11 ,Q iV. . ... V .V. J&JUJUJLX'N M JVA
i ( i ; .1 i A n t Ju
Boys' and
t -
Brim Full of
Nobby Suits.
The exhibit la thin department Is remarkable, not only for ita large
variety ot beautUul styles, but aim for the very low prices, quality consid
ered. ' " ' . ' ' " , '
- We are exclusive agents in Wellington for the famous "Mr. Hop
kins Make" of Clothing for Boys' and Children. 'There Is an exelaalva
wear-renMing quality in this line that commends itself ti erery parent,
and a nolibiUMe that gives the wearer confidence in himself and defies
rips, tars and pafehw. ,.
Among the m:wy strong points in the "Mrs. HopMng Hake" of
clothing are the following, "Hold-Fast Buttons", "Elatle Waist Bandy,
"Double Seat and Knees" and "Warranted not to Rip". Whether yon want
to buy a suit tor your boy or not, we think yoa will be interested to see the
many pretty styles we are showing this season in ehilds "Vestee" suite
made from best materials, in Serges, Cassimers and Cheviots, ages S to 8 at
$2.50 to $300.
Yon can find any style and pattern desired in the agee from 7 to 15 at
$2.50 to 15.00.
In VhU department may be found Boy's Long Pants Suite, age 11 to
19 at $3 to $5. Better ones at $d to $15.
' These suits are made of Serges, Fancy Worsteds, Plain and Plaid
Chevoite, Stripes and Clay Diagonals. ,
Inspect and you seleet, we are certain of that. Purchase onee and
yon bear us in mind always. We have no shoddy bargains, bnt offer joU
the latest and best for your money. .
To deal at this store is to be satisfied, not onee nor twice bnt all the
time. '
OPEIililG Tiiis TUESDAY Lloniing
We are showing an
elegant line of phoice
articles in Chinaware,
Duchess ware, a cor
rect imitation of the
famous Rokwood ware
in Cream Pitchers,
Fern Dishes for the
table ; Loving Cups
and Jardiniers. Also a
line of Toilet Articles
for the dressing table,
in Ebony, with 25C
Sterling Siver TO
mountings, from $2.74
Baerat Happmtae aasl ria Kraal
In WaUlaftea. I aintMHaM VletaUf, aT
lutara I Krary. Oar Crrrn4
Chsaibartala's rata Baha Can Otaara,
Alex Justice left here Wednesday
ight for Florida, where he expect to
stay daring the winter. Tuesday eve
ning aboat 30 of hie friend called oa
him to bid . him good bye. A very
pleasant evening we spent. .
Mrs. Zilpha Battle and E. C. wheel
er visited fa LaGrange last Monday
and Tuesday.
A number of oar people attended the
oyster supper at Dell Boices in Roch
ester Wednesday night. :
Thanksgiving day was observed by
nearly all oat neighbor in one way or
another. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cowie
entertained Mr. and Mr. Verne Litch
field, and Mis Martha Gillett. B. J.
Backus and wife dined with Charles
Gill in PitufiVld ; D. R. Day and wife
in Clarksfield with Carlton Clark.
S. Hall and wife entertained Mr.
and Mr. Fred Battle, Charles Herbert
and Mis Bertha Battle.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell were ii
Norwslk last Tuesday.
Elmer Moon is on the sick liaC
Last Friday night there was a dance
at J. S. Hall . Mr. and Mrs, Hall
have lived oa Pleasant street lost one
year and the friend and neighbors
gathered in to the number of 40 and gave
Mr. Hall complete surprise. The
carpet was cleared away, and Kay
King, on behalf of the company, pre
sented Mr. mod Mrs. Hall with very
nice hanging lamp, after which darn
ing w in order until a late hour when
the guests departed expressing them
selves as having had a very good time.
It begins to look as if winter had
come in earnest , today.
PlflT T We are headquarters for dolls, having purchased
with hair IZ-C
A Splendid Dressed Doll
with hair -
A Large Size Kid Body,
A Few Well Dressed
Dolls, Bisque Head with hairhQC
A Large Size, Kid Body
We have a line, framed
in blsck Ebonixed Frames
which areeiact copies of the original paint
ing. They are a grand value at 23c Re
member pictures are the great fad at
pie supper at the town hall on Wednes
day evirj, December 43. . TbiswiH
be a god pisce to buy your Christmas
presents. Prices to suit all pocket
bouk. Hand painted articles both
useful and ornamental from S cent,
upward. AH kinds or boose hold nec
essities at bargain prices.
Do not hesitate to tell the eorrespon-
deot the names of your visitors. 1 1
will only give their names and tell
where they ars from and who they are
visiting. Ton want to show tbem
eoortejr. If you do there isn't a bet
terway than by having their names
appear in (lie Enterprise, -
When the weary quail hunter returns
bum at night, tired oat. sick and hun
gry, and holds up three or four birds
for his proud wife and awe stricken
children to inspect, the neighbor who
it celled in to view the results of the
days slaughter should not ask him
where be bought the game. Don't do
it if you ever eipeet him to be your
friend. Strings of birds are like strings
of Sab some are bought.
Mr. and Mr. 5. Potter and son,
Linn and George, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hastings sod children were in
Elyria, Friday.
v iiTirnr fuzz
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
at QmsM ef WslW
tiAlip.lEol Marrlas
tam Dl..r.i Waataa aa4 OraaUa
Maaa la tk. DiaVtaat Caarta Darla;
tka Paat Wank.
DU BrMs ars Oa
lataa Balattraa.
John M. Hackett. who left Welling.
ton a dozen or more year ago, return
ed to hi old home here Thursday for a
short visit with relative and friends.
Mr.Haekett was married at Dunkirk, V.
T. on November 29, where he has been
engaged for several year a civil en
gineer. He brought his wife with him,
and they will remain here the rest of
the weak.
The Dunkirk Evening Observer give
Thanksgiving service were held at
the Christian church Thursday even
ing. Bev. Geo. Hill, pastor of the
Conerpraiiooal ehoreh delivered an
interesting discourse.
Caart mt Caaw fl
The ease of Frank Cobb of Oberlin
vs. Harriet Walton, of Pittsfield, was
tried in the court ef common pleaa the following account of the weddino-i
ednesday, and occupied ;the greater Miss Cecilia Florence Welsh, daugh-
part of the dty. A large number or wit- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Welsh
nesses were in attendance. The case 0f Ko. 518 Elk street, was married to
was one that waa carried np from Jus- John Matthew Hackett at fit. Mary'
tice MCttoDerts court, 01 rilBM.i I church at seven o'clock this morninv.
The plaintiff alleged that he bought
of the defendent 125 eords of wood, a
year ago last February, and was to pay
for the same $1 per cord. He further
stated that but 29 cord were deliv-
by the Bev. Lewi Bellew, who cele
brated high mass. The bridesmaid
wasMiasCelestine Otilda Maidelaod
the beat man. Joseph A. Welsh.
brother of the bride.
The bride's gown was a grey Vene
tian cloth trimmed with braided white
silk and black ribbon velvet. Her hat
was black velvet trimmed with lace
and ostrich plumes, The bridesmaid
wore a gown of green poplin trimmed
white applique, and a black hat with
black trimmings.
A wedding dinner was served to the
bridal party and relative at noon at
the home of the bride' naranta.
The wedding gift were handsome
and valuable.
Mr. and Mrs. Hackett departed this
I had dyspepsia fifty-seven year and
never found permanent reliei tm 1
need Kudul Dyspepsia Care. . Sow I
am well and feel like new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, 5eb. It
is the best digestant known. Cores all
forms of indigestion. Physicians every
where prescribe it Dr. J. W. Hocgh
ton.' ----
Mr. Ed. Jeffries and Miss Estells
Oakley, of Elyria visited friends here
Ust week.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Xiehols and Mr.
L. Kichol and daughter are spending
Ibis week with Mrs. 8. D. Oakley and
Mrs. L. Kilburn, of Spencer.
There will be social at Abel Wood's
Saturday of this week. Everyone in
vited. Come one come alL
Geo. Giar and wife (pent Thanks
giving st the home of Dillard Gisr.
We undent and that Arthur Wood
leaves lor Akron soon.
Miss Maude Auble i out of town for
a few weeks, viaiting relatives and
Burt Miller and wife called on
friends here Sundsy.
Geo. Giar and Fred Nichols have the
contract to cut sixty curd, of wood for
D. Oakley.
jt s J ivLn s s s i"Y-J. m,.
Our 25e Dress Good 16c
Our 1 e Dom t . Flannels, lust the
. article for nightrobes and break
fast jackets. 500 yards 6c y4
Watch for Oar .
Great Xmas Handkercbief
Offerings Next Week.
Thanksgiving literary exercise oe-lered sod for which he paid the sum of
copied the attention of teachers and 1 $30. He asked damsge to the amount
nuoilsofcur schools Wednesday after- of M7 50. The defendant contended
noon. A very interesting program I that there was enly a verbal agree.
was given. There was no school the I ment by the terms of which but 30
rpt of the week I cords of wood were sold. The ease
Quite a aumber of our people at-1 went to the jury shortly after S o'clock
tended "Si 9 and Jack" at the Opera I and after being out about 20 minutes,
house in Wellington last week. 8ev- returned a verdict in the defendant s
ersl attended the Saturday evening favor, who was represented by attor
ney, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." I ney Blinn of Wellington
Tuesday evening quite a delegation I The ease of Francis F. Elwell vs.
weot to Ashland to attend the concert I Charles E. Starr, executor ot the last
given by the resident of Ashland who I will and testiment of Betsy Aon Good-
mosicsiiy inclined. The music I win, decessed, et al, was on tnal all
and the comedy drama are en- all day Thursdsy. The suit was one afternoon for Cleveland and Welling-
tirely original, Mr. Dr. Kinnamen I contesting the will of Betsy A. Good-1 ton, Ohio, the latter place being the
eompostd the mnsie and Mis Bene I win who died January 12, 1899, at her I home of Mr. Hackett' mother. They
Hill the play. Mis Hill also com-1 home in Elyria. On Friday morn-1 will also visit Mr. Hackett' brother,
posed the song. The proceeds of this 1 ing the matter was finally adjusted to I Ldward Hackett, in Pittsburg, Pa.
entertaiameot go towards Um library 1 the mutual satisfaction ot all parties 1 Xhey will be at home at No. S18 Elk
fund. " eooeerned. It was agreed between tne .tree about the middle of December.
Eqaire strn bad an interesting law 1 parties that in order to perfect the
st:.': Uit Jpeerth Johnaoa sued I title, a verdict should be signed by. the
theB-O. K. B. Co, for three ton of jury, setting aaid the will, the proper-
eosl which he left in the ear over Son-1 ty right having been adjusted.
day and the railroad employees appro-1 Nina Hnrd want a divorce from
priated for their owa use. Mr. John-1 Frank B. Hard. Fred is alleged to be
son wss awarded full pay for three tons I serving time in the penetentiary now
of eoaL I for forgery, upon which her action is
Mr. Daniels is much better. Miss grounded. The parties lived in La
Lottie Sieket is better. Mrs. Charles Porte.
Spencer is improving slowly. I Thomas Blackwell, who died in July,
Squire Green ha completed an ad-1 ISj3, left a will and a number of heirs.
ditkm to the commodious farm house I His rxeeutor, Daniel S. Richards, is
of Mr. Curtice Whiteomb. I now in doubt about the distribution of
Grissineer A Miller of Spencer were the property and seek the direction
in town last week doing spouting' I of the court.
snd giving other finishing touches to I James H. Temple and E. J. Dyett,
the new houses in town. I surviving partners of the firm of n m.
Thanksgiving day was observed in Campbell Co., want a judgment for
Sullivan in the good old fashioned way. H36. on notes which they claim to
The sermon in the evening at the hold against F. W. Martin.
ehureh by Bev. Geo. Hill was weU at-1 D. H. Acker, of Lorain, want a
tended. I judgment for $180, alleged to be due
Bev. Jesse HiU, wife and daughters I from Nathaniel Shnpe and certain of
and Miss Gertrude Hill of Medina, Mr. Shupe's real estate, sold to satisfy the
and Mrs. Will Donglas of Wskeman I claim.
spent Thanksgiving with their parents.
Bev. and Mrs. Geo. HiU. I Fraaats Cart.
Josiah Blinn, our great poultry man, I mv Bobiahaw, of Brighton, an al-
Backus'. Armies Balwa.
The best salve in the world for Cut. I oeter booght, dressed and shipped as fcmd lunatic, was examined and the
'trninea. Sores, Llcers, Salt heom, rr-1 many torkeys a lie did this year, i ne eMt9 diimissad.
rt Snres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chi; I protection that protect I wbat suiUl W. B. Thompson, aa administrator of
ainv Corns, and all Sinn Eruption. I at sll and gives us roast turkey on this trj Stack, ha filed a petition for an
nd positiTely cures Piles, or bo pay
--quirt-d. It is guaranteed to gite per-
ci taiiafartiiin or money refunded,
'rice 2S cents per box. For sale by
Vrar A Wella.
Mrs. R. E. McKion, of Clerelsnd
is the guest of her parents.
Mrs. Laura Ingalls, of Bves wss in
town Thondsy.
Mr. and Mr. L. F. Woieott and
daughter. Uarnn e li-d '-n Dyna
friends Vedn-day.
Mr. snd Mrs. nnjdrr and daughter.
Miss Bessie, of Wellington visited Mr.
and Mrs H. H. F.-rkes 00 Thursday.
Ernest Yeomans, of Lorain was in
town Saturday.
Frank B. Freeman, of Tiffin, O. was
the guest of his cousin, Mrs. C. B.
Merriam on Friday.
Mr. and. V. G. Morgan and daughter,
Blanche spent Thanksgiving with
friend in Oberlin.
Mrs. William Martian and ehidren,
Anna and Will, made a bosinea trip
to Elyria on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wocring and
sun, Jay, of Cleveland spent a part of
the past week with Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Mr. Norman Potter finished drawing
milk from the sooth route Thursdsy.
Thanksgiving day.
Quite an interesting program
civen bv bunil of our schools last
The Zehner Co. is doing a very ex
tensive business at the elevator. Oats
have been bringing our farmers 2t eta.
nerbuUbd. heat 6 eta. So the farm
ers bad cause to be thankful also.
Mrs. Louise Campbell Mellon has
order to sell land.
Anna Keller was adopted by J
and Mary Sebolt.
Tho. B. Mayhew ha been appointed
guardian of Gertrude Tripp, of
Ed. B. Burr haa been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Sophia P.
Burr, deceased.
The will of Antoinette Smith, late of
t tk Cassias
The annual Thanksgiving Banquet,
given by the officer and teacher of
the Oberlin Business College, in honor
of the student, was held Wednesday
evening of last week, in the beautiful
rooms of the new college building.
For many years this haa been the great
social event of the year in this school
when teachers, officers, director and
student meet and mingle together,
and the one held last week, on account
of the large increase in the attendance.
waa the largest a well a the most
successful ever held
One hundred and fifty plate were
laid by caterer Hobbs, who, in a few
hours, converted the Business Depart.
ment into a vertable banquet halL fill
ed with long table Uden with the beat
the land afford. The toasts, respond
ed to by student and other, were
brillisnt and witty and elicitated
rounds of applause, while the farce.
"That Rascal Pat," given in the Short
hand Department entirely by the stud,
enta, took the house by storm.
Graduate of the college, from oat of
town, were present from Cleveland,
Elyria, Lorain, Wellington, Vermillion,
Johnston, Pern and other place. The
Oberlin Business College believes that
nothing is too good for it students,
and is the only business college, so far
aa we are informed, that give it stud,
enta a Thanksgiving Banquet.
bad a sepulchre built on her lot in the I Loraia has been probated.
Suilivsn Cemetery. Irank ticket has
been doing the work. Mrs. Mellon in
tends hsvirg the remains of her moth-1 Jacob Williams, 53 years, and Eliza-
er and grandfather, Richard Campbell, 1 beth Ben net, 18 years, Lorain.
brought here from Sew Orleans and I Valentine Woo lever, Z4 year.
placed in this new vault. I Brown helm, and Buby Dell Rumsey,
Ben Dennis haa raised 1955 bushels 1 21 year, Brownhalm.
ef grain on 24f acres of ground. On SI Robert Mitchell, 32 years, Lorain,
acre of wheat ground he harvested la9 and Nora Masted, 24 years, Lorain.
bushel, 9 acre of corn yeilding 11041 Dwight C. Bartlett, 23 years, Eaton,
bushels, 4 acres of oat yeilding 69! sod Loeretia Hanee, 19 years, Eaton.
buthels of oats, yielding 71 boahels per I Txa Keplinger, 25 years, Birmingham
sera. The first seed of this variety of Anna Latteman, 32 years, Henrietta.
oats were presented Mr. Dennis during Geo. J. Wagner, 34 year Avon, and
the world' fair at Chicago by an offie-1 Catherine Glasgens, J4 years, Avon, O,
ial in the Manitoba building. Mr. Alexander Innes, Jr., 20 years, Ely
Dennis has been offered some fancy ris, and Julia Henkey, 19 years, Ely
prieea for his oat a many of our
farmers would like them for sowing
another year.
Married. Dec S, SO, at Bev. J. A.
Find leys. Mr. Court Stewert of Speaeer
to Miss Estxlls Jones of Sullivan and
Mr. Walton Bice to Mia Sydney Jones,
both of SoIUvan. J. A. Find ley offie-
! morning, bat will go over the north
route ooee day though December. iaiing. A bust of mend send tnetr
The Ladio of tho M. E. ehoreh will ! eonzrstalataons to the participant of
hold their annual baaaar and eh if ken 1 thJaduuiiie wedding-
All Sunday School in Ohio have been
requested by the Ohio Sunday School
Associatiod to observe Sunday Febru
ary 11, aa "Decision Day." This new
day in the Sunday School Calendar
was born in Pennsylvania, last Janu
ary, when concerted action on tho
part of the Sunday Schools of Phila
delphia resulted in the conversion of
about 3000 souls. It is now proposed
that on February 11, 1900, Ohio Son-
day School worker nnito in an effort
to earnestly present to their classes
the claims of Christ a a personal Sav
ior. The plan of the day, and the
reason for observing ft, are briefly
set forth in a circular which will be
freely furnished any person who will
end for it to Joseph Clark, General
Secretary, No. 79 "Tho Buggery,'
Colombo, Ohio.
Stiu !
Don't forget that we are still in the
wood bosinea. We have a rood sup-
J.D. Bridge, Editor 'Demoerat,'
Lancaster, N. IL, say "One Minute
Cough Core is tho beat remedy for
ply of dry and green wood on hand. I croup I ever used." Immediately re-
J. M. Daviea ha charge of our busi-1 lieves and cures coughs, colds, erouo.
neas here at present and will fill all asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe
order promptly, and all throat and long troubles. It
Davie k Whitney, prevents consumption. Dr. J. W.
Hoate Phone 68. 49-53 Hooghton.