Newspaper Page Text
THE ENTERPRISE. ItfBLISHED EVERY WEDXESDAY. I HE FRENCH PRINTING COMPANY, 0. L. COUCH, RECEIVER. WELLINGTON, OHIO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. On Year Bli Month! .. 0 The Bame of the writer must accompany 11 fnr nnhiinatlon or reu nests lor Inlnrma- Hnn i order to secure attentioa. Tbenume Is not required for publication DMni , bat (or the Information of the editor. Unsigned articles go Into the M" besket. A Corrections. Vnr Th Fnterorise: Ekratta. In the article in last week' iitue on the Boers, transferring the tvna from the lalley. a line was arop ped, which somewhat crippled the meaning of the sentence explaining the origin of the word Angio-aaxon Rnnnlv; The Anrio-Saxons were essentially the "anglers" of fish and game ; land game was caught in "sbcks , etc. A reader sUReests that the Ayria family started from Persia; but the text ii not changed materially as me Anglo-Saxon in all probability first migrated into Thibet and then return ed. The llamas of Thibet retain the liohr. straight hair, full, heavy face and blue eyes of the Teuton, besides still using many words common to eh branches of the Ayrian family. A few examples : Drago, to carry Persian and Thihetian: draaen, to carry lurwsn and Holland ; tragen, to carry, in Ger man; carbatsch, a whip, same in ini ht. Tnrkev. Persia and the Exquimo V.orIt a small boat (kieek), same in Turkish, Persian and Thibetian. There are many hundred others. Railroad Franchise Sranted. nn W Thursday, at 12 .'clock, bids for the construction and .peration of Street Eailroad No. 1, in the village oi Wnllinrtnn. u established by ordi nance, were opened by the clerk in the presence of the members of the coun cil. The Oberlin & Wellington Bail way Company were the successful bid ders. In the evening the council met and passed the ordinance granting the franchise, which will be found in an other issue of The Enterprise. Among the railway people present were : F. T. Pomeroy, C. W. Collister and B. W. Hilliard. Messrs. Collister and Pome roy paid Mayor Couch quite a compli ment by saying that the interests of the Tillage had .been well protected; that the grant contained many provis ion! which they would like to have left out,, but- the Mayor insisted on their being put in it, and that the Mayor ought to have been lawyer. Card of Thank. We wish to express our appreciation and extend our thanks to the many friends whose liberality and kind words helped to make the donation party of Friday evening such a success. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wall. The committee in charge wish to thank the proprietors of White Star coffee for the superior quality of the coffee furnished at the Batist parson age, Friday evening through their agent, D. B. Goodsell. Greenwich lab The only score in the football game at Greenwich last Saturday was made in the first half, when a Greenwich man broke through the line and secured the ball when Hall went to pun'. The Wellington line was quite weak, so they were backed down the field by the hard bucking of the Greenwich team. Notwithstanding the good running qualities of the Greenwich men, they were not able to make much progress by end runs. The Wellington team rv gained ground by Hall's excellent punt ing. The line was as follows : WELLINGTON. GBE1XWICII. Be tea C Briggs Barber B.G Kelso Brahney L.G Myer Haines R.F Jacoby Herrick L.F L. Sissen Branson B.C Kee f er Hartzel ,....L.E Carpenter H. Hall Q Cleeland Armstrong B.H L. Sissen Witbeck. L.H C. Sissen W. Hall F.B Webster W.iLt, Export Exposition, Philadelphia, one fare for the round trip, Nov. 25th, re turning limit ten days. BIG FOUR. West. 8-Col. Cin. Ind. & St. L 8 38 am 35- Daily St. L.EX 2.21 pm 27-Col. Ex 6 20 pm 87 Daily Col. A Cin. Ex 10.00 pm 61 Local Freight 11.02 am 25 Wellington Ex. sun. only. 6.50 am East. 29 Daily Col. & Cin. El 4 55 am 26 Gabon Ex 8.11 am 36 Daily Col. Ind. 4 St. L. Ex. 1.00 pm 24 Wellington Ex 4.55 pm 21 Daily Col. Cin. 4 Ind. Ex.. 8.11pm 62 Local Freight 5.20 pm W. & L. E. Went. No. 4 Doily 10.28 am No. 6 Daily, except Sunday 3.33 pm No, 1 Daily, except Sunday. . . . 10.4 am So. Daily '4.16 pm TOWXSIITP NEWS. COLLECTED BY THE ENTERPRISE'S COUPS Or I'ORKriPOMISM Kcnt llHpmiiMK "'! peela! Vrrnf In Welllnslon' Immediate Vlemlty, of Interim to Everyone Oar Correopnnd nil Spare Xo Peine to Clean the N.wa. RIVER CORNERS. Nichols A Giar have been repairing a barn for Mr. Wilson in Penfield the pat week. Mr. Deapker is still at work at the church. The society at Mr. Anna Beta's Thnrwlay was well attended, and also the supper in the evening, notwith standing the threatening shower and the several entertainments that drew the crowd elsewhere. Mrs. Blanche Giar is upending a few days with her uncle, Henry Franks. Mrs. L. Nichols and doughter, May, returned home Saturday from Brigh ton. Samuel Month has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall and son of Brighton spent Saturday with Mrs. F. J. Nichols. Boy Snyder and a friend from Ca naan were with Mrs. Julia Snyder over Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Denham of .Penfield viHiled their daughter, Mrs. Aaron Auhle, yesterday. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Geo. Giar. Another set of hands are engaged on the new bridge, and between tiie two we think it will be finished soon. The Epworth league, Sunday even ing, led by Harvey Auble, was an honor to the riiiing generation. The topic, Intemperance," was dicuned in all its phases. Strong drink, wine and cider, and everything that would pro duce intoxication, was condemned. The lives of unhappy families, where love has been destroyed by strong drink, was plainly demonstrated. The destruction it makes in health, wealth, business, happiness, and all good, in so ciety, church and state, was clearly set forth ; and also the power it liae in po litical circles was freely discussed by our young men of the church, and each pledging himself to do all in his power to remove the evil. Chamlicrluln's Pain Itulm Cure Otliere, Why Not Yon? My wife has been using Chamber lain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pnincd her continually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit from any of them. One day we saw an adver tisement of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. Adolph L. Millett, Manchester, N. H. For sale by Near A Wells. PITTSFIELD. Mrs. B. Gibbins entertained the missionary and aid society last week Thursday. There were about forty five in attendance. Those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baw son. Mr. Walter Dale and family of LaGrange and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pitts, of Wellington. The entertainment and sapper given by the gentlemen of the M. E. church at the K. O. T. M. hall drew crowd. There were about 175 in attendance. A number were from Cleveland, Ober lin and Pen field to enjoy the fun and to eat a good square meal of roast pig and chicken pie. The net proceed were about $29. Messrs. Will Mines, Geo. Hines and a gentleman friend of Cleveland spent Saturday and Sunday at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hines. A. W. Lake, who was striken with paralysis in Oberlin about two weeks aso. waa taken to his home in Pitta. Lfield Saturday. He fs still very low. Union Tnanksgiving services will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday. J. S. Baldwin began dressing poultry Monday for eastern markets. Last Tuesday evening about twenty- eight of the young people met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandt and gave them a pleasant surprise and a shower of tin. A good time was re ported. A. P. Lincoln attended the state grange in Springfield last week. A. E. Nash, who has been sick for about two weeks, is reported better. Bichard Mills, of Lorain, visited friends in town Sunday. Vernon Norton, who has been at tending the fairs with Grant Campbell, returned home last week. Lee Barbor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barbor, had an beets taken out of his back this week Monday. Dr. Holiday was attending. He waa assisted by two surgeons from Cleve land. We have not learned bow beTs doing since the operation. If you wish an hour of solid enter tainment, come to the entertainment given by the pupils of diilrict No. 2, Meredith district, Tuedy evening, November 2 at 7:30 o'clock. Admiss ion 5 eer.t. Benefit of school. Grarie G. Snii-.h, teacher. W.tLL Thanks giving rates, Nov. iSth and 30th. Tkkeu good reluming till Dec. 1st inclusive. ' HUNTINGTON- . Sir. and Mrs A. J. Sage spent last Monday in Elyria. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dirlam, Mr. and Mrs. Heron, of Minefield spent Monday night at J. V. Phelon's. The Epworth League w ill serve oys ters at the M. E. church parlors Fri day evening, November 24. Come one come all. Mr. Gifford, of PitUfield spent Sun day with A. J. Sage and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kncff, Miss Knell and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, of Ashland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kneff, Mrs. John Hockeiismilh and Mrs. Wni. June will spend a few days this week with relatives in Cleveland. Miss Sylvia Park, of Penfield, spent Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. Eugene Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irish, of Roches- ter spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey. Mrs. L. J. Richmond, of Medina spent a few days last week with ber daughter and family, Mrs. W. E. HulL There will be a dance at the hotel Friday evening, November 24. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dirlam, of Mansfield spent Saturday evening with Louis Myres and family. A company of about twenty-five young Married ptople met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland last Tuesday evening for a surprise on their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Holland, which was a success. Oys ters were served, then Clifton Chap man gave the young couple some good advice and wished them much jcy in their new life and presented them a small token of remembrance in behalf of the company. At a late hour the company departed to their various homes, thinking that they had spent a very enjoyable evening and wished fhat they might meet with Mr. and Mrs Holland in their home many times in the future. Albert Jones has gone to Elyria to work in the steel plant. J. B. Kobinson was in Cleveland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Dirlam, of Sulli van, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and son of Clyde spent Sunday with Walter Dirlam's family. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rogers and daughter spent Sunday with relatives in Nova. Elmer Richmond, of Penfield, Frank Richmond, Frank Proser, of Welling ton and Mies Vic Richmond, of iled ina spent Sunday with Curios Roger's family. Messrs. Willard and Elmer Long are spending a tine in Burton with their i-ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gren. Mrs. Nelson Wheeler, of Rochester visited George Ekeese and family Sun- ROCHESTER. W. E. Crandail and and family, of Brownhelm visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crandail, one day last week. Mrs Porter returned from Cleveland accompanied by her son, Elmar Sim mon, Saturday a. m. Mrs. W. Hall, of Wellington visited 00 0 Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wron. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly, OP COD LIVER OIL MfTTH HYPOPHQSPHITES wUHEl SODA will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. Jotanlfc.os. all anoint. SCOTT a 10WKE, CVwiw, Ktm Tarn, Help lco.s,(li! mnm v i m r her mother, Mrs. D. Thomas, over Sun-1 day. ' j The school entertainment at the town hall Friday evening was a sue- ' cess in every respect. It will be re peated again two weeks from last Sat urday evening. The revival meetings at the M. E. church are still in progress. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnson, of Ash land, visited II. L. Mason aud family over Sunday. There will be dime social given at Charles Conklin's next Thursday eve ning. Cordial invitation to all. Mrs. Clemons at the present writing is very low. The mandolin club, of Ashland last Thursday evening gave some very fine selections of music and were highly appreciated by all. George Ilershey. of Buggies was in town Monday the guest of Mrs. J. Por ter. Spaln'a Greatest Neeil, Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain aoon left him. lie says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that It cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stom ach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life Into every mrscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing, you need it. Every bot tle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by Near & Wells, druggists. (1) WHITEFOX. Mrs. M. A. McDonald, of Wakeman, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Sara Dewolf Peck, of Oberlin visited in town Sunday. There were about fifty both large and small at the oyster supper at Geo. McDonald's. Mrs. Lillian Haynes, of Wakeman, visited her mother the last of the week. J. W. Johnson and family have mov- to their house near Clarksfield. John McDonald is moving back on to the farm. Guy Lowery is home from Pittsfield. Alva Fox started Monday, moving for Portland, Oregon. He expects to spend the winter there. The Woman's Missionary society is to meet at the church Thursday after noon. Mrs. Mary Bee be was in Norwalk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Myers of Brigh ton spent Sunday in town. Minor Barrett, of New London vis ited his aunt, Mrs. Beebe, Sunday. Mrs. Belle and Miss Bose Philpps gave recital Saturday evening of their music classes. The girls did very well, as they are all young. The two teachers played a very nice duet and Otis sang a comic song, after which refreshment were served and the girls were free to have a good time, which they did. Ask Alice, how about Jones. LA GRANGE. Mrs. Ida Sheldon is reported on the sick list. Mrs. Clara Buswell of Cleveland is visiting in town. Hazleton Smith is failing. J. Swartz'a norse ran away Monday, wrecking bis buggy and harness. Miss Maud Dale spent a part of the past week in Elyria. Mrs. George Trencbard and two sons of Grafton spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Nettie McKisson was the guest of Cleveland friends last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cliff, Nov. 11. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman called on Elyria friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hastings and family were in Elyria Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Curtiss aie visit ing their daughter in Erhart. The Rathbone Sisters will give a dime social and program, consistingof music, speaking, etc., at K. of P. hall, Satur day evening, Nov. 25. A cordial invi tation is extended to all. Ticket for the cushion will be drawn. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the Methodist parsonage, on Wednes day, Nov. 22. The Epworth league will hold a ''neck-tie" social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Johnston, Friday even ing, Nov. 27. Each lady come supplied with two neck ties. Sunday, at the close of the Sunday school, W. E. Lyon, in behalf of the Baptist church and Sunday school, in a neat little speech about chronometers, presented Mrs. W. W. Noble a beautiful gold watch as a token of their appre ciation of her services as church elerk for many years, and also a superin tendent of the Sunday school. She thanks them heartily for the gift, and will use and enjoy it; but more than all, site enjoys the thought that prompted the act. Mrs. Noble tried to thank them in words, but failed. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Wit -h Hazel Salve for any consider ition," writes Tin s. B. Rhodes, Cent erficld, O. Infallible fur piles, cute, Imrns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. J. W. Houghton. CorrwepoodeDce continued on paga 8. ED. F. DAVIS UNCLE TOHl'S CABIN CO. LARCER CRANDER Than Ever Bfor OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY. NOV. A PRODUCTION Perfect In every de tail pre itemed on Kale of MairnJflcenca never equaled. A CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY. Superb Concert Band. AB unusually strait Line A STAR ej. ef. tlesieMMii T ' Picture We pieie ee irame mournings. rrO-lTlCS Can frame your pictures in - the latest style on short notice. We also keep in stock Artists' canvas and make stretchers to ti order. Give us a call when JrllCipS in need of Picture Frames. 3jQg $C() eg ej. ee Dr. Bigelow'a Business... at New London and Wellington is booming. The Dr. had a score of pa tients his laut visit to the above town?, and every one had stale of woe to tell coticerning their experience with loeal dentists. Some had teeth that several had failed to get out or even stir, and some had the fangs and stumps left. They said they would sound Dr. Bigelow'g praixefarand near, and have a full iK' next visit, which will he Friday. Dec. 1st. the next day after Thanksgiving. Eat turkey .viv. 3Uth, and get your teeth out Dee. 1st, trial tooth free, at the White Hotel, New London, from 8:30 to 12 M., and American House, Wellington, from 1 to 4 P. M., same day. Cleveland Office, 315 The Arcade. peoples clm For Aale. Farm of 163 acres; good buildings and other improvements ; situated one mile south and two miles west of Spen cer; known as the Jack Routson farm. Inquire of W. M. Smith, Centerton, Ohio. 45-52 For Bale. Carload of Minnesota potatoes. Price 45 cents per In., In five bushel lots or more, at Herrick's feed store. J. 0. Johnson. For Rent. Part of Mrs. E. Watterson's house, Taylor street ; rent,' $5 per month. In quire of Eugene Kobinson. 46tf For Sale. Pure bred Chester White Hogs, in cluding pigs, shoats, brood sows and boars. Terms reasonable. Inquire of J. A. X. Cowles, 2 miles north-west of Wellington. 46-49 For Kent. Small house on Taylor street. In quire of John Koser. 36-49 ' Money to loan on real estate, mort gage security. J. T. HASKELL. Advertise your wants in the people's column in The Enterprise. Aarlloneer. A nrsTuxo auctioneer, U. W. Hixits, Pifslield. You can reach me by 'phone. Ail sales promptly attended to. 46-3in Vf auted. Cook stove, email eizA. in atvA enn. d i tion. Address, stating price Box 97, f. O., Wellington. roi?ale. Fifty cords furnacs wood. Davis A Whitxet, 47-49 East Main street. Headache for Forty Years. For fortr rears T suffer" from stck bwl acos. A yeerauo I b-jan unlng Celery Kin. Toe reeult wee ttntHylun and nurprulnir, njjr bnilachcs !ihv:.ik at once. Tbe hwl'irbes ueed In rutnrneverr aeventh day, but, thanks to Celery kiuir. I have had but one bewueba In the but eleven ninntb. I know tbit wbat cured ow will belpotuerv Mm JobaD. Van Keuirn. Hnuirortiea, N. I. Celery Kin sum f oMtlnatlon, and Verra, aWoaaaca, Urm and Kill y illisasia, si BETTER TRANSFORMATION SCENE Of Unrivalled Splendor and Beauty. Symphony Orchestra. OI SFbUALIIKS. CAST. : . . . f nave a large and com- U biock oi au graaes or. ee e Telephone i 215 People Over the Lines DCIl 1C1. LU. Residence Rates 50c We Believe In Expansion of our stock, as our recent large purchases from manufacturers will testify. We are not bothered, at present, over the question of the expediency of expansion of the nation's territory we are too busy to attend to these large concerns We are expanding ourselves, in the direction of acquiring beautiful new things in Watches and Jewel ry: We have been seeking "new markets ;" and we invite the pub lic to inspect the result of our gatherings. J. H. Wight & Son5, WELLINGTON, . OHIO A Good Dinner. Oysters and Mansfield Crackers Pancakes Jost the thing for breakfast on cool mornings. Mattle Mitchel's Corn Flour, Glendole Pancake Flonr, Glendale Buckwheat. For Sale by T. F. Rod house & Son. PHTMICIANH. T 1IATHA WAY. M. D. Specialty ot reetal - - 1. 1 iujiui utwvwvm. iweeia dlaeaaee treated without paia. or detention from bus! neae. Dlmam el tbe bladder treated amis Iter a aeretaiieialaauea at ueurlo.1.