i Si
NO. 29
Negligee Shirts J
Thirty-five ctsea.
These Shirts
Are the regular fifty cent
q lalitv with separate link
cuffs and white collar band.
The material and workmanship are first class
and the many beautiful patterns make a fine
assortment to sele:t from. Come quick while
any size may be had.
for Summer Comfort
In wearing apparel there is nothing to com
pare with our Crash Suits and Blue Serge Coats
and Vests. They are loov and cool and the
correct thing for day or, evening during this hot
We still have a good assortment of Straw Hats
in all the popular styles and latest shapes.
Bicycle Suits, Belts, Hos
iery and Caps.
Make up your mind to be comfortable this VT
summer while awheel. We know the things q
you want for a complete
outfit and with our big Jvvvwj
assortment choosing is made d DUhCrtY, f
ea9y- Hlelman & Co.
During the Spring Season .
we mil sell all
kinds of
at prices that are right
xjkjix u uuy uiiiii yuu uu.11 auu
see what we Jhave got and
J get our prices. '
A. Q. & G. L. COUCH.
Citttala A4. onl Bad Mnd to wlla, tl.OO, Bad
IHfHUTKO aIK 4LKKM riHLUit OKU., fcjfrrlfhlC U. II., BMbJet 1 le
iimIiiUw. You can examine it at yournearen. frclKht diKL
aiul if you And it exactly rcprearated, eual to orttanii tliut
rrtal. at T6. 00 U $100.00, Uiereuttut value you ever saw and
far better Uian organ advertised by others at more money, .ny
thafreiirht aireiit oyr enrrlal WO (lava' effer Drtce. S3LS.
Itmi the 11.00, or (10. 7. and 1 rein lit chare
831.75 IS OUR SPECIAL 90 DAYS' PRICE ear half (be
J i- - avice taaif
44bfUMi, hiMh an oBVr wa acver m title befure.
-TUhaUttrMaMaTrTrraad. From the illustrelK.il ihown. which
J engraved direct fromai'hotoKraph.youcan fonn Home Idea otlU
fteautirm appearance, nuae vnm eona quarter mwta
latrat lMUVetvle. TUB ACHK01 KkX it 6 feet 6 Inches hlvh.
U lot-bee loriK, i Inches wide and wekht Mo K)mnla. (Jon.
tala 6 octaves, 11 Btojw, MrIJowi; uitpiMa, rrlaHnai,
Valdaaa, Mricals, Oteele, I'rMoaa, Bui Uualtr, Treble
Ciavler, Dlapaaea Fort and Vat llunaati a 0U ('nplr,
ITMrtN, 1 tiraaa Oraaa Uli, 4 81 OreNMlral TmH
HaaaaaUrr riemf H4, 1 Hat sm PereSwMl IfMli
I, 1 Sl mt1 ihftnalMlyBrmUalllaJnle&eeda. I l ef
t RlehaWlkw (,, IMapaMta IWd. 1 8ft of ti Pluslaf
odltUeUaaPrUclpal aUaJa. TIlK ACMF. (JI KKN ac
tluueonitiitof thei'ulehratedHrwrll Ua, which are only
Sited in the hltrhent trrade inslruiuf ntn; fitted with llaja-
MMVNpimua in noaiii. iiwi iws iei,
leatbera, etc., bellows of the bent rubber cloth, 3 ply
INtllowt atock and II neat leather In valve. THE
al'UK Ul kkN la furnixhed with a IVill lieveltMl
plate French mirror, nickel plattnl pednl rrumea,
auid aeerr modern linurovenieiit. W fralk free a haae-
eaaatergaa aUal tae Ue bealeriaa laatrattlee beak enbtlahta.
laiiue awrlttco bliulinK SJ-vtar guarantee, bv the
term and conditions of vi hlch If any part Klvea out
aatlaned. 6oo of thee orrann will bt sold at S1. Ik
tilt II KK AT WIS IK. IHin'T llhl.AY.
not dealt with ua ask your neighbor alout (ii.write
the DUblf fiber of thin pa per or Metropolitan National
Bank, or Corn KxchaiiKo Nat. Bank, Chicago i or (ierman Exchanjre Rank, New York
ontnpany In Chicago. We fcst enplitl ef ever t700.ooo.ou, occupy entire one of tli
Chtoaao. and employ nearly K.000 wonle In our awn buUiliur. HK Bl LI, oitUAMt at fti
a4ei also everything in mualcal InitrumeoU at loweet whnknale prices. Write tor frw upt-clal ortcan, piano
and music Unatrument catalogue, addrens, (easrt, aUvbeek a U. are Ueroufbly reliable. KilMr.)
6KARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), Fulton, CrMplimetand WiymanSU., CHICACO, ILL
ere repair it free feharaie. Try it one month and
eve will refund your nionvy If you are not iwrfectly
flu ,:
Mi -Aim
r t a ' i til
18 ' H . II
.h- til t
: CI M ,l
- 1 rj'jt-i
i or any railroad or eiDreM
upy entire one of the larutwt bualneas bloi-knin
Letter fruin Corporal Frank II. Johuiton
of the Tni iity.nrrnlid Inrmitry to HI.
Nlntnr In II lint I iiKton Many Thing, of
Ingot, T. I., April 27, 1898.
Dear Sinter: Wb loft Malute April
21, undor Gen. Lttwton, with the larg
est body of trooiia that has yet moved
on the Islands.
Came here on the 25, and now oc
cupy th town took it like all other
placeH, offered little re.iistaiice: rum
or of a well fortified city ahead ord
dein not to leave camp. Received
your letter of February 27 on April 28,
it was read with interest hard to de
scribe. I was on outpost and a few
sharp shooters had seen us and were
banging away at ub where we lay,
just inside the thick brush, once in a
while a bullet would come a little too
cloee then we would send a volley in
the direction of the report. I was in
terrupted thus several times but read
my letter just the same. The com
pany were scattered in the rear of the
outposts prepared for an attack. I am
writing on my haversack in the shade
of part of a native shack, its terrible
hot. We are in the foot-hills of the
mountains, liains hard every night.
The train of rations, carts and amuni
tion got two days behind : some of the
earless men went hungry, but none of
the old hands were short as they car
ried the rations issued them.
I have no idea when I shall be able
to send this, as there is no mail going
back. This paper was, as u.-uul, hid
den church property, The church, a
fine one, was burned. No matter how
poor the natives, every town has a fine
stone church.
Heavy firing yesterday and a lot of
prisoners brought in.
Balinog, May 27. In the town doing
guard. Burtos, across the river and
this place offered but little resistance,
but it took the hard skirmish line
marching in the terrible sun, just as
it would have done had we had a big
fight. After firing stopped we went
into Burtos and were quartered in a
large church. Nothing in either of
these cities burned houses empty,
everything carried away or hidden.
We slept on the tile floor of the
church, pretty hard bui iixyvone-nigut
then waded the river and went into
the little native shacks, where we are
now. I have three boys from my
squad in my shack, have plenty of
room. The church I mentioned is old
but grand. I was through it Sunday
morning; the auditorum of the Cleve
land Cathedral is a minature compar
ed with it, a fine pipe organ in the gal
lery. The church and idjoining prop
ertymust have cost an immense s im.
I went to the top of the tower and had
a fine view of the country fur miles,
we could see the natives, in their white
clothes, coming in by the thousands.
They are allowed to come and go as
they please.
We are out of rations, and orders are
"no foraging" but you know how hun
gry soldiers will get with plenty of
chicken, pigs, tons of rice, sugar and
sweet potatoes and other things with
in easy reach. After taking Balaway
orders were "secure arms of nativeB
and allow them to come and go as they
wish.'' When they saw we would not
harm them they came cautiously at
first, then sent a few in, who took off
their hats to us and gave us fine ban
anas and mangos. They came by the
hundreds and went into their little
shai.ks. One old woman cooked seven
men on my post a fine meal of chicken,
rice and sweet potatos. To make a
long story short they would do any
thing for us. They are an innocent,
deluded, priest-ridden class, who de
serve far better treatment than they
have had in the past. Its simply won
derful the loads a woman or little
boy can carry. I helped a little fellow-
put tils lunu on lus neau ana it was
about all I wanted to lift, lie w as just
a little fellow, Carl would make two of
him, but he made off with it and as
long as I could see him still hud it on
his heiid. At first we advanced rap
' idly, but have made frequent stops,
a id taken things coolly or we would
have all been used up, with heat and
si 'knes. Many of the boys were sent
ba';k to the hospitals. Diarrhea is
quite general. I have not yet been on
the sick report. lour newspaper
"clippings ' were read and re-read by
more than your brother. So many do
not get letters. People in civil life
little know the good mail from home
does the soldier in a hard wearing
campaign. Many of the boys ask me
if I got a letter from my sister.
know at once what they are after.
.The clippings. The heads of our army
know what the value of mail to the
boys is. It conies, cost what it will.
Mail will come when rations will nut.
Your idea of sending clippings inle.i
of newspapers is the best fur the)
reach a felhw wherever he is. Tin's r
written with a 'Filipino lend pencil
made of stove polish, it blurs and is
not plain.
Candaba, June 3. We are holding
this place. Poor boys, they had hope
to go b'.ck to quarters in Manila, in
stead of thia place, it is miles from a
railroad and no one safe two miles
from town unless with, an armed es
cort. When we first came It was in
t'-mleU to garrison il. with two com
panies, but our wires .mjre cut and re
ports put our officer '.on the anxious
seat. Aguinaldo rep l ied to be with
in eight miles of ,h'!' with 8000 in
ciimp. We Begun fortifying our pos
ition. As usual, our quarters, aline
church which has a wall around it.
We cut port-holes anfi sleep on bell
and canteen, but they will only attack
from ambush. No one allowed on the
streets after 7 p. tn. All suspicious
nalivi-s or those with ixilos, a murder
ous knife, aro arrested. Tlfy are
frightened and obey. 1 We are all do
ing as well as we can .expect to, in
times of war. We think no more real
activity till the rainy season is over.
Your brother;"' . Frank.
0. B. C. KITES.
r -
A Great lli inancl for HoolikM-pem, flten
oitraplicrH anil Thc1l.t..-M l, Hager
mii.1 Secure, a Uooil ruxitfun.
This college has heW had so many
calls for bookkeepers,' stenographers
nd teachers as during the past few
weeks. Some of these it has been un
able to fill, all recent available gradu
ates having employment. Supt. Bax
ter of the Mt. Vernon public schools
writes for a teacher of shorthand,
bookkeeping, typewrit'nljand arithme
tic. Wilson Henderson, of Cloud, ().,
has been recommended. There are
vacancies for commercial teachers in
the schools at Akron, Newark, Warren
and LaPorte, Ind.
Miss Hagerman, who completed the
business and shorthand courses last
week, went to Cleveland Satdrday and
secured a position the same day with
the American Trust Company.-' '
A E. Ross, of Cincinnati, represent
ing Scribner's publications, has been
spending several day fn Elyria and
Obe.'lin. AVhile he vims business col
leges all over the country, he states
that the Oberlin Business College is
the best equipped school of the kind
that he has ever visited.
Some new and very attractive feat
ores are to be added tu the couws of
training at the Oberlin Business Col
lege for the coming yoar by way of
fitting its graduates fo? the cjvil ser
vice examinations. Prof. J. D. Vocom,
a graduate of Oberlin College, w ho has
been studying law in Adelbert Law.
School the past year, w ll have charge
of this department. : J
A pleasant cure for -yorms. Never
fails. 25c. Warrant to p!eae or
money, reuo'lert i,.Jil ,.: . ,. ... ,r
Whr England I. Afraid of RnMla.
One important reason why England
ought to assume an offensive attitude
toward Russia, if it were otherwise
desirable for her to do so, is the weak
ness of her army. A war with Russia
would not be a naval war. It would
necessarily be a land war, and Eng
land, it is well known with her pres
ent force and her policy of voluntary
enlistments, could not put more than
thirty thousand men into China.
This was asserted only the other morn
ing in the House of Commons, and the
government did not contradict the
statement. Indeed, it is perfectly
well understood that it rests on the
authority of Lord Wolseley himself.
It is hardly worth while to enlarge
upon the deplorable situation in which
England would find herself if she were
called upon to face Russia with a force
of 30,000 men. Russia has probably
already many more troops than this in
Manchuria. The result of a war, then,
between Russia and Great Britian, un
dertaken under existing conditions,
would be the total destruction of Brit
ish commerce in China, and the inva
sion, and possibly the temporary loss,
of India. And in considering the pos
sible effect of such a war we must bear
in mind the attitude of the people of
India towards the imperial govern
ment, which is that of discontent, ex
pressing itself in riots. Surely such
an attitude would be of immense as
sistance to Russia in the invasion that
would immediately follow the breaking
out of war over China. The facts
which British statesmen are facing are
tern and threatening, and what clam
or of ignorace an ignorance that may
not be dissipated until Ub victims are
aroused and informed through the aw
ful surprise which is Biire to follow the
first shock of arms. Harper's Wheek-
s TN a careful chemical ex-
1 amination of the leading
5 Malt Extracts of the world,
s the United States Govern-
meat Chemists found
1 was the only one of all that g
3 was absolutely pure and per- t
: feet. Others cannot replace E
2 it.
2 At til drag floret,
SenrotHrjr Alger anil Mm. Algor at Long
Hraiich. Captain John II. Have., of
North Carolina, in Washington. Attor-ney-Gen.rul
Griggs In New Jersey. A
mow-Hard Deiuoerut Called llown.
President McKlnli y Interviewed on the
'Canteen" Clause. No Retention Bills
Paid. Coin tnlsaloner - Kvans -Investigation-Committee
ha Commenced Work.
Washington, July 17, 1890. Presi
dent McKlnley has about completed
the selection officers for the new regi
ments of volunteers, and he iS receiv
ing many complimentB for having
stuck to his plan of giving those com
missions only to men whose military
experience fit them to properly fill the
positions. Not a single commission
has gone to a man without military
Secretary Alger and Mrs. Alger left
Washington to-day for Long Branch,
to spend a couple of days with the vice
president and Mrs. Hobart. Before
leaving the secretary said of the last
newspaper attempt to retire him from
the cabinet: "I shall not resign this
year certainly, and can not say as to
the future. My private business and
the state of my health will govern my
future course. Nothing that I have
ever heard of or know of has been so
cruel as these attacks upon me. If my
critics can point to one thing in my
official career I have done that I ought
not to have done, or where I have not
done what I should have done, I shall
be very glad to surrender my present
official duties."
Captain John B. Eaves, of North
Carolina, now in Washington, said of
politics in his state: ."If the repub
lican party of North Caronlina would
make the fight in the coming campaign
solely on an honest republican plat-
rorm, giving the gold standard and
protection planks the prominence to
which they are entitled, the chnnces of
victory would be reasonably sure. Mc-
Kinley's policy is popular with the
milling, banking, railroad, moneyed
and progressive element, and prosper
ity is a more important issue now in
the Bouth than effete party lines." ' '
Attorney-general Griggs has gone to
New Jersey for a short vacation, which
h has earned by a great. li-nl of hard
nk,.UtJiajl82i!i1sury. .ijt, il'e....;'i.n
knotty law points, brought up in con
nection withe results of the war with
It was in a Washington hotel. A
democrat was regaling a crowd with
stories indicating his belief that the
democrats had a show to oarrv Ohio
this year. After aw hile a quiet gentle
man, who is a prominent Ohio business
man, quietly remarked : "I see that
you don't know. The democrats have
no chance of carrying the state, no
matter what sort of a ticket they put
up. I have been in more fhun half of
the counties of the state during the
past four months and have taken es
pecial care to get the drift of public
Bentiment. The dissensions within the
republican party are neither so wide
spread nor so serious as the democrats
think, as they do not extend to the
mass of the voters. Some individuals
are sore, but they will not effect the
result. The state will go republican
by about the usual majority, although a
big vote for an off year is likely to be
polled. In Judge Nash the repub
licans have a candidate who does the
party credit. He is an amiable man,
and yet has nerve enough to meet any
A delegation representing the Na
tional Temperance Society and kindred
organizations, called on the president
this week and requested him to set
aside the opinion of Attorney -general
Griggs on the "canteen" clause of the
army act of the lust, congress. The
president told them he would make a
personal- investigation to satisfy him
self as to the correctness of the con
struction put upon the law by the attorney-general,
that if found correct
it would stand, if not it would be set
This government will not pay dam
ages on account of the detention of
passengers, or their sickness, on the
vessels seized during the Cuban block
ade. Such in effect was the reply made
by Secretary Hay to the French am
bassador who has filed a claim for 110,-
000 on behalf of a French passenger on
one of the French steamers captured
and held until released by a decision
of the admiralty court. It was consid
ered as merely an incident of the war.
Commissioner Evans not only gave a
cordial welc-.me to the G. A. It. com
mittee which came to Washington to
investigate the pension bureau, but he
detailed expert clerks in the bureau to
assist the committee and ordered all
employes to give any information the
committee might desire, This inves
tigation is being made largely because
of charges which have been made by
members of the G. A. R. ogainst Com
missioner Evans and his methods of
administering the business of the bu
reaus, and the committee is composed
of some of the most prominent mem
bers of that organization, including
Colonel R. B. Brown, of Zanesville,
Ohio, who is chairman ; General John
W. Palmer, of Albany, former com
mander-in-chief, and W. C. Johnson,
of Cincinnati, present commander-in-chief.
Commissioner Evans lays the
r?0fVA n
I ' fjtr l .tm
uvr u) irtrTBSB
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
aoyst fl.Kfsfl prrm ro., srw vfsw.
more thorough the investigation is
made the stronger will be his vindica
tion. Colonel Brown says the only ob
ject of the committee is to get at the
facts, so that intelligent recnmmendaT
tions may be made to correct any de
fects found, either in the law or in ill.
construction of the law by the bureai
Irut;glsts Meet nt Loratn.
The Lorain County Pharmaceutical
Association held their annual meetiii).
at the Hotel ToplilT, Elyria, last Wednesday.
The following members of the associ
ation were registered at tie Hotel: E.
W. Adams and wife, Charles Adams
and Mary Adams, W. H. Tiesot, W. F.
Near, Wellington ; W. llonecker, A. J.
Baumhart, F. J. Frank, Lorain; R. B.
Roe and wife, H. J. Eady and wife, E.
U. Hague, D. W. Baker, Harry Cran-
dall, W. II. Park and wife,. Elyria; J.
H. Gardner, Oberlin.
The following officers were elected :
President, E. W. Adams, Wellington ;
vice president, J. M. Gardner, Oberlin ;
secretary and treasurer, Wm. lloneck
er. Lorain ; executive committee. II.
M. Eddy, Elyria ; Thad Rowland, Ober
lin ; W. F. Near, Wellington ; J. Frank,
The next meeting will probably be
held at Avon Beach.
You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of
it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food
without aid from the stomach, and is
made to cure. J. W. Houghton.
Homeless Children and Childless Homes.
The state superintendent of the
Children's Home Society, who was in
Bellevue over Sabbath lately, will be
in Wellington over next Sanday. The
mission of this organization is to find
good families who may wish to take t
child to raise, and place with them an
orphan or dependent child who is
either now or likely to goon become a
public charity.
The agent is generally introduced in
uKurW s.. iii( Rnnday-"i'0)s where he
makes short addrcsse. and shows pic
ture's of children placed. He expects
also to have two or three boys with
him fur whom good homes are desired.
This is an incorporated but volunteer
society. One that has alreudy placed
out 335 Ohio children in private fami
lies, where they are no longer a bur
den on taxpayers. The organization
as a whole has, in fifteen years, placed
over 11,000 children.
I wns seriously afflicted with a cough
for several years, and last fall had a
more severe cough than ever before. I
have used many remedies without re
eeivinjr much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, by a friend, who,
knowing me to be a poor widow, gave
it to me, I tried it, and with the most
gratifying results. The first bottle
relieved me very much and the second
bottle has absolutely cured me. 1 have
not had as good health for 20 years.
Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard,
Clareniont, Ark. Sold by
Near & Wells, Druggists, Welling
ton, O.
Heal Estate Transfers.
C. A. Beardsley and wife to H.
E. Stebbins, lots 23 and 2-4, John
Wheeler's addition to the village
of Rochester f
R. Rogers and wife to E. M.
Rogers, parts lots (10, 61 and 62,
Pittsfield township
E. M. Ro;ers and wife to C. A.
Finley, part lot 61, Pittsfield
Quit-claim deed from W. Under
bill, et al, to Lucy J. Underbill,
lot 14, block 2, Wellington
D. W. Daviesund wife to C. H.
J. M. Davies part lot 93, Pitts
field tow nship, 47, acres
Watch the Label on Your Paper.
If it reads "UanOS" it indicates that
your subscription expired Jan. 1, 188S.
and that you are in arrears. Look at the
label on this week's paper and if your
subscription has expired will you ob
lige us by giving it your prompt at
The Keal Thing.
Writing from San Fernando Kan
sas boy says :
Had apple dumplings the other
night for supper. 'Spect an old soldier
would laugh at apple dumplings on the
firing line. They were the genuine
thing, for I dreamed of Fillipinos with
long knives." Kansas City Journal.
The only safe, instant relief for neu
ralgia, sciatica, faceaohe, headache or
acute pains in any part of the body.
Warranted to please or money refund
ed. 23c.
W. H. TISSOT & CO., Wellington, O.
The New Eleetrle Line to Wellington
' Will b Built.
On the authority of Manager Hillier,
of the 0. B. E. t 0. Electric Railway,
the statement is made that the right
of way for an electric line between
Olierlin and Wellington has nearly nil
been secured and that the grading of
the road bed will be commenced with
in a month, and the track laid ready
for the cars by the first of October.
Some little difficulty has been ex
perienced in getting a private right of
way, but,now the difficulties have been
overcome and the building of the road
is assured.
The road will run a short distance
back cf the highway and will probably
enter Oberlin on West College street,
connecting at the center of town with '
the Elyria line.
There is also a rumor here that the
new line from Elyria to Lorain and
North Amherst will be extended to
Amherst and Oberlin. It is said that
a private right of way for the same has
already been secured. Elyria Reporter.
LER, Congressman from New York, is
the president of The New York Stab,
which is giying away a FORTY DOL
LAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by
their advertisement in another column.
Hon. Amos J. Cummings, M. C, Col.
Asa Bird Gardner, District Attorney of
New York, ex-Governor Hogg, of Tex
as, and Col. Fred. Feigl, of New York,
are among the well known names in
their Board of Directors.
Practical I v a
Daily at the Prk
of a
The striking- and impnrt-uit
if the .pa-t. y,., ,- I, ,, .. ,. i,r :.. ;
fiU k1ii'Uu!j .vaiuc oi iuv j... ..
Week World to every reader. For an
almost nominul sum it has kept its
subscribers informed of the progress
of all our wars, and, moreover, has
reported them as promptly as if it
were a daily. With our interests still
extending throughout the world, with
our troops operating in the Philip
pines, and the great presidential cam
paign, too, nt hand, its value is furth
er increased.
The motto of the Tit rice-a-Week
World is improvement. It strives each
year to be better than it was the year
before, and public confidence in it is
shown by the fuet that it now circu
lates more than twice as many papers
every week as any other newspaper,
not u daily, published In America.
We offer this unequalled newspaper
and tlie Wellington Enterprise to
gether one year for $1.05.
The regular subscription price of
the three papers is $4.50. The Wel
lington Enterprise, Wellington, O.
3ilne 11 o ff G
Ths Leading Specialists of America H
250,000 CURED.
Nothing can bo more dcmormlitint to A
young or mitiiUe-ajrcil wen than the irea- ;
one of then "outl.tljr loagW They
lintiliino weakness. nervoncneM, feeling ,
of tl.Mirusf and a whole train of symptom. -
They uufit a man for bueines, married
life nd racial happineai. No matter J
whether caused by evil habits in youth, 1
natural weakoeeiior exual eicesaen, oar 1
Sqvt Method Ireatmeut will puiitivel J
euro you. K
Header, you need help. Early abuse or
Inter eicuul tuny have wesaened tou. l
fclX)Fura DJnr have diseased you. Yuu
aro not uie till cured. Our New Method J
will cure you. Vou run no rink. I
250,000 CURED 5
loan Man Yon are pale, feeble J
and hrucpinj; nervous, irritable and ei- J
oitalile. You become forgetful, niorose, j
and despondent; blntehes and pimples, rl
sunken eyes, wrinkled faee, atoopin. jj
form and downoast eounteuanoa reveal '
the blight of your existence. I
No matter how Borioui your cai may
be. or how In-ntr you may haro had it. our
cure it. The "wormy veins" return to
their normal oondition and henoo tbi
Mxual onrani receive proper nourinh
moot. The onrani become vitaliied, all
unnatuml draiM or lunon eeane an1
manly iowttrs return. No temporary
benefit, nut a permanent euro admired.
We treat and rare SYPHILID
nt ITT U'VfTmVJ ruUlll'L'Vl'V
i istk w,'rI('l. viiiiiwri p
lid KAL I.Orli, BhAUKKR Alfr) K1U
11 MODERATK. If unable to oall, write
;j Kennedy Kimn
aurcruurt dint.c.1,