itotteut u.iipulug-ii and Npei-ial
In WelllDjtoa linmodlaU Vicinity, of
Inters to Kr.ryon. Oar Correspond
nu Spar Mo PaJaa to GlMa th. News.
Mrs. Geo. Friend entertained the Be
nevolent society last Wednesday. There
hi good attendance.
The tint quarterly meeting of thia
charge wai held in the M. E. church,
Saturday and Sunday. Elder Kemble
waa preient both dayi. A number were
preaent from Klpton and Oberlin.
The gentlemen of the M. E. church
will give aa entertainment and serve
upper this week, Friday evening,
Come one, eome all.
Our postmaster, G. W. Hines, has Im
proved the looks of his house and post-
office with a coat of paint.
The repairs on the Congregational
churoh are going on slowly.
The Tanners' institute will be held
in Pittsfleld, Nov. 27 and 28. The ladies
of the M. E. and Congregational churcea
will serve dinners both days at a rea
sonable price.
Rev. Baker attended the Ministerial
association in New London, last Tues
day and Wednesday.
Kef. Baker's father of Cleveland vis
ited at the parsonage part of last week,
Near t. Wells guarantee every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money to any one who
is not satiafled after uaing two-thirds
of the contents. This is the beat rem
edy in the world for la grippe, coughs,
colds, croup and whooping congh and
is pleaaant and safe to take. It pre'
vents any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia.
Frank A. West of Cleveland was
home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs
J. 0. West recently.
Rev. and Mrs. Bender attended the
Ministerial association last Tuesday
held in New London,
Mrs. Charles Bush of Elyria visited
her mother, Mrs. Clara Jones and fara
ily last week.
Lena Cole spent last Sunday with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Secrist of Wellington.
Mrs. Allen Breyley and daughter of
Wellington visited Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Breyley a few days last week.
Mrs. H. H. Cole and son, Glen, spent
one day last week with Arthur Cole's
family in Orange.
Earl Perkins and daughter of Well
ington spent Sunday with J. V. Phel
on's family.
Wm Handley and family of Welling
ton visited his pareuts, Mr. and Mrs.
James Bandley, Sunday.
Chauncey and Elmer Gannett of
Wellington spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. 0. West.
Mrs. Leveret Clark Is in Akron for a
time with Dr. and Mrs. Lee.
Mrs. Warren of Ithaca, Mich., visit
ed her cousin, David Hull, and family
Mrs. Walter Dirlam spent a few days
in Wellington last week.
Walter Holland and family spent
Sunday in Wellington with his slaters,
Mrs. Helen Dimock and Mrs. Lid a
Ray Aldrich of Spenoer spent a Sun
day recently at David Hull's.
Eddie Lesher and Mrs. Freed from
Acme visited H. H. Cole's family one
day last week.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familar with the good quali
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
to kaow that people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience
in the use 'of that splendid medicine
and in telling of the benefit they have
received from It, of bad colds it has
cured, of threatened attacks of pneu
monia It has averted and of the chil
dren it has saved from attacks of croup
and whooping cough. It is a grand
good medicine. For sale by Near &
There was an oyster supper Wednes
day evening, November 16, at Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Winemiller's, given by the
Ladies Aid society.
Miss Clara Clark returned to her
work in Medina, Monday.
Mrs. 0. Winemiller and Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Fisher visited Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert Goas in Brighton, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Boice were guests
of Elmer Knapp and family in Sullivan
Charlie Farnsworth was in Grafton
Monday. .
Miss Lacy B. Andrews spent the
week with her sister in New London.
Mr. Johnson and family of New Lon
don have moved in the house vacated
by D. L Beckley.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sage attended
the Clifford-Warren wedding in Well
ington, Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Laughery entertain
ed her sister from Ashland Sunday.
Geo. Noland, Rockland, ' 0., says,
"My wife had piles for forty years.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her.
It is the best salve in America." It
heals everything and cures all skin di-
Dr. 3. W. Houghton.
rr:""": 7
and it
't (o in.
flinch aa to
de of life and
yoiiiiB -
( fct that hT
lr- I it f. "uw-i
i i
Mr. Depker is putting on a new coat
of paint on the M. E. church.
Mr. Harry Wadsworth of Wellington
called on Fred Nichols one day laal
Mra. Blanch Giar was in Wellington
last Friday,
Miss May Hall has returned home.
The Epworth League waa lead by
Mrs. Myrtle Auble, laet Monday even
ing. We are glad to aee her again in
the oliurch and social circles after her
long Illness.
Mra. Auble, Mr. and Mra. Wilson
Auble, and Mr. Ed. Auble went to
Wadsworth to bury Mrs. Auble's sister.
The Ladies' Aid aociety will meet at
Mrs. Annie Betz's, Thursday, to sew
on the new quilt. Supper will be
Mra. Joe Auble Is in quite poor
health. .
LaGrippe.'with its after effects, an
nually destroys thousands of people,
It may be quickly cured by One Min
ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that
produces immediate results in eoughs,
colds, croup, bronchitia, pneumonia
and throat and lung troubles. It will
prevent consumption. Dr. J. W,
Mia Frank Campbell viaited friend
in Lindale last week.
'Mra. J. Porter spent last waek in
Miss Julia Coats entertained Miss
Sadie Bowman and Mrs. E. S. Hough
ton, of Wellington one day last week.
Dr. Dignan spent one day with his
parents at North Fairfield last week.
Luke Cally had the misfortune to
get his arm broken one day last week
by a kicking horse.
Cephas Myres entertained his sister
and niece, Mrs. Gibbens and Mrs. Mo
Orary, of Wood Co., last week,
Mrs. Clemmons is reported to be
very ill at the present writing.
E. Sherman was home from Cleve
land over Sunday.
Miss Estelia Bsardsley entertained
her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Bonney and Mrs.
Byron Storrow, of Wellington one day
last week.
Miss Dora Blair is visiting in Green
wich this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stanley and fam
ily are spending a few days in Con
neaut. Mrs Cora Rankins spent Saturday
in Elyria.
A grand concert will be given by the
mammoth graphophone, assisted by
leaders of the Ashland Mandolin club,
at Rochester. Thursday, November 18,
at the town hall, admission 10.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Philips were in Nor-
walk over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Ficher returned
from their wedding trip Saturday after
Geo. Rolphand family visited friends
in Mansfield last week.
Misa Mattie Powell, of Wellington
is visiting at Wm. Blair's this week.
N. A. Knapp has bought of J. R.
Hanley the property known as the B.
R. Coats place, for (430.
Family Reunion.
The following account of the reunion
of the Campbell family,, held at Port
land, Mich., on Sept. 15, taken from
the Portland Observer, will be of in
terest to Rochester people :
Brothers and sisters of James Camp
bell, living north of town, began to
arrive at bis pleaaant farm home a
week ago and on Friday, the 15th, all
were preaent. It waa the first reunion
the family ever had, and some had not
seen each other for forty-seven years ;
and as some of the members of it are
already beyond the years allotted to
man, there is no probability that they
will ever be together again. In speak
ing of the reunion Mr. Campbell said:
We have had sixteen people at our
table for the past week. The follow
ing were present: Oliver Campbell
(aged 82 years) and wife, of Pen Yan,
N. Y. ; Phebe J. Wright, (75) Camden,
Mich. ; Nathan Campbell (73) and wife,
Cambria, Mich. ; James E. Campbell
(71) and wife, Portland, Mich. ; John
F. Campbell (80) and wife, Carlisle,
Mich.; Harriet E. Braman (68) and
hushnnd, Auburn, Kas. ; Alfred Camp
bell (60) and wife, Rochester, Ohio;
Mrs. Craig, Auburn, Kas.; Walter
Myers and wife, Camden, Mich.; the
named ladies being neices of Mr.
Pronounced Inourable '
tSr.G. a cm .
... a merchant of
i. .. "' . r"'- kidney
Musi f s ""muviiui jiUC.
Tt'J CUred "mc her
hat phyc,,,,. pronounced ,
-- tin wiin vnnl t..t
Picture of " ' "ving
erthm am year
obtain. .,. Z 'e:J
of If. " . "--" Mrtifl.
Rev. Long, resident M. E. pastor, ia
holding a series of meetings at hit
church, and as the interest seems
spreading, It bids fair to prove quits a
revival. He is assioted by the two
Hoffman brothers, both blind, but both
richly dowered with sweet voices; and
both have dedicated their time and
talents to the evangelical cause, and
are doing a good work wherever tney
go. Brother Long, himself, is a faith
ful and efficient servant in his Mas
ter's cause, and will not cease in his
well-doing until he has garnered a
fruitful harvest of precious human
A.J. Andrews, who may truthfully be
said to' be the most popular young man
in our village, lately made a visit to C.
C. Gardner's family in Trumbull
county. He was acoompained by
Master Fred Damon, and they report a
splendid visit. Allie has now accept
ed a position in the hardware store of
A. H. Peirce, in Wellington, wher? he
will probably remain through the win
ter. No lounging and "loafing round"
allowed In his book ; he is "all alive"
and one of those who are always on
hand, and ready for any emergency.
W. W. Penfleld has just rebuilt his
Fairbanks hay scales so they are now
good as new.
Mrs. Bert Hastings is taking paint
ing lessons from Mrs. W. L. Denslow,
who is reported no mean artist.
Frederick Miles is visiting his sis
ter and her huaband. Rev. and Mra.
W. L. Denslow.
G. R. Damon, of LaFayette visited
his brother, J. H. Damon, on Sunday
Mrs. Millie Staples, from Galion is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0.
R. Starr.
Misa Ina Hart is attending school in
Wellington this winter.
W. B. Lindsley's house in undergo
ing a thorough renovation. It is being
altered from top to bottom, and fairly
owerflows with carpentera, plasters,
painters, etc., surely that old "saw"
that "too many cooks spoil the broth"
cannot hold good in this instance, for
W. B's home is begin ing to show signs
of its future glory and when all is done
and the new piazza on two sides, com
pleted, will be one of the "toniest"
homes in Penfleld.
I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
never found permanent relief till I
used Kodol Dyspepsia Care. Now I
am well and feel like a new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It
is the best digestant known. Cures all
forms of indigestion. Physicians every
where prescribe it. Dr. J. W. Hough
Frank Woting, of Cleveland spent
Sunday in town.
Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Ensign, of Ely
ria called on LaGrange friends Friday.
Mrs. L. J. Sweet, of Elyria, and Miss
Maud Walker, of Medina, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs F. G. Morgan over
Sunday. .
Mrs. S. W. Kelner entertained the
Methodist Aid society on Wednesday
Miss Nora Nichols has returned to
her home in Travers City, Mio i.
Mrs. C. B. Merriam entertained
Misses Maud Freeman and Nettie
Adams, of Columbia a part of the past
Miss Hattie Gribble, of Cleveland
is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. E.
Mrs. A. B. TJnderhlll was in Cleve
land the past week. Little Howard
Cowell accompanied her home.
Ernest Freeman, of New York is
visiting friends in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilcox and two
children, of Cleveland are spending a,
few days with Mr. and Mrs. William
H. M. Powers, visited the embalm
ing school in Cleveland last week.
Demba Spicer, of Cleveland Medical
College was at home over Sunday. .
Mark Kelner, of Baldwin University,
Berea, spent the Sabbath with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Kelner.
A. E. Butler made a business trip to
Elyria Saturday.
Mrs. Fannie Wolcott, Nellie Noble,
Rose Ryan, Rebecka McGregar, Dida
Gott, Huldah Powers, Julia Blackwell,
Mary Gott, Misses Laura Gott and
Cora Powers attended the convention
of Rathbone sisters in Cleveland last
Th Lady Maccabees serve) Hew Eng
land dinner on Saturday evening,
November 18 in City Hall, begining at
half past four o'clock and continuing
until all are served. Price of supper
10 cents. The quilt will be drawn.
Mothers meeting at Mrs. S. W. Kel
ner's this Friday afternoon, beginning
promptly at 2 o'clock. All invited.
Mrs. Ida Rawson and sons Earl and
Ropha were in Cleveland Wednesday.
Earl Rawson waa in Wellington Sun
Erwin Arnold, wife and daughter,
Olive of Pittaiield, visited their moth
er, Mrs. W. Dale, on Sunday,
A vast amount of instruction, educa
tional in. its character, has yet to be
imparted as to the welcome that
should be extended to the preacher en
tering either his new or old field of la
bor. There are some charges that
have somehow have got the idea that
the conference is bound to send them
a preacher, and that it is a kind of pat
ronizing thing for them to receive him.
Now, a preacher who thinks anything
of himself and family, would rather
take a whipping than go to such a
charge. If you would welcome your
preacher, stand ready to second all his
efforts for the good of 'the church, and
the general community, and do not put
hia aalary down to the lowest notch.
That la no welcome.
Spain' GreatMt Meed.
Mr. R. P, Olivia, of Barcelona, Pjaln,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves bad caused severe pains in the
back of his head. On using Electric
Bitters, America's greatest blood and
nerve remedy, all pain soon left him.
He says this grand medicine ia what
his country needs. All America knows
that it cures liver and kidney trouble,
purifies the blood, tones up the stom
ach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim,
vigor and new life into every muscle,
nerve and organ of the body. If weak,
tired or ailing, you need it. Every bot
tle guaranteed, only SO cents. Sold by
Near & Wells, druggists. (1)
Election has passed once more, and
we hope that our news will not be
crowded out by so many political ad
vertisements for at least another year.
D. R. Day, C. D. Stocking Fred Har
wood and Alfred Campbell were in
Elyria on business laet week.
Johnny Caawell and family visited at
Mr. Moon's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Johnson cf Elyria
called on friends here last Friday.
Charles Gill and family of Pittsfleld
visited at B. J. Backus', Sunday.
John Willis left here the past week
for his home In Ithica, N. Y.
There seems to be a large amount oj
stealing going on in this community.
If the parties happen to get a very large
dose of. buck shot, it will perhaps help
them to remember that no one likes to
have their poultry or anything, else
A Narrow Eflcapo.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart, of Groton, S. D.: ""Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs; cough set in and fin, illy termi
nated in consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my
Saviour, determined, if I could not
stay with my friends on earth, I would
meet my absent ones above. My hus
band was advised to get Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption, coughs and
colds. I gave it a trial, took in ell
eight bottles. It haa cured me, and,
thank God, I am saved and now a well
and healthy woman." Trial bottles
free at Near & Wells' drug store. Reg
ular sizes fiOc and $1.00. Guaranteed or
price refunded. (1)
Big Foor Uoato.
Hunter's rates to points in the south.
Apply for limits, Ac
Thanksgiving Day excursion rates:
One and one-third fare, round trip,
within a radius of 150 miles of starting
point. Further information later.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, of Pluinfield,
111., makes (the statement that ahe
caught cold, wfoich settled on, her
lungs; she was treated for a month by
her family physician, but grow worse.
He told her she waa a hopeless viotltn
of consumption and that no medicine
could cure iher. Her druggist suggest
ed Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption; she bought a bottle and to
heir delight found herself benefited
from first dose. She continued its use
and after taking six bottles found her
self sound and well; now does her own
housework, and is as well as die ever
was. Free trial bottles of this Great
Discovery at Near & Wells' drug store.
Only 60c and $1.00; every bottle guar,
an teed.
R. A. Jomn, Plalutlff.
Before W. 1. Krebt,
J. P. ot Peaflold lowo-
R. K. Hudfoo, Defendant. snip, Lorain conni,0.
On th. 10th dr of October, A. D., ISM, id
Jmtlca tuned an Order of Attachment in the
aiKiTj tenon lor so anm 01 Twenty-nine and
Uf 100 doll..
PenOeld, O, MOV. 7, 1899,
R. A. Jonea.
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Hare Always BoL'gbt
Bear the
The Kind Ton Have Always
In U86 for OTer 30 VPIim.
uso lur vvcr ou y
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Justas-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio
substance. Its age is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the .
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Book for Young and Old.
250,000 CURED
when ifcnonnt ot tho terrible crime you
were committing. il you only ensiir
inn lascinminii uunrcini'iits nl this evil
habit' When too late to avoid the ter
i rible resnlts. warn vuur cvi otmnml tit
jrour peril Bid j'nu Inter nn in man-
IifKMi ooninwt auy Till V A tr or JILOOD
diwam? Were you cured? loyounow
and then mo mme nlarminf symptoms 7
lare you marry in yonr present con
dition? You koow, "LIKE FATIIKR,
LIKK RON." If marriod. are you con
stantly living in dread? J a marriage a
failure with you on ncoountof any weak
new caiMcd by early abuse or later ei
ccwma? Have you been drugged with
mercury? This booklet will pointoutto
yon the remit of tuere crimes and point
out how our NfciW MiailOD TREAT
MENT will positively cure you. It
hows how thousands have been saved by
our NEW X HEAT VI K NT. It prove
We treat and enre EMISSIONS,
"The Wwn of Bin" rant fm bj
vneloiing Zmuimp. CONSULTATION
'UKK. it unablo tn call, write for
Kennedys Kergan
Blankets and
Tie largest and most complete
Btock of
Blankets and
to be found. Over fifty pat
terns to Belect from. Quality
the best prices the lowest.
J. M. Otterbacher,
Esfi 1878 j: BLOOD
250,000 t SKIN ft.
Wellington, Ohio.
kVv "vv w vv vv v vv
Bought, and which has been
haa rtnrntt lin rirnmhrni ot
iler his per
Its Infancy.
nn nn to AmiaIva van In fhlo.
Signature of
Oak Garland
Heating Stove,
The Born
Steel Bange,
Ia Dr. JHfffllnw'fl no-wt Ania at Vow Tn.
don and Wellington,
On tha ahiivo data iha Armtsw will A.
V. linn IIU IVI TW 411 UV
some more FREE EXTRACTING just to
gei me aouDting ones started on the
highway to happiness.
The doctor la not mnlrlncr ihm ahsnra
offur to draw dead beat to hia office, but
nonesi people wno are afraid to try his
painless method.
The mint xkontlratl mil at Vnnv f ha
method is painless or the doctor would
uui uuer hiicq an inducement. ee Mm
at tee While Hotel, New London from
8:i to 12 m and at the American House
Wellinctnn from 1 tn 1 n m Da .t th.
office when the doctor arrives.
Special Notice.
WE have charge of the breach
recently opened at this place
by J. H. Sackett, of New Lon
don, and will be pleased to
answer calls from any who may
faror us with their patronage.
Respectfully yours,
Stanley & Ashcraft,
Sbtfp. Almtr reliable.
'hl Mk Ttnniu tor
metallic bom, mlrd with blu. ribbon.
Tk other. HrfMa Sufmw titet4
tuUiMu and Imitation. Kay of your Urimij,
or srtifl I.. In stnmrm for Parliralar, Trf
Mnlfakuict -Kll.r for LrMlIn," In Irttmr,
bf. r"ur IMMTMInuaUi boat to
all ImuKwu.
MS 'H BaaaMt rsui- M
At P