Newspaper Page Text
TOWNSHIP NEWS, COLLECTFD BY THE ENTEKPKIHE'S CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Recent Happenings and Speolal Eveiitu In Wellington Immediate Vicinity, of Interest to Everyone Our Correspond ante gpare f.'o Pains to Clean the New. PITTSFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Root and daugh ter, Nina, were in Brunswick, Wednes day. Miss Jennie Archer, of Massillon, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Whitney spent Sunday at Mr. Arthur Sherburne's. , Miss Alice Sherburne is visiting rela tives in Cleveland this week. Mr. Leland Avery, of Cleveland, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Luke Chapman and Mrs. Cora Cole, of Huntington, visited Mrs. J. H. Perry, Mrs. C. C. Sheffield and Mrs. C. F. Avery last Friday. Miss Frances Whitney has returned from Masaillon after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Archer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hobbs, of Oberlis, visited friends in town last Tuesday. Mrs. Chloe Merriam spent the latter part of last week in Oberlin. Misses Alice Sherburne and Clara Whitney were in Brighton last Wednes day visiting Miss Bertha Allen. A series of lectures will be given in the Congregational church every even ing this week except Saturday. They will be conducted by Evangelist Reed of Oberlin. Miss Kitty Cave, of Wellington, is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Florence Cave. There is No ? About It. No question indeed with those who have used it, but that Foley's kidney Cure is absolutely reliable for all kid ney and bladder diseases. W. H. Tis sot & Co. BRIGHTON. A jury trial was held before T. Brown, justice of the peace, last Tues day in which James Lewis .brought suit to eject Ezra Crawford and obtain immediate possession of the premises recently bought by him of Charles Culp. E. H. Perkins was for the plaintiff and Geo. Blinn for the defend ant. It was a mixed-up affair, but after an hour and a 'half deliberation, the iurv returned a verdict for the defendant. Miss Ida Mills and Miss Bertha Wright visited in Orange two days last week. Kev. Arthur T. Reed, the evangelist will commence a series of revival meet ings at the Congregational church Monday night, July 31. The Ladies' Aid. Society will meet with Mrs. Hiram Mills on Wednesday of this week. Miss Jessie Grundy, of Creston, is visiting friends here. Rev. Reddinger, of North Ridgeville will occupy the pulpit at the M. E church next Sunday in the absence of Rev. T. .. McConnell at Lakeside. Olive Kinney is spending several weeks with her grandmother in Ober lin. R. N. Goodwin and Wm. H. Sutliff were in town on business one day last week. ' Would Have Cost Him Ills Life. I have been using Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it gave me permanent cure of kidney disease which certainly would have cost me my life. I recommend it to any one inflicted with kidney trouble Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky. W. II Tissot & Co. ROCHESTER. Mr. Milo Simeson and wife, Mr Paul and wife, of Cleveland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Simeson, and called on relatives of this place Sunday. BARRELS OF SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial Bottles Sent Free by Mail. By special arrangement with the man ufacturers of that justlv famous Kidney medicine, Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, the readers of this paper are enabled to obtain a trial buttle and pamphlet of valuable medical luivice absolutely free, by simply sending their full name and post oliite address to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORA. TION, Rondout, N. Y., and mentioning this paper. Of course this involves enormous ex pense to the manufacturers, but they Lave received so many grateful letters from those who have been benefited and cured of the various d iseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, and ail weaknesses pecu liar to women, that they willingly send trial bottles to all sull'erers. Upon investigation it was found that 91 per cent of thoso who had used the trial bottle had received such benefit from it that they purchased largo sized bottles of their druggists. It matters not how sick yon are or how many physicians have failed to help you, send for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal card, and benefit and cure will most certainly be the result. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand 24 hours; if it has a sediment or if it is pale or discolored, milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder are in a bad condition. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy speedily cures such dangerous symp toms as pain in the back, inability to hold urine, a burning scalding pain in passing it, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, the staining of linen by your urine and .all the unpleasant ana dangerous effects on the system produced by the use of whiskey, wine or beer. Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy is sold at all drug stores at $1 oo for a large bottle; sU bottles lot , fv.00. J Mrs. S. Phillips spent a few days in Norwalk last week. Mr. Otis Hanley was home from Col umbia over Sunday. liss Edith Callin is visiting friends and relatives in Norwalk. Fel Rowland, of New London, was the guest of Miss Josie Phelps, Sun day. Miss Stella Presley and Miss Irene Alvord, of Wickliff are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ashcraft. Mr. Harry Stebbens has bought the house and lot of C. A. eardsley on Middle street. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Philips and fam ily of Circleville, are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ledyard. The Ladies' W. C. V. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Piller on Satur day afternoon. On account of the in clemency of the weather none of the members were present, however sev eral of the Baptist ladies were present as they are not afraid of water. Mrs. Piffer served a most excellent supper and the afternoon was delightfully spent. Obituary. Mrs. Emily Storrow was born Jan uary 21, 1833 in Mt. Morris, Livings ton Co., N. Y. and died June 1st. aged 06 years. Her death occurred at her liome in Wellington township. She was married to Joseph Storrow in 1.S63. There was born to this union, two sons. Hurbert Storrow, of Kansas City and Byron Storrow of Wellington, both are left to morn a fond and loving mother. Mrs. Storrow was a lovely woman, ilways of a bright, cheery disposition dirpensing sunshine everywhere to know her was to love her. She leaves )f her immediate family, three sisters. Mrs. II. B. lieanlslev. Mrs. Geo. Ciil- lett, Mrs. C. Lenoard, to mourn her oss. How they miss her none can tell. Ilercounsel and judgement was solicit ed by them at all times and they all look forward to the happy reunion with sister and mot Iter, dear. Where no good-byes are Baid in heaven, hut oh the sadness and the gloom in moth er's room. Oh, where can a place be found so sweet, so lull or beauty as mother's room. Her comely face and voice to greet, made a paradise there without any gloom. She has gone to lean on her Savior's breast and there we know she has found sweet rest. Her maker has given her a room above and we hope to meet her where all is love. WltoupinK Cough. I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whoopin cough! My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did not think that any medicine would hel him, but after giving him a few doses if that remedy I noticed an improve ment, and one bottle cured him entire ly. It is the best cough medicine I evei 'ind in the house. J. L. Moore, Sou Hi Itorgcttstown, Pa. For sale by Near & Wells. HUNTINGTON- Mr. Luther Rood has been visiting his uncle. D. P. Wells and family. Prof. Ward's family, of Lorain, are visiting relatives in town. Mr. Lowry and Miss Lowry, of Ely- ria, visited Mr. D. Hull's a few days last week. Mr. Chris Fredericks was in Green wich one day last w eek. Mrs. Gross, of Lorain, has come here to make her home with Mrs. Hart. Mr. Brown, of Canton, has bought John Garner's place of him. It is known as the old Blukesleo place. Mrs. Morton, of LeRoy, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elwood Russell and family. Miss Mary Oder and Master Clark Oder, of Sycamore, 0., are spending a few days with A. J. Sage's family. Misses Ina Suge and Mary Oder, and Charlie Goodrich and Clark Oder spent Friday in Oberlin and Elyria. Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Bert Van Arsdale, of Wellington, spent a day last week with Mr. Luke Chapman's family. Miss Gibson, Anna and Master Gib son, of Cleveland, are visiting Rev. Kneal and wife. Mr. Elmer Griggs has returned from Cleveland, where he has been to work for a time. Mr. Ben Robinson and mother, of Centerton, visited Mr. J. B. Robinson family last week. Mrs. Lime Ulianman anu Mrs. LOle visited in Pittsfield one day last week ItuckUMi'it Arnica Stilve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Uruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liheuin, Fi ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Mains, Corns, pud all Skin Eruption ind positively cures I'ilem or no pn required. It is guaranteed to give pel feet satisfaction or money refunded I'rice 25 cents per box. For sale In War & Wells. BAKER'S CROSSING. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Balkman, Homer, were guests of O. A. Koice und family, Sunday. , Mrs. Minnie Braley und Miss Lena Dirlam, of Huntington, visited Miss Leila Baker, Wednesday. Mrs. Mary (Cole) Drake, of Sullivan has been the guest of friends the past wt ek. Charlie and Rudie Furrey, of Well ington, are spending their vacation at their cousin's, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Boice. Miss Lucy Andrews visited her shv ler, Mrs. Stelln MeClellan, in New Lou d"n last Thursday. The Ladies' Aid Society, met with Miw. S. C. lloice, Wednesday a'ler neon. Mrs. M, It. Sage, who has been sick is a ,le to rde out. Mrs. Lucas, of Toledo, 0., is the guest of Mrs. D. W. Cole. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Phelps, of Roch ester, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bur nett recently. Mfss Bessie Wilford has returned to her heme in Cleveland. Gun-shot wounds auil powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rus ty nails' Insect stings and Ivy poisoning quickly healed by DeWltt's Witch-Hazel Salve. Positively prevents Hood poison ing. Beware of counterfeits. "Pe Witt's" is safe and sure. J. W. Hough ton. LA GRANGE. A. E. Lawerence, of Elyria, was in town Friday. Mrs. Silas Slroupe spent the past week with Elyria friends. Dr. Fitzgerald left for his home in Canada Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Waite visited Elyria friends on Wednesday. Mrs. Jane Loomis is. the gueBt of friends in Cleveland. C. B. Merriam called on Elyria friends Wednesday. Mrs. Eva Bschelder and son of Pen field culled at the home of R. Knowles Wednesday. Mrs. Wood returned Friday from a trip through Michigan. William Patrick, of Cleveland, was the guest of his neice. Mrs. Mina pot ter, Monday night. Rev. R. L. Waggoner will preach in the M. E. church Sunday morning. Otto and Edna Marten are reported on the sick list. Mrs. S. L. Hubbard who has been sick the past month is failing. William Ormsboy was a business visitor to the county seat on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Heath and daughter and Mr. Jay Heath, of Ply mouth, are the guests of Mr.-und Mrs. Charles Raver. Mrs. F. G. Morgan and Misses Ber- tina and Blanche Morgan were recent guests of friends at Chippewa Lake. Everyone should hear A. R. Webber, f Elyria next Sunday evening at the Baptist church. , Harvey Ryan made a business trip to Maesilon Saturday. B. L. Wilkins was in Cleveland Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Richmond en tertained friends from Minnesota over Sunday. A number of our citizens took advan age of the excursion rates to visit the Capitol City Stinduy. Mr. Hopkins of the Elyria Republi can was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. , French on Sunday. Miss Kittie Freeman returned Sun day from a visit with her aunt in Sul livan. Mrs. Lena Joy and two children, of Elyria visited at the home of E. Waite the last week. Thomas Rhonda, Centerfleld, 0., writes: " suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy' gave me relief until DeWltt's Witch-Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harmless. Beware of counterfeits. J, W. Hcughton. A TIlOrSAXI) TOXCCEK. Could not express the rapture of nne E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St Philadelphia. Pa., when s)he found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion 'had completely cured her of n hacking cough that for many years had n-ade rife a burden. All otilier reniedic. iml U4Xtors could give her no help, but he savs of this lioval cure "It soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now yleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feci like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who Ivies Dr. King's Xew Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, I'l-ice .10c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Near & Wells' drug store; every bot tle guaranteed. SULLIVAN. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Whitcomb, from Washington, D. C, are visiting their many relatives and friends in Sullivan. 1'hey came here direct from the Chris tian Endeavor convention at Detroit. Mrs. Hill and son, Tommy, visited in Wakemun and Berlin last week. Tom my is taking his vacation among his brothers and sisters near Lake Erie. The constable and Mr. Ileifner from Nankin came up one day lust week searching for Archie Blinn. It seems he took a daughter of Mr. Ileifner to celebrate the ever glorious Fourth Her parents supposed she had gone to her work at the Nickle Plate hotel in Wellington. And the Wellington peo pie supposed she was home in Nankin Blinn told them where the girl was vis. iting. Since then Blinn has left for parts unknown. He reported he in tended joining the regular army. Mr. Merrill Mann has returned from lied Haw, where he visited his son, Dr. Clayton Munn and family. The Ladies' Aid Soeiety of the Chris- lian Church will meet with Mrs. John Keener, of Nova, next week Wednes day. Mr. Elmer Long, from Huntington delivered the liist honey of the season last Tuesday. He had some of the fin est of comb honey. r 4. ' i atop taking- Scott's Emulsion bc Cuuse it's warm weather. K.:cp taking it until you are Ci.r :d. It wii! Uc.ll your lungs and j; -, i you rith blood in sum- i- a; i.i winter. It'i cod tl-Aj ci! r.iaJe easy. !Jc.5 iJ 1 1. All druggist!. ' J- 0 0 eJP ! Perri Walla, A blend of the choic st growth of Ceylon and India Teas. Give it a Trial. Also a fine selection of Japans, Oolong, English t Breakfast, Gunpowder, and Young Elyson of the finest growth. T. F. Rodhouse !& Son. The Home Savings Bank Co., WELLINGTON, OHIO, . , Transact a general banking business, buying and selligg notes and bills of ex change. Money loaned on satisfactory collateral, mortgage, or personal secur ity. Interest at 3 per cent, paid on all savings deposits, interest credited annu ally. YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Safety-deposit boxes situated iu our main vault at $1.50 per year. Win. Visclier, Pres. 0. E. Spitzer, Vice-Pres. J. H. Rust, Cashier Gasoline stoves and Ovens, Builders Hardware, Linseed Oil, National White Lead, Warren Mixet?. Paints, Chain Pumps, Mower Sections, Etc., etc. AT RANSOM & WILBUR'S. Rev. J. A. Findley preached in Polk lust Lord's day evening. " Miss Ethel Smith and Miss Enola Eaton were the guests of Mrs. D. S. Houseman last week. Mr. James Diinlap had the misfor- fortune to fall while driving the team on the hay fork for Wilbur Drake. II broke his hip and was injured internal ly. No hopes of his recovery are en tertained. Mrs. Minnie Frink and daughter, Mary, from AVooster, are visiting friends in Sullivan. Mr. Levi Lsndis, from Albion brought some extracted hmey to town in response for some No. 1 honey. A ti limber of his old customers hailed his arrival with delight. The honey had the delightful flavor known only to the pure article. Mr. Krebs, from Nova, lound a ready sale for his gooseberries and tine red raspberries. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heiehrl have re turned from Juromeville where they were visiting. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con gregational Church wul meet with Mrs. J. G. Blinn on Thursday of this week. Prayer meeting topic, "Straining out the Gnats," Matt. xii:l-9. "What might have been"-lf that lit tle cough hadn't been neglected is the sad rellection of thousands of consump tives! One Minute Cough Cure cureB coughs and colds.- J. W. Houghton. CAMDEN. Mrs. Mary Hardy spent a part of last week? in Wellington with her sis ter. Mrs. Eunice Lucas has' returned to tier home in Norwalk after spending u mouth with her brother and son. Miss Ma'tie Ayliff has gone to Ely ria to spend siiiuh lime. Mr. and Mrs. C. Twining nnd Mrs. P, C. Twining have gone to New York to visit and to take a rest. - Miss Violette Cook spent lust Friday with his sister, Hattie, iff Oberlin. Miss Lizzie Bradley, of Elyria, is spending her vacution at her grand mother Glim's. , Word came to L. C. Arnold Saturday that his daughter's, Emin Hurd, seven-months-old son was dead. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hurd are living in Ala bama. Emin's many friends will be pained to hear of the death of her lit tle son, Arnold Joy Hurd. The full cream cheese factory just over the town line in Pittstield, owned and run by Frank II. Williams, of Camden, has had to have a . larger vat as the old one was too small to hold the milk. His cheese are up-to-date and a No. 1 seller so says' his sales man, Al Haynes. How is 73 cents for a dividend for the month of May! What factory can beat that? Not the Roser factory on Sklppe's lull. ' Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Ross, of Wake man, spent Monday with Mrs. John Emmons. Mrs. Earnest Twining, of Henrietta, was the guest of Mrs. Henry Hoyle one day last week. WHITEFOX- While Mrs. George Brumby was driving for her husband, who was load ing wheat the first of the week, the team became frightened and ran, throwing her off and under the load breaking her ribs in two. different places. The team became tangled in the wire fence, cutting one severely. Mrs. Brumby does not gain very fast as the bones are shivered considerably. Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Ronk returned to Norwalk Saturday, after visiting a week or two in Brighton and Whitefox. Mrs. G. S. Green drove over to Rochester a few days ano, the dog ac companying her. As she passed Fred Battles' place in Brighton, the dog ran nto the yard and was t hot by his son- in-law, James Hall. They feel very bad as they often depended on the dog to protect the children from tramps when left alone. As Rev.. McConnell and family are at Lakeside for a couple of weeks there was no sermon at this place Sunday. Miss Jessie Lowry and Mrs. Stella Andrews rode over to Wellington to visit friends Wednesday. The meeting of the Ladies' Aid Soci ety passed off pleasantly Thursday, but on account of the busy time was not as well attended as usual. Work has begun on a large new barn on the Beebe farm. Mrs. Belle Barnes was in Wellington Tuesday. DR. IIUOGIN'S DIARRII0KA CURE, Cures diarrhoea, dysentery(flux) and all loose, Woody or mucous conditions of -the bowels. Warranted to please or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGCIN'S RHEUMATISM CURE. Cures muscular soreness and cramps, stiffness, swelling and painfulness of joints and muscles, and all rheumatic affections. Warranted to please. 25c. Dlt. IIUGCIN'S BLADDER AND KID NEY CURE. Cures weak back, diabetes, dropsy, Bright's disease, gravel, painful urina tion, and all kidney and urinary dis orders. 25c. Warranted to please. DR. nUGGIN'S COLIC CURE. Sure relief for summer colics, also teething colics, distress, pevishness, crying, diarrhoea and fevers oi Dawes and children. Pleasant, harmless. 25c. INTERNAL PILE CURE. Dr. Hoggin's Pile Cure'. Pleasant lit ile tablets. Eaten like candy. Positive ly cure piles and all rectal disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. 25c. DR. IIUGCIN'S HAY FEVER CURE. Cures hay fever, acute catarrh of head, nose, throat or eyes, excessive sneezig, etc. Warranted to please or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGGIN'S TOBACCO CURE. Pleasant and positively warranted cure for the tobacco habit. 25c. Com nletelv corrects the craving, relieves the nervous strain of auittinff without an antidote. WARRANTED ASTHMA CURE. Dr. ITuggins' Asthma Cure. Not t relief, but a cure. Positively cures asth na in any climate. Warranted to please, or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGCIN'S LAXATIVE- LIVER TABLETS. A mild .pleasant and effective remedy for constipation and bilious headache, loss of appetite and nil liver and digest Ivo disorders. Warranted to please. 25e, nil. IIUGGIN'S CATARRH CURE Cures catnrrh of the head, throat, bron chl, lungs or stomach and purifies the blood. Positive cure. Warranted to please or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGGIN'S DISPEPSLV CURE. Cures dispep'sia. sour stomach, gas- traleia. Indigestion, and nil digestive disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25c. . DR. IIUGGIN'S HEART CURE. A most reliable remedy for palpita tion, heart weakness, irregular action heart pains and all heart disorders. Warranted to please or money tefund ed. 25c. W. H. TISSOT & CO., Wellington, O. AGENTS WANTED For "The Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey, he world's greatest naval here. , By Murat llnlstead, the life-long friend and ndniirer of the nation s idol. Big- cest and best book; over 500 pages, 8x jo inches; nearly 100 pages halftone Illustrations. Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance of lifetime! . Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd floor Caxton Bid, Chicago. The Kind You Ilave Always - Iu use for over 30 years, and 7s?'Ji sonal supervision since Its Infancy. f-CCCCAiti A How nn on a to deceive Ton In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Iufkuts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare . gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind YoiiHaYG Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eCNTAUR OOMMNV, TT MURRV STItf KT. NEW VORH erTV. For Insurance that... Insures, apply to R. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. ' BIG FOUR ROUTE. Buffalo Rill's Wild West Show, Cleveland. O., July 24, 1899. One and one-third fare round trip. Special excursion to Chautauqua. N. Y., July 7, July 28. Round trip $5.10. Consult agent for limits, etc. Friends' Rihle Institute, Richmond, Ind., July 24 to August 4. One fare round trip. Ohio Baptist Summer Assemhly, Luke Hiawatha Park, -Mt. Vernon, 0., July 18-28. One and one-third fare round trip. Special tourist rates to Denver, Col orado Springs, Pueblo and Greenwood springs, uol., ana return, o.uo anu u7.10. liaptis-t assemhly oi Uluo. at Alt. Ver non, 0. One fare July 18th to 2Sth in clusive; returning limit July 29th. PiOtionnl meeting American Associa tion for the Advancement' of Si- Columbus, O., August 20-25, 1S!)9. One fare round trip. Consult agents for further mfornintiom World's Bicycle meet, Montreal, Que bec, August 7-12, 1809i One fare round trip going August 4 nnd 5. Final re turn limit August 15, 1899. 1'iiited Socielv of Free Bnptut Young i'eoule, Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 0-10, 1199. One fiu-e round trip go ing Sept. 5 and 6, returning Septem ber It, 1899. Photographers' Association of Atner- icn, Celeron, X. Y. (T.ake Chatauqua), July 17 to 22, 1899. For rates, limits, etc., please consult Big Four agents. Ohio State Fair and Industrial Expo sition, Columbus, O., Sept. 4-8, 1800. One fare round trip. I,. A. W. national meet, Boston, Mass., Aug. 14-19, '09. One fure round trip. Young People's Christian Union of the United Presbyterian Church an nual convention, Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 2-7, 80. One fare round trip. I. O. O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18-23, '09. One fare rcund trip. Comdavp of the Grand Commandery of Ohio Knighks Templar, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 11-12, '99. One fare round trip. $ I PEQPLESyCQLUMN.I ) Money to I.ann. Money to loan on real estate, mort gage security. J. T. HASKELL. For Kale. The llalftemier property on Union street can lie purchased very reason able. Inquire of R.N.GOODWIN. Hprhlff (loot!. A fine assortment of Trimmed Hats during the season, at the millinery rooms of Mrs. S. Cady, South Main St. For Kent. House and lot in good location on Barker street. "Enquire of E. C. Cushion at First National Bank. THIMBLES IN German Silver, Silver, Gold Filled, and Solid Gold ibe to $5.00. All sizes .-....rf,- rTVlVTC YV (l rl I Af St)Ni5. f t v i jviw 1 Bought, and which has been has borne the slgnatnre of has been made under his per Signature of - TIME TABLES: ' BIO FOUR. West. 3 Col. Cin. Ind. & St. I,.... 8:38 am .",5 Dally St. L. Ex 1:08 pra 27 Col. Ex 5:20 pin- :i7 Daily Col. & Cin. Ex 10:00 pm 51 Local Freight 11:00 am 25 Wellington Ex. (Sunday , - only) 9:50 am East. iany loi. e Lin. , o:uo am 26 Gabon Ex 8:11 am :i6 Daily Col. Jnd '& St. L. Ex. 1:0b pin 24 Wellington Ex 5:20 pm 2 Col. Cin. & Ind. Ex. 8:19 pin 52 Local Freight 5:20 pm W. & L. E. West. Train No. 4 Daily 10:26 am Train No. 6 Daily (except Sun day) 3:30 pm Train No. 40 Local 10:04 a. m. . r , East. j ' Train No. 1 Daily (except Sun-' ' , day) 10:04 a.m. Train No. 3 Dally 4:14 pin cjWELLINGTQNyMARKETS. Corrected Every Wednesday Morning. Paying. Hay per ton $ 6 60 Corn in ear, 70 lbs Corn shelled, 66 lbs....... 35 35 25 40 Oats per bu . Rye per bu New wheat per bu Butter, dairy, per lb Butter, creamery, per lb.. 21 Eggs, per doz 12 Honey, per lb Lard, per lb. ; .... Potatoes per bu 80 , Selling. ' Flour per Back of 49 lbs. . 1 00 Corn meul per cwt 1 00 Chop per cwt 1 0 Middlings per cwt 90 flnin per cwt 85 Oil Meul per cwt 1 40 CHEESE MARKET. Billing Prices Monday's Sales. Ohio State Flats Creamery Butter Ohio State Flats IN PROBATE COURT. The State of Ohio, Lorain County, ss. John R. Hanley, Adm'r of the Estate of Benj. R. Coats, deceased. Plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Coats et al, Defendants. AFFIDAVIT TO OBTAIN SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Reuben Coats, whose residence is unknown, will take notice that John It. Hanley, ndministrntor of the estate of Benjamin R. Coats, deceased, on the Hth day of March, A. D. 1899, filed his petition in the rrobate Court of said county, alleging thnt the personal property of decedent's estate is insuf ficient to pay his debts, and the charg es of administrating his estate. That said decedent died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate In snid county, to-wit: Village lots Nos. 31, 32, 37 and 34 in the Village of Rochester. The prayer of said petition is for a sale of said property for the payment of the debts and charges aforesaid. Snid Reuben Coats will take notice thnt he has been made a party defend ant to snid petition, and that he is re quired to answer the same on or be fore the 5th day of August, A. D. 1899. JOHN R. HANLEY, Adm'r of the Estate of Jenjamlq R. Coats, deceased. M.ny 31. 1899. . Notlca of Appointment. JNtnte of Natliair H. Underbill, deceated. The underttiKiittl lis been appoluted and qiiHlineri aa ariminltitrntor of the eiHnte of Nnlhnn if. Underbill, late of Welllngtou, Lo rain conntr dreu'd. Hatud this mb. day of June, A. I).. 19tl Hi WM. VtSUUEB. NOTI.CE OF APPOINTMENT. Eitate of W. K Pelroe, deceased. .The underalitned bars been appointed and qualified af.executon of the eatate of W. K. I'elroe. late of WellluntoD. Lorain county, de ceawd. JOated tali 1st day ot Julr, A. V.Afm. A.H Pelrce. Addle Ja. Voire. 1 i I JjTUl