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':;; k;;, J ust a few of the good things to be had at the WELLINGTON NOVELTY STORE ::: ::: Egg Whips 2c, Cake Standards 15c, ' jjj; ! Egg Beaters 8c, 1 doz. Clothes Pins 1c, B. Flour Sifters 10c, doz. Glasses 10c, jiji Dust Pans 5c, Feather Dusters 10c, Nutmeg Graters 3c, Whisk Brooms 10c, jjji Lemon Squeezers 5c, Fans lc. jjjj r-1 " FRANCES A. BENEDICT. CtARA I), ARNEU. ::::t?ttt?ttr?tttt5tt?5trsttrtt?ttss?tttttttriTrr?rrs"""""""-ys Horses always look sleek and feel food when the OLD RELIABLE DR.WEARE'S CONDITION POWDER Is kept In the stable. A pure, powerful tonic and pen oral conditioner. Used by the best horsemen everywhere. " When Weare'a fails, it's time to swap." 25 CENTS PER PACKAOE. H, B.-Thli Powder will ffeotutllT rid horse ol wormi every time. J. M. Otterbacher's stock of . Sewing Machines is complete. New Home Climax New Ideal Household Marguerite Wheeler & Wilson Prices $14.50 and upwards. ' v All kinds of needles and attach- ments in stock. r Call and get prices before going elsewhere. . ' J. M. OTTERBACHER. Bicycles. Built to order Repaired Remodeled. Your old wheel made to look like new. Brazing and Vulcanizing a pecialty. An experienced workman. All kinds of repairing done promptly at reasonable prices. Public square, under American house. J. J. THOMAS & CO. HeUMMIHHMIMINMnwimiX DeWltt's Little . Early Risers benefit permanently, They lend arentle assist ance to nature, causing no pain or weak ness, permaneuty curing constiDation and liver ailments. J. W. Houghton. DURLING & BLIGH, ' t, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Goal Coke, Blossburg Smithing Coal. Best of Accomodations at the 10c. Barn. Baled Hay and Straw 'oving Furniture a Soecialty. TELEPHONE 71 EAST MAIN ST ci::oR Our famous BI.VJ1 LABIiL. BR AMD. It'l Ike beel In to world. Prlciv will mr. Tf"fl"'C prlee you. W deliver I I 1 1 - T" nvim Chlo, Omaha I or HI. Paul, u detlrad. Wiiw for prtoM end MnplM. KOITlOBtRY WARD I CO.. IHICAI0 i F1TEXT Good Ideas mar be Secured by our aid, AddreM, THE PATENT RECORD, BTI'mnre Md nj Jinn to T!w ptm Bwswrd i vw auauiu cTOF LOCALS INTEREST, Artie soda water at Near & Wells' drug store. A. E. French returned Friday from West Virginia. Miss Jennie Archer is visiting friends in Wellington. Massilon Gleaner. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Williams and children are visiting friends and rela tives at Mingo, O. Mrs. S. D. Terry, Miss Ruth Terry ana Oharles Terry, of Chicago, 111,, are visiting at 8. Tripp's. Miss Fannie West, of Wellington, is at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. J. C. Arnold. New London Record. Miss Mary Carpenter and Mrs. Wm Hildebrand and little daughter left yesterday to attend the Baptist .assem Uly near Mt. Vernon. Mr. John Hackfitt.of Dunkirk. N. Y has been in town the oast few davs He is a civil engineer, and for two years was city engineer of that city. Lorain county P. of H. will hold a basket picnic at Pittsfield center Thursday, August 3. Everybody in- vnea. uu program published later. The will be no preaching at the Bap tist church next Sunday morning on account of the absence of the pastor. Sunday-school and B. Y. P. U. will be held at the usual hour. W. P. Boice returned Friday from a tea weeks' visit with friends in Logan county. He says that the wheat crop there is the best it has been for years, yielding forty bushels per acre. The board of education at Paines- ville has decided to do away with ex aminations and students will hereafter receive their grades ftom weekly aver ages and monthly tests. This system is said to give excellent satisfaction in Columbus. Owing to the failure of the congress ional delegations to agree unon the supervisors for their- states, the 300 census supervisors will not be appoint ed before about the middle of the month, as it is the intention to appoint them all at once. County Commissioner J. A. Wheeler has brought suit againBt the Wheeling A Lake Erie railroad company for SiO,- 000. He alleges on April 1. 1809. he was leaving the W. & L. E. car at Mon- roeville, and while on the platform of the car one of the trainmen suddenly shut the door on his hand. The second finger was so badly bruised that blood poisoning set in and to save his life the finger had to be . amputated. Greenwich Enterprise. Orrln K, Howlt Dead. Orrin E. Howk, a former resident of this place, died it his home in Chatta nooga, Tenn.', Monday night, after an illness of a week, of typhoid fever. The remains will be brought to this place tonight for burial. The funeral services will be held at the home of his brother, Alpheus Howk tomorrow afternoon at 2:80 o'clock, conducted by the I. O.O. F. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature DR. FRANK GREGG. 10 to 12 a. m. 1 to 8 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. ' Bpeolal Attention to EYE, EAR, NOSE- AND THROAT. REMEMBER $ I OUR JULY SALE 1 STILL CONTINUES. i J! BEK BARGAINS IS UNDERWEAR A Nl STAMPED LINEN. ; y AAy.yA"yA"y.fyA"yA"yiyAyA"y ooooooooooooooooooooooo O FINEST LINE 0 O SHIKT WAISTS 0 0 FINE PERCALES 0 1 45c, 75c, $1.00. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Closing out all summer goods at unusually low prices. THE TAYLOR STORE m Roy Giillith, ttf Lorain, spent Sun day in town. W. 'f. Ridgeley, of Oberlin, was in town Thursday. 68c buys a good hammock at Near & Wells', leading druggists. E. Dunning and family, of Avon Lake, were recent guests of Mrs. Eva Masters. Mrs. Eliza Doming and daughter, Mrs. Parker, of Berea, visited friends in town Friday. Mrs. L. C. Winchell and Mrs. L. G. Smith are spending the week at the Hiawatha assembly. Mrs. Krill, of Galipolis, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. W. Ben nett, several days lately. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wadsworth at tended the funeral of Representative Strimple at Greenwich yesterday. Mrs. G. Gillett and Mrs. G. W. Hines and daughter, Hattie, of Pittsfield, left last week Thursday for Hutchinson, Minn. A hearing will be had in Cleveland, August 6, in the bankruptcy court in the case of C. W. Arner, who has made application for a discharge. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., write: "One Minute Cough Care saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." J. W. Houghton. Miss Minnie Cleghorn went to Nor- walk Monday and in company with friends from that place will spend two weekB in northern Michigan. Mrs. F. D. Warren is spending' a time at Lakeside. Mrs. Wm. Coffey is spending the week at Mt. Vernon. :; Miss Mollie Fenwick of Mowrystown, O., is visiting at H. Tissot's. Mrs. Geo., Haines visited friends in West Salem the last of the week. Misses Katherine and Grace Gott went to Sandusky last week to visit friends. Mibs Belle Bnyden, of Oberlin, is a guest at the Lome of her friend, Miss May Knapp. Howard Kust has been at home for the past ten days sick. Electric lights will be put in the li brary and reading room. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huntley left for Toledo Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. Terry and daughter, of Chicago, are visiting at the home of E. 8. Tripp. Miss Clara Rogers is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Morris Whitney. Mrs. M. E. Sanford, of Lorain, has been spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. G. M. Sutliff. A large stock of pocket books, card cases and bill books can be seen at Near & Wells' drug store. Mrs. W. Krebs and daughter. Miss Mary, expect to leave Friday for WeBt View where they will visit relatives tor a lew weeks. Wanted All ,. ex-metntrers of the Wellington fire department to meet at, the engine house Wednesday evening. J uly its. By order of committee. Rev. A. G. Wall, J. M. Tooth and T. S. Knapp are camping at Lake Hiawa tha in attendance at the state B. Y. P. U. assembly which convenes at that place July 18 to 28. Wellington and Chicago Junction were cut off from telephonic communi cation with New London several days of last week, on account of storms which damaged the wires. New Lon don Record. Owing to the rainy weather the un ion meeting Sunday evening was held in the Congregational church instead of the park. Rev. H. D. Sheldon preached an earnest discourse, taking as his text, Luke xiiv:21. The meet ing, was well attended. The live stock sale which has been argely advertised will take place in the square, Saturday, July 22. A num ber of farmers have said that ihey would bring stock, etc., to this sale and every indication points to a suc cessful sale. Bring anything you have that you want to sell, and try this way of disposing of surplus goods. . Sale be gins at 1 o'clock. A diseased stomach sorely undermines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys the nervous system, and pre disposes to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol's Dyspepsia Cure. It has enred thousands of cases and Is curing them every day. It's Ingredients are such that It can't help curing. J. W. Hough ton. A team of horses belonging to Wes ley Dubaugh of Huntington, left un hitched for a few minutes, were fright ened by the cars yesterday afternoon, and running towards the square, they orashed into a buggy belonging to O. K. Starr, of Penfleld, 'making a wreck of it. The buggy next to Mr. Starr's had one of the rear wheels broken off. Fortunately none of the horses were injured. Mr. Dubaugh settled with Mr. Starr for $10. GLORIOUS NEWS, . Comes from Dr. D. B. Carirlle. of Washita, 1. T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters have cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofirla.'whloh had caused her great suffering for years. Terribli pores would break out on her head am, and the best doctors could glvi no help; but her oure is complete am! her health is excellent.' Thla shows whrtt thousands have proved thnl Blwtric BiMera la the beet blood puri fier known. . It's the tiipreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, nlcers, boils and running sores. It atimulatrs lver. kjdneya and bowels, expels poin- ons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cenlts. Sold by Near & Wella, druggists, (juanmteed. The Y. P. S. C. E. r,f ti.o Congregational and Christian Churches held a union meeting Sunday evening at the Congregational church. The meeting was given to reports from the Detroit convention. . At a special meeting of the Sorosis, the following officers Were elected for the ensuing term : President, Mrs. J. S. Mallory ; vice president, Mrs. F. W. Bennett ; secretary, Mrs. W. W. Hel man ; treasur r, Mrs. C. MoDermott. When the manager of a local news paper asks you to pay up, it isn't because he is mad at you and dosen't want your name on his list any longer. Not by any means ! It is because he needs what you owe him to meet de mands of those who hold accounts against him. If he gets in debt to you, do you pass him by and never ask him ior itf uoes it ever occur to vou that it is only a trifle he owes you, that he conferred a favor on you by buying what you had to sell, that is of really no importance whether it is paid and mat you can get along anyway? That is the way some look at his side of it why not apply the same philosophy to both sides? If people realized fully what it means to the local to have subscriptions paid, these bills wouiu De paid in advance, whatever else had to be done on account nf it Berne Witness.. MisBes Susie Wilcox and Tillie Starr left to-day tor a few days' outing at Lakeside. SPECIAL SALE? LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND SKIRTS. These suits must be closed out for fall goods. Greatest bargains ever offered. MRS. M. m. JOYCE. oooooooooooooooooooooo NOTICE OUR O O o o O CHILDREN'S DRESSES, 0 o 50c, $1.50, $2.00. o 0 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yiyiyXyyXyXyiyjCyiyy itt oub fik uns or y SIllC AND WASHRILK JT UNDERWEAR I $1.35 to $10.00. yAyA"yyAyAyiCyAy.ayAyA'y DON'T BE BOTHERED With Buffalo Moths any longer. Finish your floors with SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. These paints are compounded of Natural Mineral and Hydraulic Cement which becomes almost as hard as stone under the action of water, thus making a surface that will stand the roughest kind of wear. We have a complete line of these paints and when you are in need of a floor finish call and ask us about Sen our's Floor Paints. Arthur Kitchen, of Missouri, is visit ing at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. E. Kitchen. Master Leo Fisk returned the first of the week from a two weeks' visit with Pittsfield friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Starr left yes terday for Lakeside where they plan spending several weeks. The Cleveland bread at T. F. Eod house & Son's is the finest to be had. Try a loaf and see for yourself. They receive it fresh every day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boice, who have been spending several months with their daughter, Mrs. Starr, near Belle fontaine, have returned to their home on Barker street. BENEDICT HDW. CO. Dr. Bigelow, the Popular Painless Dentist had an old fashioned day's business at New London and Wellington July 14th, and will make a return visit FRIDAY, JULY 28. See him for Painless Extracting or any kind of Dentist ry at the White hotel, New London, from 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p.m. and at the American House, Wellington, the same day in the afternoon. Hours 1 to 4. No Pain or No Pay, is the Guarantee. NOTICE. Mrs. Gibbs and little son, of Lorain, came yesterday. Mr. Gibbs iB em ployed by the Wellingtjn Machine Co. They expect to make Wellington their home for some time. The was a stir of excitement alone North and South Main streets last Fri day evening when Mr. and Mrs. Camp bell Chittenden passed through Well ington on their honeymoon tour in an automobile. The couple were married in Columbus Wednesday afternoon and were on their way to Cleveland, thence to New York and the seashore. The bride was Miss Alice Fitch, of Colum bus, and the groom Mr. Campbell Chittenden, of Cleveland. BOBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, mv eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradu ally growing weaker clay by day. Three pnysicians nod given me up. Fortu nately, a friend advised trying 'Elec tric Bitters,' and io my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well' man. I know they saved my life and rnbled the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Near & Wells' drug tore. as. You have doubtless hoard of the reputation of the famous X HOFFMAN BICYCLES, and in ordur to introduce this into your town, we have decided Unit we will oner our bicycles DIRECT TO THE RIDER ' AT Ol'B X This offer will hold good until September 1, 1899. If you X want to buy the best bicycle built in America, at wholesale price, write us for catalog and prices. THE HOFFMAN BICYCLE CO. X Lake and Marquette St., CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE TO 205 Subscribers in Wellington over tbe lines of The Central Union Telephone Go, Residence Rates 50 Cents Per Month. PHYSICIANS. R HATHAWAY, M. D. Special! of rectal bladder, and kidney diseases . Kecta diseases treated without pain, or detention trom business. Diseases of the bladder treated onlf after a oirelm la nl nui ju j( the urinal. E. L. BENEDICT Sueoessor to 0. K. Btrrurr. WHOLESALK AND RETAIL Hard and Soft Goal Coke and Wood Draying and Moving of home hold goods or pianos and teaming of all kinds promptly attended to. Price and quality guaranteed on all coal orders. Balled Hay and Straw sold and deliv ered. Offloa Phona 48. OOm Wat Mala Sjtrast Kaldene Phona 88. E.L. BENEDICT I HE REMAINDER OF JULY Will be devoted to clearing up odds and enda at the Goodrich Clothing Store. Our trade the past season has been the largest We have seen for many years. Our stock is now low and although many fine goods remain, our aim is to clear them all out and have a new, fresh stock this fall. Our offer will be -mnr. 20 PER CENT, OR 1-5 OFF from everything save rubber goods for 2 weeks or during the remainder of July. We feel that while this hh may be of value to us in clearing up our stock, it is also merited by and due the people who have pat-roniz-l u so liberally. We shall make our lowest prices from the start as the time will be short and will b ' r in.ttiy odd and ends at half price Come at once and get the cream. One ca (60 dozen) heavy, fleece lined underwear for winter. Just received and worth 50c will go w'.ili the rHt a, 3!)c. Gratefully yours, tRkv MMa IB jMnaa. tm wm . . sJ3 V lJ y dliV 7 u Jo