accompanist, Fanny Gorhnm.
What Are We to He and to Do?..
Ira Gnrver,
Class Motto Sydney Jones,
Duet When Thruogh Life
H. J. Schonaker.
Maud Finley, Fannie Gorhnm,
Accompanist, Mrs. Rena Rice.
Class Adress ...Rev. R. L. Waggoner,
Wellington, O,
Quartette Obitnnries .... J. A. Porks,
Presentation of Diplomns
Dr. G. T. Gregg,
Quartette Good Night .. J. A. Parks.
verted into strength giving nnd tissue
building substances. Dr. J. H. Hough
James Brooks, of Avon, is visiting
some of his old neighbors in this place.
Hurvey Peursnll is sick with the
B. (i. Warner nnd wife, of Welling
ton, were in town Thursday.
Mrs. C. H. Hughes, of Olenn, 0., was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Patch
this week.
Miss Clarn Gault, of Ruggles, visited
The Alumni meeting and banquet her sister, Mrs. W. H. Winnns, recent-
at the Macabee hall wns nttended bv lv.
members, 12 members absent. Mrs. Lncindn Barnum started for
The Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Kansas on Tuesday, where she will
Hill at Congregationnl church Run- visit relatives.
day wns well attended by pupils of Miss Nettie Rounds, of Norwnlk, hns
the school. The church wns filled to been visiting friends in ClurkBfield
The "Memorial sermon" was deliv-
Myron Merrills and family spent ered by Rev. Wagoner, resident pastor tne (unerai 0f his brother Miles Fisher,
Saturduy at his sons, Earl Merrills, of the M. L. church, at Wellington. It Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Loveland spent was a masterly effort, well delivered, Children's Day was observed at the
Snndav in New London. and seemed to be highly appreciated Congregational church Sunday even-
Rev. T. L. McConnell preached the by all our townspeople, end we hope ing. The Baptist church will hold their
Bnecnlaiireate sermon for the Roches- to listen to him frequently in the f u- exercises next Sunday.
ter high school at Rochester Sunday ture. commencement exercises oi me
i .t Rev. Ixing. of our Penfteld M. E. ocneier union ocnoois win oe nem
There will be a musical entertain- church, was appointed to deliver the .
ment at the home of 0. M. Gillett on Memorial sermon, but owing to the
Wednesday night of this week. sudden denth of his pnrentB, was com
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Evcrson Berved pelled to ask a brother minister from
Wellington to fill his place,
J. M. Starr, banker, from La Grange,
accompanied by his wife and little
Mrs. Eliza and Ella Hardy will Bpend daughter Frances, visited his parents Ma calling on friends
Monday and Tuesday of this week at last week. Eighteen ladies of the L. 0. T. M
Mr. Collinwood's in Clnrksfield. Also Mr. Judsnn Starr and family, hive of this place attended the conven-
The trustees are having the town from Elyria, were present at the tion held at Wellington, Saturday.
hall puinted and calcimined, which we church services. Eev. McConnell preached the baccu-
nre sure everyone will appreciate. Mrs. Starr 1b visiting her mother, laureate sermon to a large audience
The Briirhton school picnic will be Mrs. E. J. Watts, and her sister, Mrs. " the Methodist church Sunday even
held in Mr. (loss' irrove Fridav. June Leon Witbeck. ln8- ihe church was beautifully deco-
- - i
ice cream and strawberries to a num
ber of their most intimate friends
Saturday night.
bers of the class are John Saxton, Cora
Irish and Elsa Schade. Doors open at
7 o'clock,
Willard Wilshire returned to his
home at Benton, Iowa, Monday
Mrs. Jennie Morton, of Cleveland, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Flora Sheets,
W. A L. E.
In effect Sunday, November 18, 1898.
Train No. 4 Pally J0:20am
" " t) Dally (except sunciay.... saupm
Train No. 40 Local 10 :M a. m.
Train No. 1 Dally (except Sunday)... 10:04 am
Train No. 3 Dally 4:14 pm
Train No. 48 Local 8:16 a. m.
.1 Col. Cln. Ind. & St. L 8:88 am
:tf Dally St. L. Kx l:0pra
H Col. Kx 6 : pm
,17-Daily Col. 4 Cln. Ex 10:10pm
51 Local Freight 11 :00 am
25 Welliugtou Kx. (Sunday only)... IMmu
2H-Dally Col. & Cln. Ex 5:08 am
ai-Ualllon Ex. 8:11 am
its-Dally Col. Ind. & St. L. Ex 1 :08pm
44 Wellington Ex. 8:20pm
2 -Dally Col. Cln. & Ind. Ex 8:19 pm
62 Local Frelich 6:40 pm
Corrected Every Wednesday Morning:
Hay pet ton
Corn in ear, 70 lbs
Coruaholled.ot) Iba
Oats per bu
Rye per bu
New wheat perbu ,
Butter, dairy, per lb
Butter, creamery, per t
Ekkb, per dot
IJoney, per lb
Lard, per t)
Potatoes per bn.
Flour per sack of 491bs
Corn Meal perewt
unop per cwt
dllugs perewt
8 .V)
Bran per cwt
Oil Meal per cwt
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 40
Billing Prices Monday's 8ales.
Ohio State Flats
Creamerv Butter
Oth. Everyone is invited. Exercises
hy the school will commence at 2 p.
m., followed by an address by Prof.
Kinnison, of Wellington. The stu
dents who pnssed the Boxwell exami
Mrs. Bott, from Creston, O., is at
rated with flowers and muttos.
Miss Gertie Hill and Miss Maggie
Lesher from Wakeman, attended com
Miss Louise Smith and E. B. Whit
tles week.
Mrs. Fred Kemp and Miss Clnrn
Stiles went to Liverpool and returned
Edwin llnnford, of Wakeman, 0.,
comb came home from Wooftler mil- wns the guest of his sister, Mrs. Lottie
versify to nttend Alumni. Bissell, lust week.
The Huntington bnnd enme down Mrs. Oreenwnld went to Clevelnnd
nnd played some fine selections for Tuesday, where she Intends to spend
commencement. Huntington may a couple of weeks,
well well be proud of her band. A few friends nnd relatives assem-
Following is the programme for the bled nt the home of Daniel Sly nnd
first Boxwell commencement held nt celebrated his eighty-first birtlidny
Sullivan, Christinn church, May 8. hist Friday.
i9-- Mrs. I'hebe McWilliams, of Snvnn-
Motto "Pray and Hustle." nnh, was the guest, of her pnrents, Mr,
Welcome MeCnnley. and Mrs.'N. Snyder, Tuesday.
Clnss Song.
Invocation Ifev. (ieo. Hill.
Oration Mnn, the Inventor
Ethyl McAdoo.
Tlecitntion Pierre La Torges'
During Monday's storm, four horses
belonging to J. C. liunsom were Btruck
by lightning and killed
Lelnnd Clark, who hns been In the
state of Washington for some time, ls
Dream Ethvl Smith, expected home soon. He was thrown
JMiet .Mist as the Sun Went Down from a horse and received quite sen
Misses Ilozena C. Park and Ethyl ous injuries.
Smith. Mrs. Mary Morris, of Plymouth, Ind.,
Recitation The Two Bonds who has been visiting her fnther, E. B.
F. Myrtle Miller. Nlekerson, hus returned to her home,
that I would never get over it, and C,n"8 H'Ktr.V
that he would not give a snap of his
finger for my life. I heard of Ath-lo-
pho-ros and sent and got a bottle, and
before I had taken the fourth dose i
could sit up, and after tnking a half
bottle 1 was able t,b get up and walk
around, and after taking the third bot
tle wns entirely cured. As ever, your
great friend, trank U. hllisou.
For sale at druggists. Send for free
treatise to The Atjiloplioros Co., New
iluven, Lonn.
..Helen M. Park.
Class Song Darling Nellie Gray.
Han by
Oration Compulsion is not Patri
otism Hoy Dustin.
Class Prophecy F. Enolu Eaton.
Solo She Wns Bred in Old Ken-
kentucky Helen M. Purk.
Clnss Charge... W. Blanche Illlemnn.
Clnss Motto Jiozena C. Park.
Good Night Lorenz.
Mrs. Lewis Johnson and Mrs. T. B.
Patch attended the L. 0. T. M. con
vention at Wellington Saturday.
Mr. Eher Phillips and family nttend
ed the commencement at New London
Thursday evening.
The exercises on Tuesday afternoon
were very interesting and enjoyed by
nil. The choir, consisting of eight
voices with orgnn and violin nccom-
puuyment, rendered some fine music.
off Snturdny and went to the lake fish
Estate of J. H- Woolley. deoeased.
The undersigned has been appointed and
Stiallned as administrator or the estate or
. 11. Woolley, late of Lorain county, deceased.
Dated this nth day of May, A. I).. 1KX9.
J. W. Houghton. Administrator.
Estate of Katherine Ualltemler, Deoeased.
The undersliroed has been annotated and
qualified as executor of the Estale ol Kathar
ine Ualltemler lute of Wellington, Lorain
county, deceased.
Dated (nis it day oi may a. u., lew-
H. N. Goodwin.
r T ;l O l. t T
nresent wrltimr the miest of her m"- wrrow oornjan.
daughter, Mrs. Burt Hastings, the wife 1833, in Mt Morris, Livingston Co.,
.il w.i,.mI4i. N" Y" and died J une l8t' aed 68 years'
B I TIa flaotti AnlliRnrl . f- lw hnmo in
f 0 I Aiul CU OH lie IlUllJV las
jura. j, n. dibit hi rem me nuDonxn w... . . m ,. a.
1 I WAliinorrsin tnwnnhin. Hha
nation will deliver their graduation In Gallon, the guest of her daughter. rIed T h 8torrow in lm xhere
productions at this picnic. Mrs. Millie Staples. Mrs. Staples is the WM born tnig unjon twQ Hu.
W. Mosher, H. H. Vincent, Fred wife of the manager of the Central bert Storrow, of Kansas City, Mo., and
Grundy nnd W. C. Yocum took a day I'nion Telephone Co. at that place. Byron Storrow, of Wellington. Uoth
Congratulations are the order of the are left to mourn a fond mother. Mrs
day. Upon the street, should you Storrow was of a lovely disposition ; al-
chunee to meet a young man stepping ways bright and cheery, dispensing
W. M. Gallntrher. of Brvan. Pa., savs: very high, with smiling lip and cine- sunsnine everywhere, lo know her
For fortv venrs I have tried various Ing eye, don't fall to say, ere you pass was to love her. Her death was due
enne-h medicines. One Minute Couifh by, "Hey, Milton, how is this lor "u V"J", " uuumi. ner
1 I I M 1 L.I.I .1 it. 1 1 l
i- i. ii t .n l l.loh? Where la that tun-noiinrl hnhr?" luueruj was nem ai mo nome cunuuet-
v 1 1 1 r id urni ui nils ah tin ld .as- - r- t v i
(',i ,t .11 h Which, internreted. means that Mr. 6(1 bJ Rev- Wall of Wellington, and
' '' """ " Ol ll .,.,1,1 l,,. .!,.
and Mrs. M. G. Starr are raised to the , scv ...
highest pinnacle of earthly happiness
by the present sojourn in their midst
of a 101.-rviund twiv. Xfllfnn la mil
Decoration day was oDservea nere A . , ,, , . . , ,
, , . , ' , chorister, and as he fnlled to material
I7,e, presumably he was happily em
ployed training the young son and
troubles. Dr. J. II. Houghton.
place at the cemetery at Miner's Cor
ners. Many friends here extend their
sympathy to the relatives and friends
who are left to mourn her loss.
with its usual ceremonies. The Hun
tington bnnd favored us with some
fine music nnd the occasion was one
Hint not only awakened sad memories
but warmed our hearts with gratitude
to the heroes of the past and present,
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our neighbors and friends
H. D. Taylor is having his house wn0 so kindly assisted in our dear be-
Mr. McElroy lost valuable milch
who have sacrificed so much for home 1 00w jmj week.
and native land. We retrret to learn that B. Park, our
Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Beckley visited amiable mall carrier will not be upon
Wellington friends Saturday. the route much longer." While s
The Lndies' Aid Society will give nn stranger may be Just as accommodating,
ice cream and strawberry festival it is always pleasant to have familiar
Tlnirsdny evening, June fth, at the es around us.
home of Mr. and Mr. H. Tillotson. A
cordial invitation is extended to all. ROCHESTER
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Boice, of Roches-
loved mother's illness, and for the
beautiful flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Storrow,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Storrow,
and Sister.
You can't keep a good thing down.
News of lit 'travels fast. When thinm
are 'Mhe beet," hey become "the best
selling." AbraJiam Hare, a leading
druggist, of Bellevue, O., writes: "Elec-
Mrs. Frey, of Nova, was the guest of I trie Bitters are the bent selUnsr bitters
ter, spent aunuay wiin ner ininer, a. jjr lnfj Mrs, H. L. Mason last week. 1 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' ex
D. Beckley. john Murray was kicked bv horse P"". You know why? Most dis-
Mr. Fiii,n fhnffM and wlf. nt maaW -mi. i.iti,i i. . . v. . I cases begin in disorders of stomach,
' I .....lo u"bK. ni., t.:,i... v,l,l J .,.
Wooster, O., visited her parents, Mr. He was confined to his bed but is now Elec:ric mi er s tone, no the fomnch!
mid .iirs. u. vv. loie. iasi wees. auie to oe out again. I rearulates liver, kidnevs and bowels,
Miss Edna Boice has returned home Miles Fisher, one.of our old pioneers, I purifies -she blood, strengthens the
from Sullivan, where she has been for passed away Saturday. The funeral nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala
the past three weeks. . urvice. wers held st the .horns, ,Mon- Mj "build Uf .the .y.tem.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stevlck and two day at U o'olock, Rev. McConnell offlo-1 . M ln ,wn nr ' 0nlv'
children, of Wellington, were guests fating, ISO cerits. Sold by Near 4 Wells, drug-
ol friends Sunday. I nrs. . v. saano rsturnea oaturaay rglsta; guaranteed.
fine Pf e. 11 E-
The Leading Specialists of America H
250,000 CURED.
Nothing can be more demoralising to
fonngor middle -Aged men than the pret
ence of there "nightly toewe." They
prodaee wedkneM, neiroomeai, feeling
of diiguet and a whole train of lymptome.
They uofit a man for buiineM, married
life and social happineis. Ko matter
whethor eauned by evil habits In youth,
natural weakueMor Bexual eioewes, oar
New Method Treatment will poiltivel
oure you.
Reader, you need help. Early abuse or
later exoeisei may have weakened you.
Exposure may have diseased you. ion
are not safe till mired. Our New Method
will euro you. Yon run no risk.
250.000 CURED
Young Han Ton are rale, feeble
ana naggera; nervous, irmatiie and ex
citable. You become forgetful, morose,
and desion(lent; blotches and pimples,
sunken eves, wrinkled faoe. stoooins
nfonn and (lowncant eountenaoea reveal
the blight of your existence.
No matter how serious vour ease mav
be. or how long you may have had it, our
euro 1L The "wormy veins" retnrn to
their normal oondition and henoe the
sexual organs receive proper nourish
ment. The organs become vitalised, all
unnatural drains or losses oeaee and
man It powers return. Ho temporary
benefit, out a Derwanent our. antarea.
We treat and can BYl'lllLIH
MODERATK. It unable to all. writ,
Kennedys Kergan
1 1
7 "Y

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