Now is the time to make your selections
for Christmas.
Faclnators Water Set Toy
White Aprons Plate Book
ToweU Cup and Saucers dames
FurTopOloves Berry Seta Doll Carta
Mitten Pitcher Hobby Horses
Pocket Book Chocolate Pots Bureau
Table Unen Sugar and Creamer Bed Steads
Stand Spreads Vases Chairs
Bureau Spreads Salad Dishes Dolls
Ribbons Oat Meal Sets Doll Heads
Wrappers Tea Stand A. B. C. Blocks
Sterling Silver Novelties
Back Combs
Knives, Forks and Spoons.
that He
lb-ported to War Department
Died of ToberculoaL.
Arthur Hollenbach, son of B. 8. Hol
lenbach of this city, died at Manila
last Friday of tuberculous, if the re
port sent br Gen. Otis to the war
department and published In yester
day morning's papers is true, and, un
fortunately, there is no reason to
doubt its accuracy. Mr. Hollenbach
waa a member of Company E, Twenty
second U. S. Infantry. U enlisted at
Cleveland a year ago last September,
and had been in the Philippine about
a year. Two weeks ago in a letter to
his parent, he said that he had been
in the hospital, but the announcement
of hi death waa the first intimation
they had received that he had been
seriouily ill. It came a a heavy blow,
Arthur Hollenbach was about 29
years of age. He graduated from the
Wellington High school in 1889, and
. waa the first soldier from thi place to
lay down his life for his country in the
present war.
cj of local Interest..
Razors st Near & Wells.
Album at Near A Well. 2t
t New book at Houghton's. tf
Chinese Lilies, 15c each at Near
Wells Drug Store. 51-62
The Fortnightly club meets with
Mis Ruuelle Hathaway next Tuesday,
Broaa;ht Hera for Bnrlal.
v -
Juliu Marcy , son of Mrs. M. J. Mar
ct of this city, died at his home in
Cleveland Monday morning at ten
o'clock of pneumonia. He was 37 year
old and unmarried. He bad been in
the milk business at Cleveland a num
ber of year. Service, conducted by
the K. of P., were held in Cleveland
yesterday afternoon. The body was
Drought to Wellington for burial last
evening, and services in charge of the
K. of P., were held at his mother's
borne on Hall street this afternoon at
one o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. D.
A Timely
ONE that keeps time,
pleases the eye and fits
your pocket book. A
black wood clock that looks
like black marble, strikes the
hours on a musical gong bell,
and (he half hours on a tink
ling cup bell, is tastefully de
corated in gilt scrolls, and has
a face that reflects the beauty
and worth of the movement
behind it,
and the
dinner will
be more enjoyed when such a
gift shines from tlie mantel.
uic movement
$5 a
Popular games at Houghton's.
Fine Stationery at Houghton's.
Celluloid Sets at Near A Wells.
Hand Mirrors at Near A Well.
Talcum Powder at Houghton's.
The Musical union will meet
practice next Tuesday night Instead of
Monday nght.
Geo. K. Nash will be inaugurated
Governor of Ohio, at Columbus, Mon
day, January 8th.
See Near A Well' for Shaving Sets.
nee near wells lor traveling cases
Exquisite Bon-Bons at Near A Wells.
Fine Holiday Goods at Near A Wells.
See Near A Wells for fine Perfumes.
The duties of the real estate assessor
will begin on March 1st and close on
or before July Int.
A Club dance will be given in the
Town hall Christmas night. Musie
commences at 8 o'clock.
A fine line of Album at Houghton',
Cold Cream for the toilet at Hough'
ton's. tf
Dr. Houghton's Cough Syrup. None
better. tf
Fine Medalion's at Near A Wells
drug store.
The Binding works shut down Sat
urday night until after Christmas in
order to put in the new engine.
The u Wayne Lumber Uo. is saw
ing from twelve to fifteen thousand
feet of hardwood lumber per day,
See Near A Wells for choice Christ
ma good. 2t
Manicure Set of the latett kind at
Near A Well. 2t
Trusses and supporter of best make
at Houghton's. tf
For holiday good examine J. W.
Houghton' stock. 60-61
Inauguration of Governor Nab Jan.
11. One fare round trip to Colombo,
going Jan. 10 and 11., returning Jan. 12.
The Ladies Sewing society of the
Disciple church menu with Mr. Chas.
Willard of Courtland are., tbit after
noon. For superior grade of confection
ery tee Near A Well.
Holiday Good are arriving at Near
A Well' drug (tore.
Pocket book, bill books and card
cases at Near A Wells. 2t
Sterling silver mounted ebony piece
and et at Near A Hell. 2t
E. F. Miller, the blind piano tuner,
or Pittsburg, will be in Wellington the
fir. t week of January, 1900. Leave or
der at Stemple housu. 61-62
Initead of meeting this week Wed
nesday as announced, the Belief Sew-
h society will meet with Mr. O. B.
Williams next Wednesday afternoon,
f e. 27. Supper from Ave to seven.
( all at Cooche's Furniture Rooms
fur Holiday Goods. Open evenings
through the holidays. ' 61-62
The proprietor of the bending works
have notified their employes that each
oiie will b presented with a Uhrist
ma present thi year. The men are
nut buying turkey for their Christmas
James Dunlap of Sullivan brought
suit againit the Big Four EaiKsy Co.
for $10,000 for personal injuriea sus
tained at a crossing near Greenwich,
t o y ?ar ago. The ease w tried last
ek and the Jury brought in a ver-
d ctfor t5,000.
Atomizers of the very latest and fin
est kind at Near A Well. 2t
All the latest odor in Perfome esn
always be found at Near A Well.
It will pay you to tee Near A Well
fur Holiday Good before buying. 2t
For holiday good call at Couch's
Furniture store on South Main street.
Stationery and Ink-wells and every
thing that pretain to eorreipondence
at Near A Well. 2t
Razor, Razor 8 rap and Shaving
Set and everything that rertatns to a
clean (have at Near A Well. zt
A fire was built at the American
house in a itove connected with
chimney that bad been roofed over
year ago. The retult wa that about
2:30yeterday afternoon the roof of
the building bad the appearance of be
ing on fire, and the fire department waa
called out. Only a few of the men re-
iponded, however, a the bell rope wa
broken before the alarm could be
sounded more than two or three time.
But the men were not needed, for noth
ing more dangeroua than imoke from
the stove could be. found.
What wa an almost total eclipse of
the moon occurred Saturday evening
under mot favorable conditions for
observation, and there wa plenty of
rubber-necking." The moon enter
ed the ihadow at 6:45 p. m., reached
the maximum of obscuration at 7j28
p. m. and left the shadow of the earth
at 9 if! p. m. The shadow of the earth
covered almost the entire disk of the
moon, excepting a small section.
A traveling encyclopedia and euros
ity shop known as the boy tramp
dropped off in Wellington Saturday
and gave the Enterprise office a eau.
This particular specimen of hobodom
claims to have hobnobbed with two
president of the United State and
the nobility of Europe and the Orient.
In proof of thi he (bow letters from
prominent men all over the world.
He carries two satchels filled with let
ters. This is the storv he tell: He
itarted from Oikland, CaL, in ISfcS.
He waa sick with fever, quarantined
for months, so the time for the comple
tion of the Journey was extended 18
month. He can ride only on the
ocean and mnst work hi passage
cross. He must not buy nor beg
victuals, can ask for money, must raise
15,000, ha M,"00 raited. If be gets
1300 more and reaches Vancouver by
next fall, he will receive the 15,000 be-
iides, making $10,000 in all.
J. P. Eidt wa in Cleveland Monday.
Busines called C. L. Linderto'Cleve-
laod Saturday.
J, M. Crsbtree has been laid op with
a iprained ankle.
G. B. Warner was in Cleveland the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott were in
Cleveland Friday.
Mies Jeasie Holland of Cleveland i
visiting in town.
Ford Gibb of Pittsburg was in town
the fint of the week.
Mrs. Arthur Eglin, of Berea, Ohio,
visiting In town with relatives.
Mia lielson of Columbus has been
the guest of Mrs. Saline Sheldon.
Mrs. John Eglin spent Saturday and
Sunday with her brother in Spencer.
A. G. Fisber of Wellington called on
friends here Thursday. Lorain Time.
Mrs. Clara Rice haa been visiting in
8pencer with Herman Hejd and fam-ily.
Frank Willard, who has been work
ing in Elyria, baa returned to Welling
Devillo Bennett call -d on Welling
ton friend over Sunday on his way
Mrs. C. Bauer of Liverpool, O., is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Ben-
You Want to Hake
Your Friend a Nice
Go to
and Buy
a 25 Box of the Fam
ous Al CIGARS. QL?f
Price, Per Box '
Beld la Ail ml lae Welllaa-
taa Caarrbaa.
Exercise in commemoration of the
Christmas season will be held in all
of the Protestant churches of this eitj
Saturday night. At St. Patrick' Cath
olic church service will la-lit-Id Christ
mas day, both morning and evening.
' Christmas trees will delight the lit
tle folk at the Rplil. IWipU-, Meth
odist and Congrfgiliunal eburrh-,
Saturday evening. The ejrrriri- w il
begin at 6:30. The th are to tat
part in the exerc srs at the '-vn-s.
tional church no. rwjiw i,d l
there al two o'cbvk p. m. r-iuniaj
"Let u not fn(ft iliai gin i
Christmas pleasure are weir- n her
aids in homes to ubich th hr;tma
joy ha not enim. L-t all ilierhildn-rt
join in taking raie that no litllr un
sroand them are n t left out aim tl e
toy and goodie are altered so lav
ishly. Read what ,ro said about
getting a feast reedj: "When thou
makest a teas', call the ;nr, lb
maimed, the lanw , the blind." It is a
good way in celebrating Christmas tf-
forget all about it pleasure it w.D
bring yoo, and to try to carry pleasure
to those who have little of it." Rev.
Albe t Bryant.
A Girl's Experience.
'hb wars STrOjJy oaS af
aaa weak ; tba Iraat aotat
Mf .ambler's
order. KbewastJ
Martled er, and aaa was wakaf ul at KfU.
wionawkM turn eaaaaraaeaof iMmrr
Kinathachaaaa la aer waa ar snat that aha
souid hardly batakeafar Ikaaaawalrl. fcfca
la raddle aTowtng wall aaa atrina.aaraoai
pari to. la sat tact, ana aaa ataoaa vail awry
whL Mra. Lacy Mr 5 ail. Bna Taitev. Pa.
Criarr K taa aoraj Cnaauaatiaa. aaa Sim a,
h tm 1 1 , Uva mi tk i ir fcwaaaaa,
Mrs. Geo. Meuger and children went
to Lorain last week to join her husband.
MiasLettie Brown, of Butler, 0.,
waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Pars, Sunday.
Mis Maud Heyd of Spencer
waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M
Kice last week.
Mrs. Mary McClellan, who ha been
suffering from heart trouble, is now
Frank Hollenbach of Cleveland came
home last night and returned to the
city thi morning.
Mr. M. V. Brown and Mr. Robt.
Swartx ipent Sunday with Win. Mc
Clellan in Sullivan.
Mr. Geo. Arnett i viiiting, tbi
week with her lister. Mrs. S. P. Hast
ings, of La Grange.
Mrs. Greely of Wilton. Wood Co., O.,
has been visiting her sister, Mr. Al
virs Knapp, of Vine street.
Frank Howk and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Blackburn of Cleveland will spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alpheu
O. T. Noble of Cleveland, a resident
of Wellington for many years, baa
been vuritinc Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Mr. and Mr. John Hoffman and
Master Ralph and Master Carl, their
two son, visited with Geo. McClellan
last week.
Gen. and Mrs. W. S. Metealf are ex
pected to arrive in Wellington to
day from their trip to Washingtoo
and New York.
Ex-Judge Thomas, of Norwalk, suc
cessor to Hon. T. hi- Strimple as state
representative, wa in town yesterday
for a few boors.
Walter Avery returned Saturday
from a successful trip in northwestern
Ohio and Indiana in the interest of the
Dr. Holland Medicated Salt Co.
Howard Joyce was taken very ill last
Friday, and bis friend were alarmed
at his condition, but be haa been get
better during the past two or three
days. It waa leared that he had ap
pendicitis. Frederick Reel of Detour, Mich, is
visiting in town with friends until after
Christmas. Mr. Reel will play the
jrgan at the exercise in St- Patrick's
church Christmas day. He is said to
be a musician of ability.
Vera AUis was down from Welling
too to attend the wedding of hi
cousin. Miss Minnie E. AUis of Chat
ham to Rudclph K. Hartrzan of Lafay
ette last Wednesday evening, wee
and inridemly l let the faiirie of on
of those borne-brewed Thaniagir.
o.id. Lodi Review.
Mm AlmaSprign. so well known
here as a teacher in the public school,
was to have spent the holiday varatior
a-.th Wellington friends, bat unfortun
ately for them a well as for her the city
ul Greater Sew York ha be) a very
pour employer o far a paving itsser
ftnta iseooeemed. It is said that the
Mfhers i the pa bite schools have
been onabU to draw their salaries icr
a Tear back- Partly for this reasow
Mis Spraga has concluded to forego
her ti'it to Wellington for the present.
Well, why not buy here, a useful one now.
r.i. r.i. joyce & con.
We have a tine line of
Golf Cajxa, from $3 to $17
Tailor Made SuiU $14 to $19
Heady Made Skirts $1.95 to $15
Underskirts 95 to $6
Child's Jackets $3 to $6
Ladies' Jackets $5 to $30
A boy or girl will be as well pleased with a pair
skates as anvthin? else vou can ?et them. We
0, J D J O
a large and well assorted stock of Barney & Berry ;
Come early and make your selections before 5
Prices from 45 cents up.
J skates.
T 1 I 1
Caaara TrUnm Warltaa.
Wellington Council 5a. 63 in rrsa-
lar session, December 15, elected the
following officers :
Councilor, F. H. Phelps
Past Councilor, 11. L Cook
Vice Councilor, Era A f'i-bT
Instructor, k. X. (Joed wis
Asst. Secretary.
..M s-L Willard
V. A. Faher
J. Binebnwrr
L.C. Ledyard
.. Ura. Lvdia outh
D. li.Uott
O. E. Smith
8. F. Black
No Hore
Visits 0
Year, fej
est visit to 5ew Loadoo aaat VeUias;.
tow will be afoot Jaa. IX Sew paper
awst week foe cornet daiav
CurvaLtsa Ovncs: 5 AxeaaU.
The paper hangers and
painters are all through
in the Emerson block
is now open to the pub- 1
lie. '
Come and see us.
Blankets and
f4.Mur0 cav.
T 13 A SEUXS-EvtfTterfy aVligU
ed wit it. I lave had S yrs et
ttriemct, IM save aU S ssarfc-
iaM aariag thai tlase. Saasple mi taaw
awtiines raa he m at K. Well A
hsmis) &Mf. aarf at sxy mUtme.
I m. MM at a.r. -r.
Bm w, w4f ar- a
The largest and most complete
gtock of
Blankets and
to be found. Over fifty pat-
reraer E4 Mala ! cmiai av. tern s to select from. Ooahtr
MACHINES FKO.l m LP. . . A . .
H.-. ad ul all wts4 ssaAisw
.BaMearrrttaM. LI. Ai. Otterhacher.
S.P.BASTOS, Afrwt.
O T3tWST.X. V. SamtaMv at met
I W Smiaar. aaai anSaav iina smsa i
ia i In im wiaw ama. ar M an a . -
Waai aiaaajiaa. t-iiiiii aIMIIirMaiiaj wg
GessenJ lasanuacs) Agtuts.