OCR Interpretation

The Wellington enterprise. [volume] (Wellington, Ohio) 1899-1900, December 13, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028273/1899-12-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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THE EXfiUPilttiS-
Om Year
Bti Monthi
.. JO
The nun of the writer rout accompany H
letters for pabllcatlon or reqnwt for Inlorma
tfonlnordorto Mcnr attention. Tnnme
If not required for publication neeesrllT, hot
forth Information of to editor. Uniipiwi
article go Into the inW buket.
. Th press censor io South Africa it
liahle to loee bin Job unless he can
supply more details to the "bloodiest
battle of the century." to news is
not regarded at "good news" in Eng
land nowadays.
Thb Actiok of the Republican maj
ority in the House of Representatives
in adopting the Reed rules shows that
that it is the intention of Republican
leaders to fulfill the pledges of the
party to the best of their ability.
A Commutes, with J. M. Otterbacher
as chairman, was appointed recently to
see about fitting up a room in the
basement of the Congregational church
for a manual training school. It is
proposed, ' if a enough boys can be
interested, to equip the room with
benches and turn it into a carpenter's
and carver's shop. Miss Emily Sage,
who it taking lessons in Cleveland, has
generously consented to give gratuit
ously one day each week of her time to
the instruction of such a class. Such
class would not only keep the boys
out of mischief, but would give them
interesting and highly useful instroc
tion as well. Parents who desire to in'
terest their boys in manuel training.
should consult with J. M. Otterbacher
at once.
BiPBiszxTATrvi Tatlor of this state,
who made objection to swearing in
Roberts of Utah, as a member of the
bouse, added new laurels to his reput
ation as a ready debater during the
discussion of the resolution. Be said
the argument of the Democrats, that
Roberts should be taken into the
House and then put out again, re
minded him of a bit of poetry written
when King Charles tried to batter
down the doors of the English parla
mant and to deprive the Commons of
their privileges, which quoted one of
the members as saying:
"I bear a lion in the lobby roar.
Bay, Mr. Speaker, shall I shut the door?
Or, shall we let him in, and then
8m if we eannot put him out again ;"
Thb Eltbia Ripostes and Republi
can,' having nothing else to quarrel
about now that the election it pasted,
have worked themselves up into a fine
rage concerning tha origin of the sen
sational charge made against Gen.
Metcalf and published in the Plain
Dealer and other papers about a month
ago. The Reporter intimatas that the
accusations originated in Elyria, and
the Republican nays it is no such thing.
The story in dispute was sent out by
the Associated Press and published in
the Cincinnati Enquirer, Commercial
Gazette and other papers using that
news service, on the same morning
that it appeared in the Plain Dealer.
Bat the facts of the case are of minor
importanee to long at the Reporter
and Republican can be amused.
Amtx-ookvkktios nominations for
coagrassmen have engaged the atten
tion of the Elyria Democrat and Ely
ria Republican for the past two weeks.
The Damocrat seems especially con
cerned over Congressman Kerr's "lack
of capacity for the space be fills," and
names a number of Lorain county men
for that office, mentioning among oth
ers Hon. S. S. Warner of this city, E.
O. Johnson, A. B. Webber, Judge 5ye,
Hon. Geo. H. Ely, Hon. W. A. Bra-
man, Parks Foster, and then atan af
terthought, suggests the name of Win.
G. Sharp as remote Democratic pos
sibility. Last week's Republican, in a
double leaded article, followed op the
Democrat's suggestion by announcing
that "Hon. E. G. Johnsen will in all
probability be a candidate for con
gress to succeed Congressman Krr."
Strang that the first intimation ol
such step should be made by a Dear
oeratie paper aod that Mr. Johnson'
determination to enter the race shoald
be announced by bis ancient enemy.
But Mr. Johnson's candidacy ha yet
to be announced by Mr. Johneoo, be
tides, it it a trifle early any way fur
aaea an annoiinoenxnt. it ia under
stood, however, that tho race for 'a
congressional seat will not be a walks-way
whoever attempts to make it,
for besides Congressman Kerr, who
desires to succeed himself, and taudi
dates in other counties of this district,
it it generally believed that A. B.
Webber of Elyria and Hon. J. T. Has
kell of this city will be candidates for
the honor, and there may be others.
Woman' Afters ova Club Entartalaad
Tuesday bj Mr. E. A. VanCleaf.
Yesterday afternoon at the meeting
of the Woraans' Afternoon Club in the
parlors of Mrs. E. A. YanCloef the ex
ercises proceeded according to pro
gram with quotations from Kate Doug
hiss Wiggin, by the club, and ''Cather
ine II and the Division of Poland" by
Mrs. VanCleef. At the conclusion of
her reading the hostess informed the
company that she had asked for the
club that day and particularly desired
that all the members should be present
because it was the seventy-firth birth
day of a member, her mother, Mrs.
Isabel Chapman. Mrs. Dr. Gregg said,
"Now you know why I could not have
the club at my home as appointed."
Mrs. Kinnison in the topic"The Best
Literature for Children" spoke of the
painxtaking in the public schools to in
culcate a taste for the best liierature,
and of writers and publishers to fur
nish the best reading for children and
youth, giving examples of the excel
lence of these lists.
After a dainty collation Mrs. J. W.
Houghton was asked by the president
to lead in words of congratulation.
She was followed by others testifying
to the beautiful example before them
of life's afternoon retaining so much
of the brightness and cheer of the
morning. Mrs. Kinnison leading with
voice and piano, all united in a hymn
spontaneous, fervent, tweet, which
was both invocation and benediction.
It was a delightful episode in the
even tenor of the .iccustomed way of
this organization, and all were grate
ful for the happy thought of the hos
tess who had so successfully carried
out another of the generous impulses
which is to much her habit.
Miaerra Xajlor at Larmla.
Tha Cecilian Ladies Quartet last
night sang to a good bouse, but not to
a highly appreciative one. there need
be little criticism of the singing. It
was very nice and very light. The
quartets were encored, but not en
thusiastically. The solo secured
little 'applause. The reader, Mist
Minerva N. NyIor, waa the only one
who made a strong impression. Her
characterizations were finely given.
There was an exquisite tout.-h of natur
alness, es tecially in picturing a small
boy with the screw driver that is rare
ly excelled. Her poses to the photo
grapher were the real thing. She cer
tainly pleased the audience although
her renditions, like the musical num
bers, were better adapted to a drawing
room than to the auditorium. Lorain
At Tho Coojht.
The Booth A Collier Stock Company
opened a three nights' engagement
presenting the beautiful Western play
or the Danites to a packed house, and
gave the best of satisfaction. Miss
Clare Sullivan as Xancy Williams and
Billy Piper, was all that could be de
sired, and showed herself a very clever
actress. W. J. Kennady a Sandy,
Frank Gavin as the Parson, Geo. War
ren as the Judge, Master Sullivan at
the Chinaman, Miss Vemie DeBar and
Cadie Weir handled their part to the
entire satisfaction of tha audience, and
taking it all in all it is one of the best
companies that hat visited WelUville
in many a day. Evening Record.
BapUat HUalvaaxj Xaatlag.
The Woman's Missionary society of
the Lorain Baptist Association met in
the church of that denomination at
this place last Wednesday. Delegates
were present from the chuschea at
Elyria, LaGrange, Oberlin. and Hun
tington. Re porta of the woi k accom
plished in the home and foreign Grids
were read, and the outlook in Cuba,
Porto Rico and the Philippine from a
missionary point of view vat consid
ered. Cava aj BrHkah Sakatara la Africa.
Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known
all over Africa as commander of the
force that captured the famoo rebel
Galiahe. fnderdateof Nov. 4. I -it.
from Vryburg, rWhuan aland, he
writes: "Before darting on the last
campaign I bought a quantity of Cham-1
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, which I oed myeif when '
troubled with b.jel complaint, and
had gveo to my men, and in every
eae it proved mjat beneficial. " Fur
tale by Near A Well.
Baa? Dart DaaA.
Funeral ten to over (he remain of '
the inTa-.t daa.'h-er t,t Mr. and Mr
Vim. Daiisof tijluc nrve. am iwt.
yesterday af'-rao-m, cut ducted bj
Rev. B. L. Wioo-r. . h tnny dint
aiuoday, bwiOa; lea taaa a Wua itiX i
TUa devalue Iltrict Will Meat Bars
Iaa. as mm .
The Ep worth League of the Cleve
land North Ohio Conference,
will hold the eleventh annual conven
tion at the M. E. church of this city,
beginning Thursday evening. Dee. 27,
and extending to Friday night. A
number of excellent speakers will ad
dress the convention, the inspiring
motto of which will be "The kingdom
is at hand." While the program has
not been completed, a part haa been
arang-ed as follows:
7 o'clock, ... Song Service.
Wellington Choir and Congregation.
7:15 Appointment of Committees.
7:30 - - - - Sermon.
Rev. E. T. Haggerman, Sorwalk.
7 a, m. - - - Closet Prayer.
830 a. m. - - - Business.
9 a. m. - - . Love Feast
10:15 a. m. ... 8ermon.
Dr. B. X. Freshwater, Baldwin
1:30 p.m. Preparatory Service.
First Vice-President.
2 p. ra. - - - - Sermon
Dr. J. W. Baehford, O. W. U.
8: 30 p. m. Sacrament of the Lord's
Administered by Rev. Dustin Kemble.
7:30 p. m - - - - Sermon
Dr. J. W. BaahfortL
Hnw Eljria Oat It Mai a.
'The Atlanta Constitution is
publishing a history of Georgia
in weekly numbers" write
Burdette in the Los Angeles
Times. "In all the range of home
features in newspaper I know of noth
ing more sensible than this. Nothing
more needed. Hope the idea may
prove infectious: like to tee at least
one paper in every town inoculated for
it. Hardest thing in the world to find
out anything about a town from citi
zens thereof. Ask an Atlanta, man
about the island of Atlantis, be
can give you a. pretty good idea of
something that never existed. But ask
him about Atlanta, Ga.. and he aayt
'duniio.' In my travels I used to be
much impressed with a very pretty
city in Ohio Elyria. Always pro
nounced it myself to rhyme with bac
teria. Observed that the brakeman
always called it Ely-reea. to
rhyme with Berea. First time got off
there. aked policeman why town wa
called Elyria. Looked at me suspic
iously and said 'Becaaz thot's ot
na aim. Fwot do yex want to know
for?' Told him I waa curious about
such things. 'Wull,' he sajd 'ye
moind yer own buziness whoile yer in
town 'r ye'l get into throuble.' Asked
merchant, iiaid he guessed it was
named by the supervisors. Asked law
yer. Said the surveyor named it.
LFinally found the town wa settled by
an old pioneer named Ely. Wife"
named Maria. So be named town for
elf and wife man fir.t, a was right
and proper. Brakeman' pronunciation
right. Wa two day learning origin
of that name."
Dr. BaahtafaV Lactam.
The next entertainment of tha Lec
ture Course will be a lecture on -The
Twentieth Century" by Dr. J. W.
Bjahford, president of Ohio Weslej
an university, on Thursday night of
this week. Dr. Bashford is widely and
favorably know as an eloquent speak
er and those who will hear him this
week are assured of an intellectual
treat. He is filling many lector en
gagement this winter and we are for
tunate to have secured him. The
doors will open at 7 JO o'clock. Gen.
eral admission 50c including a
reserved seat. Let the speaker be
greeted with a full bouse. Remem
ber tha date, Thursday eveniiig De
cember, 14.
M fa. Starr" Mather Das.
Mr. H. Abbey, mother of Mrs. E. A.
Starr of this city, died at her home in
Jackson, Mich., Thursday of apoplexy
at the age of 79 years.
It is easy to tell whether yoor Kid
ney are diseased. Take a bottle or
fat tumbler and fill it with onac If
there is a sediment a powder -like sab
tanee after standing a day and niziit,
then ia something wrong with toe
Kidney. Other sore mpta of disease
are a desire to urinate often, pain ia
the back, or if roar urine stain lines.
There i bo question that Dr. David
Kennedy' Favorite Remedy ia the
beat and sorest medicine ia the world
f"r disease of the Ki-laers, Liver,
Bladder and Blood. Eheamaiisn. Dyw
pepua and Chronic CooMipoisoa. It
quickly relierea aad cures inability to
hold urine acd the ntr-"ity cf rxtiing
np a namber of times donorlheauriil.
It pot aa end to Uut neaidinc paia
wtura Mainz urine aad eorreaa the
bad electa ol whkey and beer. It ia
old for one dollar a bouie at a3 drag
ftead mrrr fall poM ofiee artli .. to the
TION, Roadoqt, S. Y, aal BMatjoa
this paper. Ther will thea mad yoa a
trial bnttle of Favorite Betnr.fy and a
TaloaUe medical pamphlet tW.cirra;
fcUd-rertkMfcr it we. Every resarfrr
oi thia paper ran depend rt?o tbv
puuimaeaa' of Ibtj liberal cder, aad
- ' tr ili hi mr'i
d above aold take advaataca T it
A laws Wwaaaar a Paw la vara KiklbllW
Laat Waafc.
The Brat annual show of the Welling
ton Poultry association, held in the
Town hall the last three days of last
week, drew quite a large number of
exhibitor together with the result
that four or five hundred very choice
fowls were brought into competition
for first and second prize. The disap
pointing feature of the show wa the
lack of interest shown by the public
and the small attendance in conse
quence. Premium money, amounting to $158
wa paid out, $95 of which went to ex
hibitor not belonging to the club.
Beside the poultry, a white eat, hom
ing pigeons, an opposum and a number
of dog were shown. Those who ex
hibited dogs were Will Robinson, R.
D. Foote, Lewi Freel, Wm. Davi and
H. M. Hines. Each of the dogs waa
awarded a first prize, there being no
eompetitition in their claaa. The
names of the exhibitor and tho num
ber of first and second prize awarded
each follow.
Fint Second
Prize. Prize.
Geo. Bixby, Olena. 2
L X. Broadsword, Risley 18 8
Cha. McCIave, New London 20 4
W. B. HcKinney. Litchfield 2 1
Mrs. T. Doland, City 1 1
Geo. Gillett, City 6
H. G. Gregg.City 1
Geo Hockenburg, City, 1 2
Matcbem A Grundy, City, 1 9
Om'n Laahela, City .4 1 .
Ike Thompson, City 7 3
The Poultry association captured 62
first and 13 second prize.
William Ormsby is on the sick list.
Clyde H-- Wilcox, of Cleveland waa
in town Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Darin Nichols visited
friends Saturday.
Many compliments were passed up
on the amount of newt in last week's
Mrs. F. B. Gott and daughter, Eva,
were in Elyria Saturday.
Mr. E. M. Avery, of Cleveland call
ed on Mr. C. B. Merriam Wednesday
Mr. aod Mrs. D. D. Gott and daugh
ter, Winnifred were goest of Elyria
friends on Wednesday.
Both the Methodist and Baptist
churches will hold their usual Christ
mas exercise. Elaborate program
of music and recitations are being ar
ranged. There is not a person in LaGrange
who can afford to mi Dr. Barrow
lecture, Tuesday evening, December
19. If you misa all the rest of the lec
ture course, do not fail to hear the
president of Oberlin college on "The
World Pilgrimage with Experience,
Serious and not so Serious." It will
be a rare treat to the people of Lav
Grange to be permitted to hear a man
who stand equal to the president of
Harvard or Yale college. Dr. Bar
row haa circumnavigated the globe
and certainly since the famous jour
ney of Geo. Grant no American haa
had such continuous ovation a John
H. Barrows.
B aekeye Hive elected the following
officer on Friday for the coming year : ;
L. C-, Mr. Grace Bawson ; L. L. C.
Mrs. Mary Snyder; B. K... Mr. Ida
Rawson ; F. K., Mr MelUsa Woleott
Capt., Mr. Henrietta Hasting; aerg.,
Mr. Ida Sheldon ; M. at A., Mr. Mary
Wilkin; Sen. Mrs. Eunice Copeland ,
p icket, Mr. Rose Rysn, B. B. No. 1,
Mrs. Addie Maboo; B. B. No. 2, Mr.
Nettie Peltun ; B. B- No. 3, Mis Mam
ie While; Captain, Mr. Lucy Wilkin;
C.B. No. 1. Mrs. Loey Serette ; C. B.
No. 2, Mr. Malinda Hokomb ; Organ
ist, Mrs. Kate Masoo ; Assistant Organ
ist, Mr. Mahon and Mr. Edna Hast
ing; Installing officer, Mr. Anna Wil
4 Catliar.
This big stock company opened a
week's engagement at Kirk' opera
hoose Monday niht by presentihgthat
sensational western comedy-drama en.
tilled "The Danite or The Destroying
Angels," to a crowded bouse. The plot,
which is a good one, wa portrayed in
a strong manner. Mr. Kaonedy a
Sandy, made aa ideal aero miner and
lover, and Sullivaa aa Nancy William
and Billie Piper, captured the entire
audience by her clever acting. The
eompany i a strong one throughout,
aod I heir speeialtie are very clever.
Tuesday night they preaebted "Mabel
Heath," ahiea waa well received.
Tharaday eight, aa a specialty for
ladiea, that beautiful sensational drama
I "East Lynar." will be played. The
J eompaay will be here the entire week
; mod there will be a rhanre of program
each Bight- SaJinrville Banner.
Sew ickley has been quite metropcli
I aa thi wee, ia the amusement line.
! Booth A Cwilier' Danite. Katnlera
Mavoaraeea, Mabel Heata, East Lyaa.
: etc. have qoite tahea the amuarraeat
iuvisg sr.Uie of the Valley by
afo.-na. Tiw-ir work ha Lrea very
focd aad thai it haa brea appreciated
fe endea by tW libera: arr niage be-
avanekly Talk.
1 Picture
g notice. We also keep
f and make stretchers to wt, 1
order. Give ns a call when ilClpS
in need of Picture Frames. BfOg.tX CO'
If You Want Your
Cloves, Laces, Dresses, Men's
Work, or Ruching Cleaned
No difference bow delicate the fabric, it can be
cleaned without injury to the color or material.
l ATM At
IT jut went as to .Mk-r? u
racr HCaMKC and Ma
KLAFTM tiWtal-rlWItUll
AU UU isf TalLMU ru
rasa, rjLLu ruit.
m uim, cwipfruuT.
jm aatsMWUAl. TBALlak
It MM, atftle your MrM.
"F" " nait m.taUaer
i tadtca mmmoA K4v or
Llmtl ai ar teller lvva aj
ol ftn4 tm u ma with orjr
M aAlai. ftlMiu W ,) Mtc
Ibm gnoH to rayviei frram that
) thsaasi sWaaa rvaatw rla.li
I i .. imrminem mrut m ana
IU foa 4 M teal tt perlveOy
1 aUivfrw ansl Maal to rd
otT at tVH.bO tav isrire f..r
tsaay. Hal. Sl-iOt
L M.i tfttat.
faaa. M L 9t-t0t tan rTtta.
(. UjbcttH. C tatt.
4.t U nr, . SXa.
iswlar atsrtlac. A K. 9.m ftntr
liemtaar. to L ft.: . A laf .
0t.Bl fcliwtfl fcatt. ft t M. IsLCalL CtTTTOl UAtTir
CaMMI111UUM, "l
1 i mr. ma X Wl b hrtm&, trtrrTi wriAt
prcxertawl nttr tatrad. h Ue . ft.t I 1rhn.
(aVJaVt It tin. i a. K-taa, Wrtt tortXtrw ""ataal-iarrja.
1 evar laila to Beatoiv Ofajl
I UUT U. 1 L. I null UDIK
laa a--a a aaa 1
-CoLCin.Ind.ASLL 838 am
35 Daily St. L. Ex ............ 2.21pm
27 CoL El 20 pm
37 Daily CoL A Cin. Ex 10.00 pm
51 Local Freight 11.02 am
25 Wellington Ex. un. only. 90 am
28 Daily CoL A Cin. Ex 4 55 am
26 Gallon Ex. 8.11am
3S Daily CoL Ind. A St, L. Ex . 1.05 pm
24 Wellington Ex 4.55 pm
!1 Daily CoL Cin. A Ind. Ex.. 8.11pm
52 Local Freight 5.20 pm
W. a L E.
So. 4 Daily 10.28 am
So. Daily, except Sunday 3.33 pm
So. 1 Daily, except Sunday. . . .10.04 am
No. 3 Daily 4.15 pm
WalUastaa Markat.
(Cametaa weeklvJ
a I TlaMth? J.T to VAXti
N-l " altita a
kaLMrN JBo
Jau. ptt aa .a
Cora, aew Js
Cra.al4 x:
lartrw tMtUO
TiavaUt c4 LaytaUV
Xa. lneftten.erewt- tmuirn
Fatcava, " 2.75 la J
liar. a:?.
paia, " Kjfl
halloa, cbatca. - tMUiW
Chaiea faaaa fawla &
laraers- jv!4
iir rauvens.
Cfcecas.fat .... .11 H
- Unllv .11
Batter. rrraaMTf Jit. it
" 4muj jf
let JO
Patatmanaa. t 45
Aptta,tMtr- JpVtJM
iliata. ansae cnea. Ber Ik iff
- awnceaca tU
' JSt.
Tin, pn ia j
Tha SWT. Iri a Hirka "n - n
Ttere is no eompariaon between
former edition, and tfai splendid Al
manac for 1900, now ready. Printed
in beautiful color, on much finer
paper, ita VA page are packed with
invaluable in formal km on stormr,
astronomy and meteorology. It is
illustrated with nearly 2O0 fiaest half
toon and other engraving Thi su
perb book would sell anywhere for
fifty eenta, but it cost oxlv 25e a copy
and every Mbacriber to Ber. Iri K.
Biek's now famous paper, Woan aso
Woaca, at $1 00 a year, receive this
elegant Almanac a a premium. Wou
asD Wou i a recognized leader
amoog the beat family and scientific
Juornala, whils nothing of il kind can
compare with the Hick Almanac
One dollar a year ia a nominal price
for aoeh unique and useful publica
tions. Professor Hick baa justly, and
of aretsaiiy. withdrawn hi Mono and
weather forecast from all free alma
nac, having generously given hi
time and labor free for nearly twenty
year. Wen asa Woaa Pub. Co..
U 3X1 Locaat zH. Louis, Ho.
have a large and
stock of all grade
frame monldinzs,
irame Tour pictured in
la est style on sh
in stock Artists' canv;
You Run
No Rislc
In Buying a Watch
of us.
Every one
.of our
is guaranteed to be
just as we represent
it. There are no
strings to the guar
antees we give.
Just now we are
making some
that cannot be duplicated next
year. Let us talk "VVatch"
to you. Yours,
Wight &' Sons."
Dr. Bigclow
alway give a reduction on extraction
and otberdentistry before the holidays,
so he will extract teeth for half the
regular price, at New London and
Wellington, Friday, Dee. 15, and give
a big reduction on plate work. This is
your chance to save money. See the
doctor at the White Hotel, 5ew Lon
don, from 8 :30 to 13 A. M., and Ameri
can Iiouse, Wellington, from 1 to 4 P.
M. same dav. IIS ftumnit St.. TOLEDO.
4Vfi .-VlPLIK-r
hrlitaTl.Ua OvtJK ; .aiTit.'J:..
Wt prra) O. .. fS t I. i iii nsiiawati '
A at - I nana i Mrwa'arisM faatada? stf oM
mp tswatarxl -so-. U. f ttmrnmA paa. ptrmHf
taratKtcs f ar ti Hrs. ia'd att awrfUc. saeat
atawv fca1t.il UtaaMW TIH I ft A ItfiVUt 18.00
ftllll , wA.taJllT mu larv1. iablt poiiiss-'l artti aa
If i f al'lj 'J li anavai I s-axal sasawa lra
aas.pt aaa. 1 -ia art f a 1 1 f s a nl. n1 veauaa
taaaa, iaawpaWw mt tkm, mm eaW WaraaaaisrM
aa.awaa IM CAJ KXAfJIaH II at r
14 II .Mawd XaartJy aVa astf trmtrd ltm
r-a. ta.taalararv
aril . rtldKatMMrfMTtiMrfa
aHi la aor " wliaoat rauiax las laaua.
awal aad H1 ai'aaipt.a'Fiala arcar,.aa
wr 1U ala ailaw ta laMraaast ta a. ilaimtaflr
aar mai it auC foa aur4j mtttdrnMnrf la rry
n T-.t. lMirfwaiiwaiilaiiiTia lillafca.
I a4 OcwU'
For iOC atH.'w.SEMPLt7S Barb
ber Shop. Work catted lor aad acllv
ered. Hoase Phoae 131.
For Insurance that.
Insurea, apply to H. N.
Goodwin, the old reliable
insurance agent.
Ofitet tm lav W!!.
SE1D 50ffc3

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