rimn TTrTT)n'DTOX, WELLINGTON, oaia General News Summary. Interesting Home and Foreign News. - DOMESTIC. Since July 1, 1898, the pM In circu lation In the United States linn crown by $62,109,579 and the net amount in the treasury, then $1S9,444,714, has he- come about $246.0(10,000 the highest figures in our annuls. The agricultural department is in re ceipt of information of a threatened inrnsion of grasshoppers in Jiortli Dakota and Minnesota. These are of migratory species and breed in the Turtle mountains. It is probable the department will co-operate with the state authorities m dealing with the insects in case they prove damaging. The business portion of Donaldson, a town six miles north of Stephen, Minn., was burned recently. The stores of Lund and Solum, the post office. a large hotel and a blacksmith shop were destroyed. Estimated loss $75, 000. , It has been decided to discontinue the use of coal as fuel on the New York, New Haven & Hartford road and to substitute coke for it on all loco motives. Experiments with coke have been tried for a year. They have proved that it is the cheaper fuel, lasts almost as long us bituminous coal, aud has other advantages over It. The bodies of two white men, sup posed to be father and son, have been Jound in the brush by the Tuhlcquuh rond, four miles from Fort (iilison, I. T. Officers believe they were murdered. ; The secretary of the interior has de cided a case involving what is known OR Uacca Flout No. 3. embracing about ,100,000 acres of land in Arizona, in favor of the Grant claimants. The case grew out of an old -Mexican grant (to Louis Maria Uncca. : Chicago delegates to the annual en campment of the United Veterans' Le gion to be held at liattlmore, Septem ber 13 to IS will present Cupt. A. I). Spooncr, of that city, as a candidate for the office of national commander. (Assurances of support have been re ceived from all over the country. Chi cago is after the national encamp ment of 1900. The committee on plan and scope of the Dewey reception committee, held a meeting at the city hull, New York City, on ' the 27th ult. It was decided to have u display of lireworks in nil of the five boroughs nt Jioints to be designated with an elec trical display for three eights at the Tfew York and lirooklyn city halls. Ueplies from 14 governors accepting the invitation to take part in the pa rade have been received. On the 30th ult. fire at Tupper lake, in tne A(irinl;icka, destroyed a hotel and la buildings. William O. Smith, son of the late lol. Smith, of the quartermns partmcnt. has been annointed n see end lieutenant in- the regulur arm subject to examination The lied Cross society of Philndel phia has resolved to address a con una . nicntion to the secretary of war, the i governor or I'ennsvlvnnia and tn th . mayor of 1'ittsbitrg, offering the serv- W lf 11 tin Invmnil : , '? Nal Fi.PrtfArasco7o receive the sieb TnTd convalescent of the Tenth Penn sylvania volunteer infantry, returning iiuiu mcir campaign 111 Tile rllillp jiiiirs ii n train oe provined. At a mass meeting of the Women Christian Temperance union held nt Henver Kails, Pa., on the' 27th ult. reso lutions were unanimously adopted protesting ngninst Attorney General iiriggs decision in reference to th ennteen system and appealing to l'rcsident Mckinley to carry the tint! canteen law into lull force. Jiert Kinilmll, of North Adams, Mich., an aeronaut, was drowned Jinw Itees pnrk, .Mich., on the L'Tth Bit. Ills parachute dropped in the middle ot Haw Keen lake. ine navy department has ordered a bnttnlion of murines, 3"H in nil, to proceed to .Manila and take station nt the Cavitc navy yurd, to reinforce the mull contingent now there. The fie- partmcnt will furnish transportation for the marines, carrying them on learners leaving San Fruncisco on tin 8t!i and 15th of August. At Fort Smith, Ark., on the 2Sth ult the superintendents of the Western Coal and Mining Co. und the Central Coal and (oke Co. were arrested charged with violating the screen law which was passed by the last legisla ture. 1 he companies, it is said, eon- tinned to weigh the coal after it hud iusseii over a screen. fourteen in dictments were returned by the grand jury. Assistant Comptroller Mitchell has decided that men who enlisted in the temporary force of the navy during the war with Spain for one year and who subsequently had their enlist ments changed to three years' gen crnl service are not entitled to the extra pay provided for by the net of March 3, 1SH9. The comptroller holds that as a condition precedent to the payment of the extra pay there must be a discharge from the government kerviee between the two enlistments, James M. (iarlington, alias Darlim ton, was hanged at Fort Worth, Texas, on tne zntn int. (iarlington was th leader of the band who on the night of July 21, isos, robbed a Santa Fe train near Saginaw and killed Fire. man iMnttaker and Engineer Will- lams. ' At New York City on the 2Sth ult. the anthracite companies announced in. it. nil orners tor coal nt prices prior to July 1 not filled on July III will be cancelled and the ndviince of 25 per cent, per ton will then go into gen eral eirect. Howard I?, Ihmson, an emissary seeking miners for Missouri and In (linn Territory coal fields, was fatally tabbed in the coal fields at linunwcll, Vi. Vn.. on the night of the SSth ult. F. W. Wheeler, of Hay City. Mich,, has purchased individual holdings of standing pine in Luce and Chippewa counties, aggregating 1 1 li.nwi.ooo fret, for about $4;i(,(i(). lie cx ts to cut it nt the rate of 21"..0(MI,( feet u year. The purchase includes a small iniiiiieriiig 1'iwii. ,u r. Heeler re- cently sold his ship yard at liny City to tfie shipyard combine. The interior department has decided upon October 15 next as the date of ale of the lauds in the north half of cction 1 in Cass Luke reserve. This ale was determined upon as the final solution of the controversy over the Intruders uptn the Indian hinds of Cues Lake. , Hnsfness failures for the week end ed July 28 numbered 151 In the United PUites as against 225 last year, and 20 in Cnnndn, against 26 for the corre sponding period of 189S. The recent development of the pe troleum fields in Fresno county, Cel., nas so interested the capitalists of the const that steps are being taken for the organization of an oil exchange in Sun Francisco, The operators of the Mill creek and Jellieo (lenn.) mining district huv made nn increase of 10 per cent. the scale of the miners' wages. The action removes nil possibility of lubor trounicB tn the mines of that section The plant of the Lacrosse (Wis. Wnllis Carriage works were destroyed by tire on the night of the 29th ult, Loss 375,000; insurance $25.0B0. 11. If. McConnell and his wife, nn aged couple, were killed by lightning at their home near tottage Grove, Henry county, Tenn., on the 29th ult Both li;::l their clothing burned off The wnr department on the 2'ith nit. made public its first complete statement of customs transactions with the several ports of Porto Itioo for the first, six months of 1K99. The receipts from nil sources of the months named by the custom author! ties are $74(1,742, San Juan furnishing $41.22 and I'once $252,500. By the capsizing of a small bout In the Delaware river on the 30th ult Otto Kanipf, aged 37 years, his son, Albert, aged 8. und Christian Ostet- nge, Kanipf s brothcr-m-luw, aged vears. were drowned. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Lieut. Col. Krnest A. Gnrlington has been relieved from dutv in the office of the inspector general in Wushing ton and ordered to Manila us inspector general of the department of the Pa cine. At the Sliinnecock Hills (N. Y.) Golf chili tournament recently Harry I1 llollins, Jr., of the West llrook club, vho won the president's cup and gold medal a year niro was defeated by lames T. Curtiss, of the Essex County club, .Manchester. Mass., by one up. Andrew Carnegie has offered to glv $50,000 for a public library in San 1)1 ego, lal., if u site is donated and th library maintained as at present. Guzman lihinco, px-nresident of Venezuela, is dead at Paris. F. L. Stocking, assistant postmaster at Tacomii, Wash., has been appointed assistant director general of posts at .Manila. William D. St. Clair, an old time editor and publisher, died nt Chicago on the 29th ult. He was at different times connected with newspapers in various parts of the country, und was the founder of the first penny paper in San Francisco. Of late years he has been living in Louisiana, where he built the town of iinppy Woods. Bishop Thomas A. Becker, of the diocese of Savannah, died nt Washing' ton. Ga., on the 2!Mh ti It. He went to iVashington some time ago to tuk charge of the summer school during the absence of rather Kiley in I'.u rope. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. A terrible . hurricane swept the Japanese coast from the 8th to the 11th of July. In I'shijimnmuru (lye district, Iuishima prefecture, 70 house were washed away and 50 persons were i;ilied Strong indignation Is expressed in Hong Kong over the reported with drnwul of Grent Britain from Sham Chin. It is said that an indemnity of $9J.oou was accepted by Great Britain., . : (Nearly all the bricklayers employed In Vanconyer, B. C, went on strike on the 27th tut. as a protest against the employment by contractors of Chinese laborers. A German officer has invented an acetylene searchlight which can be carried by one man and which will il luminate everything for 100 vards. 7", Is expected to be of great use in searching for the wounded after a battle and in bridge building at night Jt is rumored that the l'riissian war minister will resign soon and that h will be succeeded by Baron Ceniinin- gen. At Hull, Knirland, on the 2th ult. Brjson. Jameson fc Co.'s timlier yards and Miner .t l o. s grain ware house were destroyed, by tire. The loss is 120,000 LATER. The Mexican Lead Co.. with nn au thorized capital of $,000,000, was in corporatcd at Trenton, X. J., on the st ult. to operate lead und other mines in the republic of Mexico. The capital stock is made up of $1,250,000 prclerred und $5,750,000 common. On the 31st ult. the board of com missioners of took count v. 111., of fered a reward of $50G for the capture urn return to Uncngo of Dan Comr h- lin, w.mted for alleged iurv bribing, Coiighliii was once sentenced to the penitentiary for life for the murder of Dr. Cronin and was ncoiiitted 011 the second trial. Miss Fannie Goodwin, milliner at Fairview, Ky., shot and mortally wounded Bryan Allcgrec on the 31st ult. She charged that he h ad sian- lered her. Frank M. Martin, of Caldwell, ().. has been appointed a census supervi sor. In a duel in a mountain road in Letcher county, Ky., on the 31st ult., William Smallwood shot to death his uncle, Clelland Smallwood, and was limself fatally injured bv his victim. A quarrel of long standing culminated when the men met, nnd both drew ro- olvers and began firing. The young r man fell mortally wounded and his uncle, shot through the heart, fell lead across .un nephew's body. I lie ice bouses owned by the Hart ford Ice Co., and situated about three miles north of Mcriden, Conn., were completely destroyed by flre on the 31st. The loss, including buildings, machinery, etc., is about $40,000. At Holvoke, Mass., on the night of he 31st ult. tire gutted the four-storv Whiting-Street building-, entailing a, oss of $;oo,000. The building was KTiipicd by the Parsons & Green Co., manufacturing st itinners. The loss on the building is estimated at Ml,0iiO. he loss to the I 'arsons & Green Co. will be almost total. In response to representations sub mitted by the Lehigh Valley railroad ngineers the general superintendent, as issued n notice establishing rates f pay satisfactory to the men and rehiring that no employe; will be dis imrged or suspended without a fair earing and investigation. C. C. Oilman, one of Iowa's most prominent inventors and railroad men, ropped dead near F.ldora, la., on the 1st ult. while fishing in the Iowa iver. He protected and built the Iowa Central & Ilawkeye Telegraph Co. and built the big terra cotta lum ber factory at Perth Am boy, K. J., which bears his name. - I , LEUTQERT DIES. Th. SstiMge maker Expires In His Cell In Jollet Prl.on. Joliet, 111., July 28. Adolph L. Luet (fert, the wealthy Chicago sausage maker, who was serving a life sen tence In the penitentiary for the mur der of his wife, was found dead in his !e" Thursday. The authorities were ' uimoie 10 ascertain tne cause 01 ins death, and an Inquest will be held to determine whether he killed himself or died of heart disease. The trial of Luetgert in Chicago at tracted widespread attention, and was one of the most sensational in the history of the state. Luetgert was charged with having murdered his wife in the basement of his fuctorv and cooked the body to pieces in n vut, The prosecution hnVl but a few small bones and two rings as evidence that their theory was correct, but secured the conviction and a life sentence, Frank Fay Pratt, a member of the Chicago bar, said last night that Leut- pert confessed in February, 1898, that he had kiled his wife. "He told me he hnd killed her," said Mr. Pratt. "He started to tell me Fome of the details but fell to cursinsf about the affair, and I wns unable to lead him back to the unfolding of the steps in the crima. He said: 'I did kill my Wife. I wns possessed of the devil, and killed her because I was in love with another woman.' He then started to tell me about the vat and said his wife attempted to make a dy ing statement to him when the dogs began to growl and he put an enil to her. It was then that he switched off to cursing. As I considered the confession a professional one I re spected it until death has now placed him beycuul further human pursuit." THE DEWEY HOME. Popular Subscription. Amounting to ltt,7(IO Have Hern Received. Washington, July 29. The secretary of the Dewey fund requests the pub lication of the following statement: "There can no longer be any doubt as to whether a home will be pur chased by popular subscription for Admiral George Dewey. At a meet ing of the nutionnl Dewey home fund committee l'ndny it was found that the nggregate amount of.cash actually received by Treasurer Huberts is $16,- 00, from a total of over 23.000 sub scribers. One hundred and three subscribers gave $10,000. The state ment was made that the $5,000 prom ised some time since by the New York Journal would be forthcoming short ly, bringing the grand aggregate up to $21,7110, The committee agreed to (lose the subscriptions before the ar rival of Admiral Dewey in New York in September nnd then to proceed, after consultation with the admiral as to location, etc., to purchase the home with whatever funds they may at that time have in hand. Traffic Ilralli ot a Traitor. Kansas City, July 2. The tragic Berne which attended the death of Corporal Leonard F. Hayes, America's enly traitor in the Philippines, was witnessed by Sergeant Lnmnrsh, of Company If, Twentieth Kansas volun teers now in this city. Hayes became enamored of a Filipino beuuty and de serting his comrades wns iiluced In charge of a Filipino battery with the rank of lieutenant. He met his death almost in the first engagement in which he fought against his country men. Spenking of this battle Sergt. Lamarsh suid: "We had charged the Filipinos, driving them buck and killing and wounding mnny. Among the wounded left on the field we found Hayes. He was recognized bv sev eral of the boys. One of the soldiers of the second Oregon drove his bayo net through the body of the wounded traitor and lifted him above his bend find held him there while the soldiers shot hiin. The body wns thrown into trench and buried with several Fili- p-nos. We would have treated him worse if we had known how." Haves wns a corporal in Company I. First Colorado volunteers. Want the I'rovl.lon Repeated. Tscw York, July 28. The Amercan Travelers Defense association has been organized with the view of secur ing the repeal of the provision of the JJinglev lull which imposes a duty on all wearing apparel and other personal enects over $100 in value purchased nlirond And brought to this countrv by returning residents of the United rimes. 11 is proposed to lorin or ganizations throughout the country and to petition congress at its next session for the repenl of the measure referred to. I he association basis its opposition to the duty on the ground that the enforcement of the provision produces only nn insignificant revenue nd affords no real protection to any American industry; that it causes vex- tions nnd unnecessary delays to trav elers and that it discriminates against, residents of the United States and in favor of foreigners. Tunnel Caved In. 1 nmnridge. w., July as. The main In of the Baltimore & Ohio was com pletely blockaded Thursday by the caving in of a tunnel 111st west of here. The cave-in occurred about 20 minutes after the regular west bound passenger train had passed through The track inspector who discovered the accident, had just lime to ston n pecini anil rave it trom destruction. The tunnel is 7U0 feet long and nt ienst half of it has fallen in. All trains ere running over the Cleveland . Marietta railway. It will be at least wo weeks before the obstruction is removed. Twenty People Injured. Pittsburg, Tn., July 29. Twenty people were injured lust night in u wreck on the West Penn railroad at errs Station, a few miles above Al- gheny City. None of the injured is ikely to die, but several are badK- urt. Among those suffering the most are C. H. Beach, Karl Beach, A. O. Mchols, J. S. Sweeney, SoWmon Wallis, B. G. Dealer. James Poole, Barry Hicks, V. J. Coss, T. It. Jack son and Oscar Wallace, nil rcsidi.m. of suburban points between Alleghenv nnd Apollo. ' ftrand t lrroll Rave.. Cleveland, July 2S. The two orent events of the Grand Circuit meet here yesterday were the 2:09 mice unit th.. :OH trot. Hal It won the former in three straight heats. Time 3-oov. 2:0W.. The 2:0R trot was w,,.. by The Abbot In three straights. Time -2:0HV4, 2:0st 2;MV,. J the second heat The Abbot went the last tmnrt-r lr 29VS seconds. Strike Kndrd. Pittsburg, July 28. The strike the Postnl Telegraph Co.. messem. hoj-s ended yesterday. All of the boys enr uhck 10 wors at me old terms. IS IN-THE RACE. Id ay or Joaes, r ToJ.do. AonounMS His Candidacy for Col.rnor-stana. U pon a riatlorm Framed br.Worhv Ingmeu. Toledo, July 81. Xfnror Jones Sut unlay addressed an open letter to the people 01 Ohio explaining his pom tion as an independent cundidate for governor. The following is the let ter, 111 part: "During the past two months have received hundreds of letters from all classes of people through out the state urging me to become a independent candidate for the office of governor of the state. These let ttrs are not addressed to me because I possess a peculiar fitness fur thi high onice that is not common niuny of my fellow men, but because, as it appears to me, I happen just now to stand in a prominent position advocating principles of human lib erty that are as old as time and us enduring as eternity. "1 believe in all of the people and am, therefore-a mini without a party I believe in the people as people, not as partisan, not as democrat, not us republicans, not as populists or prolu bitiouists, nor union reformers. But as people, as men, as brothers aud Bisters, having common instincts, common interests and common needs, Standing on these declarations, claim no privilege for myself that I am not ready to do my utmost to secure lor u 1 1 others on equal terms, I his is what 1 mean when I decla for equal opportunities for all. "Believing this to be a foundational truth, I, therefore, declare tiiat 1 will never aguin wear the label of unv party or claim political loyally to anything less than nil cf the people In this wuy I shall always be free to vote and act for principles, whatever party name I bear on the one hand or independent of all parties if need lie, on the other side, und the whole people shall always have the first claim (on my service and. affection rather than A fragment of them named a political party. "There are many indications that the present is the time for an indc pendent political campaign of educa tion in Ohio. On June 10 the repub lican convention met in Columbus and named a ticket. On the same day u convention of workiiigincn. representing an parts ot Ulno, was held in Columbus. These working mim formulated a platform, setting lonn me renci tney nope lor aud demand through political action, Kvery demand of their platform is strictly 111 tne line of progress und 110 candidate for office who does not believe in the principles therein set forth should lay any claim to the nles of the workiiigincn of Ohio. the republican convention ignored the demands of the convention of woikinginen, ignored even their pre.-: enee in the city. "Not long after the democratic state committee met to arrange the day of the state convention and its action wus worse, if possile, than that of the republicans, liealiing that mere was a strong sentiment in t In state for independent political iiction they Sit the dnte for the convention so late thut it would be impossible to get an independent ticket into the held after the democratic convention. In view of this situation 1 an nounce that for the purpose of test ing the quality and extent .of the sentiment for fan independent can didate, I invite those who feel that such u move should be made to write to me for blank petitions of correct legal form upoji, which to secure sig natures, petitioning the secretary of suite 10 piuce tne nume upon the ticket. By careful study of the re sponses to this letter we shall be ulile to decide whether the sen- iment is sutticiently pronounced 10 warrant so strong an un dertaking. If the decision shall b affirmative, I will enter upon th duties of the campaign in the inter ests of a larger humanity, wholly in different to the consequences to me personally. ENDED ITS LABORS. The International Peace Conference Adjourn.. The Hague, July 31. The interna tional peace conference met for it- filial sitting Suturduy, when it wus nnoiinced that 10 states had signed the arbitration convention, 15 the other two conventions, 17 the declar ation prohibiting the throwing ol projectiles or explosives from bal loons, 10 the declaration prohibiting the use of nsyphyxiuting gases, und la tne declaration prohibiting the usi of expansive bullets. Baron De Staal delivered the fare well ndress, thanking the representa tives of foreign stutes. He said the work acomplished, while not so com plete as might be desired, was sin cere, wise and practical. The great principles of the sovif cignty of indi vidual states and international soli darity apparently so opposing, had been reconciled by what they had ac complished. He ullirmed that in time to come institutions which hud theii origin in the need of concord would be the dominating influence and thai thus the work of the conference was truly meritorious Minister Fstoiirnells and Mr. Beau fort followed, the latter saying thut if the conference had not realized Utopian dreams, nevertheless it had disapproved pessimistic forebodings, and the moral effect would more nnd more inllueiiee public opinion and uiri governments to solve the question ol the limitation of urmuments of u' count l ies. Baron De Staal then declared the conference closed. Tux (;oea Down, Detroit, July 31. A Free Press spe cial from Harbor Bench, Mich., says The tug Grace A. Ilucllc, of Detroit foundered in the henvy sea while crossing Saginaw buy Saturday night, ('apt. Jule Leniiiy, of Detroit, and Kngineer Fred Sayre were the only ones on her, nnd took to a raft when the tug went down. After drifting for 12 hours Cnpt. Lemay endeavored to swim to the shore. He had gi, but a little way when lie sank ami ilrownod. Knginecr Sayre stuck to the raft and was picked up un hour Inter. Want Shorter Hour.. New York. July 31. The brother hood of Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders, District lodge No. 2 of the sen board, yesterday, decided to strike on Tuesday, unless tht shir.. builders grant shorter hours. Presi. dent W. M. Boyle, of the organization, says 1,900 men are affected. The Nebra.kan Return. Snn Francisco, July 31. The trans. port, Hancock, having on board (hs !cbriiskn regiment nnd two hnttcriea of the I'tah artillery, arrived here Sut urduy night. Only one mnn died on tl'a homeward voyage. Actions of the Just C. '11 C L t The frtgrtnet of life is vigor and strength, neither of which cn be found in a person ohost blood is impure, and whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood s Mrsapanlla purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. IWIlai(IMMtttllltlIMtllltl(liatlliaIMlMiaiMliaii A "HOT" COLD BANQUET. fome Inalde Information by a Walter from the Bowel r Who Helped Serve It. One of the waiter! at a popular local res taurant is a uira 01 passage irom tne Bow ery ana was a meniuer 01 the small army inai served tne lumous uollar Limner in New York last April. A good many stonei hae been told of that memorable event, but none of tliem surpats bis own in point 01 picmresqueness ana insiae detail. was tne tunnicst pusli 1 was ever in in me me, he says, confidentially. ' ihe kitchen was so small they had to cook everything on tne ouisaie, ana when it got there it wai dead cold. The second course was haddock, and each rish come served in a linen baa. so we could put 'em in tubs of hot water and warm 'em up see? Well, some of the boys got rattled and served era baus all, with esit sauce over th' outside. Snv. you'd of died laughing seeing them fellers iryin to curve tueir hsh. llus is the tougli est auld haddock I iver tackled in me life. .J1VH on Tnnmnnv mnn nt t),o t,nwl tal.la 'io ... a l;l.- -1.; : 1 ' Ku. n aiviu line a 1 II I1IUIC1 Its, Bit 8 lie in me Kiuiien mere was a riot all nign long. It was SO small the waili-i-s rniiMn': reach the dishers-up and they got to scrap ping for front places in the line. One man was knocked stiff with a turkey, and when taev Dicked him un I thnntrht III. Was HnnH I did, on the level. But it wasn't blood. It was only cranberry sauce. Another flunkey fell into the salad and one of the cooks put luii 01 ice cream in tne oven, thinking it d urunn gravy ior lie tieet. mat s on tne square lust as l is te in' vnn Hut Un worn of all wa; when we came to the wine It was 'Merican champagne in half pints, Kiiuuiu it-e, ana 01 an tne KicKing and hol only thinz lie had had that niirhi tli.ii iciiiik- une in1 i ucni to n me it was t n gnoa ana warm, ana lie had hardly said it iicu a waiter mat was a little jagged ac cidentally Doured about, a nnart nt Knll.n coffee down the back of his neck. Snv vnn ought of heard him curb! Between you and me. a good many waiters got to hitting ti: wine, anu tney rouna one ot em with 15 empty Dottles in his pants leg. That s hon est. I saw it myself. It was the hottest ban quet l was ever at. N. 0. Times-Demo crat. Learning American Way.. One of the most gratifying things In the reformation of I'orto I!ico is the quickness witlt which the natives have caught the American spirit of clennli ness. Not only are many of them i ti ti tilting the examples placed before them or following directions of the authorities, but they are quick in re porting delinquencies in their neigh bois. Apparently a. feeling has got abroad that it is quite the proper thing to maintain persona! nnd do mestic cleanliness. Commenting on this a recent correspondent of a P.os- ton medical papers savs that the sci entitle sanitation of the island is not likely to be a. dillicult task. The death rate there, even at its worst, is much lower than In Cuba, nnd, with the happy tendency of the people to adopt the new order of things, there is no reason to believe that this rate will not speedily be reduced. The corres pondent calls attention to the willing ness with winch the natives have tak en to vaccination. The vaccine farm, which wns established at Coumo Springs some time ago, contains 4.VJ hend of cattle, nnd produces 1G.OO0 points a day. .Nearly all the animals used were loaned to the stntion with out charge by the Porto liico farmers, Iroy limes. The Kldnnptna Trn.t, "What have vou done with the rhlM'" ssueu thecaict kidnaper. "Just hosed his ears," replied, the eighth .r-!-iMani accomplice. "(iood!" exclaimfrl tin. eliipf "Vnn- A, dress the box to that yellow journal, 'and wrue i ue editor mat we win inrnntii pyi- n. iive clews to the whereabouts of the re- manna r of the child for $10,01X1, less two per cent, tor spot cash." Standard and Catholic limes. Locating the Trouble. Dear me. the cireua inn't u-lmt. it utnA to ne. Now. John, ston: the rirrtla is nil rml.t it is you that has rhangrd. You know voii couion t ciimii a pole, turn a double somer sault or skin the cat to save your life." De troit rree l ress. Johson "Liiditniiio- never strikes twice in tne same piaie. niidad How do you know?" Jobsnn "I'm a lightning calcu lator. iovn lopics. The cheaner the man tke toiurlier the tnrv ue win ten or neneve. Atcuison Globe. When & river ha. a run nn il Vinntr t noais a lot ot stock.!,. A. W. liulli-tin. An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant met'sod and b..n,.fi,.ii effects of the well known remedy. Srnui' op Flos, munufucturnd b W California Fio Svuup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be mcdicinully laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tar.te and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho svstem ctTeetunllv. dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitiuil constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable ounlitv nnd suh. stance, and its acting on tlie kidneys, liver anil bowels, without weakening or irritating thum, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fio-s are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qufiliticsof the remedy are obtained from senim nnd other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Symtp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company ymiii-uuu ineiroiiioi every packuge. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. liOUTBVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. H. T. For sale by all Druggists. iTice SOe. per bottle. cunts whtHt au tut uiis; loug-h Djrap. Tutos Quod. Lfl Bert Cough tijmp. f uttw Quod, Cm in iimA Knirt m dpue un 44 wVuua Mm 1111 I Wellington Secret Orders. TRIBE OF BEN-HTJR. MELCHOIl COUKT, No. 3B, T. B. meets every second Monday evening of eacn month In Urnnd Army ball. Vis iting members made welcome. A. O. Wall, Chief, B. Vanator, Scribe. SRAND ARMY OF THE KEl'UBLIC HAMLIX l'OST, No. S10. G. A. It, meets every second and fourth Wed nesday evenings of each month at nirand Army hall. Visiting comrades are welcome. A. W. Origgs, Ciminnuder, C. Sage, Adjutant. WOODMBX OF THE WOULD, WOODBINE CAMP, No. 60, meets each second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at (irand Army bull. . Visiting sovereigns welcome. HOWARD IIOLLEA'BACH, Camp Com munuer. Claude li. Lebeck, Clerk. OltmCIt OF CHOSEN FRIENDS. LODGE No. 68, meets first and third Fridays of e.nh month At Rnvnl Atva. num 'hall. Visiting Chosen Friends welcome. F. H. Phelps, Councillor, Mrs. L. A. Willurd, socretry. ROYAL ARCANUM. LODGE No. 503 -meets every secand and fourth Mondays of each month at Iioyal Arcanum hull. Visiting mem bers welcome. E. W. Adams, Regent. R. N. Goodwin, Sec'y. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Lorain Lodge, No. 281, meets every Tuesday night at Odd Fellows' HalL visiting members weluome. J. O. Lang, Noble Grand. R. T. Spicer, Recording Secretary. WELLINGTON ENCAMPMENT, I. 0, 0. F No. 247. Meets on second and fourth Thurs days of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall, Visiting members welcome. John Pcmher, Chief Patriarch. A. II. Peirce, Scribe. KNIGHTS OF TUB MACCAUEES, Wellington Tent, No. 105, meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at Muccubee Hull. Visiting Knights welcome J. H. Yocum, Commander, W. W. Ilclman, Record Keeper. MASONIC. WELLINGTON LODGE, No. 127, F. & K. M., meets Tuesday night on or be fore eacli full moon and two weeks thereafter. Weo. W. Metzger, W. M. F. G. Yale, Secretary. - 'WELLINGTON CHAPTER, No. 109, R. A. M., meets on Tuesday night fol lowing each full moon. E. R. btannard, High Priest. F. G. Yale, Secretary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Wellington Lodge, No. 440, K. of P., meets every Friday night at K. of P. Hall. Visiting Kuights welcome. H. T. liurdick, Chancellor Com. R. T. Spicer, Keeper of Records and Seals. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Wellington Hive, No. 89, meets on the first and tla'rd Friday nights of each month at Maccabee Hall. Visit ing lady Maccabees welcome. Mrs. Alice locum, Commander. Mrs. Emma Coates, Record Keeper. W. R. C. Hamlin Relief Corps, No. 28, meets on the first and third Tuesday nights of each month at Grand Army Hall, Visitors welcome. Mrs. II. A. Knnpp, President, Mrs. Ada Kerns, Secretary. REBEKAHS. Llllywood Lodge, No. 2S2, meets on the first and third Wednesday nights of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting Rebckahs welcome. Mrs. Bessie Wight, N. G. Mrs. Frances Williums, Rcc. Sec'y. Have you heard that there Is s well-ttiril and sc.ieniiiic treatment ior tne ours ol all chronic diseases bj the Inhalation of Compound Oxygen? Its wonderful effect upon ASTHMA, COHSDMPTIOH, EDRALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY have been betted ten alter jesrs of surferlnit and dla s.ipolntment. To all those who have tried dif ferent remedies without success and have become discouraged,, H our Compound Oiyuen Treatment comes, brtuKlnx hope and encouragement- It has restored man chroule sufferers. a Why not you? Write for book at once, free. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN llI2;irMrdH.M PHILADELPHIA. PA. C&L rf.r.rt , .vrrj , tan, yrt.jil. A LOCAL and CLIMATIC DIEASE CATARRH Xuthluir but a local remedy or chanfce ol climate will cure It. (let a well known speeiuii, Ely's Cream Balm ItiaqulcklvAbsorbed Hives Belief at once, Upens and cleanse aiiho ii.iuim.ii n. Pni nibUrtn Heals and iirolrctsWWLLI 'l flLMLI Ihe Memiirane. ltesinres the Senses of Tasta and Smell, No Cocaine, No Mercury, Nn Injur. Inns druii. Price 6110. at druggists or by null mm mte niv. uy (HSH. LX lmOTIlKBS. 61 ffarreu bt New York- I HIGH-GRADE HAWTHORNE 022.50 NET. iPKClriCATinWA. Vrna-tUwthnrt. sT...fc. i M inch (diamond ihaiw). CbaU-3-16 Inch beil lurdrnsd centera and rlveti (Indlanapuli B brat fi qunuji, m tw center ana unifa iacn. r riMC i titular 84-Inch, option ttorMlnche. Finish -Dark ! myrtle frrocn, neatly hand Btrii-sd. tiear Regular W, option 78, 10 tooth rear and M front iiprocheu I art uaed on 7 (rear, 10 and It on 7a, Handle Dare AajuDi. rtMiaia-unamimrt, rat trap. Had. ' 4le-Ullliaiii,paildedt4p. pkea Tangent, Escal i lor Needle Co'l bent No. L affront. M rear. T- I IVInch Monran A Wright double tube. Tool Haff j I -Containing wrrnrh, oiler, repair outfit and 'pan ner. Trtja.ti-4H.lnrh. Tnblnav-Bheluyrnlddrawn eam1e. Wheel llaae-UTnrhea. Wkaele-ll vuw fsii vauuyt) w jwuuuii 15000 Sold in 1G98 It's as good as nnyTrlieel made. All modem ! Improvements. Guaranteed (or one year. II i not found as represented, return at our ex- i prune both ways, and you can have your I ' money back on demand ! ASK US TO SEND VOU OUR FBEE BICYCLE CATALOG Bend 18 cents (or our l.wio pace catalogue, t It lists everything used by mankind. f MONTGOMERY WARD CO., CHICAGO. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY VrJ Made a Well Mar Trie tyr of Me. ORIIAT niaiiisron nHMUT3T" produce! th. aboTe results la no daya II' in powerfully and quickly. Cores when all omen tal I. Toting men will regain their lost vljor. anf ld men will recover their youthful power by Mint. REVIVO. It qulakly and surely eures Son. Jusneu, Lost Vltalltr. ImtKiuinov. Lout Pnw.r lrii. rag Memory, Waiting Ulicaaei, and all effect, at sicessand Indiscretions, which unfits one for study, builness or marriage. It notonly eures by startlng at the seat of disease, hut Is a great aerre (oat aad blod bander, bringing back the plak slaiav la pale eheeka and restoring the flra afyouta.. It wards off Insanity and Consnmptlon. Insist or having HEVIVU, no other. It can be carried la jest pocket. Br mall ai.OO per paekaee.or l ror aii.no. with a positive wrlttea tnaraa tee te cure or refund the money. tVlrcalav and aay.tclea. advlee free. Address Royal Medicine. Co., I'SSHr For Sale In Wellington, O., by NEAR I WEILS, DRUGGISTS. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tf artlflnfnlli. Alrtnnre, tU nnA e.J.ij. PtTat.lira In ctronirtVinnlnry nnA strutting the exhausted digestive or- trnna It. ia lha Intact Umt,y junni ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,. riiiiupcuuj, ouur Dwiinucii, nausea, BIckHeadache.Gastralgla.Cramps.anoi fill nth or racii Ita nt lmnni.fnn A .'n4.in Drnnr&ei his P f naiuii-fr a -,. l i J.W. HOUGHTON, Druggist CLEVELAND BUFFALO While you Sleep."" UNPARALLELED NIGHT 8SRVICE. NEW STEAMERS' ClTV Of BUFFALO" - IKS ClTV ni Fair both together being wtthout donbt, In all: respects, the fluest and fastest that are run. In the Interest of the traveling publlo la. the United States. TIME CARD, Daily including Sunday. UireClevcUadSP.M. Arrive Buffalo 6 A.M.. - UMlalo 8 "Cleveland - , CENTRAL STANDARD TIMS ......... .imoo mv ouuniu wim STBins- Tor all Eastern and Canadian points. Ask flcket BKent for tickets via O. A B. Line- . "".roenis ior illustrated pamphlet. W. F. MERMAN, , fiSMUUL, PAISSNMft AstWT, CLEVELAND, SV SEND US ONE DOLLAR -end yorj tli la biff mlfc. ft lH0t ullfri fclh-frr4 HUlkRVOlIt COAL AXU WUVIV CUOK HIOVK, by flhtU.O.lJTiubJrt toiml(tloa. four freight icpof auia 11 founti perfect- mi iliac wry $13.00 ""W. leHthe1.00w f WTtlTF FOB OITO BIO FREK wiitwithorH 9T0VC CATALOGUst. der or 112.00 ml frelirtit chanrei.. Thti itove ! iwN.l,OTaiiit IHt 18x11, UipUiMtti nudi from bent pig Iron, x(r larK 11 uen, heavy covert, hvy HnlnKl and Uratet, itkw oven nitvii , wit; iin-iuieu uvnn u"ur, iikuu Ickel nlaUtl ornamentattoini and trlnunlnini. extra. larRe (Imp, frtmulne rtiualltb ptattlla llacd rwir, hand (umu lartf nt merited Imw. t m bmrmtr and' we film I nil fRKH an eitra wood irrt muklntf H a (rt't w4 svuraor. HR IttHI I A ISlHliLAKASTHlt wtth (ery ttovo and KiiarantM iafo dllTry to your rail roadntatlon. Your )cal UeHaf would chrtf yn ti!M tor ini-h a ttuir, th frl(rht In only about 11.00 for anh boo mlliB, fj at but lO.Oti. AiliirrH. EARS, ROEBUCK A CO.UNuJUtilUAulJ.llL. 0mn, Bubtia aU. an laWvafhU wllihlf. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ; ' ..s Tbadb Marks A nrona wndtni a ikirh anil rtMirrintinn v iBiui7 aui-Duiii tiuc vi'iiiKui i rev wneiner ma. InTentlon IR probably itnlentahla Communlra, tloniHtrictlyooiiUdentlal. IIani1look on Patent font free. Oldeat atrenry foraerurlns patents. Patents taken through lunn A Co. rcalT tffclalnotUtt without clinrna, tatb Scientific Jfnscricart. A haadsomelf llhtMrated weeklf. Tjimst etrv eulatkon nf any srlentine Journal. Terms. tU a fear i four months, 1L Bold h all newsdealers. MUNN & Co 36Br.iw,y. New Yorlc Branch (J nice. (126 F Bt, rVashlngloa, D. C. a, SiR .T?SS.'r.T(!nt or improve j also ret rHOIECTION. Bend model, aketch,orphoto. for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PiTEITS - "a aaiaa a w aw wwi alCUh "urc.A.stiow&co. rmvau Lawyer. WASHINGTON, D.C l I nil y ?Jl K.WfiIr H La 1 Bit. bar. ff i T AtiXTsMsr BPM'Ult mil L - i 1 HI i Y t