Newspaper Page Text
TOWNSHIP NEWS. COLLECTED BY THE KNTKUPBISE'S COUPS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Recent Happening and Special Event In Wellington' liuiuedlnte Vicinity, of Interest to Everyone Our Correflpond enu Spare No Pain to Glean the New. SULLIVAN. The Cloio street school ia going to have a reunion September 21 in Dan Hileman's grove. The teachers and scholars who have been fortunate enough to have dwelt within these his torical walls are going to have a pro gram worthy of the occasion which we hope to be able to give you next week. School begins promptly at"9 o'clock as in days of yore, and don't dare to be tardy, for you all remember the pun ishment. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to come with well-lilled baskets and bring plenty of fried chicken as quite a number of Method ist ministers are expected to be pre sent. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris tian church will give an ice cream so cial at Mr. W. B. Myers next Saturday evening. Every one invited. Earl Tannar form Akron, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Tannar and Mr. Kesolor Kice. Miss Wright, from Wellington is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Perkins. Miss Gertrude Hill went to Medina Tuesday to stny with her brother, Rev. Jessie Hill and family. School begins September 11. Miss Adele Swartz is a great deal better and hopes to be able to attend her school duties next week. Miss Mayme Underwood is expect ed home next week to rest from her teaching. Her throat has been troub ling her, but it is much better. Mr. J. A. Underwood, our genial merchant, who has made many friends during his stay here has concluded to move to Chicago Junction. This will be read with regret by his mnny friends who had thought he was in tending to remain in Sullivan. This will take from us one of the finest milliners we ever had, as Mrs. Under wood has had the exclusive millinery trade since coming here. Vergil Motler, wife and child joined Benjamine Turner, of Pittsfield on a trip to Michigan. They will drive through with a team. They go by the way of Norwalk. 'I hey will then go to Toledo where they will spend a few days. Motlers will make their main stop at Hamilton while Turners will go to Bloomingdale to visit Mrs. Turners sister, Pheoba Van Horn. They will stay a month. For wounds, burns, scalds, sores, skin diseases and all irritating erup tions, nothing bo soothing and healing as DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Mrs. Emma Bolies, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chicago, says of it: "When all else fails in healing our babies, it will cure." J. W. Houghton. WHITEFOX- A. J. Barnes and family, Miss Rose Phillips and Lilly Phillips spent a part of the week at the lake. N. W. Lee fell from a load of hay and has been quite lame fora few days. J. B. Barnes and wife, Fred Hayes and David Myers were among those who went on the excursion to Detroit Wednesday.? Mrs. Amos Scott and two daughters of West Clarksfleld spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Andrews. Mrs. Crocker, Miss Crocker and Mrs. Ounn, of Oberlin visited at Orville Gunn's the past week. Mae Grundy, of Brighton was the guest of Jessie Lowrey Saturday and Sunday. Miss Blanche Vanscoy of New Lon don is visiting her cousin, Donna Twaddle. The Ladies Foreign Missionary Soc iety will serve ice civam at the resi dence of Mrs. J. P. Lee Saturday after noon and evening. Professor Kinnison, of Wellington, gave an address on the Epworth League and Higher Education at this place Sunday evening, which was well atttended. FT THE BANNER FAIR. CHILDREN'S DAY, Zi k -J I I. merit. it teeth amonir '"t to) Uv ease. fmich a to :hunirc lm. can 'le of life etc. fact that V land I 3t 1 I I 4 J I I W. H. TISSOT & CO. Tho young friends of Edna Barnes gave her a surprise Friday evening, it being her birthday, a pleasant lime is reported. There's always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape and I was near the first stages of consumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured me," writes Helen Mcllenry, Bismark, N. D, Gives instant relief. J. W. Houghton, BRIGHTON. Mrs. Eliza and Ella Hardy left for Tabor, Iowa, Wednesday to begone several months. School will commence in district number 1, September 11. Alex Mc Coy tecaher. Miss Bertha Allyn commenced her school in Pittsfield this week. Paul Kinney spent last week in Lo rain and Oberlin. George Page has purchased a steam baler and will bale hay in this vicinity for Mr. Twining. Miss Hariett Gibbs of New York visited at Charles Allyn's last week. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy have moved in to the rooms vacated by Mrs. Hardy. The new ticket agent has moved into a part of Mrs. Newhall's house. A. W. Hall is suffering severly with hay fever. Paul Ronk entertained the members of his Sunday school class last Wed nesday, it being his twelfth birthday. Miss Mandah Rorick, of Gabon and Miss Hattie Knapp, of Wellington were the guests of May and Ida Rob ishaw over Sunday. A very pleasant gathering was held at the home of Walter Mosher Wednesday, August 30th. it being the reunion of the Mosher family and relatives. A large tent had been provided for the occasion under which the table was made and well supplied with eatables fit for a king, each one bringing seemingly the best, such as chicken pie, pie, cake, buscuit, cold boiled ham. salads, honey, cheese, bak ed beans, mutton, tea, coffee and lem onade, roast beef, etc., each one en joying themselves to the best of their ability. The second day was held at the home cf Homer Vincent, where their stomachs were again filled to their fullest capacity. There being present from awny H. M. Ablos and wife, Mrs. II. Gibbs and two sons, Maggie and Edna Boyd, of Perry, 0. ; Miss Hettie Abbey, Mrs. Julia Gaffney, of Leroy, 0. ; Mrs. Cora Kohankie and two children, of Painesville, 0. ; Mr. Watson Griffen, wife and boy, of Col linwood, 0. ; William Mosher and Son, Hugh Mosher, of Cleveland, 0. ; Frank Mosher, wife and three children, of Stoney Ridge ; Leonard Smith, Holland' 0. ; Arch Grillin, Toledo, Ov; Lottie McClattin, Hugh and Alma, Airs. Ella Morrison and daughter, Mrs. C. M. Morrison, Oberlin, 0. ; James Mosher, family and mother, Ed. Tennant and family, Jane Tennant, of Camden ; Frank Tennant, wife and family, of Cleveland; E. B. W. McClallin and family, 0. H. McClallin, of Clarksfielk ; Chas. Cook and wife, of New London ; 0. Hall and wife, of Brighton ; Will Ledyard and wife, Hiram Led yard and wife, of Rochester. Making a total of 72. The next reunion will be held at the home of Win, Moser, Cleveland. During the past year there has been two births and two deaths. During the evening some very fine music was given with drum and fife and violins which was appreciated by all. EaVflBEl HOT TROTTING AND PAGING WED.; Kidney . Diseases CURED THAT HAD Prr Pronounced inourabls T,,r' "' "". merchant of mr. f- c,,, cure i. ,DNE cess I. h, . Won"-ful uc tC"" her. m.. P'nounceI incurable myself am hl ........ . . - Vf -to Its Picture of I,vinr ,nd , h ' ' ,ne a'- younger than I d d', T 1" )f"! ohnin eo- ' of it. ,?"f'" "lf. - quziuiex.' Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Fenner and fam ily started for Philadelphia Monday morning. Tney will visit Mr. Fenner's people in Pennsylvania and New Jer sey and will be absent several weeks. Chester II. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich., says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion ; con strongly recommend it to all dyspep tics." Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dys pepsia. J. W. Houghton, PLEASANT STREET, John Brown of Indiana has been vis iting his neice Mrs. Elmer Moon the past week. Win. Gillett of Wellington visited his brother E. D. (iillett Sunday. D. S. Stocking had an average yield of 53 ' a bushels of oats per acre. Miss Grace Day returned home from Elyria Saturday. A. Reynolds and Joe Twinning of Kipton called at B. J. Buckus' Sunday Carl Backus Btarted to work with Mr. Bickel baling hay Tuesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Battles visited at J. Hall's Sunday. DeWitt s Little Early Kisers per manently cure chronic constiption, bil iousness, nervousness and worn-out feeling; cleanse and regulate the en tire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken "fumous little pills," J. W. Houghton. ROCHESTER. Fay Chapman and family of Cleve land visited his parents lust week. -Mrs. S. Phillips was in Norwalk last week. Thornton Hartman of Orange and Miss Katherine Market of Ashland spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Alice Market at the home of her grand father, A. J. Snyder. Penn Kellogg and family of Norwalk were guests of Mr. and A. A. Pond last week. The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap, tist church meet with Mrs. J. Murray, Thursday, Sept. 14. Mrs. Roberts of Wakeman is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Chap man. Charles Cowie and son Cliff were In Oberlin Monday. Bert Parker and Verne Ketchum left for Oberlin Monday to attend col lege this fall and winter. Clarence Gloss of Canton called on J. R. Coats and family Sunday. MrB. Southern of Cleveland is visit ing her brother E. L. Stanley and fam ily. Grant Shipman of the Butler road had the misfortune to liavo his barn Biid contents consumed by fire Friday afternoon. Origin of fire unknown. Dr. Dignan, H. B. Beardsley, Chas. Ashcraft and family and a number of others drove to Whitefox Sunday even ing to hear Prof. Kinnison of Welling ton address the young people of that church. Miss Birdella Blair is visiting friends in Greenwich. Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Crandall visited their son W. E. .Crandall in Brown helm Saturday and Sunday. ' - V. F., rninnlnn 1n n-am cured of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve alter sullering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Plivaipiuna nnri atirirnnna anfli,iaa it Beware of dangerous counterfeits. J. W. Houghton. oyi ELYRIA, OHIO. 1S,-t13a 114, SEPT. 13. HUNTINGTON. Rev. Willard and wife, of Columbus, visited friends in town last week. Miss Lashells.of Crestline, spent one day last week with her aunt, Mrs. Lucia Elwood and family. Mr. Walter Dirlam and family, Mr. J. B. Pratt and family attended the Houghton reunion last Thursday at Wellington. Mr. Fay Chapman and family, of Cleveland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Chapman and called on other relatives. Mr. Chris Fredericks has moved to Wellington. Mr. E, F. Chapman returned last Tuesday from a trip in the east. Mr. James Hundley was in Elyrin, Friday. Mr. Frank Hull, Misses Hattie and Muttie Hull are visiting in New Lon don. Mr. Geo. Wilbur, Jr., wife and mother,' of Warrenville, spent last Thursday night with T. D. Phelon's family. Mrs. Muttie Barchard, of Grafton, visited Mrs. Lucia Elwood a few days lust week. Mrs. Adam Finkle spent Sunday in Sullivan with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheets. Mr. J. V. Phelon and family, Mr. D. P. Wells and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Phelon, Mr. Lewis Myers and fami ly attended the Perkins' reunion at Wellington last Thursday. The Baptist Association of Lorain County was held at the Baptist church the past week. The meetings were well attended and very interesting. Mr. Fred Russell, of Michigan, is visiting Ins cousin, Elwood Russell and family. Mrs. Dell Richards, of Spencer, visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hundley, last Saturday. Charlie Goodrich, of Wellington, is with his grandfather, A. J. Sage and family. Miss Mettle Goodrich, of Wellington, is visiting Lon Rush's family. Mrs. Orrin Elwood was in LaGrange, Sunday. "Best on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles; for croup it has no equal," writes Henry R. Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. J. W. Houghton. PENFIELD. Aug. 29. Miss Esther Ward and Miss Rose Hoenig, of Oberlin, Miss Grace Cook, of North Eaton, Miss Stella Oakley, of Spencer, and Messrs. W. J. Tyler and W. E. Dalgleish, of Cleveland, spent Saturday evening and Sunday with the family of J. T. Den ham, and all report a pleasant visit. Miss Elsie B. Denham leaves Pen- field to resume her teaching in Kidder, Mo., on Friday of this week. Mrs. H. Barnes is very ill at the present writing, but we hope to see her about soon. Dwight Smith wag quite sick for a few days last week. GLORIOUS NEWS. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters hnve cured Mrs. Ilrmver of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what, thousands have proved that Electric HiMcrs is the best blood puri fier known. It's the suin-eme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bails ami running sores. It stimulates iver, kidneys and bowels, expels pois ons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Near Wells, druggists. Guaranteed. BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PUREST AND BEST MADE.. POUNDS, 20 CTS. SOLD BY ALL FIRST- CLASS OROCERS Crown TY RAGES EACH DAY. All School Children under 14 years admitted Free on this day when accom panied by teacher or parents. For tickets apply to Secretary. W. B. JOHNSON, SECRETARY. The mnd You Have Always in use tor over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and" JuHt-os-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of' Infants and Children Experience ngalust Experiment! What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, i-egulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC OEMT.UR OOMPJINV, TT MUMRAV BTHCET. MtVt YORK OITV. BIG POUR BOUTf:. Special tourist rates to Denver, Col orado Springs, Pueblo and Greenwood Springs, CoL, and return, JM6.00 and $57.10. I. 0. 0. F. Sovereign Grand Lodge, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18-23, !9. One fare rcund trip. Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Ohio Knights Templar, Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 11-12, '99. One fare round trip. Grand Free Carnival and Street Fair Akron, Ohio, September 13-16. One and one-third fare going September 13- la ana returning till 17. Labor day celebration, Galion, 0., September 4. One fare round trip. Klks' street fair and carnival, Mans field, 0., September 11-16, '99. One and one-third fare round trip. Union veteran legion meeting, Balti more, Md., September 13-15. For rates, limits, etc., consult Big Four agents. Free fair, Crestline, 0., September 20-21, '99. One and one-third fare round trip. Reunion Wilder brigade, Chicks manga park, Chattanooga, Tenn., Sep tember 17-20. Rates and limits fur nished by Big Four agents. National Baptist association annual convention, Nashville, Tenn., Septem ber 13-19. One and one-third fare. Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages there thoDld be cleauliueu. Ely's Cream Balm cle&mes, soothe and heals tho diwaflcd membrane. It curea catarrh and drives away a cold in the bead quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spread! over the membrane and ll absorbed. Relief la Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying dooi not produce incedng. Largo Size, 60 oente at Drug giita or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ELY BU0TI1ERS, M Warren Street, New York. HAIR SWITCH FREE ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cot this id. out ind mall to nn. Bend mall wtmplu o' ynur hilr,ciitcite tu the rooti. h:si Jill MOlsnifi we will male unit n-t.fl ymi hr mall, ptilc), a FINE HUMAN HAIR SWITCH, m Hitl ick, made C. Incite Iouk liora wlectfd human blr, t ouncex, Rlutrt item. We will lnrlnae In imt'kam with wlfc-h infltrlentpovtatc to return It to unlfnol ptrfrrllj turarlorj, but if found exactly aa rintwiit?d and most extraordinary value and you wish to keep It.Hlhtr wirt l.lObr atll wllhla lOdajinrTAkK OKDKKB fUK I MHITLI1KH AT fl.tu IUUI among your friends and end to us wlihwit anj mmj, we to send the i awltchtft to them direct by Dial), to be aid for 10 days after received if Derfectlv natlsfartorv.andjoa eaa ikeahaTt the awilck w md foafrt Ibr j our IraabU We Kite Mirm, Orgaa. Hewlag Macahm, Dlrtas, furallura, Wilrbn, BltjrlM, ('rrafl ai ether rtail" laalaf nln for OarKHea. Uat ladjtaraM a Plaaa la BlWa 4aja m a Hewlaa; Jlttaiae let da. Order Hwlti-N aLonrear wrlletolayfor FKKKFNKMII MOFKKIt. A4drt, Ladles' Hair Emporium, Chicago. mm 15, 1899. BASEBALL GAME EACH DAY. Bought, and which has been has borne tho signature of and lias been made under his per 80nal slinenrI,,lon 8lnco ,t8 infancy. Signature of TIME TABLES. bTo four West. 3 Col. Cln. Ind. & St. I..... 8:38 am 35 Daily St. L. Ex 1:08 pm 27 Col. Ex 5:20 pm :;7- Dnily Col. & Cin. Ex 10:00 pm M Local Freight 11:00 am 25 Wellington Ex. (Sunday only) 9:50 am East. 23 Daily Col. & Cln. Ex 5:06 am 26 Calion Ex 8:11 am 36 Daily Col. Tnd & St. L. Ex. 1:08 pm 24 Wellington Ex 5:20 pm 2 Col. Cin. & Ind. Ex. 8:19 pm 52 T,oeal Freight 5:20 pm W. & . e! West. Train No. 4 Daily 10:26 am Train No. 6 Daily (except Sun day) 3:30 pm Train No. 40 Local 10:04 a. m. East. Train No. 1 Daily (except Sun day) 10:04 a. m. Train No. 3 Daily 4:14 pin Corrected Every Wednesday Morning. Paying. TTay per ton $ 6 50 Corn in ear, 70 lbs 35 Corn shelled, 56 lbs 35 Oats per bu 22 live per bu 45 New wheat per bu 66 nutter, dairy, per lb Mutter, creamery, per lb 21 Eggs, per doz 13 Ifoncy, per lb Lard, per lb , Potatoes per bu 40 Selling. ' Flour per sack of 40 lbs ' 1 00 Corn meal per cwt 1 00 Chop per cwt 1 00 Middlings per cwt 90 Hrnn per cwt 85 Oil Meal per cwt 1 40 For Insurance that... Insures, apply to R. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. I To PATENT Good Ideas mT be aacnred br oar aid. Addrcaa, THE PATENT RECORD, DiWrnnM Vd. SuDKrlpilona to THa Patent Record 1141) par sumo. J. L. REED, PRESIDENT.