Newspaper Page Text
THE ENTERPRISE. WELLINGTON, OHIO. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Gathered from All Quarters. WASHINGTON. Although recruiting for the ten new regiments ni not. been actively Mart- j pavement for the lending business. The five-story cigar faetory of Ber nard Stuhl 4- CoM at New York City, was destroyed by fire on the 2d. Loss $120,00(1. WEST ND SOUTH. Advices from the cotton belt In Tex as show that the drouth which has been in effect with but scattering ex ceptions since the ltrnzoB floods, ha been broken. It, was one of Hie long est and severest the state ever experi enced. On the tiiriit of the 31st nit. nt Jol- iet. II! -eenm,'letion of a newasphalt en! in all parts of the country, up to the 29th ult. 2,7M men had been se cured for these regiments. Addition al recruiting stations are being estab lished in different parts of the loun- It is stated that, women are beinar i thoroughfare was celebrated by the entire citv. The street was cleaned and the new asphalt surface was mndi into a dancing floor half o mile long and AO feet wide. Hundreds of couples danced in the street. An employers association, repre- practically barred out of the govern- senting from seven to nine millions o ment service in the. departments at capital, has been organized in Spo Washington. There is no concerted : fcone. Wash., to resist nnv demand ol action among the heads of depart ments and chiefs of bureaus to eNelude women from appointment, but when ever there is a place to be fillci' the head of the office almost invariably asks for a man. Steps have been taken by the navy department for the opening of a naval recruiting station at Unffnlo, N Y. The department has been encouraged to take this action by the success at tending the efforts of Commodore Hawley in his western recruiting tour liust summer. Secretary Wilson, of the agricultural department. Is arranging for an ex haustive scientific investigation of the nbandoned farms of New England, with n view to their reelnniiition. A circular has been issued by the war department offering n reward of t'M mil travel pay not to exceed St'M to any civil officer who will deliver to the . military authorities anv deserter from the I'nited States, nrinv. EAST. , The position of director general of the l'an-Aineriean exposition at llnlVa lo, X, V., ha been tendered to William I. Huc.hiinun, I'nited States minister to the Argentine republic On the night of the t'Sth ult. fire at Williainsport, Pa., destroyed the brick manufactory of I). V. (inise. Loss $.io,ooi). Twenty-four concerns arj imr.jel into the Amrrrnn 1 i n mi. I ,,(.r Co. upper leather trust which Jiai been ti. orpnr cv Jersey with a capital of $'!5.000,non. organized labor in that city which iti members may regard as unjust. Dispatches from Price, Utah, and Fruita, Col., confirm the reports that Joseph Leiter. of Chicago, is trying to corner the asphalt industry in the two states mentioned. During 1hi.')-6 the Southern railway made a cut of 10 per cent, in the wages of nil employe on the system. Soma months ago the wages of shopmen were restored, while the engineers also secured a slight increase. President Spencer has now decided to restore the 10 per cent cut. Heennse of a death by yellow fever In New Orleans and two other cases declared there. Mobile (Ala.) city au thorities have proclaimed a quaran tine against persons, baggage and freight from New Orleans entering Mobile county. On the night of the 1st fire in the big plant of the Jacob Dold Packing Co. at Kansas City, Mo., caused a loss of f'JUO.OOO. The backbone of the miners' strike nt the Lake Superior (Carnegie) mines is broken and the majority of the men are working again on the old schedule. Efforts to organize a general strike at all the mines of the Ishpcming dis trict tailed. The mines will advance wages voluntarily by the close of the year. The second attempt within three mouths to deliver the prisoners in the jail at Toledo, O., was made on the ;.'d ami five I'nited States prisoners were nearly out of the building when caught. They hnd used saws to effect an escape. rwo deaths from beat occurred nt At the present time dimes, nimr'eta and half dollars are being turned out Chieaco on the 2d. Thev were Josenli by all the -mints as r p, , . h .y i Kutalek and Lndwig Koehinsky. both can be produced, the demand fc r fra :- of whom were overcome on the street, tionnl currency anil silver dollars lie- It was the hottest day of the year in Ing unprecedented. The icqiiests do Chicago. not come from one section of the country, but fro-n ever mt o . Two vessels which sailed from Phil adelphia previous to the recent cy clonic disturbances, nre now iveid; e to such an extent that hup- si for the safety of the Ml men constituting their crews have almost vanished. They are the British steamship South Cam bria und the 1" ,u .eli liia -cium ner Charles M. Patterson. For the South j mmiirui, wiueii carneil 2.1 men, inere Is not the slightest hope. This year the populists of Massachu setts will not hold n state convention. The executive committee defines the position of the party as follows: "Hav ing for three years endorsed tile dem ocratic state convention candidates for state office, and having voted for them, it is well to continue doing so until the next national convention shall decide whether the national alli ance of 1HD6 is to be continued." The largest month of customs re ceipts that the New York cii'tim house has hud under the Dingley law closed on the 31st ult. The cashier announced $i:i.7H(),471 as the total re ceipts for the month. Kor the week ended September 1 the business failures in the I'nited States numbered Kl. as compared with 171 for the corresponding week of 1898, und 2S In Canada, as against 22 for the same period last year. Announcement is made that- the or ganization of the I'nited Starch Co. has been completed. The company has been organized under the laws of New Jersey with a capital of S.0,000, 000. Four companies are merged. Frank Cronk. of Alva, N. Y.. aged 09, is still carried on the pension rolls, although press dispatches recently an nounced his death. He was not only the lust surviving soldier of the war of 1812. but also the oldest pensioner. .During 1H he served 10 days in the New York niuifia. Near Enfield, Me., on the 2d Albert T. Curtis, John I. Curtis and Herbert Curtis, aged 112, H4 and 25 respectively, were killed by gas nt the bottom of a well on the farm of .1. P. Tracy. The Pittsburg coal combine has tak en charge of the railroad mines in thnt district, and advanced prices to $1.10 per ton, an increase of from 10 to 25 cents per ton. Immediately upon re ceiving notice the retail dealers raised the price of coal to the consumer 25 cents ii ton. On the 2d the llerks county (I'a.) republican convention elected Johna than (i. I.einbaeli a delegate to the re publican national convention. He is the hrst delegate elected to the eon Tention. lie received strong instruc tions to support MeKinley for renom Inatiop. After an absence of 2.i years Flunk J. Leach, who was reported dead, has returned to Elinirn. X. Y., to claim property valued at several thousand dollars left by his mother and now in possession of his step-father. ' Leach served 1?" years In a California prison for a ivrime of which he was ufter wards' proven innocent. On the 30th ult. the United States transport Kilpatrick sidled from Urooklyn, N. Y., for Porto liieo with half a million pounds of provisions contributed for the relief of the desti tute Porto Ilieans. The cargo also in cludes 45 cases of clothing. On the 1st the combination of Bal timore, Philadelphia, New York and BoRton fruit Importing companies, un der the name of the I'nited Fruit Co., went into effect. ,'t ' ! . ' ' . I ' ' : .1 1 t FOREIGN. On the 31st. ult. the steamer Em press of China arrived at Victoria, B. C, with what is stated to be the larg est and most valuable cargo of silk ever brought to America, the value be ing placid at upwards of $1,000,000, In a collision on the 1st between two river steamers on the North Sea canal i one of the vessels sunk and nine per sons, including two women, were drowned. Official denial is made of the report recently sent, out from London that Emperor William has been induced to give his permission tc (apt. Parker, of the emperor's yacht, the Meteor, to assist in sailing the Shamrock in the coining races for the America's cup. Pope Sophronius, patriarch of the Orthodox (ireek church of Alexandria, Lvbin. Ethiopia and nil Egypt, died at Alexander, Egypt, on the 3d, aged 103 LATER. About 400 troops are scheduled to leave San Francisco for Manila be tween September 12 and 15 on the transports Sherman, Grant and Sheri lnn. At the games of the St. James Cath olic Association of Red Bank nt Holly wood Park, N. ,L, on the 4th Fred (Icrner, of Long Brunch, beat the world's Btunding high jump reeonl, clearing the tape nt 5 feet 4 inches. The record broken, 5 feet 3 inches, was made by (i. W. Ewyre, of Chicago. The prevailing scarcity of steel, especially those forms of it used in the construction of buildings, is having a serious effect upon the building tniibs and its mnnv allied industries in New York City. At, ChU'ago Labor day was celebrat ed by the labor unions with a parade and exercises at Lincoln park. Th parade was the largest ever seen in Chiengo.between 25,000 and 30.000 men, rf presenting over 40 trades unions, be ing engaged in the exercises. There has been no abandonment by the retail butchers of Greater New York of their intention to fight the beef trust. They arc arranging for a natiounl movement on thep.irf of the retail butchers to tight the trust. President John S. Wilson, of the Bal timore, Chesapeake & Atlantic rail road, confirms the reported purchase of a controlling Interest of hut road by the Pennsylvania Co., which, together with its valuable rail and steamboat lines become :i part of the Pennsylvania system. Only an accident can prevent the breaking of all previous records by the corn crop production of the I'nited States this year. A canvass of the eight states which raise the hulk of the corn of this country warrants an estimate above that of lsiifl, which berelofore has been the record, and there is much in the advices received to justify a prediction that, the crop will approximate 2,500,000.000 bushels. At. the Knickerbocker Athletic club'-; Labor d-iy carnival of sport at Hayon m, N. .1., John Flanagan, the world's champion hammer thrower, made :i new world's record from the nine-foot circle, which is known ns the Irish style. He flung the missile iU feet. (1 Inches, eclipsing the previous world's record of 164 feet made by T. F. Kiely, a few weeks ago at Limerick. Ireland. The nntl-Dr"yfus press of Paris seem to think they struck a vitnl blow nt the defense when on the 4th they printed proofs thnt Dreyfus is a Free Mason. A ropy of the official report of the Mipreme Masonic council of Frince for 1M)3 shows that Dreyfm had taken Uie thirty-second degree. NEWS OP 0HI0J Gathered by Telegraph From All: Forts of the State. SANK IN LAKE ERIE. The Tng Red Cloud Goes to Piece- Crew Escaped Deatb After a Battle with Winds and With, Sandusky, O., Sept. 5. The survivors of the tug lied Cloud, which went; down in Lake Erie off Cedar Ilupid! point Sunday, reached here Monduy. The tng was going to Lorain, but was: forced to put back on account of the storm, and in making the turn struck the channel bunk and went to pieces. John McDonnell, engineer, und James McDonald, fireman, both of Cleveland, reached the Cedar Point beach on plnnks. Patrick Hale, of Cleveland, and D. A. Simpson and Willie Kennedy, of Lorain, escaped on a life raft and after seven hours' bnttling with the waves, reached Cedar Point light at 3 o'clock Monday morning in an ex hausted condition. The accident, was caused by the captain losing his bear ings. The tug was owned by the Great Lakes Towing Co., and is a total loss. Patrick Will Mar In the Kace. New Philadelphia, Sept. 2. Hon. A. W. Patrick, democratic nominee or lieutenant governor, was asked Friday whether he would decline the nomina tion, as had been rumored. Judge Pntriel; said: "I am relnctnnt to run, but will if the interests of the pnrty demand it." Judge Patrick scored John li. McLean in his speech second ing his nomination of Col. Kilbourne, hence his reluctance to act ns Mc Lean's running mate. His statement yesterday, however, is taken as assur ance that he will stay in the race. STORY SOUNDED WELL. Nfw Katlway Completed, Ashland. Sept. 2. The Ashland fc Wooster railroad, from Jeromevillc to Ashland, has been completed into this city. The completion of the road to Ashland will be celebrated, about Sep tember 22, with a big demonstration. The road will connect with the new coal mines in West Lebanon in the Mnssillon district, and with the Erie, Pennsylvania. Baltimore & Ohio Cleveland, Akron Columbus, and Cleveland, Canton ic Southern rail roads. Killed Mia I'atlirr-ln-Law. Newark. Sept. 1. Late Wednesday night Jacob Keller shot and killed his father-in-law, Henry Hobart, who lived north of Newark. Kellur and Hobart had been hostile for several years over family troubles. Wednes day night Hobart left his home near Granville and went, to Kellar's resi dence. Without speaking he shot twice, one bull entering Kellar's body near the heart, but Kellur is still liv ing. Kellar ran into the house. grabbed a pistol and shot Hobart dead. A Prabubly Fatal Assault, Findlay. Sept. 1. Squire Daniel A. Heistand. of Yan Buren, was assaulted at There Was Reason to Believe That It Was Not Wholly Tree, "When I first went west," tell a retired business man, who now does nothing in the way of work except to mow the lawn and tee tli at the cat is in the barn at night, "tnis maimed nana ssveamv me. who knew that tins form of invitation would be sufficient to insure the story. "Yes, that's right. If 1 hadn't lost that first finger when I was a boy I wouldn't be here now. Jim Dixon and me were tradin' with the Indians. We exchanged beads, fake jewelry and bright calico for furs. All the buffalo were not gone then and we did a good business. One time we happened to strike a wandering uana oi savuges thnt held us up on sight and it was plain from the wav the red devils danced around us that we were to be put to death after the Indian fashion. All at once I recalled that good many of the Indians knew me as the 'four-fingered' trader who was always on the level with those wild merchants, so I held up the hand and kept it up till one of tne young ducks let out a significant grunt ana men nurrieq to tne cniet in command. He came to me in a dignified manner, ex- (mined the hand, granted about 10 times wnue deliberating, said How, and released me as well as my partner. We were treated right up to the handle and permitted to de part when we wanted to. It was the closest squeak and the worst srare I hnd out in that country when near calls and heart-failure frights were the rule. ' Brave man," said one neighbor to an other, as they walked away. vYes. remilar bin ininn. if vnn nrwnt all he tells. Between me and you he lost that linger iwo years ago wnue examining a hay cutter." Detroit Free Press. VERY OBLIGING. He Was Willing to Give the Vol. canlo Vocalist a Good Hard Shove. The young man who sings loud and long it as interrupted by a tap at the door of his apartment. "Excuse me," said the tall, thin stranger, "I am sorry to intrude. I occupy the flat under you, and I have come up to inquire if yon are the gentleman who sings bal lads." "Yes," was the answer, with the air of a man who is modest, but cannot deny the truth. "Are you fond of music?" "I dnn't know that I am what vou would call fond of it. At the same time I haven't anything particular against it. 1 am very muph nnpetf-rt hv some things I hear." "That amounts to the same thing as being fond of it," was the answer, in a tone of toothing encouragement. "I have been wondering if I caught the words of your favorite song correctly. Let me tee: " 'How often, oh, how often, Have I wished that the ebbing tide Would bear me away on its bosom To the ocean wild and wide.' Is that right?" "Yes; it's all right, according to my recol lection. Is that one of the pieces you are af fected by?" ' "Yes. I have been affected by that for hours at a time. It has drawn me irresist ibly to you. It has filled me with a yearn ing to do something that would make you happier. And I called up to say that if you 11 come down to the river with me any evening I'll pay your car fare and hire a boat and give yoti a good start on the first ebbing tide scheduled. And I don't mind saying that the further out it heas you the better I'll be satisfied." Washington Star. THE GRAND BRACE. Wednesday night, and probably fatal- Pathetic Plea of the Dlbnlons Head ly injured. Heistand owns a farm , ol the House Next from which a man named Sliafer was hnuling gravel. Heistand ordered Shnfer to stop taking the gravel from a certain pit and. it is alleged. Shafer struck him on the head with a spade, cracking his skull. All the CTIIItla to tio to New York, Akron. Sept. 1. Col. Charles Diclt, the commanding oflicer of the Eighth Ohio, makes the. positive statement that the entire national guard will be taken to New York, in order to par ticipate in the home-coming of Ad miral Dewey. Transportation and subsistence for 5,000 men will be fur nished by the Btnte. Bridge Tinkers Killed. Cleveland, Sept. 2. Three men were crushed under steel plates ut the King bridge works Friday. J. .Tanda and M. Gelinski were killed. Carl A. March wns badly crushed about the lungs and both legs were broken. He will probably die. The men were ar ranging the plates In a pile, which fell on them. Foundered During a (.ale. Toledo. Sept. 5. A terrific gale blew over Lake Erie Sunday night and caused considerable damage to ship ping, lireym.'inn Bros.' dredge No. 4. of this city, foundered in the gale oif Fuirport and sank. The crew wns saved in the smnll boats nnd through the assistance of the life saving station at that point. The dredge is valued nt $20,000. Three scows accompanied the dredge, and these were lost also. tiled from Ills Wound. Toledo. Sept. 5. Charles Custer, nephew of the later Gen. Custer, died Mondav at his home at Uaisinville, Mich., from n bullet wound inflicted by John liussell. The shooting occurred Saturday. senders 200 .lieu Idle. Cleveland. Sept. 1. The "hot mill" of the Crescent tin plate mill at. New burg has been closed down because of the steel famine, the trust being unable to supply raw material for the plnnt. Two hundred men are throwii out of employment. Mage Hands Ktrlke. Canton, Sept. 1. The stage hands of the Grand opera house, of this city, are out on a strike for the recognition cf the stage hands' union. M. (', Bar ber, manager of the house, says the trouble is over the appointment of a stage manager. A Boom In OH Prices. ficio. Sept, 2. There is great activ ity among the oil men here. The price of Scio crude oil has advanced to $1.4.1. It is claimed that over 100, 000 barrels are held back in this field, one firm holding over 40,000 barrels. The producers say they will hold till the price reaches $2. Niilrldrd In Ills tell, Bridgeport, Sept. 2. Erhnrdt Zitn mtrman, under nrrest at Martin's Ferry for murderous assault on his wife, hanged himself in his cell late Thursday night, making a cord out of his suspenders and shirt. Morning, One of the Bohemian citizens of the tow, went home the other night after having donned a pair of skates that would have slid him over an Arizona, desert with the mer cury bubbling out of the top of the thermom eter. He had no recollection of how he got home, and even the next morning he was not certain whether he was on a storm tossed Atlantic liner or making a leap from a balloon minus a parachute. He went down to the breakfast table with enough wet towels wrapped around his head to make a turban for the mahdi. His wife met him with reproaches in her eyes, but the did not scold him. She wanted to inform him of his conduct the night before, however. "My dear," she said, "did you know that you came very near killing us all when you went to bed last night?" "Nope," said her husband, thickly, as he felt his hot forehead. Well, you did. You knocked over the baby a cradle. Then you blew out the gas and wc were nearly asphyxiated. What do you think of that?'' Her husband is usually a resourceful man, but the fumes of many cocktails taken the night before somewhat cloudtd his intellect. He made a grand brace and -tried to look pa thetic. "M'love," he said, as a rav of inspiration burst through his foggy brain, "wasn't I here to die with you?' Washington Post. - Qneernesa of Men. It's a wise child that knows its own father When it tees him out in company. It doesn't take mucli of a man to tell how a thing ought to be done. The one who goes and does it deserves the praise. The man who goes to church may not en Joy the sermon, but he generally goes home with a good appetite for his Sunduv dinner. It is claimed by some people that'baldness indicates great brain power, but the makers of alleged hair restorers keep on getting rich. Chicago Times-Herald. Aline "Wouldn't you hate to be a preach er's wife?" Anna "No, indeed. Just think of being able to make him cut his ser mons short. Kansas City Independent. a T,?n'my"Wno wn" ,lt Ind.v you spoke to? Willie "1 hat's the ladv that lets my nia go out any afternoon but Thursdays and Sundays." Boston Transcript. Huntley-'Tunny thing, that elopement of Miss Longwaite and young Snipper." Au-tpor-"Elopement? That was an abduc tion! l'liiladdphiaNorth American. Laura "The fortune teller said Miss El derly was to be married soon." Flora "To whom?" Laura "I don't know. The poor girl was so happy she forgot to ask!" Puck. If one friend's advice doesn't suit you, keep on asking your friends until one gives the kind you want. Atchison Globe. 44 ft He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last A hetrfy Uvgh indicttts A degree of good health obtiiniblt through pure blood. cAs but one person In ten Has putt blood, the other nine should purify the blood tvith Hood's Strsaparillt. Then they ctn Uugh first, Ust And All me tone, for lUahwdUa Cj llitlmft. Bold hf drncatftf. BIGGLE BOOK'S A Farm Library of nneqaalled Tslae practical, Up-to-date, Concise and ComprehenslTe Band. somely Printed and Beautifully iniutrated. By JACOB felOOLB No. 1 BiaaLB HORSE BOOK All about Hones Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations standard work. Price, jo Cents, No. 2 BiaaLB BERRY BOOK All about grawinr Small Fruits read and lesra bow contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of sllleadras: varieties and loo other illustrations. Price, 50 Cent. No. 3 BJQOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book In existences tells everything-; withaj colored life-like reproductions of all theprincipal breeds; with 10s other iuustratioiu. Price, 50 Cent. No. 4 BIOQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business : having s mat ale; contains Scoloredlife-likereproductionaofeach breed. With tt AthM-ltl,,a,ralna ... No. 5 BIOOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hoc Breeding, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over So beautiful half, tones and other engravings. Price, so Cents. TheBiaCJLB BOOKS are unique,orfgtnal,useru!-rouneter w nything like them-so practical, aosensfble. They re having an enormous sale East. West, North and BtMth. Kiery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send rleht away for the BIOOLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL to your paper, made for you and not a trtiflt. It Is years Id . it isthe great boiled-down. bit-th-nail-onthe-h.d, Farm mnA u.,.Jhnu 1. the world-the biirgeat paper oftta tire In the United States of America having over a million sad a-haJfrtgulv readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL timetlA ai" CAD JU lkl II ski A I a ... . ft s5 bampieol t-AKftl JOURNAL and circular describing BIOQLE BOOKS free. CHAS. . JEMKIM. PHILADELPHIA I i SEND-NO MONEY WITH TOO! ORDER, ratthli ad.outsuidwmd tp us. fcntj .U.k, Urtlla.lJel ll 1.. -..-T?1" ariAm tiRur ijh.iuli Us.ujtjft ttmnu tPAbHIIIt "J ". a . iuui'm sanuu.,ia,i jour noarett ireiBt vapot found frttij uiiirstttorr, oiactly su roprecemed mat tm mmMn Ihtra Mil O h tarsi U I SO.OQ. Aaat THI ilRlaVTaUT ftlftgill I0U ITER UIAKD OF, pJ jw 1C CA hsvrtresL f ha mariiina wcla-tn V'V'W laopoDDdtudtba frtlfthtwill BTeraira 76 ceaU for ch MO ml). CIVB IT THREE MONTHS' TRIALin your own home, Hid we will return yeur tlt.OO art? dar you are not tatUfled. Ve atll Jf. kVrral a.akM aat frstlM t ! Um at (MOs S10.M, ft 1.0O, la.OOud a, all fell; dmribal Im Oar Fite iMklaa CiUUr, kat S19.00 hruii DROP DESK CABINET BOHDIOK U tho creatMt value over offered by anjr boiui. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS T ootrM '-r-..Tr r " c ." i i K WHO OOpf OUT M- vertlamente, ottering actaem atacklaaa under Taiiooi name, with Tarioua (n0ncmnti. Write atus rriual i ck.esvaa. 4 wka au lUMABM AND WHO ARI 10T. THI? miDsftlsOlsf U VODIBV nrROTIHBTT, vbudi nicHivi auii, with the Diners or it one. lift 4Wd1rH .au ax iaj -;a- a aa, . .3 MAUK BY THE 1IRAT M AK ER IN AMEBICA. ruum las siti ha i tuiAL SOLID QUARTEW SAWEP OAK rlktO rOLlfilKlX. ODB lllUltraVtiAn arxtwa BflAAll olnataul fhaaHil pinf frsim alchl) to be aeed aa a eUr taate. atea er a, u .t.r ea with full lanfrth table and head In plaoa far an win, 4 faaar drawer, latest lie alaUtM fr, carved, paaeled, am bo iced and decerated oahlaet flntth.flaeat nickel drawer nulla, realaoB4 ea ten. ball taartiiar avdlu a Lath to rraaiile. srnnulaa) Rmwth Imh ..H J- meat larva b Ana Ma positive four motion feed, eelf tbrcadlnc Tibrat In ahtmle. aatoewtlo bobbin winder, adjustable taeartnri. patent Waaioa liberator, Improved loose wheel, adjustable praaaer foot, Improved atauttle carrier, patent needle bar, patent d reaa ruard. head Ii haodeomelj deeo rated 1W. WTlfZi lH b-Mfff"" hiojceL trimmed. GUARANTEED e -Utt rwet-f. aeat tfareU a-4 aeereat mImIm atatalae aa-. sWj kaawa atlaaaeieal tafaraUhad eed ear Free Instruction Book tolls Juat now anyone oaa run it and do either plain or aoj kind of fancy work. A DO-TEAllS' BnronrQ QUARANITsb U aeni with avery maculae. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING , d maoklne, oomnarel aff aia.oo ta, pmj .ree art an jmm ear yea are . . to f60,OQ, and than If convinced ra ereaaitaf ta .11 A. ft ft. Wi to (urrtjiki foot irt na -tia. m.. BM aauaaaS. UnUSB TO DAI. Win Df LAY. intare. Roebai Co. mrm thnrnstsrhl Mll.hl. IfWI. , AddreV, SEARS, ROEBUCK it CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III. For a SUMMER CRUISE take the COAST LINE to MACKINAC NEW STEEL PASSENGER STEAMERS ' COMFORT. SPEED and SAFETY Ttaa Oraatast Parfactloa rat atala4 In Bt Caastractlaa Lamrlaaa Bquipauat, Artistic Faralshlag, Dacaratlra aaa BHldant Sarrlc To Detroit, macKIgac Georgian Ban, FetosKei.CtiGap Ko other line offers a panorama of its miles of equal Tariety and Interest. Fouft Trim ru Wiu Bitwiih Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE 800," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES ta Plctaraaqa Msekloae (I atura, ladudlaf MaalaaaS Berth. AppraxlaMUCaatlroaCtoTalaaS.lip.a iram Tolaas, f it.sgi Iroai Datrstt, $i J.71 Day mb Nisht ftasviet Bfrwi is DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Par. $1.50 Bach DlrsctlM. Bartha, JSC, $ 1. (tatarsni, f 1.71. Coonictlonsarc made at Clertlaod with Barllcat Traloa for all polats Kast, South and Southwest, aid at Detroit lor all points North and Iforthwest. tundsf Trlsi Jans, Jslt, stB.,Ooi. Oalf Evtar Day am. Nmht Bitwess Cleveland, Put-In-Bay and Toledo, Sena JC for Illast rated Pamphlet Addraas A. A. aOHSMTZ. .a., DSTROIT. MIOH. . Detroit ana cieveicimi Ncviganon companT. ISO Cents Tfe Boiled.Dcw Pai .Cream not SKlm Mil IC1? m4 urn Hits;tKe Nail oi the He4 Knows wfat to Put ii Knows". wKat to Lcaivcout RiHof Giixgcir FalLofj5un5M w4 APractiaJ fepcr forsieevcs-rolled-aD Farmeits food many State wlcre Camptionis Currtrif, Cut Fit the Man wlw Knows Wltatt wivftt tew.attheFlotTable. JastictoAilMen. Why haw s Mortfrat oa the Farm, Poor Crops, Rheumatism, Sour Bread, Sick Hot, a Leaky Roof, Ropy Milk, Balky Hone, Orip, Bole la tit Pocket, Skeleton in the Closet, or sny other Pain or Trouble when yoa can get Farm Journal fin yean for $t cents? Address Pabi JoosjiAL, Pblla., Pa. inPORTANT NOTICB.-By special rraaf asseal asada with the PARn JOURNAL, wa are eaabled ta oiler that paper Irons aow until Decaasber, too, ta vary subscriber who pays lor oars oat year ahead both papers lor the price of ours oaly. 0 AaTBe prompt la accepting this otter. THE WELLINGTON ENTERPRISE, WELLINGTON, OHIO. af9.