Newspaper Page Text
SUPPLEMENT. ' ii'i v ' 'J" ,, ' ' ' ad ifciiiiCnmiiiiiiw'wmwn 1 H H I 1 ft H 1 H B 9 U I I A tr i II II 1 llrllii is. 'XVeBetablcPrcparationEor As similating meiooaanaKCBuia to the Stomachs andBowcls of Promotes Difiesfion,Cheirul- ucssandBestXontalns neithor Opmm.Morphine nor Mineral, Not Narcotic. Pmufhlt SmJ Ax.SmnM JUA.U.SJK- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .reverisn oes5 and Loss of Sleep. TaeSlmile Signature of NEW YORK For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have "Always Bought Bears Signature the , t. Jv In is a. folk foo ord AYINGS OF OTHERS, ung man In a neighboring town 'seed (or a wife under au awnmed . aad His sinter answered the ad- ment, also under an assumed . Then photographs were exchaog- ii d now the young man thinks there 1 aim In advertising and the old ililnk It is pretty bard to hare two 'n one family. New London Rec- Grge Felck, of this city hasjnt been awarded the contract tor the erec tion i a new chemical laboratory at 0b lln college. Work will begin at once n the foundations, which are to be pal up this tall in order that work on fif superstructure may go on early In the i ring. The bulMli.g may be eom- plet n in time for the beginlng of the fall urn l'JOO. Sandusky Register. Use For Over I Thirty jRas llnnoTfinin I ' ID D V BILAlll L exact copv or wrappeb. "We saw an amusing sight the other day," said a wheelwoinau who bad been out on the path to Amherst. "A few mile: out of Oberlln a young lady and genileman were seated near their wheels beside the road and the young man was making desperate lore to the girl. They were so preoccupied that they did not notice our approach until we were right upon them. It startled them so that the young man was unable to remove his arm from the waist of his com panion but changing svveral different be hung on until we were past I admire his pluck but would advi-te bim to do his wooing In tlw shelter of a back parlor." -Oberlln Tribune. DOVT HE AFRAID OF THE NAME. Atli-lo-pho-rcia in a Imiil niiii.e ro rend, pronounce urn! rememlier. 1'iit it 1b worth while to (rive it n pniriiireni place In your memory.. If Winn "The Prize Winner." It takes the liri-" for curing Neuralgia and Itrseumutisiii. Many physicians will tell you that there is no cure for these trouhlec. They are mistaken anil we rtnve proof to that effect. Atrnin, other physicinns will tell you that Ath-lo-pho-rog docs cure lilieumntism nnd Xeurnlsrin. Now our advice to you is to invest ifrute. for yourselves and find out the truth. This reinedv cannot hurt you, nnd we know that it will do you good. All success is won by unbiased thought. Think for yourself, now. hcml foi free treatise. St. Joseph, Mo., July 3, 18JS. Oentlemen: I used your Ath-lo-pho- ros for Neuralgia nnd lihenmatisin. I used six bottles nnd it hits cured nn of that disease. 1'lensc tell others ol my experience and let them he cured AtililK HYK.W, 1420 South 10th St. For sale by druggists. The Ath-lo-pho-ros Co., Ntw Haven, Conn. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. mm 0 0 m Ifmm - mm 0 AAAA VJa M MtU-AAAAiLAAAAA. mmt mm- m "Jones, the People's Man" J 1 j A DEPATMENT CONDUCTED BY HIS FRIENDS. Mart Your Ballot Thus: NO) mm H PEOPLES COLUMN. Ill FOR BALK. The Halftemier property on Union street can be purchased very reason able. Inquire of R. N. GOODWIN. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzz:zzzzzzzzzrij STOP AND THINKJ Forget for a moment, if you can, that you are a republican or a democrat, and ask your self: Is It not time for me to be a free man to vote independently of the party bosses and vote for a man who truly represents all the intrests of the people, therefore my intrests? Is it not a fact that all public utilities should be publicly owned? Is it not detrimental to me and to all the people of the state, to allow a valuable franchise to be turned over to ori- vate parties to be operated to make money regardless of the welfare of the people whose franchise it is? Ought not the public at all times to retain such control of franchises as will accrue to the bene fit of the whole, and protect them against the nefarious outrages constantly sought to be prepetrated on the public by scheming cor porations1 lmuk over tnese questions seriously and then ask yourself: What is my party doing to remdy these wrongs? Vote for Jones. Non-Partlsan Ticket. t Fur Gorernur, SAMOKL M. JONES. HorBe, buggy and Harness. A nice rig'for private family. Wm. Crabtree. Judge Fanver, Oberlin's worthy may or, was at Elyria last night and sat up on the platform and apptanded Senator Foraker's speech at every pause. At the close with many others he shook hands with the orator. As he rime up Foraker said "I am glad to see you, but I forget your name." "Faurer" said the mayor, Base Burner, Dr. Holbrook. a Imrgnin. Inquire of 38 Second-hand base burner. Can be seen at brick house corner of Prospect and South streets. Anything to Beat Jonas. Republican and Democratic Bosses agree that the peoples candidate must not win. That the Demo-Republican bossses in state have now been forced into an at titude similar to that of the Demo-Rep- Breodlna: F.wen for gala. One hundred and fifty stock ewes for sale in bunches to suit purahater. Sutliff & Gott, Wellington, 0, Horses always look sleek and feel food when the OLD RELIABLE DR.WEARE'S CONDITION POWDER Is kept in the stable.' A pure, powerful tonic and gen eral conditioner. Used by the best horsemen everywhere. "When We tire' a faila, it'a time td swap." ni mm . KM m f. Ti? Leading Special's of America 20 YEARS It! OHIO. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothin din In mora .'.emoraliiir.g to young .- raMille-aKeti nif.i man ineiirtu enea of thew "nmlitly Iomm." They .A i.mat nil nwtlolA tr.' n of BVIIlRUllDP. 'i'hitv uiiftt a man for h.riwsu'. married Ufa and iwciel happine Iio matter whether cauwd by avil l.ublti in youth, natural weaknom or eiuil cxccMea, oar I New Alttnod ireaimeni. win jtosmvi,) 28 CENT5 PER PACKAOE. . B-Thli Powder wUl affectnally lid a aorat ol - worms every t J. H. OTTERBACHER, WELLINGTON, OHIO. DUELING & BLIGH, WUOLESALEJASD RETAIL , DKALKUS IS Hard and Soft Goal Coke, Blossburg Smithing Coal. Best of Accomodations at the 10c. Barn. Baled Hay and Straw Furniture a Soecialty TELEPHONE 71. EAST MAIN ST The D Home Savings Bank Co,, WELLINGTON, OHIO, Transact a general banking business, buying and selling notes and bills of ex change. Money loaned on satisfactory collateral, mortgage, or pergonal secur ' ltr. Interest at 3 per cent paid on all savings deposits, interest credited annu ally. YOTJR BUSINESS SOLICITED. Safety-deposit boxes situated In our main vault at $1.50 per year. Wm. Vischer, Pres. O. K. Spltzer, Vice-Pres. J. 8. Uallory, Cashier. M New Mt ,'2 ou ey.'U. mo i v llealei CURE' 110 PAY . .. 1 t'..U.I..... . jieoier. you dxi 72 ltr esceine may hvo weniiRnoa .M V m man K-v iilariuw VfiTl. are not ie till euml. CarNewMethol V J w ill eare yon. 1 ou run no rift. El aaa 4liweilwei Tonne; Man Yoa lire file, feeble and nae-a"i; nervoua, i:nwiuu v--eitable. Von become frrfetftil, morore, n,l Hmmnmlent: blotch . and liimnlei, (unken oyeB, wnnKiea race, biu.iihik form and downcast couatenanoe reveal the blight of your exittcace. WECURE VARICOCELE tnrititr haw neriouA Tour Cflfe may h at how lone you may have had it, our NEW mW)i Ul&ATMKNT will mm IL The ''wormy veins" retnm to their normal eonaiuon pnu nenoe yn ..1 nmn. riuwiva l,ruiep nourlfh ment The onrana beco:no vilalued, all nnoatnral drawl or 1 n ceaw and manly noweri return. No temporary beneflt. hut a permanent cure aMtireti NO "bKK, NO JAV. NO OFKKA Sinv Kurv4kUV Jf OFTEN HtlON FKOM UUriiNESS. I'd . mt ana ei--pr-r We treat And curo B riiii. in, OLEET. EMISSIONS IMPOTBSV A cvlt U'TllP 1." V A R 1 1 ' H ' h I . K. sr. .11 1 1A3 DIAL LOSSES. BLADIiKRANDhlU- n SCf diML CO N SLLT ATI On 9 K K E. BOOKS FREB. CHABUKt MODERATE. If nnab e to Ball, write for Qlll HTION BLANK for llOilJi TREATMENT. 'Men are getting tired of putting their heads in the old collar and toting the old party tickets," writes a workman in Lozler's big factory, Toledo. "Jones will receive 95 per eent of the vote of this factory. He is all the talk, and bis buttons are In great demand. If all the ublican bosses in the Toledo campaign i shops line up like Lozler's, Jones will last Bpring, is evidenced Dy two remarx- nave a walk-over." able declarations made in public ad .i .1.1. i i i . lirUUUHU I.IIIM WHM. . ,1 . ,,. IMIWIII ,M .Ml. - laboring under the delusion thatpolitr ""T1 7" a n a popular cal parties mean anything else than the V M week-1,ed snnnresHion or distortortion of the will 88 f,l0W9: Jone8' I3! non-committal, 3. of the people, or that, despite all their pretended partisan differences, they are f he workmen in the Warren Electric not nnited In every material issue, let tompany, Sandusky, were polled last him carefully consider the unanimity week. Result; Jones, 47; scattering, 8. with which Hon. J. B. Foraker and the lotai, &o. Hon. John R. McLean agree that mach ines, botn ol them, must be protected at A straw vote taken on a train near all hazards. If yon can t vote for anh. I Yonngstown, and Touched for by E. F. vote for McLean, Is the advise of For- Kemp, staff corresDondent of the Toledo aker. If you can't vote for McLean vote Bee (Dem.) resulted as follows: Jones, 15; for Nash, is the advise of McLean. Don't Nash, 11; McLean, 5. Total, 31. vote ror dunes you mignu inus oe vol-1 STANDING BY THE FLAP OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN,, Kennedys Kergan 247 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND. O. "0, certainly, I reme nber you well." Either from the entbai assment or from seeing bim in a different light the judge did not recognise tin man whom he had heard make many a speech and he said hesitatingly, "But I don't recall your name." "Foraker," 6iid the senator. Then Fauver wilted and Judge Steel, E. G. Hale, Peck and all the other fellows roared over his discomfiture. One of them even offered to take him home and introduce him to his family. Lorain Times. Carmen No. 3 potatoes; quality excel lent; 40 cents per buslu l. W. H. Haskins, 4 miles south and V4 west of Wellington. Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate, mort gage security. J. T. HASKELL. A Good Dinner. Oysters and Mansfield Crackers E. BIGELOW & SON BRICK AND TILE All kind of brick and size of tile at right prices. N. P. ROBINSON, ACENT. PATENTS. ie.ewe' DESIGNS TBHUE-MAflKJ AND COPYRIGHTS OHMINtO DIC IS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in "lnrenuva Aire Book "How to obtain Patents CkoroM modrmU. Ho fee Mil patent b aeenred. Lttten etrktly eonfldanUal. Aid t 0. SIMERS, PlUwt FREE dreaa. Lawyer. WiaMeelea, ft. C.J Pancakes Just the thing for' breakfast on cool mornings. Mattie Mitchel's Corn Flour, Glendole Panes ke Flour, ' Glendale Buckwheat. For Sale by F. Rodhouse Si Son. Forty-three head of t1iorouihbred Her ford cattle from PittsfliiM, lately belong ing to the estate of (i. W. Prnbert de ceased, were loaeed in two cuttle cars at the depot grounds la-t Tuesday. The ears were attached to the midnight lo cal west to Toledo and from there were made a part of the live stock express, and will be hurried to their destination. near Emporia, Kausai. Residents of the vicinity of Pittofl.dd and Oberlin felt sorry to see this Que herd of cattle go from this neighborhood, but no pur chaser being found ab mt here by 1). U. Probert, administrator of the estate, he disposed otXhem to a Mr. Scanon of Em poria, Kftn. F. A, Salter, who has had charge of the Battle fr som time, and Grevel, Watklns, of TlttoQeld went on the train to take care of the cattle en route. A number of Oberlln and Pitts field ladles and gentlemen were Interest ed spectators, wh'le tho cattle were be ing loaded. Obirlin Kws. For Rent. Four houses. Enquire of Mrs. Alice Battles, corner of Taylor and Barker streets. 40-tf Wunted Soon. A woman to work in Laundry. Mud be a good ironer. Q. R. Hebuick. Nasal CATARRH In all Its itapee there should be deanUnasa, Ely's Cream Balm' cleanses, eootbesand hcsls the dUeabed membrane. It caret catarrh and drives sway a cold U) tto bead gwcutj. Craam Balm b placed Into tba nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief it ltt mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drylpg-doea not produce meeting. Urge 8la, W eeatt at rjrug gtitt or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail, 4UoJ Old fashions in dress may be revived, but no old-fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Near & Well For Insurance that... Insures, apply to K. N Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. Whatever you want to chop, meats fresh or cooked fish, vegetables, cocoanut, fruits, can be chopped easiest, quickest, best, with the ENTERPRISE Meat and Food Chopper. Has but two parts ; durable as it is simple ; easy to clean as it is to use. inarfor yourself. Vote for machines. The will of any machine, of any boss, is preferable to the will of the people. This is what they say: From address of of John R. McLean, at Lima, October 6. Mr. Jones is a gentleman, a good- hearted man, a splendid citizen, all that makes man's position in the world en viable. Don't shoot In the air. Don't loose it. Vote tor the democratic ticket or for Nash. From address of Joseph B. Foraker, at Cadiz, October 7. You must choose .this year between Nash and McLean. I don't count Jones In it. He don't belong to any party. He has a queer Idea about almost every thing. Tha Devll'i Arjrnmitnt. "Mr. Jones is a gentleman", said Hon. JohnR. McLean, at Lima; "a good- hearted man, a splendid citizen, all that makes a man's position in the world enviable. His principles are good, his ideas are splendid, bnt his execution cannot be had; he cannot accomplish anything. Later, If he cares to carry out his ideas, well and good, but to-day, etc., etc. This is the devil's argument in all ages and climes. Walt till next month or next year, or next century, to do right. Do the expedient thing to-day, the just thing some other time. Vote fur the bosses now, and you will have another chance to vote for yourselves. Give onr machine a new lease of power now in order to keep out the other ma chine; yoLr children may vote to smash all machines. But this is exactly what the Ohio cit izenship is not going to do this year. The voters have heard too often this ery of present nrgeney fur voting one set of bosses into power, and have reached the determination that the time and place to strike at boss rule la now and here, not in some blissful aftertime, when the present generation of office, seekers Is dead, and is supplanted by another. Now is the emergency, and Ohio lathe place. Vote to overthrow the whole fraudlent system of partisan machines, a sysem worse than monarchical, a sys tem that robs the poor, that outrages justice, that enthrones crime, and that erects an Irremovable obstacle in the path of social progress toward the ideal state. "There are not a dozen workshops In Ohio that Jones will not carry at the ran election." Zanesville Sunday News. "Committees in every factory In the city are Industriously circulating Mr. Jones' ideas, and his buttons appear on 7 out of every 10 workmen. 8urely something will come ont of this Inde pendent action." Montgomery County Reporter, Dayton, 0. The news from Cleveland grows better daily. Here are a few straws: Ninety per cent of the union bricklay ers are for Jones. All employes of the Johnson Elevator Co. are for Jones, The 18 employes of Warden's carriage works are all tor Jones. Ninety per cent of the line men of city are for Jones. the '! Made In many sites and styles; prices from l rade-mark, Lnurfrtu, is on every uoe. Sold by all hardware dealers. Write tor catalojrue free. Send 4C. In stamps for the "ENTERPRISING HOUSEKEEPER," contains too choice recipes. THE ENTERPRISE MIX). CO. of M. Third and Dauphia Sta., Philadelphia. Straws. Three-fourths of the members of the local typographical union are for Jones, Printers are thinking men, educated and up-to-date, and it is not 'out of the way to find them supporters of a method that means an end to political corrup tion. . Zanesville Sunday News. In one of the power houses, out of eight employes seven are for Jones and one for Nash. The six employes of Hengeri carriage works are all for Jones. Straw rotes taken last week In a Tol edo cigar factory: Jones, 7; Nash, 1. To tal, 8. " Mr. Jones' buttons are very much in evidence on our streets," writes an em ploye of one of the most Important mer cantile institutions of Cleveland, "more than those of both the other candidates combined." The night force of a large rolling mill of Yonngstown was polled last week and showed the following results: Jones, 190; Nash, 0; McLean, 6; non-committal, 11; total of night force, 307. The day force will show as well for Jones. A straw vote taken In the Permanent block, Cleveland, an office block, the rooms of which are rented almost exclu sively to professional men, many of whom are physicans, resulted as follows: Jones 69 Nash 31 McLean 15 Total 115 As an Indication of how McLeaa stands in the city of his alleged resi dence, Cincinnati, the following authen tic straw vote may be studied: Frit Bros.' cigar factory Jones 53 Nash , 6 McLean 1 Total.......... 5