1:; 1 Just a few of the good things to be had at the .
Egg Whips 2c, ,
Egg Beaters 8c,
Flour Sifters 10c,
Dust Pans 5c,
Nutmeg Graters 3c,
Lemon Squeezers 5c,
Dr. Weare's
Heave Cure
Make permaMnt CURES el HeavM,
Coughs, Cold and Indlgestioa In all
teges. That It If a Kientlllc remedy ol
merit, and not a " fake," hu boon proven
by thousands el undoubted cure per
lormed In the last 25 years. It's worth
looking Into.
Von needn't believe us I Write (or our little
. circular " What Other People Say."
It tells more about It.
flf 0. 8. MUUIMCH A CO., Falrport, H. 1.
T. Jl.; Otterbacber's stock of
Sewing Machines is complete. -'
New Ho'meV.-. . . - :
New Ideal
. Wheeler & Wilson
Prices $1450 and upwards.
' All kinds of needlus and attach
ments in stock. Call and get
prices before going elsewhere.
Built to order
Your old wheel made to look
like new.
Brazing and Vufc "nizing a
An experienced workman.
All kinds of repairing done
, promptly at reasonable prices.
Public square, under American
eeooe nosoosososeoooesoi
Hard and Soft Goal
Coke, Blossburg
Smithing Coal.
Best of Accomodations
at the 10c. Barn.
Baled Hay and Straw
Moving Furniture a Snecialty.
Oar famom BtCl
IV the tMR( In tbm
world. Price, will Mir
"Tl'flVli1" prlM yon. W deliver
111 InilU or Hk F.ul, m deelml.
Write ter priMt Mtd MmplM.
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
oar aid. Address,
fluHivM. MS.
Cake Standards 15c,
1 doz. Clothes Pins lc,
doz. Glasses 10c,
Feather Dusters 10c,
Whisk Brooms 10c,
Fans lc.
Scott Garrett was in town Saturday
Arctic soda water at Near & Wells's
drug store. '
Supt. E. II. Kinnison and family are
at Lakeside.
Win. Cushion, of Columbus, was in
town, Sunday.
Miss Ruth Greetham
over Sunday.
was at home
Frank Howk, of Cleveland, was
town lust week.
E. G. Foeller and family are visiting
Sullivan friends.
Miss Lena Eymann,
guest at II. Tissott's.
of Norwallt, is a
Mrs. Tooth and Mrs.
Slickney were
in Litchfield, Friday.
Frank Scoville visited Lorain friends
the first of the week.
Dr. M. H. Mills, of Champaign, 111.,
was in town Inst week.
E. L. French left for Tennessee Sun
day by the way of Toledo.
The small boys are busying them
selves lately hunting locusts.
Mr. Arthur E. French is spending a
week at Lakside and Linwood.
Mrs. W. S. Franks, of Akron, O.
was the guest of friends in town, Sun
Bev. Waggoner preached at the
Methodist church in LaGiange last
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Knapp visited
at Thomas Hunter's in Spencer last
Miss Hattie Knapp visited her
friend, Miss Nellie Tennant, in Lorain,
As yet we have heard of no one in
this vicinity falling a victim to the
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ashford visit
ed Mr. Ashford's sister two days the
first of the week.
Miss Alice Douglass, a teacher in
Berea College. Berea, Ky., is at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gunn.
Waltes.Avery started the first of the
week for another trip in the interest
of the Medicated Salt Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Foeller will
spend the latter part of the week with
Mrs. Foeller's sister in North Eaton.
The ever increasing demand for
"Upper Ten" perfume at Near 4
Wells' drug store proves the superior
merit of that odor.
Bev. Waggoner delivered an address
at the sub-district Epworth Le gue
convention held in Huntington last
Thursday and Friday.
The premium list of the Wellington
Union Agricultural Society is now
ready for distribution. The dates this
year are August 23. 24 and 25.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
' Bears the
Signature of
10 to 12 a.m.
1 to 8 p. tn.
7 to 0 p. m.
gpeelal Attention to
W. H. TisBot was the guest of Nor
walk, friends Sunday.
The Hotel Whitehead has been re
paired and newly furnished.
Mr. John Long is visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. S. Hoyt, of Norwallt.
Elbert Spitzer, of Medina, called on
his cousin, G. E. Spitzer Monday.
Miss Mabel Shepard visited
grandmother in Oberlin last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dunning were
visiting at M. V. Brown's last week.
H. A. Rugar, of Janesville, Wis., is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Durand visited
their son, Mr. Philo Shephard, on Sun
day last.
A new stone walk has been laid on
North Main street in front of the flour
ing mill.
Mrs. U. 0. DeFord, of Carrollton.O.,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. H.
Mr. Claude Piatt v
fill run his fath
Ile began work
er's farm on a salary.
last Monday.
Mr. Eddie Torrey while working on
N. D. Piatt's farm Monday was over
come by the heat.
Monday was one of the "warmest"
days we have experienced this sum
mer. 96 degrees.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Sunday with her sister,
Brothers in Oberlin.
Piatt spent
Mrs. A. R
Mrs. George Sutlifl and two lady
friends of Wellington, are visiting in
the city. Lorain Times.
Arthur Sprague returned from i
trip to Philadelphia, New York, Balti
more and Washington Saturday.
Mrs. Emeline McCIallen is visiting
relatives and friends in Michigan with
her son. Prof. H. L. McCIallen, a few
Excursion rates to Cleveland and
return 76c round trip. Going on trains
36 and 36, July 27, returning until July
Mrs. Frank West returned to her
home in Cleveland Tuesday morning
She has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Young.
Mrs. C. L. Otterbacher and son,
of Greenwich, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Hakes, of West Erie Ave
nue. Lorain Times.'
Mrs, H. McDermott returned from
Dakota late In the last week and goes
to her school work in Atlanta, starting
on the journey today.
Mrs. Lydia Hawley was calling on
her relatives here laBt week. She
brought her grandmother with her from
the reunion of two weeks ago.
W. II. Tissot & Co. have a handsome
new sign on their plate glass front.
It is the work of A. J. Collins, of Cin
cinnati, who is a guest of H. B. Cran-
Mr. L. T. Whitney of Oberlin, O.,
attended the funeral of his brother-in
law, Orrin Howk, on Thursday after
noon. Mr. Whitney was accompanied
by his son, 0. K. Whitney.
At Deleware two weeks ago, a special
election took place It was a fight be
tween the "wets" and "drys". There
were over 2000 votes cast, resulting in
a majority of 366 in favor of the "wets"
and the old college town will still be
in the swim.
An outdoor sketohing class under
the instruction of H. B. Crandall has
been organized. The following are the
members: Mrs. J. T. Haskell, Misses
Mury Herrick, Jessie West, May Hol
lnnbach, Emma Warren, Ada Black,
Laura J issot.
A. 0. Houghton and wife and daugh
ter, of Columbus, and Mrs. Buell. of
Boston, met quite unexpectedly at
their father's, E. W. Houghton, Wed
nesday last week. Prof, and Mrs.
Buell landed in New York the Satur
day before from a foreign trip.
R. A. Chapman left Monday after
noon for an outing in the east. He
will stop at Erie, Pa., over Sunday,
then go to Buffalo, New York and
Baltimore. At Baltimore he will join
a party who go from Atlanta City in a
yacht to Cape May to attend a house
'Some girls don't seem to understand
the difference between the fatal kiss
ing bug and the non-fatal. The non
fatal kissing bug has roamed the land
for well, ever since. He has two
legs The fatal kind has four legs.
Just be calm and count the legs and
you'll know what to expect." Dover
Mrs. Quelos accompaned by J. P.
Laund n and family took the body of
her husband to Cleveland for l.urial
Monday morning. Services to be held
in the chapel of the Monroe Streei
cemetery. . Mr. Quelos passed awaj
on Saturday the 22nd at his borne on
Taylor street, after a long illness
His age was seventy-nine years. He
bad been a ship-builder and marine
Usual Sunday excursion to Colum
bus, July 30.
Miss Idah Hubbard is visiting friends
in Auburn, N. Y.
II. C. Harris returned from Adrian,
Mich., yesterday. ' '.
Joseph Binehower and E. H. Perkins
were in Lorain yesterday. .
Miss Alice Alexander, of Toledo, is
the guest of Ella Warren.
Miss Ora Burdick called on friends
In Spencer and West Salem Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stickney enter
tained friends, from LaFayette, one
day lately.
Misses Edith Benke and TillieTroub,
of Ft. Wayne, Ind., are the guests of
Miss Ora Foote.
Miss Bertha Messmore,
of West
Miss Ora
Salem, visited her friend,
Burdick, last week.
Mrs. Edjth Butterworth and daugh
ter, Ruth, of Cincinnati, are visiting
Dr. and Mrs. Gregg.
Mrs. Geo. Hotchkiss and daughter,
May Lou, of Randolph, N. Y., is visit
ing her brother, John Sherman.
Miss Libbie Benton, of Litchfield
nas been caring for her sister, Mrs. J.
A. Daugherty, who is quite sick.
Miss Pearl Coats entertained her
friends. Miss Stella Youngcourt and
Mr. James Cawthia, of Cleveland, over
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitney spent
two days the lost of the week with Mr,
Whitney's sister, in Amherst, who is
very sick.
The Methodist Sunday-school picnic
which was to have been to-day if the
weather had been favorable, will be
held Thursday.
Dr. Carl Rust left this afternoon for
Long Lake, N. Y., where he will join
Mrs. Rust who was called there by the
serious illness of her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo.,
write: "One Minute Cough Cure saved
the life of our little boy when nearly
dead with croup." J. W. Houghton.
Miss Lillian Murray entertains this
evening in honor of Misses Edith
Benke and Tillie Troub, from Fort
Wayne, Ind., guests of Miss Ora Foote.
There was a large attendance of
Wellington people at the Epworth
League convention held in Huntington
last Thursday and Friday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bowers, of Belle'
vue, O., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Bowers. They expect to join
party of friends in Elyria and go to
Niagara Falls ti.is week.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, regulate the stomach, bowels
and liver, and purify the blood. They
drive away disease, dissipate melancholy,
and give health and vigor for the dally
routine. Do not gripe or sicken. J. W,
Mr. Ed. West and wife left on Mon
day, for the seashore at New London,
Conn. They looked over other routes
but thought this would be the best one
to take. They go from Cleveland to
Buffalo by boat and from there to Al
bany, N. Y., by rail and from Albany
to New London by boat and will make
a short stop in New York City. They
think that a change of air and bathing
in the salt water will be a help to
The North-Western Yeast Comnanv
of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and Chica
go, Illinois, are out again this year dis
tributing free samples of their now
famous Yeast Foam. There is hardly
a man, woman or child in the United
States not familiar with the good qual
ities oi tins lavorite bread raiser You
make no mistake when you buy Yeast
roam at oe a package and refuse to
take Imitations.
Will be devoted to clearing ujj odds and ends at the Goodrich Clothing Store.
Our trade the past season has been the largest we have seen for many years. Our stock is now low
and although many fine goods remain, our aim is to clear them all out and have a new, fresh stock this fall.
Our offer will be w
from everything save rubber goods for 2 weeks or during the remainder of July. We feel that while this
sale may be of value to us in clearing up our stock, it is also merited by and due the people who have pat
ronized us so liberally. We shall make our lowest prices from the start as the time will be short and will
offer many odds and ends at half price. Come at once and get the cream.
One case (60 dozen) heavy, fleece lined underwear for winter. Just received and worth 50c will go
with the rest at 39c. '' Gratefully yours,
Thomas Orabtree has moved his
family from the Crabtree farm into the
Husted house on Adams street so that
he may be more convenient to his
The commissioners of Medina county
have offered a reward of $500 'for the
arrest and conviction of the parties
who attempted to blow open the Me
dina county treasurer's safe short
time ago. '
Messrs. H. C. Harris and E. C. Bran
son, prominent business men of Well
ington, were in the city this forenoon
getting acquainted. Mr. Harris is an
aspirant for the office of county treas
urer. Lorain Times, Wednesday.
The Y. P. 8. C. E. of the Congrega-
tionol Church invited the other young
people's societies to meet with them
Sunday evening in union meeting. All
the societies were well represented and
a wide-awake meeting wag held. Miss
Lenora Laundon served as leader.
The Lorain County Union Sunday-
school picnic is taking place at Lin
wood park to-day. Wellington schools
were unable to secure satisfactory re
ductions on the railroads, for that
reason it was thought best not to try
to participate. Our schools will prob
ably arrange for local picnics later.
The weather Sunday evening proved
delightfully pleasant for the park ser
vices. A large number of people were
present. W. H. Fisher had charge of
the music, Miss Bessie Hall presiding
at the organ. Meeting was opened
with prayer by Rev. R. L. Waggoner.
Scripture was read by Rev. H. D.
Sheldon, and the sermon was preached
by Rev. Carl from Gal. vi :14. It was
an able and practical discourse, one
well calculated to set people to think
ing whether or no they are making the
most of life and living with the highest
aims in view.
Mrs. W. W. Harvey Injured.
Mrs. W. V. Harvey had a fall
Wednesday noon whicli resulted in
severe injuries that at this writing
seem likely to prove fatal. She was
about the house as usual and had ap
parently started to go down the back
steps and fell, striking on her head
and producing, as it is supposed, con
cussion of the brain. She has not re
gained consciousness at this writing
and appears to be slowlv sinkintr.
Whether she was suddenly seized with
dizziness or a fit of unconsciousness to
which she has been subject we can not
know. Her daughters, who were ex
pected, came within an hour after her
injury and are giving their mother
every possible attention. Dr. Gregg
has the case in charge.
Mrs. A. B. Copeland, of Cleveland,
agent and teacher of S. T. Taylor's
Perfect System of Dress Cutting, is at
Mrs. E. C. Jefferies, on Bennett street.
The S. T. Taylor system of dress cut
ting is the only system not a chart,
and no lady ever discarded this system
for a humbug, as this is only one of
the methods used to deceive the un
wary. Ladies are invited to peruse
Bon-Ton for full particulars in regard
to this Bystem.
Bad management keeps more people
in poor circumstnnces thnn any other
one cause. To be successful one must
look ahead and plan ahead so that
when a favorable opportunity presents
itcelf he is ready to take advantage of
it. A little forethought will also save
much expense and valuable time. A
prudent and careful man will keep a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
the shiftless fellow will wait until ne
cessity compels It and then ruin his
best horse going for a doctor and have
a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one
pays out 25 cents, the other is out
hundred dollars and then wonders why
his neighbor Is getting richer while he
is getting poorer. For sale by
Near & Wells, Druggists, Welling
ton, 0.
The only safe, Instant relief for neu
ralgia, sciatica, foceacbe, headache or
acute pains in any part of the body.
Warranted to please or money refund
ed. 25c.
W. H. TISSOT k CO., Wellington, O.
left; Nos. 38,
Prices cut almost in two. Must make room
for Fall Goods.
uuin i dc
With Buffalo Moths ,
any longer. Finish
your floors with
These paints are compounded of
Natural Mineral and Hydraulic Cement
which becomes almost as hard as stone
under the action of water, thus making
a surface that will stand the roughest
kind of wear.
We have a complete line of these '
paints and when you are in need of a
floor finish call and ask us about Sen
our's Floor Paints,
No Pain or No Pay,
Diamond Garment
Gutting Schoo
Which has been In progress in the
G. A. R. hall are having .splendid suc
cess. This unprecedented patronage
in this movement is due to the super
ior excellence of this Bystem and the
great need existing among the ladies
for higher education in this line.
That the ladies everywhere need
higher education in this useful art is
apparent to all. The making of the
costumes for the family is a source of
more annoyance and more trouble than
all other duties ladies have, and as this
movement simplifies one of their most
arduous duties, it may properly be
classed as a benefactor to womankind.
We boast of a superior progress and
enlightenment of the nineteenth cen
tury and yet our women can not make
their best costumes. In this line of
practical education we are not up to
the standard of the advanced times.
Now that the opportunity is presented
it behooves all to appreciate the mag
nitude of this movement.
Now all those wishing to take in
struction in the Garment Cutting
School must come in on or before the
10th of August.
Yours Resp'y,
Diamond Garment Cutting School.
T) HATHAWAY. M. D. Specialty ot reotal
XV. bladder, and kidney diseases
dtseaiee treated without pain, or detention
from business. Diseases of the bladder treated
onlj alter a Oirefulmml nation o( ttie urlnel.
36, 34, 32.
Lj i n CKCU
Dr. Bigelow, the Popular Painless Dentist had an old
fashioned day's business at New London and Wellington ,
July 14th, and will make a return visit
See him for Painless Extracting or any kind of Dentist
ry at the White hotel, New London, from 8:30 a. m. to
12:30 p.m. and at the American House, Wellington,
the same day in the afternoon. Hours 1 to 4.
is the Guarantee.
205 Subscribers
in Wellington,
over the lines of
The Central Union
Telephone Go,
Residence Rates 50 Cents Per Month.
Successor to 0. E. Strrurr.
Hard and Soft Goal
Coke and Wood
Draying and Moving of house hold,
goods or pianos and teaming of all kinds
promptly attended to.
Price and quality guaranteed on all
coal orders.
Balled Hay and Straw sold and deliv
ered. Office Phone 48. Oflco West Mala Street
Beeldenea Phone Si.
tthiWet of much ability.