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The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, September 20, 1899, Image 2

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WELLINGTON, .1 l . OniO.
Gathered from All Quarters.
The war ilepnrtraent has been asked
ay Gen. Otis for 5,1100,000 rounds of
ammunition for the army rifle. This
consifrmutut will be sent from Suu
On the 14th the navigation bureau
of the nnvy issued a lift of vessels of
the United States of all kinds, mak
ing the surprising' showing of 312
craft. This includes many small ves
sels raptured in Cuba and the Philip
pines. ITp to the 13th Inst. 5,320 men had
been obtained fur the ten new volun
teer regiments last authorized. The
full quota of the ten regiments is 13,
090 men. The regiment most success
ful in recruiting is the Thirty-ninth,
t Fort Crook, Xeb. The enrollment
of this regiment is 725.
'resident .Mchinley is receiving a
Inrge number of petitions asking him
to request the French government to
pardon J)reyfus. .No such action vill
be taken, the administration holding
that to do so would undoubtedly be
Offensive to France.
At New York City on the 14th 1he
price of beef took another jump. Car
casses that sold for 01; cents a pound
on the J 1 tli now bring lO'j cents. Meat
men say there will be further advan
ces. It Is said the short supply in
responsible for the advance.
In addition to the advance made Sep
tember 1, the American Steel & Wire
Co. announces another advance in
prices, which took effect September 11.
All grades of wire were advanced 15
cents a keg. The latest'ndvanee In
creases the price of nails Kill per cent.
keg since the first of the year.
At Philadelphia on the 1'tth nearly
1,700 painters, members of the Amal
gamated Journeymen House Painters'
association, went on strike. The men
want eight hours a day, 35 cents an
hour, time and half-time for over ti'ne
and double time for Sunday. They
also demand the recognition of the
On the night of the 13th two men
were killed and two injured in a col
lision on the Pittsburg, Virginia &
Charleston railroad near liaird station.
Pa., between the pay train and h
freight train.
An assignment was made by 11. F.
Lnrrnbee & Co., proprietors of n large
department store at 'Huston on tlie,
14th. A large stock, high prices, dull
trade and limited capital are given as
the causes of the assignment, which
may be only temporary.
Jt Is announced that there will be no
muss meeting in New Virk City to
protest against t lie condemnation of I
Dreyfus. F.fl'orts were made to ar
range siicii a gut tiering, hut the men
who were asked to take a lending part
declined to do so and expressed the
opinion that the movement was n mis
take. At Allentown, Pa., Judge Albright
has ordered the removal of the bronze
tablet on the soldiers' monument in
that city containing (lis name, that of
the county commissioners, their clerk
lind their solicitor. The judge said
that the monument was erected to per
petuate the memory of the soldiers
und not as an udvertisement for coun
ty officials.
For the week ended September 15
the business failures in the I'nited
fitates numbered 1 4 0. as compared with
174 for the corresponding week of last
year, and 32 for Canada, as aguuiht 23
for the same period in 1S0S.
The subscriptions for the Dewey
memorial fund in Xow Vnrk now
amount to $7M)00. The building is
to he erected at Xorthfield.
Xew York capitalists luivc arranged
for a combination of chair making
plants. About M per cent, of all the
manufacturers in this country are in
terested in the union. The capital
ttwk of the new combination will be
The will of Cornelius Vanderbilt will
not be probated nor its contents made
public until Alfred Vanderbilt. the
second son, ea:i reach home. He is
now in Japan. It will be four or five
weeks before he can arrive in Xew
At Xew York City the meat combine
has made another advance in price.
I'ork luis nlinost doubled and veal has
advanced 25 per eetit. The htitcheft
throughout the city have been com
pelled, owing to these, advances, to
raise veal and pork from 2 to 5 cents
a iKiuiid to consumers. J.umbs have
jumped $1.50 per 100 pounds in o
On the 17th Charles Holmes i,n,l
wife, colored, of Jordantowu, X. J.',
were killed by a. West Jersey railroad
train near Collinwood, X. j. They
were crossing the track In n wagon.
At Philadelphia the master painters
are gradually signing the agreement
for the new wage schedule of 35 cents
an hour and a working day of eight
hours and the existing strike is de
creasing the number of men Involved.
A loss of $1(10,000 was entailed by a
fire at Iiochcster, X. Y., on the Kith
which destroyed the six-story Desbro
box factory and the Chase flouring
mills, besides damaging adjoining
A combine of granite manufacturers
In the Massachusetts territory made
famoiiR by "Quincy granite" is pro
posed, with a capitalization of over $1,
000,000. Jt Is understood thnt nego
tiations for control of all the quarries
are well under way.
It is stated by James A. Chambers,
president of the American Gluss Co.,
that a window glass combine has been
effected. The new company will take
In 50 of the iarges concerns in the
country, their uggregate capacity be
ing about, 2,000 pots. This is said to
lenve only about 00 pots outside of
the combine. .
HecniiJe of the Dreyfus verdict the
Rolebury (Pa.) Farmers' club has de
cided not to send Bamples of wheat to
the Paris exposition, as it had decided
to do at the request of the department
of agriculture.
A system of wireless telegraphy has
been invented by Peter Pearson, an
Oklahoma man, which he claims is
perfectly successful. A few duys ago
Mr. Pearson sent a message to his
agent in a little town 00 miles away,
lie Inter received a copy of the mes
sage by letter through the post office,
exactly as he sent it.
Large prairie fires have been raging
for several days on the plains, and In
the Pan-Handle section of Texas. Tic
ports from there are to the. etfeet that
the Fort Worth & Denver railway lost
4 freight cars that were caught on
sidings in the fire-stricken district and
At the present time almost nil of the
Xew river mining district of West Vir
ginia Is idle. Three-fourths of the
mines have suspended entirely and the
rest are at work with only a small
force. The miners demand an ad
vance of five cents per ton and the
operators claim they have contracted
to furnish coal at a figure that will
not permit them to grant the advance.
The schooner Mildred F.. of San
Francis), left St. Michaels, Alaska,
August 1. for Seattle, Wash., and has
not since been heard of. There were
40 persons on board. All hope for the
safety of the vessel has been given up.
At Crawfordsville, lnd Prof. Dennis,
an aeronaut, attempted a parachute
drop at a fair, but met with an acci
dent that Is likely to cost him his
life. Dennis ascended successfully
until about 200 feet from the grouncf,
when the balloon burst. The para
chute failed to open until within a
few feet of the earth, against which
the aeronaut was dashed. It is feared
his injuries will prove fatal.
Fire which broke out in the North
block ut Lincoln, Xeb., on the Kith
caused a loss of $500,000. This block
was occupied entirely by printing
firms. The flames spread through the
building and then jumped to the Ma
sonic temple, Methodist church and
Webster block, which were destroyed.
Several smaller buildings were also
The grand jury at Pana, III., has in
dicted 11 coal operators for inciting
riot, in that eity in April last.
On the 13th the German Trades
I'liiim association adopted a resolution
not to exhibit at the Paris exposition,
declaring that the P.ennes sentence is
an insult in its disregard of the offi
cial statements of Germany.
German spy has been arrested at
Laeroix stir Meuse, France.
Dispatches from Kaliseh, a town in
Itiissian Poland, say that 32 persons
were crushed to death in a panic in a
svnagogue there, caused by tlS up
setting of a lamp. The victims were
nil women and children. Many otft.
ers were injured.
The war department has abandoned
the steamship Morgan Ctty to her
owners. She lies in the inland sea
below Xagasaki, Japan, and wreckers
have been engaged jn the attempt to
float her.
It is reported that Grent Itrituin and
Portugal are about to sign a conven
tion hy which the latter leases to the
former certain territory and stations
in Portuguese Fast Africa. Germany,
it is said, also secured similar advant
ages from Portugal.
An explosion occurred in a coal mine
at Itcdan, Prussia, on the lUtli und
nine men were suffocated.
Judge It. J. Peters, aged 04, died at
his home in Mt. Sterling, Ky., on the
Ifcth, as the result of an attack of
grip, lie was for Hi years chief justice
of Kentucky.
Thirteen warships, nine revenue cut
ters and five torpedo Koats will wel
come the Olymphi when it arrives in
Xew York harbor bearing Admir.il
Dewey. The combined naval force
will anchor off State n island in double
1!. F. Mc( hiiiuin, a well known actor,
fell dead at the supper table of u hotel
in Hartford, Conn., on the Ihth, aged
65 years. He formerly ' supported
.Maggie Mitchell.
Gen. lioynton. president of the
Chickaniauga park commission, an
nounces that Ihe government has pur
chased another large tract of hind on
Missionary Kidge, to be added to
Chickaniauga national park.
Gov. Jioosevelt has issued a procla
mation setting apart Friday and Sat
urday, September 2tt und 30, as holi
days to be observed throughout Xew
York state as duys of general thanks
giving in honor of the return of Ad
miral Dewey to the United States. This
will niuke the duys indicated legal holi
days. Almost the entire business section
of Furnham, X. Y., was wiped out of
existence by a fire which broke out in
Louis Sehwert's barn on the Kith. The
loss is between $200,000 mid $250,000.
Among the buildings destroyed were
the L'rie Preserving Co.'s canning fac
tory, the Xational hotel and between
1." and 20 dwellings.
The ship George Stetson, of Hath,
Me., has been burned at Loo Choo,
China. Xo lives were lost.
A boat containing the captain and
ll men from the French steamer Dun
rue, reported to have foundered off
the island of Elba, in the Mediterran
ean, is feared to have sunk with all on
board. '
The formation of the Tampa. Fla.,
cigar syndicate has been completed.
Officers will be chosen at a meeting
to be held in Xew York within a few
days. The syndicate will be capital
ized at l?25,000,000. .,
George llollenbeek, aged 53 years, a
resident of Grand Valley, Pa., was shot
and killed on the mil by Itenjnmin
George, a neighbor, who mistook hint
for a woodchuck. llollenbeek was
hunting bees, and was in the net of
bending over when George, who was
hunting woodchueks, espied the top of
hie head through the bushes. Reliev
ing It to be a woodchuck George fired,
the ball from his Winchester rifle pen
etrating Hollenbeck's brain.
"Necessity is the
Mother of Invention."
R fvts tht necessity for a reliable
blood purifier and ionic that brought
into existence Hood's Sarsaparilia. &
is A highly concentrated extract prepared
by combination, proportion and proc
ess peculiar to itself nd giving to
Hood's Sarsaparilia unequalled curt-
Smith Thinks There Are Times
When They Amount to
a Tragedy.
"Night-blooming cercuses re no joke,"
remarked Smith to his partner as lie ar
rived at the office about 12 o'clock in to
"Serious things, I suppose," remarked
Brown, jocularly.
Smith groaned. "Serious? Well, I should
say so. They are a tragedy. We have one
in our family, and just as soon as I can per
suade my wife to go down to her mother's
for a few days that hoodoo of a botanical
specimen goes in the ash barrel. For some
reason or other mv wile decided that tha
cereus was going to bloom last night. It has
mreaienea to uioom so many times and tlien
backed out at the last minute that nobody
but a woman would have any more faith in
it. but it was a Bure thin? this time and
Mrs. Smith sent runners all over town to
summon our friends in to see that dastardly
thing burst into flower; certain billed to
blossom out at midnight. When I came
home .Mrs. Smith said:
' 'how. Henrv. a niuht-bloominff oereus is
something you don't see in flowers more
than once in a century or is it a thousand
years? Anyway it's an awful long time.
And I've invited the Jones and the L'nllinsea
snd the greens and '
well, aliout 00 people, half of em living
even miles out on the North side. I had ar
ranged to meet a man at the club, hut 1 tele
phoned him I wouldn't be there. Then the
caterers came and they turned the house into
an ice cream parlor. All my papers and
dooks and tisiimg rods and guns were car
ried out of the Btudv to clear & snitnhl.
place for that confounded cereus. It took
the center of the stage and kept it, and as far
as I am concerned 1 wish botany was at the
bottom of the sea. The layout cost me $50
ucHiucs losing in me meiee a aeca to ten
lots in Englewood."
"Well, nut the cereus?" queried Urown.
"Oh, yes, hang it, the thing didn't bloom.
Flunked for the twenty-fifth timer-Chicago
inter Ocean.
The Young? Bnsehall Rooter Causes
Ills Paternal to Feel Too
He is a Chicago hoard of trade man, dig
nified to a degree, has luxuriant, bushy sraa
whiskers, clean chin and upper lip, and ht
dearly loves baseball. He also has a sou
six years old, who loves the game as dearly
as does his father, and while the elder enjoys
the playing in a solid, placid, contented way,
me uov nunuies over witt
outroois all other rooters.
Dllrinff thp Inst f 'hip.irn.fit Titm'i
father and son sat in the grand stand under
the intense strain of knowing that St. Louis
had two men on bases and two out, and if
the man at the bat made a base hit the score
would be tied. The latter smote the ball
heavily. It soared upward and onward, far
back into what the baseball reporter calls
"the left garden."
Left Fielder Ryan was there, and, after
long, hard spurt, caught the fly on his finger
tips and held it. The crowd screamed joy
ously and the small son of his father nearly
went out of his skin for glee. The father
merely smiled with dignity.
Finally the crowd ceased its yelling after
the left fielder had doffed his cap thrice.
There was siie nee as he walked to the bench
twirling his blond mustache with either
Then, with his father's clean shaven upper
hp in mind, and with a voice that drew the
attention of the assembled hundreds toward
his devoted dad, the six-year-old rooter fair
ly yelled: "O, pap. don't vou wish you
had a mustache like Jimmie Ryan's!1" Chi
cago Tribune;
One Reason.
Green Why is it that some doctors have
so small a practice?
DeWitt It may be because they are
practicing physicians. Cleveland Leader.
Teacher "What do you know about
Jonah?" Scholar "He was the first man
to take a trip in the vicinity of the oil re
gion." Yonkers Statesman.
Congressman Botkln, of Wlnfleld, Kansas.
In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, Con
gressman Jtotkin says:
"My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure
to certify to the excellent curative qualities
of your medicines Pe-ru na and Man-a-lin.
I nave been alllictcd more or Wet for a
quarter of a century with catarrh of tha
stomach and constipation. A residence in
Washington has increased these trouhles.
A few bottles of your medicine have given
me almost complete relief, and I am sure
that a continuation of them will effect a per
manent cure. Pe-ru-na is surely a wonder
ful remedy fur catarrhal affections."
J. D. Botkin.
The most common form of summer ca
tarrh is catarrh of the stomach. This is
generally known, as dyspepsia. Congress
man llutkin was a victim of this disease
twmty-five years. Pe ru na cures these
cases like isagic. Address Dr. Hartman, Co
lumbus, O., for a free book.
The microlies that cause chills and
fever and malaria enter the Bystem
through mucous membranes made
porous by catarrh. Pe-ru-na heals the
mncous membranes and prevents the
entrance of malarial perms, thus pre
venting and curing these affections.
UMBRELLA Holders, Uulom run.
Have you heard
that there Is a well-tried and
actentloe treatment lor tha cuts
ot all chronic dlsaasea bj tut
s Inhalation of .
Compound Oxygen?
Its wonderful effect spaa
Is well know to thousands who
have been benefited after years
of suffering snd dls ispolntmeat.
To all those who have tried dif
ferent remedies without success
and hare become discouraged,,
our Compound Oxygen Treatment
comes, brlacTns? hope and encour
agement. It has restored many
chronlo sufferers.
Why not you?
Write tor book at once, free.
111 C Irani fit., PHIUDELPHIA, PA.
Noth I m but a local
remedy or change ot
i-l, mate will cure It.
tfet a well-known
Ely's Cream
It Is quickly Absorbed
(lives Belief at oace.
Opens and cleanse.
Allk.s Inflamatl.i'n. PA! I Ik. U C A ft
U.I9l U.O.M.
Heals and protect. VUUJ 'UE.f'lU
the Membrane. Restores the Menses of Ts.nr.,
and Smell, 'o Cocaine. No .Mercury, No Injur
ious druc. Price ftOc. at. druiculsts or b? nik.ll
trial Size 10c. byoiall.
SL. HR'IUEBS. at Warren bt. New Von
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlflc.iallvdlcratJit.hnfnnil nnfl gldo
Nat.iirft In nt.rpnathenlnLT anrl rwnn.
structlDg the exhausted digestive or
gaos ms me latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can annrnarh 1t, In efflclenrv. It. In.
stantly relieves and permanently cures
jjyspcpoia, indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
m i otner resu i ts oi l m perfect a l ges tlon.
J.W. HOUGHTON, Druggist
'While yea Sleep."
"City or Buffalo"
" City or enii."
soth together being without doubt, In all
reipeots, the finest and futost tbal ars run
In the Interest of the traveling publlo la
the United atates.
Daily incluoins Sunday.
leave Clevelssd J P.M. Arrive Boffale 6 A.N.
BaXal 8 " "Clevelaad -
Connect Ions made at Buffalo with trains
mr all Eastern and Canadian points. Ask
ticket agant for tlckMa via O. A B. Una.
Rend four cents for Illustrated pamphlet,
y. r. m ism an,
fluuii AflT,
M lir allar bkf.-frtsla. ftlftKMYillB CtJAk ! HUOB
Cook HTOtK, lijr (night C.O.V., fubjtot to imImUoa.
ftumlD It v
I our freight
epo and if
tuund perfect
j tallif swtory
m4 tax trials)
U Baft.
HAM 70a
tr u
r betni
I null
ttM tta W 00.
Mot Wttas Of-
4.. - an Ml
3 QUI.
nd fralgbt chart.. Thll ttOT ll ill Ho. I,
Uuiiliil, top IsUiUt Buute from bt pig Iron, otr
Urir Hum, btMTT eortri, by HntBci Usd fratM,
lara otm btlf, Ihtv Un Hd uW, haadMsavt
nickel pla(d orasuuenteU&na and tiinmlnga, aitra
Urn deep, ganulnt ulUk) rtlala Mm4 rMrlr, hand
naie iarr ornanwntd Imn, mI btnir mU; and
we furolah FftH an eitra wood rraU, malrli)f It a por
foct trwaa awwtr. Wl IHIll A BINBINV fltiBif TIK with
Terr aHoa and guarant aar dehTary to your rail
roaditelioat Y oar local daalar would obarva you tu.ot
tor lucb a ttort, tht fraight la only atout 1100 (of
atcb b00 mil-, m w aT Mt lat tifr.OO. 1lrMa,
tyati, Biii.U.afataarwrhty nllifcU IdHMaJ
r, ' - i m l nnuk manna
iVaa.aI ' 1 i0 DlSIONS
' Yaw. U.M.
frlli Copyright Ac
Anronewwdlnf ktfh and description mf
utckly aaceruin oar opinion fr 'bother an
Invention la probably patentable. Cfmimunlm
tlona atrtctty oonDdentfal. Handbook on Patent
aettt fro. Oldeit ajrency far amjrlng paUnta.
Patente taken tbroath Munn A Co. receltt
tfi-l4 notfce, without cbargt. La th
scientific ilcrican.
AbaMaomely l.iottratad; weekly.
Cti lalion of any rlantlflo lourtiat.
Terms, i
rear: foarraontba,IL Bold by all nvwedemlara,
MUNN Co.""'. New York
raaoa Oatot. am, WwkUnlos, O L
1 -j
av;. ,
IDDEN ty ttie profetsional t&cet, h hit proven a winner
oftener than any in competition. Ridden by the non
pt ofesiionaL, iy the "scorcher," for buiineu or pleasure, it
has a record second to none. Material used in its construction,
pains-taking care in manufacturing; details, ease in running-, and
handsome, symmetrical design are a few of its claims for superiority.
Reasonable prices, coupled with high values, are characteristics of
the "WHITE." Our long established reputation guarantees the
excellence of our product.
Models A and B.. ................ $50. OO
Model O (30-ln. wheel) 60. OO
"Special Racer" 65. OO
Models E and P (chalnlesa) ......... 76.00
White Sewing Machine Company,
Fo5a,e by WEBSTER & CO.
(Jul this ad. uui to us wllti fl.OU. amlflo will Htid
IMPftitTKD 1CIK qi KKK FAMLoB b;frl(htC. O. P..ubjfe( t
tiMloattaa. You oan ozatulne It at your ueaiest freitf'it dejMit.
and If ynu find It esartly a reprcarntrd, equal to onianii tlini
retail at 7&.00 to $i(IV.0U, thnreat!.t value you ever aaw and
far bntter tban orvana aivertlwd by other at more money, pay
the frelylit affent our ancclal DO daya' offer price, S3t.70a
Insa Uii 11.00. or 9fo.ll, and freight charirea.
d br oHisr. Kut-h sin offer wds ntiver itimln bi'l,ir.
THE ACME QUEEN lioiwuf tlioui)i HiLi,EADSWIirnf8T
VO.tKUIaatruBcaTiftrrsmada. f rom the lllUHlratiun hown whh'h
ipenicrnviKl dirert from phoWraplj.you can urruaooieMoaof 111
Drauuiui apearanre. Made iroea aona quarter aawrd
oak, anHoue nriiiblinclHomely drcoratedaiidoriiameiiUML
lalvat atyle, TllR At HI 1)1 tU lift font ftlncliei blub.
si Ini'liii lontf, Ki Inches wide and wel ht U0 pouude,
lama a octaves, n eiipg, m roiiowii uiapatoa. rrinflpal,
Diilcliaa, Nvlodla, ieltwlr, freeioia, BaH Coupler, Trtble
Mfiar, oiapaavia emt ana Tot Hanaati I octave teeplvra.
T Hll. lilraadOrvaa Bwrll, 4 (ttU Oreheetral To4
:eaaaUr FlnoOualltr ItM-dt. 1 fMafll Pur Mvai Fii.
dr4, I Sal afll (hamlnalj Brlllltat teleate Reeda, 1 t(tt af
lintiMtlltwrimoothDlaisaawlWd. 1 Hat ef 84 PlHula
NurmaUdlaHPrlarlpal HriuU. 1 ME AC'.HE Ql'KKN ac
tion enmintot the Cflpiirated lowelt itfodt, wliicli are only
u wil In the hlfflwfht grade lnstrtimenia; fitted with Haje-
mmn ioMire aae vet iiaanaa, aiao Dent Dolce reltn,
inaturiB), stir,, wiiuwi vi vno went ruouer ClOin,
lurllowttatock and flnost leatlier In valvea.
At MKQl 1.KN I fiiniltdied with a lOiit hevcle1
plate French mirror. nl'kl plated wlal frainea.
and every modern Improvement, W farala free a aaaeV
arfta iimi ana in Muergaatattraeiloabook publlsbta.
iMoue a written litndlntr ICVvear srnarantM. th
terraaand cnndltlons of which If any rt tflvea out
wereiwlr It free of charge. Try It one month and
we will refund tout nionev If vou are not nrfiwtlv
eatlifled. two of theve urbane will heaold at 1.1a.
li'ildtalt with uk (tsk your nelk'hltor nl-otit xin write
the irUhllKherorthin itanernr .Mptmnnlltjin Natin.i
liank.orOjrn KTrhangHNat.llank.ChiyatCO! or German Bkckmnfre Bank, New Torlti or any railroad or express
fornpany In (.hlrufio. haie tfapltal ef ar $700,000.00, occupy entire one of the lariat l.uitnr! bl.x'Kaio
Lhioaa-o and employ nearly i.OOO iwople Id our own bulldlnif. K HULL OKQaSIS T :.00 sad apt PHOtrf, U.0
ad apt alnn verythlii(f in musical lntnjmnu at loweat wholeaale priced. Write for free opei'iel ttriran, piano
and iiiurlt ' lnlrumtiit fatajokfue. Acid re m..m uk.. a. r. ta, .ki. n.ki. k
6EAH5, ROEBUCK A CO. Inc.), Fulton,
f herra aad Rlpftiu Tabnlee wltb so nnok tatuv
factloa UatU 1 ea cheerfully recommend them.
Have) been troubled (or about three jeera with
what I eailed btlloiu attackj oomliig on resrularly
once ft week. Was told by different phyilclaoi
thatllwae oaaaed by bad teetb, or which I had
everaL I bad the teeth extracted, but the at
teckj oontinoed. I bad wen advertisements of
Rlpaw Tabules la all the papers but had no faith
In then, bui about six weeks ilnce s friend In
duoed me to try them. Rave taken but two of the
small Soent boxes of the Tabnlee and have bed
ho reoturenee of the attacki. Have never given a
teatlmoeilal for euythine; before, but the f met
ftmotanl of good which I believe has been done me
by Ripens Tabules Induces me to add mine to the
many testimonials jou doubtless have In your
W. A. T. IJKWrrT.
I treats ts Inform yoo,
to wares of bigheit
frslae. ef the beneat
have derived from
SIpansTabulee. I am n
profeeeleaal aurse and
In this prosTeealou a clear
bead Is always needed.
HI pans tabnJes does It.
After ea ef my eeaes I
found myeaif eompletely
run down. Aetlngonthe
ad v lee ef Mr Oeo. Bow
sr, Fb. 0 CM Itewarlc
Avsw, Jersey city, 1 took
Kinase Taoeies with
rraad seamlta.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ill of humanity.
was sroa Mad
with beartbarn and
sleep4eeseasas. eauaed by
Indlcesttea, far a good
many yaara One day
she easy a testimonial
In tha paper Uaaorting
Rlpaas faftoiee. She
determined Ut give them
a trial, was greatly
relieved aw their use
aad new takes tha
Tabules lagularly. the keeps a few eartons Rlpaas
Tabules la the aooee and says she will not be with
out Chess. Tha heartburn and slsepleeeaese have
SUmp peered with the Indlfeetlon which was
formerly ea great a burden for her. Our whole
family take the Tabulae regularly, especially afier
a bearey sseaL My mother is fifty years of re
and Is eajoytaar the beat of health and spirits ; also
eats awarty meals, aa possibility before she
Ajrros a. BLADxai.
a aew etyts persret eontalalns: m affasa TAStnas packed in a paper earten (without glass) is now for sole
at esese drat stores roa rrra ousts. Tola low-priced eort is intended for the poor and the eeononioaL One
loess, ef the descent eartons (110 tabules) ean be had by mall by sending forty-eight cents to the Brraas
Cast mas OeawAjrr. Ho. is sprues Street, New Tork-or a single oar-tod (tx tasulss) will be sent for Ave cents.
Ciri a f aavLsa aaay else be had ef some rrocera, general aSoieapere, aews saeats sad at seme lias SI ires
iadtfasw cheats. They toaaiafe peia. ii.doca lep asd srolons; Ufa. OueglVMieUeL
A4spfsBaam a' JeoeUIB Or OUT
TkeOe4eerBeaisees. MONTGOMERY
n rm
K ,Ca-
fan Ihia N kVt
Dm p la. net and Way man St., CHICAGO, ILL.
I have beea a greal sufferer from aonsttpatloci
for over five years. Nothing gave me any relief.
Hy feet and tegs and abdomen were bloated so
I could Dot wear ahoee on my feet and only a loose
dress. 1 saw Rlpani Tabules advertised In our
dally paper, bought some and took them as direct
ed. Have taken them about three weeks and thera
Is such a change M am not constipated any mors)
and i owe It all to Ripens Tabules, Ism thirty
seven years old, have no occupation, only my
household duties and nursing my sick husband.
Be has bad the dropsy and I am trying Rlfaana
Tabules for him. . He feels some better but It will
take some time, be has been sick so long. Yot
may use my letter and name as you like.
t have beea sufferlnf from headaches ersr
since I was a little girl. I could never ride In a
ear or go Into a crowded
place wlibout getting a
headache and sick at my
stomach. I heard about
Rlpans Tabules from an
aunt of mine who was
taking them for CAtarrh
of the stomach. Bhs had
found such relief from
their use the advised ma
to take tbcm too, and I
have becndolngsoalnca
last October, and will
say they havs complete
ly cured my headaches.
I am twenty-nine years
old. Tou are welcome
to use this testimonial,
Mrs. J. Baooxarma,
My seren year-old boy
suffered wltb peine la
his bead, const IpAtloa
and complained of bis
stomach. Bs could not
eat like children of his
axe do and what ha
did eat did not a tree
with blm. He was thin
and of a saffron color.
Beading soma of the testimonials In favor of
Ripens Tabules, I tried them. Rlpaas Tabules not
only relieved but actually cured my youngster,
tha headaches have disappeared, bowels are la
good condition and he never complains of his
stomach. Belsnowared, chubby-faced boy. This
woaderful change I attribute to Rlpans Tabules.
K am satlsOed that they will benefit any one (from
the cradle to old ag) If takes according to dtreo
Two. jT" X
With Ball licartnars snd all Modern Iinnmremente. Thin we will
uu uj expreao to any stutioo aillitn miles of Chlraco.
Upon arrival deposit our price, H9.50, and eipress charges,
with the express aeot of your town, then
If you am perfectly sstlnnod with the machine, keep It, oter
wle return it to the express arent, and he will give you all
your money back. If too prefer, we will ship by freight and
draw on tou thrnnirh Vnur nttaraait hunk Hniri aiiu,.i..
plllof Lading. When machine comee pay draft, and uke machine
from station. If yoodont likelt, return It by freight, and we will
refund, wesmarautee the machine for ten years. Ken, ember
you tntenonak. itdoirtcnst you one cent unleet you uke the
onrfect aatlafantlnn. ITB aDcniii a-ri iDcra A u.n
naToauiij over i ihi.ihiii. ann rnov am an a r in
L tei!l.T,f'ii'lBA, ""fiSCi'iy OperaUKl, Nntaelees,
flf Double Posltlra Feed, Self Threadinr Bhuttle. Aelf-Hettm'
, wemie,iension Liberator, AntomatirBpooler, Hish Arm, Nlckle-
plnted woriintrpamHteellearlnaTe,lmpmvedaUelAtUchm
BuiierlitrFlnlsb, Hihiy Poiuhed Bent Woodwork.Osk or Walnut.
at usis STerytnina used by mankind,
vV WD CO., e1lchlginA.,4liadlaSL.Chlcaco,

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