Newspaper Page Text
HUNTINGTON. Sanford Barnes and Harriet Walker visited Prof. Ward's family in Lorain a few days recently. Elwood Kuisell bai been very iick. Mrs. Fenwick of Brighton, ii visiting her ion John Fenwick and family. Adam Finkle was in Cleveland one day laat week. Albert Jones of Elyria, spent a few days with his mother and family, re cently. Bollin Baughman, of Cleveland, spent a few days recently with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baughman. Mrs. Harriet Bounds, Mrs. David Hull and daughter Hattie, attended the funeral of Mrs. Parent, Sunday at Blver Corners. James Jones visited his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bush of Elyria, a few days recently, Frank Hull visited his uncle and family, J. W. Hull, of New London, last week. Olevia, Lydia and Master Boy Han ley, of Wellington, spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Lura Bogers. Mabel Williams of Wellington, spent Sunday with her friend, May Boice. Henry Green of Brighton, spent Sun day with Brewster Boica and family. Mrs. Cora Cole, of Wellington, spent last week with Luke Chapman and family. J. Morgan and family spent one day last week In Speneer with D. Goodyear and family. Miss Zola Skeese and Claude Smith spent Sunday in Rochester. Charlie Stone spent last week in Polk. ROCHESTER. Christmas exercises at the Congre gational church, Saturday evening, Dec. 23; at the Baptist church, Sunday evening, December 24, and at the M. E. church Monday evening, Dec 25, Miss Julia Coats visited friends in Wellington over Sunday. Bev. Lash and Mr. J. B. Coats at tended the Quarterly meeting of the Baptist church at Kipton Sunday. Mrs. H. L. Mason returned from two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Ashland Saturday, Miss Jessie Chapman spent Saturday and Sunday in Cleveland. Mrs. S. Phillips visited friends Norwalk last week. The Rochester School will Rive an entertainment again one week from next Saturday evening. Harry Campbell has moved into the J. B. Lang house. Bert Petty left here last evening for North Carolina, to spend the winter. Mr. Parker has rented the Chapman farm in New London township, and will move there in about two weeks. RIVER CORNERS. Mrs. J. Mantz 'entertained the dies Aid society last Thursday. La- Ed Parent and wife, of Medina, ware called here last week by the sudden illness of Mrs. Valentine Parent, Stanley Dixson called on friends here Monday. Mrs. Emily Monosmith, of Michigan, was called here on account of the sick' ness and death of her mother, Mrs. Valentine Parent. Dr. Shrefiler was in West Salem Sat urday cn business. The Noodle Society at Abel Wood's for the benefit of the Sunday school, was an enjoyable affair, although the attendance was not large. Every one pronounced the social a success. Mrs. Julia Snyder entertained friends from Cannan, Sunday. George Giar, who has been on the tick list, is able to be at bis work again We hear that S. S. Keissinger from Cannan, attended Epworth League here Sunday. Edgar Jsffries, of Elyria, returned home yesterday after spending a pleas ant time with friends here and at Spencer. Miss .stella Uakley visited her sis ter, Mrs. Fred Nichols, during her va cation from the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin. The funeral of Mrs. Valentine Parent was largely attended Sunday. The sermon was delivered by the Baptist Minister, Brother Winn, from the text, "Whereas in Adam all men Sin, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." They have the heartfelt sympathy of all the neighbors and friends. A aaaaaeaoiant To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers in apply ing liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm io liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including spraying tube is 75 eta. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medical properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm if quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry op the secretions but changes them to a nat ural and healthy character. Ely Broth ers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. Begin the new ysar right Take Tha XtrtevpriM. ' PITTSF.ELD- The annual meeting of the Pittsfield Mutual Fire Insurant Association will be held in the town hall Thursday , Dee. 21st, at one o'clock p. m. The town hall was filled tu overiluw ing last Friday evening, the occasion being the giving of the old district school of Blue Berry Corners, under the auspices of the Epworth League. This is the first of the course. Four lectures will follow ; the firat by Bev. E. T. Haggerman of Norwalk, subject "Don't kill the black sheep;" second Kev. John Wilson, Oberlin, subject '"Heroes of invention ;" third, Kev. K. E. Baker stereoptican views ; fourth, Kev. E. L. Waggoner. Wellington, subject "A box of sunbeams." Dates are not fixed. The first was very en joyable. We trust the others will be both enjoyable and instructive. Mrs. Chloe Merriam is visiting friends in Medina. Next Friday evening at the town hall, the ladies of the M. E. church will hold a bazaar, give an entertain ment and serve an oyster supper. Ad mission free. Supper 20 cents. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. Moor of Kansas are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Baker, and family at the M. E. parsonage. Arthur Sheffield of the C. L. & W. By. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sheffield, and other rela tives in town. Mrs.. A. J. Wilson returned home last week Tuesday from a six weeks visit in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sherburne enter tained their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne, of White House part of laat week. Mrs. C. F. Avery entertained the Missionary society last week. The Weary Search for Health, One of the must pathetic sights in life is the despondent hunt of the in valide for relief. He turns from rem edy to remedy in (he vain hope of end ing his torture. And one of the most pleasant sights is to see that search rewarded, and to witness the first glow of health illumining the pallid cheeks. rar be it from us to encourage any sufferer in a vain quest. We know whereof we speak. We know that Ath-lo-pho-roB will cure any case Rheumatism or Neuralgia, no matter how severe. Thousands of grateful letters and rapidly increasing sales prove this statement to be true. Send for free Treatise. Lima, Ohio, March 21, 1899 Gentlemen: I was laid up with Rheumatism for about eight weeks, and in that time tried about every thing I could hear of, and there wasn' anything that gave me relief until a friend recommended Ath-lo-pho-ros to me, which I tried, and after using two bottles was permanently cured. Mb. 0. F. Holmes, 1397 West North St, For sale at Druggists. The Ath-lo-pho-ros Co., New Haven, Conn, If so, there must be some trouble with its food Well babies are plump; only the sick are thin. Are you sure the food is all right? Chil-j dren can't help but grow; they must grow if their food i nourishes them. Perhaps a mistake was made in the past and as a result the di- I gestion is weakened. If that j is so, don't give the baby a lot of medicine ; just use j your every-day common z sense and help nature a f little, and the way to do ? it is to add half a teaspoon ful of SCOTT'S EMULSION to the baby's food three or four times a day. The gain will begin the very first day you cive it It seems to i correct the digestion and gets the baby started right a sain. If the babv is nurv ing but does not thrive, then f the mother should take the emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child. Twenty- five yean proves this fact i yac aad Sua, 41 ancriaa, SCOTT Ji tOWKt, Ck,m rw Tart. iTCOTIMl t SAYINGS OF OTHERS J The talk about McLean going on the ''rwTrnt'c fir-W a enndidat for vice president amounts to mere talk and nothing more. He has just learn ed a lesson that he won't forget right a nay. -(if course the republican would be glad to see him nominated. Elyria Democrat. Justice Lord was summoned to the court house just after dinner today to unite in marriage Edward Neiding and Miss Clara Ott, both of Brownhelm. The names of the young couple would suggest that he was Neiding a wife and that she thought he Ott to have one. Elyria Reporter. The Record is informed by Mr. A K. MoConnell, secretary of the electric light board of trustees, that an Imme- liate effort is to be made to get elec tric! lights into a number of residence, and that already the prospects are flat tering for a number of houses to be wired at aa early day. That's buai. neasl Get the inhabitants away from their foul smelling oil lamps for a time and they will become converts to the clean bright light of electricty in a very short time. It's travesty noth ing short of it for a town to have an up-to-date electric light plant in first class running order for two years and not ten houses in the town using elec tric lights ! New London Record. A Medina correspondent tells of phantom train being seen near Wads- worth at the point where Erie So. was wrecked last spring and the engin eer was killed. Dr. Faber and a eam- panion are reported to have seen the train rush on with the speed of a whirl wind, throwing out smoke and fire, and suddenly whistling down brakes. Then the train became erneloped in flames, steam escaped, iron and timber ereak- d, and the piercing screams of human beings were heard. The doctor and Uhers rushed to the spot, but to their surprise found nothing there, and ev erything was perfectly qoiet. New London Record. On the H. J. Sippel farm north of ton, lies an oblong island-like piece ..f land near the bed of Beaver creek. While this particular little piece of land is not entirely surrounded by water, it is enclosed by a low, wet land on either side. Mr. Sippel has been considering the practibility of remov ing the elevation in the center to con struct an ice pond. Before; doing so however, he decided to test the ground to learn whether or not it would be movable. Three test holes were pot down, each one striking the same pee ular deposit at the depth of six or sev en feet and about eight to ten inches thick. He brought samples of the de posit up town and they were sent to Cleveland, and were found to be a mixture of aluminum sulphate and iron, but just what per cent of pur was not determined. Chemically pare aluminum sulphate is worth in the neighborhood of ninety cents a pound. Should there prove to be a large depos it of the sulphate, the find may prove to be a rich one. North Amhent Ar gus. During the month of November the Oberlin Telephone Exchange sent 218 messages and received 198 messages over the toll lines of the United States Telephone Co. Store than ooehalf of the toll was received from messages sent to Elyria, About three-fourth as many messages were received from Elyria as were sent to that place. In the number of messages sent from this office Wellington is second, Lorain third and North Amhert fourth is the number received at this office Lo rain is seeond North Amherst third. Wellington fourth. It is expected that this line will soon give connection with Cleveland by way of Lorain. Oberlin News. Some fellow who does not aivars have the fear of the Lord before aim. picked op the wrong hat at the Fann er's Institute and left his own. The hat be got by mistake was oar own edito rial beaver. We have only these ob jections to the one he left: First, it won't quite hold oar head comfortably. and secondly, it ha seen a triSe more service than oar own. If the man who made the mi take will return the hat, w will not ask him to pay for this no tice bat call the account squared. It is most likely that some died-in-the-wool republican committed the bfun rder and the idea that a demoeratie hat should sit comfortably oa a repub lican head is an absurdity. Elyria Democrat. Think of a Ionic life with, never a chance to crow for year candidate for president elected I There ia a rons man in Weymouth by the name of Jos Worden, 70 years of agav deserving of better luck thaa this, bat who has aer er had it, so one of his neighbors tells as. He has leaned toward DwnoeraeT, bat when Cleveland was elected he was browsing in Prohibitum field and when McKinley was elected, he t training with tan Bryan men. Hie neighbors suggest to hiat that he had better train with the Sesablican boy next year aad was in fern gjorans yell of victors in ISOIX Kedinn Ga leae. AYefft Lbk Preparation &r As similating LbcrooamkWuJa ting the Suaacts aaltoweiscf PromtesDkJcsfiorUCIrnful- ORsaivirksJXcDtainsnntJrT CpiumIorpbine nor funeral ot Narcotic. aaa-WMMZUDOD AviaW AUJmmm M i l.a- A perfect Remedy farCocs rela tion. Sour 5 tonv It Diarrhoea.! Worms onvufSJORS Jrrens oess aid Loss or SlXH. lac Simile StfjtaCarcaf KTWYOHK. exact cow or wnAPPtm. VUa! I IF YOU I The Leading Republican! IF YC3 1 READ IT 1 Paper in Ohio. iADYEHTlSEf I yon need I 1 iiftyaa I no other I THE CLEVELAND I ei m i papsrta Ikeep posted! on all i important I affairs. 1 LEADER ALL THE HEWS! ALL THE TIME! From all ever the World! TKS IScnfey Mm fe&HsFtfJ VEE!L!lfiii2r CONTAINS FROM I THE BEST a be sen t3 f 32 3 Pa-. J 1 lrw iBMSPwa jA3CCArr gicB more BeZ f r, , ,7 , 1 FC? CN DX1A?, I H Matter than aryeflter j Paper in Ohio. laiatar IOc I LEADER FR.'RTIHC CO., ;Kasgmxsmiiu;iiiiiiircmiimi:;M aJln P ffi SWIffiFS OF SIHMi Iiisuhmv wa Wttli I, 2 A Book for Ytosj and 0!i Q CUKE 1st K7S 258,8 CEASES MEM CURED SLC09 ptJfVRTE a 250,000 CURED vtwn Hrruvranx t cm B-rrumv mnmrn rn rha f iaa i nil niias nJTartnMtr f eHa hurtiLt W bam bM tot t c . tv uik nut v- U niW tmmir, mr jmv v npmuti t I fma iaml Z lrv w fitter a trt Bua- La. tonmmt Wwmjtmitrmrt? ifft ana n toai m mm Uanmnm wmvtnmt bar jv marry i ymr irnz m. iirmn? T-m kmnmLiSi I JLEE. LifcE fJ Irotar-miKsiTW fmmm nwrlTlivtrwfei imk? tt narrm BaM !Mprk tt ri7 anm r innrrrs WmM? ferr ftik rtWTf, TrriCPr Will XESI wtiS frmaVf mw fc fiWM Snm thnnmm 1 w Hutem Hwa inil iy t 5k, tttt V L' .tr F Ss am-m fcnw wt n rT aVf2R TrTiS AST X it.BUl ...-fi. rft V J! rrmc .with mr r?Ki.rr'1 M CURES C2JARA:iTEZD m ia r g, ie iaawnar aaa- fmw WTTIW nlf : JI R t t 1 r aWA J atv SaC ' at 1 u 247 SSPCES3 STEEET, rinmann r 1 .1 a a iis iii iiT-lJ.V.' Wliaterer jot want to cJbtov meats frcs& cr rnfrH gi Tegetablit, cuciMont, rhri3f,cta tgclioredeaaetririrlreit, brtf. vsirh tie Sttat and Food Gocper. Has bat two parts; tttaLusas it is simple; easy to dsaa a is B to nse. Ihdr is mmm a ; an" v wmn. anta a, al i .Mm. Viar ftir otatoin. ua Vn4 . ana Sxiaa "Sari ttiW. mutmmAAAH" TaiyTOTtgios. ca. ra 11 Tot Infant an 3 ChS3rgn. The Kind Yen Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 f:r tia I btitsr I 1 csvers its 1 I Sell I Ji CUSTU THE - THE Taeaf pes f mart H C- y sasest. Publishers, Cleveland, O. A af r rs. T AM L 11 II If I lllllllfl -ZT" OjStCTS 22 J JlaiisfidJ Gaxkers Pancakes Ja &e &i Sir tmiSim m ai awraia. JUcie TLuiuuTt Ctra Fkw. daabAr raMnfce Fshbt. F4a3aiitT T. F. Rodhouse : Son. Oak Garland Heating" Stove, The Born Steel Eange, OilCloth, Hardware, Etc AT RAJSOiI tcYSJLBUR'S. a. IlAtla. iJLTLL . f s2ava Ctjfoe Em 1 ktla an. ETX. IAX. 3SX tana ijwan htsk tial zni fc3 tel rtrs QIC GU IEU12U DR.WEARE'S CONDITION POWDER H Ujt tm the (Salic A rnre, fwauftd tsaac snf fw ml mtHlnmcr. Ctea rj &c hot larar ! cm y acre Whem Wcaren fail. it' ffane to rra-n." 2S CE3TT 5 Kl PaCKatiaV - fe-Th r.. m. m Boaad, ou a km m 1L OTTERBACHER. WrXLTtOTTM. OffJO. BELL TELEPHONE CO.KPAMES REDUCE TOLL RATES. Oa nod After Oecnaber 1 tse Cen tral Idiom Tdrphnof rummy Will Prt It Effort a New ScheafaJe f Rates Be twrcu the Hanrs f n.asn a. ax. The Amman Teltvhoae & Telegraph Co.. Known as the Lae?; Distance Telephone Ql, Latdr Pat lata Eject a Tbree- Mixnrte Scoedtde to Points West of Vsxaixxnr, Talda; Place of the tanaer rire-Miante ScheCs!. Xbfit Rates at Half Price From p. an. to S a. aa. This Creall j Kedoces Cost of Locy Distance. TcJepbeirjing-. Apposataxsts lade Donna; tie Dar for Ere&dss; Witboot Extra Charge. layraire of Central Ofke for Kates. Residence Rates 50c EUGESE QTO FREE v. .wa ZL A $7.00 BOOK Cm im 4kr tarru sa a m far- kf-iQarktti PH)?LES yCGLEH3L? j Var SaSau Fara a H3 aerea; psaal bafd'ax anal es&er iaumwi; utma4 ajf auc aod rva cmVa n( a fas eer; known aa the Jari Scolaaai arm. Ia?Erc ! T. L imhi. Ctntenoat. yLjntf t Icaaa real farT(. aanrt- A shtixv umm, li. W. Hjsan, rasc&aa. Tsaoai readne 'fi A3 met framgCj annaV4 an. AfwLu name. Easey nrgan. in few Kaar owns'-tfian aaaawzain. lav ;ur ax X- uSj tf ASaerBsfevaHanainaaut Urtt wm ar mxmm' 'tm lajat ar3 Waal ta tne rawcrras'crjiarre Saas44iar. i arli anaa! ar aran jasaWn fraan nsv ' jirmri'ir t in tB ir Siljjl I af Tan aula i Tl j latsrjjcwav Cahar. luacz anal lan, jvfcxieapat j areaaa. a2 anaVr natt af SwjaK4kastanei2v. XeariTaaaa' j Irsan tnesai ace an, fa anuaies in Aenanaeaf-Kac."' CLT-CSJEOS. j nrcs.1flL Cfeja. l- Tie brae ad ha aat )Gfiie aigets aW In. H L. Buat ia atSosal ba-a karcaua 7 au shml Ifif nan G. C ftawk. Teat Si&e. ETrna, OL Try txraoalma'a Xarjie Tar Ceaaja Swios rananasiaal is. Ssal i5 5r A W Cnri Sa cs In. S3 f fn baa ar ajagjya, Qatasr 'aTlaan a Avar jour af fcaos sm4 ramus 7rm waawaaiiar. Isyvarc JL X. Ow-jea. S&4-3-EI ' Asn acr aageajnuin mvtjlA sutf tat fasat aarsoLOtaoal ws& iauaa- aL Cna- riywafTHts is Star haauihzriz a.itiin . ie V?a . a yua toie s i ran tocar intn af an. Camaf aa ami nee cue aatcx r nre ; Awinr aaof )a niazi aar. uf j aaea- jawarha- A KK a. f C. iianaitana. sanauraoAirr. rvarnp C Whns ) 'inatai Xlaaat. II aJM GaCf ff m aval juicu-y. au- tHM r -m mm tani W wrrm WjC mtm mm 1 ' "T 1 III Mil 11 n IIMaf te 13iaa aus Jar nnMaarr af aras aaai j