A Firm Library tt unequalled Talne rnctlcaU
up-to-date. Concise and Comprehensive Hand
someljr mated and Beautifully Ulustrned.
Allabont Honc- Conmon-8uTmlK.fthotr
74 Uluatrationa ;a etandard work. Price, ssCeata,
No. a-bioxile berry book
All about growing Small Fraita-reed and lean bow
contains colored lite-like reproductlon.ofallletdm'
varietiea ud too other illuatratlona. Price, jgCcataT
rw. a rJluULC elHJx.TKY BOOK
All about Poultry j the bat Poultry Book to RMfflctl
tells everything; with ij colored life-like repriucttaie)
of all the principal breeds; with ujoUKr.luiiatratioiia,
Price, so (zenta. a
All about Cowa and the Dairy Baalnea ; having a mat
ale; contain colored life-like reproductions o'each
breed, with ija other lUaatratlona. Price, joCenta.
Juat out AO about Hogs-Breeding, Feeding, Batch,
cry, Diseases, etc Conulna over So beautiful half
tonea and other engraving. Price, $o Ceata.
IheBiaOLe BOOKS are onique,original,uaetul-yoo nrrer
aaw anything like them eo practical, aoaenf ible. They
re having an enormoue eale East. Wert, North and
South. Berry one who keepa a Hone, Cow, Hog or
Chicken, or grows Small Frulta, ought to aend right
la jronr paper, made for you end not a mlilSt It la year
.1 V,,he boiled-down, hit-the-nall-on'the-head,
cwit-efler-you-have-aaid-lt, Farm and Household paper in
iwrld-the B.'t;t PP "f Ha aire fa the United Statea
rnuiion ana a-naiireguuir reaoera.
f dr?Jfo?dAooVL,sTLlr, ,9oa - m " -
cample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE BOOKS free.
chas. r. jEJuauaa.
tAbtfirtAIIHU IbkCICK (WHOMACM)HE .ffrMC. . D, s.w u twit
mii. loarneimln ltat jour MarNl frelrht U9t 4 lf jjn
pwnsrri.y aaMltatn, eiaWllJ M reprMMtCO,
ftsrakj U ai'MiN thtr. mII U hlf h M fCO.Ot), tj Till
WUIUi BARtiAIH iuu biih HaURaT tlr ffH Mil
Our Spaglal Offer Prlo ir. gn
and frelBbtcriavrgaB. Tht atvctilM weighs yiJ'ow
DtUaVldtht frlrlit will aer7 7B mdu fnt aaavah MKiiata
I IT THREE MONTH8' TftlALla your m bonr-jid
will rttara your llt.M any dT you tvr Dot MtUfld. Wt Mil f
fartnl aakw a. ra.M fewl-i teals. tvt (A..0. HO., II 1.00,
II.Mua mm. all fall gWrlba. la Omr Kr ..kin. r.t.i.
vartisments, offtrlog b.mb .ikia., under varl.na linn, with
various Indursments. Ilrtt. tana artaat la fal s ua Wm aha in
THS? n 1 1 f S"T I r If " arery loam nraMiKiTr.
' ' UBt iirnti uoa, una th
hum iu; nuix aiA ixiiiaj,
W aV U . all
f . LA f Ja-Ml
VOW fMa attat Hm 1
liM4, Villi TO OA:
ft. 60, "I TO m
1. WIT HRlUf,
NET eniiik aiiadtcb e-uvrn a.v r,ir.nvaQ
rusv FlLUllD. oot lUiutrmMati ibswi aaMatM doood, (i4 dror
Blot tnm iifht) to bt aied aa o mlfr ta.. Ma r ni. Mm oiatr
fMa with full If mrta Ut.la art) tr4 u pUes for rnrlu, 4 IW
rawort, lalM 1 tktattM fraaM, eaxTod. ruelod, trobocaed an j
deeomtod i-iblAo. Saltta, flntit otekal drawer Bulls, rM oa 4 can
tor. baJl BMrtnaf ad 1 U B tA hi traarii. ararnmlBO Kn rtr, Imh mmw.A
riaoal lart ira Waa, poiltlvt foar nntiott food, Mff thrtaaHaa vlbrat
Rr .haul. aatoatla bobbin winder, adiuatahla kiaHan aatAm taa.in.
ltborator, Impravad looaa what), adjustabla prooMr foot, Imamvad akutt)'
earrler. patoat naodla bar, patent dreaa ruard fatad la handwraialv doooiMod
iluLua lilu
Karr fcaawa aMaifcaaai. ta fairaUa1 auni aaap Vma Taitite.i.r nuir t-ii
A SO TIABa' BITTDrNO OUABAiriEB It Kn( wllb ever? maeauia.
IT COSTS YOU NOTHING nmt Ma naoklaa. conjure II
" with Uota yournonkaeaer nllial 40.00
CUARANTEED u. umuUm. tU .4 Ml
90,00, nd tkan If eofirlnoefl r" araaarf sw.aa la aaa.aa,
-' ' ,, .. J wf nn mmm r airaaaw
Addrev, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
For a SUMMER CRUISE take the
The Oraataat Parfartlan rat attained In Beat Conetroctlan Lnnrlaaa
EqulpaMUt, Artlnlc Faralahlng, Dccarsll.a mm4 BrMclaat tarflca
To Detroit, Georgia? Bag, PetosKeg, Chicago
Wo other y ne offers ft paaoraau of 4o amileo of wtttal warlet aad isterest.
Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac
tOW RATES Pktnraaqna Mnckhuaj
and tatarn, ladudlnf Maalaaad Bertha.
A pprazleaauCaetlraa Cleveland, tio. a
Jraaa ToleM, i. jj: tram Da trait, ii ;
Evt ar Day ah
Cleveland, Put-in-
and at. for tllaal rated Pamphlet Addreaa
A. A. 80HAHTZ. a. a. ... saTaoiT. aiiCM.
0Y Aire Niaxr Saaview Brrwlfa
Fan, $1,50 Dlractlao.
Bertha, if., $i. ftaUraaaa, $i.7f.
Caunectieneart made at Clerelaad with
Xarlleat Traiaa for a U aolata Kaat, South
and Sonthweat, and at Detroit for all
paiata North and Nerthweet.
tuada. Trip Jaaa, Jalr,Aa.,la., Oct. Ontf
Mmmt Brrwiaa
Bay and Toledo,
Deiron and cieveiami RaYiQanon (temctiiTf.
"JT Iff I 3'
TrveB8ilcd D2wiPapcf
Knova wlat toLevom
Rill of Giigci
Full of .SansM ic w-v
fbriecvfs-rolled-ap Fdrnerat
Good InanyStAte wlere Camptionis Cartttt
CflttoFitfteMw wlw Knows Wlut)Wil
Why kan a Morttai en the Farm, Poor Crape,
Rhenmatiaen, Sonr Bread, Sick Hoga, a Leaky Roof,
Bopy Milk, n Balky Horae, Grip, Hole la the Pocket,
Skeleton in the Ooaet, or any other
Pain or Trouble
when yon can get .je Farm Journal fie year, for
eentar Addreaa Paan JonaAL, Phila., Pa.
inPORTANT KOTICE.-By apeclal arraageeaeat
uda with thaPARri JOURNAL, wa are enabled ta
atler that paper treat aaw aatll December, iooj, ta
every aahacrllxr waa aaya f ar aar one year ahead
both paper for the price of on re aaly. a, J
darBa ennpt In accepting this offer.
Gathered by Telagraph, From All
Parts of the State.
Planning- for a Mammoth Steel riant,
Cleveland, Oct. 20. During the past
few rtnys a prospectus outlining the
organization of a $5,000,000 steel plaut,
to be located near Fuirport, has been
circulated among Cleveland capitalists.
Charles L. Pack and other prominent
financiers are behind the project ami
there is every indication that it will
soon be a realization and the com
pany orgnni.ed. The proposed site
is at the mouth of Grand river, on the
opposite side of the river from the
present Fairport docks. A tract of
1,000 acres of land on the west side
of the river is under option. The
plant proposed includes a blast fur
nace of oo tons capacity and ten 30
ton basic open hearth furnaces. A
modern bar mill and plate mill will
also be erected.
Indicted by tbe Grand Jury.
Cleveland, Oct. 21. Six indictmenta
growing out of the investigation into
the records of the waterworks depart
ment, in the city hall, were returned
by the common pleas court grand jury
Friday. Kucli indictment is for mak
ing out and presenting false claims to
a public olhcer, unci receiving pay
ment on the same. The indictments
are agninxt A. E. Davis, who was
superintendent's clerk in the water
works department at the time of the
alleged fraudulent transactions, and
who was arrested some time ago;
George K. Welch, who was the store
keeper in the waterworks department
at that time; and 1). A. Stewart, who
sold goods to the city.
An Important Trial Beelna.
Toledo, Oct. 24. In the circuit court
of I.ucns eo.inty yesterday began the
hearing of injunction proceedings
against the Toledo, Norwalk & Fre
mont electric road to prevent the lay
ing of tracks, and with a view of ask
ing an ouster for the road. Upon the
decision of the court will be deter
mined the fate of a number of such
roads now in process of construction
or projected in this state. The ground
on which the attorney general is fight
ing the road is that the county com
missioners have granted the road a
rifrht of way along the If'iumee turn
pike, which being a public highway
cannot be given to a corporation for
private purposes.
A Itoyal Welcome.
Cleveland, Oct. 20. The returning
soldiers from the Philippines received
a. royal welcome from the people of
Cleveland on their return to the city
Thursday. Their train from the west
pulled into the depot at 10:03 a. m
Mothers, wives nnd sisters fell upon
the necks of the soldiers, kissing them
and shedding tears of joy. There were
On of the returning soldiers. A parade
of local military organizations was
formed nnd escorted the Philippine sol
diers through the principal streets to
the Central armory, where the boys
were given a banquet, after which they
were welcomed buck to the city by a
numiicr or local orators.
Flndlay Hospital Burns.
Findlny, Oct. 24. The worst
lire in the history of this city occurred
Monday morning when the city home
and hospital was consumed by flames.
'Hie fire started in the third story
from a live wire, Klforts of the fire
department were useless. The pn
tients were re-moved while the wall"
were falling nnd the furniture burn
ing. No deaths arc reported, but nine
persons nre in a critical condition
from fire, water and eposure. The
building was the finest in the city and
was constructed of brown stone. It
was donated to the city by Evora
French Shnfer. The total loss Is es
timated at $.",0,000.
Kinployra Were Neailgent.
Kiles. Oct. 21. Coroner Beach has
rendered his verdict on the street car
wreck here October 8. He found that
the train was running at a dangerous
rate; that the motormnn nnd conduc
tor of the street car could have seen
the train in time, and that the cause
of the wreck was negligence nnd in
sufficient care on the part of the em
ployes in charge of the train and the
street car.
New Ha tea for Manna.
Columbus, Oct. 21. The republican
State crrmmittee hits annniimpil fha
fnllrm-iiifr rliifMk for mpfilinira n t,;..!.
Senntor Hanila will speak: Fostoria,
iet. .i. witn tirosvenor and John P.
Green, colored orator of Cleveland;
Howling Green, 24. with Col. W. C.
Cooper, of Mt. Vernon; Findlay, 25,
with OoV. Mount, of Tmliiinn nn1 Tnlm
Tf. Griffith; Marysvile, 26, with ex-Gov.
i' osier.
la f'oinlnir Home to Vote.
Canton. Oct. 24. Prnrldi-nt m..tt;.
ley is coming home to vote, November
7. Ills afVdavit for registration has
arrived, and is in the hands of Secra-
'ary navies, or the city lioard of elec
tions. President McKinlev i-oiinta
new home, recently purchased, his
residence, and will be registered in
iTeeinct B, r irst ward.
ftew Railway Incorporated.
CoIlimhUS. Oct. 24. The Clerelnnd.
Pnrbcrton & Western Ttailroml rv
of Barherton. capitalized at $2."0,0o0,
was incorporated .Monday, by f . C.
Renner. Forest Firestnnp. Friu-ln l
Voris. Mlliam A. Johnson nnd Pfciln
Unci, all of .Summit county. They will
build a railroad from Cleveland to
Creston, Wayne county.
Three People Killed by a falling; Tree
Tinwson. Oct. 19. Tnnulnv niirlit
John Cuppas camped in the woods six
nines west or nere witn his wife and
three children. At midnight a tree
fell on their wagon, killing Mrs. Cop
pn und two children au4 seriously in
juring the other child.
Hiiralara Aaaanlt a Pollrrman.
Alliance, Oct. 19. Policeman Hubert
Green found burglars entering the
residence of State Senator Silas J. Wil
liams early Wednesday morning, and
tried to capture them sinirle handed.
The gang severely beat Green and es
a Hanee Had Appeared la ta Bo
let? Colnnaa aa4 She
Waa Arrogaat.
A family living in a North tide flat lately
welcomed a new houaemaid. The girl had
juat come from Michigan and her appear
ance waa prepoaaeaaing. Boon after her ad
vent it waa discovered that the waa inclined
to treat the family with a patroninng air.
"Mary, you must do better, or 1 aball have
to find sum one to take your place," the
miatreas remarked the other morning.
"I don't allow anyone to apeak to me that
way," replied Mary, with a toaa of her head.
"I'm just a good as you are, and I want
yon to know it."
Mary flounced out of the room and re
turned in two minutea with the weekly pa
per from her town. Among the social items
was the following:
"Miaa Mary Hansen hat gone to Chicago
to spend the winter. Miaa Hanaen ia an ac
knowledged belle in the leading circles of
Sawduet Creek."
Mary waited until her employer had had
time to read the "personal, and then ahe
aid, with withering acorn:
"As I have alwaya been accustomed to go
ing with the very best in my town, and at I
don't believe you ever have your name on
the society pnge of the Sunday papers, I
guess I can't afford to stay with you.
The North aide woman declared the do
mestic incident closed. Chicago Inter
Fame and Excellence Ar Determla.
Ins Factor In Sncceaafal Develop
ment One f the Important Fnno
tlona of Ulah-Claaa Newapapera.
In presenting interesting phases of
scientific and economic problems, high
class newspapers frequently give in
formation of as great value in their ad
vertising columns as in those devoted
to the publication of the principal
events of the day; and when the fame of
a product is extended beyond its natural
limits into foreign lands, and a large de
mand created throughout Great Britain
and her Colonies and the principal sea
ports and cities of Europe, Asia and Af
rica, it becomes a pleasant duty to note
the fact and to tell of the points of ex
cellence on which so great a success is
based. We refer to the now world
famed laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs,
the product of the California Fig Syrup
Company. The merits of this well
known excellent laxative were first
made known to the world through the
medical journals and newspapers of
the United States; and is one of the dis
tinct achievements of the press. It is
now well known that Syrup of Figs is
an ethical proprietary remedy, ap
proved by the most eminent physicians
everywhere, because it is simple and ef
fective, yet pleasant to the taste and ac
ceptable to the system, and not only
prompt in its beneficial effects, but also
wholly free from any unpleasant after
effects. It is frequently referred to aa
the remedy of the health-, because it is
nsed by people who enjoy good health
and who live well and feel well and are
well informed on all subjects generally,
Including laxatives. In order to get its
beneficial effects, it is necessary to get
tne genuine Syrup of Figs, which is
manufactured by the California Fig
esyrtip uo. only.
A Thrift- Dam.rl.
A spirit of thrift was shown hy a young
Womtn WJ entred ear with sundry boxes
ana bundles. Another young person cam
itr- .tatiun una rccognizeu Her.
On, my, who it to be married?"
, Nobody: and me last of all."
Then uhnr dm t,a fl... t
. A funeral; our teacher died, and we
.. J, v loneioer to get tins wreath."
t rT" g' d'd knW Wa "C
J2jOD'v. tni"k :'!!nen' after a pause, ahe
added cheerfully: "but she does by thia
time, all beinz aairl in''tK.
acious way.
"Hnw munli . ,vA .l qit
"Two dollars and aixty cents'. I only had
;Did you pay the difference?"
? 1i no' 1 made h)m ive ' to me for
uuiiars, ao l saved my own quarter I
nut in, but I m going to make the girls think
1 mill t orn.aivln
'Well, that's right; the wear and tear is
. Vu-ii.cr, eureiy. Detroit J;ree
New York. Oct 23.
PLOTJR I 3 2S at 4 10
WHEAT No. i reu 76 in 7j
COKN-No.8 aV(i to
OATS No 2 2X,a 2814
RYE No. 2 western. ..4 H"1, at
BEEF Mess a 00 a t SO
PORK Family 10 5" ($ 11 SO
L.AKU western ateamed 0 DO :(s aw
BUTTE R Western creamerv. 17 ua 24
CHEESE-Small white 12 a 12
EQUS Western It ft IS
WOOL Domestic Iteece. 21 13 :o
Texua 14 ra 17
CATTLE-sieers 4 16 a a 80
etnr.E.r ZHl I w
HOUS 4 66 4 75
FLOUR Winter wheat 1 ut'a. 4 4 20
Minnesota patents.. 9 w 'J 420
Minnesota tinker. 8 III rt 'a tk
WHEAT No. 2 red S' 6k
COKN No. a yellow on track.. Mtt 37
OATS No. t white 2m,ii 2814
BUTTE B-creamerv. nrsw.. 23 iA 2:1.
CHEESE -York slate, cream. 13 a 13
Ohio atate, new.... II it llu
EOOS Pmah laid 18 1
POTATOES Per bush, Si t 45
SEEDS Timothy. ., 1 20 140
Clover....'. 4 75 a 6 25
HAY Timothy 0 50 13 00
Bulk on market 11 00 iva in mi
CATTLE Steera. choice Ill it i 25
SHEEP Fair to good S OD J 75
HOOS Yorkers 430 ta 435
FLOTJR Family 2 50 tf t m
WHEAT No. 2 red mm viiz
CORN No. 2 mixed sV ,4
OATS No i mixed 25 a ts2
RYE No. a t7i 4
HOOS 8 60 a 4 40
WHEAT Nat cash fv m
CORN No. 2 mixed Xiuk na
OATS-No. 8 mlxeil mil 84
BEEVES Beat sieera 6 86 B 25
Veala 6 10 (, 8 00
SHEEP Mixed 3 90 a 8 85
Lamba A ni it kii
HOOS Yorkera 4 45 ( 4 60
Kougha 3 B0 a I 66
BEEVES-Prime- 5 40 O 8 SO
Fair. inn a. 1 fin
SHEEP Prime wethera 4 00 u 4 25
Lamba 6 00 13 8 35
atOGS Prime heavy 4 60 tt 4 55
oeab loritera 4 40 a 4 4
aware of Olataneat far Catarrh
That Contain Merenrr,
at mercury will surely destroy the tense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous
surfaces. Such article should never be used
except on prescriptions from reputable
physicians, as the damage they will do it
often ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney i Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and it taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be tnfeyou get the gen
nine. It is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney t Co. Tetti
monials free.
Sold bv Druggists, price 75c per bottll.
Hall's Family Pillt are the belt.
Feminine Credulity.
A woman believes a man when he says ah
is sensible, even though ahe has but a mo
ment since believed him when be said aha
wa pretty. Detroit Journal.
Many People Cannot Drink
coffee at night. It spoilt their sleep. Ton
can drink Urain-0 when you please and sleep
like a top. For Grain-O does not stimulate;
it nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like the beat coffee. For nervoue
persons, young people and children Grain-0
ia the perfect drink. Made from pure grains.
u a iiaiage irom your grocer to-uay. iry
it in place of coffee. 15 and 25c.
Jmt Vt' r t H
"Fine lot of guys they are," said the al
derman, "to be catling me dishonest. I never
4lr - r ...... I - ,L.. t J-J.
wuuiv a tiib ui pay iiuui aiijruilB mat 1 Ulun i
render value received." TnHianann;. .Initi
Noa-Terrllorlal Expansion
Meant paying rent for a poor farm. Now
is the time to secure a good farm on the
line of the Chicago, Milwaukee t St. Paul
Railway in Marinette County, Wisconsin,
Vrll.r tn. mniu a f La I. i
r ,"i" "- mi me uc.i, wura plen
ty, fine marketa, excellent climate, pur
soft water, land told cheap and on Ior.g
ujus. t, uy rent a iann woen you can buy
one for leas than you pay for rent? Address
C. E. Rollins, Land Agent, 161 La Sail St,
Chicago, HI.
"Yon thai! pay dearly for this!" he
hissed, and the person addressed did, for
it was the coal man, who had just deposited
a ton in the cellar, who made the remark.
Philadelphia North American.
Dizzy? Then your liver isn't
acting well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. AVer's Pills act
Directly on tne liver, for w years
the Standard Family Pill. Small
doses cure. 25c. All drueeitts.
Want your mouaUch or beard a beauUiul
brown or rleh black ? Then o,e
RllPlf INfJUnM'Q nVCfor the
Mwwiviiiuiinui vvihw
I, 9. W- H.tt A CO.
Short of Conaelencr.
Dr. Parkhurst tayt that man it merely a
gorilla with a Conscience. If there is any
semblance of truth in hit theory, then there
are a lot ot men wbo are just plain gorulaa.
Topeka Capital.
Railroad Entrrpriae.
The constantly increasing business of the
Baltimore A Ohio railroad has necessitated
very material additions to tbe telegraph
service. During the past year nearly 2,000
miles of copper wire, I(6 pounds to the mil,
have been strung. New lines have been
placed in service between Baltimore and
Pittsburg, Baltimore and Parkersburg, New
ark, 0., to Chicago, Philadelphia to Newark,
Philadelphia to Cumberland and Cumber
land to Grafton. During the cummer sev
eral of these wires were quadruplexed be
tween Baltimore and Cumberland and du
plexed west.
Like all new Baltimore & Ohio work, tht
lines are constructed in the best possible
Penalties of Fatherhood.
Occasionally you will meet in this drear
world the father of a family of girls who
wears a new overcoat, but vou will never
come up with such a father who can afford
to have hit teeth filled. Atchi.on Globe.
MRS. PINKHAM says that irritability indicates disease.
Women who are nervous and snappish are to be
pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable ; their dis
positions grow constantly worse. Such women need the coun
sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar
troubles of her sex.
Mrs. Anna E. Hall, of Mill
dale, Conn., was all run down in
health and had completely lost
control of her nerves. She wrote
to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. Now she writes:
" I wish tn tbantr vnn tr,r nliat
your Vegetable Compound has done for me. It has helped me
more than anything else. I suffered for a long time with ner
vousness, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb;
also had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told
my uusuanu mat some
. thing must be done, for
l was nearly frantic with !
pain. Having read ofj
the wonderful cures
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound had
performed, I determined
to try it I have taken
it and am happy to say I
am cured. I recommend it
to all my friends and never
tire of telling the benefit I
have derived from its use. I
have you alone to thank for
my recovery."
Mrs. Ellen Flana
gan, 1810'Mountain St.,
Philadelphia, Pa. , writes :
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham
Three years ago I was
sufferer from chronic
dyspepsia, was irritable
and cross, and can say
that after taking seven
bottles of Lvdia E. Pink-
nam s Vegetable Compound was entirely cured. I take great
pleasure ia writing this to you and would be pleased to be
interviewed by any one who is afflicted with that distressing
complaint, I am very grateful" to yoa."
T50 to 166
5,000 GUITARS AT S2.65
This Guitar It made
of the finest imita
tion mahonny with
cither lid rosewood
ot walnut finger
board, pearl mlaid
position dots and
German silver raised
frets it hat fancy in
lay around aound
hole and best quality
American patent
heads) the top of
Guitar it beautifully
bound with ceuuloid)
it la l4Mt0 wrilk -
full tet 01 Best quality
' eteel tprings and is
ready to play upon.
FOR $2.65
No more, do less, than 8,000 of them,
probably the largest contract in miitara
ever made an instrument that posi
tively eelk from Sliii to JT.uu. When thia
lot ia exhauated we cannot duplicate
this offer. Qnantity talks. Only by oper.
attng on auch a big scale, ttether with
our well-known small profit policy, could
such an ollehnc be possible. Another
reason for dispensing such a bargain
broadcast is the confidence we feel that
every anitar sold will win for us a pet'
manent patron and a friend wbn
recommendation we can count upon. We
"ill forward th guitar to any addreaa
C O. D subject to examination, upon
receipt of Mte. We, however, advise that
cash in fall be sent, as that saves return
charge for money and we etaad per
tartly ready to refund money if to
guitar is not all and more than we claim
for it. Remember onr alkam as,)
?n which it lilted l Iowa st wholesale, prices
ljavtrythi-8 to eat wear and usc.is furnish.
.""C viiiy iv: u partly pay
DuFr hat imniintinfttri 4 IOO akAu,
ni our mowthlv 6aocEav ppict list rmt.lf)
" 1 ' wa - -we" -aar waw -J
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