OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, July 26, 1899, Image 8

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028273/1899-07-26/ed-1/seq-8/

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Recent Happening Md Special Evente
la Wellington's Immediate Vicinity, of
Interest to Everyone-Our Correapond
nU Spare No Plm to Clean the Newt.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hardy, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Loveland, Mr. and Mrs. J.
N. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCoy
and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Greene went
to Lakeside last Thursday, returning
Mrs. Miles, who has been staying
with Mrs. Wm. Jickles several months,
has returned to Parsons, Kan.
Mrs. Ida Bidwell, of Bedford, is vis
iting in town.
Earl Cole had to shut his shop and
go home last.week on account of being
Mrs. F. Moore, of Spencer, visited
over Sunday at Fred Grundy's.
Mrs. Viola Allyn and Miss Ella
Hardy attended the Epworth League
convention in Huntington last weir
Miss Minnie Stenze, of Orange, visit
ed friends in town last week.
Mrs. Emma Clark and son Wayne
visited friends in Kipton and vicinity
last week.
Prof. Brown, a blind man, gave an
unt.ortninmpnt in the M. E. church. It
was well spoken of by those who at'
Mr. Collingwood and family of
Clarksfield. visited at Mrs. Eliza
Hardy's Saturday.
The Epworth League will hold a lit
erary and business meeting at the
home of the president, Miss Ella Har
dy. Saturday night. July 29. All are
invited. ,
Come to the revival meetings t lat
will be held by Rev. A. T. Reed at the
Congregational church every night
next week.
Whooping Cough.
I hod little boy who was nearly
dead from an attack of whooping
cough. My neighbors recommended
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did
not think that any medicine would help
him, but after giving him a few doses
of that remedy I noticed an improve
ment, and one bottle cured him entire
ly. It Is the best cough medicine I ever
had tn the house. J. L. Moore, South
Burgettstown, Pa. For Bale by Near &
Quite a number took in the.excur
sion to Toledo.
' Mrs. Lottie Dirlam and children, of
Lodi are visitine her Barents.
"6llie Knapp, of Sullivan 1b visiting
her cousins, Lura and Leota Laborie,
' Mrs. L. M. Wilcox, of Wellington
have been guests of relatives the past
Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrews visited
their daughter and family in New Lon
don, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Goss and little son,
of Brighton, Mrs. Carrier and Mr.
Chas. Carrier, of Rochester, were
guestsof Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wine
miller. Miss Lucy Andrews visited Mis Eth
el Freeman and Miss Mary Andrews
in Sullivan, Thursday.
Buokien'i Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe
ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped ITands, Chil
blaius, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
end positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It ds guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Near 4 Wells.
Mr. Benjamin Patch and Mrs. Addie
Hinkley, of Norwalk, 0. and Mrs. Wil
liam Couch and Miss Mable and Floyd
Wildman, of Cleveland are the guests
of T. B. Patch and family this week.
Miss Bertha Johnson is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Fuller at Lorain.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon McKay have mov
ed out of the hotel.
1,000,000 GIVEN AWAY.
By a special and particular arrange
ment with the manufacturers of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy,
tree trial bottles of this great medicine
for the Kidneys,. Liver, Bladder and
Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and
Constipation, will be sent absolutely
free, postpaid, to all persons suffering
from any of the diseases mentioned
above who will send their full name
and post office address to the DR.
Eondout, N. Y., providing they men
tion this paper when they write.
A very simple test to determine
whether your Kidneys or Bladder are
diseased is to put some of your urine in
a glass tumbler and let it stand 24
hours; if it has a sediment or a cloudv,
ropy or stringy appearance, if it is pale
or discolored, you do not need a phy
sician to tell you that you are in a
dangerous condition. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy speedily cures
snch serious symptoms as a pain in ttie
back, inability to hold urine, a burning
scalding pain in passing it. Frequent
desire to urinate especially at night,
the staining of linen by your urine and
all unpleasant and dangerous effects
produced on the system by the use of
whiskey and beer.
By a searching investigation it was
found that over 91 per cent of the
people who sent for a sample bottle
were so much benefited by its use that
they purchased a large sized bottle a'
their druggist, which in most cams
cured them, while in some rare in
stances it took as many as two or even
three bottles to effect a permanent cure.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy It sold by all druggists t 100 per
lri' bottle, or six bottles for tiOO.
Miss Nellie Stevenson is visiting in
Carl Thompson has returned home
from Philadelphia.
Murray Stevenson has purchased the
George Crown house where he is now
John Saintclair's baby was quite ser
iously ill from a fall last week but is
some better.
George Shays' baby is quite sick.
I wob seriously afflicted with a cough
for Beveral years, and last fall had a
more severe cough than ever before. I
have used many remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, by a friend, who,
knowing me to be a poor widow, gave
It to me, I tried it, and with the most
gratifying results. The first bottle
relieved me very much and the second
bottle hns. absolutely cured me. I have
not had as good health for 20 years.
Respectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard,
Claremont, Ark. Sold by
Near & Wells, Druggists, Welling
ton, 0.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Daley and two
children of Avon visted at A. J.
Wilson's part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Rowell spent
Sunday in Huntington.
Mr. John Whitney of St. Paul, Minn
is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Whitney.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Leimbaeh, of
Brownhelm spent Sunday at J. H. Per
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheffield, of Cam
den visited at Chloe Merriam'g last
Rev. F. E. Baker attended the E. L,
convention in Huntington last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jordon visited
at Charles Allen's one day last week.
Mrs. H. Fulton and daughter, Ella,
of Twinsburg are visiting relatives and
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley True, of Lake-
wood spent Sunday and Monday at
A. M. Sherburnes'.
Mrs. Fred Muckleburd visited at
Mrs. E. W. Adams' in Wellington last
Miss Alice West, of Tabor, Iowa, is
visiting at Richard Gibbins and other
friends in town.
Miss Alice Sherburn returned home
from Cleveland Sunday, after a weeks
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. frank Root were in
Elyria last Monday.
Misses Hattie, Rose and Ina Biggs
were in Lorain last Thursday.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. George D. Williams
of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
sflave was made free. He says: , "My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could not turn over 'in bed
alone. After using two bottles of Elec
tric Bitters she is wonderfully iinprov.
ed and able to do her own work." This
supreme remedy for female diseases
quickly cures nervousness, sleepless
ness, melancholy, headache, backache,
fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle
working medicine is a godsend to weak,
sickly- run-down people. Every bottle
guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by
Near & Wells, druggists.
Mrs. Morris, of New Jersey has been
visiting at Zilpha Battles the past week
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland, of Clarks
field accompanied by Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Quail of New York visited at
0. L. Rolf's Friday.
Mrs. Ida Bidwell, of Bedford, 0.
spent part of last week with her broth
er, D. R. Day and family.
The Misses Abbie Stocking and
Gracie Day were home from Elyria ov
er Sunday.
Miss Lilly Porter, of Akron spent
part of last week at E. D. Gillett's.
Dave Day and family accompanied
by his sister from Bedford visited his
brother-in-law. Mr. Blackman Sunday
The principal event of the week was
the marriage of Miss Ethel Cowie of
Pleasant Street to Mr. Verne Litch
field, of Butler Road. On last Tues
day Mr. and Mrs. Cowie served a feast
in their honor. On Sunday at which
all of their children were present, Mr,
and Mrs. Clarence Ketchum, of New
London, George Twiliger and wife,
Mr. Litchfield and bride. Mrs. Oowie
presented the bride with an elegant
set of dishes. The happy couple will
live on Mr. Litchfield's farm on Butler
Road. May their pathway through
life be ever brignt and pleasant.
Mrs. S. L. Hubbard is failing.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pritchard called
on Belden friendB Tuesday.
Seth Williams, of Joliett, Hlinoi
was a recent guest of LaGrange friends.
Mrs. Hattie Hastings and Mrs. J. E
Willard, of Elyria, was in town
W dnesday.
Miss Bertina Morgan is spending a
week with friends in Detroit.
Lewis Curtice made business trip to
Cleveland Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, of Medina,
spent a part of the past week with
their son, Frank, and family.
Dr. Dustin Kemble, of Cleveland
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A,
Wilcox over Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. G. E. French visited
friends in Columbia, Sunday.
Mrs. Jane Lewis has returned from a
visit with Cleveland friends. .
rrof. L. J. sweet, or IMyria, was in
town Friday.
C. B. Merriam returned to Lorain
Monday morning.
Mrs. Hattie Curtice and daughter,
Mist Dema, visited friendt in Welling
ton, Saturday. 1
A large audience greeted A. R. Web
ber, of Elyria, at the Baptist church,
Sunday evening, who delivered an elo
quent address on temperance.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Foster and
daughter, Minnie, spent Wednesday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West
in Elyria.
Mist Ethel Freeman is ' spending
some time at the home of her aunt in
Mr. and Mrs. John Volger and
daughter, Marjie ; Mr. and Mrs. Qhar-
ley Wilkins and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace Beaver, Loren Hopkins, and A.
E. Lawrence, of Elyria, were guests of
LaGrange friends Sunday.
Mrs. Grant Pitts and two children, of
Pittsfield, visited Mrs. D. Sanders the
past week.
Among those that attended the races
last week were, Mr. and Mrs. James
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Forbes,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kunson, F. B.
Gott and J. M. Starr.
You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of
it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food
without aid from the stomach, and is
made to cure. J. W. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Center-
ton spent a few days with Mr. and
Henry Haskins and family last week.
Mrs. Lucy Lambert and children, of
Wellington are visiting G. B. Roice's
Mr. Clayton Chapman, of Elyria,
called on T. D. Phelon's family last
Mr. Miles Reynolds, of Fitchville is
visiting J. B. Robinson's family.
Mrs. Mary Myers and daughter,
Genevieve, of Monroeville spent a few
days with her son, Mr. Louis Myers
and family lust week.
Mrs. Cleghorn, of Wellington is
spending a week with her daughter,
Mrs. Sylvanus Kelsey and family.
Mist Mary Sprague, of Wellington
visited Mr. Edgar Nimmocks and fam
ily a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Phelon were in
Elyria lastThurBdiiy.
Mrs. Ella June and children visited
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. June last week.
Mr. S. W. KoonB, of Sullivan and
Miss Lulu Davidson of this place were
united in holy wedlock by Rev. Kneal,
at the M. E. parsonage, Tuesday eve
ning, July 18th. May happiness be
their lot in this new life.
The sub-district convention of the
Epworth League, consisting of the fol
lowing towns; Penfield, Litchfield,
Barricks, Pittsfield, Wellington, Medi
na and New London was held here
July 20 and 21. There was a large
attendance from each town. Every
one seemed to take a great interest in
all the meetings. Rev. Waggoner ad
dressed the audience Friday evening.
Mr. Allan Breyley of Wellington
was in town Sunday.
Miss Hattio Fenwick, of Toledo is
at her brother's, John Fenwick.
Miss Body, of Wellington spent
Sunday in town.
A large number of our people went
on the excursion to Toledo Sunday.
"What might have been" If that lit
tle cough hadn't been neglected Is the
sad reflection of thousands of consutnp
lives. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs and colds. J. W. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennear, of
New Washington, visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips the first of
the week.
Lotta McClaflin, of Oberlin, is stay
ing at E. McClaflin's.
V. L. Litchfield of this place and
Miss Ethel Cowie of Pleasant Street
were quietly married the first of the
W. B. McClaflin, of Oberlin, spent in
Sanford Haynes and family, of Pen
field, visited his sister, Mrs. Brumby
M. Delamater and wife of Wakeinan
were the guests of G. S. Green Sunday
uatue ana Lotta ureen visited in
Wukeman lust week.
Thomas Rhoads, Centerfleld, 0.,
writes: " suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy gave me relief
until DeWitt's Witch-Hazel Salve, :
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly
harmless. Beware of counterfeits.
W. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pond, of North
Kidgeville, are visiting relatives and
friends of this place.
Mrs. Wm. T. Clark and lierdaugh
ter, Daisy returned to their home in
Cleveland, Tuesday, a. "m.
Mis. Dr. Smith, of Cleveland, was the
guest of Mrs. J. Porter, over Sunday.
Penn Kellogg and family, of Nor-
wulk, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. A,
A. Pond's this week.
Mrs. Noble and family go to Lake
side VV ednesday a. in. to spend the
Miss Sadie Biddinger spent a few
days with her tister in New London
last week.
Mr. W. E. Crandall, of Brownhelm
was in town Sunday.
ne.Yr stop) because the weather
b Winn.
Th?n why itop taking
simply because it's summer?
K3 p totting it It will heal your
.',;, and make them strong for
unother winter.
Sccaadfuni all drunuls. A
, X
Perri Walla,
'A blend of the choic
est growth of Ceylon and
India Teas.
Give it a Trial.
Also a fine selection of
Japans, Oolong, English
Breakfast, Gunpowder,
and Young Elyson of the
finest growth.
T. F. Rodhouse
& Son.
Home Savings B ank Co,,
Transact a general banking business,
buying and selling notes and bills of ex
change. . Money loaned on satisfactory
collateral, mortgage, or personal secur
ity. Interest at 3 per cent, paid on all
savings deposits, Interest credited annu
Safety-deposit boxes situated in our main
vault at $1.50 per year.
Wm. Vlscher, Pres.
G. K. Spitzer, Vlce-Pres.
J. S. Mallory, Cashier.
Gasoline stoves
and (Jvens,
BuiHers Hardware,
Linseed Oil,
White Lead,
MixeC Paints,
Chain Pumps,
Mower Sections,
Etc., etc.
Miss Daisy Webb, of New London
is the guest of Miss Josie Beardsley
this week.
Mr. Bishop, of Northfleld, O., is vis
iting his daughter, Mrs. Charles Ash
Mrs. Hughes, of Olena, O., was the
guest of Mrs. J. Porter, Monday.
Paul Johnson and sister, Effle, of
Ashland Bpent Sunday with Rev. and
Mrs. Lash.
The Ladies' Aid Society, of the Con
gregational church will meet with Mrs
Dora Doty, Thursday afternoon, Aug
ust 3. All are cordially invited.
J. S. Weaver, of Ashland spent Sun
day with L. C. Mason.
A farmers' picnic will be held at the
grove of R. Odell, August 9. John
Leman, of Savanna, and other speak
ers will be present. All are cordially
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rus
ty nails, Insect stings and ivy poisoning
quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch-Hazel
Salve. Positively prevents blood poison
ing. Beware of counterfeits. "De
Witt's" is safe and sure. J. W. Hough
Died at AmuBtons, Ala., July 15, the
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hurd
aged eight months. Mrs. Hurd is the
only daughter of L. C. Arnold. She was
married to Lyman Hurd about two
years ago and went to Alabama. She
was intending to come home and make
a visit this month. Mr. and Mrt. Hurd
have the heartfelt sympathy of their
many friends in their affliction.
The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist church
will entertain the Camden Y. P. U. on
July 30,7:30 p. m. sun time. There
will be a paper from each society and
address by Rev. F. Baker of the M. E.
N. W. and W. W. Calkins are having
a large granery built. The Latterman
boys, of Henrietta are doing the work.
Frank Jay Calkint attended the
horse races in Elyria last Tuesday and
Mrs. Edith Allen and daughter have
gone to visit Mrs. Allen's mother in
Mrs. Witherup is entertaining her
ister and daughter, Mrs. Gordon, of
Roben Calkins Bpent last Saturday in
Norwalk on business.
Rev. Frank' Phelps hat a nephew
from Ashtabula visiting him. He
came on hit wheel.
Mrs. Dlos Gibson and daughter,
Nellie have moved to Cleveland.
Ladies if you want a sunbonnet, just
call at the Ladies' Society, Wednesday,
August 2, and leave your order for
one or buy one.
, Then Is No T About It.
No question ftideed with those who
have used it, but that Foley's Kidney
Cure is absolutely reliable for all kid
ney and bladder diseases. W. H. Tis-
ot Sc Co.
There will be a lawn fete held in
Penfield at the M. E. parsonage, Fri
day evening. All invited.
Everett Taylor received his new en
gine from the Huber Manufacturing
Company on Monday week. He is now
doing good yeoman service, and any
one who wants a capital threshing may
ust Btep up and take their medicine
like a little man.
Miss Vickie Richmond, from Medi
na, and a Miss Dalgleish are visiting
the family of Myron Disbrow.
Jay Palmer is home from the Colum
bus Agricultural College on a brief
visit to his parents.
J. H. Damon and son, Fred, visited
the Forest city on Saturday last.
O. P. Gott and wife, from Elyria,
visited at the old homestead, on Sun
day last.
Cures diarrhoea, dysentery(flux) and
all loose, bloody or mucous conditions
of the bowels. Warranted to please or
money refunded. 25c.
Cures weak back, diabetes, dropsy,
Bright's disease, gravel, painful urina
tion, and all kidney and urinary dis
orders. 25c. Warranted to please.
Sure relief for summer colics, also
teething colics, distress, pevishness,
crying, diarrhoea and fevers of babies
and children. Pleasant, harmless. 25c.
Dr. Huggin's Pile Cure. Pleasant Ut
ile tablets. Eaten like candy. Positive
ly cure piles and all rectal disorders.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. 25c.
Cures bay fever, acute catarrh of
head, nose, throat or eyes, excessive
sneezig, etc. Warranted to please or
money refunded. 25c.
Pleasant and positively warranted
cure for the tobacco habit. 25c. Com
pletely corrects the craving, relieves
the nervous strain of quitting without
an antidote.
A mild .pleasant and effective remedy
for constipation and bilious headaohe,
loss of appetite and all liver and digest
ive disorders. Warranted to please. Z5c.
Cures catarrh of the head, throat, bron
chi, lungs or stomach and purifies the
blood. Positive cure. Warranted to
please or money refunded. 25c.
Cures dlspepsia, sour stomach, gas
tralgia, indigestion, and all digestive
disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. 25c.
A most reliable remedy for palpita
tion, heart weakness, irregular action,
heart pains and all heart disorders.
Warranted to please or money refund
ed. 25c.
W. H. TISSOT A CO., Wellington, O.
and Achievements of Admiral Dewey,"
the world's greatest naval here. By
Murat Halstead, the life-long friend
nnd admirer of the nation's idol. Big
gest and best book; over 500 pages, 8x
10 inches; nearly 100 pages hnlftone
Illustrations. Only $1.50.. Enormous
demand. Big commissions. Outfit
free. Chance of a lifetime. Write
quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd
floor Caxton Bldg., Chicago.
Published Honthly
Standard Patterns
The only reliable patterns, because
they allow seams.
Subscription Price: $1.00 a year.
10 oenta for single copies.
Liberal cash commission. Write for
ample copy and terms to Subscrip
tion Department, ,
J West 14U1 St, New York City.
JtVeeetablcPrcparationfor As
similating theroodafulRegula
ting tiie Stomachs awLBowels of
Promotes Digeslion,Chcerful
nessandResLContains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not narcotic.
Dmm tfOtd OSM'fVO.PtlCBEa
JmqJrm Smi'
Jkvfmint -jsAcaitmkStU
HimSttd -flnrifud
Sugar .
Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convutsions,Feverish
oess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature ol
mm -Mm
For Insurance that...
Insures, apply to R. N.
Goodwin, the old reliable
insurance agent.
Special excursion to Chautauqua,
N. Y., July 7, July 28. Round trip
5.15. Consult agent for limits, etc.
Friends' Bible Institute, Richmond,
Ind.', July 24 to August 4. One fare
round trip.
Ohio Baptist Summer Assembly,
Lake Hiawatha Park, Mt. Vernon, O.,
July 18-28. One and one-third fare
round trip.
Special tourist rates to Denver, Col
orado Springs, Pueblo and Greenwood
Springs, Col., and return, $45.00 and
Baptist assembly of Ohio, at Mt. Ver
non, O. One fare July 18th to 28th in
clusive; returning limit July 29th.
National meeting American Associa
tion for the Advancement of he ein-r
Columbus, O., August 20-25, 18D9.V)ne
fare round trip. Consult agents for
further information.
World's Bicycle meet, Montreal, Que
bec, August 7-12, 1899. One fare round
trip going August 4 nnd 5. Final re
turn limit August 15, 1899.
United Society of Free Baptist
Young People, Hillsdale, Mich., Sept.
6-10, 1899. One fare round trip go
ing Sept. 5 and 6, returning Septem
ber 11, 1899.
Ohio State Fair and Industrial Expo
sition, Columbus, O., Sept. 4-8, 1899.
One fare round trip.
L. A. W. national meet, Boston,
Mass., Aug. 14-19, '99. One fare round
Young People's Christian Union of
the United Presbyterian Church an
nual convention, Pittsburg, Pa., Aug.
2-7, '99. One fare round trip.
I. O. O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge,
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18-23, '99. One
fure round trip.
Conclave of the Grand Commandery
of Ohio Knights Templar, Cincinnati,
O., Oct. 11-12, '99. One fure round
Dr. Huggins' Asthma Cure. Not a
relief, but a cure. Positively cures asth
na in nny climate. Warranted to please,
or money refunded. 25c.
Money to Lohii.
Money to loan on real estate, mort
gage security. J. T. HASKELL.
For Hale.
The Halftemier property on Union
street can be purchased very reason
able. Inquire of R. N. GOODWIN.
Rprlng Goods.
A fine assortment of Trimmed Hats
during the season, at the- millinery
rooms of Mrs. 8. Gady, South Main st.
Far Kent.
House and lot in good location on
Barker street. Enquire of E. 0.
Cushion at First National Bank.
German Silver,
Gold Filled,
and Solid Gold
ioc to $5.00. All sizes
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
time tables:
3 Col. Cin. Ind. & St. I..... 8; 38 am
35 Daily St. L. Ex 1:08 pro
27 Col. Ex 5:20 pui
:i7 Daily Col. & Cin. Ex 10:00 pm
51 Local Freight 11:00 am
25 Wellington Ex. (Sunday
only) 9:50 am
38 Daily Col. & Cin. Ex 5:06 am
26 Galion Ex 8:11 am
30 Daily Col. Ind & St. L. Ex. 1:08 pin
24 Wellington Ex 5:20 pm
2 Col. Cin. & Ind. Ex. 8:19 pm
52 Local Freight 5:20 pm
W. & L. B. '
Train No. 4 Daily 10:29 am
Train No. 6 Daily (except Sun
day) 3:30 pm
Train No. 40 Local 10:04 a. m.
Train No. 1 Daily (except Sun
day) 10:04 a. m.
Train No. 3 Daily 4:14 pm
Corrected Every Wednesday Morning.
Hay per ton $ 6 50
Corn in ear, 70 lbs 35
Corn shelled, 56 lbs 35
Oats per bu 25 -
Rye per bu. 40
New wheat per bu 68
Butter, dairy, per lb....
Butter, creamery, per lb 21
Eggs, per doz 12 J'
Iloney, per lb.
Lard, per lb
I'otutoes per bu
Flour per snck of 49 lbs.
Corn meal per cwt
1 00
1 00
Chop per cwt 1 00
Middlings per cwt
Rrnn per cwt
Oil Meal per cwt
1 40
Billing Prices Monday's Sales.
Ohio State Flats
Crenmery Butter
Ohio State Flats
The Stnte of Ohio,
Lorain County, ss.
John R. Hanley, Adm'r of the Estate
of Benj. K. Coats, deceased, Plaintiff,
Mary A'. Coats et al, Defendants.
Reuben Conts, whose residence is
unknown, will take notice that John
R. Hanley, administrator of the estate
nf Benjamin R. Coats, deceased, on the
14th day of March, A. D. 1S99, filed his
petition in the Probate Court of said
county, alleging that the personal
property of decedent's estate Is insuf
ficient to pay his debts, and the charg
es of administrating his estate. That
said decedent died seized in fee simple
of the following described real estate
in said county, to-wit:
Village lots Nos. 31, 32, S3 and 34 tn
the Village of Rochester. The prayer
of suid petition is for a sale of said
property for the payment of the debts
and charges aforesaid.
Said Reuben Conts will take notice
thut he has been made a party defend
ant to said petition, and that he is re
quired to answer the same on or be
fore the 5th day of August, A. D. 1899.
Adm'r of the Estate of Jenjamln. R.
Coats, deceased.
May 31, 1899.
Notice of Appointment.
EnUteof Nnthsti H. Unlerliill,dVs!d.
The uudemlniieil has bin uppolutncl and
nuRllflud as administrator of the etnt of
Nathan H. Underhlll, late of Wellington, Lo
rain county deeaDa.
Dated thli 17th. day of June. A. !).. 199
1 appointed an l'
Estate of W. E Pelree, dweaacd.
The underalirned nave benn aonn
Qualified as eieoutors of tit (mimim ,r w l 1
Pelrce, late of Wellington, Lorain eouuty, da-i
ceased. 1
vacea 1111 ut say os J my, a. d.,
. A.H.rVtmN.
I 1 Addle a- iilru.
llild 1 1
a at ki
j1 Bears the x
j Signature A A
- t 't .

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