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Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovi (Mrmo BAKER'S CROSSING. The oyster supper, held by the Lad lei Society at 0. Winemillar'i last Wednesday evening was well attended. Mrs. Polly Peet is again on the lick list. Mrs. E. D. Baker ipent a few days the past week In Berea with her daugh ter, Mrs. Maud Eglio. Jerry Peterson and family have .gone to Elyria to spend the winter. 0. W. Boice and family spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Boice. Bay Baker is again able to resume his work, and returned to Akron Fri day. Miss Lucy Andrews has been the guest of friends in Wellington the past week. Bev. Newel Close, a former resident of Close street, was buried in the South cemetery last Thursday. Willard Griggs and family have left for their new home in Pennsylvan ia. The best wishes of their many friends go with them. Bueklen't Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uiu Wains, Corns, and all SkJn Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money relunaea Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Near & Wells. SULLIVAN. The question of the day, "Did you see the shower of metors the in As no one can be found whose vision was strong enough to pierce through the heavy clouds the question has al ways been answered by a most emphat- ic "No: Did you see any siiowerr Father Hicks, whose predictions we hiLva aivan from time to time, has booked the metoric shower for Nov ember 27th. So don't forget the date, and you may be well paid for your nains. Next Lord's day eve will be Bally Day at the Christian church. A pro gram will be given which the seachers hope may prove interesting, i Lewis Daniels is very sick with con (jestion of the lungs at the Eaten Bros, home. Miss Lottie Bicket Is not expected to live at the home of her brother, Claude Bicket She has neuralgia of the heart. Miss Grace Grissinger is some bet ter and should no change for the worse set in, she will be among her friends in Sullivan again ere long. Mrs. Fred G. Green has returned from Erie ounty, where she has been for two weeks, caring for her sister who has been very 111. Dr. Gregg has Improved the appear ance of his place by the addition of a nice, new woodshed. As Mr. Taylor Smith and family have concluded to make Mansfield their future home, quite a number of their neighbors and friends, gathered on Thursday night to give them a fara well party. We don't know why so many of our people are sojourning to the sunny south. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Park visited in Chatham and Litchfield last week. They found the Medina county rooster in a precarious condition. Dr. Hess' poultry food was perscribed. Thats what's pulling the Ashland county poultry through. J. D. Bridges, Editor l"Democrat," Lancaster, N. H., says "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately re lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung 'troubles. It prevents consumption. Dr. J. Houghton. W PLEASANT STREET. Some of our young people spent part of last week watching for the hower of metors, which they failed to see. Mrs. S. Phillips and Edith Callin, of Rochester called on Mrs. Zelpha Bat' ties last Saturday. Mrs. Marth Burris and Mrs. Eugene Garrett, visited Mrs. 0. L. Bolfe one day last week. f Mrs. J. W. Cowie visited Mrs. Chas Gill, of Pittifleld Thursday. Mrs. Robinson, of Wellington, has been spending a few days with her grand daughter, Mrs. Martha Gillett. E. D. Gillett. Martha Gillett and Mrs. Robinson visited at Mrs. Harris in Clarksfleld Wednesday evening. Miss Eula Fish, of Whitefox spent last week with Mary Backus. Miss Aggie Harwood and Miss Thorpe ware in Fairfield one day lust week. Leon Loveland has moved into Fred Gillett's house on the Edwards place. artumr co . , new roan. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE 0BKRL1N AND WELLINGTON BAILWAY COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, RIGHT, POWER AND AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE, FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, AN ELEC TRIC STREET RAILROAD, DULY ESTABLISHED BY AN ORDINANCE PASSED OCTOBER 1BTH, 1899, DES. IGNATING THE STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS AND PUBLIC WAYS ALONG AND UPON WHICH THE TRACKS AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF SAID RAILROAD SHALL .BE CONSTRUCTED, MAIN TAINED AND OPERATED, AND FIX ING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON AND THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED, MAIN TAINED AND OPERATED. Wiibrbas, The Council of the Villnjre of Wil llntttou, Ohio, by ordinance passed October ltith, ipwi, uiu uBiuimeu oukui nauroau nouie, o. 1 and Whereas. The Clerk of said villaeo. lit nursa anew of .aid Ordinance, did give public notice of me eHutminnment or said street Kailroati itoute, and did advertise for settled nrontwala to cou ptrurt, maintain and operate said Street Kailruad Kouie al the IowkhI rates of fate, in accordance with tlie term, conditions aud stipulation, or aaid Ordiuance. in The Wellington Kuteiurine. a newspaper published weekly in said village, and of general circulation llierein.ior more limn tureecou secutlve weeks next preceding the loih day of November, lMlltt, aud advising the public that o'clock noon, of said day. at the ottlce of su d Clerk of said village, Tor the grant uf the rlfjlit to construct, maintain aud operate, for the term of tweuiy-he years, the salt rttreet Kailruad Koute No. 1, eptablished by aaid ordiuance of October Will, lHm; and Wukhkah, Bids were received at the office of saio uierk or said village, in pupuunce or said urutnauce anu said puimsnea notice, and Were ODened immediately after twelve o'clock in the day time of satd Kith day of November, lt!l: aud it appearing that The Oberliu and Wellington Railway Conipuny proposed to carry passengers upou saiu street rallroau at tne lowest rale of tare, that Is to say J? ive ceuts for a simile cash fan; for adults, for a single continuous rulu In either direction, fruui auy point on said route within said vll lage to any other point on said route within said villa-'u. Twenty-two commutation tickets iu packages to ue soiu lor one aoiiar, lor aouils, eacn ticket irood for one continuous trip, as aforesaid. Children under six years of age, accompanied by a person in charge, free. Five ceuts for a single eash fare for children under six years or see, when not accompanied by such person in charge. Tweuty.two commutation tickets in packages to be sold for one dollar, for children under six yearsof ago, when not accompanied by such per son in charge, each ticket good for one continuous trip, as aforesaid. Five cents for a single cash fare for minors when going to and from hcIiooI. . T wi-uty-uve commutation tickets in packagea to be sold for one dollar, for minora when going to uu iroiu school The aliovo rales of fare do not addIv to nas- hb luiuiug iiiiu or kuiiik oui ol Hie village, over Hie route above d.i xcribed. hut such Dassen. gers shall not lie charged any addiiional fare for mat pan 01 ineirjoiirney lying in said village: and WitBKKAS, The Oberliu aud Wellington Kail way Company accompanied its bid with a certified etieck ou a reliubie Bank for the sum of One lliollsand Dollurs. as security that, if awarded aaid grant, said Comnauv won d. within um riuv. from and afler tile parage of ilie ordinance grant ing said route, uuler into couiracl therefor ami give bond for its faithful pcrformauco, us iu said oraiuance esiaoiisuing street ituilruud Itoute fto. 1, provided ; and VVimtEAs on the &tu day 'of September, 18on, inesaiu iruerun anu neningiou italiway com pany made written application to the Couocil of said village of Wellington for the rlgnt to con struct, nialutuin and operate, for thu period of tweuiy-uve years, an electric street railway, with single track aud the accessary poles, wires, switches aud electrical equipment, over aud along the route described In said ordinance passed uciooer nun, inwe, estaniisning saiu Koule rio. I, upou such terms aud conditions, aud in snch manner as to construction aud operation, as the ooliucu ol aaid village should prescribe; public notice of which said written application was given by the Clerk of said village or Wellington, by publication Iu the Wellington Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published aud of general' cir culation in said lllage, ouce a week for three consecutive weeks, town: ou the 27th of Sep tember, intra, and the 4th aud 11th days of October, lH'.W; and WliEiHAS. The Oberliu and Wellington Kail- way Coiupauy was the only bidder for the rlelit to construct and operate over aaid tilruel ftailroad Koute po. 1 ; and Whbhkab. said Oherlln and we llmrton Hall. wav dimtianv has nrieluced and Hl,il witli ,!., Council tne wrllteu consents of a majority of the property holders upon each street or oart thereof. on the line of said proposed street railroad, repre sented by the fi-et front of the property abutting on the several streets along which said railroad Is proposed to bo constructed, now therefore: Sac. 1. Be it ordained by the Village Connci) of the Incorporated Village of Wellington, Ohio, that The Oberliu and Wellington Kailway Com pany, Its successors and assigns, is hereby grant, ed, for the full term of twenty-live years from ami after the passage of this ordinaticef the right to construct, niaiutaiu aud operate au electric street railroad, with single track, with all necessary switches, side-tracks, turn-outs, poles, wires, curvca and fixtures, aud all necessary electrical appliances aud equipment aver and along the HiiiusriuK nmie H iiiiiu me v lllage Ol w eillllgtou, Ohio, towit: Beuiuuing'on North Main slro.,t. at a point where the same iutersecta the Northerly corporate limits of said Village of Wellington, Ohio; thence along said Norlh Maiu atruet to the yonu line or K.ast aud w est Maiu atreets; thence Southerly across said streets; thence iu a South erly direction along said south Main street to a poiui. iu oouiu aiaiu street iwouunorea feel south of the south Hue of the Public Hiioure, with "Y" Easterly from said route iuto the Public Sunare. at such place thereiu aa the Village Council shall uirect. 810. 9. The track shall be laid in anch nnrt nf saiu sireeLs alio puunc grouuus aa tne council by resolution shall direct, and shall be laid and main tained in the streets and public grounds over woicn it snail pass at sncn grade as sua l bn ds. signaled by the Council by resoltltlou ; aud In case the location of said track requites the nov ing of the present block stone pavement, the same shall be done by aud at the expense of the Kailway Company, and bv it relaid at thu same grade as the track of aaid Company; andthat part of bomb Main street between Kaaiand W'est Main street aud the Southerly Una of the Public Square and thePublic.Square betweentbe rails audenrves, aud at least two lent outside of the rails, shall be paved with stone of the same kiud as Is now iu South Muin street, bv said Kailway Coinoauv in such manner aa the Cuuncil may by resolution direct; and auy changes made necessary in the arc street lamps by the location of thu trolley wirca, shall be made iu such mauneras the Coun cil by resolution shall direct, and at the exoeuse of the aaid Kailway Company; and the owuer or owners of said railroad, in caso at any time the municipal corporation .hall change the grade of said streets, shall change the grade of tne i rack to correspond with said new grade, at the expense of saiu rtanroaa company, its successors or'asslgns, without any claim aeaiust thu said mnnii-uuti corporation for damages that may result from such change In grade. AU the rails of said track uaii ue laiu iu aui u mauueras to ui Ol aa utile mpedtmeut aud detriment aa practicable to the free aud ordinary use of the said streets, to the passage of wagons, carriages aud other vehicles. upou or across said track, at any point and In any and all direction, and with such suitable irutters at anv and all Qecehsary points as to penult the fieetiowof water (ailing or accumulating upou said si reets. At all street crossings where there Is no pav ing, the track shall be to planked or other wise constructed ,as to make a anleand oonven lent orosalug tor vehicles as wall as pedest rians! and sucn erossliuis tua.ll to maintained br laid Railway Company. Its successors or assigns In constant gotid repair. That part of the street lying between the rails ol the track, and two leet outside of each rail, shall be by said company, or Its succes sors or assigns, rtiacadninle.d uuder specifica tions to be provided by the Village Council, until the streets shall be paved or otherwise Improved. On stteets Improved on one side, thnt part thereof lying between the rails of tin track, shall be macnilmir.od under Specifica tions provided by the Council and not exceeding two feet between the track and the improved side, shall be paved wit h brick or atone by said Kailway Company. Its auocesaors or as signs, under speclllcatious to be provided by the Village; and II said track It iocat-d and laid so that the part ol the street on one side therein shall ue unimproved by pavement, said Kailway Company, its successors or as signs shall improve said street for two (eev In width along the outer-side of said track on which said street Is so uiilmnroyed. In sued. manner as may be directed by the Council. w heuever the corporation shall pave or otherwise improve the streets over which said track or tracks shall pass, the owner or owners ol sunn rallroau shall be required l pave or Improve the space between the rails, and one loot on each outerstde thereof, and the space between all double tracks, and the spaces between the switches and turn outs. aud the main track, with the same material and lu the same manner required by the i lans and speuthcatlous providing (or such Improvement. In case either truck Is laid after the streets are Improved, said Street Kailway Company, Irs successors or assigns, shall restore the street to at good condition an before the track was laid. The gauge of the track shall be lour (41 feet eight and one-half ICS) Inches, and shall be laid with such rolls as the Council shall pre scribe. Any part of the streets over which the said railroad track shall pass, which shall be excavated or disturbed in the construction of said track, shall be restored as sot as pos sible to Its former condition of usefulness, and all excavated earth, rubbish ordebrisaccumu- atl tig during the construction of said Kailway shall be promptly removed from the atreets by said Kailway company, Its successors or assigns, and care shall be taken I construction of the track to obstruct travel upon the streets as rule as possible. All crosswalks which shall be taken up In the construction of the tracks, shall be promptly relaid with the same or si mllar material, and restored to as good condition at before, by said Kailway company. itv. 3.. 8ald railroad shall be operated with electricity, with overhead wires, and the com. pany shall have the right to erect all neces sary poles, ana other meonanicai corjiri. vances. All the noles shall be straight, is near aa practicable, and they shall be at til times thoroughly painted; and all poles south ol the Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company's right of way shall be of iron; they shall be to Set aa not to Interfere with the travel upou the street luhich n-ild track Is to he laid, and entirely outside the line of any Intersect ing alley or private driveway, and outside the Hue ot the driveway ot any intersecting street, and so as not to Injure or obstruct any sewer, water or gat pipe, as directed by the street committee of the Council of said Village. Said company. Its successors and assigns, shall so far as practicable provide against any and all deleterious action of electricity upon the gas and water pipe within said Tillage. At points where the trol ley wires pass under any telephone, telegraph, electric light or other wires, guard wires, free from electric current, shall be placed above the trolley wires ana parallel tnereto. and in such a position and lor such distance as sball be best calculated to prevent auy falling wire from being charged wttb electrlty by such trolley wires. Trolley wires shall not be less than seventeen (li I leet above the ground. Skc. 4. Said railroad shall be operated with electricity, or, at the election of said Kailway Oninpaiiy, its successors or assigns, with such other improved motive power as may be ap proved by the Council; and It shall be used for the pu pose of carrying freight, express. baggage, and I'ntted Htatea mail, as well as passengers, but the right to carry express and freight shall be subject to such regulatlout, restrictions and limitations as the Couuclt may from t hue to tlm prescribe. kc. fi. The oherlln and Wellington Kailway Company, Us successors and as. signs, shall place and maintain thereon ap proved motor cars, and with all the modem conveniences for the comfort or passengers, and such cars shall be run at least hourly dur ing the day time, to and from Wellington Oberliu and Elyria, Ohio, without change ol cars; aud shail light the same at ulght, and In cold weather such cars shall be comfortably heated. Kach motor car .shall, unless the Council otherwise prescribe, be provided with a headlight which shall be kept burning after sunset, aud with a gong or bell for danger signals. Each car or train ot oars shall be provided with a conductor as well at motorman. k;. b. The rate of fare for carrrlnff nassen. gers, which The Oberlln and Wellington Hall way Company, its successors and assigns, shall be authorized to charge for the trans portation ot passengers, shall be as follows Five cents for a single cash fare for adults, for a single continuous ride lu either direction, iroiu any point over ttie route aoove described within the lllage of Wellington, to any other poiuton said route wlthlnsald Village. Twen ty-two commutation tickets In packages, to be sold for one dollar, for adults, each ticket good tor one continuous trip aa aforesaid. Children under the age of six years, accom panied oy a person t n cnarge. snail he carried free. Five cents for a sltnrle easli fare fop children uuder six years of age. when not an companled by such person In charge. Twenty-two commutation tickets in packages to be sold for one dollar for children uuder six years of age, when not accompanied by sucn person lu charge, each ticket good lor one continuous trip, as aforesaid. Five cents (or a single cash fare (or minors when going to and from school. Twenty-rive commutation tickets In packages to be sold lor one d. liars for min ors when going to and (rom ichool. The above rates ot tare uu not apply to passengers com ing Into or going out of the Village over the route above described, but such Dassemrera shall not be charged any additional (are (or that pan ot their Journey lying In the village. Hkc. 7. lu case anv other street, ruilmiii shall be constructed In said village, which lu tersects or extends the line ol railroad, the right lor which Is hereby granted. The Oberlln and Wellington Kailway Company, Its success ors or assigns, shall grant to passengers on its roua transfer tickets tor tne purpose of con tin ulugthetrjouruey over any such Intersecting or connecting line ol railroad within said Village, and In like manner shall accent (or passage upon Its road In the Village ol Wellington the transfer tickets o( the owner or owners ol any anch Intersecting or extend ing Hue ol road, provided the owuer or own ers of such Intersecting or extending Hue ol road shall be required to accept the transfer tickets given as heretofore provided. Sso. 5. The owuer or owners o( said railroad shall keep the part ol the streeta used or oc cupied by thein, Including space between the tracks. at switches or turn-outs. In constant good order and repair, free and clear Irom ilirr, snow or Ice and other debus, and remove ne same iu sucn manner as not to oottruct or nterlere with the Ires use of said streeta. In case the village tire hose or other tire appar atus shall be at any time upon the track of said railroad, cars shall be stopped and de tained so as not to Injure the same or Inter, (ere In any way wttli the (Ire department In endeavoring to extinguish Are. Sic. 9. The Vlllaire ol Wellington reserve. the right to grant to auy other oonipanv or corporation operating a street railway, the right to cross the track of the railroad hereby established, at grade, aud also tograut a joint use ot sucn trues anu appliances, iu ooulorm- ty with Seetlou alia o( the Revised hi.Riiiie. ol Ohio, and upon such terms at the Council may deem just and equitable. In case the owners ol the said railroads shall (all to come to an agreement by arbitration, or otherwise, between themselves. ski'. 10, I he owner or owners o( said street railway shall keep In good repair all poles, wires, tracks, paving or planking constructed by them, and shall retrain from cuttlm; or in any way disfiguring shade trees growing along the line of said street railway. In case such cutting can oe avoiuea, . Bsc. fl. Hald railway herebvanthnrixed anaii be completed and In operation ou or before the first day of January, Hll. provided that any delay by legal proceedings shall not be muted against the time of construction or completion under said grant. In the event said railway is not completed as above men tioned, the franchise (or building said utreet railway shall be forfeited, unless for ,,d cause shown the Village Council shall extend tne tune tor tue construction thereot, sto. 12. The Oberlln aud w,.lii,iin n.ll. Company, Its successors sud assigns, shall lake the rights hereby granted, itibjccl to the right of Hie village to have and maintain gas and Water moes ill said streets, and of l..k m,.i.n n build, place or repair In aaid streets sewers, gas and water pipes, and to make connections there with, and the right of tho village to pave and re pair and otherwise to improve and rcimprove said itrecls, and to change the grade thermit, and for auy temporary obstruction necessarily re sulting from any sucb use of said streets, or auy part tueruor, suld grauteu shall .he without remedy. i 8so. 13. Tho Oliorlln and Welllnt-tbn Hallway Cuinimiiy, it. .ucce.nore sud uhIiiim. Lib the rlitlitu and prlvilrnes tanrobir arauted, snbjuct , to all provisions nfsll lawlal SYucml 'ordinances of tbe VlllsKeof Welllng-ton, Dow in force or Willi a w tMTMlief k. nasMl, r(iilatlug tae ojwmlot) I ' 1 i': ' and maintenance of street railroads In said Village of W lllngtou, and subject to all provisions anil conditions ol this ordinance. Section 14. The duration of the franchise and right to construct and operate said railway, here in granted, shall be for the period of tweutv-itve years (rum and after the passage ofthls urdlnauce. cbo. to. yvnenever me council or said village of Wellington shall grant to any person the right to remove auy biiildiugs over or along the streets or public grounds on which satd railroad shall be laid, the owner of said building, or the person moving the same, shail he required to move the same along the tracks of aaid railway company be tween the hours o( twelve o'clts-k. midnight and five o'clock A. M., aud said Kailway Company -,,n., a, iiavn. upuu feceiviita; lesson- able notice of such uermit. so elevate or temtmr- arily remove Its wires so as to permit the passage of auch biilldlug acruaa or along sucb streets or puonc grouuus. Sko. in 'I'be Oberliu andWetllttiTtnnRsllwavrin Its successors sod assigns, shall at all times here arter defend, keep harmless aud Indemnify the v mage irom an tawiui claims or uumands lor In juries to persons tir proucrtv. and costs and ex. laMisea to which said Village mav tat leirallv subjected or made liable by auy persous at law or iu equity, or otherwise, growing out ot the privileges granted lu this ortiiuauce, or out of the exercise and operation of the same by said Kailway Company, Ha successors or assigns, proviuea mat earn Kailway Company, Us successors or assigns, shall have reasonable uulice of tlie peudeucy o( suob action ; and auch Kailway company, its successors aud signs, shall upou receipt of sucb notice Buine the defense aud expeuses of such action, solar as tlie Ytllaguls concerned, sac. 17. In case The Oberliu and Welllna- ton Kailway Compauy, Its successors aud as signs, snail tan to uo any ox tne work nereby reoulredof them. In the wav of street eon. strucllou, Improving, repairing, cleaning or removing oi oustructious, tne village snail have the right to do such work at reasnuable cost at the expeuse or such Kailway Company. Its successors or assigua, after reasonable notice to sucb Kailway Compauy, Its success ors or assigns to do the same, and the Village may recover sucb costs and exjienses (roo said Railway Company, lta successors and as sigua, by action at law, or by certlfylug the same to thu Auditor ot tne county, to ne col lected in like manner as other taxes aud as sessments are collected. Sac. Is. For auy violation or relusal to per form auy o( the provisions of this ordinance, except the provision relating to the accept ance o( the same, and the construction ot aaid railroad, or for violation o( or redislng to com. Ply with auy provisions o( any htwdil general ordinance o( the Village that may be hereafter passed by the Council thereof, regulating the operation or street railways in suld village, ine Oberlln and Wellington Railway Com pauy, Us successors or assigns, shall forfeit and pay Into the Treasu.y o( said Village the aum ol fifty dollars as a penally; all forfeiture or penalties provided for by this Section may be recovered by civil action in auy Court of couipeteut Jurisdiction; and on failure to pay any judgement which may be so recovered, within thirty days from the dateot the reu dltiou of the same, provided said judgement be not appealed from, or error taken there from, the rights sad privileges granted by the provisions ot this ordinance to said Kailway Company, Us successors and assigns, may be forfeited upon the adoption of a resolution uf me uouucu-oi saiu village to that etrect. pro vided, however, that said Kitilwav Comnauv. ltssuccessorsorassignssball haveaucb right t f appeal, or right to a writ of error from any such judgement, as may be lawful, and said thirty days aforesaid shall. In the event of such ap peal or error, date from the final judgement rendered on nppeal or error; ami provided further, that the Couucll may remit any such Denaltv. or anv oart thereof: and nrnvtded further, that the penalties hereby provided (or shall not he exclusive, but the same shall be considered as cumulative merely. Hsu. 19. The Oberlln and Wellington Rail way company, Its successors and assigns, shall wlthih ten days (mm and a(ter the pas SHge and legal publication o( this ordinance, enter Into contract (or Its falthlul perform ance aud shall also enter Into a good and sutllcleut bond to the satisfaction of the Village Council, in the sum o( Five Thousand Dollars as liquidated damages, conditioned that It will, and that Its successors and assigns shall, fully comply with the terms and con ditions ol this ordinance, and the agreement ana contract made in pursuance thereof bection 20. This ordinance shall lake effect and be In force rom nd after lu passage and legal puuiicauon. ' GEO. L. COUCH, F. A. CHAI'MAK, Mayor. X Clerk. Passed November It, 1S09. Kleotlon of Officers Wellington Chapter, No. 108, R.A.M., elected the following officers at its meeting, iueaday night: M. A. Wel der, H. P.; R. 8. Hollenbach, King; J. H. Bowlby, scribe; T. Doland, treas urer; T. U. Yals, secretary; Harry Bennett, P.8. ; Q. E. Spitzer, C. of H. ; E. R. Stannard, M. of 8rd V. ; Verne Banning, M. of 2nd V. ; J. M. Otter- bacher, M. of 1st V. ; H. W. Bradley, Guard. sent to Jail. Gilbert Humble, who lives in Cam den, broke into the residence of Geo. Rogers of the same place and appro priated an old musket and some am munition. Ha was arrreited for house breaking and larceny. 'Squire Perkins sentenced him to ten days in jail and fined him the costs. I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Eodol Dyspepsia Care. Now I am well and feel like a new man,1 writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best digestant known. Cures all forms of indigestion. Physicians every where prescribe it. Dr. J. W. Hough ton. Wellington Market. (Corrected weekly,) BAT. No. I Timothy, fpjio to i"-' " k WW to .00 Wheat, nerhu ik Oats, per bu Corn, new , si Cnrn, old .87 Cloverseed 4.75 to S.isi Timothy teed !. to 1,311 No. 1 Beef steers, per cwt 4.onto6no Fateowa, ' .: 178 to 3.) )" " 75 Vcalt, .(io Mutton, choice, " 4,00 to 500 WtltlTBV. Choice young fowls .ns Ihieka ... 1 Turkeys .oiu DAIBV PRODUCTS. Cheese, flats .nu family .12 Butter, creamery 23 to .W """l ,w Eggt .20 maCBLLAXKUCS. Potatoes, per bu Applet, choice iildet, prime green, per lb ...... 40 to .4.1 40to.M .07 HOI BO, CIHIU BS.UU " deacout JSto.40 xaiiow, per 10 ,08 DR. FRANK GREGG, f 10 to 12 . m. Office Hour 1 to 8 p. m. (7 to 9 p.m. Special Attention to EYE. KAR. NOSK A!D THROAT PAkKEk'S HAIR BALSAM OleaiwM tiKt btmntifMM tii bata. Proniutet a loiunmnt Iruwth. Btavn Tail i to Beaton Gray Hut td ilm Tnnlhrnl s-IaI- I Clin Mlp ditvaav ft balr feuis - AYegelable Preparation lor As similating ihefood aruiReguta ting the Stomachs andBcrwels of Promotes Digeslion.Chmful ness and Rest.Contains neither 3)ium,Morphine nor Mineral. ot Nab c otic. fn Variant faa i A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish aess andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW YORK. EXACT COPY" Of WRAPPEB. OF A Book for Young and Old OUR we cure RECORD f: ESI4I87S jv 250,000 r diseased;: MEN CURED K NERVOUS BLOOD SKIN & PRIVATE 015EA5ES 250,000 CURED YOUNG MAN &r Sis- when iffiiornnt ot thfl terrible crime you werocommiHiuv. uui youontvcoriaider tha fascinating H.IuretnmitH ol! thin vil habit. When to. late to avoid the ter rible resultn, were your cyeg opened tn your peril Iid yon Inter nn in man- riwd contract any mi V ATE or 11 LOUD diaeano? W ere you cured ? bo you now and then nee pome nlarminf Fyinptoma? liare you marry in your prm-ent con dition? You know, 'W.IKE FATHKtt, LIKE HON." It married, are you cod HtAntly living fn dread? Is marriage a failure with you nn nocoimtof any weak DeiB efiiwed by early abuse or later ex ceuenV Have you been drugged with mercury? Thin booklet will)oii.toiitto you the results of thc) crimen and point out hiwour NKW AIKT1I01) TREAT MENT will Doitivfly enre you. It bowphnw thousand havfl boon Raved by our KKWT TKKATA1KNT. It proves bow we can (HJAHANTKK TO CUKK ANV CUKABLK CASK OK NO PAY. Wo treat and cnrn KMISHIONH, V A It Tcnr vi. v. fl v I i i t i t.y m.v vv &4 BTHFCTtJKR. IMPOTKNCY, PR! Uj cret drainh. unnatural DIH- I 1 CHARGES. KIDNEY aud LLADDKR CURES GUARANTEED "Tha Wares of Bin" smt frra h cnclOHnf 'Jo stamp. CONSULTATION KKKK. If unable tn call, write for QUESTION BLANK for llOMK TREATMENT. Kennedys Kergan 247 SUPERIOR STREET, CLEVELAND, O. Blankets and Robes.... HORSE BLANKETS The largest and most complete stock of Blankets and WAGES Robes.... to be found. Over fifty pat terns to select from. Quality the best prices the lowest. J. M. Otterbacher, Wellington, Ohio. fl 111 For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Oak Garland Heating Stove, The Born Steel Eange, Oil Cloth, Hardware, Etc AT RANSOM & WILBUR'S. 3 HEAVES CAN BE CURED I Dr. Weare's Heave Cure stage.. That It to a scientific rawliylj merit and not a fake, ha tenmvaa by thousand, of andoorrtid 7 It tells more about it. wo. a. nuujseii co.. rir. k. r. J. n. OTTERBACHER, WELLINGTON, OHIO. Special Notice. WE have charge of the branch UNDERTAKING BOOM recently opened at this place bj J. H. Sackett, of New Lon don, and will be pleased to answer calls from any who may favor us with their patronage. Respectfully yours, Stanley & Ashcraffc, ROCHESTER, 0. For Insurance that- Insures, apply to R. N. Goodwin, the old reliable insurance agent. HOUR & UOBISHAW. GENERAL INSURANCE. Office orer New & Wells'. AW A Use v For Over Thirty Years