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The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, July 12, 1899, Image 5

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Just a few of the good
Egg Whips 2c,
Hit Beaters 8c,
Hi: Flour Sifters 10c.
H:j Dust Pans 5c, .
:i:t Nutmeg Graters 3c,
iH: Lemon Squeezers 5c,
t tt.
Built to order
Your old wheel made to look
like new.
Brazing and Vulcanizing a
An experienced workman.
All kinds of repairing done
promptly at reasonable prices.
Fublio square, under American
Is Dr. Bigelow's
date at New Lon
don and Welling
ton. You can see
him at the Her
lev House. New
i 1 - London from 8:80
to 11:30 a.m., and
I w 1 a tne Amer'oan
G3 JHome' Wellin'
. sg&,wi.r ton, from 1 to 4:30
p. m. The Doctor has done so much
dental work in the above named towns
it Is hardly necessary to remind you
that he does Painless work. Remem
ber the date and call early.
Hard and Sol) Goal
' Coke, Blossburg
Smithing Coal.
Best of Accomodations
at the 10c. Barn.
Baled Hay and Straw
Moving Furniture a Specialty.
205 Subscribers
in Wellington
over tbe lines of
The Central Union
Telephone Go,
Residence Rates 50 Cents Pec Month
Busoessor to 0. B. Soiurr.
1 1 ai anil ofi ni
iicii u aim aim uuai
iokg ana wpoa
Draying and Moving of house hold
goods or pianos and teaming of. all kinds
promptly attended to.
Price and quality guarantoad on all
coal orders.
Balled Hay and Straw sold and deliv
ered. OfllM Phone 4S. Office Wat Hejn Street
Reeldenee Phone as.
T HATHAWAY, M. D. Boectaltv of metal
, IV, bladder, and kidney dlieaeea. Keota
diM(M treated without palu, or detention
from bud heas. Disease ol the bladder itreated
air alter a cunrtulieinlnnUoti oC tbtutlael.
things to be had at the
Cake Standards 15c,
1 doz. Clothes Pins lc,
doz. Glasses 10c,
Feather Dusters 10c,
Whisk Brooms 10c,
Fans lc.
For a delicious soda see Near A
Dr. Barton will spend the summer at
Foxboro, Mass.
Cascarets in all sized boxes at Near
& Wells's drug store.
Hammocks at bottom prices at Near
& Wells's, druggists.
The house of Mrs. Henry Chapman
on Elm street is being painted. C. L.
Church is doing the work.
Are you thinking of painting? If so
call on Near & Wells before making
your purchase.
A. R. & G. B. Warner have sold a
horse to Kilborne, of Columbus,
which was shipped last Saturday.
Kill those potato bugs by buying
some Paris green of Near & Wells,
Try a loaf of Cleveland bread. T. F.
Rodhouse & Son are receiving all of
the popular kinds daily.
The Big Four will run their usual
excursion to Columbus, Sunday, July
18. Rates and time the same.
The corn crop around here is decid
edly backward and it looks now as if
corn would be a scarce article this fall
A number of the members of the
Baptist Church expect to attend the
state assemby at Mt. Vernon, July 18
to 28.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pain or weak
s, permanenty curing constipation
and liver aliments. J. W. Houghton.
The members of the Christian En
deavor society of the Church of ChriBt
are iavited to the home of Mrs. Ben
nett's Friday evening; a good time is
LER, Congressman from New York, is
the president of The New York Stab,
which is giving away a FORTY DOL
LAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by
their advertisement in another column
Hon. Amos J. Cummings, M. C, Col.
Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney of
New York, ex-Governor Hogg, of Tex
as, and Col. Fred. Feigl, of New York
are among the well known names in
their Board of Directors.
The W. 4 L. E. Ry. will run a cheap
excursion to Lakeside. One fare for
the round trip, going July 19 and 20,
tickets good returning to July 24 in
Yon can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
Eat rood, wholesome food, and plenty of
it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food
without aid from the stomach, and is
made to cure. J. W. Houghton.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap'
tist Church will meet with Mrs. Thorn,
as Tooth on Johns street, Friday after
noon. All are cordially Invited. Sup
per will be served from 6 to 6:80.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Our fsmoni BITJB
It'i Ojd bent In the
world. Prlwewllleuf-
orlie 700, we deliver
hl Peul. m deilied.
Write fat pnM. nd mpw.
10 to 12 a. m.
1 to 8 p. m.
7 to 9 p. m.
' Special Attaattoa to
The union meeting in the park Sun-
ay evening was well attended. Rev.
h. Waggoner gave an able and help
ful discourse from the theme, "The
Gospel the Demonstration of Power."
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Klnton, Mr.,
write: "One Minute Cough Cure saved
the life ot our little boy when nearly
dead with croup." J. W. Houghton. .
The heavy itormi of the last week
ere much needed for the corn crop
and the pasture! through the country
but they came at a most unsuspicious
me for the many who had hay down.
Some of the farmers also had wheat
not yet harvested.
The Farm Journal Is 22 years old,
prints 40 tons of paper a month, and is
t of debt; it Is cut to fit every pro
gressive farmer and villager. Don't
you want this fine little paper? Very
well, pay a year ahead for The Welling
ton Enterprise and we will have the
Farm Journal sent to your address for
the balance of 1899 and all of 1900,
1901, 1902 and 1903 nearly five years
and it will get to you If alive and any-
Where on this planet.
O. G. Avery has nearly lost the use
of both eyes from cataracts. There Is
some hope that the sight may be re
stored by an operation.
"What might have been"-lf that lit
tle cough hadn't been neglected Is the
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. One Minute Cough Care cores
coughs and colds. J. W. Houghton.
Owing to the illness of Mayor Couch
the case of the Village of Wellington
vs Patrick MeClory, charged with dis
orderly conduct, was not tried Friday,
but was continued until next Satur
Thomas Rhoads, Centerfleld, 0.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy gave me relief
until DeWltt's Witch-Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly
harmless. Beware of counterfeits. J.
. Houghton.
Mrs. M. M. Joyce is moving her
stock of ladies' and children's clothing
into the store room vacated by F. B.
Gun-shot wonnds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wonnds from rus
ty nails, Insect stings and ivy poisoning
quickly healed by DeWltt's Witch-Hazel
Salve. Positively prevents blood poison
ing. Beware of counterfeits. "De-
Witt's" is safe and sure. J. W. Hough
Another great discovery has been
made, and itbat, too, by a lady In this
country. "Disease fastened it
clutches upon her and for seven years
die withstood its severest tests, but her
vital orgama were undermined and
diith seemed Imminent. For three
month she coughed Incessantly and
could not sleep. Rhe finally discovered
way 10 recovery by purchasing of us
a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, and was so much re-
icvrtl on taking first dose that tfhe
slept nil night; and with two bottles
has been absolutely cured. Her name
is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes V.
Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial
bottles free at Near & Wells' drug store.
Regular sizes 50c and $1.00. Every bot
tle guaranteed.
Wheeling Lake Erie.
Photographers' convention, Celeron,
N. Y. One fare round trip to Celeron
or Lakewood, N. Y., going July 18 and
17, extreme returning limit July 24.
Ohio State Bar Association, Put-in-
Bay, one fare round trip, July 10 and
11, returning limit, July 17.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of
Washita. I. T. He writes: "Four bot
tles of Electric Bitters have cured Mrs,
Brewer of scrofula, which had caused
her orent aufferimr for years. Terrible
sores would break out on her head and
face, and the best doctors could give
no help; but her cure is complete and
her health is excellent." This shows
what thousands have proved that
Electric Bitters is the 'best blood puri
fier known. It's the supreme remedy
for eczema, letter, salt rheum, ulcers,
boils and running sores. It stimulates
liver, kidneys and ibowels, expels pois
ons, helps digestion, builds up the
strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Near
& Wells, druggists. Guaranteed.
Los Angeles, Cal., July 11th to 14th
'99. For rates, limits, etc., call upon
Big Four agenlts.
A startling Incident, of whidh. Mr,
John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows
"I was in a most dreadful condition
My sk'in wis almost yellow, my eye
sunken, tongue coated, pain continual!
In back and sides, no appetite grad u
ally growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Fortu
natelv. a friend advised trying 'Elec.
trie Hitters,' and to my great joy and
surprise, the first bottle made a decicln
Imnravement. I continued their use
for tfhree weeks and am now a we
man. 'I know they saved my life and
robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fall to try them. Only
50c, guaranteed, at Near & Wells' drug
D. J. Goodyear was in town Satur
day. CliHilit Myers, of Lorain, was in
town last Friday.
K. B. Buswell, of Toledo, was in
town over 8unday. .
Edward Bernard is In Pittsburg, Pa.,
for an indeflnate time.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Warner,
Saturday morning, a boy.
Mrs. J. P. Eidt and children left for
Lakeside Monday morning.
Misses Stella and Florence Day re
turned to Sandusky today.
W. W. Sawyer, of Cincinnati, spent
the first of the week in town.
Masters Ray and Fay Cook visited
in North Eaton, O., last week.
Mrs. G. E. Spitzer and little son re
turned Monday from Minerva.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sheldon visited
Pittslield friends on day lately.
Clarence Ream visited friends in
Massillon several days last week.
Miss May Cook of Chicago, 111., is
vtwiting relatives and friends in town.
Miss May Barnard returned yester
day from a visit with friends in Atticr,
J. M.Shelley made a flying trip to
New York Friday, returning 8unday
Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart viBited their
daughter in Lorain several days last
A. E. French left Sunday for West
Virginia to be absent about three
L. H. Wadsworth and family spent
several days last week with Cleveland
Miss Pycroft, of Elyria, is spending
a few weeks with her friend, Mrs. J. M.
Miss Mae Townsend is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Geo.' E. Townsend, of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seeley, of Cleve
land, were guests of friends in town
lat t week.
Dr. C. T. King and wife, of New Lon
don, spent Sunday with their son, Dr.
Harry L. King.
Miss Hough, of Cleveland, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Warner the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bowers spent a
part of last week with their son, Clay
ton, of Bellevue.
Mr. James Lewis left yesterday for
Watertown, N. Y., w.iere he expects
to Bpend the summer.
Mr. and Mis., J. P. Wood, who re
cently moved to Cleveland, have re
turned to Wellington.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Starr are spend
ing the week with friends in Kalama
zoo and Jackson, Mich.
Miss Jessie A. Loweth left last
Wednesday for Chteoeo. where she
will spend her vacation. '
Mrs. Jonathan Carpenter, of Coe
Ridge, is spending the week with her
sister, Mrs. L. G. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller have been
spending a few days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Miller.
Dr. E. F. Grose was present at the
meeting of the Lorain County Dental
Society at Lorain, Monday.
R. C. Bennett left for Atlantic City
Mondav morning. Mrs. Bennett will
oin him in about two weeks.
Scott Garrett is in town shaking
hands with old friends. He is repre
senting a wholesale shoe Arm.
J. 8. French and James Lamson of
Litchfield, O , were the gueBts of Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. French last week.
Arthur L. Soraaue is visiting his
aunt, Miss Alma Sprague, in Roches
ter, N. Y., for a couple of weeks.
Miss Josie Bleekman, general agent
for the Beezley Publishing Company,
of Chicago, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. Charlotte Carrotte and Mr.
Fred Reel, of Detour, Mich., are the
gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. V. Bernard.
Clare Converse is spending his vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Converse. Clare is a member
of Hi Henry's minstrels.
Dr. Harry L. King attended the
meeting of the Lorain County Dental
Society held at Lorain, Monday, July
Miss Mae Clark is enjoying a vaca
tion, which will include visits witn
friends at Lakeside, Put-in-Bay and
Middle Bass.
Mrs. Geo. Adams, of Cleveland, who
has been visiting Mrs. C. Mason was
called home Friday by the serious ill
ness of her brother.
Miss Etta Knapp left yesterday for
Richmond, Vs., where she will attend
the International B. Y. P. U. conven
tion as delegate from this county.
Mrs. S. A. Armstrong returned has
from visiting friends in Cleveland and
Olmstead Falls, after spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. L. G. Smith
she will go on to home at Greenfield.
Mrs.0. A. Spicer was happily sur
prised on Monday last by a visit from
her eldest ton, Dr. C. A. Spicer, of
Pittsburg. Dr. Spicer rode the entire
distance, 163 miles, on hit wheel in a
day and a half.
Uncle John Long celebrated his
eighty-fourth birthday recently. We
hope he may live to see a good many
mora birthdays. His daughter, Mrs.
Hoyt, ot Norwnlk, came over to spend
the day with him.
Miss Josephine Wells, who has been
attending the Spencerian Business Col
lege, Cleveland, has completed the
course and returned Monday. She
left Tuesday for Nor walk to accept a
position in the Norwalk Business Col
lege. Miss Wells was recommended
for this position by Principal Loomit.
Bride and Oroora Well Known Young
People of Wooetar. Groom's Parente
Reilde In Wellington.
The home of Mr. Dayton L. Goudy
was the scene Wednesday of an elegant
little wedding, the occasion being the
marriage of his sidter, Miss Nettie, to
Uriah M. Miller, of Wooster. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. O.
Campbell, D. D., of this city, at 8 :30
o'clock in the presence of the bride's
family and near relatives of the groom.
The bride wore a beautiful gown of
white organdie tastefully trimmed
with lace and white roses. She was
the recipient of a number of very ele
gant presents. After enjoying a de
lightful supper the newly wedded
couple left on the evening train for the
east. They are followed by the con
gratulations and best wishes of their
many friends. Wooster Daily Repub
lican. Mr. Miller is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
U. F. Miller, of this place. The young
people are here now.
Physical Cnltnre.
The first lesson of the classes in
physical culture under the direction
of Misses Naylor and Horr was held in
the town hall, Tuesday morning. A
large and enthusiastic number was in
The term consists of twelve lessons,
Tuesday and Friday mornings, the
adult class taking up the Delsarte and
Swedish systems of physical culture,
the children's class taking some work
under the lines of expression together
with the work in physical training.
Any desiring to join either of these
classes can communicate with Miss
Horr at her home on Barker street or
meet the ladies Friday morning at the
town hall between the hours of 8 and
Ohio Telephone Aiuoolatlon Meeting.
A. R. Warner was in Columbus
Friday, to be present at the meeting of
the executive committee of the Ohio
Telephone Association, of which he is
member. The committee met
Attorney-general Monnett, Auditor
Gilbert and Treasurer Campbell,
officials of the state in regard to the
taxation of telephone properties in
this state.
The committee is composed of II. D.
Critchfield, chairman, of Mt. Vernon;
Judge Thomas, of Chillicothe ; Judge
Fricker, of Ashtabula ; E. L. Barbor,
of Wauseon: J. Butler, of Warren;
A. R. Warner, of Wellineton.
Of the one hundred companies in the
state, five are Bell lessees, while the
balance are independent companies.
The valuation to property in the state
is $2,500,000.
Wellington Machine Co. Noten.
Chas. Gibbs, a moulder from Lorain,
commenced work last Thursday, His
wife and son will come later.
Fred Snyder has secured work at the
foundry and started in Tuesday.
The company have secured a night
watch, Clarence Barbor, who assumes
his duties Saturday night.
Robert Lang starts to work as an ap
prentice in the machine deparment
this week.
C. B. Caner goes to Detroit ThurS'
day night to set up a brick machine.
Louis Dannis, the German who was
recently hurt by the falling of a der
rick, has departed for new fields
Some of the boys are out various sums
for money loaned him.
Director' Meeting.
The semi-annual meeting of the di
rectors of the Home Savings Bank took
place Monday evening, July 10. J. 8
Mallory was appointed cashier to take
the place of J. Howard Rust, who re
signed May 8.
The directors declared a semi-an
nual dividend of 3 per cent. The busi
ness of the bank is on the increase and
the stockholders are pleased with the
outlook for bigger business.
Death of J. II. Whitbeck.
J. II. Whitbeck died at the Kansas
City, Mo., hospital, July 1, at4:30p
m., after an illness of one week. The
remains were taken to his home at
Burlineame, Kas., for burial. He
leaves a wife and one child.
The deceased was a former resident
of Spencer and Wellington, where he
was well known. He was a brother of
the late A. A. Whitbeck.
The ladies of Wellington to know
that Mrs. A. B. Copeland, of Cleveland
teacher of the S. T. Taylor Perfect
System of DresB Cutting can be seen at
Mrs. E. 0. Jefferies' on Bennett street
for a short time. 2t28
For Rent.
Furnished rooms at Lakeside, by the
week or for the season. Inquire of E
H. Perkins.
Card of Tlianlte.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their prompt and timely
help in assisting us in saving our home,
also the Are department for respond
ing so quickly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eglin.
Mrs. Mattle Otterbacher, of Green
wich, and G. W. Guide, of Cleveland,
visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Guide last week.
Mrs. W. D. Hall and daughter Ethel
leave today for Joplin, Mo.
W. Ford Hall returned to Columbus,
I To F1TERT Good Ideas
nifty be secured by
oar aid. Addreei,
BtlMmere. lid.
SeMeitpcioas to Tbe Fstenf BSeord La) per mum.
Removal Sale
Ig Jee;t Discount,
Friday and Saturday,
July 14 and 15.
Our entire
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits,
Shirt Waists and Wrappers.
All go at 15 per cent discount
Mrs. M.
New Location
Main. In the store
F. B. Serage.
In the form of Ice Cream, Water
Ices, Sherbets, Frozen Fruits and Frozen
Puddings are delicious these warm days,
we have a nice line of
and our prices are right.
When you want a freezer, call
on us.
All prices reduced and many goods unmercifully
slaughtered, Summer Suits, Summer Hats, Summer
Shirts, Overalls, etc., etc., in fact every thing that is
summery meets the same fate.
Nor will we stop liere, having about 40 dozen of
that heavy winter, fleece lined Underwear, we will
let them slide with the rest at 39 cents. They would
be cheap one month from now and you will be buying
them at 50 cents. The gain is yours.
You know the rest. Come and see us now.
You have doubtlcBH heard of the reputation of the famous
and in ordor to introduce this into your town, we have decided
that we will offer our bicycles
at ora
This offer will hold good until September 1, 1899. If you
want to buy the best bicycle built in America, at wholesale
price, write us for catalog and prices.
Lake and Marquette St., - CLEVELAND, O.
line of
M. Joyce.
North side of West
formerly occupied by

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