Newspaper Page Text
TOWNSHIP COLLECTED II V TI1K KNTKItriUSKS CORPS or COKUK.SI'OK'DKNTS. Becent Happening ami Speolal Events In Wellington'! Immediate Vicinity, nf Iutoraat to Everyoue Our Crroapncl uU Spare No Palus to Uleuu the News. WHITEFOX- Mrs. Willinin Phillips who has been Bick for the past week is somewhat improved. Gusta Beebe was in Cleveland a part of last week to attend the niet'B. Mrs.. Lillian Johnson went to Woos ter to stay with her husband over Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McDonald are spending the week at Lakeside. Charles Murray, of Rochester visit ed in Whitefox Sunday. Among those who attended the Wild West show in Cleveland were Clarence Vincent, David Myers, Smyth Fletch er.and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Andrews. Mrs. George Brumby is consider ably improved. Will Konk, of Norwalk, culled on relatives here Wednesday. George Beebe went to Cleveland on a business trip Monday. There will be a business meeting next Sunday evening to re-organize the Epworth League of this place. John McDonald and family visited in Florence Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society will serve ice-jream at the home of the president, Mrs. Dwight Robinson, next Thursday evening. There will also be a gipsy camp where you cun have your future told. "Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we used One Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at once and cured her in a few days." B L. Nance, Principal High School, BlulT- dale, Texas. J. W. Houghton. BRIGHTON. The feBtive potato liu-i is out in great force, the cures are numerous, but he gets his work in just the same. A large number of our goung people went to Linwood park lust Wednes day. J.O.Lang and. family, of Pen field spent Saturday night at C. E. Fox's. Will Burrows and family, of Clurks field spent Sunday with J. T. Burrows Miss Iva Wynn, of New Washington, is visiting at Uev. T. L. McCoiinell's. Tom Kenney is visiting in Oberlin James Lewise has moved in with 1). B. Hartman. J. E. Yocum, Normam and Charlie Everson went to Lorain Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yost, of Pitts- field, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc Coy Sunday. Mr. and Mr. W. W. Hinei, of .Teller sonville, 0. are visiting at C. E. Fox's for a few days. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep sia because its ingredients are sucl that it. ean't tipln doinff 80. "The nub lin nan relv tinon it as a master remedy for all disorders arising from an imper fect digestion." James M. Thomas. M. D., in American Journal of Health N. Y. J. W. Houghton. SULLIVAN. Died, July 10, 1899, Mr. John Baker, aged 80 years. Mr. John Baker has been a resident of Sullivan for 47 years, He was born in Witcher, Norfolk, Eng December 5, 1819, the same day Queen Victoria was born. He left England and came to America when 3(1 years of age. He became homesick, after re maining here 10 months and returned to England. After remaining there three months he caught the gold fsver and embarked for Australia, where he remained 9 years, when he again set sail for England. His trip occupied 103 days on his return home. After a short visit to the home of his youth he started fur America, whither his par ents, brothers and sisters had journey ed during his stay in Australia. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Ann Mayes, who has the sympathy of a host of friends in her bereavement. Mrs. Olive Hubler returned to Sul livan lust Monday, from Spokane Kails SAVED BY A POSTAL CAKD. Thousands who have written for one of the free trial bodies of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy have lit erally hud their lives saved by a postal card. They got the trial bollle, and it proved to them that Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy was the only real cure for diseases "of the Kidneys, Liver.Bladderand Blood. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation. They bought a larye sized bottle of their drug ists and it henelited or cured them (Hit above is rrni an idle ulale melt. hut tilt remit of eiirrUd iuntiijaliim). You can do the same thing. If you are in doubt as to whether yiu have trouble with your Kidneys or Bladder, put some of your urine in a glass tum bler and let it stand 'M hours ; if it haH a sediment, or a milky, cloudy appear ance, if it is ropy or stringy, pale ordis colorcd, yon should lose no time in taking Dr. David Kennedy') Favorite Remedy; it can be had of all dru-.-gists at f 1.00 a large bottle, or six bottles for t-r).0O. It is without question the surest medicine of the age to put a stop to such dangerous symptoms as pain in thti back, a frequent desire to urinate especially at night, scalding burning pain in pawing water, inability to hold urine ami all the unpleasant and dan gerous clfectH produced on tlu? system by the use of whiskey and beer. Send von r full name and address to I he DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORA. TT0N. Uondout, N. Y., and be unto to mention this t uper when a trial bottle, With pamphlet of valuable medical advice, will be mailed to you absolute ly free. The publishers of this paper giia'nntee the genuineness of-tuia Ubtuii olfec W. H. TISSOT & CO. Wash., where she has been visiting her j children for nearly a year. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Whitcomb, of Washington, D. C. returned to their home last Monday. This worthy cou ple have the honor of being early school teachers of Sullivan. During their visit to Mrs. Ilattie M. Park they saw quite a number of their old schol ars, who were delighted to meet their old teachers. They made very pleas ant visit of two weeks duration in Sul livan. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris ian church met with Mrs. Johnathan Keener, of Nova. Hud an unsually large attendance. The C. K. society of the Christian church give an ice cream social at Mrs Sal re Kosht's, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Olive Hubler and Mrs. Melvina Ciark started for Indiana last week to visit their sister. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di gests food without aid from the stom ach, and at the same time heuls and restores the diseased digestive organs. It is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to permanenlly cure dyspepsia. J. W. Houghton. HUNTINGTON. Nettie RubscII has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Shunk in Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dirlam, of New London visited his brothers, Theodore and Walter Dirlam and families last week. Miss Meribah Bartlett, of Penfield visited her father and family, Mr. John Bartlett a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Meachum, of Elyria, are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Henry Franks and her neice, Alice Gannett, of Spencer visited T. D. Phelon's family last Thursday. John Burtlett entertained a few friends Friday evening. Mr. Fay Boice of Penfield was present. Misses Ilattie and Maltie Hull and Mr. Dick Boone were in Klyria over Sunday. Mr. Homer Holland and Miss Tessie Smith were in Ashland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hicks have gone to Columbus for a time. Fannie Goodrich is visiting her un cle, Alonzo Rush and family. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Sutliff. uf Well ington visited her son, Charles Rug and family, one day last week. Tesitie Smith is on the sick list. Misses Lena Dirlam and Ruth Has kins lire visiting Arthur Eglin's fum ily in Berea. Mrs. Luke Chapman and Cora Cole are visiting in Norwalk. Rev. Wuggoner and Mr. Haines, of Wellington were in town Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dirlam, Mr and Mrs. Bradsley, of Munsfield spent Sunday with J. Y. Phelon's family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wheeler, of Litchfield spent Saturday night with Peter Finkle's family. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer coughs and colds. "I consider it a most wonderful medicine quick and safe." W. W. .Morton, Mayhew, Wis. J. W. Hough ton. BAKER'S CROSSING. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wheeler moved to their new home in Litchfield Thurs day. Mr. Wheeler has a position as section boss on the Northern Ohio Railway. MissMida Rowland visited her sis ter in Nova Wednesday. Ray Baker has secured a position in Akron and commenced work there Thursday. Misses Edna and Netta Boice were visiting their school-mates in Homer ville last week. Miss Rosa Loomis is helping to care for the sick at M. It. Sage's. Mrs. M. Wheeler accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Tina Dirlam and children spent several days in Litch field last w eek. Miss Leila Baker was in Greenwich last week she returned home Thurs day. Mr. E. Knappand family, of Sullivan visited E. B. Fisher and wife recently. II. O. Beckley made a business trip to Klyria Saturday. Mrs. Josie Dobinson has a fine new wheel. A. O. Boice and wife entertained friend from Homer Sunday. D. W. Cole and son were in Orange Sunday. , Mrs. Altha Shepard and children, of Wellington are visiting at her father's A. Laborie. Mrs. Hannah Laborie, of Cleveland is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Burnett. Mr. and Lrs. Milton Phelps and Miss Josie Phelps were at C. II. Burnett's Sunday and were calling on their old friends before going to their new home in Sing Sing, X, Y. PENFIELD. J. II. Damon spent a couple of days in Cleveland last week. Here is one of those who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destrojrer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. The neighbors and friends of John McElroy and family gathered at bis home on Tuesday last week, and spent the day in a harmonious manner. The refreshment tables were set out doors and forty-two adults partook of the good things set before them. All en joyed themselves hugely, and only wait occasion to repeat it. Frank Smith and wife returned last week from a family reunion in Penn sylvania. Mrs. Lacy, from Philadelphia, Pa., is visiting her son, Thomas Lacy, and en joying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hart at one and the same time. Tom has not seen his mother for years and we congratulate him on the pleas ure he now enjoys; a mother is a mother the world over and once lost can never be replaced. A couple of ladies, names unknown, are visiting at W. Denslow's. Harry Shaw, from Michigan, is visit ing friends in Penfield, which was his home in years gone by. His cousin, Miss Pierce, from Lorain, is also visit ing relatives in our village. The lawn fete in the grounds of the M. E. parsonage was largely attended. We have not yet learned the amount of the shekels poured into the coffers, but hope it was a goodly sum. Jay Palmer and Jay Jackson have been visiting college friends through the central purt of the state. PITTSFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biggs, of La Grange, attended church in Pittsfield Sunday. Messrs. Ernest Blackwell and Char les Blackmer, of LaGrange, spent Sun day in town. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Benedict and daughter and Misses Bessie and Mabel Benedict visited at Mr. James Bald win's one day lust week. Mrs. J. S. Jordan and two sons visit ed at C. F. Avery's last Friday. While Rev. Baker and wife and chil dren were visiting at Mr. Charles Uowel's last Friday, their son, Muriel, fell and broke his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Foster1, of Virginia, visited nt Mr. E. Bement's last week. Mrs. Mark Wilson, of Chicago, who has been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson's will return home this week. The fourth quarterly conference of the M. E. Church of this charge will be held at Kipton Saturday und Sunday, August 12 und 13. L. J. Avery spent Thursday in Cleve land. A very successful series of meetings conducted by Rev. Arthur T. Reed closed Sunday evening. The thank olTering taken amounted to .$25.00. ROCHESTER. Mr. H. B. Mitchell and sister, Mrs. McLeon, of Charlotte, Mich., were called to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Mitchell, who is very sick. Mrs. Flora Sheets was called to Cleveland, last week to see her sister, Mrs. Jenny Horton, who is very ill. Mrs. D. T. Lowry. of Cleveland, 0., came out Sunday morning to see her grandmother, Mrs. Mitchell, who is dangerously ill. Mrs. Clemmons at the present writ ing is reported very sick. Mr. Conrud Wheeler, of Nebraska, is visiting relatives and friends of this place. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist Church will meet with Mrs. C. Humphrey, Thursday, August 10. Cordial invitation extended to all. Born, to Mr. and .Mrs. George Phil lips, a daughter. Dr. Dignan's father and mother, of North Fairfield, O., spent two days with the doctor last week. Mr. W. M. Crandall has greatly im proved his residence with a new porch and coat of paint. The Harmonial Society of the M. E Church meet with Mrs. N. A. Knapp Friday, August 4. All are cordially invited. Misses Julia Coats, ellie Murray, Nora Storrow, and Estella Beardsley attended the Sunday-school picnic at Linwood grove last week. Miss Courtly Darnell, of Texas, is the guest of Mrs. Ella Noble. Rev. Lash and Miss Martha Mason, Mr. Lewis Mason and Miss Jennie Sheets attended the picnic at Linwood given last week. Mrs. W. K. Crandall, of Brownhelm, 0., attended the surprise party at Mr. Win. Phelps' Friday evening. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. M a; 1m in 882531 colds 1 are noted for haneine on. w They weaken vour throat HI la and lungs, and lead to serious trouble. Don't trifle with them. Take Scott's Emulsion at once. It soothes, heals, and cures. 50c. and SI. A!) druevlsla. AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE FASHION MAOAZIN? THE DESIGNER - Published monthly WITH HANDSOMB COLORED PLATES. ALSO ILLUSTRATES THE CELEBRATED Standard Patterns The only reliable patterns, because they allow seams. Subscription Price: $1.00 a year. 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal cash commission. Write for sample copy and terms to Subscrip tion Department, THE DESIGNER, 3a West 14th St., New York City. Perri Walla, A blend of the choic est growth of Ceylon and India Teaa. j Give it a Trial. Also a fine selection of Japans, Oolong, English Breakfast, Gunpowder, J and Young Hyson of the J finest growth. T. F. Rodhouse & Son. W. M. I'helps and daughter, Josie, met at their home last Friday evening and gave them a genuine surprise, about 200 guests being present. The evening was delightfully spent in social conver sation after which they were presented with many useful and elegant presents. The ladies of the L. 0. T. M. presented Miss Josie with a very elegant pin in token of their love and esteem. Miss Josie will be sadlx,niissed in the church and lodge where she was a faithful and devoted member. Mr. I'helps and family will depart soon for Sing Sing, N. Y., where they will make their future home. They leave hosts of friends behind. There Ik No ? About It. No question indeed with those who have used it, but that Foley's Kidney Cure is absolutely reliable for all kid ney and bladder diseases. W. II. Tis ot & Co. WEST CLARKSFIELD. Alias May Fuller and son, of Lorain, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson, this week. Mr. Mitchell Shays died at his home in New London, July 29. The funeral was held Monday at the home of his son, George Shays, in Clarksfield. Mrs Laura Kress has returned from her visit in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. J, S. Spurrier has been visiting in Norwalk. Mr. and Mrs. Moe, of Berlin, O., were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Davis one day last week. Hon. S. S. Warner was in town last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Shays are mourning the loss of their little daugh ter, Irene, who died last Wednesday. The funeral as held at their home, Fri day, July 28. INTERNAL PILE CURE. Dr. Ilnggin's Pile Cure. Pleasant lit ile tablets. Eaten like candy. Positive ly cure piles nnd all rectal disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. 25c. PLEASANT STREET. Master Joe Twining, of Kipton, vis ited his cousin, Mrs. B. J. Backus, Fri day night and Saturday. Master Claude Wheeler spent a part of laBt week with Herbert French in Wakemnn. Aleck Johnson was in LaGrange last week interviewing the oil men who have charge of that field. He says they have so much drilling on hand that they can not move into this field Steve Cowie and J. Hall went gun ning for squirrel last Friday. Six fox squirrels were the result. I). It. Uiiy and family visited Charles Delamater's in Wakeman, Sunday. Fred Gillett rode into Cleveland on his wheel on last Monday morning to see Buffalo Bill. Steve Cowie and W. C. Day were in Cleveland the same day Mr. Wm. Gillett aid daughter. Julia of Wellington, called on his brother, E. D. Gillett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Edwards were in lied Haw, Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Meaker. Miss Emma Branch, of Clarksfield, is stopping at Elmer Morris's. Mr. George llanvood and family, of Clarksfield, visited his daughter, Ag gie, Sunday. Ezekiel Jones, of Kipton, called on Jason Gillett, Sunday evening. Create Apples ia France. There are apple growers at Mont reuil, France, who furnish fruit bear ing family crests. The apples are grown in paper bags. When the ap ples are about as large as hickory nuts the bags are slipped over them in or der to protect them from the sun. When they are nearly ripe, new bags are adjusted, with the crest cut out like a stencil on one side of the bug. The sun thpn colors the apple, leaving a green creBt on a red apple or a red design on a green surface. N. Y. Iler-ald. "Hot Men-of-War. The hottest ship in the licet around Cuba was said to be the St. Paul not her upper works, but down in the hold. Uut she was not a markerto the Cincin nati, iu whose hold temperatures as high as 205 degreeB were registered. I In one of the nrerooms was located a forced draft blower to which it was impossible to give proper attention on account of the intense heat. When C'apt. Chester went below to Investigate he had his fuue scorched. Water boils at 212 degrees. N. Y. Press. Ke Pin Ultra. In Boston, Mass., people were felici tating a young person upon her ap proaching marriage "He's a fine catch!" they excluimed, in delicate compliment of her future husband. "Oh, a veritable cod!" she replied, with considerable enthusiasm, and then they blushed deeply to think how very boastful that must sound. Detroit Journal. A Training: Table. "Mrs. Ilushem," said the star board er, "I have a friend who wants to board with you." '1 cun accommodate him, Mr. Smart," said the lady, delightedly. "I suppose you recommended our tuble?" "les; that s what impressed him most. You see, he's a pugilist, and he wants to increase the length of his reach." Catholic Standard and Times. I'nacconn table. Emma Charley asked me to marry him last evening, und I had to rcfuHe him, the dear fellow. Ella How did it happen? "Of course 1 like Charley, but as to marrying him " 'I mean how did it happen that he asked you?" Boston Transcript. Ills Opinion. "What is your idea of a silent part ner?" was asked of a business oracle on the board of trade. "He's the fellow that puts his money into a firm nnd keeps his mouth shut while It is being spent." Detroit Free Press. STRANG E, BUT TRUE. It mny seem strange, but it is a fact that we can send you the Farm Jour nal for the balance of S!I9 and all of HMO, 1001, 1902 nnd 1903. nearly five vears if yoirwill pay for the Enter prise one year ahead both papers for just the price of ours. Whether yon can reap the advantages of this surprising oiler depends on how soon vou come forward with the cash. DR. IIUCKilN'S DIARRHOEA CURE. Cures diarrhoea, dysentery(flux) and all loose, bloody or mucous conditions of the bowels. Warranted to please or monev refunded. 25c. DR. HUGC.IN'S BLADDER AND KID NEY CURE. Cures weak back, diabetes, dropsy, Blight's disease, gravel, painful urina tion, and all kidney and urinary dis orders. 25c. Warranted to please. DR. nUCCIX'S COLIC CURE. Sure relief for summer colics, also teething colics, distress, pevishness, crying, diarrhoea and fevers of babies nnd children. Pleasant, harmless. 25c. Ilt. HUGCIX'S HAY FEVER CURE. Cures hay fever, acute catarrh of head, nose, throat or eyes, excessive sneezig, etc. Warranted to please or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGGIX'S TOBACCO CURE. Pleasant and positively warranted cure for the tobacco habit. 25c. Com pletely corrects the craving, relieves the nervous strain of quitting without an antidote. DR. HUGCIX'S LAXATIVE LIVER TABLETS. A mild .pleasant and effective remedy for constipation and bilious headache, loss of appetite and all liver and digest ive disorders. Warranted to please. 25c. DR. HUCOIN'S CATARim CURE Cures catarrh of the head, throat, bron chi, lungs or stomach nnd purities the blood. Positive cure. Warranted to please or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGGIX'S DISI'EI'SIA CURE. Cures dispepsia, sour stomach, gns trnlgia, Indigestion, and all digestive disorders. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25c. DR. IIUGGIX'S HEART CURE. A most reliable remedy for palpita tion, heart weakness, Irregular action, heart pains nnd all heart disorders. Warranted to please or money refund ed. 25c. W. H. TISSOT & CO., Wellington, 0. AGENTS WAXTED For "The Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's greatest naval here. By Muriit Ilalstead, the life-long friend and admirer of the nntion's idol. Big gest and best book; over 500 pages, 8x 10 inches; nearly 100 pages halftone illustrations. Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd floor Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Iliicklen'i Arnica Salvo. The boat naive in the world for C.wXs, Hniistrs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lihouin, Fe ver Sores, Terfter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Krupbions, and positively cures Piles, or no pny required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded, l'rice 35 cento per box. For Bale by. Near & Well. ' Tho Kiml Ton Have Always in use for over 30 years, and Ty y. sonnl supervision since its infancy. t-CCCCUli Allow no one to deceive von In tills. . All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-g;ood" are but Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agalntit Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornift and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUftftAV TBtCT, NKW YORK CtTV. For Insurance that... Insures, apply to II. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. BIG FOUR ROUTE. Friends' Itible Institute, Richmond, Ind., July 21 to August 4. One fare round trip. Special tourist rates to Denver, Col orado Springs, Pueblo and Greenwood Springs, Col., and return, $15.00 and -157.10. National meeting American Associa tion for the Advancement of Set Columbus, O., August 20-!i5, 1809. One fare round trip. Consult agents for further Information. World's liicycle meet, Montreal, Que bec, August 7-1U, lh09. One fare round trip going August 4 nnd 5. Final re turn limit August 15, JS99. United Society of Free Baptist Young People, Hillsdale, Mich., Sepl. fl-l(l, 1S90. One fare round trip go ing Sept, 5 and 0, returning Septem ber 11, 1899. Ohio State Fair and Industrial Expo sition, Columbus, O., Sept. 4-8, 1809. One fare round trip. L. A. W. national meet, Huston, Mass., Aug. 11-10, '09. One fare round trip. Young People's Christian Union of the United Presbyterian Church an nual convention, l'ittsburg, l'a., Aug. 2-7, '90. One fare round trip. I. (). O. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge, Detroit, Mich., Sepl. 18-'J3, '99. One fare rcund trip. Conclave of the Grand Commander; of Ohio Knights Templar, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 11-12, '99. One fare round trip. WARRANTED ASTHMA CURE. Dr. Tluggins' Asthma Cure. Not a relief, but a cure. Positively cures asth na in any climate. Warranted to please, or money refunded. 25c. iy Moimy to Lnsii. Money to loan on real estate, mort gage security. J. T. HASKELL. For Sale. The Halftemier properly on Union street can be purchased very reason able. Inquire of R. N. GOODWIN. For Item. House ami lot in good location on Barker street. Enquire of E. C. Cushion at First National Rnnk. Till-; NEW YORK WOULD, TIIRICK-A-WREK EDITION. I'raetlcally a Daily at the Price of n Weekly. 'The striking nnd important vents of the past year have establishi the overwhelming value of the Thriec-a-Week World to every reader. For an almost uqminal sum it has 'kept its subscribers informed of tho progress of all our wars, and, moreover, has reported them us promptly ns if it were u daily. Willi our Interests Btill extending throughout I it! world, with our troops operating i.i the Philip pines, and the great presidential cam paign, too, nt hand, its value is furth er increased. The motto of the Thriee-a-Wec-k World is improvement. It strives each year to be better than it was the year before, and public confidence In it is shown by the fact that it now circu hites more Ihnn twice as ninny papers every week ns any other newspaper, not a daily, published In America. We oiler this unequalled newspaper and the Wellington Enterprise to gether one year for $1.65. The regular subscription price of the three papers is $4.50. The Wel lington Enterprise, Wellington, 0. 1 1 K m m Bought, ami which has hcen has borno tho signature of has been made under his per- Signature of TIME TABLES. via FOUR. West. 3 Col. Cin. Ind. & St. I..... 8:38 am 35 Daily St. L. Ex 1:08 pra 27 Col. Ex 5:20 pm 37 Daily Col. & Cin. Ex 10:00 pm 51 Local Freight 11:00 ani 25 Wellington Ex. (Sunday only) 9:50 am East. 28 Daily Col. & Cin. Ex 5:06 am 20 Gabon Ex 8:11 am 3(1 Daily Col. Ind & St. L. Ex. 1:0S pm 24 Wellington Ex 5:20 pm 2 Col. Cin. & Ind. Ex. 8:19 pm 52 Local Freight 5:20 pm W. & L. E. West. Train No. 4 Daily 10:20 am Train No. 6 Daily (except Sun day) 3:30 pm Train No. 40 Local 10:04 a. m. East. Train No. 1 Daily (except Sun day) 10:04 a. m. Train No. 3 Daily 4:14 pm j WELUNGTONfMARKETS. j Corrected Every TVedncsdny Morning. Paying. liny per ton $ 6 50 Corn in par, 70 lbs 35 Corn shelled, 56 lbs 35 Oats per bu . 22 live per bu 45 New wheat per bu 64 lluttcr, dairy, per lb Putter, creamery, per lb 21 Eggs, per doz 12' Honey, per lb Lard, per lb Potatoes per bu 30 Selling. Flour per sack of 49 lbs 1 00 Corn meal per cwt 1 00 Chop per cwt 1 00 Middlings per cwt 90 Bran per cwt 85 Oil Meal per cwt 1 40 CHEESE MARKET. Hilling Prices Monday's Sules. Ohio State Flats Creamery Butter Ohio State Flats IN PROBATE COURT. The State of Ohio, I Lorain County, ss. John 11. Hnnley, 'Adm'r of the Estate of Benj. R. Coats, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Coats et a, Defendants. AFFIDAVIT TO OBTAIN SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Reuben Coats, whose residence is unknown, will take notice that John I!. 11 a nicy, administrator of the estate of Benjamin R. Coats, deceased, on the l lth day of Mureh, A. D. 1SU9, filed his petition in the Probate Court of said county, nlleging that the personal property of decedent's estate Is insuf ficient to pny bis debts, and the charg es nf administrating his estate. That said decedent died seized in fee simple of the following described real estate in said county, to-wit: Village lots' No. 31, 32, 33 and 34 in the Village of Rochester. The prayer of said petition is for a sale of said property for the payment of the debts and charges aforesaid. Said Reuben Coats will take notice that he has been made a party defend ant to said petition, and that he 1b re quired to answer the same on or be fore the 5th day of August, A. D. 1899. JOHN It. 1IANLKY, Adm'r of the Estate of Jenjnmin U. Coats, deceased. May 31, 1899. Nasal CATARRH In all its etm:ts there Rhould bo cleanliuctB. Ely's Cream Italm cli-autPMonttiuHantl lienla tho ditvacd niemlmine. It cnroH catarrh and drives awnjr a cold la the bead quickly. Cranra Falm Is placed Into the nostrils, spread! orer the membrane and is absorbed. Rallsf Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drjlng loes not produce aneexlng. Large Btxe, 00 oonts at Drug gliU or by mall ; Trial Blae, 10 cents by mall. SIX BUUTUUliS, M Warren Knot, New York. 1 ( i