One Year .". .
Six Months J
The name of the writer mutt accompanj all
letters (er publication or renueata lor Inlorma
tlon la order to secure attention. The name
It not required lor publication neceaaarlly, but
lor the Information ol the editor. Unalgued
article" Ito Into the waste baiket.
The editor of The' Reporter has had
another effervescent spasm. An ex
amination of the bile ia found to con
tain three ingredients: ignorance,
bullheadness and maliciousness, with
a slight trace of enlargment of the
cranium. Ignorance of the whole
matter in question In the first instance.
Bullheadiness, because when he found
out his mistake he was not man
enough to acknowledge and apologize.
Malicious, because finding his first
statements untenable he has switched
off, and makes new charges, for which
there is no excuse. He tried to mix
the fair association up with it, and
lastly charges continuous gambling in
the village and ropes in the saloon
In reply we say that there is not a
better governed village than ours in
the state of Ohio, or where less vice
and crime has been committed in the
last ten years, and a large majority of
our citizens seem satisfied.
All this has been accomplished with'
out outside interference in the past,
and all that can be said by a young
editor will have little weight regard.
ing the moral standing of our village
or its officers. Don't think you have
been appointed a conservator of the
peace for Lorain county, it was just
supervisor of enumeration, that's all
but if you are disposed to take up the
work of moral reformation you will
not have to go outside your own bail.
iwick for plenty of work. See mayors
docket, and Lorain county records
for comparison. Well, some things im
prove with age and therein lies our
In conclusion we will make this pro
position. We will send the Reporter
IS, to pay for the space and cost of
composition, if they will publish a cor
rect statement of the arrest of the
street gamblers and what followed
until their cases were disposed of, to.
ketlier with the sensational trash you
have been feeding your readers on
side by side, and let the public see
who, if any one is deserving of censure.
Nothing could be more fair or just,
and that would be the end of the con
troversary. Now write up or shut up,
Last Wednesday evening the Oberlin
council passed an ordinance granting
the electric railroad company a fran
chise in the village. Our council will
be asked to do likewise at their next
regular meeting. Then if the farmers
along the line will do their part we
will soon have an electric load.
Herbert Linder of Norwalk, is in
town today.
D. H. Bachtell of Medina, is visiting
Harry Daugherty. .
Harry W. Hoiin and wife of Cleve
land, were in town this week.
Mrs. Trinter of Cleveland, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. li. H. Wadsworth.
J. C. Dyer, who went with the G. A.
R. excursion is visiting friends in New
J. Claude Rinehart aid wife of
Oberlin, were guests at the American
house Sunday.
Mr. Martin Sweeney had the mis
fortune to fall Monday evening and
break his collar bone.
The Northern Ohio Conference of
the Methodist church is held this year
at Delaware, September 20.
A. E. French returned from Penn
sylvania Monday, where he has been
looking up the lumber trade.
Mrs. Mary Ladd of Battle Creek,
Mich., spent Friday and Saturday with
her brother, Wm. Burkholder.
The Big Four depot and surround
ing buildings are being treated to a
coat of paint. The color is surely very
1 1 There were 48 tickets sold over the
Big Four for the G. A. R. excursion
to Philadelphia. Only five members
of the Wellington Post were represent
ed ;0. L. Church and wife, A. W.
Griggs and wife, Geo. Ransom, Chas.
Hull and G. Grundy. Ninteen mem
bers of the band took in the excursion
and led the army and navy of Cleve
land in the parade. Our boys are not
o slow.
The yearly thank offering meeting of
the Woman's Missionary society of the
Congregational church will be held in
the Sunday-school room Friday after
noon of this week at 2:00 o'clock.
Mrs. Sheffield, a returned missionary
from China Will address the ladies up
on the work In foreign Melds. Mrs.
Arthur Reed of Oberlin (conference
director) will Bpeak of the home work.
One feature of the musical program
will be a solo by Miss Mable Benedict.
All ladies are Invited to be present.
Mrs. Nellie Somers of Cleveland, is
visiting at her father's, vi. J. w.
Orlando Allyn and Erwln Fox were
brought up before Mayor Couch for
intoxication Tuesday. Allyn was
fined $2.00 and costs and Fox the costs.
Mr. B. Horno, wife, and daughter
Hazel, of Medina, Ezra Bradford and
family and Mrs. Sadie Labin ot Olm
stead Falls, spent Sunday with Wm.
The third reunion of the 86th 0. V.
I., will be held October 5, at Bucyrus.
Addresses will be given by Col. W. C.
Lemert, Hon. R. H. Freer, Col. R. W.
McFarland and others.
S. Thornington brought to this office
this afternoon three ears of corn, the
longest one measuring 14J inches.
This varity is called the "excelsior".
Can any one beat this?
The Diamond Garment cutting
school closed yesterday, after giving a
complete coarse of instruction to their
puPils. The proprietors wish to thank
the people for the kind and courteous
treatment received.
At the meeting of the King's Daugh
ters Tuesday evening the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: Miss Ria Palmer, president;
Mrs. Walter Helman, vice-president;
Miss Mary Chapman, secretary; and
Miss Mary Herrick treasurer.
New stone walks have recently been
laid in front of the Stemple house and
Asa Pratt's. Several are now in con
struction C. McDermott's residence.
E. Lemmel's restaurant, and L. Bow
man's residence. This is a good ex
ample gentlemen. Let others follow.
The Wellington Box Company will
have in operation October 1st, a new
saw mill, for nil kinds of custom saw
ing. If any having logs for sale wish
to bring them in while the roads are
good, they can do so as good storage
room will be provided. With L. H,
Wadsworth as manager satisfaction
guaranteed. Your patronage is solid
For Sale.
At almost your own figures, the
house and lot known as the Orline
Hamilton property. For terms see R,
N. Goodwin.
Church Notices.
Services will be held in all the
churches Sunday.
Congregational Rev. H. D. Sheldon
will have for his morning subject "The
Salt of the Earth." In the evening he
will address the young people.
Baptist -Rev. A. G. Wall will have
for his morning theme, "The Influence
of a Holy Life." Evening, "Different
Results from the Same Message."
Methodist On account of the illness
of the pastor, Rev. R. L. Waggoner,
the pulpit will be filled by Rev. J. K.
Hoover of Cleveland.
Family Reunion.
The second annual reunion of the
Beach family was held at the residence
of E. E. Hub ted on Woodland avenue,
August 30 The writer of this notice
having attended many similar gath
erings can testify that it was a success
in every way and that for the pleasure
and happiness of the occasion, one and
all felt that it was largely due to their
host and hostess and their family.
Norwalk Chronicle.
The Rev. W. B. Costley, of Stock
bridge, Ga., while attending to his
psstoral duties at Ellenwood, this
state, was attacked by cholera mor
bus. He says: "By chance I happen
ed to get hold of a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and I think it was the means
of saving my life. It relieved me at
once." For sale by Near and Wells.
Notice to Contractors,
Bids are solicited for repairing the
Congregational church in Pittsfield,
Lorain county., according to plans and
specifications on file with O. J. Whit
ney. Bids to be in by Saturday, Sept.
23, at 2 o'clockp. m. Surety for the
prompt fulfilment of the contract will
be required. The committee reserve
the right to reject any or all bids.
( A. M. Sharburn,
Committe F. C. West,
( O. J. Whitney.
Pitttsfleld, O., September, 9, 1899.
Dr. Bigelow, the popular Cleveland
dentist had a big business at New Lon
don and Wellington the 8th and will
You can see him at the White House
New London from 8 lo 12 a. m. and at
the American House, Wellington from
1 to 4 p. m., same day.
If you want prompt attention be at
the hotel when the doctor arrives.
No pain or no pay is a standing guar
antee. Cleveland office, 316 Arcade.
I To PATENT Good Ideal
mar be secured by
our aid. Address,
alflawt, MS.
SaoMMptleu W TIM Fauatt 8401 tun fm aawuav
Another ease of those II 00
Alarm Clocks two
Eight Day Alarm Clock,
halt-hour strike S'2-W
We have many new goods awaiting your inspection. Bought
dealers. We make an urgent call for your inspection, anil prices that
f Clothlnjr. School Shoes. American Dietiuneiy, ioc. Basement.
2 bottles of Ink, 6c.
Now is the time for Little Gent's Shoes, siaes 8J to 12. A Mucilage, 3c. We are opening this week a very
School Suits. .Where good, nobby shoe In black or Ud, lace, at :jg,H,d Br(,P Slate I'oncils, 1c. fine line of Lamps, which were
can I find the best ones "1C. ... School lings, oc and 10c. . bought last spring before the trust
for the least money. " , . " ; Pencil lioxes, 5c, 8c and 10c. affected the prices. Those content
Children's two piece , V'" T T P 7 "". 6c- 8c- 12c' ,8c and 23c" ",e tUm f " """P
8u nt,;ie' z thc boat r on . WtW VnMd ,Mont"y' 1260 "houId;re u" .rr, r otter
, . bums, a to The most beautiful lamps on
trimmed, price from ,, ... ... o 150 VWt '
1 1'uu the market. Prices from the cheap
Si tO $5- " ,2to6l' 1169... Specials. est, 19c, to the best, fM.OO.
Every pair warranted good and solid. . .
. '. Ti i 7. 1 case Shaker Flannel, 4c yd. 1ftn :,,,, imnorted decotated
Hot of odd Suits that See the School Shoes 111 the window for i 100 piece imponeu accoimeu
soldrromfl.50to$2 boys and girls and all sold at dry goods I case 80 Tennis Flannels, (Ic yd. semi porcelain Dinner Set, hand
profits. We can save you money and give j ca8C 10c TenniB Klannels. 80. mDe ''T
4l. you a large selection. , 3O.Oo
; 1 ciise 10c Flannelettes, "hi:
Boy's Knee Pants from 18c to $1.25. Misses' Shoes, 75c, !8c, $1.1'J, $1.4.1. . 1 0 piece Toilet Sets, $1.8.
School Suits, coats, pants and vest, ages Suoe9 t)mt y()U cull't duplicate for the -5 pieces Fancy 1'lanls, 15c. 1Q Toiut m 298i
13 to 19; made of the new check plaids, Iirjcc 1 lot of 12Jc and 15c double fold Dress 12 piece Toilet Seta, $3.98 to $10.
stylish mixtures, etc. . Supp,jesTabletS. Oooda, lo close, 10c. FU sis. Tumbler,, .
43 10 st and best 6c 50 pieces of Fancy Plaids, Flannels and Fancy blown Tumblers, 6c,
Boy's Reefers, Boy's Shoes and every- oI i,T4c " ' ' Wo01 Mixture"' ''"'"I Rt 3rK'' "l"'t ial Wine Glasses, with gold band, 6e.
thing that boys wear can be found here. ' ' ,' per yd., 29c. 8rbcrt Cups, 6c.
. nojtti oiai.ic. On lirst table as yon enter store. riiin. Plates 10 15 and 20c.
Boy's HaU, Caps, Uu.lcrwcar, Shirts, The Qesper-120 sheets, good paper for . f China 1 lat is, 10, 10 ano. uc.
Sweaters, Collar, and Cuffs, Tic and Sus- ink, three siacs, 5c, If you want a fine Black Crepon, we Special sale of Fancy Cup. and
penders. Our stock is the largest and you The largest stock-150 styles to .elect have them. Prices from $1.00 to $2.25 Saucers.
can't afford to pas, it by. from. We sell most all 10c tablets at 8c. per yd. Large Glass Pictures, 18c.
1847 Hogers Bros. Knives
and Forks, per set $2. W
Ingersol's Celebrated
Watch, warranted 1 year, tl
Tie Philippines ire Nearer Witblatioa for All Purposes of Commerce ani Or?
, ,,. erimeit Thai Any of Our Acces.less of Territory Were When Ausexed.
Died. . ' .
Mrs. Bert Hull, daughter of Mrs.
Frank Arnold, died very suddenly at
her home on Prospect street, Tuesday
p. m. The funeral will be held on
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Dell Sprague, who has been in
poor health for some time, was found
dead in bed this morning at 10 o'clock.
At the hour of going to press the time
for holding the funeral has not been
Fre.h flsh-L, W. Ely, Bell phone
We will have a car of damaged
wheat for sale at Wellington Friday
and Saturday, September 15 and 16,
at 28 cents a bushel.
Gilger & Smith.
Fre.h white fish, trout, yellow pick
erel, ect., received daily by L. W. Ely,
Bell phone 944.
Buoklan's Arnica Suite.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Iruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fe
ver Soree, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cure Piles, or do pay
required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 centa per box. ' For sale by
Vear Wells.
During the Spring
J we will sell all
kinds of
at prices that are right
Don't buy until you call and
see what we have got and
get our prices.
A. Q. & Q. L. COUCH.
Opening- of the Hchoola.
' School opened Monday morning with
410 pupils enrolled ; of this number
121 are in the high school. There
were f2 tuition pupils present the first
day, 46 of whom are students of the
high school. This is the largest num
ber of tuition scholars ever repre
sented in our schools at one time.
The following is the list of teachers:
R. H. Kinnison, superintendent;
Miss Emma 0. Bates, principal; Miss
Daisy Bell of Dayton, 1st assistant of
the high school ; Mrs. W. C. Rogers,
2nd assistant; Miss Ida D. Most of
Edinboro, Pa., A. grammar; Miss
Anna B. Waggoner of Ashland, B.
grammar; Miss Katherine Gott, C.
grnmmer; Miss Permelia Tissot, D.
grammar; Miss Eva Couch, A primary;
Miss Kate Benedict, B primary; Miss
Edith Brink, 0 and D primary; Miss
Ethel Hall, north primary; J. J, Rog
ers, penmanship ; A. E. Wilett, music.
The neat Remedy for Flux.
Mr. John Mathias, a well known
stock dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says:
"After suffering for over a week with
flux, and my physician having failed
to relieve me, I was advised to try
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarroea Remedy, and have the
pleasure of stating that the half of one
bottle cured me." For Bale by Near
& Wells.
direct from eastern markets, which enables us to undersell most
ought to command a share of your patronage. " .
Th9 Leading Specialists of America A
250,000 CURED. 9
Nothing can lie moro demoralizing to ?5
young or middle aged uien than the iiretv C
cuce of tki'HO "oiglitly 1obb." They
produce weak nous, norvoiignewi, ft feeling F,'
r uidguHtanuawnoio train oi ympioni. m
hey unfit a man for biuinopn, married WTt
f J natural weakDensor eexual cxoespen, our
ew Aletuod ireatmeut will poiuiveij
cure you. r
Header, von need heln. Eailv abuse or m
I later excesrei may have weakened you. Tta
Kxponure may havo dieeaned you. You lj
aro not atue till cured. Our New Motbod If
will euro you. iou run bo risk. li
250,000 CURED Q
Yoanir Man You are nale. feeble M
ciutbie. jou become iorgettui, moro bo,
and deiiHHident; blotcheg and pirnpiei,
sunken eyes, wrinkled faoa, stooping
fonn and downcatt oountenane reveal
the blight of your existence.
No mutter how sertons Your case mav I
be, or bow long you may hare had it, our
KiEW JUniiiUV, IttUAUlJinj. Willi
curs It. The "wormv veins" return trt I
their normal condition and hence the I
pexual organs receive proper nourish
ment. Tho organs become vitalised, all
unnatural drains or lotwea cease and!
manly powers return. No temporary I
benefit, rut permanent cure anred. I
We treat and euro KVHHLlri.
MODERATE, it unable to call, write I'i
XRS. I 1
Kennedy Kergan
I will sell at public auction on the
fair grounds at Wellington, 0., on
Saturday September 23, 1899, begin
at 10 o'clock a. m., 20 head of young
horses and colts ranging in age from
wetinlingB to four year olds, (nearly all
standard bred, several matched pairs,)
all sired by Vigil Kene, (No. 11610,)
and Buckeye Bourbon, (No. 17253,)
both well known sires of high class
carriage and roadster horses. Every
colt offered at this sale, with one ex
ception, is a fine colored bay, and they
have all been selected with great care
for individual excellence and sound
ness. This type of high class horses
has never been as scarce in this
country as at the present time, from
the fact that the recent depression in
the horse market has caused the
farmers to stop breeding. What is the
use of paying exhorbitaat prices for
cattle for feeding purposes, when you
can come to this sale and buy high
class colts at your own price, for all of
these will positively be sola to the
hiuhest bidder without reserve. Sale
will begin promptly at 10 o'clock rain
or 'shine. Every animal sold guaran
teed as represented. These colts will
be kept at mv place one half mile
south of Wellington, O., until the day
of sale, and all are invited to call and
look them over. Terms: One years
time, 6 per cent interest, with approv
ed security. 8. K. Warner.
Trum Mend, auctioneer.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Our Jewelry Department
Is 100 per cent better than
last year. Come and see
Don't spoil your Watch
by neglect. Have It cleaned
and oiled by a good reliable
Jeweler. M. B. Whitney.
Dr. Wears
Heave Cure
Makes permanent CURES ol Hum,
Coughs, Cold and Indlfeetlon In all
stagei. That It la a scientific remedy ol
merit, and not a " fake," has been proven
by thoueanda of undoubted cares per
formed In the last 23 years. It' worth
looking Into.
You needn't believe ua I Write for our little
circular " What Other People Say."
It tella more about it
6C0. 8. MULUHCH A CO., Falrport. H. t.
J. M. Otterbacher's Btokof
Sewing Machines fa 'complete.
New Home
New Ideal
Wheeler & Wilaon
Prices $14.50 and upwards.
All kinds of needles and attach
ments in stock. Call and get
prices before going elsewhere.
Gasoline stoves
and Ovens,
Builders Hardware,
Linseed Oil,
White Lead,
MixeO. Paints,
Chain Pumps,
Mower Sections,
Etc., etc.
Notice in "Inventive Age" ! 1 1 1 I
Book "How toobtain Patents" 1 1 la aj
Chorum moderate. No lee till patent la secured.
Letteri etrictly eooftdantltl. Add ret.
1. 0. SlttttSS, raUM Uarar, yaatlaatta, 0.
7 IKK I 7Stn?i
-2 m -xmA. yj
i ...r.m ac r'srs r i earn 1 1
.1 qav