J j WELLINGTON NOVELTY STORE j : : t -Now is the time to make your selections .X X - for Christmas. ...A FEW SUGGESTIONS... Faclnators Water Seta Toy White Apron Plates Book Towels Cups and Saucers flames Fur Top Oloves Berry SeU Doll Carts Mitten , Pitcher Hobby Horses Pocket Books i'4.," ,1 Chocolate Pot ..- , Bureau Table Linen Sugar and Creamers Bedsteads Stand 6preads; ' ' Vases " ' Chairs Bureau Spreads " ' Salad Dishes Dolls Ribbons ' ' Oat Meal Sets- Doll Heads Wrappers Tea Stands' j A. B. C. Blocks '"' Brooches "a : ; - -' i Bracelets Sterling Silver Novelties Back Combs Knives, Forks and Spoons. HOW IS: THIS? YES, C OF LOCAL jrlTEREST j tf A SOLIDGOLD PIN' FOR 50c Just the size you like and the designs and quality are right. See them at Wight & Sons. WELLINGTON, OHIO A PRACTICAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Razors at Near & Wells. New bonks ut Houghton's. Popular games at Houghton's Fine Stationery at Houghton's. tf Talcum Powder at Houghton's. tf See Near & Wells' for Shaving Seta. A fine line of Albums at Houghton's. tf Cold Cream for the toilet at Hough ton's, tf Dr. Houghton's Cough Syrup. None better. tf Fine Medulion's at Near it Wells' drug store. The Oberlin Tribune was six years old lust week. Trusses nml supporters of best make at Houghton's. tf Holiday Goods are arriving at Near & Wells' drug store. For a i in linn yiiulM III i'iiuTi i linn1' STANDARD GRAND. IT 13 A SELLER Everybody delight ed with It. I have had25 years ex perience, and have sold 2.VO mach ines duri ng that time. Samples of these machine. can lie seen at E. Well 4 Son's harness shop, aud at my residence, corner East Main and Courtluud ave. MACHINES FROM $18.00 UP. REPAIRING neatly ami promptly done. , Needles, oil and all sewiug machine supplies carried in stock. S. P. HASTINS, Agent. The advertisement of the May Com pany appearing In this issue, will cer tainly be of interest to the holiday shoppers who visit Cleveland. By showing a copy of this paper or the advertisement clipped therefrom, you will be entitled to participate in the special irducements made to out-of- town patrons. - Attention is called to the announce' mentof the Williams & Rogers Co. appearing in these columns'. This firm is one of the oldest in Cleveland, and their friends and patrons in Northern Ohio are legion. Photos For ChrlitinM. Are always appreciated provided they are good portraits and well finish ed. Our reputation is for furnishing nothine but the best :so you take no chances if you order them of us. Come in and see the work we are doins and have a sitting now. Studio over Bowlby & Hall's. 0. 8. Bateham, photographer. Nine prizes for superiority of wort ery see Near & Wells. All the latest odors in Perfumes can always be found at Near & Wells. The post-offfoe will be opn Thanks giving day from 0 to 10 and from 5 to 6. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. A. P. Dimock next Tuesday after noon. Edson Hastings, of LaGrange has been granted an original pension of $15 per month. Defective vision remedied by careful fitting. Spectacles and eye glasses at J. W. Houghton's. tf Editor Fauver, of the Elyria Report er was married last Thursday to Miss Inez Farmer, of New York. F. P. SmlilT shipped sixteen thou sand pounds of dressed turkeys to eastern markets last week. Miss Edna Brunjjn entertained twelve of her girl friends at a pleasant little party Saturday afternoon. The Wellington ditch injunction case was argued before Judge NyeSalurduy. The Judge reserved his decision. T. Eddy lias opened a jewelry repair shop in the Emersju building, and is prepared to do all kinds of clock re- - m ... . pairing. io 61 An average of four carloads of hick ory and a-ili logs per week are being shipped from this place to the Graf ton Sucker Rod Co. The Northwestern Ohio Teachers' Association will hold its twenty-sev enth annual meeting in Sandusky December 1 and 2. Thomas Tracy, a tramp printer, ov r- loaded Saturday night, and spent Sun day in the "cooler." Mayor Couch lined him the costs, Monday. The Big Four will run an excursion to Cleveland December 7, returning December 8. Round trip 75c. See posters for further information. Miss Florence Couch was twelve vears old last Wednesday. She cele brated that event by giving a party in the afternoon to some of her young friends. Strawberry blossoms for Thanks giving may seem a little out mi oi season, but Mrs. Charles Hull.of Fen field found a strawberry plant in bloom in the field last week and brought it to this office. The Woman's Afternoon club met Mis. J. T. Gardner Tuesday.- Miss Elizabeth Johns read a paper on Browning with selections from his poetry, and Mrs. G. A. Palmer had a review of Browning's letters. Sorosis will meet with Mrs. II. C Harris Tuesday afternoon. December a. The following program will be glV' en:. ''Benjamin Franklin," Mrs. H. L. King; '.The American Way," Mrs. F.W.Bennett; Select Reading, Mrs, Smith. A club dunce will be given in the town hail tonight. Fine line oi cut glass just received at Wight & Son's. Ebony brushes aud. combs, silver mounted at Wight & Son's. 1M styles of Knives arm Forks to sel ect from at Wight & Son's. The Ladies Relief society mPtat Mrs. Fred Wilder's on Tuesday last. There was a good attendance, and much good done for the poor and needy. A team of horses, hitched in front of the Goodrich Clothing Store, be came frightened this noon, and pulled out the awning post to which they were tied, breaking it in two. The next meeting of the Pomona Grange of Lorain county will be held with Kipton Grange Saturday, Decem ber 2. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve dinner for 10c. "Me and Jack" a pleasing little com edy drama given for the benfiet of the band, was played in the Opera House Wednesday night to a fi.ir sized audi ence. The bund realized about $26 dol lars. Miss Mae Spicer entertained a few of her friends last Kridiiy evening at ped- ro. Refreshments were served and the honors were carried off by Mist Bessie Snyder and Malcolm Holiday. Last week's Observer stated prema turely that contracts for the construc tion of the Oberlin-Wellington elect ric line were being let und that work on the road would begin at once. No contracts have been let, and work on the road will probably not begin be gin btf iie next spring. Poultry "raising" by the short meth od is becoming rather popular in this locality. One night lust week 0. P. Chapman's hen roost was visited, and about sixty chickens were appropriat ed for the Thanksgiving market. It is believed that the theives carried their plunder away in a wagon. Mr. Chap man was out of town at the time. At a recent meeting of Oberlin col lege trustees it was decided to post pone commencement until the week of June 27th, thus allowing many of the former students and graduates to per mit of attending the grand reunion to be held at that time. In consequence the winter vacation begining Decem ber 20th will last three weeks and 'the winter term begin January 10th. There will be an entertainment in the Sunday school rooms of the Meth odist church on Wednesday evening, December 6 and each one is requested to bring a lemon. What the entertain ment will be is shrouded in mystery, but it has been darkly hinted that prizes are to he given for some thing. Come and find out all about it. Re freshments will be served. Uncle Tom's Cubin was inflicted again upon the people of Wellington last Saturday night, but they Beemed to enjoy it, for the Opera House was crowded clear up to the roof. The company, while making a good appear ance on parade, was not up to general expectations, and saving the parts ot Marks, Uncle Tom and Eva, the acting was inexcusably poor. Three or four hundred persons, who stayed to the after-niece, were buncoed out often cenis apiece. time persons think that the sign boards forbidding hunting, fishing nut gathering or trespu-mng upon pri vate lands are of liltln account and that they may be regarded w.lh itn on nit v. This is a inistnke, as the luw make it an act of treses to go upo" any cultivated or enciosen iuiiu iorany purpose without permission from the iviner, even if there is no sign hoard aid the owner is i ntilled to recover tual damage for Mich trespass When si'ii boar Is are properly er- ect'd, any person wh ' trespasses upon land soguaivd is not oiilj liable to pay . Hi'tuiil damages, tint also a penal ty not exceeding t .'5 L!j ria Keporter BE SURE. Be sure you need medicine before you take it.'but having once found out Ti - l :. I, : : ..... tnatyuu neuu ii lose iiu nine in tinir the best. If it's for the Kidneys, Liver. Bladder or Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia or for Chronic Constipation, the best is Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy, and a very simple way to find ont if" you need it, is to put Home urine in a class tumbler and let it stand 24 hours; if it then has a sediment or a inilkv. cloudy appearance; if it is ropy or stringy, pale or discolored, you do not need a Dhvalcian to tell vou that you should take Favorite Remedy at once. It speedily cures Bticn anngcr cms symptoms as pain in the back, frc- fpicnt desire to urinate, especially at niuht. burning scalding latin in passing water, tho staining of linen by your urine and all tho unpleasant anu nan irerous effects produced on the system bv the use of whiskey and beer. All reliable drnggista sell Dr. David Ken nedy s Favorite Remedy at l.uu bottle, or 6 bottles for $ft.00. By a special and particular arrange ment wit nine manuiuciiirein, our reau erscnn try this grand medicine abso lutely free. By si m ply sen d i n g y nur fu 1 1 name anil postollice address to tho DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION. Rondont, N.V., mentioning this paper, when a trial bottle of Favorite Reme dy, together with a pamphlet of valua ble medical advice, will be sent you by mail postpaid. The publishers of this paper guar antee the genuineness of this liberal Offer. C PERSONALlfMENTIQN. j C. Sage was in Elyria Monday. Ed. Webster, Jr., was in Toledo Monday. L. II. Wodsworth went to Elyriu Monday. Business called E. C. Jefferies to Cleveland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dirlam of Mans field have moved to Wellington. Miss Carolyn Howk and MiHs Nellie Tucker were in Oberlin Saturday. Mrs. Emily Ilolcomb of Grafton is visiting her brother, W. C. Crane. R. C. Bennett went to Cleveland Monday night to see Keller, the magic ian. J. E. Teare, former manager of the Taylor store, has returned to Cleve land. Mrs. Lillian Meekam and Mrs. Edith Hutchinson of Cleveland spent Sunday in town. . Miss Ruby Beedle of Medina was the guest of Miss Edythe Mclntire over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cushion enter tained Miss Mable Burr of Oberlin Sunday. Miss Nina Benedict is home from affney, S. C, where she has been teaching. Mrs. Mary McClallen.'who has been very sick with heart trouble, is slowly mproving. Mrs. L. D. Vorce of Chicago is in town visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L T. Haskell. Miss Sylvia Park, of Penfield, was the guest of Miss Pearl Gregg Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ella kuiiz has returned from a three weeks visit in Erie, Pa., and Cleveland. Eugene Mclntire has returned from Philadelphia, where he received medi cal treatment. Geo. Buswell, formerly of Welling ton, but now of Cleveland, visited in town Friday and Saturday. Master Lee Barbor ii getting on finely from an operation performed for ruj.ture of the bowels. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Myers of Colum bus, O., will spend Thanksgiving with their sister, Mrs. A. Stannard. Gen. and Mrs. W. S. Metcalf went to Eiyria Monday morning to attend the funeral of the former's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wangerien and daughter of Oberlin were guests of Mr, and Mm. William Schroder, Sunday. Frank and Miss Delia Ciphers and Mrs. Sueuberger, of Hayesville, visited with George Gregg and family recently, J. B. McConnell of Strongville, 0., was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Davis of Prospect St., the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Quelos of Cleve land, cousin of Ben Leece, were guests of relatives in town the first part of the week. Parmley W. Herrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron T. Herrick of Cleveland. was the guest of Miss Mary L. Herrick Saturday. Mrs. H. L. Daugherty, who has been visiting in town with relatives for the past three months, returned to her home in Cleveland Saturday. Miss A. N. McConnell of New Lon don who was a teacher in the public schools here a few years ago, was in town Saturday for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fuller of Wauseon are spending the week with the brother and sister of Mrs. Fuller, A. B. Hayes and Mrs. J. W. Houghton. Rev. James P. Mills of Berea preach ed aljthe Methodist church for Prof. Mattison. Sunday. Rev. R. L. Wagon er h ipes to In able to resume his pul- it labors next Sunduy after thr e months absence from it by illness. With his wife, he is spending the time, since Nov, 9th. with friends in Ashta bula and Berea. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Durand, of Ober lin, and Mrs.. Gunn, of Oberlin, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. V. Brown, of Vine street. They came to see Mrs, Mary McClallen, Mrs. Durand's moth er, who is very ill with heart trouble; also Mr. George McClallen and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. William McClallen and eon, of Sullivan. F. H. McClellan and family move this week from this town to Welling ton where they will reside upon a farm lust east of Wellington. Mr. McClell- an, who was In the boot and shoe bus! ness here for a year past, won many friends while here who will feel loth to have himself and family leave the town New London Record. SPECIAL, SALS, Off TAILOR MADE SUITS AND GOLF CAPES IN ALL COLORS AND STYLES, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. M. M. JOYCE & SON. N. B. We have the exclusive agency for Walter Buhl in remodeling furs. Glass and Putty! You had better examine your windows for there may be some broken glass in them that will let in the cold this winter. We have a large stock of glass and can supply your wants. Benedict Hardware Co. SATURDAY FLYERS We find after a general clean-up in our store, a large lot of short ends which we have made up into remnants. These will be on sale at just 1-2 the regular price on our center tables. Last Sunday's Cleveland Leader con tained the following mention of Mrs Eva Lang Cadwell, formerly of Well ington : "A pleasant event was the birthday party tendered to Mrs. Eva Cadwell, president of Colonel Creigh- tonCirclo, No. 40, of the Ladies of the G. A. R. at her home, No. 57 Tennl street, last Tuesday af ernoon, by the members of the order. She was the recipient of many beautiful presents A bountiful lunch was erv6d, after which Miss Alice B. Crowell entertain' ed with several piano solos. j Special purchase of a pure We also have a Jrf , j- i , n f t rfi'l hneti ladies handkerchief, few more of those I M hemmed very nicely extra value in J Jy and good size, at O $1.50 real kid f ( , gloves left to be !j Y 0r c,oak Department is closed at jil at it9 best now and we m p headquarters in Lorain Co. I5 for Cloaks. 89c. T- Ask for our well-made wrapper V5 full length, also a complete A lot of odd numbers in ijne 0f flannelette wrappers, thread, a brand which we are going to stop car- C C This is UNDERWEAR rying, 2 spls Sc, doz. O weather and we have a full . line of Jersey Ribbed, Camel Don't fail to ask to see Hair Fleeced-Lined, and also those silk and wool mix- a complete line of combin- tures in dress goods t Qv ation suits in ladies' and at children's sizes. DON'T FORUET ABOVE SATURDAY FLYERS, WATTFD; & fiPIFSIMfiFB k I I i i a-' ' v"s, f Successors to TAYLOR STORE. ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE. READY FOR BUSINESS The paper hangers and painters are all through and THE WHITE FRONT RESTAURANT in the Emerson block is now open to the pub lic. CATERING, ETC. Come and see us. WE SELL NO INTOXICATING DRINKS. S0NQER & REIFF, PROPRIETORS.! manshlp.